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経済一般 General Economics in 2008
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元のページへ戻る ►2008-05-16 ArtNo.41008(201/531)
◆Central directive deals a blow to Bihar's ethanol hub plan
【Patna】Bihar government's plan to develop the state as an ethanol hub with five investment proposals amounting to Rs 14,000 crore has been inflicted a severe blow by a central directive that prohibits production of ethanol from sugarcane juice.
2008-05-21 ArtNo.41009(202/531)
◆DoT bars both foreign and new players from 3G bids
【New Delhi】The department of telecommunications (DoT) has decided not to allow both foreign and new players to bid for 3G services due to legal & technological hurdles.
2008-05-21 ArtNo.41018(203/531)
【ニューデリー】内閣官房長官が座長を務める専門委員会は、先週インド初の石油・化学・石油化学投資地域を承認した。アンドラプラデシュ州政府が同州Vishakhapatnam-East Godavari地域に開発する同投資地域には、34万3000クロー(US$803.29億)の投資がなされるものと予想されている。(...続きを読む)
◆The first petro hub set to appear in AP
【New Delhi】A panel chaired by the cabinet secretary last week cleared the first mega oil, chemical and petrochemical investment hub, which the Andhra Pradesh government had proposed in the Vishakhapatnam-East Godavari region and is expected to attract an investment of Rs 3,43,000 crore.
2008-05-21 ArtNo.41020(204/531)
◆Govt plans to add 40,000 mw of hydro power capacity by 2022
【New Delhi】The government is planning 40,000 mw of hydroelectric power generation capacity during the 12th (2012-17) and 13th Plan (2017-22) to make up for an energy shortfall.
2008-05-23 ArtNo.41023(205/531)
【ムンバイ】インド電気通信監督局(TRAI:Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)は、このほど電気通信局(DOT:Department of Telecom)に、GSM/CDMA技術の併用を認める際には、新たな開業義務(rollout obligation)を適応する必要があるとの意見書を提出した。これにより両者の不一致の種がもう一つ追加された。(...続きを読む)
◆DoT, Trai differ over dual-tech firms' rollout obligations
【Mumbai】The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai), which had sought additional rollout obligations from dual-technology players. has shot off a letter to the licensor, the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), in this regard. This has now become the latest issue on which the two have aired their differences.
2008-05-23 ArtNo.41024(206/531)
【ニューデリー】インド電気通信監督局(TRAI:Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)は、政府の年間ライセンス収入が影響を受けることがないよう、テレコム・オペレーターの委託契約(contractual agreement)の運用状況やライセンス条件を満たしているか否かをモニターしている。(...続きを読む)
◆Trai checks telecos' outsourcing deals
【New Delhi】In a move that ensures the telecom operators' outsourcing deals do not hit govt licence fees and revenue share, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) has started monitoring changes in the contractual agreements of operators and whether they follow licence conditions.
2008-05-23 ArtNo.41025(207/531)
【ニューデリー】情報技術(IT)ソフトウェアに支払われる代金は特許使用料(royalties)か、それともソフトウェア企業の営業利益(business profits)か。特許使用料なら、インド政府の税収は増すが、営業利益なら、多国籍ソフトウェア企業のオフィスが恒久的施設と見なされるか否かに関係してくるため、インド政府が税収を確保するのは難しい。当地の多国籍IT企業や米国商業会議所(AMCHAM:American Chamber of Commerce In India)は、インドの関係法規の不明瞭さを非難し、是正を求めている。(...続きを読む)
◆Are software payments royalty or business profit
【New Delhi】Payments for IT software are 'royalties' or business profits for software companies? If such payments are royalties, they could bring more revenues for the taxman in India. However, if they are treated as business profits, revenues may not be guaranteed for the tax department, due to 'permanent establishment' issues for multinational software companies. American Chamber of Commerce In India are making a clamour for clarity and certainty in the tax treatment on software payments.
2008-05-23 ArtNo.41026(208/531)
◆Indian service sector enjoying boom time: KPMG
【New Delhi】Confidence was highest in the Indian service sector among the four BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) countries. Around 60% of the Indian firms expect a rise in activity while none expects a decline.
2008-05-23 ArtNo.41028(209/531)
【ムンバイ】ウルトラ・メガ発電プロジェクト(UMPP:Ultra Mega Power Project)の結節機関を務めるPower Finance Corporation(PFC)はオリッサ州における4000MW(メガワット)UMPプロジェクトの国際入札を近く募集する。(...続きを読む)
◆A global bid for Orissa mega power project soon to be floated
【Mumbai】The Power Finance Corporation will soon go in for a global tender for the 4,000-MW Ultra Mega Power Project (UMPP) at Orissa.
2008-05-23 ArtNo.41029(210/531)
◆Maharashtra begins Rs 18,000-cr plan to beat power shortage
【Mumbai】Maharashtra has kicked off a Rs 18,000 crore investment plan to upgrade existing transmission network and install new systems in next three to five years.
2008-05-23 ArtNo.41030(211/531)
◆Govt gets very strict on steelmakers
【New Delhi】Clearly the government is not leaving any chance for steel makers to hike price. The Centre has asked steel Companies to furnish a written undertaking that they would hold prices for the next three months and not export at the cost of the domestic market.
2008-05-23 ArtNo.41031(212/531)
◆SEZ may be exempted from export duty on steel
【New Delhi】The move to impose export duty on certain steel products to rein in inflation is affecting supplies of steel to Special Economic Zones (SEZ). Finance Ministry is considering to exempt SEZs from payment of the duty after the issue has been raised by Commerce Ministry and developers.
2008-05-23 ArtNo.41032(213/531)
◆Coal India、地下採鉱技術の国際入札募集
【ムンバイ】Coal India Ltd (CIL)は先端的地下採鉱技術を導入する狙いから国際入札を募集した。(...続きを読む)
◆Coal India invites global bid for technology
【Mumbai】Coal India Ltd (CIL) has floated a global tender to select the best state of art technology for underground coal mining.
2008-05-26 ArtNo.41033(214/531)
◆Inflation breaks 8% level in March
【New Delhi】The latest revised data showed that India's inflation had broken the 8% level as early as March. The bad news triggered fears that the latest inflation figures may also be an understatement.
2008-05-26 ArtNo.41034(215/531)
◆Inflation at 7.82% for week ended May 10
【New Delhi】The annual Wholesale Price Index-based inflation rose 7.82% during the week ended May 10, slightly below a 7.83% a week earlier, but much above 5.62% for the same period last year.
2008-05-26 ArtNo.41035(216/531)
【ニューデリー】首相経済諮問委員会のChakravarthi Rangarajan議長は23日、今後3~4ヶ月にわたり高水準のインフレが持続し、その後6%の水準まで下降すると予想した。(...続きを読む)
◆Inflation to remain high for 3-4 months: PM's Economic Advisor
【New Delhi】The Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council chairman Chakravarthi Rangarajan on May 23 forecasted that inflation would remain high for another 3-4 months before it might cool down to 6 per cent.
2008-05-26 ArtNo.41036(217/531)
◆Consumers face much higher inflation than WPI suggests
【New Delhi】Indian government is making all the effort to control inflation in the wake of that the wholesale price inflation has risen to above 7 per cent after three-and-a-half years, in fact the inflation faced by consumers has averaged higher than this level for over two years now.
2008-05-26 ArtNo.41041(218/531)
◆Paint industry's growth rate set to decline
【New Delhi】Owing to a decline in the demand for cars, offices and homes, the domestic paint industry is set to grow at a slower pace in the financial year ended March 2009, for the first time in three years.
2008-05-28 ArtNo.41045(219/531)
【ニューデリー】インドと韓国の包括的経済協力協定(CECA:comprehensive economic cooperation agreement)交渉は既に最終段階を迎えており、7月末にも調印にこぎ着けるのではないかと予想されている。(...続きを読む)
◆India-South Korea economic pact likely by July-end
【New Delhi】The Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) between India and South Korea is expected to be signed by July-end with the talks between the two countries for CECA having entered the last mile.
2008-05-28 ArtNo.41047(220/531)
【コルカタ】インド最大の鉄鉱石生産者で輸出業者でもあるNational Mineral Development Corporation Ltd(NMDC)が、国内市場向け供給を拡大し、輸出利益と国内販売利益の不均衡を是正する狙いから、日本の鉄鋼メーカーと韓国の浦項製鉄所(Posco)への鉄鉱石輸出政策に見直しを加える可能性が予想されている。 (...続きを読む)
◆NMDC reviewing iron ore exports to Japan, Posco
【Kolkata】National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) Ltd, India's largest iron ore producer and exporter, may review exports to Japanese steel mills and South Korea's Posco in order to increase availability in the domestic market and restore the anomaly in net realisations from exports and domestic prices.
2008-05-28 ArtNo.41051(221/531)
◆需要急増でFab City全体をプロセッシング・ゾーンに
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州政府は、急増する進出企業の土地需要に応じる狙いから1200エーカーのFab City全体を加工地区(processing zone)にする可能性を検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆Entire Fab City may be converted into processing zone
【Hyderabad】The Andhra Pradesh Government is mulling to use the entire 1,200 acres in Fab City as a processing zone in a bid to address increasing demand for land within the Fab City.
2008-05-28 ArtNo.41053(222/531)
◆UP to go ahead with a rebidding for two mega power projects
【Lucknow】The Uttar Pradesh government has decided to go in for a rebidding for the two mega power projects at Bara and Karchchana in Allahabad.
2008-05-28 ArtNo.41054(223/531)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州政府は、KakinadaとVisakhapatnam両地間の603.58平方キロの地を石油・化学・石油化学投資地域(PCPIR:proposed petroleum, chemical and petrochemical investment region)として開発するため、最近PCPIR特別開発局を設置した。(...続きを読む)
◆The PCPIR Special Development Authority formed
【Hyderabad】The Andhra Pradesh government has recently constituted a special development authority for the proposed petroleum, chemical and petrochemical investment region (PCPIR) covering 603.58 sq km between Kakinada and Visakhapatnam coast.
2008-06-02 ArtNo.41057(224/531)
◆Buoyed by robust agri growth, GDP beats forecasts
【New Delhi】Fuelled by buoyancy in agriculture, the Indian economy grew 9% in 2007-08, up from 8.7% estimated earlier, even as the performance of manufacturing sector deteriorated.
2008-06-02 ArtNo.41058(225/531)
【ニューデリー】卸売物価指数(WPI:Wholesale Price Index)をベースにしたインフレ率は、果実・野菜・豆類・香辛料・一部の産業燃料等の値上がりに牽引され、5月17日までの1週間に過去45ヶ月来最高の8.1%に達した。(...続きを読む)
◆Inflation leaps to 45-month high of 8.10%
【New Delhi】The Wholesale Price Index-based inflation galloped to a 45-month high of 8.1 per cent for the week ended May 17 on account of rising prices of fruits and vegetables, pulses, spices and some industrial fuels.
2008-06-02 ArtNo.41059(226/531)
【チャンディガル】三井物産が1万2000クロー(US$28.10億)余を投じて開発を計画する日本工業団地(Japanese Industrial Park)の用地として、ハリヤナ州政府は首都圏(NCR:National Capital Region)のKundli-Manesar高速道路沿線に位置する3000エーカーの土地を提供する可能性を検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆Mitsui may develop Japanese industrial park in NCR
【Chandigarh】Haryana Government is mulling to provide 3000 acres of land to Mitsui and Company, adjoining Kundli -Manesar Express way in the National Capital Region for setting up of a Japanese Industrial Park which involves an investment of Rs. 12,000 crore(US$2.81b).
2008-06-02 ArtNo.41064(227/531)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、輸出振興資本財(EPCG:export promotion capital goods)スキームを利用し低価格で手に入れた高級車やスポーツ・ユーティリティー車(SUV)を横流しするケースが増えていることから、ホテル/旅行代理店/観光旅行業者がEPCGスキーム下にこの種の車両を輸入する際の規制を強化した。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt tightens norms for import of cars, SUVs under EPCG
【New Delhi】The government has tightened norms for import of high end cars and sports utility vehicles by hotels, travel agents and tour operators under Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) Scheme, following reports of misuse of tax concessions available on import of these vehicles for tourism.
2008-06-02 ArtNo.41068(228/531)
◆Petromin, Finmin play tug of war on fuel duty cut & price hike
【New Delhi】The petroleum ministry is working on a dual-track strategy of fuel price hikes and duty cuts to protect the consumer as well as cash-strapped oil companies. However the finance ministry has ruled out reducing the rates of excise duty on petrol and diesel to avert a rise in their retail prices.
2008-06-04 ArtNo.41071(229/531)
【ニューデリー】公共投資局(PIB)が5月30日に西ベンガル州KolkataにおけるNetaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport近代化計画を承認したことから、同プロジェクトが2ヶ月以内にも着工されるものと予想されている。(...続きを読む)
◆Construction of Kolkata airport likely to begin in two months
【New Delhi】Given the Public Investment Board (PIB) approved the modernisation plan of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport in Kolkata on May 30, the work of construction is expected to begin in two months.
2008-06-04 ArtNo.41077(230/531)
◆Four additional UMPPs approved
【New Delhi】The Government on May 29 approved to set up four more Ultra Mega Power Projects (UMPP) in Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat to meet the power shortages.
2008-06-04 ArtNo.41078(231/531)
◆India likely to emerge as global petroleum refining hub soon
【Mumbai】India is likely to emerge as a global petroleum refining hub in the next few years. The petroleum ministry too has made a strong pitch for developing India as a refining hub.
2008-06-04 ArtNo.41080(232/531)
【ニューデリー】ホテル、病院、ソフトウェア会社等のサービス部門企業は、今後資本財の輸入に際して最大1億米ドルまで対外商業借款(ECB:external commercial borrowing)を自動認可ルートを通じて申請できる。(...続きを読む)
◆Services sector gets ECB boost
【New Delhi】Borrowers in the services sector —hotels, hospitals and software Companies— henceforth may avail external commercial borrowing (ECB) up to $100 million for import of capital goods under the approval route, according to a government statement.
2008-06-09 ArtNo.41081(233/531)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は4日に催した政治問題閣僚会議(Cabinet Committee on Political Affairs)の席上、燃料小売価格の引き上げを承認した。これに伴い5日午前零時をもってガソリンは1リッター当たり5ルピー、ディーゼル油は同3ルピー、液化石油ガス(LPG)は1ボンベ(14.2キロ)当たり50ルピー、値上げされた。しかし国民の大多数、取り分け低所得層が家庭燃料としている残りの政府補助石油製品、灯油の価格は据え置かれた。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt finally hikes petrol, diesel, LPG prices
【New Delhi】The crucial meeting of Cabinet Committee on Political Affairs on June 4 approved fuel price hike. Petrol prices rose by Rs 5 per litre, diesel prices by Rs 3 a litre and cooking gas by Rs 50 per 14.2-kg cylinder from midnight of June 4. However the price of kerosene — the only other subsidised petroleum product that is widely used as cooking fuel by the poor — was unchanged.
2008-06-09 ArtNo.41082(234/531)
【ニューデリー】石油危機はインフラ開発事業に影響を及ぼし、インド第2の公共部門石油小売り会社Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL)は3万1570クロー(US$73.93億)の投資計画を棚上げした。(...続きを読む)
◆HPCL puts on hold Rs 32k crore projects
【New Delhi】In what the oil crisis has begun to spill over onto infrastructure investments, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL), the country's second-largest public sector fuel retailer, has decided to put on hold Rs 31,570-crore(US$7.39b) worth of capital investments.
2008-06-09 ArtNo.41083(235/531)
【ブーバネスワル】オリッサ州のNaveen Patnaik首席大臣が座長を務めるハイレベル認証委員会(HLCA:high-level clearance authority)は6月3日、石油・化学・石油化学投資地域(PCPIR:Petroleum, Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment Region)プロジェクトを承認した。Paradip地区に設けられる同PCPIRにはJagatsinghpur/Kendrapada両県が包含される。(...続きを読む)
◆Orissa govt clears petrochemical Investment Region project
【Bhubaneswar】The Orissa government on June 3 cleared the Petroleum, Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment Region (PCPIR) project which will be located in Paradip region covering two districts—Jagatsinghpur and Kendrapada.
2008-06-09 ArtNo.41090(236/531)
【ムンバイ】スラム復興局(SRA:Slum Rehabilitation Authority)は、マハラシュトラ州Mumbaiにおける見積もりコスト9500クロー(US$22.25億)のダラヴィ再開発プロジェクト(DRP:Dharavi Redevelopment Project)の技術/価格入札の締め切り期日を再度7月31日に繰り延べた。(...続きを読む)
◆Asia's biggest slum redevelopment bid extended to July 31
【Mumbai】The Slum Rehabilitation Authority (SRA) extended the date for submission of the technical and financial bids for the Rs 9,500 crore Dharavi Redevelopment Project (DRP) in Mumbai to July 31.
2008-06-09 ArtNo.41091(237/531)
◆India witnesses 12% growth in employment in last year
【New Delhi】India witnessed a 12 per cent growth in employment by privately-held businesses last year, just behind Vietnam which tops the employment growth index 2008 with a 14 per cent rise.
2008-06-09 ArtNo.41092(238/531)
◆Exports buoy to 31.5%, imports up 36% in April
【New Delhi】Helped by a fall in the value of rupee, Indias exports put up an impressive show in the first month of current fiscal, clocking a growth of 31.5 per cent. However swelling oil bill pushed overall import growth to 36.6 per cent.
2008-06-11 ArtNo.41093(239/531)
◆Bid for $8 b coal-to-liquid project to be floated
【New Delhi】The ministry of coal is set to invite fresh expression of interests (EOIs) for allotment of identified coal blocks for setting up a coal-to-liquid (CTL) project. Tthe Tatas, Reliance Group, the Jindals along with the Adani Group and others will now have to outbid each other to secure rights for a cluster of coal blocks—with estimated reserves of about 1.5 billion tonne—for their proposed $8 billion CTL project in India.
2008-06-11 ArtNo.41095(240/531)
【バンガロール】インド鉱業連盟(FIMI:Federation of Indian Mineral Industries)は、中国の輸入減退が予想されることから、今年の鉄鉱石輸出が10~15%下降する可能性があると見ている。(...続きを読む)
◆Iron ore export may drop 10-15% due to China's slowdown
【Bangalore】The Federation of Indian Mineral Industries (FIMI) said the export of ore from India could drop by 10-15 per cent a year with a slowdown in China's import.
2008-06-11 ArtNo.41097(241/531)
【ムンバイ】マハラシュトラ州政府はMumbai市東郊外MankhurdからBandraを経由して西郊外Kandivali地区Charkopを結ぶムンバイ地下鉄第二路線『Charkop-Bandra-Mankhurd Metro Rail line』を公共民間協力(PPP:public-private partnership)方式により建設する方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Mumbai Second Metro Corridor to be undertaken on PPP model
【Mumbai】The Maharashtra government has decided to go ahead with public-private partnership (PPP) model for constructing Charkop-Bandra-Mankhurd Metro Rail line, the second corridor of the Mumbai Metro Rail Project linking the eastern suburb of Mankhurd to western Charkop in Kandivali.
2008-06-11 ArtNo.41098(242/531)
【ニューデリー】中央政府は6月5日、西ベンガル州Kolkata市の地下鉄を隣接するHowrah市まで延長する全長13.77キロの東西線(East West Metro Corridor)建設計画を承認した。(...続きを読む)
◆Extension of the Kolkata metro gets green signal
【New Delhi】The Union Cabinet on June 5 approved the construction of the East West Metro Corridor, covering a distance of 13.77 km and extending the Kolkata metro to the neighbouring city of Howrah.
【新德里】中央政府6月5日批准了把西孟加拉州加尔各答市的地铁线延长到隔壁的豪拉市的工程。这个延长路线名叫东西地铁线(East West Metro Corridor)全长13.77公里。
2008-06-11 ArtNo.41102(243/531)
◆Mobile association opposes regulation on radiation
【New Delhi】Mobile association has opposed a Government proposal to make it mandatory for mobile phone manufacturers to specify the radiation levels (SAR) emitted by the device on the handset's screen menu.
2008-06-11 ArtNo.41103(244/531)
◆IT/ITeS export show sluggish growth in 2007-08
【Chennai】Tthe total value of software and services export in 2007-08 was estimated at Rs 1,63,000 crore ($40.3 billion), an increase of 15.6 per cent in rupee terms and 28.3 per cent in dollar terms.
2008-06-11 ArtNo.41104(245/531)
◆Inflation peaks to 45-month high of 8.24%
【New Delhi】Inflation hit a new high of 8.24% for the week ended May 24, spurred on by increasing prices of primary articles including cereals, spices, milk and fruits, besides manufactured items such as iron and steel and edible oils.
2008-06-16 ArtNo.41105(246/531)
◆Mining boosts IIP growth 7% in April
【New Delhi】Riding on the high level of mineral production, the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) recovered to 7 per cent in April 2008, the first month of fiscal 2008-09, as compared to a low 3.9 per cent in the preceding month(3%, as per the original estimate).
2008-06-16 ArtNo.41106(247/531)
◆Inflation touches the highest point in 7 years
【New Delhi】Inflation touched 8.75 per cent for the week ended May 31 from 8.24 per cent in the previous week, the highest in 7 years, mainly due to rising prices of food articles and vegetable, leading to fears that the recent increase in fuel prices would push it past 9 per cent.
2008-06-16 ArtNo.41107(248/531)
【ニューデリー】インド企業は、世界経済のスローダウンが他の国々の雇用意欲を減退させたこともあり、2008年7-9月期純雇用見通し(NEO:Net Employment Outlook雇用増加を予想する雇用主のパーセンテージから雇用減少を予想するパーセンテージを差し引いた値)調査で、シンガポールやペルーを追い越し世界のトップに立った。(...続きを読む)
◆India Inc most optimistic in hiring
【New Delhi】The Indian job market is expected to report most bullish in July-September period of 2008 outrunning Singapore and Peru as global slowdown impacted hiring intentions in these countries.
2008-06-18 ArtNo.41117(249/531)
◆Export cess on flat products rolled back, on long products hiked
【New Delhi】The government on June 13 notified withdrawal of export cess on flat rolled products (including galvanised products, pipes and tubes) – used in manufacture of cars and white goods –, alongside raising the export duty on long steel products used in construction and infrastructure projects from 10 to 15 per cent and clamping a flat 15 per cent ad valorem duty on all iron ore shipments.
2008-06-18 ArtNo.41118(250/531)
【ニューデリー】大蔵省は6月13日、既存の24%の消費税(excise duty)に上乗せして1500-1999ccの乗用車に1万5000ルピー(US$351)、2000cc以上の乗用車に2万ルピー(US$468)のカテゴリー別消費税(specific excise duty)を課した。(...続きを読む)
◆Addl duty on big cars may cost buyers up to Rs 50,000
【New Delhi】The finance ministry has slapped additional specific duty of Rs 15,000 on cars with engine capacity of 1,500-1,999 cc and Rs 20,000 on cars of 2,000 cc and more over and above the existing 24 per cent ad valorem rate., with immediate effect, on June 13.
経済一般 General Economics in 2008
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