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公益サービス Public Utility in 2010
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元のページへ戻る ►2010-01-08 ArtNo.42978(1/229)
【ニューデリー】鳩山由紀夫首相とManmohan Singh首相の会談に先立って、日本貿易振興会(JETRO)とDelhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation (DMICDC)は12月28日、デリー・ムンバイ産業大動脈(DMIC)プロジェクトの対象地域内に協力して24のエコシティーを開発する覚書を交換した。また国際協力銀行(JBIC:Japan Bank for International Cooperation)とIndia Infrastructure Finance Company Ltd (IIFCL)は、事業開発基金(PDF:Project Development Fund)を創設するため、前者が後者に7500万米ドルのローンを提供する覚書を結んだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Two pacts signed for Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor
【New Delhi】Ahead of the meeting between Japan's Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama and his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh, Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO) and Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation (DMICDC) on December 28 signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to develop 24 eco-cities in the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) project areas. The Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) and the India Infrastructure Finance Company Ltd (IIFCL) also inked another MOU for a $75 million loan facility to help establish a Project Development Fund (PDF).
2010-01-08 ArtNo.42980(2/229)
【ニューデリー】インドを訪問中の原口一博総務相は6日、Farooq Abdullah新・再生可能エネルギー相と会談、日印共同でインド国内にソーラ・シティーを開発することで合意した。(...続きを読む)
◆India, Japan to jointly develop solar city
【New Delhi】Japanese minister for Internal Affairs and Communications Kazuhiro Haraguchi.and Indian Union Minister for New & Renewable Energy Farooq Abdullah on January 6 reached an agreement to develop jointly a city in India as "solar city".
2010-01-08 ArtNo.42985(3/229)
◆Infrastructure sector grows 5.3% in November
【New Delhi】The growth of the six core infrastructure industries recorded a 5.3 per cent during November against the 3.8 per cent, 4.5 per cent and 6.5 per cent levels of the preceding three months and the 0.8 per cent for November 2008.
2010-01-12 ArtNo.42992(4/229)
【ニューデリー】電力省と計画委員会(Planning Commission)は、燃料供給の便宜を提供せぬことを通じ亜臨界圧発電所の建設を抑制する新制度の導入を検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆Sub-critical plants may face denial
【New Delhi】The power ministry and the Planning Commission are mulling a new policy regime that would discourage new proposals for sub-critical stations by denying them fuel linkages.
2010-01-15 ArtNo.43001(5/229)
【ニューデリー】昨年11月の工業生産指数(IIP:index of industrial production)の伸び率は11.7%と、過去2年来(25ヶ月)の最高をマークした。これは主に比較の対象になる前年同月のパフォーマンスが低調だった上、製造業、取り分け消費財部門の伸びが堅調だったため。(...続きを読む)
◆Industrial growth at two-year high in November
【New Delhi】The index of industrial production (IIP) grew 11.7 per cent in November last year, the fastest in the last two years, primarily due to a low base of last year and impressive performance in the crucial manufactured goods, particularly consumer goods.
2010-01-19 ArtNo.43016(6/229)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は14日、国内の電力設備業者、例えばBharat Heavy Electricals Ltd(BHEL)を支援する狙いから、今後国内のメガ発電プロジェクト(mega power projects)に対する設備納入を輸出と見なし、税制優遇措置を適応すると発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Power equipment firms get export sops on local supplies
【New Delhi】The Indian government on January 14 announced that it will consider domestic supplies to mega power projects as exports, which would entitle them to duty benefits, in a bid to help power equipment manufacturers like Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.
2010-01-19 ArtNo.43017(7/229)
◆Centre limits Ultra Mega Power Projects to 3 per company
【New Delhi】The government has decided to limit the number of Ultra Mega Power Projects (UMPPs), which one company can implement at any point in time, to a maximum of three projects.
2010-01-22 ArtNo.43026(8/229)
【ニューデリー】Pranab Mukherjee蔵相を長とする特別閣僚グループ(eGoM:empowered group of ministers)は先週当地で催された会議の席上、ウルトラ・メガ発電プロジェクト(UMPP:ultra mega power projects)が外国から電力設備を輸入するのを禁止する方針を決めた。こうした動きは、国営重電機会社Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd(BHEL)やLarsen & Toubro Ltd(L&T)に恩恵を及ぼすが、電力料の上昇を生じさせるものと見られる。(...続きを読む)
◆Centre to curb UMPP imports
【New Delhi】An empowered group of ministers (eGoM), headed by finance minister Pranab Mukherjee, decided at a meeting here last week to bar ultra mega power projects (UMPP) from sourcing equipment from abroad—a move that would benefit domestic suppliers like Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd and Larsen & Toubro Ltd, but could raise electricity tariffs.
2010-01-22 ArtNo.43027(9/229)
【ニューデリー】中央電力監督委員会(CERC:Central Electricity Regulatory Commission)は18日、再生可能エネルギー資源の利用と電力市場の開発を促進するための再生可能エネルギー証書(REC:renewable energy certificate)規則を発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Renewable energy trade rules notified
【New Delhi】The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) on January 18 notified regulation on renewable energy certificate (REC) to promote renewable sources of energy and development of market in electricity.
2010-01-26 ArtNo.43041(10/229)
◆Core infrastructure sector posts 6% growth in Dec
【New Delhi】The six core infrastructure sector grew 6 per cent in December, compared with 5.3 per cent growth in the previous month and 0.7 per cent increase posted for the same month a year ago.
2010-01-26 ArtNo.43048(11/229)
◆Nuclear generation surges 39% in December 2009
【New Delhi】Following the doubling of uranium supplies from the Turamdih mill in Jharkhand, nuclear power generation surged 39 per cent in December 2009 and 19 per cent for the April-December period this fiscal.
2010-02-03 ArtNo.43068(12/229)
【コルカタ】国営火力発電会社National Thermal Power Corp (NTPC)が完全出資する商社NTPC Vidyut Vapyar Nigam Ltd (NVVNL)は、2013年までに1000MW(メガワット)のソーラ・パワーを購入、火力発電所の未配分電力と合わせて送配電網に供給する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆NTPC arm to procure 1,000 Mw solar power by 2013
【Kolkata】NTPC Vidyut Vapyar Nigam Ltd (NVVNL), a wholly-owned trading arm of National Thermal Power Corp (NTPC) intends to procure up to 1,000 Mw of solar power by 2013, and mix it with the unallocated thermal power to produce bundled power.
【加尔各答】国家热电公司(NTPC)的全资贸易子公司NTPC Vidyut Vapyar Nigam有限公司打算到2013年前购买1000MW的太阳能电力。它把太阳能电力跟未分配的火力发电站生产的电力混合一体然后供应给输电网。
2010-02-05 ArtNo.43073(13/229)
【ニューデリー】米国ノースカロライナ州Wilmington拠点のGE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy(GHNE)は、最先端の『経済的単純化沸騰水型軽水炉(ESBWR:economic simplified boiling water reactor)』をインド市場に投入する。(...続きを読む)
◆GE-Hitachi to bring new generation reactor to India
【New Delhi】Wilmington, North Carolina-based GE-Hitachi Nuclear is planning to bring its new generation ESBWR (Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor) model to India.
2010-02-05 ArtNo.43074(14/229)
【ニューデリー】GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy(GHNE)はLarsen & Toubro(L&T)がグジャラート州Haziraに建設する総合的鍛造施設から特殊鋼部品や鍛造部品を調達する。(...続きを読む)
◆GE-Hitachi ready to use L&T forgings
【New Delhi】GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy intends to source special steels and forgings from Larsen & Toubro's (L&T) new integrated forging facility coming up in Hazira, Gujarat.
2010-02-05 ArtNo.43075(15/229)
【チェンナイ】東芝が75%出資するToshiba JSW Turbine and Generator Pvt Ltd(TJTG)は来年1月から超臨界圧火力発電所用の中・大型スチーム・タービンと500~1000MW(メガワット)の発電機の製造を開始する計画で、当初の地元部品使用率は約20%になる。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/43075.htm(...続きを読む)
◆Toshiba JSW to make steam generators from next January
【Chennai】Toshiba JSW Turbine and Generator Pvt Ltd, in which Toshiba Corporation of Japan holds a 75 per cent stake, intends to start production of mid-to-large-sized steam turbines and generators ranging from 500 MW to 1,000 MW, for highly efficient super-critical thermal power plants in India from next January with a local content of about 20 per cent.
2010-02-05 ArtNo.43076(16/229)
【ニューデリー】欧州最大のエンジニアリング会社Siemens AGは、インド市場向け風力発電タービンの製造に向こう3年間に500クロー(US$1.085億)を投資する。(...続きを読む)
◆Siemens to invest $108.5m in wind power business
【New Delhi】Europe's largest engineering conglomerate Siemens AG plans to invest Rs 500 crore ($108.5m) over the next three years to build wind turbines for the Indian market.
2010-02-10 ArtNo.43094(17/229)
【ワシントン】米国のBarack Obama大統領は3日、「インドと国際原子力機関(IAEA:International Atomic Energy Agency)との間で結ばれた民生用原子力協定に関わる保証措置協定は既に発効している」と再確認した。オバマ大統領は、この日、インドとIAEAが取り交わした保証措置協定に関する『米印核協力認証と核不拡散促進法(United States-India Nuclear Cooperation Approval and Nonproliferation Enhancement Act)』により付与された権限に基づき、Hillary Clinton国務相に以上の趣旨の覚書を手渡した。(...続きを読む)
◆India-IAEA safeguard pact is in force, says Obama
【Washington】US President Barack Obama has certified that the safeguard agreement with regard to civilian nuclear facilities between India and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has come into force, in a memorandum issued on February 3 to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as mandated by the U.S.-India Nuclear Cooperation Approval and Non-proliferation Enhancement Act regarding the safeguard agreement between India and the IAEA.
2010-02-10 ArtNo.43095(18/229)
◆GE-Hitachi Nuclear、グジャラート州に照準
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、米国原子力設備業者の製造拠点として、インド亜大陸の両岸に位置するグジャラート州Chhayamithi Virdiおよびアンドラプラデシュ州Kovvadaをリストアップした。GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy(GHNE)とToshiba-Westinghouse Electric combine両社は、目下いずれの地を選ぶか検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆GE-Hitachi eyes Gujarat site for n-plant
【New Delhi】The Indian government has earmarked the two sites, Chhayamithi Virdi in Gujarat and Kovvada in Andhra Pradesh, for reactor vendors from the US. The GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy and Toshiba-Westinghouse Electric combine are in contention for these sites on either coast.
【新德里】印度政府已指定两个地点,即古吉拉特州Chhayamithi Virdi和安德拉州Kovvada作为美国反应堆制造商的据点。通用电气日立核能和东芝西屋电气联盟正在争论这些印度亚大陆两岸地点。
2010-02-16 ArtNo.43109(19/229)
【ニューデリー】工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)は2009年12月に驚異的な16.8%の伸びをマークした。過去15年来最高の成長を実現した主因は、比較の対象になる前年同月の伸び率が-0.2%と振るわなかったことに伴うベース効果(base effect)は別にして、製造業、取り分け耐久消費財部門の好調に帰せられる。(...続きを読む)
◆Industrial production surges by a stunning 16.8% in Dec
【New Delhi】Industrial production surged by a 15-year high 16.8 per cent in December 2009, against the contraction of 0.25 per cent in the same month a year ago, driven by a robust performance by the manufacturing sector, particularly consumer durables besides a statistical base effect.
2010-02-16 ArtNo.43114(20/229)
【ニューデリー】インドと英国は11日、政府筋が『一般枠組み協定(general umbrella agreement)』と形容する『民生用核協力共同声明(joint declaration for civil nuclear cooperation)』に調印した。(...続きを読む)
◆India, Britain ink joint declaration on nuclear co-operation
【New Delhi】India and the UK on February 11 signed a joint declaration for civil nuclear cooperation which officials described as a "general umbrella agreement."
2010-02-19 ArtNo.43123(21/229)
【ニューデリー】ロシアとインドは16日、ウラジーミル・プーチン(Vladmir Putin)首相の来月の訪印時に、核反応炉と第五世代戦闘機の供給に関わる2つの主要な協定に調印することで合意した。(...続きを読む)
◆Two major pacts to be signed during Putin's visit to India
【New Delhi】Russia and India on February 16 decided to firm up two major pacts — on nuclear energy and a fifth generation fighter plane — when Russian Prime minister Vladmir Putin visits New Delhi next month.
2010-02-19 ArtNo.43124(22/229)
◆Centre to develop 25,000 MW of gas fired plants
【New Delhi】The Power Ministry is working on plans to develop 25,000 MW of new generation capacity using gas as feedstock over the next three-four years on the back of firm supplies of gas on the horizon.
2010-02-19 ArtNo.43125(23/229)
【ニューデリー】国営重電機会社Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL)は17日、東芝と送配電設備を製造する50:50の合弁会社を設立し、インド国内および国外に供給する覚書を交換した。(...続きを読む)
◆BHEL, Toshiba ink MoU for power distribution business
【New Delhi】Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL) signed a memorandum of understanding to form a 50:50 joint venture company with Japan's Toshiba Corp for manufacturing equipment for power transmission and distribution in India and abroad on February 17.
2010-02-24 ArtNo.43133(24/229)
【ニューデリー】Manmohan Singh首相の経済諮問委員会(PMEA:Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's economic advisory panel )は、電力不足に悩む国内経済の持続的成長を確保する上から、原子力発電市場を開放し、民間部門の原発事業への投資を認めるよう提案した。(...続きを読む)
◆Open up nuclear power sector for private players: PM's panel
【New Delhi】Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's economic advisory panel suggested that the nuclear power sector should be opened up to private investments which would help the power-starved economy to grow on a sustained basis.
2010-02-24 ArtNo.43134(25/229)
◆Tata Power、Korea East West Powerと国際市場開拓
【ムンバイ】Tata Power Company(TPC)は、Korea East West Power Company (KEWP)と、アジア、中東、アフリカにおけるサード・パーティー電力設備の保守・操業受託サービスを共同で手がけることで合意、関係覚え書きを交換した。(...続きを読む)
◆Tata Power in pact with Korea East West Power
【Mumbai】Tata Power Company and Korea East West Power Company (EWP) have signed a memorandum of understanding with Korea East West Power Co to explore maintenance and operation opportunities of third party power generation assets in Asia, the Middle East and Africa.
2010-03-01 ArtNo.43154(26/229)
◆PFC Consulting、US$19.53億送電網敷設入札募集
【ニューデリー】国営金融会社Power Finance Corporation(PFC)傘下のPFC Consulting Ltd(PFCCL)は、見積もりコスト9000クロー(US$19.53億)の送電網敷設プロジェクトの開発業者を選考する国際入札を募集した。(...続きを読む)
◆PFC Consulting invites global tender for transmission line
【New Delhi】PFC Consulting Ltd, a subsidiary of central power sector financing company Power Finance Corporation, has initiated a global tender for selecting the developer for a Rs 9,000-crore transmission project.
2010-03-04 ArtNo.43157(27/229)
◆Infra sector grows 9.4% in Jan
【New Delhi】Riding on the back of strong showing by crude oil, cement and steel sectors, the six core infrastructure industrie
s grew 9.4 per cent in January 2010, compared with 6.4 per cent in the previous month and 2.2 per cent in January 2009.
2010-03-04 ArtNo.43165(28/229)
【ニューデリー】新年度予算案に先立って国会に上程された経済報告書によると、政府は新たにカルナタカ州、マハラシュトラ州、グジャラート州で各1件、オリッサ州で2件のウルトラ・メガ発電プロジェクト(UMPP:Ultra Mega Power Projects)を準備している。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt starts work on five new mega power projects
【New Delhi】The Government has initiated preliminary work for setting up five new Ultra Mega Power Projects (UMPPs), one each in Karnataka, Maharashtra and Gujarat and two more in Orissa, the Economic Survey has noted.
2010-03-04 ArtNo.43166(29/229)
【ニューデリー】経済学者Vijay Kelkar氏に率いられる第13次金融委員会(Thirteenth Finance Commission)は、全国各州の①再生可能エネルギーの利用/②森林保護/③水源管理システムの改善を促すため各5000クロー(US$10.8億)を補助するよう提案した。(...続きを読む)
◆$3bn grant to states for renewable energy, forests, water
【New Delhi】The Vijay Kelkar-led Thirteenth Finance Commission has recommended three grants of Rs 5,000 crore ($1.08b) each to prod states into adopting renewable energy sources, conserving forests and improving water management systems.
2010-03-09 ArtNo.43174(30/229)
【ニューデリー】インド政府はNational Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC)とDamodar Valley Corporation(DVC)が進める総投資額2万9000クロー(US$62.93億)の超臨界圧火力発電プロジェクト11件の燃料リンケージを承認した。(...続きを読む)
◆Fuel linkages to 11 thermal projects approved
【New Delhi】The government have approved fuel linkage for 11 supercritical thermal power units of National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) and Damodar Valley Corporation totalling an investment of over Rs 29,000 crore ($6.293bn).
2010-03-16 ArtNo.43193(31/229)
【ニューデリー】2010年1月の工業生産指数(IIP:index of industrial production)の伸びは好調な16.7%を記録、前年同月の僅か1%に比べ大幅に改善した。しかし前月(12月)の17.6%を下回った。(...続きを読む)
◆IIP grows by 16.7 per cent in January
【New Delhi】The index of industrial production (IIP) grew 16.7 per cent in January 2010, compared to just one per cent in the same month a year ago and 17.6 per cent in December 2009.
2010-03-16 ArtNo.43198(32/229)
【ニューデリー】インドとロシアは12日、Manmohan Singh/Vladimir Putin両首相の立ち会いの下、核関連と肥料関連の各2協定、それに1民間協定、合計5協定に調印した。プーチン首相の24時間に満たない今回の実務訪問期間には、以上を含め合計19件、総額100億米ドルを超える協定が結ばれた。(...続きを読む)
◆India, Russia sign 19 pacts during Putin's working visit
【New Delhi】India and Russia on March 12 sealed five agreements — two each in the nuclear sphere and fertilizers and one in the civilian space segment — in the presence of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and the visiting Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin. In all, the two sides signed 19 pacts worth over $10 billion during Putin's working visit lasting less than 24 hours.
2010-03-16 ArtNo.43199(33/229)
◆Thermax/Babcock & Wilcox、合弁で超臨界圧ボイラー製造
【ムンバイ】マハラシュトラ州Pune拠点のエネルギーおよび環境ソリューション・プロバイダー、Thermaxは3月10日、米国企業Babcock & Wilcox Power Generation Group(B&W)と合弁でインド国内において超臨界圧ボイラーの製造に乗り出すと発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Thermax, Babcock & Wilcox to jointly make super-critical boilers
【Mumbai】Pune-based energy and environment solutions company Thermax on March 10 announced a joint venture with US-based Babcock & Wilcox Power Generation Group to manufacture super-critical boilers in the country.
2010-03-19 ArtNo.43205(34/229)
◆Japanese companies eye Indian power sector
【Mumbai】Japanese power companies seek to make their presence felt in India. These companies, such as Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) and J-Power, are looking at opportunities in the Indian power sector and may bid for some power projects soon, according to industry sources.
2010-03-19 ArtNo.43206(35/229)
【ニューデリー】重工業局(DHI:department of heavy industry)は、大蔵省歳入部(department of revenue)に対し、輸入電力設備に最低10%の関税を課すよう提案した。(...続きを読む)
◆10% duty on Chinese power equipment suggested
【New Delhi】The department of heavy industry (DHI) has recommended to the department of revenue for the imposition of at least 10% customs duty on power equipment import.
2010-03-19 ArtNo.43207(36/229)
【ニューデリー】統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政府は15日、野党の反対のみならず、与党議員多数が欠席する中、異論の多い『2010年原発事故民事責任法案(Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill, 2010)』の国会下院上程を暫時見合わせた。連立政権内部の足並みの乱れを露呈し、面目を失墜した形となった。(...続きを読む)
◆Nuclear liability Bill deferred at last minute
【New Delhi】The United Progressive Alliance Government on Monday suffered a major embarrassment as not only stiff resistance from opposition parties but also absentee ruling coalition MPs forced it to defer the introduction of the controversial Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill, 2010, in the Lok Sabha.
2010-03-19 ArtNo.43216(37/229)
◆Food inflation eases, but fuel inflation shot up
【New Delhi】Food inflation fell to 16.30 per cent for the week ended March 6, but fuel inflation shot up to 12.68 per cent.
2010-03-26 ArtNo.43231(38/229)
【ニューデリー】Manmohan Singh首相とPutin首相の二者会談が行われるまで、インド側関係機関には、原子力にしろ国防にしろ宇宙事業にしろロシアのベアハッグ(bear hug)だけは回避したいと言う空気が充満しており、プーチン首相が今月12日にインドを訪れた際には、両国の核・国防協力協定はほとんど調印不可能な状態にあった。(...続きを読む)
◆Russia offers N-fuel fabrication, uranium JV, India reluctant
【New Delhi】Nuclear and defence cooperation between India and Russia was almost not signed during Putin's visit on March 12, according to sources in both establishments. Until the night before the summit meeting between the two prime ministers, the Indian establishment was extremely reluctant about committing itself to the Russian bear hug, whether in the nuclear energy, defence or space sectors.
2010-03-26 ArtNo.43232(39/229)
◆Consultancy business in the power sector is booming
【New Delhi】Consultancy business in the power sector is booming as states move away from the traditional memorandum of understanding (MoU) route to mandatory competitive bidding for the procurement of electricity in line with the guidelines introduced by the Power Ministry.
2010-03-31 ArtNo.43241(40/229)
◆Russia could get third N-site
【New Delhi】In what could help Russia consolidate its head-start in the Indian nuclear market, India could earmark a third atomic power project site for Russian participation shortly.
2010-03-31 ArtNo.43242(41/229)
【ニューデリー】インドはロシアがシベリアに建設することを計画している『国際ウラニウム濃縮センター(IUEC:International Uranium Enrichment Centre)』に単なる受益者(recipient)ではなく、提供者(donor)の身分で参加することを希望している。(...続きを読む)
◆India keen to join Russia's uranium project as a donor nation
【New Delhi】India seeks donor status in Russia's uranium project, "International Uranium Enrichment Centre (IUEC)" in Siberia, instead of just a recipient.
2010-03-31 ArtNo.43243(42/229)
【ムンバイ】インド政府はチャッティースガル州Sarguja県に4000MW(メガワット)のウルトラ・メガ発電所(UMPP:ultra mega power project)を建設するため、関係方面に見積依頼書(RFQ:request for quotations)を配布した。(...続きを読む)
◆A bid for Chhattisgarh mega power project floated
【Mumbai】The government has asked for RFQ (request for quotations) for developing the 4,000-Mw Sarguja ultra mega power project (UMPP) in Chhattisgarh.
2010-04-02 ArtNo.43253(43/229)
【ニューデリー/ワシントン】米国のTimothy J Roemerインド駐在大使は3月29日インドと米国間の核燃料再処理交渉の妥結を歓迎するとともに、米国の使用済み核燃料の再処理に関するインドとの協定は、両国間の歴史的な民生用核協力協定の実行に向けた重要なステップであると語った。(...続きを読む)
◆India, US finalise pact on nuclear fuel
【New Delhi/ Washington】Applauding the successful conclusion of a nuclear fuel reprocessing agreement with India, US Ambassador Timothy J Roemer on March 29 announced the finalisation of a pact with India on re-processing US-origin spent nuclear fuel, a critical step that will enable the two countries to implement their "historic" nuclear deal.
2010-04-02 ArtNo.43254(44/229)
【ニューデリー】フランスのJerome Bonnafontインド駐在大使は3月29日、70社余りのフランス企業がインドの原子力領域への投資に強い関心を抱いていると語った。(...続きを読む)
◆70 French cos eyeing Indian nuclear energy space
【New Delhi】Around seventy French companies are keen on investing in the nuclear energy space of India, French Ambassador Jerome Bonnafont said on March 29.
2010-04-02 ArtNo.43263(45/229)
◆Food inflation inches up to 16.35 pc
【New Delhi】Food inflation rose marginally to 16.35 per cent for the week ended March 20 from a four-month low of 16.22 per cent in the previous week, mainly on account of high prices of pulses and milk.
2010-04-07 ArtNo.43265(46/229)
【ムンバイ】これ以前に米国のウェスチングハウス東芝/GE日立/カナダのAEC/ロシアのRosatomと合弁覚書を交換した地元エンジニアリング会社Larsen & Toubro (L&T)は4月1日、英国Rolls-Royceと、インド国内および全世界で軽水炉(LWR:light water reactor)の部品製造や関連サービスを手がける合弁覚書を結んだ。(...続きを読む)
◆L&T, Rolls-Royce sign nuclear equipment pact
【Mumbai】Larsen & Toubro (L&T), which had already signed Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) to partner Westinghouse-Toshiba and GE-Hitachi of the US, AEC of Canada, and Rosatom of Russia, on April 1 expanded that potential role, signing an MoU with the UK company Rolls-Royce to team up to make components and provide services for light water nuclear reactors in India and across the world.
2010-04-07 ArtNo.43266(47/229)
【ニューデリー】原発事故民事責任法案(nuclear liability bill)を巡り、インド国内で米国企業の歓心を買うものとの批判に晒されたManmohan Singh首相は、今度は米国原子力産業界の批判に直面しそうな雲行きだ。(...続きを読む)
◆India and U.S. likely to clash over nuclear liability bill
【New Delhi】Pilloried in India for crafting a nuclear liability bill that his critics say is aimed at pleasing American companies, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is now facing criticism from the U.S. nuclear industry too.
2010-04-09 ArtNo.43278(48/229)
【ニューデリー】Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL)はNational Thermal Power Corporation Ltd(NTPC)と合弁で、マドヤプラデシュ州Bargiもしくはハリヤナ州Kunhariaのいずれかに700MW(メガワット)の加圧重水炉(pressurised heavy-water-based nuclear power plant)を建設、またBharat Heavy Electricals Ltd(BHEL)と共同でマドヤプラデシュ州に別に1400MWの原子力発電所を設けることを計画している。(...続きを読む)
◆NPCIL to build two nuclear plants with NTPC and BHEL
【New Delhi】Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) and National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd joint venture is likely to build 700 Mw of pressurised heavy-water-based nuclear power plant at Bargi in Madhya Pradesh or Kunharia in Haryana. NPCIL has also tied up with Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd to put up a 1,400-Mw nuclear power plant in Madhya Pradesh.
2010-04-09 ArtNo.43279(49/229)
◆Bid for 4,000 Mw Orissa plant to be invited by Apr 30
【New Delhi】The Government is likely to invite preliminary bids for the 4,000-MW ultra mega power project (UMPP) at Bedabahal in Orissa by April 30.
2010-04-14 ArtNo.43291(50/229)
◆BGR Energy、近く日立とボイラー製造で提携
【チェンナイ】タミールナド州Chennai拠点のBGR Energy Systems Ltdは、発電用ボイラーの製造に関して日立と正式に提携するものと見られる。(...続きを読む)
◆BGR Energy near deal with Hitachi for boiler manufacture
【Chennai】Chennai-based BGR Energy Systems is closer to formalising a tie-up with Hitachi, for the manufacture of power station boilers.
公益サービス Public Utility in 2010
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