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ロジスティクス Logistics in 2009
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元のページへ戻る ►2009-01-07 ArtNo.41805(1/71)
【コルカタ】全インド自動車輸送会議(ATMTC:All India Motor Transport Congress)は5日から全国的な無期限ストに突入、これにより全国の産業界は1日当たり1万クロー(US$20億)の損失を被る見通しだ。しかしATMTCメンバー自体1日1000クロー(US$2億)の損失を覚悟せねばならない。(...続きを読む)
◆Transporters go on indefinite strike from January 5
【Kolkata】The All India Motor Transport Congress (AIMTC) has gone on a nation wide road transport strike from January 5. While it is taking a toll of Rs 10,000 crore per day on the country's overall business due to the strike, AIMTC's members are also incurring a daily loss of Rs 1,000 crore.
2009-01-14 ArtNo.41831(2/71)
【ニューデリー】西ベンガル州Bardhaman県Andal-Faridpur地区に国内初の空港都市『Bengal Aerotropolis』を開発するため、州当局は最近2363エーカーの用地買収に関する通知を発送、土地取得手続きに着手した。(...続きを読む)
◆West Bengal aerotropolis project begins
【New Delhi】The process of acquiring 2,363 acres of land in the Andal-Faridpur block of Bardhaman district, West Bengal for the first airport city project in the country has begun with the issuance of a notification to this effect recently.
【新德里】印度国内第一个空港都市区『孟加拉宇航都会(Bengal Aerotropolis)』发展项目的2364英亩用地收购手续在西孟加拉州巴得海曼县Andal-Faridpur地区已经开始。西孟加拉州当局最近发行有关通知书。
2009-01-14 ArtNo.41832(3/71)
【ニューデリー】インド全国の運輸業者が参加し、8日間に及んだゼネストが12日、終結した。全インド自動車輸送会議(ATMTC:All India Motor Transport Congress)と運輸省は、州政府の代表も交えて運輸業者が直面する問題の解決策を協議することで合意した。(...続きを読む)
◆Transporters call off eight-day strike
【New Delhi】Indian transporters called off their eight-day nationwide strike on January 12 after the All India Motor Transport Congress (AIMTC) and the Road Transport Ministry agreed to sort out issues raised by them in consultation with the State governments.
2009-01-23 ArtNo.41861(4/71)
◆Inflation rate rises again as a strike by truckers
【New Delhi】After declining for a few weeks, inflation rises to 5.60 per cent for the week ended January 10, from 5.24 per cent in the previous week as a strike by truckers pushed up prices of food and manufactured products.
2009-01-23 ArtNo.41863(5/71)
◆Foreign airlines may allow to have 49% stake in domestic carriers
【New Delhi】The Committee of Secretaries headed by the Cabinet Secretary is to consider a proposal to allow foreign airlines to hold a 49 per cent stake in scheduled, non-scheduled and charter airlines.
2009-01-28 ArtNo.41880(6/71)
【コーチ】Petronet LNG Ltd (PLL)は、ケララ州Kochiに2012年の稼働を目処に建設中の250万トン液化天然ガス(LNG)ターミナルに供給するため、Chevron(50%)/Exxon Mobil(25%)/Shell(25%)から成るコンソーシアムが豪州で進めるGorgan Projectsと、来月LNGの長期購買契約を結ぶ。(...続きを読む)
◆Petronet, Gorgan to sign gas supply deal in Feb
【Kochi】Petronet LNG Ltd (PLL) and Gorgan Projects, an Australian consortium comprised of Chevron(50%), Exxon Mobil(25%) and Shell(25%), will sign a gas supply contract in February. Under this contract the latter will supply LNG to the former's 2.5-million-tonne-a-year terminal in Kochi to be commissioned by March 2012.
【科钦】Petronet LNG有限公司与Gorgan液化天然气项目将今年2月签署天然气供应合约。在这项合约下,后者向前者的科钦液化天然气站供应液化天然气。储藏量250万吨科钦液化天然气站预料到2012年3月之前开始操作。Gorgan液化天然气项目是澳洲企业联盟包括雪佛龙(50%),埃克森美孚(25%)和壳牌(25%)。
2009-02-16 ArtNo.41936(7/71)
【バンガロール】政府系国防企業BEML Ltd/三菱商事/三菱電機/ 韓国の車輌メーカーRotemから成るコンソーシアムは、カルナタカ州Bangaloreの地下鉄経営会社Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd (BMRCL)に150両の車輌を納入する総額1672.50クロー(US$3.43億)の契約を獲得した。(...続きを読む)
◆India/Japan/Korea consortium bags Bangalore Metro order
【Bangalore】The defense PSU BEML Ltd-led consortium, comprising Mitsubhishi and Japan-based Melco along with the Korean rolling stock major Rotem, has won an order worth Rs 1,672.50 crore for the supply to 150 metro rail coaches to Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd (BMRCL).
2009-02-16 ArtNo.41937(8/71)
◆Air India、政府にUS$8億救済パッケージ要請も
【ムンバイ】Air Indiaは今月末に催される取締役会議において、4000クロー(US$8.2億)の修正後の救済パッケージを政府に提示する可能性がある。(...続きを読む)
◆Air India may seek Govt Rs 4,000-cr bailout package
【Mumbai】Air India may seek the government a Rs 4,000 crore revised rescue package at a meeting of its board later this month.
2009-02-16 ArtNo.41938(9/71)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadを拠点にエンジニアリング・デザイン/地理情報/情報技術(IT)等のサービスを提供するInfotech Enterprises Limited(IEL)は、向こう6ヶ月間に航空領域の企業2社を買収することを計画している。(...続きを読む)
◆Infotech plans to buy cos in aerospace sector
【Hyderabad】Hyderabad-based provider of engineering design, geospatial information and IT services Infotech Enterprises Limited is set to close "two good-sized acquisitions" in the aerospace domain in the next six months.
2009-02-20 ArtNo.41946(10/71)
【ニューデリー】Lalu Prasad鉄道相は13日、2009-10会計年度当初4ヶ月間の鉄道省臨時予算案を国会に上程した。(...続きを読む)
◆Lalu presents interim Railway Budget
【New Delhi】Railway Minister Lalu Prasad presented the vote-on-account for expenses in the first four months of next fiscal in Parliament on February 13.
【新德里】铁路部长Lalu Prasad2月13日提出国会2009-10新财政年度首4个月的铁路临时预算案。
2009-03-02 ArtNo.41988(11/71)
【ニューデリー】世界的経済危機の影響を受け、Indian Railways(IR)が2万1737クロー(US$44.59億)を投じて進める主要鉄道プロジェクト3件から予備選考を通過した外国製造業者が揃って撤収した。このためIRは全ての必要資金をそれ自身で工面せねばならなくなった。(...続きを読む)
◆Foreign cos back out of three key railway projects
【New Delhi】As the short-listed foreign manufacturers for three key projects of Indian Railways involving an investment of Rs 21,737 crore have backed out in the backdrop of ongoing economic downturn, the railways now has to entirely fund these projects by itself.
2009-03-09 ArtNo.42006(12/71)
【ニューデリー】大蔵省は3日、港湾開発2件、道路建設5件、合計7件、総額5220クロー(US$10.1162億)の公共民間協力(PPP:Public Private Partnership)プロジェクトを認可したと発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt approves 7 PPP projects of worth $1bn
【New Delhi】The govt has cleared seven Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects, i.e. two port projects and five highway projects, involving investment of Rs.5,220 crore($1.01162bn), the finance ministry said here on March 3.
2009-03-09 ArtNo.42007(13/71)
【アーマダバード】日本の専門家チームが近くグジャラート州を訪れ、インド全国幹線道路局(NHAI:National Highway Authority of India)が計画するインド初の高速道路『Ahmedabad-Vadodara Expressway』の基礎調査を実施する。(...続きを読む)
◆Japan team studies the first expressway stretch of NHAI
【Ahmedabad】A Japanese team of experts is visiting Gujarat to study the Ahmedabad-Vadodara Expressway, the first expressway stretch of National Highway Authority of India (NHAI).
2009-03-09 ArtNo.42008(14/71)
【ハイデラバード】金融アレンジの期限が3月18日に迫る中、1万2132クロー(US$23.51億)のハイデラバード地下鉄プロジェクトを請け負ったMaytas Infra Ltd/Nava Bharat Ventures Ltd/Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Limited(IL&FS)/Ital Thaiから成る企業連合は、崖淵に立たされている。(...続きを読む)
◆Hyderabad Metro Rail project stuck in limbo
【Hyderabad】The consortium constituted with Maytas Infra Ltd, Nava Bharat Ventures Ltd, Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Limited and Ital Thai is now certain to miss the six-month deadline of March 18 for achieving financial closure for the Rs 12,132-crore Hyderabad Metro Rail Ltd.
【海德拉巴】因为1213亿2000万卢比相等于23亿5116万美元的海德拉巴地铁项目的财务收尾期限到3月18日期满,Maytas Infra有限公司为首的企业联盟(还有包括纳瓦巴拉特风险投资有限公司/印度基础设施租赁与金融服务公司/Ital Thai)似乎难免违反合约期限。
2009-04-13 ArtNo.42130(15/71)
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州政府とCoal India Ltd (CIL)の4月8日の合意に基づき少なくとも鉄鋼プロジェクト3件が炭鉱地帯のDurgapur-Asansolベルトの外に移転を強いられ、エアロトロポリス(aerotropolis)建設地にも調整が加えられる見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆3 steel projects to be shifted from coal-bearing areas
【Kolkata】The West Bengal government and Coal India Ltd (CIL) on April 8 reached an agreement that will pave the way for relocation of at least three upcoming steel projects in the Durgapur-Asansol area and the aerotropolis project will also be shifted slightly in order to protect the coal reserves.
2009-04-13 ArtNo.42131(16/71)
【ブーバネスワル】Arcelor-Mittalはオリッサ州とジャールカンド州に建設する2つのメガ鉄鋼コンプレックスをサポートする専用港を、オリッサ州のMahanadi川北部Paradip近郊のBarunei Muhanに建設することを正式に提案した。(...続きを読む)
◆Mittal formality proposes to build captive port in Orissa
【Bhubaneswar】Arcelor-Mittal has formally proposed to set up a captive port, which will serve two mega integrated steel plants of the company proposed in Orissa and Jharkhand, at Barunei Muhan, located to the north of Mahanadi river near Paradip in Orissa
【布巴内斯瓦尔】阿塞勒米塔尔钢铁公司为了在奥里萨州与贾坎德州兴建两间超级大型钢厂,正式提议在奥里萨州伯拉迪布附近默哈纳迪河北部Barunei Muhan发展自用港。
2009-04-21 ArtNo.42160(17/71)
◆Domestic air passenger traffic falls 15% in March
【New Delhi】The total passengers carried by the nine scheduled domestic airlines in March this year declined almost 15 per cent to 31.60 lakh against 37.11 lakh in the same period last year.
2009-04-28 ArtNo.42180(18/71)
◆Global Vectra Helicorp、US$1.3億投じ機団拡張
【バンガロール】インドの沖合石油ガス探査開発業者に空中ロジスティクス・サービスを提供するGlobal Vectra Helicorp Limited(GVHL)は、この種の業者としてはインド最大の機団を有するが、今後2年間に1億3000万米ドルを投じ、同機団規模を一層拡大するとともに、経営基盤を強化する。(...続きを読む)
◆Global Vectra to invest $130 m for its fleet expansion
【Bangalore】Global Vectra Helicorp Limited, the largest air logistics service provider to the Indian offshore oil gas industry in terms of fleet size, plans to invest $130 million during the next two years to increase its fleet strength as well as consolidate its operations.
2009-05-08 ArtNo.42200(19/71)
◆Vallarpadam project spurs investor interest in Kerala
【Kochi】The upcoming International Container Transshipment Terminal (ICTT) at Vallarpadam, which is slated to flag off its operations after completion of first phase development in November 2009, is expected to attract large-scale investments and developmental activities to Kochi and its neighbourhood in Kerala.
2009-05-08 ArtNo.42201(20/71)
◆Orissa to invite bids for Barunei port
【Bhubaneswar】ArcelorMittal wants to set up a captive port at Barunei near Paradip port. However the Orissa government plans to select a developer for the Barunei port site through competitive bidding routes. Thus, ArcelorMittal has to compete with other port developers to bag the port site.
2009-05-22 ArtNo.42250(21/71)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は全国天然ガス・ハイウェイ・ネットワーク(NGHN:National Gas Highway Network)を構築する可能性を検討している。石油天然ガス省のRS Pandey次官はこのほど以上の消息を語った。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt mulling a national gas highway network
【New Delhi】A national gas highway network may be developed to ensure supply of natural gas across the country, said petroleum secretary RS Pandey.
【新德里】根据石油天然气部事务部长RS Pandey,印度政府正在检讨兴建全国天燃气大道网的可能性。
2009-05-26 ArtNo.42263(22/71)
◆Govt may provide a relief package for shipping
【New Delhi】The Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways is actively considering a package of Rs 10,000 crore ($2.083b) to help the domestic shipping industry.
2009-05-26 ArtNo.42264(23/71)
【ニューデリー】タタ・グループ傘下のDrive India Enterprise Solutions Ltd(DIESL)とTata Realty and Infrastructure Ltd(TRIL)は向こう4~5年間に2000クロー(US$4.166億)を投じ、全国の7~8カ所にロジスティクス・パークを開発する。(...続きを読む)
◆Tata Group cos to invest $416.6 m for logistics parks
【New Delhi】Tata Group firms Drive India Enterprise Solutions Ltd and Tata Realty and Infrastructure Ltd will together invest Rs 2,000 crore ($416.6 m) over the next four to five years to develop seven-eight logistics parks across the country.
2009-05-29 ArtNo.42274(24/71)
【ニューデリー】デリー・ムンバイ産業大動脈(DMIC:Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor)計画は、日本が厳しい融資条件を提起したことから、膠着状態に陥っている。(...続きを読む)
◆Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor project comes to a dead-end
【New Delhi】Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor project appears to be heading for a dead-end, with Japan setting tough conditions to finance the project.
2009-06-02 ArtNo.42290(25/71)
◆Bharti Wal-Mart、3-4年内にUS$1億投資
【アムリッツァー】地場Bharti Enterprisesと米国Wal-Mart Stores Incの合弁に成るBharti Wal-Mart Pvt Ltd(BWPL)は5月30日、パンジャブ州の州都Amritsarに、キャッシュ&キャリー卸売りチェーン『Best Price Modern Wholesale』の第一店舗をオープンした。(...続きを読む)
◆Bharti Wal-Mart plans to invest $100 mn within 3-4 years
【Amritsar】Bharti Wal-Mart Pvt Ltd, the joint venture between Bharti Enterprises and Wal-Mart Stores Inc, opened its first cash-and-carry (wholesale) store, Best Price Modern Wholesale, on May 30 at Amritsar in Punjab.
【阿姆利则】巴帝企业与沃尔玛公司联营的巴帝沃尔玛私人有限公司5月30日在旁遮普州阿姆利则开第一间现货自运批发店『Best Price Modern Wholesale』。
2009-06-02 ArtNo.42291(26/71)
【ニューデリー】中央統計局(CSO:Central Statistical Organisation)の発表によると、世界的な景気後退が伝えられる中、インドの2008-09年第4四半期の国内総生産(GDP)成長率は5.8%をマーク、通年の成長率も6.7%を記録した。(...続きを読む)
◆India manages to record 6.7 % growth in 2008-09
【New Delhi】Braving the global recessionary trends, India managed 5.8% GDP growth in the fourth quarter of 2008-09 and 6.7% in the entire fiscal, according to data released by the Central Statistical Organisation (CSO).
2009-06-09 ArtNo.42310(27/71)
◆Rs 1 lakh cr pumped in Metro projects
【Vadodara】Currently, Metro rail projects are in progress at various stages in Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, while projects are under evaluation for Pune, Lucknow, Kochi, Ludhiana and Jaipur among others. Rs 1 lakh crore ($21.28b) is expected to pump in these projects in the days to come.
2009-06-09 ArtNo.42315(28/71)
【ニューデリー】Murli Deora石油天然ガス相はこのほど、国営石油会社各社のトップ(CEO)と会談、天然ガスに1mmbtu(million metric British thermal unit)当たり20ルピーを課し、年間およそ3000クロー(US$6.384億)の税収を確保、全国天然ガス・ハイウェイ・ネットワーク(NGHN:National Gas Highway Network)の建設費に充当する可能性を協議した。政府はNGHNプロジェクトを推進する専門機関を設ける可能性も検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆Centre mulling cess on natural gas to build national gas highways
【New Delhi】Petroleum minister Murli Deora discussed the idea of levy of $0.20 per million British thermal unit as cess on natural gas to mop up Rs 3,000 crore annually for laying down the gas pipeline network with CEOs of state-run firms. The government may set up an apex implementation agency, which will lay natural gas pipelines along the national highways.
2009-06-19 ArtNo.42347(29/71)
◆政府はAir Indiaの救済準備:民間航空相
【ニューデリー】Praful Patel民間航空相は、「国が経営するAir Indiaが膨大な損失を被り、経営難に陥ったなら、政府は救済パッケージを準備するだろう」と語った。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt preparing bailout package for Air India
【New Delhi】Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel said, "With the national carrier Air India hit by losses, the government would roll out a financial bailout package for it."
【新德里】Praful Patel民航部长说,「如果国营印度国际航空公司遭受膨大的损失,政府会准备一套救济方案。」
2009-06-30 ArtNo.42381(30/71)
【バンガロール】カルナタカ州政府は6月25日に催された閣議の席上、国営ガス供給会社GAIL (India) Ltdと州政府の間で結ばれたマハラシュトラ州Dabhol/カルナタカ州Bangalore間と、ケララ州Kochi/ケララ州Kozhikode/カルナタカ州Bangalore/カルナタカ州Mangalore間を結ぶ、総投資額7500クロー(US$15.96億)の、2本のガス・パイプライン・プロジェクトを承認した。(...続きを読む)
◆GAIL to lay 2 pipelines at an investment of $1.6 bn
【Bangalore】The Karnataka State Cabinet on June 25 approved the Rs. 7,500-crore ($1.596bn) investment agreement signed between GAIL (India) Ltd and the Government for laying gas pipelines between Dabhol and Bangalore, and Kochi-Kozhikode-Bangalore- Mangalore.
2009-06-30 ArtNo.42384(31/71)
【ニューデリー】Samtel Display Systems (SDS)は近く米国の電子工学大手Honeywellと、インド国内で電子飛行計器システム(EFIS:electronic flight instrument system)を製造する契約を結び、ソニーに取って代わりEFISの独占納入業者になる見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Samtel breaks Sony's monopoly in avionics products
【New Delhi】Samtel Display Systems (SDS) is set to ink a deal with the US based electronics major Honeywell for manufacturing Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) in India and to replace Sony as the single source in the World.
2009-07-03 ArtNo.42392(32/71)
◆Govt hikes petrol, diesel prices, leaves cooking fuels untouched
【New Delhi】The Indian government hiked the retail price of petrol by Rs 4 a litre and diesel by Rs 2 a litre, effective July 1 midnight, just five days before the union budget is to be presented. However it left kerosene and cooking gas prices untouched.
2009-07-03 ArtNo.42395(33/71)
【ニューデリー】インド全国幹線道路局(NHAI:National Highways Authority of India)が募集した全国幹線道路開発計画(NHDP:National Highways Development Programme)下の35件、総見積もりコスト3万9000クロー(US$82.99億)のプロジェクト入札に1件平均15社以上が応札した。昨年は60件、総額6万クロー(US$127.68億)のプロジェクト中僅か13件に応札があり、しかもかなりのプロジェクトにたった1社が応札した。(...続きを読む)
◆New NHDP projects attract many bidders
【New Delhi】The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has got an average of over 15 bidders for each of 35 new projects worth Rs 39,000 crore under the National Highways Development Programme (NHDP). Last year, of the 60 projects worth Rs 60,000 crore that were up for bid, only 13 could attract any. Many projects did not attract even one bid.
2009-07-07 ArtNo.42403(34/71)
【ニューデリー】Mamata Banerjee鉄道相が4日国会に上程した2009-10年鉄道予算案は、乗客運賃の値上げも貨物運賃の値上げも見送る一方、大衆指向の一連の措置を盛り込んでいる。これらの措置には特急長距離列車12本の運行、主要都市間のルートにエアコン付き二階建て客車を導入、貧困者向け25ルピー割引切符、鉄道職員のための新福利制度が含まれ、この他、同相の出身地西ベンガル州に対する特別措置として、客車製造工場の建設、長距離特急列車の運行、学生を対象にしたコルカタ地下鉄の優待運賃も提案されている。(...続きを読む)
◆Railway Budget 2009-10 presented with full of goodies
【New Delhi】On July 3rd, Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee presented to the parliament the Rail Budget for 2009-10, it unambiguously spared both passengers as well as corporates from any fare and freight charge hikes while announcing perks such as 12 non-stop point-to-point long-distance trains, air-conditioned double-decker coaches for inter-city travel, Rs 25 passes for the poor, new welfare measures for railway employees and special gifts for West Bengal. It included a new coach factory, non-stop trains and concessions for students on the Kolkata Metro.
2009-07-17 ArtNo.42438(35/71)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州政府は1万2000クロー(US$24.59億)以上の『ハイデラバード地下鉄計画(HMRP:Hyderabad Metro Rail Project)』の国際入札を改めて募集する方針を決めた。これに先だって同州政府はMaytas Infraに率いられるコンソーシアムが期限内に金融アレンジを完了しなかったため、同コンソーシアムに発注したHMRP契約を取り消した。(...続きを読む)
◆Fresh bids to be called for Hyd Metro project
【Hyderabad】The Andhra Pradesh government has decided to call for fresh global bids for the over Rs 12,000 crore Hyderabad Metro Rail Project, in the wake of the Cabinet's decision to scrap the agreement signed with Maytas Infra-led consortium after funding related problems.
【海德拉巴】安德拉州政府已经决定邀请超过1200亿卢比相等于24亿5880万美元的海德拉巴地铁项目的国际投标。这之前该州政府在内阁会议上决定取消给予Maytas Infra有限公司为首的企业联盟的承包合约。因为该企业联盟违反财务收尾期限。
2009-07-17 ArtNo.42439(36/71)
【ニューデリー】Dayanidhi Maran繊維産業相は来週代表団を率いて訪日し、インド繊維産業のプロモーション活動を行う。インド商工会議所協会(Assocham:Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India)も商工省と手を携え、経済特別区(SEZ)への投資誘致を目指し、代表団を率いて26日に訪日する。一方去る14日には、日本代表団がMamata Banerjee鉄道相と会見、西部貨物専用鉄道(Western Dedicated Freight Corridor)プロジェクトへの融資問題を協議した。(...続きを読む)
◆Two delegations to Japan, Rly Minister meets Japanese delegats
【New Delhi】Union Minister for Textiles Dayanidhi Maran is planning to lead a trade delegation to Japan next week to promote the industry. The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham) in collaboration with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry will also lead a 46-member delegation to Japan on July 26 to attract investments in special economic zones (SEZs). Meanwhile a Japanese delegation called on Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee to work out the details of part-financing the Western Dedicated Freight Corridor on July 14.
2009-07-24 ArtNo.42467(37/71)
【ムンバイ】国営ガス供給会社GAIL Indiaは、①天然ガス輸送網、②石油化学、③都市ガスを将来の成長領域と見、これら3業務に照準を合わせ、2011-12年までに年商5万クロー(US$102.45億)の実現を目指す。(...続きを読む)
◆GAIL focusing on petrochem, natural gas network
【Mumbai】GAIL India has outlined natural gas transmission, petrochemicals and city gas distribution as focus areas of future growth and aimed to achieve the revenue target of Rs 50,000 crore ($10.245bn) plus by 2011-12.
2009-07-28 ArtNo.42473(38/71)
【コルカタ】川崎/伊藤忠/東芝から成る企業連合はTexmaco-United Group Ltd (UGL)チームと、地下鉄用客車を合弁で製造することで合意、覚書を交換した。(...続きを読む)
◆Texmaco to make metro rail coach with Japanese consortium
【Kolkata】Japanese consortium comprising Kawasaki , Itochu and Toshiba has signed a memorandum of understanding with Texmaco-United Group Ltd (UGL) combine for manufacturing metro rail coaches.
2009-07-28 ArtNo.42474(39/71)
◆Reliance Infra、セメント/空港事業に注力
【ムンバイ】Anil Ambaniグループ(ADAG)傘下のReliance Infrastructure Ltd(RIFL)は、幹線道路プロジェクトに積極的に入札する以外に、向こう5年間にトップ5のセメント・メーカーに成ることを目指す。また空港の拡張・保守工事を積極的に請け負う計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Reliance Infra bullish on cement, airport biz
【Mumbai】Anil Ambani Group company Reliance Infrastructure is planning to be among the top five cement players in the country within the next five years and also to undertake airport upgradation and maintenance business in the country, apart from bidding actively for major highways projects.
2009-07-31 ArtNo.42490(40/71)
【ヴィサカパトナム】インド初の国産原子力潜水艦『INS Arihant』が26日進水した。Manmohan Singh首相は、「インドは攻撃的デザインを保持しない」と宣言したが、INS Arihantには、射程700キロのK-15ミサイル12基が装備され、各ミサイルには500キロの核弾頭が搭載できる。(...続きを読む)
◆India's first indigenous nuclear submarine launched
【Visakhapatnam】India has inducted its first indigenous nuclear-powered submarine 'INS Arihant'. Even though Prime Minister Manmohan Singh declared that the country had no aggressive designs, 'INS Arihant' is armed with 12 K-15 missiles, each capable of carrying a 500-kg nuclear warhead, having a range of 750-km.
【维沙卡帕特南】印度已经把第一艘国产核动力潜艇『INS Arihant』下水。虽然曼莫汉・辛格总理宣誓说印度没有攻击性武器,INS Arihant装备射程750公里的12K-15导弹。这些导弹会装载500公斤核弹头
2009-07-31 ArtNo.42491(41/71)
【ニューデリー】国防研究開発機構(DRDO:Defence Research Development Organisation)とインド海軍は4000クロー(US$8.196億)の『Advanced Technology Vehicle (ATV)』と称する原子力潜水艦計画(nuclear submarine project)を立案、民間企業に参加を求めている。(...続きを読む)
◆Pvt cos asked to participate in $819.6m N-submarine project
【New Delhi】The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and the Indian Navy is preparing 4,000 crore ($819.6m) nuclear submarine project, also called as the Advanced Technology Vehicle (ATV) project and seeking the support of local industry.
【新德里】印度国防研究与开发组织和印度海军准备推行400亿卢比相等于8亿1960万美元核动力潜艇项目叫做『Advanced Technology Vehicle (ATV)』而叫私人公司参加这项计划。
2009-08-04 ArtNo.42497(42/71)
【ニューデリー】国内線を運航する民間航空8社は2007-08年に合計2400クロー(US$4.92億)以上の損失を計上した。こうした中で、タミールナド州Chennai拠点のParamount Airwaysは2006-07年と2007-08年に利益を計上、これら8社の中で過去3年間に2年連続して利益を計上した唯一の民間航空会社になった。(...続きを読む)
◆Pvt airlines post combined loss of $492m in 2007-08
【New Delhi】The combined loss of the eight domestic airlines was more than Rs 2,400 crore (US$491.76m)during 2007-08. The Chennai-based Paramount Airways has reported a profit during 2006-07 and 2007-08, making it the only airline among the eight domestic private ones to end two successive years in the black in the last three years.
【新德里】国内航线服务的8间私人航空公司在2007-08年蒙受一共240亿卢比相等于4亿9176万美元以上的损失。总部设在金奈的 派拉蒙航空公司在2006-07年与2007-08年都有盈利,从而成为这些8间私人航空公司内过去3年里连续两年实现盈利的唯一公司。
2009-08-07 ArtNo.42511(43/71)
【チェンナイ】タミールナド州Chennai拠点のSical Logistics Ltd(SLL)は、商船三井と共同でチェンナイ近郊Ennore港に輸出や輸入される車輌の駐車場を設け、自動車ヤード管理サービスを提供する。両社はこのほど関係覚書を交換した。(...続きを読む)
◆Sical Logistics in JV with Mitsui O.S.K.
【Chennai】Chennai-based Sical Logistics Ltd has signed a memorandum of understanding with Japan's Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Ltd to set up a joint venture for an automotive management yard at Ennore port, near here.
【金奈】总部位于泰米尔纳德州金奈的Sical Logistics有限公司跟商船三井达成协议,在泰米尔纳德州金奈附近恩洛尔港合资设立货场而给汽车出口商提供存货管理服务,双方已经签署有关备忘录。
2009-08-14 ArtNo.42536(44/71)
◆India seeks $10-bn FDI for road projects
【New Delhi】The Indian government, which aims to attract foreign direct investment of about $10 billion for the roads sector in the next two years, held a road show in Zurich, Switzerland, Tuesday, to seek investors for 135 road projects with an estimated cost of $20.68 billion.
2009-08-21 ArtNo.42562(45/71)
◆58 road projects worth $3.96bn to be awarded soon
【New Delhi】The road transport and highways ministry will award 58 projects worth Rs 19,000 crore ($3.96bn) for building over 7,000 km roads in various states either by itself or through the respective state governments over a period of one year.
2009-08-21 ArtNo.42563(46/71)
◆Centre ready to invest 50% equity in Mumbai Metro phase-III
【Mumbai】The Indian central government is ready to invest 50% equity in the Rs 10,000-crore Mumbai Metro phase III project and to facilitate a concessional loan from Japanese agency and Rs 1,000-crore subsidised debt.
2009-08-25 ArtNo.42571(47/71)
【ニューデリー】全国各州政府の財務部長により構成される特別委員会(ECSFM:Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers)は航空タービン燃料(ATF)の販売税率(sales tax rates)に見直しを加えない方針を決定、経営難に直面する航空業界の期待を無慈悲に打ち砕いた。(...続きを読む)
◆States decision on ATF tax rate blows aviation industry
【New Delhi】In a blow to the beleaguered aviation industry, the empowered committee of state finance ministers decided not to review the current sales tax rates on aviation turbine fuel (ATF).
2009-08-28 ArtNo.42583(48/71)
【チャンディガル】ハリヤナ州工業インフラ開発公社(HSIIDC:Haryana State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation)とインド貨物専用鉄道会社(DFCCIL:The Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Ltd)は、デリー・ムンバイ産業大動脈(Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor)内に多目的ロジスティクス・パーク(MLP:multi-logistic park)を開発する。両社はこのほど関係覚書を交換した。(...続きを読む)
◆HSIIDC, DFCCIL jointly to set up a multi-logistic park
【Chandigarh】Haryana state industrial and infrastructure development corporation (HSIIDC) and Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited (DFCCIL) jointly develop a multi-logistic park along the Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor. The both have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for it.
2009-08-28 ArtNo.42584(49/71)
【ボーパール】マドヤプラデシュ倉庫ロジスティクス公社(MPWLC:Madhya Pradesh Warehousing and Logistics Corporation)はマドヤプラデシュ州農産品販売局(MPSAMB:Madhya Pradesh State Agricultural Marketing Board)と共同で同州Hoshangabad県Pawarkhedaに国内最大規模の総合的州営ロジスティクス・ハブを開発している。(...続きを読む)
◆MP to develop country's largest integrated logistics park
【Bhopal】Madhya Pradesh Warehousing and Logistics Corporation is developing what could be termed as the country's first state-developed integrated logistics hub at Pawarkheda in Hoshangabad district by tieing up with Madhya Pradesh State Agricultural Marketing Board.
2009-08-28 ArtNo.42585(50/71)
◆Patil Rail、デリー空港地下鉄工事契約獲得
【ニューデリー】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点のPatil Rail Infrastructure Pvt Ltd (PRIL)は、インド初の高速無道床軌道(high-speed ballastless track)の建設契約を獲得した。(...続きを読む)
◆Patil Rail bags order from Delhi Airport Metro Express
【New Delhi】Patil Rail Infrastructure Pvt Ltd (PRIL), a Hyderabad based railway track engineering company, has bagged the contract for building the first high-speed ballastless track in India.
ロジスティクス Logistics in 2009
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