観光/レジャー Tourism/Leisure in 2009
【ムンバイ】Hindustan Construction Company Ltd(HCC)は4万クロー(US$80億)を投じ、グジャラート州Dholeraにウォーター・フロント・シティー(WFC)を開発する。
◆HCC to build $80b water front city in Gujarat
【Mumbai】Hindustan Construction Company is going to invest Rs 40,000 crore($8b) to develop a 'Water Front City' at Dholera, Gujarat. The company was inked with the Gujarat Infrastructure Development Board during the Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors' Summit.
2009-02-09 ArtNo.41909(2/19)
【ニューデリー】インドにおけるビジネス機会やビジネス・パートナーを物色する国際企業や多国籍企業、あるいはベンチャー・キャピタルにエクイティー・ベースの支援を提供するため、著名な企業リーダーらが共同でエンジェル・パートナー会社Phi Enterprises P LtdとPhi Televentures P Ltdを創設した。
◆New angel fund formed to bid for 3G, PV power
【New Delhi】High profile corporate executives have joined together to create two new ventures called Phi Enterprises P Ltd and Phi Televentures P Ltd which aim to be angel partners (equity basis) for international enterprises/MNCs/VCs seeking opportunities or partnerships in India.
【新德里】著名企业执行人员们为了向在印度找机会或找伙帮的国际企业,跨国公司或风险基金提供协助而共同成立新天使伙帮公司名叫 Phi Enterprises P有限公司与Phi Televentures P有限公司。
2009-02-23 ArtNo.41960(3/19)
◆Media & entertainment to grow 12.5% by 2013: FICCI-KPMG
【Mumbai】The Rs 58,400 crore Indian media and entertainment industry has been projected a 12.5 per cent growth to reach the size of Rs 1,05,200 crore by 2013.
◆媒体与娱乐产业今后几年每年平均成长12.5%: FICCI-KPMG
2009-03-13 ArtNo.42021(4/19)
◆Moser Baer、年内に映画10本制作
【チェンナイ】中核とする光学媒体製造事業から太陽電池/水力発電/ナノテク/LCDテレビ/家電販売等の領域に進出、積極的に事業の多角化を進めるMoser Baer India Ltd(MBIL)は、子会社のMoser Baer Entertainment Ltd(MBEL)を通じ、今年、映画フィルムの制作や各種言語ビデオの版権購入に120クロー(US$2326万)を投じる計画だ。
◆Moser Baer lines up 10 films for 2009
【Chennai】As part of a diversification strategy from its core optical media business to photovoltaic, hydro electric projects, nano technology, LCD television manufacturing and selling consumer electronics products, Moser Baer India Ltd now plans to invest Rs 120 crore($23.26m) in film production and acquiring home video rights across languages through its subsidiary Moser Baer Entertainment Ltd.
2009-03-27 ArtNo.42076(5/19)
◆Tourism industry earnings drop by 2.5% in Oct-Feb
【Mumbai】The earnings of foreign tourists' arrival in India has fallen by a marginal 2.5% for the October-February period of the year 2008-09.
2009-04-13 ArtNo.42130(6/19)
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州政府とCoal India Ltd (CIL)の4月8日の合意に基づき少なくとも鉄鋼プロジェクト3件が炭鉱地帯のDurgapur-Asansolベルトの外に移転を強いられ、エアロトロポリス(aerotropolis)建設地にも調整が加えられる見通しだ。
◆3 steel projects to be shifted from coal-bearing areas
【Kolkata】The West Bengal government and Coal India Ltd (CIL) on April 8 reached an agreement that will pave the way for relocation of at least three upcoming steel projects in the Durgapur-Asansol area and the aerotropolis project will also be shifted slightly in order to protect the coal reserves.
2009-04-21 ArtNo.42160(7/19)
【ニューデリー】国内定期便運行航空会社9社が今年3月に輸送した乗客数は31 U万人と、昨年同月の371万1000人に比べ約15%減少した。
◆Domestic air passenger traffic falls 15% in March
【New Delhi】The total passengers carried by the nine scheduled domestic airlines in March this year declined almost 15 per cent to 31.60 lakh against 37.11 lakh in the same period last year.
2009-06-05 ArtNo.42298(8/19)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州政府は同州Kadapa県Gandikotaの2000エーカーの土地に公共民間協力(PPP:public private partnership)コンセプトに基づき大型観光施設を開発する。
◆Andhra plans $2.13b tourism project in Kadapa
【Hyderabad】The Andhra Pradesh government plans to develop a tourism project on about 2,000 acre at Gandikota in Kadapa district under public private partnership, according to tourism minister J Geeta Reddy.
【海德拉巴】安德拉州政府旅游部长J Geeta Reddy向记者透露说,州政府计划在古德伯县甘迪科塔的2000英亩的土地上应用公私合作模式而发展旅游设施。
2009-06-09 ArtNo.42313(9/19)
◆Hospitality industry profit falls 64%
【New Delhi】India's hospitality sector has witnessed 64 percentquarter-on-quarter fall in profit during the January-March quarter this year, thanks to a steep fall in foreign tourist inflow, declining room rates and rising expenditure.
2009-06-19 ArtNo.42347(10/19)
◆政府はAir Indiaの救済準備:民間航空相
【ニューデリー】Praful Patel民間航空相は、「国が経営するAir Indiaが膨大な損失を被り、経営難に陥ったなら、政府は救済パッケージを準備するだろう」と語った。
◆Govt preparing bailout package for Air India
【New Delhi】Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel said, "With the national carrier Air India hit by losses, the government would roll out a financial bailout package for it."
【新德里】Praful Patel民航部长说,「如果国营印度国际航空公司遭受膨大的损失,政府会准备一套救济方案。」
2009-07-17 ArtNo.42444(11/19)
◆Anil Ambani氏、ハリウッド・フィルムにUS$8億投資
【ニューデリー】Reliance ADAG(R-ADAG)のAnil Ambani会長は15日、著名な映画監督Steven Spielberg氏及びStacey Snider女史と、マルチ・ムービー合弁契約を結び、ハリウッド・フィルム業界にデビューした。Ambani氏は向こう3年間に同合弁事業の第1期計画に8億2500万米ドルを投資する。
◆Anil Ambani debuts in Hollywood through investment of $825 m
【New Delhi】Reliance ADAG chairman Anil Ambani on July 15 made his debut in Hollywood film production through a multi-movie joint venture deal, where he would pump in $825 million, with ace directors Steven Spielberg and Stacey Snider.
2009-07-28 ArtNo.42474(12/19)
◆Reliance Infra、セメント/空港事業に注力
【ムンバイ】Anil Ambaniグループ(ADAG)傘下のReliance Infrastructure Ltd(RIFL)は、幹線道路プロジェクトに積極的に入札する以外に、向こう5年間にトップ5のセメント・メーカーに成ることを目指す。また空港の拡張・保守工事を積極的に請け負う計画だ。
◆Reliance Infra bullish on cement, airport biz
【Mumbai】Anil Ambani Group company Reliance Infrastructure is planning to be among the top five cement players in the country within the next five years and also to undertake airport upgradation and maintenance business in the country, apart from bidding actively for major highways projects.
2009-07-28 ArtNo.42476(13/19)
◆Orissa, WB and AP jointly promote cruise tourism
【Kolkata】Orissa, West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh are set to introduce cruise connectivity from Visakhapatnam to Kolkata via Orissa coast to promote inter-state tourism. The three states are likely to sign a memorandum of understanding for this project.
2009-08-04 ArtNo.42497(14/19)
【ニューデリー】国内線を運航する民間航空8社は2007-08年に合計2400クロー(US$4.92億)以上の損失を計上した。こうした中で、タミールナド州Chennai拠点のParamount Airwaysは2006-07年と2007-08年に利益を計上、これら8社の中で過去3年間に2年連続して利益を計上した唯一の民間航空会社になった。
◆Pvt airlines post combined loss of $492m in 2007-08
【New Delhi】The combined loss of the eight domestic airlines was more than Rs 2,400 crore (US$491.76m)during 2007-08. The Chennai-based Paramount Airways has reported a profit during 2006-07 and 2007-08, making it the only airline among the eight domestic private ones to end two successive years in the black in the last three years.
【新德里】国内航线服务的8间私人航空公司在2007-08年蒙受一共240亿卢比相等于4亿9176万美元以上的损失。总部设在金奈的 派拉蒙航空公司在2006-07年与2007-08年都有盈利,从而成为这些8间私人航空公司内过去3年里连续两年实现盈利的唯一公司。
2009-08-04 ArtNo.42501(15/19)
【ニューデリー】インドの娯楽メディア(E&M:entertainment and media)産業は過去5年来年率平均16.6%の成長を遂げて来たが、今年は広告支出の減少から成長率が8%に半減する見通しだ。
◆E&M industry's growth to halve this year: PwC
【New Delhi】The Indian entertainment and media (E&M) industry's growth is expected to halve to 8 per cent this year after growing at 16.6 per cent over the last five years on account of lower advertising spends.
2009-08-28 ArtNo.42585(16/19)
◆Patil Rail、デリー空港地下鉄工事契約獲得
【ニューデリー】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点のPatil Rail Infrastructure Pvt Ltd (PRIL)は、インド初の高速無道床軌道(high-speed ballastless track)の建設契約を獲得した。
◆Patil Rail bags order from Delhi Airport Metro Express
【New Delhi】Patil Rail Infrastructure Pvt Ltd (PRIL), a Hyderabad based railway track engineering company, has bagged the contract for building the first high-speed ballastless track in India.
2009-11-20 ArtNo.42880(17/19)
◆Rebound in hotel occupancy in metros
【New Delhi】In a development that could be termed as the fastest turnaround for the hospitality sector, key metros in the country are once again facing a shortage of hotel rooms, compared with a 50% drop in occupancy at its peak last year.
2009-12-04 ArtNo.42924(18/19)
◆GDP grows 7.9% in second quarter
【New Delhi】India's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) posted a robust growth rate of 7.9 per cent in the second quarter of the current fiscal (July-September, 2009) as against 6.1 per cent in the first quarter. This has taken the markets and experts by surprise and raised hopes that the growth for the full year will cross 7 per cent.
2009-12-11 ArtNo.42950(19/19)
【ムンバイ】Anil Dhirubhai Ambaniグループ(ADAG)は、今月末に食品飲料ブランド『Movie Munchies』とミネラル・ウォーター・ブランド『Spring』を立ち上げ、ブランド食品ビジネスに進出する。
◆ADAG to foray into food business
【Mumbai】Anil Ambani's ADAG is all set to launch a food and beverage brand, 'Movie Munchies' and its own mineral water brand, 'Spring', later this month and to make its presence felt in branded food products.