統計/資料 Statistics/Data in 2007
◆Core infrastructure clocks 9.5 per cent growth in Nov
【NEW DELHI】Buoyed by strong performance of petroleum refinery products, crude petroleum and cement, Production in the six core infrastructure industries which have a combined weight of 26.7 per cent in the index of industrial production, during November 2006 increased to 9.5 per cent, compared with 5.7 per cent in the same period last year.
2007-01-08 ArtNo.38885(2/306)
◆Hindustan Zinc/Hindustan Copper、亜鉛/銅値下げ
【ニューデリー】Hindustan Zinc Ltd(HZL)は4日亜鉛製品(primary high-grade zinc)のトン当たり国内価格を21万2200ルピーに、9300ルピー引き下げた。
◆Hindustan Zinc,Hindustan Copper cut zinc and copper prices
【New Delhi】Hindustan Zinc Ltd has cut the domestic prices of its primary high-grade zinc by Rs 9,300 a metric tonne to Rs 2,12,200 a tonne.
2007-01-08 ArtNo.38889(3/306)
◆LG loses top direct cool refrigerator slot
【NEW DELHI】After years of dominance over all categories of consumer appliances market, LG is facing more than just topline growth pressures. For the first time LG has been taken the number one spot in the mass category of refrigerators by Whirlpool.
2007-01-08 ArtNo.38890(4/306)
◆Mobile VAS market may grow to $1 b
【NEW DELHI】The value added services for mobile segment could be worth Rs 4,560 crore(US$1.026b) by the end of 2007, from its current size of Rs 2,850 crore(US$0.641b).
2007-01-10 ArtNo.38894(5/306)
◆A fresh $10-billion-plus FDI to flow into Indian realty mkt in H1
【NEW DELHI】An ever-increasing influx of foreign funds has complemented the boom in real estate. In view of more than 35 big foreign funds have already entered, industry observers are confident that the first half of 2007 will see at least 20 more funds making an India entry. If it materializes, another $10 billion should add to the FDI pie in the real estate sector.
2007-01-12 ArtNo.38916(6/306)
【ムンバイ】インドのパソコン(PC)市場は一時1万ルピーPCの話題で沸騰、Xenitis Groupの『apna PC』/『amchi PC』やSahara Computersの『Dare to Compare』などの新聞広告や屋外広告が目にされたが、今や1万ルピーPCの話題を耳にすることもなくなった。
◆PC penetration still low
【NEW DELHI】IT minister Dayanidhi Maran last month declared 2007 as the year of broadband and raised the target to add a million broadband subscribers a month by the end of this year.But If India has to add a million broadband subscribers a month, it needs a strong computer base across the country, especially at homes. Figures regarding these don't tell a good story.
【新德里】Dayanidhi Maran通信信息科技部长上月说「2007年是宽带通信年」。他也提起这一年之间每个月增加100万宽带通信订户。可是如果达到这个目标,就要实现全国性的个人电脑普及,特别要在家庭市场的普及率提高。然而这个方面的统计数字并不乐观。
2007-01-12 ArtNo.38917(7/306)
【ニューデリー】Dayanidhi Maran通信情報技術相は先月、『2007年はブロードバンド年』と宣言、ブロードバンド利用者を毎月100万人ずつ増やす目標を提起したが、同目標の成否は取り分け家庭を中心にしたパーソナル・コンピューター(PC)の普及にかかっている。しかしこの方面の統計数字は決して明るい見通しを示していない。
◆PC penetration still low
【NEW DELHI】IT minister Dayanidhi Maran last month declared 2007 as the year of broadband and raised the target to add a million broadband subscribers a month by the end of this year.But If India has to add a million broadband subscribers a month, it needs a strong computer base across the country, especially at homes. Figures regarding these don't tell a good story.
【新德里】Dayanidhi Maran通信信息科技部长上月说「2007年是宽带通信年」。他也提起这一年之间每个月增加100万宽带通信订户。可是如果达到这个目标,就要实现全国性的个人电脑普及,特别要在家庭市场的普及率提高。然而这个方面的统计数字并不乐观。
2007-01-15 ArtNo.38922(8/306)
【ニューデリー】昨年12月の乗用車(passenger car)販売台数は伝統的に市況が低調な時期にも関わらずコンパクト・カーの好調な売れ行きに支えられ、前年同月の6万5853台を23%上回る8万1026台をマークした。
◆Car sales jump 23% in December
【New Delhi】Led by a significant rise in the sale of compact cars, domestic passenger car sales were up 23% for the traditionally slow month of December, at 81,026 units as against 65,853 units the year before.
2007-01-15 ArtNo.38923(9/306)
【ニューデリー】乗用車両(passenger vehicle:乗用車と多用途車を含む)の昨年12月の販売台数は10万5000台と、前年同月の8万6946台に比べ21%増加した。
◆Passenger vehicles sales grew 21% in December
【New Delhi】Passenger vehicles sales, including cars, utility vehicles and multi-utility vehicles have registered a growth of little over 21% and stood at 1.05 lakh units in December '06, against 86,946 units the year before.
2007-01-15 ArtNo.38924(10/306)
◆Mobike sales rose 4.5% in December
【New Delhi】Domestic motorcycle sales grew by just about 4.5% to 4,92,288 units in December '06 as against 4,71,075 units in the same month a year ago.
2007-01-15 ArtNo.38929(11/306)
【ニューデリー】製造業の好調と電力/鉱業両部門の復調に支えられ、昨年11月の工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)は14.4%の伸びを記録、前年同月の6%の伸びを上回った。
◆Industrial Production grows 14.4 pc in Nov
【New Delhi】Propelled by strong performance in manufacturing and a bounce back in power generation and mining production, the Index for Industrial Production (IIP) went up by 14.4 % in November 2006 compared to 6 % in the same month last year.
2007-01-17 ArtNo.38941(12/306)
◆Petro sector exports set to double to $20 bn this year
【Panipat】India's petroleum products exports recorded $10 billion in the first six months of the current fiscal and are expected to reach $20 billion for the full fiscal.
2007-01-22 ArtNo.38957(13/306)
【ニューデリー】情報技術(IT)企業の受託契約(outsourcing contract)は2006年には世界的に縮小したが、インドではInfosys、TCS、Wipro等の企業が過去4年間にそのシェアを14倍に拡大した。
◆India cos increased share in outsourcing mkt
【NEW DELHI】Although IT firms witnessed an overall drop in new outsourcing contracts globally in 2006, Indian companies -- such as Infosys, TCS and Wipro bucked the trend with a sharp jump of over 14 times in their market share in the past four years.
2007-01-22 ArtNo.38965(14/306)
◆FDI inflows swell 117% in Apr-Nov
【New Delhi】Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows into India stood at $7.3 billion during the first eight months of 2006-07 which increased 117 per cent compared to $3.5 billion in the same period last fiscal.
2007-01-24 ArtNo.38976(15/306)
【ニューデリー】インドにおける開発業務受託機関(CRO:Contract Research Organisations)市場は年率50%の成長を遂げ2010年までに10億米ドルの大台に乗る見通しだ。
◆Contract research revenues in Indian to touch $1 billion by 2010
【New Delhi】Indian Contract Research Organisations (CRO) market is on a 50 per cent growth trajectory and is set to grow to $1 billion in revenues by 2010.
2007-01-26 ArtNo.38978(16/306)
◆Customs duty on 11 items slashe
【New Delhi】The government on January 22 reduced customs duty on 11 product categories, including portland cement, capital goods, project imports and raw materials in a move aimed at bringing inflation under control.
2007-01-26 ArtNo.38979(17/306)
【ニューデリー】大蔵省が11輸入品目の関税引き下げを発表した翌日、インドのトップ亜鉛製造業者Hindustan Zinc Ltd(HZL)とBinani Zinc Ltd(BZL)は揃って値下げを発表した。大蔵省筋によると、インド政府は今回の関税引き下げで3000クロー(US$6.77億)の歳入減を被るものと見られる。
◆Zinc majors take the cue, slash prices
【New Delhi】A day after the finance ministry cut import duties on 11 product categories, top manufacturers of zinc — Hindustan Zinc and Binani Zinc — slashed prices. The finance ministry sources said the cut in customs duty could result in a revenue loss of about Rs 3,000 crore.
2007-01-26 ArtNo.38986(18/306)
【バンガロール】インドのWi-Fi(wireless fidelity)市場規模(組込ソフトとラップトップPCを除く)は、今日の4160万米ドルから2012年には7億4400万米ドルに年率(CAGR:複合年間成長率)61.4%の成長が予想される。
◆Wi-Fi market to rise to $744 million by 2012
【Bangalore】The overall Indian Wi-Fi market (excluding embedded devices and laptops) is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 61.4 per cent to over $744 million by 2012 from the current $41.6 million.
2007-01-26 ArtNo.38987(19/306)
◆IT revenues to touch $47.8 b, growing at 28%
【Mumbai】Revenues from the Indian IT-ITES sector (including the domestic and export segments) are expected to exceed $47.8 billion in the current fiscal from $37.4 billion in 2006, an increase of nearly 28 per cent.
2007-01-29 ArtNo.39001(20/306)
【ニューデリー】インドの工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)伸び率は2006年10月に今会計年度に入って以来最低の6.2%に鈍化した後、11月には14.4%と、過去10年来の最高を記録した7月の12.7%を上回る目覚ましい復調を見た。
◆Industrial growth at decade-high 14.4% in Nov
【New Delhi】After slumped to a low of 6.2 per cent in October, the lowest this fiscal year, industrial growth made a sharp turnaround and hit a decade's high at 14.4 per cent during November 2006.
2007-01-31 ArtNo.39013(21/306)
◆Export growth rate slows down in Dec at 19.5 pc
【New Delhi】India's exports in December 2006 were valued at $9.9 billion as compared to $8.28 billion in the same month in the previous fiscal clocking 19.5 per cent growth. But the country's export growth seems to have slowed down in December 2006. The monthly export growth rates from April to November 2006 are 27.08 in April, 29.5% in May, 40% in June, 41% in July, 41.14% in August, 41.19% in September, 19.03% in October and 33.6% in November.
2007-02-02 ArtNo.39014(22/306)
【ムンバイ】中央銀行は1月31日、インフレ高進の抑制、過熱するローン需要の鎮静化を目指し、主要短期貸出金利のレポレート(repo rate)を7.25%から過去4年来最高の7.50%に引き上げた。
◆RBI hikes repo rate to the highest in four years
【Mumbai】The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) raised its key short-term lending rate, known as the repo rate, to 7.50 percent from 7.25 percent on January 31, its highest since March 2003, to rein in inflation and temper strong demand for loans.
2007-02-02 ArtNo.39018(23/306)
◆Hero Honda、1月の二輪車販売16.8%アップ
【ニューデリー】インド最大の二輪車メーカーHero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)の1月の二輪車販売は輸出も含め29万7554台と、昨年同月の24万9450台に比べ16.8%増加した。
◆Hero Honda sales up 16.8 pc in January
【NEW DELHI】India's largest two-wheeler manufacturer Hero Honda Motors Ltd reported a 16.8 per cent increase in its sales (including exports) during January at 2,97,554 units as against 2,49,450 units in the same month a year ago.
2007-02-02 ArtNo.39019(24/306)
◆Bajaj Auto、1月の二輪/三輪車販売12.7%アップ
【ムンバイ】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)の1月の二輪/三輪車販売台数は22万9583台と、昨年同月比12.7%増加した。
◆Bajaj Auto sales up 12.7% in January
【Mumbai】Bajaj Auto Ltd's sales of two and three-wheelers in January registered 229,583 units, up 12.7 per cent compared to the same month a year earlier.
【孟买】巴贾吉汽车公司说在9月的二轮和三轮车销售量记录了22万9583辆,比去年同一月增加12.7% 。
2007-02-02 ArtNo.39020(25/306)
【ムンバイ】インド第3の二輪車メーカー、TVS Motor Company Ltd(TVSMC)の1月の二輪車販売台数は12万1147台と、昨年同月の11万2910台に比べ7%増加した。
◆TVS Motor Jan two-wheeler sales rise 7%
【Mumbai】India's third-biggest motorcycle maker, TVS Motor Company's January two-wheeler sales rose 7 per cent at 121,147 units as compared to 112,910 units in the same month a year ago.
2007-02-05 ArtNo.39026(26/306)
◆GDP growth rate revised to 9% for 2005-06
【New Delhi】The Central Statistical Organisation (CSO) on January 31 revised upwards its 2005-06 Gross Domestic Product growth estimate to 9.0 per cent from an earlier 8.4 per cent mainly to account for a sharp revision in agricultural sector growth.
2007-02-05 ArtNo.39028(27/306)
◆Hindustan Zinc、亜鉛/鉛値下げ
【ムンバイ/ニューデリー】Hindustan Zinc Ltd (HZL)は2月1日、亜鉛のトン当たり価格を前回調整時(1月27日)に比べ1万500ルピー引き下げた。
◆HZL reduces zinc, lead prices
【Mumbai/New Delhi】Hindustan Zinc Ltd (HZL) has slashed prices of domestic metals by Rs 10,500 per tonne since the last revision on January 27, effective February 1.
2007-02-05 ArtNo.39029(28/306)
◆Hindustan Copper、銅値下げ
【ムンバイ】Hindustan Copper Ltd(HCL)は、ロンドン金属取引所(LME)の価格動向に倣い2月1日から銅のトン当たり価格を16%引き下げた。
◆HCL slash copper prices
【Mumbai】Hindustan Copper Ltd(HCL) has slashed prices of domestic metals by 16%, effective February 1, to align them with the prices on the London Metal Exchange (LME).
2007-02-05 ArtNo.39035(29/306)
【ニューデリー】情報技術製造業者協会(MAIT:Manufacturers' Association for Information Technology)の発表によれば、2006-07年上半期(2006/4-9)のパーソナル・コンピューター(PC)販売は296万台と、前年同期比19%の伸びを見た。
◆PC sales see 19% growth in H1: MAIT
【New Delhi】According to the Manufacturers' Association of Information Technology(MAIT)'s report, a total of 2.96 million personal computers (including desktop computers and notebooks) were sold in the first half of 2006-07, registering a growth rate of 19 per cent over the same period last fiscal.
2007-02-09 ArtNo.39050(30/306)
◆CSO revised GDP growth rate in 2006-07 to 9.2%
【New Delhi】India's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is set to grow at 9.2 per cent, the highest-ever growth rate since 1988-89, during the current fiscal.
2007-02-09 ArtNo.39051(31/306)
◆Infrastructure industry grows 8.3 % in December
【NEW DELHI】Although performance of steel, coal and cement sector is poor, riding on the upturn in crude oil and power production, the index of six core infrastructure industries registered a growth of 8.3 per cent in December 2006 as against 7.5 per cent in the corresponding period last year.
◆骨干基础设施产业去年12月成长了8.3 %
【新德里】原油和电力的良好的成绩弥补了钢铁,煤和水泥的不振,骨干基础设施产业去年12月成记录了8.3 %成长,超越了前年同一月的7.5%的成长率。
2007-02-09 ArtNo.39052(32/306)
◆Govt's green initiatives may fetch $3.5billion
【NEW DELHI】India's green initiatives may fetch a whopping $3.5 billion by 2012.
2007-02-14 ArtNo.39085(33/306)
◆Grain projection highest in past 5 years
【New Delhi】The agriculture ministry on February 6 forecasted the foodgrain production in 2006-07 at 209.17 million tonnes, the highest since 2001-02, when it recorded 212.85 million tonnes.
2007-02-16 ArtNo.39091(34/306)
◆Car sales up 24% in Jan
【New Delhi】Domestic passenger car sales posted 24.04 per cent growth in January 2007 at 1,04,488 units as against 84,235 units in the corresponding period a year ago. The sales also marks a surge of 29 per cent from the December 2006 sales of 81,026 vehicles.
2007-02-16 ArtNo.39092(35/306)
【ニューデリー】今年(2007)1月の商用車(commercial vehicle)の国内販売台数は4万7276台と、昨年同月の3万4043台に比べ38.87%の成長を見た。
◆January commercial vehicle sales up 38.9%
【New Delhi】Domestic commercial vehicles sales posted strong 47,276-unit in January 2007, rising 38.9 per cent from 34, 043 units, year-on-year.
2007-02-16 ArtNo.39093(36/306)
◆January two-wheeler sales up by 11.4%
【New Delhi】In the two-wheeler segment, domestic sales during January 2007 stood at 6,77,390 units against 6,08,011 units in the corresponding period a year ago, up by 11.4 per cent.
2007-02-16 ArtNo.39095(37/306)
◆Maharashtra adds 17,000 MW in five years
【Mumbai】Maharashtra has planned to generate and supply a 17,000 MW of additional power in next three to five years.
2007-02-16 ArtNo.39096(38/306)
【ニューデリー】資本財部門の好調に牽引され昨年12月の工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)の伸びは11.1%を記録、前年同月の5.7%に比べ顕著に加速した。しかし前月11月の14.4%に比べ鈍化した。
◆Industrial output growth at 11.1 p.c. in Dec.
【New Delhi】Cashing in on strong growth in the production of capital goods, the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) grew by 11.1 per cent during December 2006 as against 5.7 per cent in December 2005. It was, however, lower than the 14.4% growth witnessed in November.
【新德里】很坚强的资本财部门的推动下,去年12月的工业生产指数成长了11.1%,比前年同一月的 5.7%来的高。不过,比不上去年11月的 14.4%。
2007-02-16 ArtNo.39097(39/306)
【ムンバイ】インフレが過去2年来の最高水準に達する中、先月末短期貸出金利(repo rate)を0.25%ポイント引き上げたばかりのインド中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)は13日、支払準備比率(CRR:Cash Reserve Ratio)を0.50%ポイント引き上げると発表した。
◆RBI hikes CRR by 0.50 percentage point to curb inflation
【Mumbai】Concerned over inflation shooting to over a two-year high, Reserve Bank of India, which only last month hiked short-term lending (repo) rate by 0.25 per cent, on February 13, announced its decision to hike Cash Reserve Ratio by 0.50 per cent.
2007-02-21 ArtNo.39099(40/306)
◆Small sponge iron units come up rapidly to cash in on steel buoyancy
【Mumbai】Riding on the current perkiness in the steel sector, there are rapidly coming up small- and medium-size sponge iron units in the country's iron ore-rich regions – including Orissa and Chhattisgarh.
2007-03-02 ArtNo.39135(41/306)
【ニューデリー】Lalu Prasad鉄道相は26日、乗車賃や貨物運賃の値上げを見合わせただけでなく、乗車賃を最大8%、石油製品/鉄鉱石/石灰岩/その他の鉱物運賃を5~6%、それぞれ引き下げることを含む鉄道予算案を国会に上程した。
◆Rail Budget to reduce freight charges and passenger fares
【New Delhi】The Union Railway Minister, Mr Lalu Prasad, has not only refrained from announcing any passenger or freight fare hikes in his 2007-08 Rail Budget, but he has actually effected token reductions in passenger fares by up to eight per cent and freight charges on petro-products, iron ore, limestone and other minerals by 5-6 per cent.
【新德里】铁路部长Lalu Prasad26日提出国会2007-08年铁路预算案。他不但没有提高乘客和货物运输费而且把乘客予恕费消减最高8%,把石油产品·铁矿·石灰石·其他矿物运输费下降5至6%。
2007-03-02 ArtNo.39139(42/306)
◆PC market grows 25% in 2006
【NEW DELHI】The Indian Personal Computer market recorded a 25 per cent growth in 2006 with total shipments crossing five million units.
2007-03-02 ArtNo.39145(43/306)
【ムンバイ】インド工科大学(IIT:Indian Institute of Technology)ボンベイ校Shailesh J Mehta経営学部新卒者の平均国内初任給は昨年度の78万3000ルピー(US$1.7775万)から97万1000ルピー(US$2.19819万)に24%上昇した。
◆IIT Bombay B-school salaries up 24% this year
【MUMBAI】The average domestic salary for new graduates in Shailesh J Mehta School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay rose by 24% to Rs 9.71 lakh this year from Rs 7.83 lakh last year.
【孟买】孟买印度理工学院Shailesh J Mehta工商管理系应届毕业生的平均年薪从去年的78万3000卢比到今年的97万1000卢比上升24%。
2007-03-05 ArtNo.39148(44/306)
◆Pension funds be used to meet the investment in infrastructure: Survey
【NEW DELHI】Eaven as infrastructure now showing signs of progress and providing impetus to economic growth, the Economic Survey has suggested that insurance and pension funds can be used to meet the massive investment need of $320 billion in infrastructure during the XI Plan.
2007-03-05 ArtNo.39150(45/306)
◆Multi-modal system is imperative: Survey
【New Delhi】Slow evacuation of cargo coupled with poor hinterland connectivity has adversely impacted the efficacy of ports and it is essential to develop a multi-modal system to enhance their competitiveness.
2007-03-05 ArtNo.39153(46/306)
◆Auto industry becoms the major engine for growth: Survey
【New Delhi】The Economic Survey said on February 27, "India's automobile industry needs a major push to enhance its capabilities to innovate and upgrade to remain competitive in terms of quality and price in the global market".
2007-03-05 ArtNo.39156(47/306)
◆IT/ ITES sector employment up 353% in six years: Survey
【New Delhi】The growth of the IT/ ITES sector has exerted a salutary influence on the employment scenario, with total number of professionals employed in the sector growing by 353% from an estimated 2,84,000 in 1999-2000 to 12,87,000 in 2005-06.
2007-03-07 ArtNo.39158(48/306)
【ニューデリー】国営Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)/Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd(RINL)/Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)/Essar Steel Ltd(ESL)/Ispat Industries Ltd(IIL)/JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)を含む主要鉄鋼メーカーは5日、鉄鋼省のR S Pandey次官と会談後、3月1日に値上げしたTMT鉄筋、亜鉛鍍金鋼、熱間圧延コイル(HRC)等の価格を引き下げることを認めた。
◆Steel makers revoke hike on Govt intervention
【NEW DELHI】Steel utilities including Steel Authority of India Ltd, Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd, Tata Steel Ltd, Essar Steel Ltd, Ispat Industries Ltd and JSW Steel Ltd on March 5 agreed to reduce prices they had hiked on the first day of this month after meetings with Steel Secretary R S Pandey here.
【新德里】印度钢铁管理局公司/拉什特里亚·伊斯帕特·尼伽姆公司/塔塔钢铁公司/埃萨钢公司/伊斯帕特工业公司/京德勒西南钢铁公司等主要的国内钢厂3月5日跟R S Pandey钢铁部秘书长会谈后同意把它们的钢铁产品价格回到3月1日的加价以前的水准。
2007-03-07 ArtNo.39159(49/306)
◆Cement cos refuse Gov's call for rollback price hike
【NEW DELHI】The inflation-wary government parleyed with steel and cement makers for almost whole day long to convince them to roll back price hikes announced after Budget 2007. It was only partially successful. The steel companies have accepted but cement makers have refused to roll back their price hikes.
2007-03-07 ArtNo.39161(50/306)
◆Hero Honda+11.8%、Bajaj-2%、TVS+6%
【ニューデリー】マーケット・リーダーHero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)の2月の二輪車販売台数は28万515台と、昨年同月の25万695台に比べ11.8%増加した。
◆Hero Honda sales up 11.8%, Bajaj down 2%, TVS up 6%
【New Delhi】Hero Honda Motors Ltd sold 2,80,515 units two-wheelers in February, up 11.89 per cent from 2,50,695 units reported a year earlier.
統計/資料 Statistics/Data in 2007