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公益サービス Public Utility in 2020
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元のページへ戻る ►2020-03-13 ArtNo.46700(1/8)

【ニューデリー】IHSマークイットインディア製造業購買管理者指数(PMI:Purchasing Managers' Index)報告によると、年初に見られた製造業の強力な伸びは2月も維持され、工場の注文、輸出、生産の伸び率は1月のピークからわずかに低下したにとどまった。しかし専門家は、コロナウイルスの発生により今後数ヶ月のうちに輸出やサプライチェーンが損傷を受ける恐れがあると指摘する。
○2月の失業率7.78%、景気後退で4ヶ月ぶりの高水準マーク: CMIE(...続きを読む)
2020-03-13 ArtNo.46702(2/8)
◆Feb manufacturing PMI slips marginally to 54.5

【New Delhi】The strong manufacturing sector expansion seen in India at the start of the year was maintained in February, with the growth rates for factory orders, exports and output dipping only marginally from January's highs, according to IHS Markit India Manufacturing PMI report.  However, coronavirus outbreak may hurt exports, supply chains, in coming months, says expert
○Weak demand, virus outbreak in China bring down two-wheeler sales in February
○Commercial vehicles continue to slip, top cos see decline in February sales
○OECD slashes India's FY21 growth forecast to 5.1% on coronavirus woes
○Feb unemployment rate hits 4-month high of 7.78% as slowdown persists: CMIE(...続きを読む)
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46877(3/8)

2020-09-10 ArtNo.46879(4/8)
◆Federal govt 'incompetent', 'incapable' of running country: CJP

【Islamabad】Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Gulzar Ahmed said on September 1 that the federal government was neither competent nor capable of running the country.(...続きを読む)
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46878(5/8)

【伊斯兰堡】巴基斯坦首席法官古尔扎尔·艾哈迈德(Gulzar Ahmed)于9月1日表示,「联邦政府既无能力也不恰当(无资格)管理国家。」(...続きを読む)
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46880(6/8)

2020-09-10 ArtNo.46882(7/8)
◆Poor planning, poor governance, poor monitoring flood Karachi

【Karachi】It does not always rain in Karachi during the monsoon. When it does, it floods. Many parts of Karachi went without electricity for 50 hours, prompting Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah to ask, "What kind of service is this?". Internet and cell phone networks were disrupted all over Pakistan's largest city.(...続きを読む)
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46881(8/8)

【卡拉奇】季风期间,卡拉奇并不总是下雨。 但如果下雨,它就会泛滥。卡拉奇的许多地方都停电了50个小时,促使信德省首席部长穆拉德·阿里·沙赫问道「天啊,这到体是什么服务?」 巴基斯坦最大的城市的互联网和手机网络在全区遭到断绝。(...続きを読む)
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