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外交地域政治 Foreign Affair in 2013
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元のページへ戻る ►2013-08-08 ArtNo.44525(1/27)
 パキスタンのNawaz Sharif首相は8日、インド・パキスタン停戦ライン(LOC:Line of Control)における最近の事件と人命が喪失されたことに遺憾の意を表明、同事件を切っ掛けに高まった両国間の対立感情、取り分けインド側の憤激の冷却化に努めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Sharif sad over LoC killings, wants to meet Manmohan Singh
Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif today sought to assuage feelings in India by expressing "sadness" over the recent incidents on the LoC and "loss of precious human lives" that sparked tensions between the two countries.
2013-08-08 ArtNo.44528(2/27)
【ニューデリー】A.K. Antony国防相は8日、国会下院において「パキスタン軍の支援なしには、インド軍に対する攻撃は不可能である」と述べるとともに、「我々の自制を当然視すべきではない」とパキスタンに対して警告した。(...続きを読む)
◆Antony backtracks on earlier statement, blames Pakistan Army
New Delhi, Aug 8: Defence Minister A.K. Antony today said that no attack on Indian troops will be possible without the support of the Pakistan Army.
2013-08-08 ArtNo.44531(3/27)
 国民会議派幹部のDigvijay Singh氏は、パキスタンとの停戦ラインにおけるインド軍兵士殺害事件を巡るA K Antony国防相の発言に対するインド人民党(BJP:Bharatiya Janata Party)の非難に触れ、BJPは国家の安全問題を政争の具として利用していると反論した。(...続きを読む)
◆BJP politicising national security issue, Digvijay Singh
Defending Defence Minister A K Antony on the Poonch killings issue, senior Congress leader Digvijay Singh today accused the BJP of politicising an issue concerning national security.
2013-08-08 ArtNo.44534(4/27)
インド人民党(BJP:Bharatiya Janata Party)幹部のMurli Manohar Joshi氏は8日、「インド軍兵士5人がパキスタンにより殺害された今、BJP政権時代にパキスタンがAtal Bihari Vajpayee当時首相に行った約束を履行するまで、インドがパキスタンとの首脳会談に応じるべきではない十分な理由が存在する」と指摘した。(...続きを読む)
◆Sufficient ground not to hold talks with Pak: BJP
BJP leader Murli Manohar Joshi said; “Right now, there is sufficient ground to declare that the Indian Prime Minister will not hold any talks with Pakistan.”
2013-08-08 ArtNo.44537(5/27)
 インド人民党(BJP:Bharatiya Janata Party)は、A.K. Antony国防相が、インド軍兵士殺害事件にパキスタン軍が関与したとの見解を表明したことを歓迎、同事件を巡る政府の対応を支持する姿勢を表明した。(...続きを読む)
◆Happy that Defence Minister has accepted mistake: BJP
With A.K. Antony speaking of involvement of Pakistani troops in the LoC attack, the BJP on Thursday came out in support of the government on the response over the killing of Indian soldiers, saying it was happy that the Defence Minister has accepted his mistake and rectified it.
2013-08-08 ArtNo.44526(6/27)
◆Sharif sad over LoC killings, wants to meet Manmohan Singh
Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif today sought to assuage feelings in India by expressing "sadness" over the recent incidents on the LoC and "loss of precious human lives" that sparked tensions between the two countries.
2013-08-08 ArtNo.44529(7/27)
◆Antony backtracks on earlier statement, blames Pakistan Army
New Delhi, Aug 8: Defence Minister A.K. Antony today said that no attack on Indian troops will be possible without the support of the Pakistan Army.
2013-08-08 ArtNo.44532(8/27)
◆BJP politicising national security issue, Digvijay Singh
Defending Defence Minister A K Antony on the Poonch killings issue, senior Congress leader Digvijay Singh today accused the BJP of politicising an issue concerning national security.
2013-08-08 ArtNo.44535(9/27)
◆Sufficient ground not to hold talks with Pak: BJP
BJP leader Murli Manohar Joshi said; “Right now, there is sufficient ground to declare that the Indian Prime Minister will not hold any talks with Pakistan.”
2013-08-08 ArtNo.44538(10/27)
◆Happy that Defence Minister has accepted mistake: BJP
With A.K. Antony speaking of involvement of Pakistani troops in the LoC attack, the BJP on Thursday came out in support of the government on the response over the killing of Indian soldiers, saying it was happy that the Defence Minister has accepted his mistake and rectified it.
2013-08-08 ArtNo.44527(11/27)
◆Sharif sad over LoC killings, wants to meet Manmohan Singh
Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif today sought to assuage feelings in India by expressing "sadness" over the recent incidents on the LoC and "loss of precious human lives" that sparked tensions between the two countries.(...続きを読む)
2013-08-08 ArtNo.44530(12/27)
◆Antony backtracks on earlier statement, blames Pakistan Army
New Delhi, Aug 8: Defence Minister A.K. Antony today said that no attack on Indian troops will be possible without the support of the Pakistan Army. (...続きを読む)
2013-08-08 ArtNo.44533(13/27)
◆BJP politicising national security issue, Digvijay Singh
Defending Defence Minister A K Antony on the Poonch killings issue, senior Congress leader Digvijay Singh today accused the BJP of politicising an issue concerning national security.(...続きを読む)
2013-08-08 ArtNo.44536(14/27)
◆Sufficient ground not to hold talks with Pak: BJP
BJP leader Murli Manohar Joshi said; “Right now, there is sufficient ground to declare that the Indian Prime Minister will not hold any talks with Pakistan.”(...続きを読む)
2013-08-08 ArtNo.44539(15/27)
◆Happy that Defence Minister has accepted mistake: BJP
With A.K. Antony speaking of involvement of Pakistani troops in the LoC attack, the BJP on Thursday came out in support of the government on the response over the killing of Indian soldiers, saying it was happy that the Defence Minister has accepted his mistake and rectified it.(...続きを読む)
2013-08-16 ArtNo.44600(16/27)
◆Indian tax laws are a source of frustration for US companies: Nancy J Powell
The complexities of Indian taxation system has become a sore point with American firms, says US Ambassador to India Nancy J Powell.
2013-08-16 ArtNo.44601(17/27)
◆Indian tax laws are a source of frustration for US companies: Nancy J Powell
The complexities of Indian taxation system has become a sore point with American firms, says US Ambassador to India Nancy J Powell.
2013-08-16 ArtNo.44602(18/27)
◆Indian tax laws are a source of frustration for US companies: Nancy J Powell
The complexities of Indian taxation system has become a sore point with American firms, says US Ambassador to India Nancy J Powell. (...続きを読む)
2013-12-20 ArtNo.44645(19/27)
2013-12-20 ArtNo.44646(20/27)
2013-12-20 ArtNo.44647(21/27)
◆India, Pakistan may agree to resume talks on easing trade
【New Delhi】India-Pakistan trade talks are likely to resume soon as Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma and Pakistan's Minister of State for Commerce Khurram Dastgir Khan met here today to discuss further normalisation of the bilateral process .(...続きを読む)
2013-12-20 ArtNo.44648(22/27)
2013-12-20 ArtNo.44649(23/27)
2013-12-20 ArtNo.44650(24/27)
◆Commerce Ministry seeks more Indian ships for trade with Iran
【New Delhi】The Commerce Ministry has urged the Shipping Ministry to increase the number of ships plying between India and Iran as inadequate transportation options are impeding trade.(...続きを読む)
2013-12-31 ArtNo.44714(25/27)
【ワガ】インドとパキスタン軍事作戦局長(DGMO:Directors-General of Military Operations)は24日、両軍休戦ライン(LoC:Line of Control)における戦闘の停止、平和、安定を確実にする努力を継続する決意と誓いを相互に確認した。(...続きを読む)
2013-12-31 ArtNo.44715(26/27)
2013-12-31 ArtNo.44716(27/27)
◆India, Pak DGMOs meet at Wagah-Attari border
【Wagah】The Directors-General of Military Operations(DGMO)s of India and Pakistan on Tuesday "reiterated the resolve and commitment'' of both sides to continue efforts for ensuring ceasefire, peace and tranquility on the Line of Control [LoC]."(...続きを読む)
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