人物/人事 Personnal Affairs in 2007
◆India, Russia sign 9MoUs including a deal to build 4 reactors
【New Delhi】India and Russia signed nine agreements including a deal to build 4 atomic reactors on January 25. One of the local newspapers reported; Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's break with protocol to personally receive President Vladimir Putin, who was on a visit to India as a special invitee to the Republic Day celebrations, at the airport was rewarded when Russia agreed to build four new nuclear reactors.
2007-02-02 ArtNo.39024(2/53)
◆TCG、Haldia Petro支配認める判決獲得
【ニューデリー】会社法委員会(CLB:Company Law Board)は1月31日、Indian Oil Corp(IOC)のHaldia Petrochemical Ltd(HPL)への出資を認める一方、西ベンガル州政府にHPL持ち分を合弁パートナーのPurnendu Chatterjee氏のThe Chatterjee Group(TCG)に売却し、HPLから手を引くようもとめる裁定を下した。
◆TCG poised to take over Haldia Petro
【NEW DELHI】The Company Law Board on January 31 directed the West Bengal Government to sell its stake in Haldia Petrochemical Ltd to the joint venture partner, Purnendu Chatterjee, and to exit from the company though upholding the Indian Oil Corporation's entry into the petrochemical plant.
2007-02-14 ArtNo.39080(3/53)
【ニューデリー】インド第2の二輪車メーカー、Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は、約8000クロー(US$18.06億)の現金余剰の効率的運用を目指す組織再編を計画しており、Rahul Bajaj会長の2人の子息、Rajiv氏とSanjiv氏にそれぞれ率いられる自動車会社と金融会社が誕生する。BAL取締役会は3月乃至5月に同問題を討議に付す見通しだ。
◆Bajaj to set up Rs 6,000 cr new investment firm
【New Delhi】India's second-largest two-wheeler manufacturer Bajaj Auto Ltd is all set to be carved into separate auto and finance entities, to be headed by Group chief Rahul Bajaj's sons Rajiv and Sanjiv, respectively. A plan for demerger to utilise the company's Rs 8,000-crore surplus cash would be put before the board of Bajaj Auto in March or May.
【新德里】印度第二大摩托车制造商巴贾吉汽车公司将分裂Rahul Bajaj主席的两位儿子Rajiv与Sanjiv各为首的汽车公司和投资金融公司。以运用800亿卢比的储备金为目的的这件该租计划将在3月或5月举行的董事会里被讨论。
2007-02-23 ArtNo.39110(4/53)
【ニューデリー】世界最大の鉄鋼会社Mittal Steelを率いるLakshmi Niwas Mittal氏の投資会社Mittal Investmentが国営石油会社Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL)のBhatinda製油所プロジェクトに3200クロー(US$7.22億)出資する。
◆Mittal to invest $722 m in HPCL's Bhatinda refinery
【New Delhi】Lakshmi Niwas Mittal, the world's largest steel producer, has bought 49 per cent in Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd's new refinery at Bathinda, Punjab for Rs 3,200 crore($722 million) through Mittal Investments, a company he controls.
2007-02-26 ArtNo.39124(5/53)
【ニューデリー】シリコン・バリーをベースにする海外在住インド人グループは、インド政府が『半導体政策』を発表したのを機に、『Hindustan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (HSMC) India』と称する特別任務会社(SPV)を設立、世界半導体産業のトップ5に数えられる外国パートナーも仲間に引き入れ、インドに半導体ファブ2つを設ける計画を明らかにした。
◆NRIs plan JV to set up two fab units
【NEW DELHI】Quick on the heels of the Government announcing its new semiconductor policy, a group of Silicon Valley NRIs have announced its intention to set up a SPV under the name of Hindustan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (HSMC) India and tie up with a global major –– one of the top 5 multinationals in this segment –– to set up two fab units in India.
2007-02-26 ArtNo.39130(6/53)
【ニューデリー】経済問題閣僚委員会(CCEA:Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs)は、インドネシア拠点のSalim/Ciputra両グループの合弁に成るNew Kolkata International Development Private Ltd(NKID)による5億米ドルのプロジェクトを含む6億5000万米ドルの外国直接投資(FDI)プロジェクトを承認した。
◆$650 million FDI cleared, including Salim and Ciputra groups' JV
【New Delhi】The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) permitted a total of $650 million foreign direct investment proposals including a $500million foreign direct investment proposal by Indonesia-based Salim and Ciputra groups-promoted New Kolkata International Development Private Ltd.
2007-03-02 ArtNo.39138(7/53)
◆Chip makers' fund rush may be seen
【BANGALORE】Following the announcement of the Semiconductor Policy by the Union government, a slew of announcements for committing investments in the Indian semiconductor manufacturing sector in the next few months is expected.
2007-03-05 ArtNo.39146(8/53)
【ニューデリー】P Chidambaram蔵相は2月28日、農業部門や非営利社会事業部門(social sectors)への配慮を高めることを通じ過去3年間に実現した平均8.6%の国内総生産(GDP)成長の恩恵をより多くの国民が享受できるようにすることを主眼にした2007-08年予算案を国会に上程した。しかしながら中流所得層には騙されたようなネガティブな印象を、企業界には教育税と配当税に対する失望感を与えたようだ。
◆Budget 2007-08 : Not too hot, not too cold, but neutral
【New Delhi】Finance minister P Chidambaram on February 28 tried to make the high 8.6% average growth achieved in last three years more inclusive by addressing the agriculture and social sectors in Budget 2007-08. However, in doing so, he left the middle-class feeling cheated and the corporate sector displeased with a new cess and a hike in dividend distribution tax.
【新德里】财政部长P Chidambaram2月28日把2007-08年度财政预算案提交国会。新预算的主意是在通过采取考虑农业和非营利社会部门的措施来让更多的人民可以受到过去3年里实现的平均8.6%的国内生产增值的恩惠。可是中产阶级受到被骗的感觉。企业界也对教育税的新负担和红利税的提高有点失望了。
2007-03-14 ArtNo.39194(9/53)
【ムンバイ】Relianceグループを率いるMukesh Ambani氏はTataグループの120億米ドルのCorus買収も色褪せるような大型企業買収を準備しているようだ。
◆Mukesh eyes a global buyout of Dow Chemical?
【MUMBAI】In what could dwarf the $12 billion Tata-Corus deal, Mukesh Ambani seems to be getting ready to make the massive acquisitions.
2007-03-21 ArtNo.39223(10/53)
◆Coimbatore to attract Rs 15,000 cr industrial projects : CII
【CHENNAI】Industrial investments in Coimbatore district is expected to go up to Rs 15,000 crore in the coming few years. These projects will be in the fields of manufacturing, infrastructure and information technology sectors.
2007-03-21 ArtNo.39226(11/53)
◆Essar/Vodafone、Hutchison Essaの共同経営で合意
【ニューデリー】Ruia一族に率いられるEssarグループと英国Vodafoneはインド第4位の携帯電話会社Hutchison Essarを共同経営することで合意した。
◆Essar, Vodafone agree on jointly managing Hutch
【New Delhi】The Ruias-promoted Essar group and the UK-based Vodafone have reached an agreement on the terms to jointly manage India's fourth-ranked mobile services provider, Hutchison Essar.
2007-04-11 ArtNo.39303(12/53)
【コルカタ】JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)のSajjan Jindal副会長は5日、インド鉄鋼連盟(ISA:Indian Steel Alliance)を代表してP Chidambaram蔵相に対し、4月一杯鉄鋼製品を値上げしない業界の方針を伝えた。
◆Steel makers assure to hold price for 1mth
【Kolkata】Sajjan Jindal, vice-chairman, JSW Steel on April 5 assured the finance minister on behalf of the Indian Steel Alliance (ISA) that the industry will not increase prices for April.
2007-04-27 ArtNo.39381(13/53)
【ニューデリー】カルナタカ州Bangaloreにおける香港上海銀行(HSBC)の機密情報漏洩事件が明るみに出て10ヶ月を経た今、ソフトウェア・サービス会社全国協会(NASSCOM:National Association of Software and Service Companies)は、Shyamal Ghosh元通信省次官を長とする自主規制機関(SRO:Self Regulatory Organisation)を創設、安全で信頼性の高いBPO(business process outsourcing)拠点としてのインドのイメージ再構築に乗り出した。
◆Nasscom sets up BPO watchdog
【New Delhi】Almost ten months after the HSBC data fraud in Bangalore, National Association of Software and Service Companies(Nasscom) has constituted an industry watchdog - Self Regulatory Organisation (SRO) - headed by former Union Telecom Secretary Shyamal Ghosh, to help rebuild India's image as a safe and secure BPO(business process outsourcing) destination.
【新德里】在卡纳塔克州班加罗尔香港上海银行的资料之欺诈暴露之后10个月,印度国家软件和服务公司协会为了树立作为安全有信赖的服务和业务流程外包据点的形象,已经设立了前通信部事务部长Shyamal Ghosh先生为首的『自律监管机构(SRO:Self Regulatory Organisation)』。
2007-05-11 ArtNo.39435(14/53)
【チェンナイ】カルナタカ州議会議員も務める鉄鉱石輸出業者のJanardan Reddy氏は、カルナタカ州のSriramulu観光部長や他のパートナーと共同でアンドラプラデシュ州Kadapa県Ambavarm村に4万クロー(US$95.24億)を投じ年産1000万トンの鉄鋼プラントを建設することを計画、今月21日にアンドラプラデシュ州政府と関係覚書を交換する見通しだ。
◆K`taka exporter to set up steel plant in Andhra Pradesh
【Chennai】Karnataka legislator and an iron ore exporter Janardan Reddy, who along with Karnataka tourism minister Sriramulu and other co-investors is planning to set up a 10 million tonne capacity steel plant near Ambavarm village in Kadapa district, Andhra Pradesh at an investment of Rs 40,000 crore. They are likely to sign a memorandum of understanding on May 21 with the Andhra Pradesh government.
【金奈】兼作卡纳塔克州议员的铁矿石出口商Janardan Reddy先生计划跟卡纳塔克州政府观光部长Sriramulu先生和其他伙伴一起投资4000亿卢比在安德拉邦州Kadapa县Ambavarm村兴建年产1000万吨钢厂。他们被预料5月21日跟安德拉邦州政府签订有关备忘录。
2007-05-23 ArtNo.39486(15/53)
◆Bajaj Auto取締役会、3社分割案を承認
【ムンバイ】地元の二輪/三輪車メーカー、Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)取締役会は17日の会議でBALをBAL/Bajaj Holdings and Investment Company Ltd(BHIL)/Bajaj Finserv Limited (BFL:Bajaj Financial Services )の3社に分割することを承認した。
◆The board approves Bajaj Auto to split into three
【MUMBAI】The board of Bajaj Auto Ltd on May 17 nodded the planned demerger of the company, creating three different entities – Bajaj Auto Ltd (BAL), Bajaj Holdings and Investment Company (BHIL), and Bajaj Finserv Limited (BFL).
2007-05-25 ArtNo.39496(16/53)
【ムンバイ】神戸製鋼はゴア拠点のChowguleグループと、IT mk3 (Iron-making Technology Mark 3)と命名された低コストな直接溶融還元法を用いインド国内でアイアンナゲット(iron nugget)を製造する問題を協議している。
◆Kobe Steel holds talks with Chowgules
【Mumbai】Kobe Steel is in discussions with Goa-based Chowgule group in Goa to set up an "iron nugget" plant in India using its low-cost steel making process, IT mk3 technology.
2007-05-30 ArtNo.39519(17/53)
【ニューデリー】デリーに第2国際空港を建設する構想が終に実現するもようだ。Manmohan Singh首相は26日ウッタルプラデシュ州のMayawati首席大臣に「Greater Noidaに空港を建設すると言うあなたの当初の要求は満たされるだろう」と語った。
◆The 2nd capital airport in Noida
【NEW DELHI】In what Delhi could finally get the much awaited second international airport, PM Manmohan Singh on Saturday 'assured' UP CM Mayawati that her old demand of having an airport at Greater Noida would be fulfilled.
2007-06-01 ArtNo.39542(18/53)
【ニューデリー】インド共産党マルクス主義派(CPI-M)政治局(Polit Bureau)は、「公開の場における党員の相互非難は党規に反する」との理由から、ケララ州のVS Achuthanandan首席大臣とPinarayi Vijayanケララ州党書記長の政治局委員資格を暫時停止した。
◆Of politics in real estate sector and the politics over realty:Kerala episode
【NEW DELHI】The Communist Party of India -Marxists(CPI-M) politburo suspended Kerala chief minister VS Achuthanandan and CPI-M state secretary Pinarayi Vijayan from the highest policy making body for their public spat in violation of party norms.
【新德里】印度共产党(马克思主义)政治局决定暂停喀啦啦州首席部长VS Achuthanandan先生和喀啦啦州党书记Pinarayi Vijayan先生的政治局委员资格。因为两位先生在公开地互相批评而违反了党纪律。
2007-06-01 ArtNo.39543(19/53)
【ニューデリー】ケララ州CPI-M政治局における政治劇は、ウッタルプラデシュ州のMayawati新首席大臣が、Anil Ambani氏のNoidaにおける多目的特別経済区(SEZ)プロジェクトに待ったをかけた直後に生じた。
◆Of politics in real estate sector and the politics over realty:Noida episode
【NEW DELHI】The Kerala episode has come close on the heels of the newly-elected chief minister of Uttar Pradesh Mayawati expressing its reservation on Anil Ambani's multi-product special economic zone (SEZ) in Noida.
2007-06-15 ArtNo.39611(20/53)
【ニューデリー】Dayanidhi Maran氏が通信情報技術相のポストを退いてまだ1ヶ月も経たないが、電気通信局(DOT:department of telecom)は外国企業にも第3世代(3G)サービス入札に参加する機会を与えると言うMaran氏の計画を蔵入りさせたようだ。
◆DOT may have sealed global telcos' 3G call
【NEW DELHI】Although it has been less than a month since Dayanidhi Maran's exit from the communications ministry, the department of telecommunications (DoT) seems to have sealed his plans of allowing global players to bid for providing third-generation (3G) services.
【新德里】Dayanidhi Maran先生辞职通信与信息科技部长之后还不到一个月,通信局似乎已经搁置他提议的第三代通信服务市场开放给外国通行公司的构想。
2007-06-18 ArtNo.39627(21/53)
【ニューデリー】統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)と左派戦線(Left Front)は14日、国民会議派のベテラン指導者でラジャスタン州知事を務めるPratibha Patil女史を次期大統領候補として共同推薦する方針を明らかにした。
◆India may get its first woman President
【NEW DELHI】The United Progressive Alliance-Left Front combine on June 14 announced the candidature of veteran Congress leader and Rajasthan governor Pratibha Patil for the Presidential election.
【新德里】印度执政联盟―联合进步同盟和左翼阵线6月14日发表共同推荐Pratibha Patil女士当下次印度国家总统。她是印度国民大会党老干部,现任拉贾斯坦邦长。
2007-06-25 ArtNo.39657(22/53)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は21日、Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd(HPCL)傘下のGuru Gobind Singh Refineries Ltd (GGSRL)がパンジャブ州Bhatindaで進める製油所プロジェクトに、海外在住インド人で鉄鋼王の異名を取るLakshmi N. Mittal氏が、49%出資することを認めた。
◆Mittal allowed to take 49% in Bhatinda refinery
【New Delhi】The Union Cabinet on June 21 gave its nod to a proposal to allow the NRI steel tycoon, Lakshmi N. Mittal to pick 49 per cent stake in Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd's, Guru Gobind Singh Refineries Ltd (GGSRL) at Bhatinda.
2007-07-04 ArtNo.39704(23/53)
【ニューデリー】Manmohan Singh首相は2日、甘利明経済産業相に率いられる日本ビジネス代表団を前に、インド投資に対する日本企業界の関心が再度高まりを見せていることに歓迎の意を表明するとともに、『デリー・ムンバイ貨物専用鉄道(DMDRFC:Delhi-Mumbai Dedicated Rail Freight Corridor)』計画や『デリー・ムンバイ産業回廊(DMIC:Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor)』プロジェクト等、より多くのプロジェクトに積極的に投資するよう呼び掛けた。
◆PM seeks more Japanese investments
【New Delhi】Addressing a high-powered business delegation, including chairmen of major Japanese companies, led by the Japan's Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Mr Akira Amari, the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh on July 2 welcomed the renewed interest among Japanese Companies for investing in India and said that he hoped that Japan would invest in more projects like the Delhi- Mumbai Industrial Corridor and Dedicated Rail Freight Corridor.
2007-08-03 ArtNo.39823(24/53)
【ナグプール】マハラシュトラ州Nagpurにおける貨物ハブ計画『Multi-modal International Hub Airport at Nagpur (MIHAN)』は、Praful Patel民間航空相と、同プロジェクトの建設と管理を担当するマハラシュトラ空港開発公社(MADC:Maharashtra Airport Development Company)幹部の非難の応酬で泥沼化の様相を呈している。
◆Controversy dogs Nagpur cargo hub project
【Nagpur】The ambitious cargo hub project at Nagpur in Maharashtra known as "Multi-modal International Hub Airport at Nagpur (MIHAN)" is dogged by an exasperating blame game between Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel and top officials of the state-owned Maharashtra Airport Development Company (MADC) set up to run it.
【那格浦尔】在马哈拉施特拉州那格浦尔发展『多节国际货运枢纽站和机场』的计划,因为Praful Patel民航部长跟马哈拉施特拉机场发展公司干部之间的争论升级而陷入泥坑。
2007-08-03 ArtNo.39831(25/53)
【ハイデラバード】Manmohan Singh首相は、7月31日P Chidambaram蔵相とともに、アンドラプラデシュ州における10件、総額4万クロー(US$97.56億)の投資計画を精査した。
◆PM reviews Rs 40,000 cr projects in Andhra
【Hyderabad】Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Finance Minister P Chidambaram on July 31 reviewed the status of 10 investment proposals, worth about Rs 40,000 crore pertaining to Andhra Pradesh state.
2007-08-20 ArtNo.39904(26/53)
◆Abe's visit gives impetus to India-Japan relations
【New Delhi】The official visit of the Japanese Prime Minister, Mr Shinzo Abe, to India beginning August 21 heralds a new chapter in bilateral relations, besides consolidating the existing cooperation on several areas for mutual benefits.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39905(27/53)
【ニューデリー】安倍晋三首相は21日催されたインド国会上下両院会議の席上、『広域アジア(broader Asia)』構想を提起、国防/安全/経済領域における二国間の協力を拡大し『自由と繁栄の弧(arc of freedom and prosperity)』を形成するよう提案するとともに、包括的経済協力協定(CEPA:Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement)交渉を早期に妥結させ、向こう3年間に二国間貿易総額を200億米ドルの大台に乗せることに期待を表明した。
◆Abe addresses joint Parliament session titled 'Confluence of the Two Seas'
【New Delhi】Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who addressed a joint session of Parliament on August 21, unveiling his concept of "broader Asia", pitched in for closer cooperation between his country and India in defence, security and economic fields to create an "arc of freedom and prosperity" in the region and favoured early conclusion of the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) to push economic relations and raise the volume of bilateral trade to USD 20 billion in the next three years.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39906(28/53)
【ニューデリー】安倍晋三首相は21日、『インド日本協力会議(IJPF : India - Japan Partnership Forum)』の発足式を主宰、両国関係の強化を呼び掛けた。
◆Japanese PM launches the India-Japan Partnership Forum
【NEW DELHI】The Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, on August 21 formally launched the India-Japan Partnership Forum floated by the Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries and called for further deepening of ties between Japan and India.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39907(29/53)
◆India, Japan to enhance cooperation on environment and energy
【New Delhi】India and Japan on August 22 signed a joint statement to enhance cooperation on environmental protection and energy security.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39908(30/53)
◆India, Japan set to ink bilateral currency swap agreement
【New Delhi】India and Japan have agreed to sign a currency swap agreement to protect themselves against any sudden fluctuations in their foreign exchange reserves.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39909(31/53)
【ニューデリー】インドと日本の包括的経済協力協定(CEPA:Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement)交渉は今年12月までに合意に達する見通しだ。
◆India, Japan finalize CEPA by Dec: Nath
【New Delhi】The Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) negotiations between India and Japan is expected to be completed by December this year.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39910(32/53)
【ニューデリー】日本政府高官は安倍晋三首相の訪印に先立って、インド政府の国際原子力機関(IAEA:International Atomic Energy Agency)及び原子力供給国グループ(NSG:Nuclear Suppliers Group)との交渉に対する支援を示唆するとともに、インドが関係交渉に関わる情報を提供するよう希望した。
◆Japan hints to help India at IAEA & NSG talks
【New Delhi】Ahead of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visit to India, Japan has indicated to contribute positively to New Delhi's negotiations with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) on the Indo-US nuclear deal and hoped this country would be forthcoming in providing relevant information to conduct the discussions.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39913(33/53)
【ガンディナガール】グジャラート州のNarendra Modi首席大臣は22日、デリー/ムンバイ産業回廊(DMIC:Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor)に位置する同州を『ミニ・ジャパン』にする構想を披露した。
◆Modi asks Japanese investors to make Gujarat "Mini Japan"
【Gandhinagar】The Gujarat Chief Minister, Mr Narendra Modi, on August 22 invited Japanese companies and investors to contribute to the State's economic development to enable it to emerge as "Mini Japan", in the context of the proposed Indo-Japanese project of Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor(DMIC) passing through the western State.
2007-08-29 ArtNo.39937(34/53)
【ニューデリー】Tata SonsのRatan Tata会長は「『インド・米国原子力協定(Indo-US nuclear deal)』はインドがその長い歴史の中で経験した様々な事柄の中で最良のもの」と語った。
◆Nixing nuke deal could hurt FDI inflows: Tata
【New Delhi】The Tata Sons Chairman, Mr Ratan Tata, has said that the nuke deal was in many ways the best possible thing that had happened to India in a long time.
2007-08-29 ArtNo.39938(35/53)
【ニューデリー】インド共産党マルクス主義派(CPI-M)のPrakash Karat総書記は先週土曜(8/25)、インド共産党(CPI)のAB Bardhan総書記及びD Raja全国書記と会談、「統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政府は『インド・米国原子力協定(Indo-US nuclear deal)』を発効させるべきではない」とのCPI-M政治局の決定を同党中央委員会が承認したことを伝え、左派政党としての対応を協議した。
◆Left bosses discuss UPA response on N-deal
【New Delhi】CPI(M) general secretary Prakash Karat met his CPI counterpart AB Bardhan and CPI national secretary D Raja and briefed them about his party central committee's endorsement of the politburo decision that the government should not operationalise the Indo-US nuclear deal and continued deliberations on the stand-off with the government over the issue.
【新德里】印度共产党马克思主义派 Prakash Karat总秘书8月25日见面全印共产党AB Bardhan总秘书和D Raja全国秘书而靠诉他们印共(马)中央委员会批准该党政治局的决定以下决定。就是『印度联合进步同盟政府不可以使印美核协议发效』。他们也讨论左派联盟的相应对策。
2007-08-29 ArtNo.39939(36/53)
【ジャムシェドプル】インド人民党(BJP:Bharatiya Janata Party)の指導者で全国民主連盟(NDA:National Democratic Alliance)政権時代に蔵相と外相を歴任したYashwant Sinha氏は25日、「『インド・米国原子力協定(Indo-US nuclear deal)』の目的は、インドの核防衛計画を阻止することにある」との見解を明らかにした。
◆India to be at the mercy of the US:BJP
【Jamshedpur】The Indo-US nuclear deal is primarily aimed at stopping India from going ahead with its nuclear weapons programme, says former finance minister Yashwant Sinha, who was also the country's external affairs minister for National Democratic Alliance government.
2007-09-03 ArtNo.39964(37/53)
【ニューデリー】カルナタカ州政界における世俗主義人民党(JDS:Janata Dal Secular)とその友党インド人民党(BJP:Bharatiya Janata Party)の亀裂が深まり緊張が高まっている。
◆BJP-JDS coalition in Karnataka rifts over transfer of power
【New Delhi】The tension between the Janata Dal Secular and its ally in Karnataka, the Bharatiya Janata Party, seems to be mounting.
2007-09-19 ArtNo.40013(38/53)
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州のBuddhadeb Bhattacharjee首席大臣は、大型店襲撃事件が頻発する中で、小売市場近代化計画を放棄、政策を180度転換し、外資の食品小売ビジネス進出や、組織部門大型店の都市進出を禁じる方針を打ち出した。
◆West Bengal shifts to anti-Walmart, anti-large store stance
【Kolkata】With attacks occurring in stores belonging to retail majors one after another, West Bengal chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee seems to give up his plan to foster modern retail sector but let foreign players not to sell foodgrains and organised Indian retailers to stay out of the city proper.
【加尔各答】西孟加拉州首席部长Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee先生看到大型零售店抢略事件频频发生之后,似乎放弃零售业现代化计划,反而禁止外资进军农产品零售市场,而且不允许本地组织部门零售店在大城市里经营店铺。
2007-10-03 ArtNo.40083(39/53)
【フィラデルフィア】大手小売プレーヤーの進出によりモン・アンド・ポップ・ストア(mom and pop store:家族経営店)のビジネスが脅かされることがないことを、こうした小規模店主に理解させることができたなら、インドは3300億米ドルの小売市場を外国投資家に開放する。一定の時間が経過すれば、地元小規模店主らの恐れは鎮静するものと見られる。したがって国内小売市場への外国直接投資を認める政策の転換は時間の問題と言う。
◆FDI in retail a matter of time: Finance Minister
【PHILADELPHIA】India's $330 billion retail market is opened up to foreign investors after mom and pop store owners are convinced that their jobs are not at threat from big players. Their fears will be allayed sometime soon and it is just a matter of time before the policy is tweaked to allow FDI in retail.
2007-10-05 ArtNo.40093(40/53)
【ニューデリー】石油天然ガス省は、Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd(HPCL)がパンジャブ州Bathindaに建設する年間原油処理能力900万トンの製油所に49%出資した鉄鋼王LN Mittal氏に対して、やはりHPCLがアンドラプラデシュ州Vishakapatnamに計画する年間キャパシティー1500万トンの製油所とBharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd(BPCL)がマドヤプラデシュ州Binaに建設するキャパシティー600万トンの製油所にも出資するよう求めている。
◆Govt asks Mittal to stake in Bina, Vizag refineries
【New Delhi】The petroleum ministry is keen that the steel baron LN Mittal, who bought 49 per cent stake in Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd(HPCL)'s 9 million tonne per year (mtpa) refinery at Bathinda in Punjab, pick up stakes in two other upcoming refineries – HPCL's 15 mtpa refinery at Vishakapatnam and Bharat Petroleum Corporation's 6 mtpa refinery at Bina in Madhya Pradesh.
2007-10-10 ArtNo.40119(41/53)
【ニューデリー】BPO(business process outsourcing)労働者の健康問題に関する発言を巡りインド情報技術(IT)産業の総本山ソフトウェア・サービス会社全国協会(NASSCOM:National Association of Software and Service Companies)の猛反発を受けたにも関わらず、Anbumani Ramadoss保健相は5日、BPO及びIT産業労働者の就労条件に関するガイドラインを作成する計画を明らかにした。
◆Health ministry to issue health norms for IT, BPO industry
【New Delhi】Althoug IT industry body Nasscom had attacked his comments on the health of BPO workers, Union health minister Anbumani Ramadoss on October 5 said his ministry is planning to come out with guidelines for people working in the BPO and IT industry.
【新德里】虽然印度国家软件和服务公司协会猛烈批评保健部长的有关业务流程外包业工人健康问题的谈话,Anbumani Ramadoss保健部长10月5日再说,保健部计划写业务流程外包业和信息科技业工人工作守则。
2007-10-17 ArtNo.40145(42/53)
【ニューデリー】Manmohan Singh首相は15日、ジョージW.ブッシュ米国大統領と電話で会談、「インド米国民生用核協力協定を発効させるのは困難」との見通しを伝えた。
◆Difficulties in operationalising N-deal, PM tells US President
【New Delhi】Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on October 15 told President George W Bush that there were difficulties in operationalising the India-US civil nuclear cooperation agreement.
2007-10-17 ArtNo.40146(43/53)
◆US still hopeful on Indo-US nuclear deal
【Washington】Though India virtually putting the Indo-US nuclear deal on hold taking account of Left's reservations, Washington hopes that New Delhi would continue its efforts to implement the agreement "in a time that is appropriate for both sides".
2007-10-22 ArtNo.40179(44/53)
【ニューデリー】商工省傘下の認可局(BOA:Board of Approvals)は19日、合計14件の特別経済区(SEZ)開発申請を正式認可、もしくは原則認可したが、Ambani兄弟のSEZプロジェクトについては明暗を分ける結果になった。
◆Mukesh's Navi Mumbai SEZ gets nod, Anil's Noida plan hits hurdle
【New Delhi】While the board of approvals on October 19 gave its nod to 14 proposed special economic zones (SEZs), it is a mixed bag for the Ambani brothers' SEZ project.
2007-10-31 ArtNo.40218(45/53)
【ニューデリー】投資を阻害することなく、過度な資本の流入を抑制する措置を講じる必要がある。インド証券取引局(SEBI:Securities and Exchange Board of India)は既に対策を講じたが、こうした措置が如何なる効果を発揮するか、注視する必要がある。
◆After curb on P-Notes, FM indicates more steps
【NEW DELHI】"We would like to take some measures that would moderate the inflows of capital without hurting growth. Securities and Exchange Board of India has taken some measures. We will have to see how they have worked." Mr Chidambaram told reporters on October 26.
2007-11-05 ArtNo.40230(46/53)
【ムンバイ】Renault-Nissan連合のCarlos Ghosn社長は10月30日、インドにおけるNissanとAshok Leylandの小型商用車合弁事業の包括契約に調印したのち、インド商用車市場へのRenaultの進出についてEicher Motorsと会談を行ったようだ。
◆Renault eyes commercial vehicle alliance with Eicher
【Mumbai】Carlos Ghosn, CEO of Renault and Nissan, is believed to be in talks with Eicher Motors for Renault's entry in the Indian commercial vehicle market. Renault has been eyeing a strategic partnership in India.
【孟买】业界相信雷诺·日产总裁Carlos Ghosn10月30号就雷诺打进印度商用车市场事宜跟Eicher Motors首脑会谈。雷诺寻找印度战略伙伴。
2007-11-14 ArtNo.40282(47/53)
◆Conserve iron ore: Steel Secretary
【New Delhi】A Steel Ministry official made out a case for conservation of iron ore saying it was imperative to make the sector competitive vis-a-vis that of China's even as the country's steelmakers embarking on a major capacity expansion.
2007-11-14 ArtNo.40283(48/53)
【ニューデリー】Renault-NissanのCarlos Ghosn社長は2年ほど前にソーシング・ツァーでインドを訪れ、処女のごとく慎ましいスタートを切ったが、今や脱兎のごとくインド戦略を展開している。
◆Ghosn gets in place India strategy at break-neck speed
【NEW DELHI】Although Renault-Nissan chief Carlos Ghosn started with a low-key, sourcing trip two years ago, right now he seems to be working at break-neck speed to get his India strategy in place.
2007-11-14 ArtNo.40286(49/53)
【ニューデリー】移動電話の周波数域割り当てをめぐりCDMA事業者の代表格であるReliance Communication (RCom)とGSM事業者との確執が続くなか、RComのAnil Dhirubhai Ambani会長が情報技術通信省の方針を支持しGSM事業者を批判する内容の書簡をManmohan Singh首相に送ったことで応酬合戦はさらに激しくなりそうだ。
◆Anil Ambani slams GSM operators' claims
【New Delhi】The row between mobile companies over Government's spectrum policy would intensify further with Mr Anil Dhirubhai Ambani, Chairman of Reliance Communication, writing to the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, in support of the decisions taken by the Communications Ministry.
【新德里】瑞莱恩斯通讯公司会长Anil Dhirubhai Ambani致函首相曼莫汉·辛格支持通信部有关移动电话频率分配的决定。他批评GSM移动电话公司的言词会激化该公司和GSM公司的对立。
2007-11-21 ArtNo.40305(50/53)
【パトナ】ビハール州のNitish Kumar首席大臣は18日、中央政府のRamvilas Paswan鉄鋼相に対し、ジャールカンド州のBokaro Steel Plantの方式に倣い、ビハール州に鉄鋼プラントを設けるよう呼び掛けた。ビハール州はそのために1000エーカーの土地を提供する用意があると言う。
◆Bihar Chief Minister requests the centre to set up steel plant in the state
【Patna】Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on November 18 requested Union Steel Minister Ramvilas Paswan to set up a steel plant in the same way of Bokaro in the state for which he committed to provide 1,000 acres of land.
【巴特那】比哈尔州首席部长Nitish Kumar11月18日向中央政府钢铁部长Ramvilas Paswan呼吁用波喀罗钢厂的方式在比哈尔州兴建大规模的制钢厂。他也宣誓提供1000英亩的用地。
人物/人事 Personnal Affairs in 2007