製造業一般 General Manufacturing in 2007
【ニューデリー】製造業の好調と電力/鉱業両部門の復調に支えられ、昨年11月の工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)は14.4%の伸びを記録、前年同月の6%の伸びを上回った。
◆Industrial Production grows 14.4 pc in Nov
【New Delhi】Propelled by strong performance in manufacturing and a bounce back in power generation and mining production, the Index for Industrial Production (IIP) went up by 14.4 % in November 2006 compared to 6 % in the same month last year.
2007-01-26 ArtNo.38984(2/61)
◆Phoenix Yule、コンベア・ベルト製造能力拡張
【チェンナイ】西ベンガル州Kolkataを拠点にするインド最大のスチール・コード強化コンベア・ベルト製造会社、Phoenix Yule Ltd(PYL)は、60%ほど製造能力を拡張する。
◆Phoenix Yule to expand converyor belt making capacity by 60 pc
【Chennai】Phoenix Yule Ltd, Kolkata-based India's largest manufacturer of steel cord reinforced converyor belts, is expanding its capacity by as much as 60 per cent.
◆Phoenix Yule扩张输送带制造能力60%
【金奈】位于西孟加拉邦州加尔各答的Phoenix Yule有限公司是印度最大的钢丝绳芯输送带制造商。它正在计划扩张制造能力60%。
2007-01-29 ArtNo.39000(3/61)
【チェンナイ】カルナタカ州Bangaloreを拠点に数値制御工作機械(CNC machine tool)用精密電子機械工学補助システムの製造を手掛けるUday Computer Aided Manufacturing Pvt Ltd (UCAM)は、イタリアを拠点にする年商2000万ユーロの表面研削盤メーカー、Rosa Ermando, SpAと51:49の合弁会社Rosa Ucam Grindtech Pvt Ltd(RUGPL)を設立した。
◆UCAM forms JV with Italian firm Rosa Ermando
【Chennai】The Bangalore-based manufacturer of high-precision mechatronics subsystems for CNC machine tools, Uday Computer Aided Manufacturing Pvt Ltd (UCAM) has formed a 51:49 joint venture company— Rosa Ucam Grindtech Pvt Ltd —with Rosa Ermando, SpA, the Euro 20 million manufacturer of surface grinding machines to manufacture and market high precision surface grinding machines in India.
【金奈】以班加罗尔基地的数控机床精密机电子系统制造商Uday Computer Aided Manufacturing私人有限公司跟2000万欧元意大利平面磨床制造企业Rosa Ermando, SpA设立了51:49联营公司Rosa Ucam Grindtech私人有限公司。
2007-01-29 ArtNo.39001(4/61)
【ニューデリー】インドの工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)伸び率は2006年10月に今会計年度に入って以来最低の6.2%に鈍化した後、11月には14.4%と、過去10年来の最高を記録した7月の12.7%を上回る目覚ましい復調を見た。
◆Industrial growth at decade-high 14.4% in Nov
【New Delhi】After slumped to a low of 6.2 per cent in October, the lowest this fiscal year, industrial growth made a sharp turnaround and hit a decade's high at 14.4 per cent during November 2006.
2007-02-05 ArtNo.39026(5/61)
◆GDP growth rate revised to 9% for 2005-06
【New Delhi】The Central Statistical Organisation (CSO) on January 31 revised upwards its 2005-06 Gross Domestic Product growth estimate to 9.0 per cent from an earlier 8.4 per cent mainly to account for a sharp revision in agricultural sector growth.
2007-02-16 ArtNo.39096(6/61)
【ニューデリー】資本財部門の好調に牽引され昨年12月の工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)の伸びは11.1%を記録、前年同月の5.7%に比べ顕著に加速した。しかし前月11月の14.4%に比べ鈍化した。
◆Industrial output growth at 11.1 p.c. in Dec.
【New Delhi】Cashing in on strong growth in the production of capital goods, the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) grew by 11.1 per cent during December 2006 as against 5.7 per cent in December 2005. It was, however, lower than the 14.4% growth witnessed in November.
【新德里】很坚强的资本财部门的推动下,去年12月的工业生产指数成长了11.1%,比前年同一月的 5.7%来的高。不过,比不上去年11月的 14.4%。
2007-02-21 ArtNo.39103(7/61)
◆BryAir banking on special projects boom
【Kolkata】Banking on rapid expansion of specialised commercial buildings and spaces for pharmaceutical, packaged food and IT sectors, BryAir and other heating, ventilating & air-conditioning companies are gearing up to cash in on the boom.
2007-02-23 ArtNo.39115(8/61)
【ニューデリー】ブリヂストンが完全出資するBridgestone India Private Limited(BIPL)は、急増する需要に応じるため5000万~1億米ドルを投じ、第2工場を設けることを検討している。
◆Bridgestone India considers second plant
【NEW DELHI】Bridgestone India Private Limited, a fully-owned subsidiary of Bridgestone Corporation of Japan, considers to meet the challenges of growing demand for tyres by setting up another greenfield plant with an investment of $50-100 million.
2007-02-23 ArtNo.39116(9/61)
◆Michelin plans to set up radial tyre unit
【Mumbai】France-based tyremaker Michelin is planning to set up truck and bus radials manufacturing facility in Ranjangaon, Pune.
2007-02-23 ArtNo.39118(10/61)
【ムンバイ】シチズン時計は2010年までにインドにスペア部品を製造する組立工場(assembly unit)を設けることを計画している。
◆Citizen mulls spare assembling plant in India
【Mumbai】Japanese watch maker Citizen Watches plans to set up an assembling plant in the country for manufacturing spares by 2010.
2007-03-07 ArtNo.39167(11/61)
【ニューデリー】工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)の2006年12月の成長率は11.1%を記録した。
◆IIP grows 11.1% in Dec'06
【NEW DELHI】The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) in December 2006 grew 11.1% over the corresponding month of the previous year.
2007-03-07 ArtNo.39168(12/61)
◆GDP growth in Q3 cools down to 8.6%
【New Delhi】GDP growth in the third quarter was relatively low at 8.6%, compared to 9.2% growth in the preceding quarter, and 8.9% in the corresponding previous period mainly due to dismal performance of agriculture and moderate growth in manufacturing and construction.
【新德里】今年第3季(2006/10-12)国内生产成长了8.6%。可是比前季的 9.2% ,去年同一期的8.9%减速一点。这主要是农业的不振和制造业和建设业的减速所致。
2007-03-09 ArtNo.39177(13/61)
【ムンバイ】Larsen & Toubro(L&T)オフィシャルは、東芝と発電用設備を製造する工場を設ける交渉を進めていることを確認する一方、協議はまだ初歩的段階にあると付言した。
◆L&T confirmed talks with Toshiba to set up JV in power
【Mumbai】Larsen & Toubro official confirmed talks with Japan's Toshiba Corporation for setting up a joint venture in India to manufacture power plant equipment. The official added that the discussions with the Japanese company were at a preliminary stage.
2007-03-09 ArtNo.39178(14/61)
◆Reliance Wind Energy、Suzlon Energyに風力発電施設発注
【ムンバイ】Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group(ADAG)の電力事業会社Reliance Wind Energy(RWE)は、Suzlon Energy Ltd(SEL)に対しマハラシュトラ州Sangli県に150MW(メガワット)の風力発電施設を設ける契約を900クロー(US$2.03億)で発注した。
◆Reliance Wind order Suzlon 150MW windmill
【Mumbai】Reliance Wind Energy, a subsidiary of Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group, has placed a Rs 900-crore order with Suzlon Energy to set up a 150 MW wind power project at Sangli in Maharashtra.
【孟买】瑞莱恩斯·阿尼尔·安巴尼·德鲁拜集团旗下的瑞莱恩斯风能有限公司向Suzlon Energy有限公司提出在马哈拉斯特拉州Sangli县兴建耗资90亿卢比150MW风力发电设施的订货。
2007-03-12 ArtNo.39185(15/61)
◆Cement cos. agree to hold prices for a year
【New Delhi】Under sustained pressure from the Government, cement companies on March 9 agreed to hold the price line and not to increase cement prices any further for one year even if input costs go up.
2007-03-14 ArtNo.39205(16/61)
【ニューデリー】製造業部門の好調に支えられ、今年1月の工業生産指数(IIP:index of industrial production)の伸びは10.9%をマーク、昨年1月の8.5%の伸びに比べ顕著に加速した。
◆Manufacturing drives industrial output to 10.9% in January
【NEW DELHI】Propelled by robust performance in the manufacturing sector, India's industrial production rose 10.9% in January 2007 against 8.5% during the corresponding period last year.
2007-03-30 ArtNo.39264(17/61)
【ムンバイ】ヤクルトはフランスの乳製品大手Groupe Danoneと合弁会社Yakult Danone Indiaを設立、今年からインドで乳製品の製造を開始するが、食品加工大手Britannia Industries LtdにDanoneと共に出資するWadia一族が異議を唱えている。
◆Yakult sets up Indian JV with Danone
【Mumbai】Japanese company Yakult plans to set up a joint venture with French dairy giant Danone to manufacture dairy products in India from this year. But Danone's Indian partner, the Wadias of Bombay Dyeing has raised objection to the joint venture.
【孟买】日本饮料制造商养乐多计划跟法国乳制品厂商达能设立联营公司进军印度乳酪市场。可是达能的另一间联营公司的本地伙伴Bombay Dyeing的Wadia家属对这个联营计划表示异议。
2007-04-04 ArtNo.39278(18/61)
◆India mfg growth in March slowest in two years
【MUMBAI】As a series of monetary tightening measures, aimed at taming inflation, crimped demand for goods, India's manufacturing sector grew at its slowest pace in two years in March.
2007-04-11 ArtNo.39309(19/61)
【ニューデリー】スリランカ企業Brandixのアンドラプラデシュ州Vishakhapatnamにおける404haのアパレル特別経済区(SEZ)事業の告示(notification)が5日、特別閣僚グループ(Empowered Group of Ministers)により認可されたのに続き、別のスリランカ企業MAS Holdingsが7億米ドルを投じてアンドラプラデシュ州Nelloreの700エーカーの土地に繊維SEZを開発する計画も間もなく承認される見通しだ。
◆2 Lankan cos plan to set up apparel & textile SEZs
【NEW DELHI】Following the Sri Lanka-based Brandix on April 5 got the clearance from the empowered Group of Ministers for notification of their 404-hectare apparel SEZ in Vishakhapatnam, another Sri Lankan premium inner-wear manufacturer MAS Holdings proposed investment of $700 million in a textile SEZ at Nellore in Andhra Pradesh is likely to be cleared at the next month meeting of the board of approval.
【新德里】位于斯里兰卡的Brandix在安得拉邦维沙卡帕特南发展404公顷服装特区项目的通告措施在4月5日的特权部长团会议上被批准之后,另一间斯里兰卡的著名内衣制造商MAS Holdings在安得拉邦Nellore的700英亩土地上投资7亿美元发展纤维工业特区的申请也似乎在下个月的贸工部商业司核准局的会议上被批准。
2007-04-16 ArtNo.39327(20/61)
【ニューデリー】今年2月の工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)は電力部門の成長鈍化に関わらず、製造業の好調に支えられ、11.0%の伸びを記録、前年同月の8.8%を上回った。
◆February industrial output slides again, at 11%
【New Delhi】Despite a fall in the growth of power sector, buoyed by the robust performance of the manufacturing sector, the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) recorded an impressive 11% growth in February, higher than the 8.8 per cent growth rate in the same month last year.
2007-05-04 ArtNo.39400(21/61)
【ニューデリー】インドサービス産業の2006-07年度給与支払い額(wage bill)は、昇給と雇用の拡大を背景に前年比ほぼ121%アップした。
◆Services sector wage bill rised 121% in 2006-07
【NEW DELHI】The wage bill of India's service sector companies has rised by almost 121% in 2006-07, on the back of higher salary packages and increased headcount.
2007-05-11 ArtNo.39446(22/61)
◆Textile exports grew 7.67% in 2006-7
【New Delhi】India's overall textile exports have registered 7.67 per cent growth during 2006-07.
【新德里】EVK S Elangovan贸工部政务部长在国会上议院答复的时侯说,2006-07年的纤维出口比前年成长了7.67%。
2007-05-14 ArtNo.39447(23/61)
【ニューデリー】製造業の好調に支えられ2007年3月の工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)の伸びは12.9%と前年同月の8.9%に比べ顕著に加速した。この結果2006-07年通年のIIP成長率も11.3%をマーク、前年の8.2%を上回った。
◆Industrial production records a growth of 11.3% in 2006-07
【New Delhi】A surge in manufacturing pushed up the country's industrial growth to 12.9% in March 2007 as against 8.9% in the corresponding month last year and helped the 2006-07 fiscal clock annual industrial growth of 11.3 per cent against the corresponding average of 8.2 per cent for 2005-06.
2007-05-14 ArtNo.39455(24/61)
◆Textile sector will see Rs 150,600 cr investment by 2012
【New Delhi】The textile sector is likely to attract investment of Rs 1,50,600 crore by 2012 and will achieve the export target of Rs 225,665 crore (55 billion dollars) by then.
2007-05-28 ArtNo.39507(25/61)
【ムンバイ】インドの風力発電機メーカー、Suzlon Energy Ltd(SEL)は24日、5ヶ月に及んだ入札競争後、13億5000万ユーロ(US$17.84億)でドイツの風力発電会社REpowerを落札した。
◆Suzlon takes over REpower for € 1.35-b
【Mumbai】After five months of bidding process, Indian wind power major, Suzlon Energy Ltd has finally won the € 1.35-billion bid to acquire German wind turbine manufacturer REpower.
【孟买】印度风力发电机厂商Suzlon Energy长达五个月的投标竞争之后,终于以13亿5000万欧元中标了德国风力涡轮制造商REpower的支配股权。
2007-05-28 ArtNo.39514(26/61)
【バンガロール】セイコーウオッチ株式会社が完全出資するSeiko Watch India(SWI)は6月7日に服部真二本社社長主宰の開所式を催し、インド・ビジネスをスタートする。
◆Seiko Watch to make debut on June
【BANGALORE】Seiko Watch India is all set to make a splash on June 7, when Seiko Corporation president Shinji Hattori will inaugurate its fully owned Indian subsidiary and officially makes it debut into the Indian market.
2007-05-30 ArtNo.39522(27/61)
【コルカタ】国営火力発電会社National Thermal Power Corporation(NTPC)は、海外のパートナーと合弁で発電機器製造事業に乗り出すことを検討している。
◆NTPC mulls to set up a power equipment JV with foreign co
【KOLKATA】National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) may rope in an overseas partner to set up power an equipment manufacturing joint venture.
2007-06-04 ArtNo.39544(28/61)
◆GDP logs in 9.4% growth, the fastest in 18 years
【New Delhi】The Indian GDP grew by 9.4 per cent in 2006-07, not only exceeding previous year's 9 per cent but the fastest in 18 years, as sterling performances by services and manufacturing sectors more than made up for a slowdown in agriculture and construction sector.
2007-06-04 ArtNo.39551(29/61)
【ニューデリー】政府がインフラ投資を拡大する中、General Electric Co(GE)は今年のインド売上げが昨年比ほぼ2倍の30億米ドルに達するものと見ている。
◆GE targets $3 bn India sales this year
【NEW DELHI】On the back of increase of spending on infrastructure projects, General Electric Co sees its sales in India nearly doubling to $3 billion this year.
2007-06-15 ArtNo.39606(30/61)
【ニューデリー】インドの工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)は4月に13.6%の力強い伸びを記録、昨年同月の9.9%を上回った。
◆April Index of Industrial Production grows 13.6%
【New Delhi】Industrial production grew by robust 13.6% in April, the first month of the new fiscal, compared to 9.9% growth in April 2006.
2007-06-27 ArtNo.39671(31/61)
◆Japan CBM plans to sell 1.5 lakh Q&Q watches
【Chennai】Japan CBM Corporation (India) Pvt.Ltd plans to sell 1.5 lakh Q&Q brand of watches in India during this fiscal.
2007-07-16 ArtNo.39748(32/61)
【ニューデリー】今年5月の工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)の伸びは、製造業の成長鈍化から11.1%と、昨年同月の11.7%を僅かに下回った。
◆Industrial output slips to 11.1 pc in May
【New Delhi】The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) growth rate decelerated marginally to 11.1 per cent in May from 11.7 per cent in the corresponding month last year, mainly owing to a marked slowdown witnessed in the manufacturing sector.
2007-07-16 ArtNo.39755(33/61)
【ムンバイ】Mukesh Ambani氏のReliance Industries Ltd (RIL)は今年末までにガスを燃料としたエアコン、暖房器具、瞬間湯沸かし器等を2万クロー(US$48.78億)のインド耐久消費財市場に紹介する見通しだ。
◆Reliance set to introduce gas-run durables
【MUMBAI】Mukesh Ambani-owned Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) is set to introduce gas-run air-conditioners (ACs), water heaters and room heaters in the Rs 20,000-crore consumer durables market by the year-end.
2007-07-18 ArtNo.39771(34/61)
◆The share of raw material costs rise to 59% in FY07
【MUMBAI】The share of raw material costs as a percentage of total expenditure for manufacturing companies increased from 57.64% in 2005-06 to 59.42% in 2006-07, making it the most significant cost element for them.
2007-07-23 ArtNo.39777(35/61)
◆Sona Koyo、ダイカスト/鍛造施設建設計画
【ニューデリー】ジェイテクトが20.1%出資するSona Koyo Steering Systems Ltd(SKSSL)はビジネス・スコープを拡大する狙いからアルミニウム・ダイカスト/鍛造施設を設ける計画だ。
◆Sona Koyo plans to set up aluminium die casting, forging unit
【New Delhi】Sona Koyo Steering Systems Ltd, in which JTEKT Corporation holds 20.1% stake, is looking to set up an aluminium die casting and forging unit in order to expand the scope of its business.
2007-07-30 ArtNo.39800(36/61)
【バンガロール】三菱重工業はカルナタカ州Bangaloreを拠点にするVST Tillers Tractors Ltd (VST)と合弁でカルナタカ州Mysoreに小型ディーゼル・エンジンの製造施設を設ける。
◆Mitsubishi Heavy, VST to set up a JV for small diesel engines
【Bangalore】Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd, Japan, and Bangalore-based VST Tillers Tractors Ltd have agreed to set up a manufacturing facility for small diesel engines in Mysore, Karnataka.
【邦加罗尔】三菱重工业与总部位于邦加罗尔的VST Tillers Tractors有限公司已经同意设立联营公司而在卡纳塔克州迈索尔制造小型柴油内燃机。
2007-08-17 ArtNo.39891(37/61)
【コルカタ】今年第1四半期(2007/4-6)の工学品輸出(Engineering Export)は68億6100万米ドル/2万8266クローと、昨年同期の61億3800万米ドル/2万7936.43クローに比べ、米ドル建てで12%、ルピー建てで1%増加した。
◆Engineering export growth rates see sharp downslide
【Kolkata】Engineering exports in the first quarter of current fiscal (April-June 2007) was to the tune of US$6.861 billion or Rs 28,266 crore, an increase of only 12 per cent in dollar terms and a mere one per cent growth in rupee terms over US$6.138 billion or Rs 27,936.43 crore during the same period last fiscal.
2007-09-03 ArtNo.39953(38/61)
◆Q1 GDP growth at 9.3%
【NEW DELHI】India's economy appears to be continuing to race ahead and posted a 9.3% growth in the first quarter, buoyed by robust performance in the manufacturing, construction and services sectors and a noticeable improvement in the agriculture sector.
2007-09-12 ArtNo.39998(39/61)
【ニューデリー】国内最大の電力会社National Thermal Power Corporation(NTPC)と国内最大の重機メーカーBharat Heavy Electricals Limited(BHEL)は10日、電力部門におけるEPC(engineering procurement and construction)活動を手掛ける50:50の合弁会社を設ける覚書を交換した。
◆NTPC, BHEL to form JV for power sector EPC deals
【New Delhi】National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC), the country's largest power generator, and Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), the country's largest equipment manufacturer, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on September 10 to set up the 50:50 JV and will implement engineering procurement and construction (EPC) activities in the power sector.
2007-09-17 ArtNo.40001(40/61)
【ニューデリー】今年7月の工業生産指数(IIP:index for industrial production)伸び率は7.1%と、昨年同月の13.2%に比べ顕著に鈍化、昨年10月の4.4%に次ぐ、過去9ヶ月来の最低を記録した。
◆Growth of industrial output sharp falls at 7.1 per cent in July
【New Delhi】The growth of the index for industrial production (IIP) slipped sharply to 7.1 per cent against 13.2 per cent in July last year. This has been the slowest growth in the index in the last nine months. It had slumped to 4.4 per cent last October.
2007-09-24 ArtNo.40040(41/61)
【チェンナイ】金属機械メーカー、株式会社アマダの現地ソフトウェア子会社Amadasoft India Pvt Ltd(AIPL)はインド工科大学(IIT:Indian Institute of Technology)マドラス校と、共同研究覚書を交換した。
◆Amadasoft, IIT Madras sign an MoU for joint research
【Chennai】Amadasoft India Pvt Ltd has signed a memorandum of understanding with Indian Institute of Technology Madras to commence joint research activity. Japan-based Amada Group is in the business of manufacturing a range of sheet metal working machinery.
2007-09-24 ArtNo.40041(42/61)
【チェンナイ】ブリジストンの米国子会社Firestone Industrial Products Inc(FIPI)はTVSグループ傘下のSundaram Industries Ltd(SIL)とインド国内でエアスプリングの製造/マーケッティングを手掛ける合弁会社を設立することで合意した。
◆Firestone and TVS form JV to make air springs
【Chennai】Firestone Industrial Products Inc of the U.S., part of the Bridgestone group, and Sundaram Industries, a member of the TVS group, have joined hands to establish a joint venture for manufacturing and marketing air springs in India.
2007-10-15 ArtNo.40144(43/61)
【ニューデリー】インドの8月の工業生産指数(IIP:index of industrial production)の伸び率は10.7%と、昨年同月の10.28%を上回った。IIP成長率は7月に7.1%に鈍化し、景気の冷却が懸念されていた。因みに7月の伸び率(暫定予測)も、7.5%に上方修正された。
◆Industrial output back to double-digit growth in August
【New Delhi】The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) bounced back in August this year to notch a year-on-year growth of 10.7 per cent compared to 10.28% in August 2006. The growth had slipped to 7.1%(now revised to 7.5%) in July fuelling concerns that economic growth was moderating.
2007-10-19 ArtNo.40163(44/61)
【ハイデラバード】タバコ会社ITC Ltdの製紙事業を担当するPaperboards & Specialty Papers Division (PSPD)は1500クロー(US$3億7165万)を投じてアンドラプラデシュ州にパルプ/製紙工場を建設する準備を進めている。
◆ITC paper arm plans Rs 1,500-cr plant in Andhra
【Hyderabad】Paperboards & Specialty Papers Division of ITC Ltd plans to invest Rs 1,500 crore to set up the 5th pulp and paper plant in Andhra Pradesh. It is in the process of acquiring a 1,500 acres of land in Khamman district for the Elemental Chlorine-Free (ECF) paper plant.
【海德拉巴】ITC集团的Paperboards & Specialty Papers Division计划投资150亿卢比在安得拉邦州兴建第5座纸浆、造纸厂。
2007-10-19 ArtNo.40164(45/61)
◆FDI in food processing may cross 2.1 bn euro this year
【New Delhi】Foreign direct investments (FDI) in the country's food processing sector is poised to breach the euro 2.1 billion mark. In the last year alone, FDI approvals in food processing have doubled.
2007-10-24 ArtNo.40188(46/61)
【ニューデリー】製紙最大手Ballarpur Industries (Bilt)は10月19日、900クロー(US$2億1730万)を投じて生産能力を増強すると発表した。
◆Ballarpur to increase capacity at Bhigwan plant
【New Delhi】The largest domestic producer of paper, Ballarpur Industries, announced a Rs 900 crore expansion plan to increase capacity of its coated wood free paper unit at Bhigwan in Pune.
2007-10-26 ArtNo.40197(47/61)
◆Cookson Electronics、R&Dセンター開設
【バンガロール】電子製品の組立工程で用いる基礎材料の供給を手掛ける米国拠点のCookson Electronicsはカルナタカ州Bangaloreに1000万米ドルを投じ、同社にとって4番目、また最大規模の研究開発(R&D)センターを設けた。
◆Cookson Electronics opens R&D centre in Bangalore
【Chennai】US-based Cookson Electronics, which provides basic materials used in electronic assembly processes, has opened the company's fourth and the largest research and development (R&D) centre in Bangalore at an investment of $10 million.
2007-10-31 ArtNo.40226(48/61)
【コインバトール】繊維機械大手の村田機械株式会社は2007年11月から完全出資子会社Murata Machinery India Pvt Ltdの事業を開始する。
◆Murata Machinery sets up Indian subsidiary
【Coimbatore】Murata Machinery has established a wholly owned subsidiary called Murata Machinery India Private Limited. The new subsidiary will be in operation from November 2007.
2007-11-09 ArtNo.40258(49/61)
◆Stone India、鉄道車両用空気ばねの製造で住友電工と提携
【コルカタ】G P Goenkaグループの機関車部品メーカーStone India Ltd(SIL)は、インド国内で鉄道車輌用空気ばねを製造するため、住友電気工業電線・機材・エネルギー事業本部ハイブリッド製品事業部と技術提携した。
◆Stone India ties up with Japan's Sumitomo
【KOLKATA】Locomotive parts maker Stone India Ltd, a RPG(Rama Prasad Goenka) group company, has entered into a technical tie-up with the hybrid products division of Sumitomo Electric Industries to make air springs for railways in India.
2007-11-09 ArtNo.40260(50/61)
【ムンバイ】地元の大手土木建設会社Larsen & Toubro(L&T)と三菱重工業は、インドに超臨界圧スチーム・タービンと発電機の製造施設を設ける合弁契約を結んだ。
◆L&T signs JV with Mitsubishi Heavy for super critical turbines
【Mumbai】Engineering and construction firm, Larsen and Toubro (L&T) has signed a joint venture agreement with Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd to set up a manufacturing facility for super-critical steam turbine and generator in India.
製造業一般 General Manufacturing in 2007