石油/化学 Petroleum/Chemical in 2007
◆Core infrastructure clocks 9.5 per cent growth in Nov
【NEW DELHI】Buoyed by strong performance of petroleum refinery products, crude petroleum and cement, Production in the six core infrastructure industries which have a combined weight of 26.7 per cent in the index of industrial production, during November 2006 increased to 9.5 per cent, compared with 5.7 per cent in the same period last year.
2007-01-08 ArtNo.38893(2/234)
【アーマダバード】Meghmani Group of Companies(MGC)は1000クロー(US$2.257億)を投じグジャラート州のDahej特別経済区(SEZ)付近に2期に分けて化学品コンプレックスを設ける。
◆Meghmani to set up Rs 1kcr chemical unit
【AHMEDABAD】Meghmani Group of Companies plans to set up a major chemicals complex near the Dahej SEZ entailing an investment of Rs 1,000 crore in two phases.
2007-01-10 ArtNo.38901(3/234)
◆Cairn India、探査活動にUS$15億投資
【ムンバイ】英国石油探査会社Cairn Energy PLCの現地上場子会社Cairn India Ltd(CIL)は向こう3年間にインドにおける探査開発活動に15億米ドルを投資する。
◆Cairn India to invest $1.5 b
【MUMBAI】Cairn India Ltd, a listed local subsidiary of Blitish oil exploration company Cairn Energy Plc, will invest $1.5 billion in exploration and development activities in India over the next three years.
2007-01-10 ArtNo.38902(4/234)
【ニューデリー】Petronet LNGがケララ州Kochiとマハラシュトラ州Dabholにスケジュール通り液化天然ガス(LNG)ターミナルを設けるなら2009年には、国内のLNGターミナルは現在の2カ所から4カ所に倍増する。
◆India's LNG terminal capacity to increase to 2 times by 2009
【New Delhi】If Petronet LNG's Kochi terminal and the Dabhol terminal go according to schedule, the country will have doubled its LNG terminals to four from two, at present by 2009.
【新德里】如果Petronet LNG按照时间表完成科钦液化天然气站和达波尔液化天然气站建设工程,到2009年底前印度国内的天然气接收终端从现在的2个增加到4个。
2007-01-10 ArtNo.38903(5/234)
◆Narmada Valley Fertilizers、US$2.5億TDI工場建設
【ヴァドダラ】Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers Company Ltd(GNFC)の子会社Narmada Chematur Petrochemicals(NCP)は1100クロー(US$2.47億)を投じて年産5万トンのトルエンジイソシアネート(TDI)製造工場を建設する。芳香族系のTDIはポリオールに反応してポリウレタンをつくる。
◆GNFC to invest Rs 1,100 cr for TDI plant
【VADODARA】Narmada Chematur Petrochemicals Ltd, part of Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers, is planning to set up a plant to manufacture touline di-isocyanate (TDI) at an investment of about Rs 1,100 crore.
【巴罗达】古吉拉特纳玛达河谷肥料有限公司旗下的Narmada Chematur Petrochemicals有限公司计划投资110亿卢比兴建新化学厂而制造甲苯二异氰酸酯。
2007-01-10 ArtNo.38905(6/234)
【ニューデリー】FMCG(fast-moving consumer goods)企業Dabur India Ltd(DIL)の製薬子会社Dabur Pharma Ltd(DPL)は4日、抗ガン剤タキソール(Taxol:一般名paclitaxel)のナノテクをベースにした新薬物送達システム(NDDS:new drug delivery systems)『Nanoxel』を市場に投入した。
◆Dabur Pharma introduces nano drug delivery system
【New Delhi】Dabur Pharma Ltd(DPL), a FMCG(fast-moving consumer goods)company Dabur India Ltd's pharmaceutical arm, has introduced a novel nanotechnology-based drug delivery system, Nanoxel for the anti-cancer drug paclitaxel.
2007-01-12 ArtNo.38908(7/234)
◆Indian Gasohol、ビハール州にUS$30.6億投資
【ニューデリー】タミールナド州拠点のIndian Gasohol Ltd(IGL)は向こう3~4年間にビハール州に1万3557クロー(US$30.60億)を投じ、エタノールを製造する計画だ。
◆Indian Gasohol to invest Rs 13600 cr in Bihar
【New Delhi】Tamil Nadu-based Indian Gasohol Ltd has proposed to invest Rs 13,557 crore in Bihar over the next 3-4 years to produce ethanol.
2007-01-15 ArtNo.38919(8/234)
◆Reliance、GE Plastics買収?
【ムンバイ】Mukesh Ambani会長に率いられるReliance Industries Ltd(RIL)が、米国General Electric Co(GE)の合成樹脂部門GE Plasticsの買収に乗り出すものと注目されている。
◆Reliance keen on GE Plastics
【MUMBAI】Mukesh Ambani group flagship Reliance Industries is likely to bid for GE Plastics, General Electric's plastics business that is expected to be put on the block.
2007-01-15 ArtNo.38920(9/234)
◆JSW Steel、1千万トン鉄鋼プロジェクト覚書
【コルカタ】Jindal Group傘下のJSW Steel Ltd(JSL)は1月11日、3万5000クロー(US$79億)を投じ西ベンガル州Paschim Medinipur県Kharagpur近郊Salboniに年産1000万トンの鉄鋼プラントを設ける覚書を同州政府と取り交わした。
◆JSW Steel inks MoA with West Bengal Govt
【Kolkata】The Jindal Group company, JSW Steel, on January 11 inked a memorandum of agreement (MoA) with the West Bengal State Government for setting up a 10-million tonnes per annum (mtpa) steel plant at Salboni near Kharagpur by investing Rs 35,000 crore.
【加尔各答】京德勒集团旗下的京德勒西南钢铁公司(JSW Steel)计划投资3500亿卢比在西孟加拉邦州梅迪尼普县Salboni兴建年产1千万吨的钢厂。他1月11日跟西孟加拉邦州政府签署有关备忘录。
2007-01-17 ArtNo.38941(10/234)
◆Petro sector exports set to double to $20 bn this year
【Panipat】India's petroleum products exports recorded $10 billion in the first six months of the current fiscal and are expected to reach $20 billion for the full fiscal.
2007-01-19 ArtNo.38952(11/234)
◆JB Chem、グジャラート州に製薬SEZ開発
【ムンバイ】JB Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Ltd (JBCPL)は800クロー(US$1.81億)を投じグジャラート州に製薬に特化した特別経済区(SEZ)を開発する計画だ。
◆JB Chem to set up pharma SEZ in Gujarat
【Mumbai】JB Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Ltd plans to invest Rs 800 crore in a pharmaceutical sector-specific special economic zone in Gujarat.
2007-01-19 ArtNo.38953(12/234)
◆Bengal Chemical、パストゥール研究所と狂犬病ワクチン製造
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州コルカタ拠点のBengal Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd (BCPL)は、タミールナド州Nilgiris県Coonoorのインド・パストゥール研究所(Pasteur Institute of India)と合弁で狂犬病ワクチンの製造に乗り出す。
◆Bengal Chemical, Pasteur Institute to make rabies vaccine jointly
【Kolkata】Kolkata-based Bengal Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals (BCPL) will form a joint venture with for manufacture of anti-rabies vaccine with the Pasteur Institute of India in Coonoor, Tamil Nadu.
2007-01-22 ArtNo.38963(13/234)
【ニューデリー】Oil and Natural Gas Corporation(ONGC)はアンドラプラデシュ州沖合Krishna Godavari(KG)海盆における新天然ガス田とオリッサ州沖合Mahanadi海盆における商業ベースの天然ガス田の発見を確認した。
◆ONGC confirms gas finds in KG, Mahanadi basins
【New Delhi】Oil and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC) has confirmed striking natural gas in Krishna Godavari basin off the Andhra Pradesh coast and Mahanadi basin off Orissa coast.
2007-01-22 ArtNo.38964(14/234)
◆Sun Pharma、後発抗鬱剤のUSFDA仮認可取得
【ニューデリー】マハラシュトラ州Mumbai拠点の地場製薬会社Sun Pharmaceuticals Ltd(SPL)は米国食品薬品局(USFDA:US Food & Drug Administration)からPfizer社製抗鬱剤『Zoloft』のジェネリック・バージョン、塩酸セルトラリン(Sertraline hydrochloride)の仮認可を取得した。
◆Sun Pharma gets US tentative approvals for anti-depressant
【NEW DELHI】Mumbai-based Sun Pharmaceuticals has received tentative approvals from USFDA for anti-depressant sertraline hydrochloride, the generic version of Pfizer's Zoloft.
2007-01-24 ArtNo.38975(15/234)
【ニューデリー】インド国営石油ガス探査会社Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)とブラジルの国営石油会社Petrobrasは、それぞれが自国で獲得した石油/ガス探査ブロックに相手の出資を認め合うスワップ協定を結ぶことを検討している。
◆ONGC, Petrobras to discuss swap deal
【New Delhi】Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) and Petrobras are discussing swap arrangement for offering stakes in producing oil & gas blocks in India and Brazil.
2007-01-24 ArtNo.38976(16/234)
【ニューデリー】インドにおける開発業務受託機関(CRO:Contract Research Organisations)市場は年率50%の成長を遂げ2010年までに10億米ドルの大台に乗る見通しだ。
◆Contract research revenues in Indian to touch $1 billion by 2010
【New Delhi】Indian Contract Research Organisations (CRO) market is on a 50 per cent growth trajectory and is set to grow to $1 billion in revenues by 2010.
2007-01-24 ArtNo.38977(17/234)
【チェンナイ】タミールナド州Chennai拠点のShasun Chemicals and Drugs Ltd(SCDL)は原末(bulk drug)会社から研究を主体とする国際製薬会社に企業イメージの転換を図っている。
◆Shasun aims to transform itself into a research-driven company
【CHENNAI】Shasun Chemicals and Drugs Ltd, based in Chennai, is aiming to change its image as a bulk drug manufacturer to one of a research-driven company in the global pharma circuit.
2007-01-26 ArtNo.38988(18/234)
【ムンバイ】Essarグループ傘下のEssar Chemicals Ltd(ECL)は、フランスの指導的化学会社Arkemaと、50:50の合弁でアクリル酸とエステルを製造するための事業化調査を進めることで合意、関係覚書を交換した。
◆Essar Chem, Arkema inks MoU for acrylic business
【Mumbai】Essar Chemicals, part of the Essar Group, and a leading French chemical company Arkema signed a Memorandum of Understanding to study the feasibility of a 50:50 joint venture in India for the production and commercialisation of acrylic acid and esters.
2007-01-29 ArtNo.38991(19/234)
【ニューデリー】サハリンⅠプロジェクトで提携するインドの国営石油・ガス探査会社Oil and Natural Gas Corporation(ONGC)とロシアのRosneft Oil Companyは25日、ロシア/インド両国そして第三国における提携を一層強化することで合意、覚書を取り交わした。
◆ONGC, Rosneft sign an MoU to expand JV ambit
【New Delhi】Encouraged by the positive partnership in the Sakhalin-I project, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)of India and Rosneft Oil Company of Russia on January 25 agreed to expand their relationship in other projects in Russia, India and third countries and signed an MoU to this effect.
2007-01-31 ArtNo.39008(20/234)
【ムンバイ】Essar Global Ltd傘下のEssar Chemicals Ltd(ECL)は米国化学企業Eastman Chemical Company(ECC)と、1億2500万米ドルを投じインドに国内市場向けのオキソアルデヒドとその派生品を製造する施設を設けることで合意、覚書を交換した。
◆Essar, Eastman sign pact for oxo plant
【Mumbai】Essar Chemicals, part of Essar Global Ltd, has signed a memorandum of understanding with Eastman Chemical Company of the US for setting up a $125-million oxo aldehyde and oxo-derivatives production facility in India.
2007-01-31 ArtNo.39009(21/234)
【ニューデリー】国防研究開発機関(DRDO:Defence Research and Development Organisation)の科学者チームが伝染病の診断・治療に応用可能なコスト効率の良い核医学キットを開発した。
◆DRDO develops nuclear medicine kit
【NEW DELHI】Indian scientists belonged to Defence Research and Development Organisation has developed a new cost-effective nuclear medicine kit to tackle infectious diseases.
2007-01-31 ArtNo.39010(22/234)
◆GVK Bio、英Drug Development Solutionsと長期契約
【ハイデラバード】地元バイオ企業GVK Biosciences Pvt Ltd (GVK)は、英国拠点の臨床研究機関Drug Development Solutions Limited (DDS)に、臨床研究データ管理サービスを提供することで後者と合意、長期契約を結んだ。
◆GVK Bio signs a long-term agreement with UK firm
【Hyderabad】GVK Biosciences Pvt Ltd (GVK), a closely held company of the GVK group, has signed a long-term agreement with UK-based clinical research organisation, Drug Development Solutions Limited (DDS), for providing clinical data management services pertaining to clinical studies.
◆GVK Bio跟英国研究机构签订长期合约
【海德拉巴】GVK集团旗下的GVK Biosciences私人有限公司跟英国临床研究机构医药开发解决方案有限公司签订长期合约。在这项合约下前者提供后者临床资料管理服务。
2007-02-02 ArtNo.39023(23/234)
【コルカタ】国営石油会社Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL)子会社のNumaligarh Refinery Ltd (NRL)は、300クロー(US$6772万)を投じて既存のEuro-II基準を満たしたディーゼル水素化分解装置(diesel hydro-cracker unit)をEuro-III基準を満たしたものにアップグレードする。NRLは既に投資計画案を完成させている。
◆Numaligarh Refinery to finalise Rs 300-cr expansion plan
【Kolkata】Numaligarh Refinery Ltd (NRL), a subsidiary of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd, has finalised a Rs 300-crore investment plan to upgrade of diesel hydro-cracker unit from its existing Euro-II diesel production capacity to Euro-III one.
2007-02-02 ArtNo.39024(24/234)
◆TCG、Haldia Petro支配認める判決獲得
【ニューデリー】会社法委員会(CLB:Company Law Board)は1月31日、Indian Oil Corp(IOC)のHaldia Petrochemical Ltd(HPL)への出資を認める一方、西ベンガル州政府にHPL持ち分を合弁パートナーのPurnendu Chatterjee氏のThe Chatterjee Group(TCG)に売却し、HPLから手を引くようもとめる裁定を下した。
◆TCG poised to take over Haldia Petro
【NEW DELHI】The Company Law Board on January 31 directed the West Bengal Government to sell its stake in Haldia Petrochemical Ltd to the joint venture partner, Purnendu Chatterjee, and to exit from the company though upholding the Indian Oil Corporation's entry into the petrochemical plant.
2007-02-02 ArtNo.39025(25/234)
◆Govt pays the remaining fertiliser subsidies by March
【NEW DELHI】The Centre has cleared Rs 22,000-crore fertiliser subsidies of companies and will pay the remaining Rs 12,000 crore by March this year.
2007-02-05 ArtNo.39037(26/234)
◆Japanese drug major Eisai set up a plant in India
【MUMBAI】Japanese drug major Eisai Company will soon invest 5 billion yen to set up a plant in Andhra Pradesh and start manufacturing operations in India.
2007-02-07 ArtNo.39047(27/234)
◆Tata Chem、欧州農産品会社と流通合弁
【ムンバイ】化学品、食品添加物、農業関連事業を展開するTata Chemicals Ltd(TCL)は、アイルランドに本拠を置く欧州最大の果物・野菜流通会社Total Produce Plc(TPP)と対等出資でインド国内における生鮮果物・野菜の流通事業を手掛ける当初授権資本金26クロー(US$587万)の合弁会社を設立する。
◆Tata Chem, Total Produce to form JV for retail back-end
【Mumbai】Tata Chemicals Ltd, which operates in the chemicals, food additives and agriculture space, is set to forge a 50:50 joint venture company with Europe's largest fresh produce company, Total Produce Plc. With an authorised seed capital of Rs 26 crore, the JV will deal with retail back-end operation and distribute fresh fruits and vegetables in India.
◆塔塔化学和Total Produce联营零售业后勤服务
【孟买】经营化学品·食品添加物·农业关联业务的塔塔化学制品公司和欧洲最大的农产品销售公司Total Produce Plc同意组织 50:50联营公司。初期授权资本2亿6000万卢比的联营公司将在印度国内流通新鲜果类和蔬菜而提供零售业后勤服务。
2007-02-07 ArtNo.39048(28/234)
◆Ethanol units close shop as demand fades away
【Mumbai】Amidst oil companies' fading interest in purchasing ethanol, most standalone ethanol units in Maharashtra and Gujarat have closed down.
2007-02-07 ArtNo.39049(29/234)
【バンガロール】Manipalグループは幹細胞(stem cell)研究活動の一環として幹細胞銀行(stem cell banking)ビジネスに進出する。
◆Manipal plans enter into stem cell banking
【BANGALORE】As part of its initiatives in stem cell research, the Manipal group is foraying into stem cell banking.
2007-02-09 ArtNo.39051(30/234)
◆Infrastructure industry grows 8.3 % in December
【NEW DELHI】Although performance of steel, coal and cement sector is poor, riding on the upturn in crude oil and power production, the index of six core infrastructure industries registered a growth of 8.3 per cent in December 2006 as against 7.5 per cent in the corresponding period last year.
◆骨干基础设施产业去年12月成长了8.3 %
【新德里】原油和电力的良好的成绩弥补了钢铁,煤和水泥的不振,骨干基础设施产业去年12月成记录了8.3 %成长,超越了前年同一月的7.5%的成长率。
2007-02-09 ArtNo.39052(31/234)
◆Govt's green initiatives may fetch $3.5billion
【NEW DELHI】India's green initiatives may fetch a whopping $3.5 billion by 2012.
2007-02-09 ArtNo.39054(32/234)
【ハイデラバード】米国の総合化学企業DuPontは100クロー(US$0.22億)を投じてアンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadに研究開発(R&D)センター『DuPont Knowledge Center』を設置する。
◆DuPont plans knowledge centre in Hyderabad
【Hyderabad】The US-based chemical giant DuPont plans to invest over Rs 100 crore to establish the DuPont Knowledge Center, its research and development (R&D) centre, in Hyderabad.
2007-02-09 ArtNo.39055(33/234)
【コルカタ】関西ペイントは64%出資するKansai Nerolac Paints Ltd(KNPL)に先端技術を注入し、インド市場におけるリーダーシップを維持する方針だ。
◆Kansai to shift to water-based paints from solvent-based ones
【KOLKATA】Kansai Nerolac Paints Ltd has decided to deploy the latest technologies from its parent Kansai Paint of Japan which has a 64% stake in the former and retain its leadership position in the segment.
2007-02-12 ArtNo.39068(34/234)
◆Jindal Steel、海綿鉄製造に石炭ガス化技術採用
【コルカタ】オリッサ州Angulに年産600万トンの鉄鋼プラントを建設中のJindal Steel and Power Limited (JSPL)は、同プロジェクトに石炭ガス化技術を応用する方針を決めた。
◆Jindal Steel to use coal gas for its steel project in Orissa
【Kolkata】Jindal Steel and Power Limited (JSPL) has decided to utilise coal gasification technology for its six million tonne steel project at Angul in Orissa.
2007-02-12 ArtNo.39072(35/234)
【ニューデリー】国営石油ガス探査会社Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)は、新探査ライセンス政策(NELP:New Exploration Licensing Policy)第6次入札にかけられた55ブロック中最多の25ブロックを落札した。
◆ONGC bags 25, RIL gets 7 blocks:NELP VI
【New Delhi】The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on February 8 approved to award 52 oil and gas blocks under the sixth round of the New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP). Leading state-run explorer Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (ONGC) baged 25 blocks.
2007-02-14 ArtNo.39076(36/234)
◆Idea Cellular/Ericsson/GSM協会、バイオ燃料開発
【バンガロール】インド携帯電話大手のIdea Cellularは通信機器大手Ericssonおよび携帯電話業者の業界団体GSM Association (GSMA)と協力し、農村部無線通信網の電力源としてバイオ燃料を共同開発する。
◆India, Ericsson, GSMA develop biofuels for wireless networks
【Bangalore】In order to get a source of power for wireless networks in rural India, mobile operators Idea Cellular, Ericsson and the GSM Association's Development Fund have teamed up to develop biofuels.
【邦加罗尔】为了获得农村地区的无线通信网的电源,Idea Cellular,爱立信和GSM协会共同开发生物燃料。
2007-02-14 ArtNo.39083(37/234)
【チェンナイ】タミールナド州Chennaiを拠点に熱可塑材やゴム製油圧ホースの製造を手掛けるPolyhose India Pvt Ltd(PIPL)は、イタリア企業2社と合弁でプラスチック材料を製造する合弁会社Ital Plastic Compounds Pvt Ltd(IPCPL)を設立する。
◆Polyhose in JV with Italian firms to produce plastic compounds
【Chennai】A Chennai-based manufacturer of thermoplastic and rubber hydraulic hoses Polyhose India Pvt Ltd has entered into a partnership with two Italian companies to float a joint venture 'Ital Plastic Compounds Pvt Ltd' to produce plastic compounds.
【金奈】位于泰米尔纳德州金奈的热塑性塑料和橡胶液压管制造商Polyhose India私人有限公司跟两间意大利公司达制协议设立联营公司而制造塑料。
2007-02-14 ArtNo.39084(38/234)
◆SMS Pharma、オフパテント薬品に照準
【ムンバイ】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点の薬理活性原末(API: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients)及び中間体製造会社SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd(SMSPL)は特許期限が間もなく切れる分子種に照準を合わせた受託製造と直接輸出を通じて売上げの拡大を図っている。
◆SMS Pharma increases focus on off-patent lines
【Mumbai】SMS Pharmaceuticals, the Hyderabad-based active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and intermediate manufacturer, has trained its gun on molecules going off-patent to boost revenues through contract manufacturing and direct exports.
◆SMS Pharma瞄准非专利药品
【孟买】位于安得拉邦州海德拉巴的活性原料药和中间体制造商SMS Pharmaceuticals有限公司计划瞄准非专利药材同时通过合同制造和直接出口而增加收入。
2007-02-21 ArtNo.39109(39/234)
◆大日本/Clariant/Ciba、Asahi Songwon権益に関心
【ムンバイ】公私募を通じて事業拡張資金の調達を図るグジャラート州Ahmedabad拠点の顔料大手Asahi Songwon Colors Ltd (ASCL)に世界の大手化学品会社3社が関心を寄せている。
◆DIC, Clariant, Ciba keen to pick up stake in Asahi Songwon
【Mumbai】World's big players in chemical industry are likely to pick up a stake in Ahmedabad-based Asahi Songwon Colors Ltd (ASCL), a major pigment manufacture, which plans public and private placements to fund the expansion project.
◆大日本/科莱恩/汽巴有意购买Asahi Songwon股权
【孟买】全球化学大亨有兴趣购买位于古吉拉特州艾哈迈达巴德的颜料制造商Asahi Songwon Colors有限公司的股权。后者正在准备通过公募和私募而融资扩张项目。
2007-02-23 ArtNo.39110(40/234)
【ニューデリー】世界最大の鉄鋼会社Mittal Steelを率いるLakshmi Niwas Mittal氏の投資会社Mittal Investmentが国営石油会社Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL)のBhatinda製油所プロジェクトに3200クロー(US$7.22億)出資する。
◆Mittal to invest $722 m in HPCL's Bhatinda refinery
【New Delhi】Lakshmi Niwas Mittal, the world's largest steel producer, has bought 49 per cent in Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd's new refinery at Bathinda, Punjab for Rs 3,200 crore($722 million) through Mittal Investments, a company he controls.
2007-02-23 ArtNo.39121(41/234)
【ムンバイ】インドの地元製薬大手は初期の挫折にもめげず新薬成分(NCE:new chemical entity)開発の夢を追い続けている。これらの企業は、Ranbaxyの抗菌薬シプロフロキサシンの1日1回投与システム等、後発医薬品や新薬投与システム(NDD:novel drug delivery system)領域において既にいくつかのヒット作を生み出しており、トップガンは、NCE領域でも過去2年間にかなりの成果を上げている。
◆Indian pharma cos take dose of new molecule R&D
【Mumbai】Although Indian pharma majors have suffered setbacks in the past, undaunted local companies continue to chase the dream to discover new chemical entitys(NCE).They have made a few breakthroughs in generics and novel drug delivery systems, such as, Ranbaxy's once-a-day Ciprofloxacin. In the last two years, though, the top guns have devoted themselves to NCE development, with encouraging results.
2007-03-02 ArtNo.39144(42/234)
【ムンバイ】Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL)取締役会は24日、グジャラート州Jamnagarにおける30億米ドル規模の石油化学プロジェクトと、同社オーナーへの1億2000万ワラント(新株予約権証券)の優先発行を承認した。
◆Reliance to set up 3 bn petrochem unit at Jamnagar
【Mumbai】The board of Reliance Industries Ltd on February 24 approved a plan to set up a cracker unit in Jamnagar at an investment of $3-billion and a preferential issue of 12 crore warrants to the promoters of the company.
2007-03-05 ArtNo.39157(43/234)
◆Paint sector enjoys the largest benefit from duty cut
【Mumbai】The paint companies were among the largest beneficiaries of cutting customs duty on titanium dioxide and pigments and preparations based on titanium dioxide from the current 12.5 per cent to 10 per cent in the Union Budget.
2007-03-07 ArtNo.39165(44/234)
【ニューデリー】Reliance Industries Limited (RIL)は東部のアンドラプラデシュ州Kakinada沖合Krishna Godavari海盆で発見したガス田から、化学肥料工場が多く存在する西部にガスを供給する計画を立案、その具体化に乗り出す。
◆K-G basin gas supply plans takes shape : Reliance
【New Delhi】Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL) has finalised plans to supply gas from its discovery in the Krishna Godavari (K-G) basin to fertiliser plants in the western region.
2007-03-09 ArtNo.39179(45/234)
【ムンバイ】デリー拠点の化学/合成化学/繊維メーカー、SRF Ltdは中国に対等出資の無水フッ化水素製造合弁工場を設ける。
◆SRF sets up China joint venture
【MUMBAI】The Delhi-based chemicals, synthetics and fabrics maker SRF Ltd plans to set up an equal joint venture in China to make anhydrous hydrogen fluoride.
2007-03-09 ArtNo.39180(46/234)
◆Strides Arcolab、エイズ薬の米国FDA認可取得
【バンガロール】地場後発医薬品会社Strides Arcolab Ltd(SAL)は、このほど同社としては初めて米国食品薬品局(USFDA)からエイズ多剤併用薬の後発医薬品申請(ANDA: abbreviated new drug application)暫定認可を取得した。
◆Strides gets USFDA nod for AIDS drug
【Bangalore】Strides Arcolab Ltd(SAL), a local major generic player, has got its first, but tentative USFDA approval for an ANDA (abbreviated new drug application) for a combination anti-AIDS drug.
【邦加罗尔】本地主要的非专利药制造商Strides Arcolab有限公司从美国食品药品管理局第一次获得抗爱滋病复合剂的简化新药申请原则上批准。
2007-03-12 ArtNo.39184(47/234)
【ニューデリー】経済問題閣僚委員会(CCEA:Cabinet Committee on Economic)は8日、石油/化学/石油化学投資地域(PCPIR:petroleum, chemicals and petrochemicals investment regions)の設置を認める方針を決めた。
◆Cabinet Committee approves integrated zones for chemicals
【New Delhi】The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on March 8 approved the setting up of petroleum, chemicals and petrochemicals investment regions (PCPIRs).
2007-03-14 ArtNo.39194(48/234)
【ムンバイ】Relianceグループを率いるMukesh Ambani氏はTataグループの120億米ドルのCorus買収も色褪せるような大型企業買収を準備しているようだ。
◆Mukesh eyes a global buyout of Dow Chemical?
【MUMBAI】In what could dwarf the $12 billion Tata-Corus deal, Mukesh Ambani seems to be getting ready to make the massive acquisitions.
2007-03-14 ArtNo.39195(49/234)
【ニューデリー】Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL)は東部のアンドラプラデシュ州沖合Krishna Godavari(KG)海盆のKG-DWN-98/3 (KG-D6)ブロックとオリッサ州沖合Mahanadi海盆のEC-OSN-97/2 (NEC- 25)ブロックで、それぞれ天然ガス田を発見した。
◆Reliance finds two more gas reserves in the east coast
【NEW DELHI】Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) has made two new natural gas discoveries in its east coast blocks, i.e. KG-DWN-98/3 (KG-D6)block in Krishna Godavari(KG) basin in the coasts of Andhra Pradesh and NEC-OSN-97/2 (NEC- 25)block in Mahanadi basin in Orissa coast.
2007-03-14 ArtNo.39196(50/234)
◆Venus Remedies、カルバペネム/凍結乾燥抗癌剤の製造開始
【ムンバイ】Venus Remedies Ltd(VRL)がヒマチャルプラデシュ州Baddiに100クロー(US$2257万)を投じて設けた専用プラントではカルバペネム(carbapenem)と凍結乾燥抗癌剤注射薬の試験生産が既に進められており、4月の第1週から商業生産が開始される。
◆Venus Remedies starts to make Carbapenem and anti-cancer drug
【MUMBAI】Venus Remedies Ltd has inaugurated its Rs 100 crore two new dedicated plants for manufacturing Carbapenem and Lyophilized anti-cancer formulations in injectible form at Baddi, Himachal Pradesh and plans to start commercial production from April.
◆Venus Remedies开始试验生产碳青霉烯类和抗癌冻干制剂
【孟买】Venus Remedies有限公司投资10亿卢比在喜马偕尔州Baddi建的两间工厂已经开始试验生产碳青霉烯类和抗癌冻干制剂,也准备从4月开始商业性生产。
石油/化学 Petroleum/Chemical in 2007