解説/論評 Interpretation/Commentary in 2007
◆A fresh $10-billion-plus FDI to flow into Indian realty mkt in H1
【NEW DELHI】An ever-increasing influx of foreign funds has complemented the boom in real estate. In view of more than 35 big foreign funds have already entered, industry observers are confident that the first half of 2007 will see at least 20 more funds making an India entry. If it materializes, another $10 billion should add to the FDI pie in the real estate sector.
2007-01-12 ArtNo.38916(2/78)
【ムンバイ】インドのパソコン(PC)市場は一時1万ルピーPCの話題で沸騰、Xenitis Groupの『apna PC』/『amchi PC』やSahara Computersの『Dare to Compare』などの新聞広告や屋外広告が目にされたが、今や1万ルピーPCの話題を耳にすることもなくなった。
◆PC penetration still low
【NEW DELHI】IT minister Dayanidhi Maran last month declared 2007 as the year of broadband and raised the target to add a million broadband subscribers a month by the end of this year.But If India has to add a million broadband subscribers a month, it needs a strong computer base across the country, especially at homes. Figures regarding these don't tell a good story.
【新德里】Dayanidhi Maran通信信息科技部长上月说「2007年是宽带通信年」。他也提起这一年之间每个月增加100万宽带通信订户。可是如果达到这个目标,就要实现全国性的个人电脑普及,特别要在家庭市场的普及率提高。然而这个方面的统计数字并不乐观。
2007-01-12 ArtNo.38917(3/78)
【ニューデリー】Dayanidhi Maran通信情報技術相は先月、『2007年はブロードバンド年』と宣言、ブロードバンド利用者を毎月100万人ずつ増やす目標を提起したが、同目標の成否は取り分け家庭を中心にしたパーソナル・コンピューター(PC)の普及にかかっている。しかしこの方面の統計数字は決して明るい見通しを示していない。
◆PC penetration still low
【NEW DELHI】IT minister Dayanidhi Maran last month declared 2007 as the year of broadband and raised the target to add a million broadband subscribers a month by the end of this year.But If India has to add a million broadband subscribers a month, it needs a strong computer base across the country, especially at homes. Figures regarding these don't tell a good story.
【新德里】Dayanidhi Maran通信信息科技部长上月说「2007年是宽带通信年」。他也提起这一年之间每个月增加100万宽带通信订户。可是如果达到这个目标,就要实现全国性的个人电脑普及,特别要在家庭市场的普及率提高。然而这个方面的统计数字并不乐观。
2007-01-17 ArtNo.38933(4/78)
【バンガロール】インド不動産市場は外国直接投資(FDI:Foreign Direct Investment)ブームに沸いているが、厳しい規則と不安定な評価額に祟られ、外国投資家と地元デベロッパーの間で取り交わされた契約の4分の1近くは破談もしくは無効になっている。
◆A quarter of realty FDI only on paper
【BANGALORE】Although People are talking about the FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) boom in Indian real estate, nearly a quarter of the deals between foreign investors and Indian developers have failed to take off following stringent regulations and stretched valuation.
2007-01-26 ArtNo.38986(5/78)
【バンガロール】インドのWi-Fi(wireless fidelity)市場規模(組込ソフトとラップトップPCを除く)は、今日の4160万米ドルから2012年には7億4400万米ドルに年率(CAGR:複合年間成長率)61.4%の成長が予想される。
◆Wi-Fi market to rise to $744 million by 2012
【Bangalore】The overall Indian Wi-Fi market (excluding embedded devices and laptops) is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 61.4 per cent to over $744 million by 2012 from the current $41.6 million.
2007-02-05 ArtNo.39031(6/78)
◆Industry expects another big push for small cars
【New Delhi】The automobile industry is hoping the next Budget will see an across the board cut in excise duty to 16% from 24% now. It is their single most important expectation from the Budget. The industry has been clamouring for this for the last two years.
2007-02-09 ArtNo.39052(7/78)
◆Govt's green initiatives may fetch $3.5billion
【NEW DELHI】India's green initiatives may fetch a whopping $3.5 billion by 2012.
2007-02-16 ArtNo.39088(8/78)
◆VC / PE funds eye Indian semiconductor market
【NEW DELHI】Global semiconductor market is witnessing a slowdown. Looking at future prospects, year 2009 is expected to a negative year for the global industry and there is a fear of overcapacity by 2009. The semiconductor market in India, in sharp contrast, which was pegged at $1.6 billion in 2006, is expected to reach about $2.2 billion in 2007 and $5.5 billion by 2010.
As a result, Indian chipmakers and designers and even the domestic market seems to be high on the radars of global venture funds and private equity funds.
2007-02-21 ArtNo.39099(9/78)
◆Small sponge iron units come up rapidly to cash in on steel buoyancy
【Mumbai】Riding on the current perkiness in the steel sector, there are rapidly coming up small- and medium-size sponge iron units in the country's iron ore-rich regions – including Orissa and Chhattisgarh.
2007-02-21 ArtNo.39104(10/78)
【ハイデラバード】多様化したマイクロ・プロセッサーに対応した多様なビジネス・コンピューティングやパーソナル・コンピューティングの段階を迎えた世界半導体市場における経験が、インドでも経験されつつあり、Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)は、インド半導体市場がビジネス・コニューティングとパーソナル・コンピューティングの両面で新たな成長段階を迎えようとしているものと見ている。
◆AMD positive about Indian semiconductor market
【Hyderabad】India has begun to mirror Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) Inc's global experience in terms of making entry into different business and personal computing segments with a wider range of上述 micro- processors. Therefore AMD believes that the Indian market is poised to witness a new growth phase both in the enterprise and personal computing segments.
2007-03-02 ArtNo.39138(11/78)
◆Chip makers' fund rush may be seen
【BANGALORE】Following the announcement of the Semiconductor Policy by the Union government, a slew of announcements for committing investments in the Indian semiconductor manufacturing sector in the next few months is expected.
2007-03-05 ArtNo.39148(12/78)
◆Pension funds be used to meet the investment in infrastructure: Survey
【NEW DELHI】Eaven as infrastructure now showing signs of progress and providing impetus to economic growth, the Economic Survey has suggested that insurance and pension funds can be used to meet the massive investment need of $320 billion in infrastructure during the XI Plan.
2007-03-05 ArtNo.39150(13/78)
◆Multi-modal system is imperative: Survey
【New Delhi】Slow evacuation of cargo coupled with poor hinterland connectivity has adversely impacted the efficacy of ports and it is essential to develop a multi-modal system to enhance their competitiveness.
2007-03-05 ArtNo.39153(14/78)
◆Auto industry becoms the major engine for growth: Survey
【New Delhi】The Economic Survey said on February 27, "India's automobile industry needs a major push to enhance its capabilities to innovate and upgrade to remain competitive in terms of quality and price in the global market".
2007-03-05 ArtNo.39156(15/78)
◆IT/ ITES sector employment up 353% in six years: Survey
【New Delhi】The growth of the IT/ ITES sector has exerted a salutary influence on the employment scenario, with total number of professionals employed in the sector growing by 353% from an estimated 2,84,000 in 1999-2000 to 12,87,000 in 2005-06.
2007-03-09 ArtNo.39172(16/78)
◆Change in the preferences of urban consumers affects bike sale
【New Delhi】In the last two months, two-wheeler sales growth dropped to single digit, about 7 per cent compared with an average annual growth of over 14 per cent between April-December 2006. A quiet change in the preferences of urban consumers for transport together with hardening of interest rates seem to be a key reason for the slowing down of two-wheeler sales.
2007-03-09 ArtNo.39174(17/78)
【ニューデリー】ソフトウェア・サービス会社全国協会(NASSCOM:National Association of Software and Service Companies)のKiran Karnik会頭は8日、最近のIT産業に対する課税により2010年以降のIT輸出が下降する可能性を指摘した。
◆IT exports may slowdown in 4 yrs : Nasscom
【New Delhi】India's Information Technology (IT) exports momentum possibly slowdown after 2010,due to the recent tax impositions on the sector; Nasscom President Kiran Karnik on March 8 hinted.
【新德里】印度信息科技出口成长2010年之后会失速,由于最近中央政府决定对这个行业征收税所致。印度国家软件和服务公司协会总裁Kiran Karnik先生3月8日这样预测。
2007-03-12 ArtNo.39193(18/78)
◆Bangalore will be at the top spot for chip design
【Bangalore】With reference to number of VLSI (very large scale integration) engineers working in a cluster, Bangalore is second to Silicon Valley and ahead of the rest. Given the pace at which chip design work is growing in Bangalore, it will be at the top spot in the not-too-distant future.
2007-03-19 ArtNo.39216(19/78)
◆雇用ブームやや鎮静:Manpower Inc
【ムンバイ】人材サービス大手の米Manpower Incが3月13日に発表した2007年第2四半期『マンパワー雇用予測調査(Manpower Employment Outlook Survey)』の結果、来四半期に「雇用を増やす」と回答した企業の割合(33%)から「減らす」と回答した企業の割合(2%)を差し引いた値が+31%ポイントと、インドの雇用市場は依然活気に満ちているが、前期を8ポイント、前年同期を9ポイント、それぞれ下回った。
◆Hiring spree seems cooling a little but still vibrant: survey
【MUMBAI】The Manpower Employment Outlook Survey for the second quarter of 2007 released on March 13 revealed that of the employers surveyed, 33% expect an increase in hiring activity in the second quarter of 2007, 2% anticipate a decrease, and 58% are expecting no change. With an overall net employment outlook of +31%. the job market in India is expected to remain vibrant. But this +31% represents a decrease over the first quarter by 8 percentage points and a 9 percentage point decrease year- over-year.
2007-03-23 ArtNo.39239(20/78)
◆Indian IT biggies far behind MNCs
【Mumbai】Indian IT majors remains well-behind their MNC counterparts at a race of striking big deals in the domestic arena, primarily because they currently can not offer a suite of services includes storage, database, servers, PCs, software and infrastructure management.
2007-03-26 ArtNo.39251(21/78)
◆A new regulator to spur private investments in the transmission sector
【New Delhi】In what could spur huge private investments being lined up in the transmission sector, a new regulator (a monitored marketplace) for wholesale power transmission is in the offing.
2007-04-02 ArtNo.39267(22/78)
◆The final decision on steel price hike expected on April 2
【New Delhi】The demand-supply gap in the market indicates that the market is in a position to absorb an average increase of around Rs 1,000 a tonne for hot-rolled steel, but major producers, which have faced pressure from the Government to hold prices, could not make the final decision on price hike on the last day of the month, and were expected to do so only on Monday(April 2).
2007-04-04 ArtNo.39278(23/78)
◆India mfg growth in March slowest in two years
【MUMBAI】As a series of monetary tightening measures, aimed at taming inflation, crimped demand for goods, India's manufacturing sector grew at its slowest pace in two years in March.
2007-04-04 ArtNo.39286(24/78)
【ハイデラバード】米国の調査会社Forrester Research, Incによると、およそ800社が活動するインドのソフトウェア業界に今後、合併と統合の波が波及する見通しだ。
◆India may witness more consolidation within software cos
【Hyderabad】According to American research house, Forrester Research, Inc, India is likely to witness more consolidation within some 800 software sector players.
2007-04-09 ArtNo.39291(25/78)
◆Stainless steel prices may rise 7%
【NEW DELHI】Prices in India's Rs 25,500-crore stainless steel industry may go up by 7%, given an unprecedented hike in nickel rates in the international market from $26,000 per tonne in January 2006 to about $49,000 per tonne currently.
2007-04-09 ArtNo.39294(26/78)
◆半導体政策は幸先良いスタート:Raj Singh氏
【チェンナイ】このほどインドに45億米ドルを投じて半導体ウエハー製造施設を設ける計画を発表したHindustan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (HSMC)の創設者の1人、Raj Singh取締役は、「インド政府が発表した半導体政策は必要条件を満たしており、インド半導体産業は幸先の良いスタートを切った」と語った。
◆Support under the chip policy is at the `threshold point' : HSMC
【Chennai】The founder and Director of Hindustan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (HSMC) Mr Raj Singh said, "The semiconductor policy, recently notified, is a fairly good start. The government's support is at the threshold point." The company recently announced a $4.5-billion investment for chip manufacturing in India.
【金奈】这次发表投资45亿美元在印度兴建晶圆厂的印度半导体制造公司董事和创办人Raj Singh说「印度政府最近发表的半导体政策是好的开始,政府的支援措施也满足必要的条件。」
2007-04-11 ArtNo.39302(27/78)
◆FDI outflows record $23 b in Jan, Feb
【New Delhi】Foreign direct investments (FDI) made by Indian companies during January and February of the current year were estimated at $23 billion, higher than $21 billion made in the whole of 2006.
2007-04-16 ArtNo.39328(28/78)
◆It unlikely gives India edge:Chip policy (1)
【Mumbai】Although Indian government has finally announced a semiconductor policy and hopes to put the country on the world map of semiconductor (wafer fab) manufacturing, most analysts and some industry players are wondering whether government incentives alone will suffice.
◆只靠政策是不够:半导体政策 (1)
2007-04-16 ArtNo.39329(29/78)
◆Still a logic in having a fab plant:Chip policy (2)
【Mumbai】Tthere's still a logic in having a fab plant in India. Chip designing, which India excels in, accounts for around 30 per cent of the total high-tech manufacturing revenues. Assembling, testing, marking, packing (ATMP) and chip manufacturing account for the remaining 70 per cent which India loses out on.
2007-04-16 ArtNo.39330(30/78)
【ムンバイ】インド政府はIntelなどにインド進出を求める考えだが、Texas Instrumentsはインドに半導体工場を設置する考えはないとしており、オランダのNXP Semiconductorsも同様だ。
ビジネス・スタンダードが4月12日報じたところによると、NXP Semiconductors IndiaのChandak営業部長は「当面、進出計画はない」と語る。
◆Multinationals' cold response : Chip policy (3)
【Mumbai】Even as Indian government plans to reopen negotiations with Intel and other companies to explore possibilities of them setting up units in the country, Texas Instruments has stated it will not set up a semiconductor manufacturing plant in India. So dose NXP Semiconductors.
2007-05-11 ArtNo.39443(31/78)
【ムンバイ】多国籍企業がインドに設けたキャプティブ・センター(captive centres)の60%以上が様々な困難に直面、悪戦苦闘している。このため多くの多国籍企業が2009年までにサードパーティー・ベンダーにオフショア業務を移管するものと見られる。
◆MNCs' captive centres face problem in India:Forrester report
【Mumbai】Over 60 per cent captive centres in India are struggling with their operations. By 2009, companies will increase their dependence on third-party vendors for services, especially product development.
2007-05-23 ArtNo.39484(32/78)
◆Long steel outdoes flats on core sector boom : JPC
【New Delhi】Buoyed by booming core infrastructure industries, long steel products, which are mainly used in the construction sector, have shown an upswing, compared with flat steel products which feed the automobile and consumer products manufacturing industry. It is expected that production of long steels may have exceeded the production of flat steels.
2007-05-23 ArtNo.39492(33/78)
【ニューデリー】インドは2011年までに100万人近いユーザーを抱えるインターネット・テレビジョン(IPTV:Internet Protocol Television)市場に成長、日本を除くアジア太平洋地域第5位にランクされる見通しだ。
◆Indian net TV subscriber base may touch 1 m by 2011
【New Delhi】India is expected to have nearly a million Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) subscribers by 2011 and to become the fifth largest IPTV market in the Asia-Pacific region excluding Japan.
2007-05-25 ArtNo.39502(34/78)
◆Margins of durables cos shrink further: Credit Rating Agency
【NEW DELHI】As a result of increased competition, price erosion and diminishing brand power, profit margins of consumer durables manufacturers are likely to decline further.
2007-05-28 ArtNo.39517(35/78)
◆Teledensity touches 18.74% in April
【New Delhi】Telephone subscriber base in the country continues to grow with an addition of 5.15 million wireless subscribers in April 2007, taking the total telephone users to 212.02 million and teledensity to 18.74 per cent as compared to 18.31 per cent in March 2007.
2007-06-01 ArtNo.39542(36/78)
【ニューデリー】インド共産党マルクス主義派(CPI-M)政治局(Polit Bureau)は、「公開の場における党員の相互非難は党規に反する」との理由から、ケララ州のVS Achuthanandan首席大臣とPinarayi Vijayanケララ州党書記長の政治局委員資格を暫時停止した。
◆Of politics in real estate sector and the politics over realty:Kerala episode
【NEW DELHI】The Communist Party of India -Marxists(CPI-M) politburo suspended Kerala chief minister VS Achuthanandan and CPI-M state secretary Pinarayi Vijayan from the highest policy making body for their public spat in violation of party norms.
【新德里】印度共产党(马克思主义)政治局决定暂停喀啦啦州首席部长VS Achuthanandan先生和喀啦啦州党书记Pinarayi Vijayan先生的政治局委员资格。因为两位先生在公开地互相批评而违反了党纪律。
2007-06-01 ArtNo.39543(37/78)
【ニューデリー】ケララ州CPI-M政治局における政治劇は、ウッタルプラデシュ州のMayawati新首席大臣が、Anil Ambani氏のNoidaにおける多目的特別経済区(SEZ)プロジェクトに待ったをかけた直後に生じた。
◆Of politics in real estate sector and the politics over realty:Noida episode
【NEW DELHI】The Kerala episode has come close on the heels of the newly-elected chief minister of Uttar Pradesh Mayawati expressing its reservation on Anil Ambani's multi-product special economic zone (SEZ) in Noida.
2007-06-04 ArtNo.39544(38/78)
◆GDP logs in 9.4% growth, the fastest in 18 years
【New Delhi】The Indian GDP grew by 9.4 per cent in 2006-07, not only exceeding previous year's 9 per cent but the fastest in 18 years, as sterling performances by services and manufacturing sectors more than made up for a slowdown in agriculture and construction sector.
2007-06-04 ArtNo.39548(39/78)
◆Jindal Stainless、ニッケル消費量急増予想
【ニューデリー】Jindal Stainless Ltd(JSL)は、目下建設中の新工場が3年内に稼働するとニッケル消費量が現在の2倍の1600トン以上に増加するものと見ている。
◆Jindal Stainless expects jump in nickel consumption
【NEW DELHI】Jindal Stainless Ltd anticipates its monthly nickel consumption to double to more than 1,600 tonnes due to the starting operation of its new plant in three years.
2007-06-06 ArtNo.39566(40/78)
◆To allow FDI in a calibrated manner : Assocham
【New Delhi】A study conducted by Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India(Assocham) has projected that organised retailing in India is likely to touch $23 billion by 2010. Currently, organised retailing is estimated between $7.5 billion to $8 billion. Assocham has suggested opening up of the retail sector to Foreign Direct Investment in a calibrated manner.
2007-06-08 ArtNo.39573(41/78)
◆Motorcycle makers cut output, reduce dealer inventory
【NEW DELHI】Even as the motorcycle market's booming growth has reached a plateau, the top players now rationalise their production and reduce their dealer inventory.
2007-06-08 ArtNo.39579(42/78)
【ニューデリー】指定部族(ST:scheduled tribe)が、誰もが羨望するステータスになり、少数部族問題省の門前にST認定を求める900余の部族が列を成しているが、Gurjar族にしろMeena族にしろ、STステータスを手に入れるのは、それほど容易なことではない。
◆Belligerent Gurjars fail on ST criterion of shyness : BS
【New Delhi】Being a Scheduled Tribe (ST) is suddenly coveted status. There are 900-odd applicant communities that have queued up for the status before the Ministry of Tribal Affairs. But even as Gurjars and Meenas slug it out in the streets, being – or becoming — an ST isn't as easy as people believe.
【新德里】『指定种族(scheduled tribe)』忽然间成了万人所羡慕的对象。大约900个种族在少数种族问题部的门口排成龙而申请指定种族资格。可是不论是Gurjar族还是Meena族,获得指定种族资格不是谁都想像得那么容易。
2007-06-20 ArtNo.39631(43/78)
◆Auto component cos in reverse gear, some flow into overseas
【Mumbai/ New Delhi】The slow-down in vehicles sales has begun to find an echo among the makers of automobile parts. Several top executives of auto component companies said the demand from vehicles makers had fallen 5-10 per cent over the last couple of months.
2007-06-27 ArtNo.39670(44/78)
【バンガロール】北米、台湾、日本を初めとする世界の指導的電子製造サービス(EMS:electronics manufacturing services)会社が地元企業との提携や買収を通じ急成長するインド市場進出を図っている。
◆MNC eing an entry into India's EMS turf
【BANGALORE】Several global majors, especially North American, Taiwanese and Japanese electronics manufacturing services (EMS) companies are eing an entry into the rapidly growing Indian market through partnerships and acquisitions.
2007-06-27 ArtNo.39674(45/78)
【ニューデリー】過去数年間に複合年間成長率(CAGR:compounded annual growth rate)35%をマークしたインドの情報技術(IT)及びBPO(business process outsourcing)産業は、向こう4年間も年率30%以上の成長を遂げる見通しだ。
◆IT and BPO industry set to grow by 30%
【New Delhi】India's IT and BPO industry is expected to continue to grow over 30 pc y-o-y for at least another four years, after registering a compounded annual growth rate of 35 per cent in last few years.
2007-06-27 ArtNo.39675(46/78)
【ニューデリー】インドの直販(direct selling)市場規模は、健康(health)/保養(wellness)/パーソナルケア産業等の成長に牽引され、現在の3100クロー(US$7.56億)から2012年までに1万5000クロー(US$36.59億)に拡大するものと見られる。
◆Direct selling industry to touch Rs 15,000 cr in 5 years
【New Delhi】The size of direct selling industry in India, which is around Rs 3,100 presently, will expand four folds to Rs 15,000 crore by 2012, driven by segments like health, wellness and personal care.
2007-06-29 ArtNo.39679(47/78)
◆Steel prices are expected to go down
【Kolkata】On the back of a stabilization of global and import prices, due to the appreciation of the rupee against the dollar, steel prices are likely to be reduced by Rs 500-1,000 a tonne.
2007-06-29 ArtNo.39685(48/78)
【バンガロール】インドには半導体ウエハー・ファブ・ブームが生じているが、こうしたブームを牽引しているSemIndia/Hindustan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (HSMC)/Nest Technologies/Videocon/India Electronics Manufacturing Corpは何れも半導体大手から技術供与を受けたサード・パーティー製造業者で、自ら製造施設を設ける計画を発表した大手半導体企業は今のところ存在せず、少なくとも向こう数年もそのような企業が現れる可能性はない。
◆Third party vendors drive India's fab fever
【BANGALORE】A host of third party manufacturing vendors such as SemIndia, Hindustan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (HSMC), Nest Technologies, Videocon and India Electronics Manufacturing Corp are driving the India's current fab fever. The big semiconductor companies are providing the technology to these third party vendors, but they themselves are not ready to set up shop in India at least in the next few years.
【邦加罗尔】现在推动印度晶圆厂热的SemIndia/Hindustan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (HSMC)/Nest Technologies/Videocon/India Electronics Manufacturing Corp都是从半导体制造商拿到技术援助的第三方卖主。到目前为止,没有一间跨国半导体制造商本身发表在印度兴建制造设施计划。实际上今后至少几年也没有这种可能性。
2007-07-02 ArtNo.39688(49/78)
【ニューデリー】大蔵省と商工省は最近、特別経済区(SEZ)内の企業が内国税地区(DTA:domestic tariff area)で購入したある種の商品は輸入品と見なすことで合意したが、このことはSEZ内の企業に輸出義務を課すことを意味する。
◆SEZ boom may cool down due to the new norms
【NEW DELHI】The finance ministry and commerce department have agreed on treating certain goods purchased by these SEZ(special economic zone) units from the domestic tariff area (DTA) as 'imports' – a move that would indirectly impose greater export obligations on these units.
2007-07-02 ArtNo.39690(50/78)
【ニューデリー】甘利明経済産業相の訪印に先立って、日本とインドのオフィシャルは先週『包括的経済提携協定(CEPA:Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement)』問題を協議したが、双方の意見の相違の大きいことが改めて確認された。
◆India, Japan differ on trade pact
【NEW DELHI】Before Japanese Economy, Trade and Industry minister Akira Amari's arriving in India, officials of two countries met here last week holding discussions on Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between the two countries. However the official-level talks ended with wide differences.
解説/論評 Interpretation/Commentary in 2007