建設/不動産 Construction/Real Estate in 2009
◆Govt unveils the second stimulus package
【New Delhi】Indian government, keeping step with the Reserve Bank of India, on January 2 announced a second stimulus package in order to revers the economic slowdown through higher public spending, providing additional liquidity for onward lending at lower interest rates, boosting sagging sale of commercial vehicles and making easier credit availability for the export sector, housing and small industries.
2009-01-12 ArtNo.41821(2/107)
【アーマダバード】シンガポール拠点のUniversal Success Enterprises Ltd (USEL)とインドネシアの華商Salim Groupは、手を携えて向こう10年間にグジャラート州に5万クロー(US$100億)を投資することを計画、今月中にも州政府と関係協定を結ぶ見通しだ。
◆USEL, Salim to invest $10b in Gujarat
【Ahmedabad】The Singapore-based Universal Success Enterprises Ltd (USEL) and Indonesia's Salim Group plan to invest Rs 50,000 crore (US$10b) in Gujarat in the next 10 years and may sign the requisite agreements with the State Government this month.
【艾哈迈达巴德】总部位于新加坡的Universal Success Enterprises有限公司(USEL)与印尼企业三林集团计划今后10年内在古吉拉特州携手投资5000亿卢比相等于100亿美元。它们会在这个月跟古吉拉特州政府签署有关合约。
2009-01-14 ArtNo.41827(3/107)
◆Nov infrastructure growth slows to 2.2%
【New Delhi】Growth in infrastructure industries slowed to 2.2 per cent in November 2008 compared with 5.1 per cent in the year-ago and 3.4 per cent in October 2008 as petroleum refinery products, electricity production and finished steel showed poor performance.
【新德里】主要是因为炼油业,发电业和制钢业的生产不振,2008年11月的基础设施产业成长率钝化到2.2%,比2007年11月的 5.1%来得低,也比上月(2008年10月)的3.4%更低。
2009-01-14 ArtNo.41831(4/107)
【ニューデリー】西ベンガル州Bardhaman県Andal-Faridpur地区に国内初の空港都市『Bengal Aerotropolis』を開発するため、州当局は最近2363エーカーの用地買収に関する通知を発送、土地取得手続きに着手した。
◆West Bengal aerotropolis project begins
【New Delhi】The process of acquiring 2,363 acres of land in the Andal-Faridpur block of Bardhaman district, West Bengal for the first airport city project in the country has begun with the issuance of a notification to this effect recently.
【新德里】印度国内第一个空港都市区『孟加拉宇航都会(Bengal Aerotropolis)』发展项目的2364英亩用地收购手续在西孟加拉州巴得海曼县Andal-Faridpur地区已经开始。西孟加拉州当局最近发行有关通知书。
2009-01-19 ArtNo.41838(5/107)
【ムンバイ】Hindustan Construction Company Ltd(HCC)は4万クロー(US$80億)を投じ、グジャラート州Dholeraにウォーター・フロント・シティー(WFC)を開発する。
◆HCC to build $80b water front city in Gujarat
【Mumbai】Hindustan Construction Company is going to invest Rs 40,000 crore($8b) to develop a 'Water Front City' at Dholera, Gujarat. The company was inked with the Gujarat Infrastructure Development Board during the Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors' Summit.
2009-01-21 ArtNo.41855(6/107)
◆FDI cos may not be allowed to own commercial projects
【New Delhi】Real estate developers may not be allowed to own commercial projects such as malls in the same company that develops projects for which they have accepted foreign investment. They have to hive off other projects into a separate company or a special purpose vehicle (SPV).
2009-01-28 ArtNo.41880(7/107)
【コーチ】Petronet LNG Ltd (PLL)は、ケララ州Kochiに2012年の稼働を目処に建設中の250万トン液化天然ガス(LNG)ターミナルに供給するため、Chevron(50%)/Exxon Mobil(25%)/Shell(25%)から成るコンソーシアムが豪州で進めるGorgan Projectsと、来月LNGの長期購買契約を結ぶ。
◆Petronet, Gorgan to sign gas supply deal in Feb
【Kochi】Petronet LNG Ltd (PLL) and Gorgan Projects, an Australian consortium comprised of Chevron(50%), Exxon Mobil(25%) and Shell(25%), will sign a gas supply contract in February. Under this contract the latter will supply LNG to the former's 2.5-million-tonne-a-year terminal in Kochi to be commissioned by March 2012.
【科钦】Petronet LNG有限公司与Gorgan液化天然气项目将今年2月签署天然气供应合约。在这项合约下,后者向前者的科钦液化天然气站供应液化天然气。储藏量250万吨科钦液化天然气站预料到2012年3月之前开始操作。Gorgan液化天然气项目是澳洲企业联盟包括雪佛龙(50%),埃克森美孚(25%)和壳牌(25%)。
2009-02-04 ArtNo.41898(8/107)
◆Infrastructure industries growth slips to 2.3% in December
【New Delhi】The growth of core infrastructure industries slowed down to 2.3 per cent in December 2008 from 3.2 per cent a year-ago, due to poor performance by steel, crude oil and electricity sectors.
◆骨干基础设施产业在12月成长2.3 %
【新德里】因为制钢,原油,电力部门的生产不振,骨干基础设施产业在2008年12月只成长了2.3 %,比前年同一月的3.2%还低。
2009-02-09 ArtNo.41909(9/107)
【ニューデリー】インドにおけるビジネス機会やビジネス・パートナーを物色する国際企業や多国籍企業、あるいはベンチャー・キャピタルにエクイティー・ベースの支援を提供するため、著名な企業リーダーらが共同でエンジェル・パートナー会社Phi Enterprises P LtdとPhi Televentures P Ltdを創設した。
◆New angel fund formed to bid for 3G, PV power
【New Delhi】High profile corporate executives have joined together to create two new ventures called Phi Enterprises P Ltd and Phi Televentures P Ltd which aim to be angel partners (equity basis) for international enterprises/MNCs/VCs seeking opportunities or partnerships in India.
【新德里】著名企业执行人员们为了向在印度找机会或找伙帮的国际企业,跨国公司或风险基金提供协助而共同成立新天使伙帮公司名叫 Phi Enterprises P有限公司与Phi Televentures P有限公司。
2009-02-20 ArtNo.41949(10/107)
【ムンバイ】外国直接投資(FDI)規則が緩和されたことから、今年12月末までに1万クロー(US$20.5億)の外資が不動産市場に流入するものと予想される。Mayfair Housing Private Ltd(MHPL)のNayan Shah重役(CEO)は、政府が11日に発表したFDI規則緩和措置を歓迎し、以上の見通しを語った。
◆New FDI rule to pump $2.05b into realty industry
【Mumbai】"With the new foreign direct investment (FDI) rule, we expect investments to the tune of Rs 10,000 crore ($2.05b) to come up in the real estate sector by this calendar year-end," said Nayan Shah, CEO, Mayfair Housing Private Ltd.
【孟买】因为印度政府缓和外国直接投资规则,被预料到今年12月底之前,1000亿卢比相等于20亿5000万美元外资流入国内房地产市场。Mayfair Housing私人有限公司首席执行官Nayan Shah欢迎政府的措施而披露这项预测。
2009-03-02 ArtNo.41983(11/107)
【ニューデリー】統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政府は2月23日、大型投資を加速する一連の措置を承認した。①政府はこの日の閣議で3件の石油化学ハブ事業を承認、②商工省傘下の特別経済区認証局(BOA:Board of Approvals for SEZs)は、新たに10件のSEZプロジェクトを認可、③中央銀行のDuvvuri Subbarao総裁はこの日Pranab Mukherjee蔵相と会談し、適当な政策措置(即ち利下げ)を実行する方針を伝えた。
◆Centre clears three petrochem hubs, ten SEZs
【New Delhi】The UPA government on February 23 cleared a slew of proposals to boost big-ticket investments. The Cabinet paved the way for three massive petrochemical hubs, while the board of approvals for special economic zones (SEZs) cleared ten more zones. Meanwhile, RBI governor Duvvuri Subbarao has said he would take appropriate policy action at a meeting with finance minister Pranab Mukherjee.
【新德里】联合进步联盟政府2月23日通过加速大型投资项目的一系列措施。内阁会议批准3项超级大型石化工枢纽计划,经济特区认证局批准再多10个特区。另一方面中央银行行长Duvvuri Subbarao跟财长Pranab Mukherjee会谈是行长承诺紧急采取适当的政策措施。
2009-03-02 ArtNo.41991(12/107)
◆Kerala scouts partners for its $45-bn IT Park
【Thiruvananthapuram】Kerala is building up capacities through 10 IT parks in hub-and-spoke model at an investment of $45-billion in the next five to seven years and hunting partner for it.
2009-03-06 ArtNo.42001(13/107)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、全国にそれぞれ4~6の原子力発電所を収容する数多くの原子力パーク(nuclear park)を設けることを計画しており、用地選考委員会が既に5~7の候補地をリストアップしている。
◆Goct identifies seven sites for nuclear parks
【New Delhi】Many nuclear parks will come up across the country with each one housing four to six atomic plants. The site selection committee has identified five to seven sites to establish nuclear parks.
2009-03-09 ArtNo.42005(14/107)
◆Infrastructure grows 1.4% in Jan
【New Delhi】The six core infrastructure industries slowed to a four-year low of 1.4 per cent in January 2009 compared to 3.6 per cent in January 2008.
2009-03-09 ArtNo.42006(15/107)
【ニューデリー】大蔵省は3日、港湾開発2件、道路建設5件、合計7件、総額5220クロー(US$10.1162億)の公共民間協力(PPP:Public Private Partnership)プロジェクトを認可したと発表した。
◆Govt approves 7 PPP projects of worth $1bn
【New Delhi】The govt has cleared seven Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects, i.e. two port projects and five highway projects, involving investment of Rs.5,220 crore($1.01162bn), the finance ministry said here on March 3.
2009-03-09 ArtNo.42007(16/107)
【アーマダバード】日本の専門家チームが近くグジャラート州を訪れ、インド全国幹線道路局(NHAI:National Highway Authority of India)が計画するインド初の高速道路『Ahmedabad-Vadodara Expressway』の基礎調査を実施する。
◆Japan team studies the first expressway stretch of NHAI
【Ahmedabad】A Japanese team of experts is visiting Gujarat to study the Ahmedabad-Vadodara Expressway, the first expressway stretch of National Highway Authority of India (NHAI).
2009-03-13 ArtNo.42018(17/107)
【ジャムシェドプル】Tata Motors Ltd(TML)と日立建機の60:40の合弁に成るTelco Construction Equipment Company Ltd(Telcon)は、経済危機の傷手を軽減するユニークな労使賃金協約を結んだ。
◆Telcon designs novel wage cut formula
【Jamshedpur】Telco Construction Equipment Company Ltd (Telcon), which is a 60:40 joint venture between Tata Motors and Japan's Hitachi Construction Machinery Co Ltd, has reached a unique wage agreement with its labour union to soften the meltdown impact.
2009-03-23 ArtNo.42053(18/107)
◆India set to face $190 b infra funding shortfall
【New Delhi】In a development that the global economic slowdown and rising interest rate make project financing expensive and financial closure more difficult, India is likely to face a shortfall of between $150 billion and $190 billion in financing its infrastructure projects in the current Five-Year Plan period (2007-12).
2009-03-27 ArtNo.42067(19/107)
【ニューデリー】日立GEニュークリア・エナジー有限会社(GEH:GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy LLC)は23日、インド国内で改良沸騰水型原子炉(ABWR:Advanced Boiler Water Reactor)を製造することに関する覚書を、インドの国営企業2社、Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL)およびBharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL)と、それぞれ交換した。
◆GE Hitachi inks MoUs with NPCIL, Bhel
【New Delhi】GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy LLC(GEH) on March 23 signed preliminary agreements with state-owned firms Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL) and Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL) to build Advanced Boiler Water Reactor (ABWR) technology multiple nuclear reactors in India.
2009-03-30 ArtNo.42081(20/107)
◆Infrastructure industries show signs of revival in Feb
【New Delhi】The index of six core infrastructure industries showed signs of a slight revival by recording a 2.2% growth in February from an upwardly revised 1.5% in January on back of rising demand for petroleum products and finished steel.
2009-04-03 ArtNo.42097(21/107)
【ニューデリー】インド最大の不動産開発業者、DLF Ltdはおよそ260MW(メガワット)の設備能力を有する風力発電ビジネスを売却する方針を決めた。
◆DLF puts its wind power biz on the block
【New Delhi】DLF Ltd, India's largest real estate developer, has decided to divest its windmill power generation business which has an installed capacity of around 260 Mw.
2009-04-03 ArtNo.42098(22/107)
◆Apartment rentals continue downward trend in Oct-Dec quarter
【Mumbai】Asking rates of 2-3BHK (Bedroom/Hall/Kitchen) apartments continued their downward trend in the October- December quarter and the worst-hit cities include Delhi – NCR, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Chennai.
2009-04-06 ArtNo.42105(23/107)
◆BGR、Foster Wheelerとボイラー製造ライセンス契約
【チェンナイ】タミールナド州Chennaiを拠点にするBGR Energy Systems Ltd(BGRES)は、米国ニュージャージー州をベースにするFoster Wheeler North America Corp(FWNAC)と、インド国内で超臨界圧および亜臨界圧ボイラーを設計/製造/マーケッティングすることに関するライセンス契約を結んだ。
◆BGR in pact with Foster Wheeler
【Chennai】Chennai-based BGR Energy Systems has entered into a licence agreement with the New Jersey-based Foster Wheeler North America Corp, a subsidiary of Foster Wheeler AG, to design, manufacture and market sub and super- critical Foster Wheeler boilers in India.
2009-04-08 ArtNo.42116(24/107)
【エルサレルム】イスラエルの国営企業Israeli Military Industry(IMI)は、このほどインド政府造兵廠(OFB:Ordnance Factories Board)と総額2億4000万米ドルの契約を結んだ。同契約の下、IMIは向こう3年間にビハール州の5カ所に兵器工場(artillery munitions factories)を建設する。
◆Israel to build 5 artillery munition plants
【Jerusalem】Israeli Military Industry has signed a USD 240 million agreement with Indian Government's Ordnance Factories Board to build five artillery munitions factories in Bihar over a period of three years.
2009-04-08 ArtNo.42117(25/107)
【コルカタ】インド政府は西ベンガル州East Medinipur県Nayacharに石油・化学・石油化学投資地域(PCPIR:petroleum, chemical and petrochemicals investment region)を開発することを認めた。
◆Centre nods for Bengal petrochem region
【Kolkata】The Indian government has already given the nod to the petroleum, chemical and petrochemicals investment region (PCPIR) project in Nayachar in East Medinipur in West Bengal.
2009-04-13 ArtNo.42131(26/107)
【ブーバネスワル】Arcelor-Mittalはオリッサ州とジャールカンド州に建設する2つのメガ鉄鋼コンプレックスをサポートする専用港を、オリッサ州のMahanadi川北部Paradip近郊のBarunei Muhanに建設することを正式に提案した。
◆Mittal formality proposes to build captive port in Orissa
【Bhubaneswar】Arcelor-Mittal has formally proposed to set up a captive port, which will serve two mega integrated steel plants of the company proposed in Orissa and Jharkhand, at Barunei Muhan, located to the north of Mahanadi river near Paradip in Orissa
【布巴内斯瓦尔】阿塞勒米塔尔钢铁公司为了在奥里萨州与贾坎德州兴建两间超级大型钢厂,正式提议在奥里萨州伯拉迪布附近默哈纳迪河北部Barunei Muhan发展自用港。
2009-04-21 ArtNo.42155(27/107)
【ムンバイ】インドの民間エンジニアリング会社Larsen and Toubro (L&T)は、ロシア企業Atomstroyexport JSC (ASE)と、このほどモスクワでロシア製核反応炉VVER 1000に関わる協力覚書に調印した。
◆L&T, Atomstroyexport to build nuclear reactors
【Mumbai】Larsen and Toubro (L&T) and Atomstroyexport JSC (ASE) of Russia have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in Moscow for co-operation relating to Russian design reactors VVER 1000.
【孟买】拉森-图布罗有限公司与俄罗斯核能建设出口公司关于俄罗斯设计的反应堆VVER 1000关联的协力达成协议,双方在莫斯科签署有关备忘录。
2009-04-24 ArtNo.42165(28/107)
【ニューデリー】インド最大の不動産会社DLF Ltdは、商工省に対してオリッサ州/グジャラート州/西ベンガル州/ハリヤナ州における情報技術(IT)/IT対応サービス特別経済区(SEZ)プロジェクトの認定返上を申請した。
◆DLF seeks de-notification of 4 IT/ITeS SEZs
【New Delhi】The country's largest real estate company DLF Ltd has approached the Commerce Ministry for surrendering four notified IT/ITeS Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Orissa, Gujarat, West Bengal and Haryana.
2009-04-28 ArtNo.42175(29/107)
【ムンバイ】地場エンジニアリング会社Larsen & Toubro (L&T)は、米国のGeneral Electric Hitachi (GEH)およびフランスのArevaと、これら外国企業製の核発電設備のインド国内及び海外における販売代理を務める問題を協議しており、3、4週間内に関係協力協定に調印する見通しだ。
◆L&T in talks with GE Hitachi and Areva for nuke plans
【Mumbai】Larsen & Toubro (L&T) is in talks with General Electric Hitachi (GEH) of the US and Areva of France to becom a vendor for their nuclear power plants within and outside India. They are set to sign cooperation agreements within three to four weeks.
2009-05-05 ArtNo.42191(30/107)
【ニューデリー】インフラ中核産業6業種は2009年3月に2.9%の成長を記録、前週の見直し後の伸び率1.3%(暫定数字2.2%)を僅かに上回った。2.9%の伸びは昨年同月と同 ・だが、昨年9月以来6ヶ月間の最高で、景気復調の兆しとも見られている。
◆Core sector records highest growth in the last six months
【New Delhi】Showing early signs of revival, six core infrastructure industries grew 2.9 per cent in March, 2009, marginally higher than revised 1.3 per cent in the previous month(the provisional figure was 2.2 per cent). Growth of 2.9 per cent in March, 2009 is the highest increase in the last six months since September 2008. However it is flat compared to that in the same month in the previous year.
2009-05-08 ArtNo.42200(31/107)
◆Vallarpadam project spurs investor interest in Kerala
【Kochi】The upcoming International Container Transshipment Terminal (ICTT) at Vallarpadam, which is slated to flag off its operations after completion of first phase development in November 2009, is expected to attract large-scale investments and developmental activities to Kochi and its neighbourhood in Kerala.
2009-05-08 ArtNo.42201(32/107)
◆Orissa to invite bids for Barunei port
【Bhubaneswar】ArcelorMittal wants to set up a captive port at Barunei near Paradip port. However the Orissa government plans to select a developer for the Barunei port site through competitive bidding routes. Thus, ArcelorMittal has to compete with other port developers to bag the port site.
2009-05-08 ArtNo.42205(33/107)
【ニューデリー】インドの大手土木建設会社Punj Lloyd Ltd(PLL)は、フランス原発大手Areva NPおよび米国企業Westinghouse Electricと、インド国内に協力して原子力発電所を建設する交渉を進めている。
◆Punj Lloyd in talks with Areva, Westinghouse to build N-plants
【New Delhi】Punj Lloyd Ltd is talking to both French nuclear power major Areva NP and US-based Westinghouse Electric to partner with them on construction of nuclear power plants in India.
2009-05-12 ArtNo.42209(34/107)
◆SEZ policy set to overhaul after polls
【New Delhi】Special Economic Zone (SEZ) policy will be reworked, as one of the first things the new government will undertake, irrespective of whichever party or coalition comes to power at the Centre.
2009-05-12 ArtNo.42213(35/107)
◆After Nano, Tatas launch $8000 house
【Mumbai】In the wake of Rs 1-lakh people's car Nano, the Tata group unveiled Rs 4 lakh($8000) house in a township being developed at Boisar, 100 km from Mumbai.
2009-05-15 ArtNo.42231(36/107)
【チャンディガル】ハリヤナ州インフラストラクチャー工業開発公社(HSIIDC:Haryana State Infrastructure and Industrial Development Corporation)は同州Panipatに石油化学ハブを開発する計画を単独で実行する方針を決めた。
◆Haryana State to develop petrochem hub even as IndianOil quits
【Chandigarh】The Haryana State Infrastructure and Industrial Development Corporation (HSIIDC) has decided to go ahead with the development of the proposed petrochemical hub at Panipat on its own.
2009-05-22 ArtNo.42248(37/107)
【ニューデリー】日立GEニュークリア・エナジー有限会社(GEH:GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy LLC)は19日、地場大手土木建設会社Larsen & Toubro Ltd (L&T)と、インド国内に改良沸騰水型原子炉(ABWR:Advanced Boiler Water Reactor)を設けることに関する協力覚書を結んだ。同覚書の下、GEHは技術提供者としてABWR反応炉を含む原子力島(nuclear island)関連の設備機械やコンポーネントを供給、L&Tはこれらの設備の設計・製造・建設を引き受ける。
◆GE Hitachi in MOU with L&T for nuclear plants
【New Delhi】GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy signed an agreement with engineering and construction major Larsen & Toubro Ltd (L&T) on May 19 to develop an advanced nuclear power plant in India based on Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR). While GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy will serve as the technology provider of certain ABWR nuclear island equipment and components, L&T's role will be to engineer, manufacture and construct these power equipments.
2009-05-22 ArtNo.42250(38/107)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は全国天然ガス・ハイウェイ・ネットワーク(NGHN:National Gas Highway Network)を構築する可能性を検討している。石油天然ガス省のRS Pandey次官はこのほど以上の消息を語った。
◆Govt mulling a national gas highway network
【New Delhi】A national gas highway network may be developed to ensure supply of natural gas across the country, said petroleum secretary RS Pandey.
【新德里】根据石油天然气部事务部长RS Pandey,印度政府正在检讨兴建全国天燃气大道网的可能性。
2009-05-26 ArtNo.42260(39/107)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は『全国土地記録近代化計画(NLRMP:National Land Records Modernisation Programme)』の下、1億4000万人以上の地主の最終土地所有権(conclusive titles)を認める計画だ。目下のところ、不動産所有者(property owners)は、過去の所有権や取引に必要とされた証書及び関係書類の登録を通じ、仮所有権(presumptive titles)を認められている。
◆Govt to confer conclusive titles to 140 million landowners
【New Delhi】The government is planning to confer conclusive titles to more than 140 million landowners under the National Land Records Modernisation Programme (NLRMP). At present, property owners in the country get 'presumptive' titles through registration of deeds and documents required for probing past ownerships and transactions.
2009-05-26 ArtNo.42262(40/107)
【ムンバイ】ムンバイ市街地開発局(MMRDA:Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority)はマハラシュトラ州Mumbai市内の金融街Wadalaに、国内最高層、世界的にも第3位の101階建てビルを建設する。このための国際入札を募集、内外の請負業者に入札資格審査書類の提出を求めた。
◆MMRDA float a tender for tallest building in India
【Mumbai】The Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) on May 20 invited pre-qualification bids for constructing of a building with 101 floors at Wadala in Mumbai. Once completed, it will be the tallest in India and the third tallest in the world.
2009-05-26 ArtNo.42264(41/107)
【ニューデリー】タタ・グループ傘下のDrive India Enterprise Solutions Ltd(DIESL)とTata Realty and Infrastructure Ltd(TRIL)は向こう4~5年間に2000クロー(US$4.166億)を投じ、全国の7~8カ所にロジスティクス・パークを開発する。
◆Tata Group cos to invest $416.6 m for logistics parks
【New Delhi】Tata Group firms Drive India Enterprise Solutions Ltd and Tata Realty and Infrastructure Ltd will together invest Rs 2,000 crore ($416.6 m) over the next four to five years to develop seven-eight logistics parks across the country.
2009-05-29 ArtNo.42274(42/107)
【ニューデリー】デリー・ムンバイ産業大動脈(DMIC:Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor)計画は、日本が厳しい融資条件を提起したことから、膠着状態に陥っている。
◆Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor project comes to a dead-end
【New Delhi】Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor project appears to be heading for a dead-end, with Japan setting tough conditions to finance the project.
2009-06-02 ArtNo.42288(43/107)
【ムンバイ】JSW Groupは、1900クロー(US$3.958億)のセメント製造事業と4200クロー(US$8.749億)のアルミニウム製錬事業を、市況が回復するまで暫時棚上げする方針を決めた。
◆JSW shelves cement, aluminium expansion plans
【Mumbai】JSW Group has put on hold its Rs 1,900-crore expansion in cement and Rs 4,200-crore aluminium expansion plan till the market revives.
2009-06-02 ArtNo.42291(44/107)
【ニューデリー】中央統計局(CSO:Central Statistical Organisation)の発表によると、世界的な景気後退が伝えられる中、インドの2008-09年第4四半期の国内総生産(GDP)成長率は5.8%をマーク、通年の成長率も6.7%を記録した。
◆India manages to record 6.7 % growth in 2008-09
【New Delhi】Braving the global recessionary trends, India managed 5.8% GDP growth in the fourth quarter of 2008-09 and 6.7% in the entire fiscal, according to data released by the Central Statistical Organisation (CSO).
2009-06-05 ArtNo.42293(45/107)
◆Core sector rebounds in April
【New Delhi】Riding on improved production in cement, finished steel, coal and electricity, the six core industries grew by 4.3 per cent in April 2009, highest since July 2008.
2009-06-05 ArtNo.42296(46/107)
【ティルバナンタプラム】ケララ州政府の『総合的エネルギー保障計画(TESM:Total Energy Security Mission)』は、3都市と複数の地方自治体が共同で『ソーラ・シティー(Solar Cities)』を開発する計画の発射台と言える。
◆Kerala gets the launch pad ready for 'Solar City' scheme
【Thiruvananthapuram】The Kerala State Government's Total Energy Security Mission (TESM) could just be the launch pad for its three city corporations and a few municipalities to get on board the 'Solar Cities' development scheme.
2009-06-05 ArtNo.42297(47/107)
【ティルバナンタプラム】ケララ工業インフラ開発公社(Kinfra:Kerala Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation)は、中央政府の金融支援スキームを利用して同州Palakkad県に太陽光発電所を建設する。
◆Kinfra to set up solar power plant in Palakkad
【Thiruvananthapuram】The Kerala Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (Kinfra) proposes to set up a solar energy power plant in Palakkad district under the Central Financial Assistance scheme.
2009-06-05 ArtNo.42298(48/107)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州政府は同州Kadapa県Gandikotaの2000エーカーの土地に公共民間協力(PPP:public private partnership)コンセプトに基づき大型観光施設を開発する。
◆Andhra plans $2.13b tourism project in Kadapa
【Hyderabad】The Andhra Pradesh government plans to develop a tourism project on about 2,000 acre at Gandikota in Kadapa district under public private partnership, according to tourism minister J Geeta Reddy.
【海德拉巴】安德拉州政府旅游部长J Geeta Reddy向记者透露说,州政府计划在古德伯县甘迪科塔的2000英亩的土地上应用公私合作模式而发展旅游设施。
2009-06-09 ArtNo.42310(49/107)
◆Rs 1 lakh cr pumped in Metro projects
【Vadodara】Currently, Metro rail projects are in progress at various stages in Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, while projects are under evaluation for Pune, Lucknow, Kochi, Ludhiana and Jaipur among others. Rs 1 lakh crore ($21.28b) is expected to pump in these projects in the days to come.
2009-06-09 ArtNo.42312(50/107)
【ガンディナガール】テクノロジー企業Cisco Systemsは、Narendra Modiグジャラート州首席大臣が7万3000クロー(US$155.344億)を投じて開発を計画する野心的な『グジャラート国際金融テックシティー(GIFT:Gujarat International Finance Tec-City)』開発計画に参画、技術支援も提供する方針を決め3日、プロジェクト推進母体のGIFT Company Ltdと関係覚書を交換した。
◆Cisco may invest $2 billion in Modi's GIFT
【Gandhinagar】Technology giant Cisco Systems signed an MoU with GIFT Company Ltd on June 3 to make an investment in Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi's ambitious Rs 73,000-crore (S$15.5344b) Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT) project and help the latter evolve its technology platform.
建設/不動産 Construction/Real Estate in 2009