製造業一般 General Manufacturing in 2017
2017-03-10 ArtNo.45939(2/6)
2017-03-10 ArtNo.45940(3/6)
◆No more extravagant wedding? Bill in Lok Sabha seeks cap on guests, spending
【New Delhi】A Bill in the Lok Sabha seeks to put a limit on the number of guests to be invited and dishes to be served in weddings to check “show of wealth” and wants those spending above Rs. 5 lakh to contribute towards marriages of poor girls.
○Govt thrust on rural infra to fuel kitchenware sales: TTK
2017-05-20 ArtNo.46007(4/6)
【ニューデリー】経済活動が今年1年を通じて好調に推移するとの業界の楽観を反映し、インド産業連盟(CII:Confederation of Indian Industry)のビジネス自信指数(BCI:Business Confidence Index)は2017年1-3月期四半期に過去最高をマークした。
2017-05-20 ArtNo.46008(5/6)
【新德里】印度国内公司很乐观地认为今年的经济活动将加快步伐,因此印度工业联合会(CII:Confederation of Indian Industry)的商业信心指数(BCI:Business Confidence Index)在2017年1月到3月期间飙升到历来最高点。
2017-05-20 ArtNo.46009(6/6)
◆Biz confidence hits record high with cos upbeat on economy: CII
【New Delhi】With companies being optimistic that economic activities will gather pace this year, the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Business Confidence Index soared to an all-time high in the January-March quarter.
○Manufacturing sees slight decline: Ficci
○Income disparity in India is worse than in BRICS peers, says IMF