一次産品 Primary Industry in 2010
◆Infrastructure sector grows 5.3% in November
【New Delhi】The growth of the six core infrastructure industries recorded a 5.3 per cent during November against the 3.8 per cent, 4.5 per cent and 6.5 per cent levels of the preceding three months and the 0.8 per cent for November 2008.
2010-01-08 ArtNo.42987(2/150)
【ニューデリー】ジャガイモ、豆類、その他の野菜の価格が急上昇を続ける中、卸売物価指数(WPI:Wholesale Price Index)をベースにした食品インフレは、12月19日までの1週間に19.83%をマーク、前年同期の9.38%を倍以上上回った。
◆Food inflation at 19.83%
【New Delhi】Food inflation, as measured by the Wholesale Price Index (WPI), rose to 19.83 per cent for the week ended December 19, more than double the annual increase of 9.38 per cent seen on the same date last year as items such as potatoes, pulses and other vegetables showed a big surge in price levels.
2010-01-12 ArtNo.42999(3/150)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、国内のバイオマス資源の最適な開発とバイオ燃料生産への活用を促進する国家バイオ燃料政策(National Policy on Bio-fuels)を閣議承認した。
◆Cabinet nods national policy on bio-fuels
【New Delhi】The Union Cabinet recently approved the National Policy on Bio-fuels which will facilitate optimal development and utilisation of indigenous bio-mass feedstocks for production of bio-fuels.
2010-01-15 ArtNo.43001(4/150)
【ニューデリー】昨年11月の工業生産指数(IIP:index of industrial production)の伸び率は11.7%と、過去2年来(25ヶ月)の最高をマークした。これは主に比較の対象になる前年同月のパフォーマンスが低調だった上、製造業、取り分け消費財部門の伸びが堅調だったため。
◆Industrial growth at two-year high in November
【New Delhi】The index of industrial production (IIP) grew 11.7 per cent in November last year, the fastest in the last two years, primarily due to a low base of last year and impressive performance in the crucial manufactured goods, particularly consumer goods.
2010-01-19 ArtNo.43022(5/150)
◆India overtakes China as biggest edible oil buyer
【New Delhi】India surpassed China as the world's biggest buyer of edible oil as rising incomes, increased demand for fried and processed foods and drought reduced domestic cooking oil production.
2010-01-19 ArtNo.43023(6/150)
◆Good weather pushes up rabi pulses acreage
【New Delhi】Recent rains and favourable weather in parts of central and western India has pushed up rabi pulses acreage, raising hopes that the shortfall caused by low monsoon in kharif could be partially made up.
2010-01-22 ArtNo.43025(7/150)
【ブーバネスワル】Tata steel Ltd(TSL)と南アフリカのSynfuels Internationalの50:50の合弁に成るTata-Sasolは100億米ドルを投じてオリッサ州に石炭液化工場を設けることを提案した。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/43025.htm
◆Tata Steel-Sasol plans $10-bn coal-to-liquid fuel unit in Orissa
【Bhubaneswar】Tata-Sasol, a 50:50 joint venture between Tata steel the South African company Synfuels International, has given a proposal to the Orissa government to set up a coal-to-liquid fuel facility in the state with an investment of $10 billion.
2010-01-22 ArtNo.43032(8/150)
【ニューデリー】インド・バイオテクノロジー(BT)産業は分岐点に立っており、2015年までに100億米ドル産業に成長する見通しだ。カルナタカ州ビジョン・グループ・バイオ産業部会のKiran Mazumdar-Shaw議長は19日、以上の見通しを語った。
◆BT sector poised to top $10 billion by 2015
【Bangalore】Indian biotech industry is at an inflexion point and set to become a US$10 billion industry by 2015; Karnataka State Vision Group on Biotechnology Chairperson Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw on said January 19.
2010-01-26 ArtNo.43041(9/150)
◆Core infrastructure sector posts 6% growth in Dec
【New Delhi】The six core infrastructure sector grew 6 per cent in December, compared with 5.3 per cent growth in the previous month and 0.7 per cent increase posted for the same month a year ago.
2010-01-26 ArtNo.43042(10/150)
◆NMDC&Tata Steel、鉱業・製鋼領域で合弁
【コルカタ】公共部門の鉱山会社National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC)とTata Steel Ltd(TSL)は、国内および国外の鉱山の買収や開発、国内における製鉄所の建設等の領域で協力することで合意、22日関係覚書を交換した。
◆NMDC & Tata Steel form JV for mining and steel making
【Kolkata】Public sector mining major National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) and Tata Steel on January 22 signed a memorandum of understanding to explore opportunities for acquiring and developing mines in India and abroad besides venturing into setting up of greenfield steel plant in India.
2010-01-26 ArtNo.43044(11/150)
【New Delhi】国営National Aluminium Company Limited (Nalco)は20日、アンドラプラデシュ州で鉱業/精錬事業を実行するとともに、オリッサ州に第2のアルミニウム精錬施設を設けると発表した。
◆Nalco to set up mines and refinery in AP, Orissa
【New Delhi】State-run National Aluminium Company Limited (Nalco) on January 20 announced its plans to set up mines and refinery project in the Andhra Pradesh and a second aluminium smelter in Orissa.
2010-01-29 ArtNo.43055(12/150)
【コルカタ】トヨタ自動車はオリッサ州に、モナズ石(monazite)から生産される中間材の希土類塩化物(rare earth chloride)を加工処理する施設をオリッサ州に設けることに、強い関心を表明した。
◆Toyota may set up a rare earth chloride processing plant
【Kolkata】Toyota Motor Corporation has evinced interest in setting up a processing plant for rare earth chloride, one of the intermediate products of monazite, in Orissa.
2010-02-03 ArtNo.43069(13/150)
【ニューデリー】第4次炭層メタン(CBM)鉱区入札の審査を担当する次官クラス委員会は、入札業者の1社、Deep CH4コンソーシアムの入札資格を巡る物議に関して法務局(department of legal affairs)に意見を求めた。このため入札者は結論が出るまでより長い時間待機を強いられそうだ。
◆Controversy delays coal bed methane block auction
【New Delhi】A committee of secretaries deciding on the bids for the right to seek and produce coal bed methane (CBM) blocks under the fourth round of auction has asked the department of legal affairs to advise on the controversy surrounding one of the bidders, the Deep CH4 consortium. The bidders may have to wait longer for the outcome.
【新德里】审查第四轮勘探和开发煤层气区块拍卖会投标的一个秘书委员会对竞购者之一的Deep CH4联盟关联的争议已向法律事务局要求提供意见。所以投标人可能要更长的时间等待结果。
2010-02-03 ArtNo.43071(14/150)
◆Tata Chemicals、US$7.6億投じ尿素生産能力倍増
【ムンバイ】Tata Industries Ltd(TIL)は3500クロー(US$7.595億)を投じ、ウッタルプラデシュ州Babralaにおける尿素の年産能力を2倍の240万トンに拡大する計画だ。
◆Tata Chem investing $759.5m to double urea capacity
【Mumbai】Tata Chemicals plans to invest Rs 3,500 crore ($759.5m) to double its urea production capacity to 2.4 million tonnes at Babrala, Uttar Pradesh
2010-02-05 ArtNo.43083(15/150)
◆Food inflation rises for the second week to 17.56%
【New Delhi】Costlier potatoes and pulses pushed food inflation higher to 17.56% for the week ended January 23, higher than the previous week's annual rise of 17.40 per cent. This is the second week in a row that food inflation, based on the annual wholesale price index, has increased, after easing for three successive weeks.
2010-02-10 ArtNo.43085(16/150)
◆Economy seen growing at 7.2% in FY-10: CSO
【New Delhi】The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is projected to grow at a robust 7.2% in 2009-10, compared with 6.7% in 2008-09, on the back of broad-based industrial expansion, services growth and less-than-expected contraction in the agriculture sector.
2010-02-10 ArtNo.43093(17/150)
【バンガロール】カルナタカ州に8000クロー(US$17.36億)を投じて総合的鉄鋼プラントを設けることを計画するKIOCL Ltd(旧社名Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Ltd、鉄鋼省が完全出資)は、プロジェクト出資パートナーの予備選考を完了した。
◆KIOCL shortlists partner for steel plant in Karnataka
【Bangalore】KIOCL Ltd (formerly Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Ltd), a wholly state-owned enterprise operating under the Union steel ministry, has shortlisted an equity partner for its proposed joint venture for setting up integrated steel plant in Karnataka at an estimated investment of Rs 8,000 crore($1.736b).
2010-02-16 ArtNo.43109(18/150)
【ニューデリー】工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)は2009年12月に驚異的な16.8%の伸びをマークした。過去15年来最高の成長を実現した主因は、比較の対象になる前年同月の伸び率が-0.2%と振るわなかったことに伴うベース効果(base effect)は別にして、製造業、取り分け耐久消費財部門の好調に帰せられる。
◆Industrial production surges by a stunning 16.8% in Dec
【New Delhi】Industrial production surged by a 15-year high 16.8 per cent in December 2009, against the contraction of 0.25 per cent in the same month a year ago, driven by a robust performance by the manufacturing sector, particularly consumer durables besides a statistical base effect.
2010-02-16 ArtNo.43111(19/150)
◆Food inflation continues to rise
【New Delhi】India's annual food inflation rose for the third straight week even as the government has geared into action and the measures now being put to place are expected to soften the prices of essential items soon. The wholesale price-based food inflation rose to 17.94 per cent for the week ended January 30 from 17.56 per cent in the previous week.
2010-02-16 ArtNo.43118(20/150)
【ムンバイ】農機と多用途車(utility vehicle)の製造を手がける地元企業Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M)は11日、三菱農機株式会社と技術ライセンス契約を結んだ。同契約の下、M&Mは田植機を製造、自社ブランドで国内市場に供給する他、近隣諸国へ輸出する。
◆M&M ties up with Mitsubishi to make rice transplanters
【Mumbai】Farm equipment and utility vehicle major Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) on February 11 signed a technical license agreement with Mitsubishi Agriculture Machinery Co (MAMC) to make rice transplanters for the Indian market as well as for exports.
2010-02-24 ArtNo.43137(21/150)
◆India edible oil imports may rise 9.2% in 2009-10
【Mumbai】India's vegetable oil imports are likely to rise 9.2% in 2009-10 as consumption rises on the back of rapid economic growth and is underserved by a likley drop in local oilseed output.
2010-03-01 ArtNo.43156(22/150)
◆Food inflation falls to 17.58%
【New Delhi】The wholesale price-based food inflation fell after rising for four consecutive weeks. The food price index rose 17.58 per cent for the week ended February 13. However it was lower than an annual rise of 17.97 per cent in the previous week.
2010-03-04 ArtNo.43157(23/150)
◆Infra sector grows 9.4% in Jan
【New Delhi】Riding on the back of strong showing by crude oil, cement and steel sectors, the six core infrastructure industrie
s grew 9.4 per cent in January 2010, compared with 6.4 per cent in the previous month and 2.2 per cent in January 2009.
2010-03-04 ArtNo.43162(24/150)
【ニューデリー】Pranab Mukherjee蔵相の新年度予算案は、農村消費者のポケットにより多くの資金を注入、農村の購買力を高めることに照準を合わせており、インド企業界は、農村市場の開放を加速するものとして歓迎している。
◆Focus on rural consumers to spur auto, durable demands
【New Delhi】Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee's Budget, which has clearly empowered rural consumers by putting more money into their pockets, comes as good news for India Inc, as it further opens rural markets to them.
2010-03-04 ArtNo.43166(25/150)
【ニューデリー】経済学者Vijay Kelkar氏に率いられる第13次金融委員会(Thirteenth Finance Commission)は、全国各州の①再生可能エネルギーの利用/②森林保護/③水源管理システムの改善を促すため各5000クロー(US$10.8億)を補助するよう提案した。
◆$3bn grant to states for renewable energy, forests, water
【New Delhi】The Vijay Kelkar-led Thirteenth Finance Commission has recommended three grants of Rs 5,000 crore ($1.08b) each to prod states into adopting renewable energy sources, conserving forests and improving water management systems.
2010-03-04 ArtNo.43167(26/150)
【ニューデリー】中央政府が、食品価格高騰の主因とされるサプライ問題を解決する狙いから農業開発予算を未だかつて例のない21.6%も増額したことから、農業部門の成長が大幅に加速されるものと期待されている。Pranab Mukherjee蔵相は「少なくとも中期的に4%の農業成長率が維持できないなら、国内総生産(GDP)の9%の成長を実現することはできない」としている。
◆Four-pronged strategy to spur growth in farm sector
【New Delhi】The agriculture sector is in for a major push with an unprecedented 21.6 per cent hike in the central plan allocation to address the supply side constrains that have led to high food inflation. "Unless I have 4% growth in agriculture on a sustainable basis over the medium term at least, it would not be possible to have 9% GDP growth," Finance minister Pranab Mukherjee said.
2010-03-09 ArtNo.43173(27/150)
【ニューデリー】インフレが軟化するとの政府の見通しとは裏腹に、2月20日までの1週間の食品インフレ率は17.87%と、前週の17.58%から再度加速、中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)が4月の金融政策見直しに際して金利を引き上げる可能性が高まった。
◆Food inflation inches up to 17.87 per cent
【New Delhi】Food inflation inched up marginally to 17.87 per cent for the week ended February 20 from 17.58 per cent in the previous week, defying government predictions that price rises would start to moderate, adding to pressure on the Reserve Bank of India to raise interest rates in April.
2010-03-09 ArtNo.43175(28/150)
◆Coal India、地下ガス化事業の国際入札募集
【ニューデリー】国営炭坑会社Coal India Ltd(CIL)傘下のCentral Mine Planning and Design Institute Ltd(CMPDI)は、内外の探査開発会社に、マドヤプラデシュ州とビハール州の地下深くに存在する石炭資源をガス化して採掘する計画の入札募集通知を発送した。
◆Coal India floats a global tender for underground gasification
【New Delhi】Central Mine Planning and Design Institute Ltd(CMPDI), a subsidiary of Coal India Ltd, has invited exploration and production companies to bid for the deepest coal deposits in Madhya Pradesh and Bihar for underground gasification.
2010-03-09 ArtNo.43177(29/150)
【ムンバイ】国営鉄鉱石商社National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC)は1万6000~1万8000クロー(US$35億-39億)を投じカルナタカ州に第2製鉄所を建設することを計画する一方、2010年4月1日より鉄鉱石の長期供給契約価格を40~50%引き上げる方針だ。
◆NMDC to invest in 2nd steel plant, to raise iron ore prices by 50%
【Mumbai】National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) is planning to set up a 2-million tonne steel plant in Karnataka with an estimated investment of Rs 16,000-18,000 crore ($3.5-3.9 billion) and also to raise long-term contract prices of iron ore by 40-50 per cent, effective April 1, 2010.
2010-03-16 ArtNo.43195(30/150)
◆Headline inflation in February spikes to 9.89%
【New Delhi】Wholesale price-based inflation rose to 9.89 per cent in February from 8.56 per cent in the previous month due to increase in prices of certain food items such as sugar and the hike in excise duty on fuel announced last month.
2010-03-16 ArtNo.43196(31/150)
◆Food inflation eases slightly to 17.81%
【New Delhi】The annual Wholesale Price Index-based food inflation dipped marginally to 17.81 per cent for the week ended February 27 from 17.87 per cent in the previous week. However the overall inflation is expected to commence its uptrend in the coming weeks as a direct impact of the hike in petrol and diesel prices, the across-the-board increase in excise duty and its cascading effect on the manufacturing sector and the broader economy.
2010-03-19 ArtNo.43208(32/150)
◆Rio Tinto、オリッサ州US$10億合弁事業の復活目指す
【ブーバネスワル】多国籍鉱山会社Rio Tintoは16日発表した年次報告書の中で、棚上げにして来たオリッサ州における10億米ドルの鉄鉱石事業を再開し、積極的に推進する方針を明らかにした。
◆Rio Tinto to revive $1-bn JV in Orissa
【Bhubaneswar】Global mining major Rio Tinto made its intentions clear in its annual report released on March 16, saying that it had decided to aggressively push its $1-billion iron ore project in Orissa.
2010-03-19 ArtNo.43209(33/150)
◆Sponge iron units cut output due to non-availability of ore
【Kolkata】Following the Orissa Government's crackdown on "illegal" mining and pilferage of the ore at several places in Keonjhar district, nearly 100 sponge iron manufacturing units spread across Raipur, Bilaspur, Raigarh and Champa in Chhattisgarh face uncertainty due to non-availability of iron ore.
2010-03-19 ArtNo.43215(34/150)
◆Vegetable oil imports fall 8% in February
【Mumbai】India's vegetable oil imports declined by a marginal 8 per cent to 700,769 tonnes in February, as compared to 762,544 tonnes in the corresponding month last year. The imports fell for the second consecutive month.
2010-03-19 ArtNo.43216(35/150)
◆Food inflation eases, but fuel inflation shot up
【New Delhi】Food inflation fell to 16.30 per cent for the week ended March 6, but fuel inflation shot up to 12.68 per cent.
2010-03-26 ArtNo.43233(36/150)
◆Jindal Steel、US$98億石炭液化事業覚書
【ブーバネスワル】Jindal Steel & Power Ltd(JSPL)は、オリッサ州において4万5000クロー(US$97.65億)を投じ、石炭液化(CTL:Coal to Liquid )プロジェクトを進めるため、近く同州政府と関係覚書を取り交わす。
◆Jindal Steel to set up a $9.8bn coal-to-liquid project
【Bhubaneswar】Jindal Steel & Power Ltd is going to sign an MoU with the Orissa government to set up a coal-to-liquid project in the state with an investment of Rs 45,000 crore($9.765bn).
2010-03-26 ArtNo.43240(37/150)
◆Food inflation marginally down
【New Delhi】Food inflation eased for the third straight week. The food price index rose an annual 16.22 per cent for the week ended March 13, lower than 16.30 per cent in the preceding week. However the fuel index was up 12.68 per cent.
2010-03-31 ArtNo.43250(38/150)
【ニューデリー】中核インフラ産業6業種(six core infrastructure industries)の2月の成長率は4.5%と、2010年1月の9.5%(当初発表の9.4%から上方修正)に比べ顕著に鈍化した。エコノミストらの間には高水準の経済成長を短期的に維持することに対する疑念が生じている。
◆Core infrastructure sector growth declines to 4.5% in Feb
【New Delhi】Growth of six core infrastructure sectors slowed to 4.5 per cent in February, against the upwardly revised expansion of 9.5% in January 2010, forcing economists to doubt the near-term sustainability of higher growth.
2010-04-02 ArtNo.43263(39/150)
◆Food inflation inches up to 16.35 pc
【New Delhi】Food inflation rose marginally to 16.35 per cent for the week ended March 20 from a four-month low of 16.22 per cent in the previous week, mainly on account of high prices of pulses and milk.
2010-04-09 ArtNo.43283(40/150)
◆Orissa to intensify exploration of non-ferrous metals
【Bhubaneswar】The Orissa government has decided to intensify exploration of bauxite, coal, limestone and heavy minerals in beach sand.
2010-04-09 ArtNo.43288(41/150)
◆Food inflation hits 17.7 pct; RBI rate hike near certain
【New Delhi】Food inflation accelerated for the second straight week to 17.70 percent for the week ended March 27, higher than an annual rise of 16.35 percent in the previous week.
2010-04-14 ArtNo.43298(42/150)
【ニューデリー】工業生産指数(IIP:index of industrial production)をベースにした工業成長率は2月も15.1%(0.2%)と、連続3ヶ月の高成長を維持した。しかし前月の16.7%には及ばなかった。
◆Industry grows at 15.1% in Feb
【New Delhi】Industrial growth, as measured by the index of industrial production (IIP), surge 15.1% in February, the third month of high growth in a row, but a tad lower than the 16.7% growth seen a month earlier.
2010-04-16 ArtNo.43302(43/150)
◆Inflation inches up to 9.9 per cent in March
【New Delhi】Wholesale price-based inflation remained below the psychological two-digit scores, inching up marginally to 17-month high of 9.90 per cent in March from 9.89 per cent in the previous month.
2010-04-23 ArtNo.43332(44/150)
【ムンバイ】アジア第3位の鉱山会社国営National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC)は、内外における石炭の採掘や鉱業事業の拡張に最大1000クロー(US$2.24億)を投資する計画だ。
◆NMDC readies $224 million for JVs
【Mumbai】National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) plans to invest as much as Rs 1,000 crore ($224 million) to form ventures in India and overseas as part of a plan to enter coal excavation and expand its ore business.
2010-04-30 ArtNo.43351(45/150)
【ニューデリー】食品インフレは、4月17日までの1週間に前週の17.65%から16.61%に、100ベイシスポイント以上の大幅な鈍化を見た。ラビ(rabi:春先収穫作物)作物が市場に出回ったことや、ベイス効果(base effect)も手伝って野菜、例えばタマネギやジャガイモが値下がりした。
◆Food inflation eases to 16.61 per cent
【New Delhi】Food inflation fell sharply by over 100 basis points to 16.61 per cent for the week ended April 17 from 17.65 per cent in the previous week, mainly on lower inflation in vegetables such as onions and potatoes due to the base effect and also the arrival of rabi crops in the markets.
2010-05-05 ArtNo.43362(46/150)
◆Weak Chinese demand to hit ore exports
【Mumbai】India's exports of iron ore may fall as much as 25% to about 75 million metric tonnes in the year ended March 31, 2011 from an estimated 100 million tonnes in the previous year because of softening demand in China and an increase in taxes.
2010-05-11 ArtNo.43396(47/150)
◆Food inflation cools to 16.04 per cent
【New Delhi】Food inflation declined to 16.04% for the week ending April 24th from 16.61 per cent in the previous week as essential items turned a tad cheaper on arrival of rabi crops.
2010-05-14 ArtNo.43407(48/150)
【ニューデリー】インドの工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production )は3月に13.5%(0.3%)の成長を記録、6ヶ月連続の二桁成長を維持した。しかし今年1月の16%.7(1.0%)、2月の15.1%(0.2%)には及ばなかった(括弧内は前年同期の伸び率、以下同様)。
◆Industrial output grows by 13.5% in March
【New Delhi】Industrial output maintained the sixth straight month of double-digit expansion in March, growing by 13.5 per cent. However the growth figure was lower than the 15.1 per cent clocked in February and 16 per cent in January.
2010-05-14 ArtNo.43408(49/150)
◆Food inflation inches up again to 16.44%
【New Delhi】After declining for two consecutive weeks, food inflation inched up again to 16.44 per cent during the week ended May 1 from 16.04 per cent in the previous week, mainly because of rise in prices of fruits and vegetables.
2010-05-18 ArtNo.43410(50/150)
◆Hindustan Copper、生産能力拡張目指しパートナー物色
【コルカタ】国営Hindustan Copper Ltd (HCL)は、マドヤプラデシュ州のMalanjkhand露天掘り鉱山の生産能力拡張を計画、リスク・シェアリング方式で他社と合弁を組む可能性を検討している。またラジャスタン州において新たな鉱業リース権を獲得したHCLは、やはり他社と合弁で新鉱山の開発を進めることを検討している。
◆HCL scouts for partner to increase mining capacity
【Kolkata】Government owned Hindustan Copper Ltd (HCL) has firmed up plans to increase the mining capacity of its Malanjkhand open pit mine. The company is inclined to execute it with a partner on a risk-sharing basis. HCL has also got a new lease to explore a new mining area in Rajasthan and might go for a joint venture to develop the mine.
一次産品 Primary Industry in 2010