内政法律軍事 Political/Law/Military Affair in 2008
【ニューデリー】インド電気通信監督局(TRAI:Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)は4日、電話会社以外に、ケーブルTV会社およびインターネット・サービス・プロバイダー(ISP)にもインターネットTV(IPTV:Internet Protocol Television)サービスの提供を認めるよう提案した。
◆TRAI suggest allowing cable operators, ISPs to offer Net TV
【New Delhi】The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) on January 4 recommended that cable operators and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) should also be permitted to offer Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) services in addition to telcos.
2008-01-09 ArtNo.40453(2/399)
【ロールケラ】中央政府は、西ベンガル州政府が必要とされる2万5000haの用地を準備した後に、初めて同州Haldiaを石油/化学/石油化学投資地区(PCPIR:petroleum, chemicals and petrochemicals investment region)に指定する。
◆Bengal to arrange 25,000 hectares first for PCPIR in Haldia
【Rourkela】The Centre may consider Haldia, West Bengal for the petroleum, chemicals and petrochemicals investment region (PCPIR) only after the state government arranges the required 25,000 hectares for it.
2008-01-14 ArtNo.40463(3/399)
【コルカタ】石炭産業省は海綿鉄業界に対する1940万トンの長期石炭供給計画(long-term coal linkages)を承認したものの、国内の海綿鉄製造業者286社が直面する石炭供給不足問題は依然解決していない。
◆The decision of the coal ministry disappoints the sponge iron units
【Kolkata】The Union ministry of coal has sanctioned 19.4 million ton of long-term coal linkages to the sponge iron sector. However the decision has not eliminated the supply shortage faced by 286 sponge iron units in the country.
2008-01-14 ArtNo.40464(4/399)
◆Himachal invites bids for setting up 8 hydel projects
【New Delhi】The Himachal Pradesh government has invited bids globally for six of eight hydel power projects to generate 1,481 mw electricity in the state.
2008-01-14 ArtNo.40465(5/399)
【ニューデリー】新規発電プロジェクトに低い優先順位をつけた新天然ガス供給政策(NGUP:natural gas utilisation policy)が、政府により承認されるなら、Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group(R-ADAG)の発電事業2件が影響を受けそうだ。
◆New natural gas utilisation policy may hit Ambanis
【New Delhi】The natural gas utilisation policy, which has accorded low priority to new power units in the country, could prove a setback to the two new gas-fired power projects of the Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group if accepted by the government.
2008-01-14 ArtNo.40466(6/399)
◆RIL/ HPCL、エタノール製造計画見直しも
【ニューデリー】インド政府は先月28日、『1966年サトウキビ統制令(Sugarcane Control Order, 1966)』に修正を加え、「製糖工場にのみサトウキビからエタノールを製造することを認める」と通達した。最近ビハール州政府が経営する製糖工場を買収し、エタノールの製造に乗り出したReliance Industries Ltd(RIL)やHindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd(HPCL)は、同通達により計画の見直しを強いられそうだ。
◆Govt puts a spanner in RIL, HPCL's ethanol-making plans
【New Delhi】The government issued a notification on 28 December 2007 amending the Sugarcane (Control) Order, 1966 that, in effect, allows only sugar mills to produce ethanol from sugarcane. This notification put a spanner in the plans of oil companies like Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL) to make ethanol directly from sugarcane, without producing sugar.
2008-01-14 ArtNo.40468(7/399)
◆FDI inflow rises fivefold in 3 years
【New Delhi】Spurred by gradual delicensing of sectors and ease in doing business for global Companies, the foreign direct investment (FDI) inflow has registered a five-fold rise to touch $15.7 billion in 2006-07 compared with $2.2 billion in 2003-04 and its share in the total investments in India has been more than doubled from 2.55% in 2003-04 to 6.42 % in 2006-07.
2008-01-16 ArtNo.40476(8/399)
【ニューデリー】電気通信局(DOT:department of telecommunications)は10日、先着順の原則を堅持し、9社に仮契約(LOI:letters of intent)を発給する一方、3社の申請を棄却、2社の申請を保留し、周波数域の割り当てと新規テレコム・ライセンスの発給を巡る論争に終止符を打った。
◆GSM players get allotment first:spectrum battle
【New Delhi】Sticking to its first-come-first-served policy, the department of telecommunications on January 10 issued letters of intent (LoIs) to nine applicants, while rejecting the applications of three firms and put on hold two applications and ended months of uncertainty over spectrum allocation and new telecom service licences.
2008-01-21 ArtNo.40481(9/399)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、火力発電領域におけるウルトラ・メガ発電プロジェクト(UMPP:ultra mega power project)が成功したのに励まされ、水力発電領域においてもUMPP方式を導入、やはり電力料をベースにした入札を募集することを検討している。
◆Govt plans ultra-mega hydro projects
【New Delhi】Following the success of coal-based ultra-mega power project (UMPP), the government is now planning to invit tariff-based bidding for ultra-mega hydro projects.
2008-01-21 ArtNo.40482(10/399)
◆Chinese Cos can participate in hydel projects on the border
【Mumbai】Indian government has mandated the power ministry to facilitate foreign participation in hydro power projects in sensitive areas. Hydro power projects in various states on the India-China border will be put on fast track now.
2008-01-21 ArtNo.40490(11/399)
【ニューデリー】インド電気通信監督局(TRAI:Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)は、『契約者ベースの周波数域割当規則(subscriber-linked spectrum allocation norms)』を巡り政府が法廷に虚偽の報告を行ったと厳しく非難した。
◆TRAI accuses Govt of misleading courts on spectrum
【New Delhi】Telecom Regulatory Authority of India(TRAI) has accused the government of misinforming the courts on the issue of subscriber-linked spectrum allocation norms.
2008-01-21 ArtNo.40491(12/399)
【ニューデリー】電気通信局(DOT:department of telecommunications)は18日、1月9日に発表した周波数域割当規則の幾つかの不備に修正を加え、インド電気通信監督局(TRAI:Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)提案に沿った新規則を改めて発表した。
◆DoT announces revised policy for extra spectrum allocation
【New Delhi】The department of telecommunications (DoT) on January 18 announced a new norm, which has rectified some of the flaws in the previous order of January 9 and got in line with the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai)'s recommendations.
2008-01-23 ArtNo.40493(13/399)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、1483キロをカバーするデリー・ムンバイ産業大動脈(DMIC:Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor)プロジェクトの結節機関を務めるデリー・ムンバイ産業大動脈開発公社(DMICDC:Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation)を設立した。
◆Industrial Corridor Development Corporation incorporated
【New Delhi】The Government has incorporated the Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation (DMICDC) in order to build the country's first 1,483-km-long industrial corridor. DMIDC will be the nodal agency for the Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor project.
2008-01-23 ArtNo.40494(14/399)
【チャンディガル】中央政府が、デリー・ムンバイ産業大動脈(DMIC:Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor)をパンジャブ州中部の都市Ludhianaまで延長することを認めたことから、パンジャブ州政府は経済成長が加速するものと期待している。
◆Industrial corridor to help Punjab for better flow of FDI
【Chandigarh】The Punjab state hopes that the Centre's nod to extend the proposed Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor up to Ludhiana would help the state for fast development.
2008-01-25 ArtNo.40511(15/399)
◆The semiconductor policy gets a lukewarm response
【New Delhi】Although the much-touted semiconductor policy has received a lukewarm response so far, the Department of Information Technology (DIT) is hopeful that response to the proposals under the policy will pick up after the Budget announcements when it gets more time to market the proposals.
2008-01-28 ArtNo.40520(16/399)
◆Haryana to set up solar energy based power project
【Chandigarh】Haryana plans to set up solar energy based power projects in Mega watt scale in the State and power produced from these projects will be fed to the state grid.
2008-01-28 ArtNo.40523(17/399)
【ニューデリー】インド電気通信監督局(TRAI:Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)は23日、移動携帯端末向けテレビ放送サービス(mobile television service)に対する外国直接投資(FDI)上限を74%に設定するよう提案した。
◆TRAI recommends 74% FDI in mobile TV service
【New Delhi】The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) on January 23 proposed a 74 per cent foreign direct investment (FDI) in the mobile television service.
2008-01-30 ArtNo.40540(18/399)
【ニューデリー】石油天然ガス監督委員会(PNGRB:Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board)は、ガス供給源の確保をガス流通ビジネス進出の必須条件にしない可能性を検討している。
◆Gov mulls diluting the pre-eligibility criteria for gas T&D business
【New Delhi】Confirmed source of gas supply may not be a prerequisite for companies seeking to enter the gas transmission and distribution business. The Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board is considering diluting the pre-eligibility criteria.
2008-02-01 ArtNo.40541(19/399)
【ムンバイ】中央銀行Reserve Bank of India (RBI)は1月29日に『2007-08年度金融政策に関する年次報告の第3四半期見直し(third-quarter review of the Annual Statement on Monetary Policy 2007-08)』を発表したが、短期貸出金利の指標とされるレポレート(repo rate:7.75%)、政策金利(reverse repo rate:6%)、公定歩合(Bank Rate:6%)、支払準備率(CRR:Cash Reserve Ratio:7.5%)を何れも据え置く、ニュートラルなスタンスを維持した。
◆RBI retains all the key rates
【Mumbai】The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) took a neutral stance when it released its third-quarter review of the Annual Statement on Monetary Policy 2007-08 on January 29, leaving the bank, repo and reverse repo rates as well as cash reserve ratio (CRR) unchanged.
2008-02-01 ArtNo.40542(20/399)
◆FDI norms relaxed in the several sectors
【New Delhi】The Government on January 30 allowed greater foreign direct investment (FDI) in areas such as civil aviation, petroleum and natural gas, commodity exchanges, mining, and credit information companies.
2008-02-04 ArtNo.40560(21/399)
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州政府は同州Rajarhatに公共民間協力(public-private partnership)コンセプトに基づきハードウェア情報技術(IT)パークを開発する。
◆West Bengal to develop Hardware IT park in PPP model
【Kolkata】West Bengal Government plans to set up a hardware IT park at Rajarhat in public-private partnership.
2008-02-06 ArtNo.40571(22/399)
◆The govt to review the recent steel price increase
【New Delhi】The Indian government has termed the recent price hike by steel companies as unreasonable and decided to review the move by February 15.
2008-02-06 ArtNo.40575(23/399)
【ニューデリー】情報放送省は電気通信監督局(TRAI:Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)の提案を受け入れ、放送業者がIPTV(Internet protocol television)サービスを提供するのを認めた。
◆Govt allows broadcasters to provide IPTV services
【New Delhi】The ministry of information & broadcasting has accepted the recommendation of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) to allow broadcasters to provide Internet protocol television (IPTV) services.
2008-02-11 ArtNo.40584(24/399)
【コルカタ】新エネルギー及び再生可能エネルギー省が、送配電網に取り入れ可能な太陽発電プロジェクト(solar power projects)に特恵料率(preferential tariff)を適応すると発表したことから、光電池(photovoltaic cell)製造業界の成長に弾みがつきそうだ。
◆A preferential tariff for solar power declared
【Kolkata】The manufacture of photovoltaic cells in India is likely to boom given the Union ministry of new and renewable energy (MNRE) declaring a preferential tariff for grid-interactive solar power projects last week.
2008-02-13 ArtNo.40591(25/399)
【ニューデリー】ウルトラ・メガ発電プロジェクト(UMPP:Ultra Mega Power Project)が用地確保難に直面する中で、電力省はこの種のプロジェクト用地を最大40%縮小する可能性を検討している。
◆Land use for UMPPs may be cut up to 40%
【New Delhi】The Power Ministry is actively considering cutting down the land requirement of ultra mega power projects (UMPPs) by up to 40%, facing with continued problems of land acquisition for the UMPPs.
2008-02-13 ArtNo.40600(26/399)
◆CBDT, Sebi both adopt a wait-and-watch stance
【Mumbai】Given that the February 1 deadline has been missed, institutional investors may have to wait longer before they can sell short.
2008-02-15 ArtNo.40612(27/399)
◆The 10 sugar mills auctioned soon
【New Delhi】The 10 closed state-owned sugar mills, which did not fetch good response to an earlier tender issued in November, are set to be auctioned againe.The Bihar Government has decided to invite fresh bids for them.
2008-02-18 ArtNo.40614(28/399)
◆Petrol, diesel prices hiked, but LPG, kerosene unchanged
【New Delhi】The Government on midnight February 14th hiked the retail prices of petrol and diesel by Rs 2 and Re 1 per litre respectively. But it left kerosene and cooking gas prices untouched.
2008-02-18 ArtNo.40615(29/399)
【ニューデリー】Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)/Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)/JSW/Essar Steel Ltd(ESL)/Ispat Industries Ltd(IIL)を含む地元の主要鉄鋼会社は14日、Ram Vilas Paswan鉄鋼相の呼びかけに応じ、今月初に値上げした鉄鋼製品の一部の価格を下方修正することを認めた。
◆Steel companies agree to roll back hike
【New Delhi】Major steel producers, including Tata Steel, Steel Authority of India Ltd, JSW, Essar and Ispat industries, bowing to steel minister Ram Vilas Paswan's appeal, on February 14 agreed to partially rollback the hike in steel price earlier this month.
【新德里】塔塔钢铁/印度钢铁管理局公司/京德勒西南钢铁公司l/埃萨钢公司/伊斯帕特工业公司等主要的国内钢厂2月14日跟Ram Vilas Paswan钢铁部长会谈后同意把它们这个月初提高的部分钢铁产品价格向下修正。
2008-02-18 ArtNo.40617(30/399)
◆State govts compete to draw automakers
【Chennai】Most state governments, including Tamil Nadu, are offering fiscal and tax sops to lure carmakers tempted by a market where sales are forecast to reach two million units by 2010 from 1.4 million last year.
2008-02-18 ArtNo.40623(31/399)
【コルカタ】中央政府の電力省は火力/水力双方のメガ発電プロジェクト(mega power projects)の設備能力基準を合理化するとともに、関税や消費税面の優遇を含む財政奨励措置(fiscal incentive)を適応する可能性を検討している。
◆Mega power project capacity benchmark may be lowered
【Kolkata】The Union Power Ministry is considering rationalisation of the capacity benchmark for 'mega' power projects for both the thermal and hydroelectric segment and also considering to offer fiscal incentives, including concessions on customs and excise duties.
2008-02-18 ArtNo.40624(32/399)
【コルカタ】West Bengal Green Energy Development Corporation Ltd (WBGEDCL)は西ベンガル州Budwan県Dishergarhに41.2クロー(US$1047万)を投じ2MW(メガワット)の太陽光発電施設を設ける計画を巡り、2月14日、Power Finance Corporation (PFC)とプロジェクト・コストの75%の融資を受ける契約に調印した。
◆A commercial scale solar power project gets 75% loan finance
【Kolkata】A 2 MW solar power project at Dishergarh in Burdwan district, West Bengal, the Rs 41.2-crore project promoted by the West Bengal Green Energy Development Corporation Ltd (WBGEDCL) will receive 75 per cent loan finance from the Power Finance Corporation (PFC). WBGEDCL and PFC have entered into firm agreement in this regard here on February 14.
2008-02-22 ArtNo.40625(33/399)
【バンガロール】インド政府は、およそ4ヶ月前に発表した半導体政策(semiconductor policy)の下、アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadにおける『Fab city』プロジェクトだけで、7件総額70億米ドルの確認投資(confirmed investments)申請を受理、別に5件、30億米ドル以上のプロジェクトを原則認可した。これらを合計すると、向こう10年間の投資額は100億米ドル以上にのぼる。
◆Semiconductor policy attracts $10 b investments
【Bangalore】The semiconductor policy that was announced by the Government about four months ago has attracted tremendous response. The government has received seven "confirmed investments" to the tune of $7 billion at the Fab city project at Hyderabad. It has also received five investments at about $800 million that have been approved in principle' close to a billion US Dollar for a 10 year tenure.
2008-02-27 ArtNo.40652(34/399)
◆Bengal to skip consultant stage, invite bids for a deep-sea port
【Kolkata】The Union government has allowed West Bengal to invite bids straightaway from prospective investors and developers for the deep-sea port project without re-tendering for a consultant.
2008-02-27 ArtNo.40653(35/399)
【ムンバイ】ムンバイ地下鉄(Mumbai Metro)プロジェクトの第2、第3路線の建設を計画するマハラシュトラ州政府は国際協力銀行(JBIC:Japan Bank for International Cooperation)に融資を依頼することを検討している。当該プロジェクトは年内着手が予定されている。
◆Maharashtra mulls to seek Japanese aid for Mumbai Metro
【Mumbai】The Maharashtra Government may turn to the Japan Bank for International Co-operation (JBIC) for financial assistance for the second and third line of the Mumbai Metro project expected to begin later this year.
2008-02-27 ArtNo.40658(36/399)
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州政府は州内の情報技術(IT)産業の成長を加速する狙いからSynopsis/Magma/Caden等の指導的デザイン会社にSalt Lakeに設けられるIndia Design Center(IDS)に拠点を設けるよう勧誘している。
◆Bengal lures IT design units
【Kolkata】In a bid to encourage the IT growth in the state, the West Bengal state government was in talks with leading designing companies like Synopsis, Magma and Caden to set up operations at the upcoming India Design Center at Salt Lake.
2008-02-29 ArtNo.40661(37/399)
【ニューデリー】2007-08年経済報告書(Economic Survey 2007-08)を国会に上程したP Chidambaramは、2008-09年に9%の国内総生産(GDP)成長率を実現し、インフレを抑制することに自信を表明、これにより一般国民の福祉も向上するとの見通しを明らかにした。
◆FM confident of 9% growth:Economic Survey tabled
【New Delhi】Speaking to reporters after tabling Economic Survey 2007-08 in the Parliament on February 28, Finance Minister P Chidambaram exuded confidence of achieving a nine per cent economic growth and containing inflation in 2008-09 and said this would help ensure overall welfare of common man.
2008-02-29 ArtNo.40662(38/399)
【ニューデリー】Indian Railways(IR)は向こう5年間に25万クロー(US$635.41億)を投資する計画で、内10万クロー(US$254.16億)の投資には公共民間協力(PPP:public-private partnership)方式が採用される。
◆Railway to attract Rs 1 lakh cr investment through PPP
【New Delhi】Indian Railways is expecting to attract Rs 1,00,000 crore investments through public-private partnership (PPP), out of a total planned investment of Rs 2,50,000 crore over the next five years.
2008-02-29 ArtNo.40664(39/399)
【ムンバイ】インド政府は各州政府に州内送配電網及びサブ送配電網(intra-state and sub-transmission and distribution system)増強の時限目標を作成し、進捗状況を厳格に点検、発電能力の増強に合わせてタイムリーに関係工事を完成させるよう指示した。
◆States asked to show time-bound T&D target
【Mumbai】The Centre has asked states to work out a time-bound implementation programme for their intra-state and sub-transmission and distribution system and closely to monitor various implementation activities ensuring a timely completion of the works matching with increase in generation availability.
2008-02-29 ArtNo.40666(40/399)
【ニューデリー】石油省は、PMT(Panna/Mukta and Tapti)鉱区からReliance Industries Ltd(RIL)の石油化学プラントに対するガス供給を再開することを認めたが、RIL以外の消費者には同様の優遇措置は認められない見通しだ。
◆Reliance to receive 3.6 mmscmd gas from PMT fields
【New Delhi】The Petroleum Ministry has decided to restore gas supplies to Reliance Industries' petrochemical plants from Panna/Mukta and Tapti fields, but other consumers may not get such preferential treatment.
2008-02-29 ArtNo.40668(41/399)
◆West Bengal to receive natural gas from Reliance, HP
【Kolkata】West Bengal, which is midst of an industrial resurgence and growing vehicular pollution, will receive natural gas in three years to convert vehicles to run with greener fuel.
2008-02-29 ArtNo.40672(42/399)
◆The govt nods to short selling by institutional investors
【New Delhi】The Indian central government has finally given the go ahead to short selling by institutional investors, just a few days before presenting the Budget.
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40673(43/399)
【ニューデリー】P Chidambaram蔵相は2月29日、目を見張る6万クロー(US$152.50億)の農業ローン返済免除パッケージから給与所得者の所得税負担軽減まで、有権者の歓心を買う一連の施策が盛り込まれた新年度予算案を国会に上程した。これは国民会議派率いる統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政府にとって5度目、また今年5月に任期が切れる同政権にとって今期最後の、つまり総選挙の年の予算案になる。
◆FM deliberate "please all" Election year Budget
【New Delhi】Finance Minister P Chidambaram on February 29 presented a "please all" Budget for 2008-09, which is the fifth and the last full-fledged budget of the Congress-led UPA government, whose term is expiring in May 2009, announcing a number of goodies for virtually every section of society, ranging from the Rs 60,000-crore farm loan waiver package to a bonanza of sorts for the salaried class.
【新德里】财政部长P Chidambaram2月29日向国会提出讨全民欢心的2008-09年财政预算案。印度国民大会党为首的联合进步同盟政府的第5次财政预算案,它的任期到2008年5月期满,所以也是这个任期最后一次的大选年预算案。怪不得部长提议从6000亿卢比相等于152亿5000万美元农业贷款免还措施到薪水阶级的减轻所得税措施等一系列的讨人欢心措施。
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40674(44/399)
◆Excise on cars, 2-wheelers, buses and chassis slashed
【New Delhi】In the Union Budget 2008-09, the Government reduced excise duty on two-wheelers, three-wheelers, small passenger cars, buses and bus-chassis to 12 per cent from the current 16 per cent.
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40675(45/399)
◆Slash in excise duty rates for hybrid cars
【Mumbai】The union government has announced reducing the excise duty from 24% to 14% for hybrid cars which use a combination of electric motors with gasoline/diesel engines.
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40676(46/399)
【ニューデリー】中央付加価値税(CENVAT:central value added tax)の16%から14%への引き下げ、統合技術製品(convergence product)に対する輸入関税の10%から5%への引き下げ、プロジェクト輸入関税の7.5%から5%への引き下げは、耐久消費財業界に多少恩恵を及ぼす見通しだが、同業界が政府に求めた鋼/銅/その他の原料に対する輸入税の引き下げやある種の不合理な税制の是正は図られなかったため、耐久消費財の小売価格が下降する可能性は薄い。
◆Consumer electronics has little to cheer
【New Delhi】Some of the concessions that will benefit the consumer electronics industry are the reduction in the Central Value-Added Tax (CENVAT) to 14 per cent from 16 per cent, the reduction in customs duties on convergence products to five per cent from 10 per cent and the reduction in duties on project imports to five per cent from 7.5 per cent. However, the industry's demand for a reduction in the import duties on raw materials such as steel, copper and other inputs as well as the removal of certain anomalies in duties have not been met. Thus, the Budget seems to have any impact on the prices of consumer electronics products.
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40677(47/399)
【ニューデリー zテレコム産業は、蔵相に対する要求が新年度予算案に何一つ反映されなかったことに不満を表明している。テレコム業界は同業界に対する課税、取り分けライセンス料が軽減されるものと期待していた。
◆Telecom sector dejected
【New Delhi】Indian telecom industry, which had been expecting a reduction in the overall tax levied on the sector, especially the licence fee, expressed disappointment with the Budget proposals as none of its major demands have been addressed by the Finance Minister.
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40678(48/399)
【ニューデリー】インターネットと広帯域の利用拡大努力の一環として、蔵相はワイヤレス・データモデム・カードに対する消費税とネット(IP:Internet protocol)電話に対するサービス税を撤廃、IP-TV/携帯TV/IP電話等に用いられるいわゆる統合技術製品(convergence product)に対する輸入関税を10%から5%に引き下げた。
◆Enhancing Internet and broadband usage
【New Delhi】In a move aimed at enhancing Internet and broadband usage in the country, the Finance Minister has abolished excise duty on wireless data modem cards and service tax on Internet telephony and reduced customs duty on convergence products from 10 per cent to 5 per cent.
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40679(49/399)
【ムンバイ】P Chidambaram蔵相は新年度予算案の国会上程に際してパッケージ・ソフトウェア製品に対する消費税率を8%から12%に引き上げると発表、ソフトウェア業界を驚かせた。
◆Rise in duty on packaged software upsets tech firms
【Mumbai】The Indian software sector was surprised and upset when the finance minister P Chidambaram on February 29 proposed raising excise duty on packaged software to 12 percent from 8 percent.
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40680(50/399)
【ニューデリー】P. Chidambaram蔵相は2月29日、新年度予算案を国会に上程した際、送配電網(T&D)の再編に照準を合わせた新電力基金を設立するとともに、少なくとも新たに5件のウルトラ・メガ発電プロジェクト(UMPP:Ultra Mega Power Project)の入札を募集する方針を明らかにした。
◆Govt to set up a new T&D fund, push UMPPs
【New Delhi】The Finance Minister announced that the Government would set up a new fund in the power sector that focussed on transmission and distribution reforms and push for at least five new Ultra Mega Power Projects (UMPPs) to the bidding stage, with three of these already having been awarded to private sector players and a fourth one slated to be awarded shortly.
【新德里】P. Chidambaram财政部长在国会提出2008-09年财政预算案时说,印度政府将设立瞄准加强输配电网的电力基金,也计划邀请至少5件超级大型发电项目的国际投标。
内政法律軍事 Political/Law/Military Affair in 2008