製造業一般 General Manufacturing in 2008
【ムンバイ】韓国企業Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction Co Ltd(TICCL)/中国東方電気集団公司(Dongfang Electric Corporation)/上海電気総公司(Shanghai Electric Company)/Alstom/東芝/三菱/イタリア企業Ansaldo Caldaieの他、欧州や韓国の企業数社がReliance Energy Ltd (REL)の発電用ボイラーおよびスチームタービン(BTG:boiler-turbine- generator)製造合弁計画に関心を表明している。
◆Foreign cos queue up for REL's BTG manufacturing JV
【Mumbai】Doosan, Dongfang Electric Corporation, Shanghai Electric Company, Alstom, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Ansaldo Caldaie and a few European and Korean Companies have evinced interest in a tie-up with Reliance Energy Ltd (REL) to manufacture boiler-turbine-generator (BTG) for the power sector.
2008-01-16 ArtNo.40470(2/52)
◆Industrial growth dips to 5.3% in Nov '07
【New Delhi】India's industrial growth plummeted to 5.3 per cent in November 2007, after notching a growth of 11.8 per cent in October last year. If it is compared to the 15.8 per cent growth registered in November 2006, it translates to a 66.45 per cent decline in growth rate year-on-year.
【新德里】印度工业生产指数2007年11月只成长 5.3,在2007年10月记录11.8%的兴奋转眼之间消失。比前年同一月的15.8%失速的幅度66.45%。
2008-01-21 ArtNo.40489(3/52)
◆Rane Brake、日清紡との関係強化
【チェンナイ】自動車や鉄道用のブレーキ・ライナー、ディスク・パッド、コンポジット・ブレーキ・ブロック、クラッチ・フェイシング等の製造を手がける年商180クロー(US$4575万)のRane Brake Linings Ltd(RBLL)は同社に10%出資する日清紡績株式会社との関係拡大を検討している。
◆Rane Brake to enhance ties with Nisshinbo
【Chennai】Rane Brake Linings Ltd and its Japanese collaborator, Nisshinbo Industries are examining scope for enlargement of their commercial engagement. The Japanese company has a 10 per cent stake in Rs 180-crore Rane Brake, which makes brake liners, disc pads, composite brake blocks and clutch facings for automobiles and railways.
◆Rane Brake与日清纺织扩张商业联系
【金奈】制造制动器衬片,制动盘,复合材料制动蹄片和离合器压盘等而供应汽车业和铁路的年售18亿卢比Rane Brake有限公司和它的日本伙伴日清纺织公司正在考虑扩张它们的商业联系。日清纺织公司现在持有Rane Brake的10%股权。
2008-01-23 ArtNo.40496(4/52)
◆Alps Industries、住江織物と自動車繊維製造
【ムンバイ】Alps Industries Ltd(AIL)はインテリア製品や自動車・車両内装材の製造・販売も手がける住江織物株式会社と技術/市場協力協定を結んだ。
◆Alps Industries signs pact with Suminoe Textile
【Mumbai】Alps Industries Ltd has entered into a technical collaboration and marketing support agreement with Japan's Suminoe Textile Co Ltd which makes automotive fabrics and interior materials.
2008-01-25 ArtNo.40507(5/52)
◆Exports of textile, apparel decline during the first five months
【New Delhi】Although India's total exports have been rising at around 20 per cent, the overseas sales of textile, apparel and handicrafts have declined during the first five months of this financial year, according to Reserve Bank data.
2008-02-11 ArtNo.40577(6/52)
◆GDP to grow at 8.7% in 2007-08 : CSO advance estimate
【New Delhi】The Indian economy is slated to grow by 8.7 per cent during the current fiscal. It marks a five-year dream run starting from 2003-04 and this level of growth may be unprecedented in India's recorded history.
2008-02-11 ArtNo.40581(7/52)
【チェンナイ】三菱商事とその子会社-三菱商事テクノス株式会社/MC Machinery Systems, Inc(MCMSI)/インド三菱商事-は、タミールナド州Coimbatore拠点のCraftsman Automation Pvt Ltd(CAPL)と手を組み、インドにおける産業機械の販売・サービスを手がけるMC Craftsman Machinery Private Limited (MCCM)を設立した。
◆Mitsubishi Corp. sets up JV with Craftsman
【Chennai】Mitsubishi Corporation of Japan and its subsidiaries - MC Machinery Systems, Inc., Mitsubishi Corporation Technos and Mitsubishi Corporation India Private Limited - have announced a joint venture with the Coimbatore based Craftsman Automation Private Limited to set up MC Craftsman Machinery Private Limited to offer sales and service of industrial machinery.
【金奈】三菱商事和它的子公司-三菱商事高科技株式会社/MC机械系统/印度三菱商事-以及位于哥印拜陀的机械加工企业Craftsman Automation私人有限公司联手设立合资公司名叫MC Craftsman machinery私人有限公司。新公司专门销售工业机械和提供维修服务。
2008-02-15 ArtNo.40601(8/52)
【ニューデリー】製造/鉱業/電力3部門の成長が揃って鈍化したことから2007年12月の工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)の伸びは7.6%と、前年同月の13.4%に比べ大幅に減速した。
◆Industrial output growth plummets to 7.6% in Dec
【New Delhi】The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) growth has nose-dived to 7.6 per cent in December from 13.4 per cent in the same month in 2006 on account of widespread deceleration in manufacturing, mining and electricity, among other sectors.
2008-02-15 ArtNo.40612(9/52)
◆The 10 sugar mills auctioned soon
【New Delhi】The 10 closed state-owned sugar mills, which did not fetch good response to an earlier tender issued in November, are set to be auctioned againe.The Bihar Government has decided to invite fresh bids for them.
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40683(10/52)
◆Textile industry upset over puny measures
【Coimbatore】The textile industry is upset that the Union Budget has only a few puny measures to overcome the unprecedented crisis it faced.
2008-03-14 ArtNo.40721(11/52)
【ニューデリー】工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)をベースにした1月の工業成長率は5.3%と、前年同月の11.6%や前月(2007年12月)の7.7%(当初発表の7.6%から上方修正)の伸びを大きく下回った。主要サブセクター(製造/電力/鉱業)全ての伸びが鈍化した。
◆Jan industrial growth slips to 5.30%
【New Delhi】Industrial growth in January recorded 5.3 per cent, slowing sharply from 11.6 per cent in the same month last year and the previous month's upwardly revised 7.7 percent, as growth in all major sectors comprising manufacturing, electricity and mining declined.
【新德里】基于工业生产指数的印度经济成长率在1月记录了5.3 %,比去年同一年的11.6%,也比上个月的7.7%(从当初发表的7.6%向上修正)显著钝化。因为制造部门/矿业部门/电力部门的成长都减速。
2008-03-31 ArtNo.40791(12/52)
◆Ajinomoto plans for production in India
【Chennai】Ajinomoto is planning to open its manufacturing facility in India in two years.
2008-04-04 ArtNo.40816(13/52)
【ニューデリー】横浜ゴムはハリヤナ州にタイヤ製造工場を設ける方針を決めた。ハリヤナ州工業及びインフラストラクチャー開発公社(HSIIDC:Haryana State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation)はBahadurgarh工業団地の25エーカーの土地を同プロジェクトに割り当てた。
◆Yokohama to set up tyre manufacturing unit in Haryana
【New Delhi】The Haryana State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation (HSIIDC) has allotted 25 acres in the industrial estate of Bahadurgarh for Japanese tyre major Yokohama Rubber Company Ltd which had decided to set up an automotive car tyre manufacturing unit in the state.
2008-04-09 ArtNo.40833(14/52)
【コヒマ】韓国拠点の投資家コンソーシアムCona International Ltd(登録地:韓国京畿道安養市東安区冠陽洞1385-6)は4月3日、ナガランド州政府と、食品加工特別経済区(SEZ)及び産業成長センター(IGC:Industrial Growth Centre)の開発に関わる2つの覚書を交換した。
◆Korean firm Cona to invest in Nagaland
【Kohima】Cona International Ltd, a South Korea-based consortium of investors, signed two agreements with Nagaland government for investing in SEZ and industrial growth centre respectively on April 3.
2008-04-14 ArtNo.40841(15/52)
【ニューデリー】工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)をベースにした2月の工業成長率は1月の5.8%から過去4ヶ月来最高の8.6%に回復したが、昨年同月の11%の伸びを依然下回った。アナリストらは2月のIIP成長率が1月に比べ復調したことから、中央銀行は、過去40ヶ月来最高の7.41%に達したインフレ抑制に対処するゆとりができたと評している。
◆IIP growth at 8.6% in February
【New Delhi】Industrial output growth in February recuperated the fastest rate in four months at 8.6% from January's upwardly revised 5.8% rise. However this was still lower than the 11% recorded during the same month a year ago. The performance gives the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) much needed headroom to tighten monetary policy, as is widely expected, to arrest rising inflation, which hit a 40-month high of 7.41%.
【新德里】以工业生产指数为基础的工业成长率今年2月记录了8.6%,显著复原从1月的 5.8%。不过还比不上去年同月的11%。分析家说,现在中央银行获得空间对付急升到40个月来最高的7.41%的通货膨胀。
2008-04-23 ArtNo.40898(16/52)
【ニューデリー】産業用繊維(technical textile)市場は、業界が抱える問題を適切に処理するなら、2020年までに現在の83億米ドルから4倍以上の370億米ドルに成長する見通しだ。
◆Indian technical textile market seen at $37 b
【New Delhi】Indian technical textile market is expected to grow by more than four times to $37 billion by 2020, from the present level of $8.3 billion, if provided issues are addressed.
2008-05-02 ArtNo.40935(17/52)
【ニューデリー】韓国の製菓大手Lotteは、新たに完全出資子会社を設立、既存の上場子会社Lotte India Corpが目下輸入している製品のインド国内における製造に乗り出す。
◆Lotte setting up separate manufacturing arm
【New Delhi】Korean confectionery major Lotte is setting up a separate wholly-owned subsidiary in India to manufacture products which are currently being imported by its existing public-listed firm Lotte India Corp.
2008-05-05 ArtNo.40940(18/52)
【チェンナイ】三菱商事グループとタミールナド州Coimbatore拠点のCraftsman Automation Pvt Ltd(CAPL)の70:30の合弁会社MC Craftsman Machinery Private Limited (MCCM)は、インド南部市場の開拓に力を集中して来たが、今や北部と西部市場に進出する機会をうかがっている。
◆Mitsubishi JV to foray into north and west India
【Chennai】MC Craftsman Machinery Private Limited, a 70:30 joint venture between Mitsubishi group and Coimbatore-based Craftsman Automation, is looking at the northern and Western parts of the country for expansion. The company so far was focussing on South India.
【金奈】三菱商事集团与位于哥印拜陀的Craftsman Automation私人有限公司的70:30合资公司MC Craftsman machinery私人有限公司正在开拓印度南部市场的同时找机会进军北部与西部市场。
2008-05-14 ArtNo.40985(19/52)
◆Industrial growth sinks to six-year low at 3% in March
【New Delhi】The country's industrial output nose-dived to a six-year low of 3% in March 2008, compared with the 14.8% in March 2007, even as overall industry grew by a decent 8.1% during April-March of 2007-08. However it slipped from 11.6 per cent a year ago.
2008-05-14 ArtNo.40992(20/52)
◆BHEL、Bharat Heavy Plate社買収
【ヴィサカパトナム】国営重電機会社Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL)は5月10日、Bharat Heavy Plate and Vessels (BHPV )を正式に買収した。
◆BHEL takes over Bharat Heavy Plate
【Visakhapatnam】The state-run energy equipment maker Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) formally took over Bharat Heavy Plate and Vessels (BHPV ) on May 10.
2008-05-21 ArtNo.41019(21/52)
◆Textile exports falls short of the targets by $4.5 b
【New Delhi】Indias textile exports amounted to $20.5 billion in 2007-08, showing a growth of 9.4 per cent. However it fell short of the target number of $25 billion because of the rupee appreciation.
2008-05-26 ArtNo.41038(22/52)
◆Aditya Birla、オリッサ州にUS$187億投資準備
【ブーバネスワル】Aditya Birlaグループ(ABG)に属する異なる企業は今後数年間にオリッサ州のアルミ/セメント/電信/小売り/金融、その他の領域に7万5000~8万クロー(US$175.64億-187.35億)を投資する。
◆Aditya Birla Group to invest Rs 80,000 cr in Orissa
【Bhubaneswar】Different companies of Aditya Birla Group will invest around Rs. Rs. 75,000-80,000(US$17.564b-18.735b) in Orissa in aluminium, cement, telecom, retail, among other sectors, over the next few years.
2008-06-02 ArtNo.41057(23/52)
◆Buoyed by robust agri growth, GDP beats forecasts
【New Delhi】Fuelled by buoyancy in agriculture, the Indian economy grew 9% in 2007-08, up from 8.7% estimated earlier, even as the performance of manufacturing sector deteriorated.
2008-06-02 ArtNo.41063(24/52)
【ニューデリー】Toyoda Gosei India Pvt Ltd (TGIPL)は45クロー(US$1054万)を投じラジャスタン州Neemranaにハンドルやエアバッグ・モジュール等の安全装置製造工場を建設、インド国内の自動車産業に供給する。
◆Toyoda Gosei to invest Rs 45 cr for safety systems
【New Delhi】Toyoda Gosei India Pvt Ltd (TGIPL) will invest Rs 45 crore to set up a safety system subsidiary at Neemrana in Rajasthan to produce products such as steering wheels and airbags for car makers in the country.
2008-06-16 ArtNo.41105(25/52)
◆Mining boosts IIP growth 7% in April
【New Delhi】Riding on the high level of mineral production, the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) recovered to 7 per cent in April 2008, the first month of fiscal 2008-09, as compared to a low 3.9 per cent in the preceding month(3%, as per the original estimate).
2008-06-23 ArtNo.41137(26/52)
【ハイデラバード】伊藤忠商事の赤松良夫常務執行役員に率いられる4名の代表団は16日、アンドラプラデシュ州のY.S. Rajasekhar Reddy首席大臣と会見、同州において2件のプロジェクトを手がける計画を伝えた。
◆Itochu Corporation plans 2 projects in AP
【Hyderabad】A four-member delegation from Japan-based Itochu Corporation led by the Managing Executive Officer of the company, Mr Yoshio Akamatsu met the Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister, Dr Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy, on June 16 and has evinced interest to set up two projects in the State.
2008-06-25 ArtNo.41144(27/52)
【チェンナイ】Saint-Gobain Glass India Ltd(SGGIL)はラジャスタン州Bhiwadiに1000クロー(US$2.34億)を投じ年産30万トンのフロート・ガラス工場を設ける方針を決めた。
◆Saint-Gobain plans second plant, wholesale biz too
【Chennai】Saint-Gobain Glass India Ltd has decided to set up a second plant, a three lakh tonnes a year greenfield float glass making facility, at Bhiwadi in Rajasthan at an investment of Rs 1,000 crore.
2008-06-25 ArtNo.41152(28/52)
【ニューデリー】インドの繊維企業は技術向上基金(TUF:technology upgradation fund)計画の下、積極的に投資を行っており、一部の企業は低コスト国における工場や企業の買収を通じ海外製造拠点の拡張も図っている。しかしながら貿易割当制度以降(2005-2007)の米国及び欧州連合(EU)市場への輸出成長率に関しては、インドは、ベトナム、バングラデシュ、パキスタン等の比較的小規模な近隣諸国に後れを取っている。
◆Smaller countries outdo India in US, EU textile mkts
【New Delhi】Textile companies in India are investing heavily thanks to the technology upgradation fund scheme. Some firms are also trying to expand their manufacturing bases to other countries through either acquisitions of greenfield plants or by taking over firms in low cost economies. However smaller countries like Vietnam, Bangladesh and Pakistan are outdoing India in textile and clothing exports to the US and EU in the post-quota (2005-2007) period.
2008-07-16 ArtNo.41214(29/52)
【ニューデリー】今年5月の工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)をベースにした成長率は僅か3.8%と、昨年同月の10.6%に比べ大幅な鈍化を見た。
◆Industrial growth slips to 3.8 % in May
【New Delhi】Industrial growth, as measured by Index of Industrial Production (IIP), slumped to 3.8 per cent during May 2008 as compared to 10.6 per cent in the same month last year.
2008-07-16 ArtNo.41223(30/52)
【チェンナイ】フ Bンランドの電力設備エンジニアリング企業Metsoは7月11日、タミールナド州Chennai拠点のEPT Engineering Servicesと合弁契約を結んだ。合弁会社Metso Power India Pvt Ltd(MPIPL)は、Metsoグループの世界ビジネスにエンジニアリング及びデザイン・サービスを提供する。
◆Finnish major Metso to design CFBC boiler
【Chennai】Finnish power and engineering major Metso on July 11 signed a joint venture agreement with the Chennai-based EPT Engineering Services. The venture, Metso Power India Pvt Ltd, will provide engineering and design services for Metso group worldwide.
2008-08-18 ArtNo.41322(31/52)
◆Industrial growth declines to 5.4% in June
【New Delhi】Industrial growth in June witnessed a slump to 5.4 per cent from a high 8.9 per cent growth posted during the same month a year. However the growth rate is higher than the upwardly-revised 4.1 per cent growth in May this year.
2008-08-20 ArtNo.41339(32/52)
【ニューデリー】株式会社ジェイテクトとカルナタカ州Bangalore拠点のMicromatic Grinding Technologies Ltd(MGTL)はエンジンやトランスミッションの製作に用いる工作機を製造するため戦略提携した。
◆JTEKT tie-up with Micromatic
【New Delhi】The Japan-based Rs 400-crore JTEKT Corporation and Bangalore-based Micromatic Grinding Technologies signed an agreement for a strategic alliance to produce machine tools for engines and transmissions.
【新德里】日本捷太格特公司与总部位于邦加罗尔的Micromatic Grinding Technologies有限公司为了共同制造引擎和变速机用的机床工具而签署战略性合作协议。
2008-08-20 ArtNo.41340(33/52)
◆Auto component industry's growth halving this year
【Mumbai】The auto component industry will grow at 6-8 per cent in the current financial year as compared with a forecast of 12-13 per cent, owing to a slowdown in demand for automobiles due to high interest rates and burgeoning fuel prices.
2008-09-15 ArtNo.41430(34/52)
◆Industrial production revives to 7.1%
【New Delhi】Propelled by buoyancy in the production of consumer durables and capital goods, the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) growth recovered to a five month high of 7.1 per cent, even though it moderated compared with 8.3 per cent recorded a year ago.
2008-10-03 ArtNo.41500(35/52)
【ニューデリー】日本たばこ株式会社(JTI)が合弁会社への出資率引き上げを申請したのに対してインド最大のタバコ会社ITC Ltdや保健省が反対を表明、論争が生じている。
◆Health ministry, ITC argue over Japan Tobacco FDI plan
【New Delhi】A proposal by Japan Tobacco Inc (JTI) to raise its equity in its Indian joint venture has kicked off a major controversy with the country's largest tobacco company ITC Ltd and the health ministry opposing the move.
2008-10-08 ArtNo.41512(36/52)
【チェンナイ】Dubai拠点のHarsha Groupは1500クロー(US$3.19億)を投じ、タミールナド州に石油/天然ガス業界向け掘削設備の製造施設を設ける。
◆Harsha Group to make drilling equipment in TN
【Chennai】The Dubai-based Harsha Group is to invest Rs 1,500 crore to set up a manufacturing facility in Tamil Nadu for drilling equipment for the oil and natural gas industry.
2008-10-13 ArtNo.41526(37/52)
◆August IIP growth slips to 1.3 pct
【New Delhi】India's industrial growth based on the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) nosedived to 1.3 per cent in August 2008 as against 10.9 per cent during the corresponding period last year, mainly on account of poor performance by the manufacturing sector.
2008-10-24 ArtNo.41579(38/52)
◆三菱-VST JV、ディーゼルエンジン工場の操業開始
【バンガロール】三菱重工業(MHI)とカルナタカ州Bangalore拠点のVST Tiller Tractors Ltd(VST)の90:10の合弁に成るMHI-VST Diesel Engine Pvt Ltd (MVDE)は、カルナタカ州Mysore近郊Metagalliに設けた合弁会社にとって初のディーゼル・エンジン工場の操業を開始した。
◆Mitsubishi-VST JV commissions diesel engine plant
【Bangalore】MHI-VST Diesel Engine Pvt Ltd (MVDE), a 90:10 joint venture between Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd, Japan (MHI) and Bangalore-based VST Tiller Tractors Ltd, (VST) have commissioned their first diesel engine manufacturing plant at Metagalli, near Mysore.
2008-10-27 ArtNo.41589(39/52)
【ムンバイ】Grasim Industries Ltd(GIL)は、世界的に景気が後退し、国内のインフレが高進する中で、ビスコース短繊維(VSF:viscos staple fibre)の生産を30%削減する方針を決めた。
◆Grasim to slash VSF capacity 30%
【Mumbai】Grasim Industries Ltd is going to cut down its production of Viscose Staple Fibre (VSF) by approximately 30% amid global slow down and rising inflation.
2008-11-10 ArtNo.41637(40/52)
【チェンナイ】東芝とJSW Steel Ltd(JSL)の超臨界圧ボイラー製造合弁事業は、6ヶ月以内にタミールナド州Chennai近郊Ennoreにおける土木工事がスタート、その後段階的に生産活動が開始される。
◆Toshiba-JSW plant to go on stream in phases
【Chennai】The Toshiba-JSW combine's supercritical power boilers manufacturing joint venture will commence civil works at Ennore near Chennai in the next six months, and will go on stream in phases.
2008-11-12 ArtNo.41645(41/52)
【ムンバイ】国営重電機会社Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd(BHEL)と原子力発電公社Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd(NPCIL)が設立した原子力発電設備製造合弁事業の技術パートナーの座獲得を目指し、多国籍企業4社-ドイツのSiemens/ウクライナのTurbo Item/フランスのAlstom/米国のGeneral Electric-が競っている。
◆4 MNCs in race to partner in Bhel's N-JV
【Mumbai】Siemens of Germany, Turbo Item of Ukraine, Paris-based Alstom and General Electric of the US are in race to become the technology partner for the joint venture between public sector power equipment major Bharat Heavy Electricals (Bhel) and Nuclear Power Corporation of India (NPCIL) — the country's nuclear power manager — to manufacture turbines for nuclear power plants in India.
【孟买】国营企业巴拉特重电公司与印度核电力公司为了印度国内制造核电设备而设立的合资公司寻找外国技术伙帮,现在四间跨国企业-德国西门子/乌克兰Turbo Item/法国阿尔斯通/美国通用电机公司-有兴趣成为该公司的技术伙帮而竞争。
2008-11-17 ArtNo.41658(42/52)
◆IIP growth rate slips to 4.8%
【New Delhi】Industrial production growth rate dropped to 4.8 per cent in September this year, compared to 7 per cent in the same month last year but well above the dismal growth of 1.3% (now revised to 1.4%) in August—the lowest in a decade.
2008-11-17 ArtNo.41660(43/52)
【ムンバイ】株式会社クボタの米国カリフォルニア子会社Kubota Tractor Corporation (KTC)は、住友商事と合弁を組み、インドでトラクターを製造する可能性を検討している。
◆Kubota plans to make tractors in India
【Mumbai】California-based Kubota Tractor Corporation (KTC), a group company of Japanese major Kubota Corporation is exploring the possibility of setting shop in India through a joint venture (JV) with Japan's largest integrated business enterprise Sumitomo Corporation for manufacturing tractors.
2008-11-17 ArtNo.41666(44/52)
【ニューデリー】フランスの電力設備メーカー、Alstom Ltd(AL)はグジャラート州Vadodaraに水力発電設備の研究開発(R&D)センターを設けるとともに、地元企業Bharat Forge Ltd(BFL)と発電設備の製造を手がける合弁会社2社を設ける計画だ。
◆Alstom sets up R&D centre, to form two JVs
【New Delhi】French power equipment manufacturer Alstom Ltd which will form two joint venture companies for manufacturing equipment for power sector with a local partner, Bharat Forge Ltd, has set up its research and development (R&D) centre for hydro power sector in Vadodara, Gujarat.
2008-11-24 ArtNo.41686(45/52)
◆Import duty re-imposed on crude soya oil too
【New Delhi】The government on November 18 slapped a 20% duty on crude soyabean oil with immediate effect in a move aimed at safeguarding the interests of domestic industry.
2008-11-24 ArtNo.41691(46/52)
【ニューデリー】指導的風力発電設備メーカー、Suzlon Energy Ltd(SEL)は、ソーラ・エネルギー領域に進出する計画だ。
◆Suzlon Energy to foray into solar power
【New Delhi】Leading wind power equipment maker Suzlon Energy plans to venture into the solar energy sector.
2008-12-01 ArtNo.41712(47/52)
◆Curbs on import of select steel & wood products
【New Delhi】The government now imposed import restrictions on seamless tubes and pipes, which are used by the automobile, oil and gas industries, after imposing curbs on import of hot-rolled coil and levying a 5 per cent import duty on steel products last week. Import of wood and certain wood products have also been put on the restricted list.
2008-12-03 ArtNo.41726(48/52)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点の精密機器メーカー、MTAR Technologies Pvt Ltdは、高速増殖炉(Fast Breeder Reactor)の重要部品『Grid Plate』の国産化に成功した。
◆FBR' crucial component made in India
【Hyderabad】Hyderabad-based MTAR Technologies Pvt Ltd, a maker of precision engineering equipment for the strategic sectors, has fabricated a critical component – The Grid Plate – for the Fast Breeder Reactors (FBRs).
【海德拉巴】总部设在海德拉巴的精密工程设备供应商MTAR技术私人有限公司已经成功地制造快速增殖反应堆的关键部件格子板(Grid Plate)。
2008-12-10 ArtNo.41748(49/52)
◆Imports from Japan auto components 10 times more than exports
【Chennai】India imports Rs 2,413 crore($482m) auto components from Japan in 2007-08 grew 72 per cent over the previous year. However Exports to Japan, which grew 11 per cent last year, were still nothing much to write home about, at Rs 205 crore($41m).
2008-12-17 ArtNo.41765(50/52)
【ニューデリー】世界的な景気の後退から国内需要と輸出需要が共に減退し、製造業が深刻な打撃を受ける中、10月の工業生産指数(IIP:Index for Industrial Production)の伸びは-0.4%と、過去15年来初めてマイナス成長を記録した。
◆Industrial growth crashes to -0.4%
The Index for Industrial Production (IIP) shrunk for the first time in many years to a record a negative growth of 0.4 per cent in October, stifled by manufacturing sector -- for rescuing which the government announced a stimulus package earlier this month.
製造業一般 General Manufacturing in 2008