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製薬/生物 Pharma/Biology in 2009
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元のページへ戻る ►2009-01-28 ArtNo.41873(1/54)
【ニューデリー】Manmohan Singh首相(76)は先週土曜(24日)All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)付属病院において心臓のバイパス手術を受けた後、順調に回復しており、水曜(28日)までには集中治療室(ICU)から出られる見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆PM recovering fast after bypass surgery
【New Delhi】Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who is recuperating at the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) after a successful coronary bypass surgery on Saturday, will be taken out of the intensive care unit of AIIMS by Wednesday.
2009-01-28 ArtNo.41883(2/54)
◆Neuland Labs、ペプチド領域に進出
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadを拠点に薬理活性原末(Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients)や他の重要薬物(essential drug)の発見開発支援業務を手がけるNeuland Laboratories Limited(NLL)は、ペプチド領域に進出する。(...続きを読む)
◆Neuland Labs forays into peptides segment
【Hyderabad】The Hyderabad-based API(Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) and other essential drug discovery and development support services provider Neuland Laboratories Limited is foraying into peptides segment.
2009-01-28 ArtNo.41884(3/54)
◆Celestial、血漿分画事業でGE Healthcareと提携
【アーマダバード】Celestial Biologicals Ltd (CBL)は、GE Healthcare(GEH)と協力してグジャラート州AhmedabadにGMP(Good Manufacturing Practice)基準を満たした血漿分画施設(plasma fractionation facility)を設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆Celestial, GE Healthcare to set up plasma fractionation facility
【Ahmedabad】Celestial Biologicals Ltd (CBL) and GE Healthcare will collaborat to set up India's first Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) compliant plasma fractionation facility in Ahmedabad.
【艾哈迈达巴德】印度生物科学企业Celestial Biologicals有限公司与GE医疗集团将在古吉拉特州艾哈迈达巴德共同设立印度国内第一间按照良好作业规范(GMP)的血浆蛋白分离设施。
2009-02-02 ArtNo.41896(4/54)
◆Clinical research business likely to face a slowdown
【New Delhi】Despite India is one of the most favoured destinations for conducting global clinical trials because of lower costs and easy availability of volunteers for human experiments, the growth in this business, which has growing at a robust pace over the past few years, is expected to decelerate to about 20% in 2009-10 from 35% in the current fiscal.
2009-02-04 ArtNo.41907(5/54)
【バンガロール】シンガポール拠点のAll Green Energy Pvt Ltd(AGEPL)は今後3年間に500クロー(US$1億)を投じ、インド国内10カ所にバイオマス再生可能エネルギー施設を設ける計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Singapore co to set up biomass gen-plants
【Bangalore】Singapore-based All Green Energy Pvt Ltd plans to invest around Rs 500 crore to set up 10 biomass-based renewable energy projects in the next three years.
2009-02-04 ArtNo.41908(6/54)
◆Shantha Bio、新ワクチン製造施設建設
【ハイデラバード】フランス企業Merieux Allainceの傘下に属するアンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点のShantha Biotechnics Limited(SBL)は、同州Ranga Reddy県Muppireddypally村に近代的なワクチン製造コンプレックスを建設する計画に着手した。(...続きを読む)
◆Shantha Bio to set up vaccine complex
【Hyderabad】Hyderabad-based bio-pharmaceuticals company Shantha Biotechnics Limited, part of the France-based Merieux Allaince will be setting up a new modern vaccine manufacturing complex at Muppireddypally village in Ranga Reddy district of Andhra Pradesh.
2009-02-09 ArtNo.41918(7/54)
◆Biological E、AP州に新製造拠点設置
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadを拠点にするインド初の生物医薬品メーカー、Biological E Ltd(BEL)は、ハイデラバード郊外ShameerpetのSP Biotech Park(Phase 2)に75エーカーの生物医薬品およびワクチンの製造キャンパスを設けた。(...続きを読む)
◆Biological E inaugurates new facility in AP
【Hyderabad】Hyderabad-based Biological E Ltd, India's first private sector Biological Products Company, has set up a new 75-acre biopharmaceutical and vaccines manufacturing campus at SP Biotech Park (Phase 2) in Shameerpet, on the outskirts of Hyderabad.
◆Biological E在安德拉州建设生物医药品制造设施
【海德拉巴】位于安德拉州海德拉巴的印度第一间生物医药品企业Biological E有限公司在海德拉巴郊区Shameerpet的SP Biotech Park(Phase 2)已经兴建75公亩生物医药品与疫苗制造设施。
2009-02-16 ArtNo.41941(8/54)
【ハイデラバード】遺伝子組換え作物のトランスレーショナル・リサーチ・プラットフォーム(PTTC:Platform for Translational research on Transgenic Crops)をアンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadの国際半乾燥地熱帯作物研究所(Icrisat:International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics)キャンパスに設ける起工式がこのほど催された。(...続きを読む)
◆Icrisat, Govt launch project on transgenic crops
【Hyderabad】The foundation stone for Platform for Translational research on Transgenic Crops(PTTC) has been laid down recently at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (Icrisat) campus in Hyderabad.
2009-02-20 ArtNo.41956(9/54)
◆Piramal Life、2年内に新化学物質の市場投入目指す
【ムンバイ】目下、腫瘍/糖尿病/炎症性疾患/抗感染薬領域の研究を進めているPiramal Life Sciences Ltd(PLSL)は、2011年までに最初の新化学物質(NCE:New Chemical Entity)を市場に投入することを目指している。(...続きを読む)
◆Piramal Life aims to unveil its first new chemical entity by 2011
【Mumbai】Piramal Life Sciences is currently developing drugs in oncology, diabetes, inflammation disorders and anti-infectives and hoping to hit the market with its first New Chemical Entity (NCE) by 2011.
2009-02-27 ArtNo.41976(10/54)
◆IOL Chemicals、US$4400万投じ設備拡張
【チャンディガル】パンジャブ州Ludhianaを拠点に有機化学品や原末(bulk drug)の製造を手がけるIOL Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals (IOLCP)は216クロー(US$4431万)を投じ、各種製品の生産ラインを拡張する。これには最も広く用いられる医薬品イブプロフェン(ibuprofen)の生産ラインが含まれる。(...続きを読む)
◆IOL Chemicals to invest $44m in expansion
【Chandigarh】IOL Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals (IOLCP), the Ludhiana-based producers of organic chemicals and bulk drugs, will pump close to Rs 216 crore ($44.31m) in capacity expansion for its various product lines, including its most popular pharma product Ibuprofen.
2009-03-06 ArtNo.42004(11/54)
◆Govt to co-invest $454m in pharma R&D
【New Delhi】The government is planning to mobilise an investment of more than one billion dollars in the next five years for promoting innovation here through co-investing up to Rs 2,500 crore($484m) with a similar amount from private players for each innovating project.
2009-03-13 ArtNo.42028(12/54)
◆DuPont Crop Protection、GVK/Bioconとの提携強化
【ハイデラバード】DuPont Crop Protection(DPCP)は、受託研究機関(CRO:contract research organisation)GVK Biosciences Private Ltdを、創薬化学研究サービス(Discovery Chemistry:化学と情報科学の両面からの新薬候補化合物の探索開発とリード探索およびリードの最適化サービス)のインドにおける戦略パートナーに指名、またBiocon Ltd傘下のSyngene International Private Limited(SIPL)をアライアンス・パートナーに指名した。(...続きを読む)
◆DuPont expands alliance with GVK and Biocon
【Hyderabad】DuPont Crop Protection has appointed GVK Biosciences, a contract research organisation, as a strategic partner for discovery Chemistry services in India and has signed up with Syngene International, a subsidiary of Biocon Ltd, as its alliance partner.
【海德拉巴】杜邦植保业务把合同研究机构GVK Biosciences私人有限公司指定为新化合物合成研究服务领域的印度战略伙帮,同时把Biocon公司的子公司Syngene International私人有限公司指定为联盟伙帮。
2009-03-23 ArtNo.42059(13/54)
◆Trivitron/Brandon Medical、合弁で医療用照明具製造
【チェンナイ】タミールナド州Chennai拠点の医療機器会社Trivitronは、英国企業Brandon Medical(BM)と、病院の手術室で用いるシャドーレス照明器具の製造を手がける合弁会社Brandon Trivitron Medical Technologies(BTMT)を設立した。(...続きを読む)
◆Trivitron sets up JV with Brandon Medical
【Chennai】Chennai-based medical technology company Trivitron has floated a joint venture, styled Brandon Trivitron Medical Technologies, with Brandon Medical of the UK to manufacture shadow-less lights used in operation theatres.
◆Trivitron与Brandon Medical设立联营公司
【金奈】位于泰米尔纳德州金奈的医疗技术企业 Trivitron与英国企业Brandon Medical设立联营公司Brandon Trivitron Medical Technologies。新公司将制造在医院手术室用的无影照明机具。
2009-03-27 ArtNo.42073(14/54)
【ムンバイ】インド政府は2020年までにインドをグローバル創薬ハブにすることを目指し様々な施策を講じている。同目標を実現するには主に官民協力方式(PPP:public-private partnership)を通じた20億米ドルの投資が必要とされる。(...続きを読む)
◆India to become a pharma innovation hub by 2020
【Mumbai】The Indian Government aims to make India a leading pharma innovation hub by 2020 involving an investment of $2 billion, for which a substantial public-private partnership would be required.
2009-03-30 ArtNo.42088(15/54)
◆Pharma retail sales grow 13.3% in Feb
【New Delhi】India's drug retail sales grew by healthy 13.3% to Rs 2,853 crore compared to the same month last year.
2009-04-03 ArtNo.42096(16/54)
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州政府は有機農法(organic cultivation)振興政策の一環として向こう2年間に州内の341郡(block)全てに1カ所づつバイオ村(bio-village)を開発する方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆West Bengal setting up bio-villages in each of the 341 blocks
【Kolkata】The West Bengal government has resolved to set up one bio-village in each of the 341 blocks in the state in the next two years as part of its policy for promoting organic cultivation.
2009-04-08 ArtNo.42119(17/54)
【ニューデリー】インド商工会議所連盟(FICCI:Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry)が実施した業況見通し調査によると、大部分の業種が2009-10年の輸出成長率は無視できるほどか、マイナスに落ち込むと予想したが、製薬業だけは16%の成長を見通した。(...続きを読む)
◆Pharma exporters forecast to grow 16% in 09-10
【New Delhi】A survey conducted by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Ficci) revealed that most industrial sectors expected a negligible growth or contraction in exports during 2009-10. However pharmaceutical exporters forecasted a 16 per cent increase.
2009-04-17 ArtNo.42145(18/54)
◆Pharma exports surge by 46.3 in December
【New Delhi】The exports of pharmaceutical products surged by 46.3 per cent to 1.01 billion dollars in December 2008 from 609 million dollars in the same month of the previous year.
2009-05-08 ArtNo.42207(19/54)
【ムンバイ】過去3年間に日本市場に進出したインドの指導的製薬会社、Ranbaxy/Lupin/Zydus Cadila/Dishman等は、30億米ドルの日本後発医薬品市場の10~15%のシェアを占めている。日本保健産業の再編に伴い後発医薬品市場は向こう数年間に急成長するものと見られている。(...続きを読む)
◆Indian pharma cos emerge in Japan
【Mumbai】Leading Indian drug makers such as Ranbaxy, Lupin, Zydus Cadila and Dishman, which forayed into Japan in the past three years, have already cornered about 10-15 per cent of the $3 billion generic market in Japan, which is estimated to grow manifold in the coming years due to health reforms.
【孟买】过去3年来进入日本市场的印度主要制药公司,例如,兰巴克斯实验室有限公司/Lupin/Zydus Cadila/Dishman制药化工公司等已经在30亿美元日本非专利药市场获得10-15%市场占有率。随着日本保健业的重组日本非专利药市场被预料今后几年内急速成长。
2009-05-12 ArtNo.42219(20/54)
【チェンナイ】インド溶媒抽出産業協会(SEAI:Solvent Extractors Association of India)によると、今年4月の油粕(Oilmeal)輸出は23万1817トンと、昨年同月の64万6000トンに比べ64%の大幅な落ち込みを見た。(...続きを読む)
◆Oilmeal exports decline 64% in April
【Chennai】Oilmeal exports in April dropped 64 per cent to 2.31 lakh tonnes against 6.46 lakh tonnes during the same period a year ago, according to the Solvent Extractors Association of India.
2009-05-15 ArtNo.42232(21/54)
◆Edible oil prices to rise further in medium term
【Chennai】Prices of cooking oils have increased by between Rs 3.50 and Rs 11.60 a kg since March 1. And they are likely to increase further in the medium term.
2009-05-19 ArtNo.42242(22/54)
◆Centre raises foodgrain, oilseeds output estimate for 2008-09
【New Delhi】The Agriculture Ministry has revised upwards its estimates of the country's foodgrains output for 2008-09 at 229.85 million tonnes (mt), against 227.88 mt in the earlier second Advance Estimates released in February.
2009-05-19 ArtNo.42243(23/54)
◆Vegetable oil imports more than double in April
【Chennai】Vegetable oil imports increased more than doubled to 6.99 lakh tonnes (lt) in April against 3.47 lt during the same period a year ago.
2009-05-29 ArtNo.42279(24/54)
【ニューデリー】インド薬品監督総監(DCGI:Drug Controller General of India)オフィスはこのほど、複数の製薬会社から提出された44件の多剤混合薬(FDC:fixed dose combination)製造・販売申請を許可した。(...続きを読む)
◆DGCI clears 44 fixed-dose combination drugs
【New Delhi】The Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) has recently cleared requests from several pharma companies for permission to manufacture and market 44 fixed dose combination (FDC) drugs.
2009-06-16 ArtNo.42339(25/54)
【ハイデラバード】医薬品輸出振興委員会(Pharmexcil:Pharmaceuticals Exports Promotion Council)の発表によると、2009年2月の医薬品輸出額は前年同月に比べ米ドル建てで10.2%の成長を見た。(...続きを読む)
◆Feb pharma exports up 10.2%
【Hyderabad】Export of pharmaceutical goods grew by 10.2 per cent in February 2009 compared to year-ago period in dollar terms, according to data released by Pharmaceuticals Exports Promotion Council (Pharmexcil).
2009-06-19 ArtNo.42345(26/54)
◆Vegoil imports more than doubled in May
【Chennai】Import of vegetable oils more than doubled to 7.51 lakh tonnes (lt) in May against 3.61 lt during the same period a year ago.
2009-06-23 ArtNo.42359(27/54)
◆Biotech sector turnover tops $2.5b in 2009
【Bangalore】The Indian biotechnology industry's overall turnover in 2008-09 was Rs 12,137 crore($2.58b), compared to Rs 10,273 crore($2.19) in 2007-08. The industry growth rate slipped to 18 per cent in 2008-09, compared with 30-34 per cent in the previous years.
2009-06-30 ArtNo.42387(28/54)
【ムンバイ】インド製薬業界の監査済み二次販売(SSA:secondary sales audit)をベースにした今年5月の売上げは前年同月比10.1%増の3104.12クロー(US$6.606億)をマークした。しかし今年4月の同10.2%増3146クロー(US$6.695億)を僅かに下回った。(...続きを読む)
◆Pharma cos' sales grow 10% in May
【Mumbai】The value growth of Indian pharmaceutical market (IPM), as per the secondary sales audit (SSA), for May was 10.1% (Rs 3,104.12 crore) compare with 10.2% in April (Rs 3,146 crore).
2009-07-10 ArtNo.42424(29/54)
◆Oilmeal exports decline 33% in June
【Chennai】Oilmeal exports dropped 33 per cent to 1.97 lakh tonnes (lt) in June against 2.95 lt a year ago but they were up 10 per cent compared to 1.78 lt in May this year.
2009-07-17 ArtNo.42446(30/54)
【ムンバイ】グジャラート州Ahmedabad拠点の地場製薬会社Zydus Cadilaは、同社の酸性非ステロイド性抗炎症皮膚張りつけ吸収薬(transdermal patch)『NuPatch』に対する米国等の海外市場における需要が旺盛なことから、アーマダバード近郊の傘下特別経済区(SEZ)内に新施設を建設する。(...続きを読む)
◆Zydus invests $20m to meet demand for 'NuPatch'
【Mumbai】Keeping in view of the rising demand for its diclofenac transdermal patch 'NuPatch' in the overseas markets like the US, Zydus Cadila is setting up a new unit in its special economic zone (SEZ) near Ahmedabad.
【孟买】本地主要的制药企业Zydus Cadila公司考虑在美国等海外市场对该公司制造的『NuPatch(治疗炎症的双氯芬酸透皮贴剂)』的需求激增,在古吉拉特州艾哈迈达巴德附近的旗下经济特区内设立新设备。
2009-07-17 ArtNo.42447(31/54)
【チェンナイ】外国産植物油の大量流入は依然持続、2008年11月にスタートした今油年(current oil year)に輸入された植物油の量は、6月までに582万4000トンと、前年同期の356万7000トンに比べ63%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆Vege-oils import continues to flood the country
【Chennai】Vegetable oils import continued to flood the country. For the current oil year that began in November, the imports till June totalled 58.24 lakh tonnes (lt) against 35.67 lt during the same period a year ago, a 63 per cent increase.
2009-07-28 ArtNo.42481(32/54)
【ニューデリー】インド薬品監督総監(DCGI:Drug Controller General of India)オフィスは、民間の検査機関数社と、市場投入前の新薬を検査する施設を公共民間協力(PPP:public-private-partnership)方式で設ける交渉を進めている。(...続きを読む)
◆DCGI in talks with private labs to test new drugs
【New Delhi】Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) is in talks with some private labs to build infrastructure to test new drugs before launching them in the market through public-private-partnership (PPP) models.
2009-07-31 ArtNo.42496(33/54)
◆Pharma sees record pay hikes, the least for IT in FY10
【New Delhi】The pharmaceutical, manufacturing and telecom sectors saw the highest increase in salaries for FY 10, whereas IT and financial services got the lowest hike.
2009-08-11 ArtNo.42529(34/54)
◆Oilmeal exports dip 63% in July
【Mumbai】Oilmeal exports in July this year declined by 63 per cent to 173,329 tonnes as compared to 474,590 tonnes in the corresponding month last year with a gradual decline in overseas demand due to recessionary pressure coupled with the government's intended punitive action.
2009-08-14 ArtNo.42540(35/54)
◆Pharma sector posts 11 per cent sales growth for Q 1
【New Delhi】The pharmaceutical sector post 11 per cent sales growth for the quarter ended June 2009, compared with the same period a year ago. However there is the wide divergence in performance within the sector.
2009-08-18 ArtNo.42554(36/54)
◆Pharma outsourcing to cross $2.3 bn by 2010
【New Delhi】Indian pharmaceutical contract manufacturing industry is growing at thrice the rate of the global outsourcing market, and is expected to reach 2.3 billion dollars by the end of 2010 from 1.1 billion dollars in 2008.
2009-09-08 ArtNo.42624(37/54)
◆August oilmeal exports decline 50%
【Mumbai】Oilmeal exports declined 50 per cent to 215,000 tonnes in August as compared to 427,000 tonnes in the same month last year.
2009-09-11 ArtNo.42636(38/54)
【ニューデリー】国内の製薬会社は来月以降、インド薬品監督総監(DCGI:Drug Controller General of India)の輸出認可を取得することを義務づけられる。(...続きを読む)
◆Pharma cos to require DCGI nod for exports
【New Delhi】Domestic pharmaceutical companies will have to get the approval of central drug regulator Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) before exporting their medicines from next month, according to a health ministry official.
2009-09-22 ArtNo.42666(39/54)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は豚インフルエンザ治療薬タミフルの原料シキミ酸(Shikimic acid)を国内で開発する4つの組織をリストアップした。目下のところ国内の製薬会社はこの種の原料を専ら輸入に依存している。(...続きを読む)
◆Four institutes shortlisted to develop Tamiflu material
【New Delhi】Four institutions have been identified by the Indian government for developing shikimic acid, the basic raw material used for making swine flu drug Tamiflu (Oseltamivir), currently being imported by drug manufacturers.
2009-09-25 ArtNo.42684(40/54)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点のNatco Pharma Limited(NPL)は、来月末までに豚インフルエンザ治療薬Natflu100万服(doses)=1000万錠を発売すると発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Natco to release 1 mn doses of swine flu drug by Oct end
【Hyderabad】Hyderabad-based drug maker Natco Pharma Limited announced that the company would be releasing into the market over 1 million doses (10 million tablets) of Natflu, its medicine for treatment of swine flu, by the end of next month.
【海德拉巴】位于安德拉州海德拉巴的Natco Pharma有限公司发表说,该公司到西个月底之前发售该公司开发的猪流感药叫做Natflu100万服相等于1000万片。
2009-09-25 ArtNo.42685(41/54)
◆Pharma industry steps up recruitment 5 times
【Mumbai】Indian drug makers are on a hiring spree when global multinational counterparts are slashing their workforces to reduce costs.
2009-09-29 ArtNo.42693(42/54)
◆Pharma exports up 29 pc to $8.24 bn
【Hyderabad】India's exports of pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals increased 29 per cent last fiscal to Rs 39, 538 crore ($8.24 bn) compared with the year-ago period.
2009-10-06 ArtNo.42720(43/54)
【ニューデリー】医療、保健サービス大手GE Healthcare(GEH)は、インドの子会社3社を、合弁会社Wipro GE Healthcare Pte Ltd(WGH)に統合した。(...続きを読む)
◆Wipro, GE to consolidate healthcare biz in India, South Asia
【New Delhi】Medical technologies and services major GE Healthcare has integrated its three standalone subsidiaries in India with its joint venture Wipro GE Healthcare.
2009-10-09 ArtNo.42733(44/54)
◆Oilmeal exports revive in Sept on soya factor
【Chennai】Oilmeal exports in September increased 19 per cent to 2.31 lakh tonnes (lt) against 1.93 lt during the same period a year ago.
2009-10-16 ArtNo.42757(45/54)
【ムンバイ】今年9月の植物油輸入量は90万5000トンと、昨年同月の66万7000トンに比べ39%増加、包括輸入許可(open general licence)制度の下に、植物油の輸入が開始された1994年以来の最高をマークした。(...続きを読む)
◆Vegetable oil import in Sept rises 39%
【Mumbai】Vegetable oil imports in September rose 39 per cent to 9.05 lakh tonnes compared to 6.67 lt in the same period last year. It hit the highest figure for any month since these were allowed under an open general licence (OGL) in 1994.
2009-11-03 ArtNo.42819(46/54)
◆Vegetable oil import to touch $5.86 bn this year
【New Delhi】It appears that India's vegetable oil imports are going to rise by at least Rs 2,000 crore($434m) to Rs 27,000 crore($5.859bn) this year (November-October), as traders take advantage of a low-duty regime to pile up "cheaper" products from overseas.
2009-11-06 ArtNo.42829(47/54)
◆Pharma retail mkt growth slows down to 9.6%
【New Delhi】Growth in the domestic pharma market dipped 7% in September over the previous month, but was still nearly double digit at 9.6% compared to the corresponding month last year.
2009-11-13 ArtNo.42851(48/54)
【ハイデラバード】目下、呼吸器疾患と多剤耐性疾患用の2種類のDNAマクロ・チップ(DNA macro chip)の開発に取り組んでいるカルナタカ州Bangalore拠点の分子診断製品会社XCyton Diagnosticsは、国内市場と海外市場においてこの種の製品のマーケッティングを引き受けるパートナーを物色している。(...続きを読む)
◆XCyton developing DNA macro chips
【Hyderabad】Bangalore-based molecular diagnostic products company XCyton Diagnostics, which is in the process of developing two DNA macro chips for respiratory illness in the aged, and a multi-drug resistant disease, is scouting for partners that can help it market the products both domestically and globally.
【海德拉巴】总部位于卡纳塔克州班加罗尔的分子诊断學制品制造商XCyton Diagnostics正在开发呼吸道疾病与耐多药疾病用两种DNA宏芯片。该公司也找在国内和海外市场推销产品的伙帮。
2009-11-20 ArtNo.42879(49/54)
【バンガロール】生物工学局(DOB:department of biotechnology)は、200クロー(US$4340万)を投じ、カルナタカ州Bangaloreに、インド初の本格的な幹細胞研究所『inStem (The institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine)』を設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆India's first stem cell institute to come up in Bangalore
【Bangalore】India's first major stem cell institute, called inStem (The institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine), will be set up in Bangalore by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), government of India at an investment of Rs 200 crore.
2009-12-04 ArtNo.42923(50/54)
【ニューデリー】地元日刊紙は水曜、昨年6月に日本第二の製薬会社第一三共がRanbaxy Laboratoriesを買収したのに続き、日本最大の薬品メーカー武田がインド市場の開拓に乗り出したと報じた。(...続きを読む)
◆Japan's largest drug maker Takeda comes calling
【New Delhi】A daily newspaper reported on Wednesday that Japan's largest drugmaker Takeda had begun to scout for opportunities in India, after Japan's second largest pharmaceutical company, Daiichi Sankyo Ltd, acquired Ranbaxy Laboratories in June last year.
製薬/生物 Pharma/Biology in 2009
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