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経済一般 General Economics in 2008
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元のページへ戻る ►2008-12-05 ArtNo.41730(501/531)
◆Inflation at 7-month low
【New Delhi】Inflation for the week ended November 22 fell to a seven-month low of 8.4 per cent from 8.84 per cent in the previous week. However the inflation rate is still much higher than 3.11 per cent during the corresponding week of the previous year.
2008-12-05 ArtNo.41731(502/531)
◆Exports fall 12.1% in October
【New Delhi】Exports declined by 12.1 per cent in October and stood at $12.82 billion, as against $14.58 billion in the same month last year, as slowing output at home and troubled economies in key overseas markets slashed demand.
2008-12-05 ArtNo.41732(503/531)
【ニューデリー】K M Chandrasekhar内閣官房長官を長とする経済関係省庁代表から成る次官級委員会は、マラソン会議の末、世界的金融危機に伴う景気後退に対処し、就業機会を創出するための詳細な経済刺激措置パッケージ(SP:stimulus package)を立案した。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt prepares stimulus package
【New Delhi】The Committee of Secretaries comprising secretaries of key economic ministries and chaired by Cabinet Secretary K M Chandrasekhar, worked out the details of the stimulus package to counter the slowdown and generate job opportunities in the wake of ongoing global financial crisis, at a marathon meeting.
【新德里】内阁官房长官K M Chandrasekhar为首的主要经济部门常任秘书组成的委员会通过马拉松会议为了应付随着全球金融危机发生的经济衰退同时增加就业机会而制定经济刺激方案详细内容。
2008-12-10 ArtNo.41742(504/531)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は12月7日、世界的景気の後退に抗して国内経済の様々な部門の成長を促す景気刺激パッケージ(stimulus package)を発表した。これには各部門に対する中央付加価値税(Cenvat:Central value added tax)を一律4%ポイント引き下げ、自動車/セメント/繊維/その他の製品価格を引き下げることの他、2万クロー(US$40億)の追加予算枠を設け、今会計年度中にインフラストラクチャー部門、産業部門、輸出部門等に新資金を注入することが含まれる。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt unveils stimulus package
【New Delhi】Unveiling the set of fiscal stimulus package to shore up various sectors of the economy from the global downturn, the government on December 7 slashed Central value added tax (Cenvat) by four percentage points across the board to bring down the prices of cars, cement, textiles and other products, and earmarked an additional $4 billion for infrastructure, industry and export sectors for the current fiscal.
2008-12-10 ArtNo.41743(505/531)
◆Govt cuts petrol and diesel prices
【New Delhi】The Government on December 5 cut the retail price of petrol by Rs.5 a litre and that of high speed diesel by Rs.2 a litre, as an interim measure while watching the international prices before effecting more cuts. However it left that of cooking gas (LPG) untouched.
2008-12-10 ArtNo.41744(506/531)
【ニューデリー】全国幹線道路開発計画(National Highways Development Programme)第三期計画下の23件総額3万クロー(US$60億)の大規模道路工事入札を募集したインド全国幹線道路局(NHAI:National Highways Authority of India)は、1件の応札もなかったことからプロジェクトを延期した。(...続きを読む)
◆No bidder for 23 NHAI mega projects
【New Delhi】Bidding for 23 mega road projects worth around Rs 30,000 crore under phase III of National Highways Development Programme has been deferred. National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has not got a single bid for any of these projects.
2008-12-10 ArtNo.41745(507/531)
【ニューデリー】Manmohan Singh首相は、国営火力発電会社National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC)やその他の公共企業が660MW(メガワット)もしくは800MWの超臨界圧発電設備を発注する際、国営重電機会社Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL)に恩恵を及ぼす大規模発注方式を承認した。(...続きを読む)
◆PM approves bulk ordering of super critical technology
【New Delhi】Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has approved giving preference to Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) in the procurement of 660 MW and 800 MW super critical technology units by National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) and other PSUs.
2008-12-10 ArtNo.41752(508/531)
◆Import duties in palm and soya oil likely to rise
【Mumbai】Import duties on palm and soya oil are expected to rise in 2008-09 and the scale of imports during 2008-09 will depend on the level of import duties.
2008-12-15 ArtNo.41753(509/531)
◆Inflation falls to 8%
【New Delhi】Wholesale Price Index-based inflation rate fell further to 8 per cent for the week ended November 29, lower than 8.4 per cent in the previous week, but still higher than 3.89 per cent during the corresponding week of the previous year.
2008-12-15 ArtNo.41754(510/531)
◆Infrastructure growth dips to 3.4% in Oct
【New Delhi】Core infrastructure industries grew by a sluggish 3.4% in October, below a downwardly revised 4.8 percent annual growth in September and 4.6 per cent in the same month last year.
2008-12-15 ArtNo.41755(511/531)
【ニューデリー】経済特別区(SEZ:special economic zone)プロジェクト50件以上の開発業者が政府に完工期限の延長やプロジェクトそのものからの撤収許可を求める中で、統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政府の投資誘致政策の旗艦を成す『経済特別区』スキームが深刻な試練に直面している。(...続きを読む)
◆Centre working out SEZ exit route
【New Delhi】The United Progressive Alliance's flagship investment magnet, special economic zones (SEZs), are in for some serious tweaking, with over 50 SEZ developers approaching the commerce ministry to buy time for project completion and, in some cases, abandon them altogether.
2008-12-15 ArtNo.41756(512/531)
【ニューデリー】JSW SteelやIspat Industries等の主要鉄鋼メーカーが12月8日深夜をもって中央付加価値税(CENVAT)の4%ポイント引き下げの利益を顧客に還元すると発表したことから、鉄鋼価格はトン当たり最大1600ルピー下降する見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Steel prices to fall by up to Rs 1,600 per tonne
【New Delhi】Steel products will cost less by up to Rs 1,600 a tonne with Steel majors, i.e. JSW Steel, Ispat Industries and etc. announcing to pass on the 4 per cent reduction in the ad valorem Central Value Added Tax (Cenvat) rate to the consumers, effective midnight December 8.
2008-12-15 ArtNo.41763(513/531)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、より多くの外国プレーヤーが来月募集される予定の第三世代(3G)移動体通信ライセンス入札に参加するようテレコム規則を改め準備を整えているが、少なからぬ外国プレーヤーが、仮想移動体通信事業者(MVNO:Mobile Virtual Network Operator)市場の開放を待って、入札を見合わせ、インド政府の努力が水泡に帰す恐れが予想されている。(...続きを読む)
◆Global telcos to skip 3G auction, await MVNO policy
【New Delhi】In what seems to be a major disappointment for the government, which went to the extent of amending the telecom licensing norms to attract overseas players, many global telecom giants will skip the 3G telecom licence auction slated for next month and await opening of the mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) route instead.
2008-12-15 ArtNo.41764(514/531)
【ニューデリー】インドのFMCG(fast moving consumer goods)業界は、世界的な景気後退にも関わらず、2008年には250億米ドルの年間売上げを実現し、2007年の200億米ドルに比べ25%の成長を遂げる見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆FMCG sector to grow by 25% in 2008: Assocham
【New Delhi】The fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) sales have not been affected by the ongoing slowdown, and the sector is expected to grow at 25 percent and reach $25 billion by the end of 2008, as against $20 billion in 2007.
2008-12-17 ArtNo.41765(515/531)
【ニューデリー】世界的な景気の後退から国内需要と輸出需要が共に減退し、製造業が深刻な打撃を受ける中、10月の工業生産指数(IIP:Index for Industrial Production)の伸びは-0.4%と、過去15年来初めてマイナス成長を記録した。(...続きを読む)
◆Industrial growth crashes to -0.4%
The Index for Industrial Production (IIP) shrunk for the first time in many years to a record a negative growth of 0.4 per cent in October, stifled by manufacturing sector -- for rescuing which the government announced a stimulus package earlier this month.
2008-12-17 ArtNo.41766(516/531)
◆FDI inflows decline 26% in October
【New Delhi】The global economic slowdown has adversely impacted the foreign investment flows in the country as FDI has dipped 26 per cent in this October at $1.49 billion, compared with $2.02 billion in the same month a year ago.
2008-12-17 ArtNo.41767(517/531)
【ニューデリー】世界銀行は、インフラ開発資金を供給し、『千年開発目標(MDG:Millennium Development Goals)』を実現する狙いから今後3年間にイ塔hに140億米ドルを融資することを中心とした『2009-12年インド戦略(ICS:India Country Strategy 2009-12)』を承認した。(...続きを読む)
◆World Bank to lend $14b to India for infrastructure projects
【New Delhi】The World Bank has cleared India Country Strategy 2009-12 that envisages extending a total loan of $14 billion to India over the next three years to fund the implementation of infrastructure projects as also achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
2008-12-17 ArtNo.41768(518/531)
◆World's first energy savings market may appear in India
【New Delhi】In what India seems to have the world's first market for trading in energy savings, the power ministry has prepared the blueprint for trading in energy by industrial plants that save energy beyond the target set for them.
2008-12-17 ArtNo.41770(519/531)
◆23 fertiliser cos receive Rs 10,000 cr bonds
【New Delhi】The government December 10 issued special bonds for Rs 10,000 crore to 23 fertiliser companies at the coupon rate of 7 per cent as compensation for subsidising prices in the current financial year.
2008-12-17 ArtNo.41775(520/531)
◆3G auctions to begin on January 16
【New Delhi】The auctions for the third generation (3G) spectrums will be held on January 16 and as for the broadband wireless services using technologies such as WiMAX will be held two days after the 3G auctions are closed, according to the information memorandum issued by the the Department of Telecom.
2008-12-22 ArtNo.41777(521/531)
◆Inflation plunges to nine-month low of 6.84%
【New Delhi】Inflation measured by wholesale price movement dropped sharply to nine-month low of 6.84% for the week ended Dec 6 from 8 per cent the week before, largely on account of fall in fuels and lubricants prices. The rate during the corresponding period last year was 3.84 per cent.
2008-12-22 ArtNo.41778(522/531)
◆40k job cuts in Jalandhar
【Jalandhar】Over 40,000 people working in various industries have lost their jobs in Jalandhar, an ancient city in Jalandhar District in the state of Punjab, due to the economic slowdown as a result of the global financial crisis. Jalandhar has an urban population of almost a million, and another million live in the rural areas outside the city.
2008-12-22 ArtNo.41779(523/531)
◆Orissa govt to reduce the land of 10 mega steel projects
【Bhubaneswar】The Orissa government has decided to reduce the land requirement of 10 mega steel projects by about 5481 acres, equivalent to 16 per cent of the original requirement in the MoUs signed between the concerned companies and the state government.
2008-12-22 ArtNo.41782(524/531)
◆Govt encouraging banks to lend auto buyers
【New Delhi】The government has shifted its focus to prospective two-wheeler and passenger car owners, after slashing interest rates for small-home buyers and SMEs.
2008-12-22 ArtNo.41785(525/531)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は『ソーラ・ミッション(Solar mission)』の下、産業界が化石燃料から太陽エネルギーの利用にシフトすることを促す管理メカニズムを立案している。ソーラ・ミッションはManmohan Singh首相が今年6月に発表した『気候変動行動計画(Climate Change Action Plan)』の8つの主要ミッションの1つ。(...続きを読む)
◆A mechanism to be ready for encouraging use of solar energy
【New Delhi】The government is preparing a regulatory mechanism envisaging promotional incentives to industries to encourage them to shift from fossil fuels to solar energy under "the Solar mission" which is one of the key eight missions of the Climate Change Action Plan released in June by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
2008-12-22 ArtNo.41786(526/531)
【バンガロール/ムンバイ】世界的景気の後退が一層深刻化する中、輸出志向型のインド情報技術(IT)産業の見通しも今後4乃至6四半期不透明な状態が持続する見通しだ。ソフトウェア・サービス会社全国協会(NASSCOM:National Association of Software and Service Companies)のSom Mittal会頭はこのほど以上の見通しを語った。(...続きを読む)
◆Indian IT industry to recover in 12-18 months: NASSCOM
【Bangalore/ Mumbai】"Uncertainty in India's export-focused software sector will continue for the next four to six quarters due to deepening global economic turmoil,"Som Mittal, president of the National Association of Software and Service Companies (Nasscom), said.
◆印度软件产业的展望今后4季或6季继续不明朗: NASSCOM
2008-12-24 ArtNo.41789(527/531)
【ニューデリー】S.S. Palanimanickam大蔵担当国務相は23日、国会下院に中期経済見直し報告書(mid-year review of the economy)を上程、今会計年度(2008-09)通年の成長率が、昨年(2007-09)の9%から7%に鈍化すると予想した。(...続きを読む)
◆Mid-year review forecasts 7% growth
【New Delhi】The mid-year review of the economy projected economic growth would moderate to 7 per cent in the current fiscal down from 9 per cent in 2007-08.
2008-12-24 ArtNo.41790(528/531)
【ニューデリー】統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政府は22日、国会上下両院に保険関連2法案を同時に上程、保険業の改革に本腰を入れる姿勢を示した。2法案中の1件は外資の上限を現在の26%から49%に引き上げる内容を含んだ保険法修正案(Insurance Laws Amendment Bill, 2008)、もう1件は外国の再保険会社がより自由に支店を開設できるようにする内容を含んだ生命保険会社修正法案(Life Insurance Corporation amendment Bill)で、それぞれ上院と下院に上程された。(...続きを読む)
◆Two insurance bills introduced in in Parliament
【New Delhi】The UPA Government has come up with a big-bang approach to insurance sector reforms by introducing two Bills in Parliament. While the Insurance Laws (Amendment) Bill, which seeks to hike the foreign direct investment limit in the sector to 49% from the existing 26%, was introduced in the Rajya Sabha, the Life Insurance Corporation (amendment) Bill, which permits foreign re-insurers to set up branches here and do away with divestment restrictions on Indian promoters of insurance companies to enable entry of more players into the sector, was also introduced in the Lok Sabha on December 22.
2008-12-24 ArtNo.41797(529/531)
◆Moser Baer、ヒマチャルプラデシュ州で水力発電事業に進出
【ニューデリー】Moser Baer India Limited(MBIL)はヒマチャルプラデシュ州政府が国際入札を募集した14件の水力発電プロジェクト中5件の契約を獲得した。落札者は発電した電力の一部を無料で州当局に供給する。(...続きを読む)
◆Moser Baer enters hydel sector in Himachal Pradesh
【New Delhi】Moser Baer India Limited has bagged five of the 14 hydro electric projects offered by Himachal Pradesh state government through the global bidding route with free power.
2008-12-24 ArtNo.41798(530/531)
【コルカタ】オリッサ州で独立電力供給業者(IPP)プロジェクトを手がけることを計画する13社中の7社が、2008年12月31日までに国営送配電会社Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL)と、大口定額料金契約(BPTA:bulk power tariff agreement)を結ぶ方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆7 IPPs to sign BPTAs with PGCIL by the end of this month
【Kolkata】Seven of the proposed thirteen Independent Power Projects in Orissa have decided to sign bulk power tariff agreements (BPTAs) with Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) by December 31 2008.
2008-12-24 ArtNo.41800(531/531)
◆Apparel ind massive lay-offs anticipated
【Mumbai】The apparel industry, which laid-off around 75,000 workers in the April-October period, might have to lay-off another 2-3-lakh workers by December 2009.
経済一般 General Economics in 2008
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