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製造業一般 General Manufacturing in 2016
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元のページへ戻る ►2016-01-13 ArtNo.45632(1/9)

2016-01-13 ArtNo.45633(2/9)

2016-01-13 ArtNo.45634(3/9)
◆Weapons manufacture is backbone of ‘Make in India’ programme: Modi

【Tumakuru】“Self-reliance in the area of security needs is crucial. We have to make our own weapons and ‘Make in India’ is a step towards achieving it.”
○Government planning to export Light Combat Aircraft Tejas, to take part in Bahrain Airshow
○Govt may hire US, Israel cyber security firms for terror intel(...続きを読む)
2016-02-21 ArtNo.45683(4/9)

【ニューデリー】国家統計委員会(NSC:National Statistical Commission)と統計及び計画実施省(Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation)の長を兼ねるT.C.A. アナント氏は国内総生産(GDP)の計算方式に疑問を呈する向きに対する回答として、「生産高を経済活動の主要な指標と見なすのは誤りで、データの収集方法は正しい。むしろこうした数値の見方を改める必要がある」と指摘した。
2016-02-21 ArtNo.45684(5/9)

【新德里】兼任国家统计委员会(NSC:National Statistical Commission)事务秘书和印度统计和计划执行部(Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation)事务秘书的首席统计员T.C.A.阿南特先生向那些对国内生产总值的计算法提出怀疑的人明确地回答说,“以生产量视为经济活动的主要指标是不正确的。收集数据的方法是正确,不过,大家应该改变参照这些数据的方式。”
2016-02-21 ArtNo.45685(6/9)
◆Sustained negative WPI not healthy: Chief Statistician

【New Delhi】"Taking output as a principal indicator of activity is incorrect. The method of collecting data is correct and people have to change the way they view the numbers," says TCA Anant, chief statician of India and Secratory of both National Statistical Commission and Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, in a categorical response to those who have raised doubts about the way GDP is calculated.
○Sentiment ebbs in manufacturing: Ficci/PwC survey(...続きを読む)
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45842(7/9)

2016-08-31 ArtNo.45843(8/9)

○7月份批发价格指数上升23个月来最高的3.55% (...続きを読む)
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45844(9/9)
◆India can become a manufacturing hub

【New Delhi】India can become a manufacturing hub. For this, it must entrench itself in both the high-volume and innovation-driven segments. It has the scientific expertise to do so, according to Ajay Srivastava, an Indian trade service officer.
○Most CFOs optimistic about country's economy: Survey
○WPI inflation hits 23-month high of 3.55% in July(...続きを読む)
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