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元のページへ戻る ►2019-01-06 ArtNo.46514(1/30)

2019-01-06 ArtNo.46515(2/30)

2019-01-06 ArtNo.46516(3/30)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Hanukkah)

 While Jesus was 10 years old at the time of the revolt by Judas and his sons, James and Simon, Mary, mother of Jesus, used three of these very names - James, Simon and Judas - for her own sons and one of them was a member of Zealots
 If Jesus grew up with his brothers at Galilee, a bastion of Zealot, the teaching of Q source, which denies Creator God of the Old Testament and could lead people to ultimate salvation through awareness of the original Self, would not have been born.
○Parable of a wise fisherman
○The role of teachers of the law
○An appropriate statement
○Genealogy of Hassidim
○Judas of Galilee and Zealots
○James the Less was a born Nazirite
○The birth of Jesus and the escape journey to Egypt
○Simon from Cyrene
○Cleansing of the Temple(...続きを読む)
2019-07-10 ArtNo.46517(4/30)

2019-07-10 ArtNo.46518(5/30)
◆大阪G20 莫迪-特朗普会谈,提供促进印美关系的路线图

2019-07-10 ArtNo.46519(6/30)
◆Modi-Trump meet at Osaka G20 provides a road map to moving Indo-US relations forward

【New Delhi】Despite a noisy run-up and continuing, thorny challenges, the Indo-US relationship has emerged from last week's G-20 meeting in Osaka between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Donald Trump with a decidedly positive trajectory.
○India has to forge partnerships in developing 5G technology. Will it be China?
○New US strategy excludes Pakistan
○India-Japan maiden 2+2 talks ahead of Modi-Abe meeting(...続きを読む)
2019-07-10 ArtNo.46523(7/30)

【ニューデリー】近く上程される2019年度予算案には、農業部門に対する各種施策が盛り込まれるものと見られる。報告書によれば、2022年までに農業所得を倍増させるという目標を達成するため、政府は投資目的の長期借入にインセンティブを提供する必要もありそうだ。インド国立銀行(SBI:State Bank of India)はその調査報告書エコラップにおいて、「農業部門の資本形成は著しく停滞している」と述べている。
2019-07-10 ArtNo.46524(8/30)

【新德里】即将到来的2019年联邦预算案被预料为农业部门提供大量措施。根据报告,为了实现到2022年前农业收入翻番的目标,政府似乎还需要在即将到来的预算中为投资目的农业贷款提供奖励。印度国家银行(SBI:State Bank of India)在其研究报告Ecowrap中说「农业部门,资本形成明显地停滞不前。」
2019-07-10 ArtNo.46525(9/30)
◆Budget 2019 may focus on long-term agricultural measures to double farmers' income

【New Delhi】The coming Union Budget 2019 may see a plethora of measures for the agriculture sector. In order to achieve the objective of doubling farm income by 2022, the government also needs to provide an incentive to agri term loans for investment purpose in the upcoming budget, the report said. The capital formation in agriculture has significantly stagnated, SBI said in its research report Ecowrap.
○Digital tech to help in doubling farmers' income(...続きを読む)
2019-07-10 ArtNo.46526(10/30)

2019-07-10 ArtNo.46527(11/30)

【孟买】由南丹•尼勒卡尼(Nandan Nilekani)先生领导的高级委员会已建议中央银行应该选任一群当地商务人士和零售店作为在郊区城镇中心将电子货币转换成现金的所谓的现金点(cash points)。
2019-07-10 ArtNo.46528(12/30)
◆RBI formed panel suggests roping in local retailers to act as cash points

【Mumbai】A high-level Nandan Nilekani-led panel has suggested the RBI rope in local business correspondents and local retail stores to act as cash points in semi-urban centres.
○RBI study moots boost to acceptance infra for digital payments
○Banks use cash recyclers, wait for hike in interchange fee (...続きを読む)
2019-07-10 ArtNo.46547(13/30)


2019-07-10 ArtNo.46548(14/30)

○底本说(Documentary Hypothesis)
2019-07-10 ArtNo.46549(15/30)
◆New book:The origin of Christianity: An Epic Tale of the People of the Covenant

 In the region from Mesopotamia situated within the Tigris–Euphrates river to Palestine, city states, where agricultural and nomadic people had lived together, have risen and fallen since ancient times. The agricultural people played leading role in the most of these city states. However, the nomads traded not only with Egypt in the west but also with India and China in the east and served as catalysts for cross-cultural fusion.
○Documentary hypothesis
○Paulus' family
○The origin of "Faith of Atonement"
○The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Born of causes and conditions)
○Jesus' Triumphant Entry of Jerusalem
○The story of the birth of Deuteronomy
[Acknowledgement for the sixth edition]
[Acknowledgements for the first edition]
[Notes about the Author] (...続きを読む)
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46574(16/30)

2019-08-15 ArtNo.46575(17/30)

2019-08-15 ArtNo.46576(18/30)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Love your neighbor as yourself)

 On the way to the hill of Golgotha carrying the cross, Jesus exhausted and stopped by the door of a Jewish cobbler called Ahasverus and asked him a cup of water. But the Jew drove him along wickedly with these words: "Go, go you tempter." Then Jesus kept his eyes on Ahasverus for a while and answered him, "I will go but you must walk arownd the earth and never rest until my second coming in the Last Judgement." It is said that Ahasverus, who had been exiled from his native country, was witnessed all over Europe until the 18th century, which was even after one thousand and some hundreds of years later from it.
○The Parable of the Good Samaritan
○Far sight and deep design of Luke?
○Origin of the Samaritan
○Jesus and Paul's relationship with Essenes
○Samaritans are the very our neighbors
○Wandering Ahasverus
○Jews are the very neighbors for Andersen
○Who Is That?
○"I'm Yellow, White and a little Blue"
○Japanese also need to learn! ?(...続きを読む)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46580(19/30)

○インド/日本、インド太平洋協力2 + 2対話開催(...続きを読む)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46581(20/30)

○印度/日本,举行印度太平洋合作2 + 2对话(...続きを読む)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46582(21/30)
◆PM Modi meets Japanese PM Shinzo Abe in Russia

【Vladivostok】Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 05 met his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe and the two leaders pledged to deepen the robust bilateral ties in a number of areas, including in economic and defence sectors.
○India, Japan to hold 2+2 dialogue on Indo-Pacific cooperation(...続きを読む)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46601(22/30)

2019-09-19 ArtNo.46602(23/30)

 全世界人口的54%,即约36亿人信仰的『亚伯拉罕诸教(Abrahamic religions)』据说是基于被犹太人,基督徒,回教徒以及其他宗教信徒认可的主要旧约圣经人物亚伯拉罕与上帝的盟约而来的。
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46603(24/30)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Parable of vineyard)

 The Abrahamic religions, which is believed by 3.6 billion people, that is, 54% of the world's population, is said to be based on the covenant of Abraham, who is recognized as a major biblical figure of the Old Testament by Jews, Christians, Muslims and others, and God.
Although there are significant differences among their doctrines of Abrahamic religions, they all put the Old Testament account at the heart of their faith. However, recent archaeological discoveries revealed that many descriptions of the Old Testament originated from the ancient Sumerian mythology of Mesopotamia.
○Babylonian flood legend
○Theocratic contract society and Amazing food production
○The prototype of the Garden of Eden
○The captivity of Babylon and the establishment of the Old Testament
○"Parable of vineyard"
○Absentee landlord and peasants
○Gnostic meaning of "Parable of vineyard"
○Detachment From Words(...続きを読む)
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46625(25/30)

2019-10-25 ArtNo.46626(26/30)

○罗马: 教会运动的震源地
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46627(27/30)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (He who has ears to hear, let him hear!)

 Jesus said, "There was a rich person who had a great deal of money. He said, 'I shall invest my money so that I may sow, reap, plant, and fill my storehouses with produce, that I may lack nothing.' These were the things he was thinking in his heart, but that very night he died. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!" (Thomas 63)
○The Buddha Dharma is only entrusted from Buddha to Buddha
○Parallel articles of Gospel of Luke
○Greco-Roman origin of the New Testament
○Strong influence of Greek philosophy on The Baptism with the Holy Spirit
○Rome: The epicenter of The Church Movement
○Linji's cause of enlightenment(...続きを読む)
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46664(28/30)

2019-12-10 ArtNo.46665(29/30)

 保罗(Paul: BC?-AD65?)在《以弗所书(The Epistle to the Ephesians)》和《罗马书(The Epistle to the Romans)》中说,『圣灵的施洗』是神对罪人的恩情。因为这『恩情』的概念可作种种解释,后来发展成为一场神学辩论。它不仅成为将基督教分为天主教和新教的原因之一,而且还影响了现代西方哲学以及经济和政治理论。
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46666(30/30)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Grace)

 Paul (BC ? - AD 65?) preached that 'The baptism of the Holy Spirit' was God's grace or mercy for sinners in 'The Epistle to the Ephesians' and 'The Epistle to the Romans.' Because this concept of 'grace' was interpreted in various ways and developed into a theological debate, it became not only one of causes to split Christianity into Catholic and Protestant, but also influenced modern Western philosophies and economic and political theories.
○Tertullianus' "Divine Gift"
○Pelagius' "Inherent Blessing"
○Augustine's "Anti-Inherent-Blessing Theory"
○Thomas Aquinas' "Gratia Infusa"
○Luther's "Justification by one's faith"
○Descartes' "Vortex Theory"
○Rousseau's "Social Contract"
○Adam Smith's "Laissez-faire"
○Kant's "Kingdom of Ends"
○Hegel's "Absolute Spirit"
○Marx's "Materialistic View of History"
○The way to secure and stabilize the country
○Yixing Revolution Theory and Hegel's "Era Spirit"
○Confucianism and Kant's moral theory
○Buddha is trouble, trouble is Buddha(...続きを読む)
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