一次産品 Primary Industry in 2020
○『Can Do』を今年のテーマに、対話で問題解決を:モディ首相
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46671(2/15)
2020-02-12 ArtNo.46672(3/15)
◆Trump announces visit to India on February 24 and 25
【Washington】U.S. President Donald Trump will visit India on February 24 and 25, as per an official announcement from the White House on February 10 afternoon. Mr. Trump and the First Lady Melania Trump will visit Ahmedabad and New Delhi.
○Indo-US trade deal likely to be announced during President Trump's India visit
○'Can Do' is the emerging theme, let's resolve issues through peaceful dialogue: PM Modi
○Fund crunch hits MGNREGA scheme
2020-10-12 ArtNo.46895(4/15)
【ニューデリー】ナレンドラ・モディ首相は10月11日、『農村地域における村落調査及び高速地図作成(SVAMITVA:Survey of Villages and Mapping with Improvised Technology in Village Areas)』スキームを立ち上げるとともに、インド農村の村落を一変させる画期的試みであると自ら絶賛した。首相によると、このスキームの下、適切な書類を所持する者が銀行から融資を拒まれることはない。
2020-10-12 ArtNo.46897(5/15)
◆"Property cards scheme" is a 'historic move' to transform villages; PM Modi
【New Delhi】Prime Minister Narendra Modi on October 11 launched the 'Survey of Villages and Mapping with Improvised Technology in Village Areas' (SVAMITVA) scheme and hailed it as a "historic move" that will transform villages in rural India. Through this scheme Modi said, no bank can deny loans to people with proper documents.
○Shiv Sena to contest around 50 seats in Bihar: Anil Desai
○DMK forms 8-member panel for preparing election manifesto
2020-10-12 ArtNo.46896(6/15)
【新德里】总理纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)于10月11日发起了『农村地区的调查和应用高速技术的制图乡村(SVAMITVA:Survey of Villages and Mapping with Improvised Technology in Village Areas)』计划,并自称这是将改变印度农村的历史性举措。莫迪说,通过这一计划,没有银行会拒绝向拥有适当证件的人提供贷款。
2020-10-12 ArtNo.46898(7/15)
【ニューデリー】ナレンドラ・モディ首相は9月27日、月例ラジオ番組『マン・キ・バアト(Mann Ki Baat:mind matter心声)』の中で、「インドがマハトマ・ガンジーの経済哲学の本質に従ったならば、とっくに自立し、インド自立キャンペーン『アートマニル・バーラット・アビヤーン(Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan: Self-reliant India Mission)』など必要なかった」と語り、独立以来国民会議派政府により追求されて来た経済政策に痛烈な一撃を加えた。
2020-10-12 ArtNo.46900(8/15)
◆Farmers playing major role in building Aatmanirbhar Bharat: PM Modi
【New Delhi】Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 27 took a swipe at economic policies pursued by successive Congress governments since Independence in his monthly 'Mann Ki Baat' broadcast. Had the country followed the essence of Mahatma Gandhi's economic philosophy, there would not have been any need for the 'Aatmanirbhar Bharat' campaign as India would have become self-reliant much earlier, he said.
○Govt looks to implement all 4 labour codes by December: Gangwar
2020-10-12 ArtNo.46899(9/15)
【新德里】纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)总理于9月27日在他的每月广播节目『曼基·巴特(Mann Ki Baat:mind matter心声)』中说「如果我国遵循圣雄甘地(Mahatma Gandhi)的经济哲学的本质,早就实现自力更生,现在根本不需要『自立印度使命(ABA: Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan: Self-reliant India Mission)』了。」从而对自独立以来历届国大党政府奉行的经济政策激烈驳斥。
2020-10-12 ArtNo.46901(10/15)
【ムンバイ】農業法案をめぐってシロマニ・アカリ・ダル(SAD:Shiromani Akali Dal)が全国民主連盟(NDA:National Democratic Alliance)を脱退する中、シバ軍団(Shiv Sena)は9月28日、インド人民党(BJP)主導のNDA本当に存在するのか、連盟に参加しているのは誰かと疑問を呈した。
○NDAは名ばかり ...首相が会議を招集したためしはない:SAD党首
2020-10-12 ArtNo.46903(11/15)
◆'What is left of NDA after Akali Dal, Shiv Sena exit?'
【Mumbai】With the Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) walking out of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) over Farm Bills, the Shiv Sena on September 28 wondered if the BJP-led alliance really exists and asked who are in the coalition now.
○NDA only in name...no meeting called by PM all these years: SAD chief
2020-10-12 ArtNo.46902(12/15)
【孟买】由于室罗摩尼·阿卡利党(SAD:Shiromani Akali Dal)因农业法案而退出了全国民主联盟(NDA:National Democratic Alliance),湿婆神军党(Shiv Sena)想知道印度人民党(BJP)领导的联盟是否真的存在,并于9月28日询问现在谁还在联盟中。
2020-10-12 ArtNo.46904(13/15)
2020-10-12 ArtNo.46906(14/15)
◆Protests likely to derail PM Modi's Rs 1.08 trn bullet train project
【New Delhi】Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Rs 1.08-trillion bullet train project between Ahmedabad and Mumbai is likely to see a political storm in the coming months, with more than 25 social and political organisations, under the banner of the Bhumi Adhikar Andolan (Movement for Earth Rights), have decided to protest against it. Brains behind the farmer long march will lead the dissent.
○Online conference
○Portents from the United Resistance to Anti-Farmer Laws
2020-10-12 ArtNo.46905(15/15)
【新德里】纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)总理在艾哈迈达巴德和孟买之间的1.08万亿卢比的子弹头列车项目可能在未来几个月内遭到一场政治风暴,因为有25个以上的社会和政治组织已决定在普密蓬·阿迪卡尔·安多兰(Bhumi Adhikar Andolan:保护地球权利运动)的旗帜下,对此项目进行抗议。农民长征背后的头脑将领导异议人士。