投資 Investment in 2019
【イスラマバード】アラブ首長国連邦(UAE)は12月21日、パキスタンの減少する外貨準備を改善するためパキスタン国立銀行(SBP:State Bank of Pakistan)に30億米ドルを預金すると発表した。加えて、来月にはUAE側から別途30億米ドルの石油関連支払い繰り延べ便宜を提供する協議が妥結するものと見られ、目下関係交渉が進められている。
2019-01-06 ArtNo.46503(2/18)
【伊斯兰堡】阿拉伯联合酋长国(UAE)于12月21日宣布向巴基斯坦国家银行(SBP:State Bank of Pakistan)提供30亿美元的存款,以帮助改善巴基斯坦日益减少的外汇储备。此外,UAE被预料下个月将提供30亿美元的石油延期付款设施,双方正在对此事进行谈判。
2019-01-06 ArtNo.46504(3/18)
◆UAE to deposit $3 billion in SBP
【Islamabad】The United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Dwcember 21 announced to provide $3 billion deposits for the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) for improving Pakistan's dwindling foreign currency reserves. In addition, the provision of $3 billion oil facility on deferred payment is expected to be finalised by next month from the UAE as negotiations are underway on this front.
○Abu Dhabi Fund for Development finances 8 projects in Pakistan
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46565(4/18)
【ニューデリー】商工省傘下の産業国内取引促進局(DPIIT:Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade)の年次報告書によると、インドは2019年3月期会計年度に史上最高の643億7000万米ドルの外国直接投資(FDI)の流入を見た。過去5年間のFDI流入額は2860億米ドルだった。
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46566(5/18)
【新德里】根据贸工部之下工业和国内贸易促进局(DPIIT:Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade)年度报告,印度在2019年3月底为期的2018-19财政年期间获得了有史以来最高的643亿7000万美元外国直接投资(FDI)的流入。在过去五年中,印度收到了价值2860亿美元的外国直接投资。
2019-08-15 ArtNo.46567(6/18)
◆India received highest-ever FDI worth $64.37 b
【New Delhi】India received the highest-ever foreign direct investments (FDI) inflow of USD 64.37 billion during the fiscal ended March 2019, according to the Annual Report 2018-19 of the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) under the commerce and industry ministry. In past five years, FDI worth USD 286 billion were received in the country.
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46577(7/18)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46578(8/18)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46579(9/18)
◆India extends $1 billion line of credit for development of Russia's Far East
【Vladivostok】Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 05 said India will walk shoulder-to-shoulder with Russia in its development of the Far East and announced a $1 billion line of credit for the development of the resource-rich region.
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46580(10/18)
○インド/日本、インド太平洋協力2 + 2対話開催
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46581(11/18)
○印度/日本,举行印度太平洋合作2 + 2对话
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46582(12/18)
◆PM Modi meets Japanese PM Shinzo Abe in Russia
【Vladivostok】Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 05 met his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe and the two leaders pledged to deepen the robust bilateral ties in a number of areas, including in economic and defence sectors.
○India, Japan to hold 2+2 dialogue on Indo-Pacific cooperation
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46634(13/18)
【ムンバイ】統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政権の悪名高い遡及税から、最高裁判所が去る10月に下した電気通信事業者の調整済み粗収入(AGR:adjusted gross revenue)に対する1兆3300億ルピーの支払い命令に至るまでインドにおける気まぐれなビジネス慣行に怯える外国投資家にとって、マハラシュトラ州における最近の政治劇は、一層深刻な恐怖心を与えたに違いない。何故なら1兆2000億ルピーの新幹線計画を初めとする数百億ルピーの大型プロジェクトが見直される可能性が出てきた。
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46635(14/18)
【孟买】从全国民主联盟(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政权的臭名昭著的追溯税,到最高法院于10月对电信运营商的调整后总收入(AGR:adjusted gross revenue)征收1兆3300亿卢比的判决,对于印度生意的变化无常而煞费苦心的外国投资者,看到了最近在马哈拉施特拉州发生的像政变般事件,一定更加担忧,因为新政权有可能重新审查包括1兆2000亿卢比的新干线计划在内的几千亿卢比的大型项目。
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46636(15/18)
◆Due to M-state political change, Bullet train goes off track, so does investor interest?!
【Mumbai】For foreign investors spooked by the vagaries of doing business in India, from the UPA's infamous retrospective tax to the Supreme Court's Rs 133,000 crore AGR-blow to telecom companies in October, the recent events in Maharashtra have to be deeply disturbing since, apart from the Rs 120,000 crore bullet train, several other large infrastructure projects worth lakhs of crore rupees are likely to be reviewed.
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46637(16/18)
【イスラマバード】先月(11月)第四週の二つの重要事態の展開により、またぞろ『中国パキスタン経済回廊(CPEC:China-Pakistan Economic Corridor)』に焦点が当てられた。
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46638(17/18)
【伊斯兰堡】上个月(11月)第四周的两个重要事件的发展再次将焦点集中在『中巴经济走廊(CPEC:China-Pakistan Economic Corridor)』上。
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46639(18/18)
◆CPEC and the US-China tug of war
【Islamabad】In the fourth week of last month (November), two important developments kept the spotlight focused on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) again.