対中関係 Relation with China in 2020
【コロンボ】スリランカ全国選挙委員会(NEC:National Election Commission)は、国内におけるコヴィッド19(COVID-19)感染状況の深刻さに鑑み、4月25日に予定されていた2020年国会選挙の延期を決定した。
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46753(2/51)
◆Sri lankan Polls postponed
【Colombo】Sri Lanka National Election Commission (NEC) has decided to postpone the Parliamentary Election -2020 scheduled to be held on April 25 due to the severity of the Covid-19 situation within the country.
○Chinese concessional loan of US $ 500mn to increase SL foreign reserves
2020-03-30 ArtNo.46752(3/51)
【科伦坡】斯里兰卡国家选举委员会(NEC:National Election Commission),鉴于该国内冠状病毒19(Covid-19)感染局势的严重性,已决定推迟原定于4月25日举行的2020年国会选举。
2020-05-20 ArtNo.46765(4/51)
◆India looks to lure more than 1,000 US firms out of China: Covid-19 impact
【New Delhi】India is seeking to attract US businesses, including medical devices giant Abbott Laboratories, to relocate from China as US steps up efforts to blame Beijing for its role in the coronavirus pandemic.
○Offer easier laws, stable policy regime to woo firms from China: Experts
2020-05-20 ArtNo.46764(5/51)
【新德里】印度乘着美国加强指责北京在冠状病毒大流行中的作用,正寻求吸引包括医疗器械巨头雅培实验室(Abbott Laboratories)在内的美国企业从中国迁出到其国。
2020-05-20 ArtNo.46763(6/51)
2020-05-20 ArtNo.46772(7/51)
2020-05-20 ArtNo.46774(8/51)
◆China, US, EU step up funding to Pakistan
【Islamabad】As Pakistan marks over 24,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19 with the death toll doubling, on May 07 saw immense financial support from the international capitals. China, the European Union, and the United State stepped up contributions in millions of dollars.
2020-05-20 ArtNo.46773(9/51)
2020-05-20 ArtNo.46781(10/51)
2020-05-20 ArtNo.46783(11/51)
◆Nationwide lockdown: For corona's control or dirty politics?
【Kathmandu】Nepal has been under a countrywide lockdown for more than a month. The restriction, which was imposed by the state as a measure to control the coronavirus on March 24 for a week, has been extended thrice, and it is still uncertain when the country will finally open. Fortunately, no death of a corona patient has been reported yet, but the number of corona positives has been increasing day by day.
2020-05-20 ArtNo.46782(12/51)
2020-06-24 ArtNo.46793(13/51)
【ガルワン】大佐を含む20人のインド軍兵員が6月15日、ラダックの実効支配線(LAC:line of actual control)沿いにおける中国軍との激しい衝突で殺害された。これは恐らく過去数十年間に両国間に生じた最悪の事件と言える。
2020-06-24 ArtNo.46795(14/51)
◆Indian Army says 20 soldiers killed in clash with Chinese troops in the Galwan area
【Galwan】Twenty Indian personnel, including a Colonel, were killed in violent clashes with Chinese troops on June 15 along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Ladakh, in what is possibly the worst incident between the two countries in decades.
○Russia, China and India postpone June 23 video conference amid tensions
○Pakistani troops violate ceasefire, fire towards Indian positions
2020-06-24 ArtNo.46794(15/51)
【加尔文】包括上校在内的20名印度人员于6月15日在拉达克的实际控制线(LAC:line of actual control)与中国军队发生武力冲突中丧生,这可能是两国之间数十年来最严重的事件。
2020-06-24 ArtNo.46808(16/51)
【イスラマバード】『公共部門開発プログラム(PSDP: Public Sector Development Programme)』は、2020-21年度、一時ゲームチェーンジャーと称された『中国パキスタン経済回廊(CPEC:China Pakistan Economic Corridor)』事業に約210億ルピーを割り当てている。
2020-06-24 ArtNo.46810(17/51)
◆Game changer CPEC gets Rs21 bn for 2020-21
【Islamabad】The Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) for the year 2020-21 contains around Rs21 billion allocation for projects under China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) - once considered a game changer for Pakistan.
2020-06-24 ArtNo.46809(18/51)
【伊斯兰堡】『公共部门发展计划(PSDP: Public Sector Development Programme)』在2020-21年度拨款约210亿卢比用于中国巴基斯坦经济走廊(CPEC:China Pakistan Economic Corridor)下的项目,该项目曾被视为巴基斯坦的游戏规则改变者。
2020-06-24 ArtNo.46820(19/51)
2020-06-24 ArtNo.46822(20/51)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Aramaic roots VI)
Jesus said, "Those who know all, but are lacking in themselves, are utterly lacking." (Thomas 67)
○The Isshi Incident and the Taika Reform
○Two versions of the sun goddess's grandson's descent to earth
○Emperor Jimmu's Korean roots and Izumo Taisha Shrine
○The conquest of Sankan and Emperor Ojin
○Soga clan's rise and Takeuchi no Sukune's involvement
○Emperor Keitai belongs to Hata clan
○The birth certificate of Qin Shihuang
○Iwai Rebellion and Emperor Khinmei's coup theory
2020-06-24 ArtNo.46821(21/51)
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46823(22/51)
【ニューデリー】インドは中国最大の隣国であり、文明史の面でも比肩する。 我々の関係は基本的に双務的だ。このことは両国にとってばかりでなく、世界にとって極めて重要だ。だから、我々はお互いの関心事、興味、願望を正確に理解しなければならない。 今、中国は独自の問題と米国との問題を抱えているかもしれない。 しかし、アメリカのレンズを通して我々を見るなら、インドを誤解し、両国関係を甚だしく害することは明白だ。
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46825(23/51)
◆Shouldn't view us through US lens. That'll be a great disservice; Foreign Minister S Jaishankar
【New Delhi】Look, India is China's largest neighbour, one with a matching civilisational history. Our ties are fundamentally bilateral in character. The relationship is not only hugely consequential for both nations, but for the world. We must therefore understand each other's concerns, interests and aspirations accurately. Now, China may have its own issues and problems with the US. But to view us through an American lens would be a serious misreading of India. And clearly do the relationship great disservice.
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46824(24/51)
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46826(25/51)
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46828(26/51)
◆India-China Corps Commanders hold talks for 15 hours
【New Delhi】India and China Corps Commanders held talks for 15 hours on July 14 as both sides worked to finalise details of the next phase of disengagement.
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46827(27/51)
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46829(28/51)
【ワシントン】ホワイトハウスのケイリー・マケナニー報道官は7月16日、記者会見し「彼(トランプ)は、『私はインド国民と中国国民を愛しており、両国民の平和を維持するためにできることはなんでもしたい』と述べた」と語った 。
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46831(29/51)
◆Want to keep peace for people of India, China: Trump
【Washington】"He (Trump) said I love the people of India and I love the people of China and I want to do everything possible to keep the peace for the people," White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany told reporters at a news conference here on July 16.
○India bats for inking limited trade deal with US during trade meet
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46830(30/51)
【华盛顿】白宫新闻秘书凯利·麦肯尼(Kayleigh McEnany)于7月16日召开的新闻发布会上对记者说「他(特朗普)说『我爱印度人民,我爱中国人民,我想尽一切维持他们之间的和平』。」
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46841(31/51)
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46843(32/51)
◆Pakistan back in China's Belt and Road game with projects worth $11 bn
【New Delhi】China's Belt and Road programme has found new life in Pakistan with $11 billion worth of projects signed in the last month (June), driven by a former lieutenant general who has reinvigorated the infrastructure plan that's been languishing since Prime Minister Imran Khan took office two years ago.
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46842(33/51)
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46850(34/51)
【ニューデリー】中国の習近平国家主席は8月1日、ネパールとの関係の継続的発展を促進したいと語り、与党ネパール共産党(NCP:Nepal Communist Party)の内紛を背景に、親中派のKPシャルマ・オリ首相の権力掌握を支える北京の一貫した姿勢を確認した。
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46852(35/51)
◆President Xi shore up pro-China PM K P Sharma Oli's grip on power
【New Delhi】Chinese President Xi Jinping on August 1 said he wants to push for a continued advancement of ties with Nepal amidst Beijing's sustained forays to shore up pro-China Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli's grip on power in the backdrop of intra-party feud in the ruling Nepal Communist Party (NCP).
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46851(36/51)
【新德里】中国国家主席习近平于8月1日表示,他希望推动与尼泊尔的关系不断发展,从而在执政的尼泊尔政党共产党(NCP:Nepal Communist Party)内部发生争执的背景下承诺北京不断采取行动以支持亲中国沙尔玛·奥利(KP Sharma Oli)总理的掌权。
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46853(37/51)
【カトマンズ】与党ネパール共産党(NCP:Nepal Communist Party)書記局は7月18日当地で重要会議を催したが、シャルマ・オリ党共同主席兼首相ともう一人の共同主席プシュパ・カマル・ダハル氏に及び上級幹部マーダブ・クマール・ネパール氏に率いられるライバル派閥の意見の相違を調整することに失敗した。
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46855(38/51)
◆Oli refuses to quit as PM, party co-chair
【Kathmandu】A crucial meeting of the ruling Nepal Communist Party (NCP) Secretariat held here on July 18 failed to reconcile differences between party Co-chair and Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli and the rival faction led by another Co-chair Pushpa Kamal Dahal and senior leader Madhav Kumar Nepal.
○Both Co-Chairs of the party visit the president
○Relations with India and China
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46854(39/51)
【加德满都】执政的尼泊尔共产党(NCP:Nepal Communist Party)秘书处于7月17日在这里举行关键会议,但未能调和党的联合主席和总理卡德加·普拉萨德·夏尔马·奥利(KP Sharma Oli)与另一位联合主席普什帕·卡麦尔·达哈尔(Pushpa Kamal Dahal)以及高级领导人马达夫·库马尔·内帕尔(Madhav Kumar Nepal)领导的敌对派系之间的分歧。
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46868(40/51)
【ニューデリー】ニューデリーと北京は、過去45年来初めて『実効支配線(LAC:line of actual control)』で生じた発砲事件の翌日、モスクワで予定されているインドのスブラマニヤム・ジャイシャンカル外相と中国の王毅外相兼国務委員の会談に先立って、緊張を緩和すべくホットライン外交を展開した。
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46870(41/51)
◆Preparing for Moscow, Delhi, Beijing work hotlines to dial down tensions
【New Delhi】A day after the first incident of firing along the Line of Actual Control in 45 years, New Delhi and Beijing were working the diplomatic hotlines to dial down the tension ahead of the proposed meeting in Moscow between External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar and his Chinese counterpart, State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi.
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46869(42/51)
【新德里】沿实际控制线(LAC:line of actual control)在45年来首次发生射击事件的第二天,新德里和北京,在被预定的印度外交部长苏布拉马尼亚姆·杰生(Subrahmanyam Jaishankar)和中国国务委员兼外交部长王毅的莫斯科会谈之前为了缓和紧张局势展开通过热线交涉。
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46871(43/51)
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46873(44/51)
◆India's neighbours to East go slow on Chinese support for defence & civilian sector ships
【New Delhi】India's immediate and extended neighbours—Bangladesh, Thailand and Malaysia—have decided to go slow on seeking China's support for their ships in both civilian and defence sectors.
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46872(45/51)
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46874(46/51)
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46876(47/51)
◆Moscow to host Sino-Pak-Russia defence, foreign ministers summit
【Islamabad】Two sets of back-to-back meetings of Pakistan, China and Russian defence ministers followed by foreign ministers of the three countries in Moscow in second and third week of September would prove to be an important regional development in the wake of global turbulence created by power centres resisting creation of multi-polar world and establishment of new regional blocks.
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46875(48/51)
【伊斯兰堡】巴基斯坦,中国和俄罗斯于9月第二周和第三周在莫斯科连接举行的国防部长会议和外交部长会议,所谓的两次背靠背会议(Two sets of back-to-back meetings),将是霸权诸国(power centres)抵抗世界多极化和新的区域性联盟的动向而引起的全球动荡之后的重要区域发展。
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46883(49/51)
【コロンボ】注目を集めた先月のスリランカ総選挙は、マヒンダ・ラジャパクサ前大統領が率いるスリランカ人民戦線(SLPF:Sri Lanka People's Front)の圧勝に終わった。SLPFは、全国会議席の三分の二近い145議席を獲得した。
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46885(50/51)
◆New Dimensions in Sri Lanka's Foreign Policy
【Colombo】A much-anticipated General Election in Sri Lanka last month ended with a resounding victory for the Sri Lanka People's Front, which was spearheaded by former president Mahinda Rajapaksa. The party secured 145 seats – obtaining a near two-thirds majority in Parliament.
対中関係 Relation with China in 2020