通信/情報技術 Telecom/IT in 2016
2016-01-13 ArtNo.45627(2/87)
2016-01-13 ArtNo.45628(3/87)
◆Red carpet rolled out to Silicon Valley chief
【New Delhi】It’s a return invitation of sorts for Silicon Valley technology and startup biggies. Chief Executives of companies such as Google’s Sundar Pichai, Tesla’s Elon Musk and Apple’s Tim Cook, who met Prime Minister Narendra Modi in San Jose last September, are among the 2,000 startup invitees expected for unveiling the government’s Start Up India initiative on January 16.
○Digital India footprint expands
2016-01-13 ArtNo.45629(4/87)
2016-01-13 ArtNo.45630(5/87)
2016-01-13 ArtNo.45631(6/87)
◆We want to be identified with O2O commerce in India: Paytm
【New Delhi】Digital wallet and e-retailer Paytm, which claims it has 100 million users, is looking to enter the hyper-competitive food & grocery delivery space.
○Ratan Tata invests in pet care portal DogSpot.in
○Ratan Tata invests in UrbanClap
2016-01-13 ArtNo.45632(7/87)
2016-01-13 ArtNo.45633(8/87)
2016-01-13 ArtNo.45634(9/87)
◆Weapons manufacture is backbone of ‘Make in India’ programme: Modi
【Tumakuru】“Self-reliance in the area of security needs is crucial. We have to make our own weapons and ‘Make in India’ is a step towards achieving it.”
○Government planning to export Light Combat Aircraft Tejas, to take part in Bahrain Airshow
○Govt may hire US, Israel cyber security firms for terror intel
2016-01-13 ArtNo.45644(10/87)
2016-01-13 ArtNo.45645(11/87)
2016-01-13 ArtNo.45646(12/87)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Put down)
Let the one who does wrong continue to do wrong; let the vile person continue to be vile; let the one who does right continue to do right; and let the holy person continue to be holy. Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. (Revelation 22:11-13)
○Kurikara's cause of enlightenment
○Rebuilding of the Faith of Second Coming
○Divergence of Caiaphas' dream and reality
○Parallel run of the Jerusalem Church and the Antioch Church
○Jewish War and the end of honeymoon
○The second coming of Christ who is the Alpha and the Omega
○Another reason for the Apocalypse was written
○What is "Baptism with The Holy Spirit"?
2016-01-31 ArtNo.45647(13/87)
【ニューデリー】フェイスブックは1月20日、同社の『フリー・ベーシックスを救え(Save Free Basics)』キャンペーンを『粗野な組織的世論操作(crudely majoritarian and orchestrated opinion poll)』と断じた電気通信当局の書簡に回答した。
2016-01-31 ArtNo.45648(14/87)
进行的“救济自由门(Free Basics)”运动是名副其实精心策划的舆论操作。
○“网络中立”是什么? 什么是“自由门”?
2016-01-31 ArtNo.45649(15/87)
◆Net neutrality: Facebook puts up response to Trai letter
【New Delhi】Facebook on the 20th January responded to the telecom regulator's letter which called the social network's "Save Free Basics" campaign "crudely majoritarian and orchestrated opinion poll".
○Trai to issue net neutrality norms soon
○What is Net Neutrality, Free Basics, more: All you wanted to know in 10 slides
2016-01-31 ArtNo.45650(16/87)
【ニューデリー】電気通信局(DOT:Department of Telecom)のラケッシュ・ガーグ次官は1月22日、「周波数域入札を6月に行う。全ての可能な周波数域を入札にかけ、業界が求めるエコシステムを提供する」と語った。
2016-01-31 ArtNo.45651(17/87)
【新德里】电信局(DOT:Department of Telecom)的拉克什·加尔格常任秘书于1月22日说,“电信频谱拍卖在6月的某个时候举办,我们将把所有可用的频谱拍卖以电信行业呼吁的生态系统实现。”
2016-01-31 ArtNo.45652(18/87)
◆Spectrum auction likely to be held in June: Telecom Secretary
【New Delhi】"The spectrum auction will be held sometime in June," Telecom Secretary Rakesh Garg said on the 22nd January. "We will put all available spectrum for auction in which ecosystem is available that industry is demanding."
○'RJio slated to notch up annual revenue of $6.69bn'
2016-01-31 ArtNo.45671(19/87)
我々の価値観(多様性を受容する米国の価値観)が蝕まれるのを傍観してはならない。我々は米国のひいては全世界のイスラム教徒を、そして他の少数派コミュニティーを支持せねばなない。(Google CEO)
2016-01-31 ArtNo.45672(20/87)
2016-01-31 ArtNo.45673(21/87)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Law of Liberty)
Let's not let fear defeat our values (US values being receptive to diversity). We must support Muslim and other minority communities in the US and around the world.(Google CEO)
○Parallel run of the missionary work
○James' "Law of Liberty"
○Peter's "Free people"
○Paul's "Christ is in all"
○The Spirit of truth
○Mr. Pichai's proposal
○Suchman (Inmo no hito)
2016-02-21 ArtNo.45689(22/87)
【ニューデリー】産業政策振興局(DIPP:Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion)の提案が認められると、今やその多くがユニコーン(一角獣:市場価値10億米ドル以上の企業)と評されるEコマース企業に対する100%の外国直接投資(FDI:foreign direct investment)が可能になる。
2016-02-21 ArtNo.45690(23/87)
【新德里】今天,不少电子商务公司已经成为市价10亿美元以上的独角兽(unicorn)。工业政策与促进署(DIPP:Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion)已经提议,应许电子商务公司引入100%外国直接投资。
2016-02-21 ArtNo.45691(24/87)
◆DIPP pushes for 100% FDI in marketplace e-tail
【New Delhi】E-commerce companies, many of them unicorns (valued at $1 billion or more), could get full foreign direct investment (FDI) if a proposal of Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) passes muster.
○IT leaders to set tone for growth agenda as Nasscom summit
2016-02-21 ArtNo.45692(25/87)
2016-02-21 ArtNo.45693(26/87)
2016-02-21 ArtNo.45694(27/87)
◆Cognizant rings alarm bell for Indian IT services players
【Bengaluru】With Cognizant, which has so far defied the trend of moderate growth in information technology (IT) services sector, projecting lower growth in calendar year (CY) 2016, export-dependant Indian companies have a major reason to worry.
○TCS reiterates growth momentum in BFS vertical
2016-02-21 ArtNo.45695(28/87)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は9日、インド電気通信監督局(TRAI:Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)が各種サービス業者による『データ・サービス』に対する『差別価格(discriminatory pricing/differential pricing)』を禁止することを提案したのに伴い、フェイスブックの『フリー・ベーシックス(Free Basics)』を認めない方針を明らかにした。
2016-02-21 ArtNo.45696(29/87)
◆不应许“自由门(Free Basics)”方式:电信部长
【新德里】印度政府于2月9日表明不应许脸谱网(Facebook)在国内提供“自由门(Free Basics)”服务,由于印度电信管理局(TRAI:Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)已经提议禁止“数据服务(data services)”商征收“差异收费(differential charges)”。
2016-02-21 ArtNo.45697(30/87)
◆Free Basics model not acceptable: Prasad
【New Delhi】The Centre on the 9th February made it clear that it will not allow services of Facebook's 'Free Basics' in the country following the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India's (TRAI) recommendation on banning discriminatory (differential) pricing for data services by various stakeholders.
○Facebook's India stumble could embolden other regulators
2016-02-21 ArtNo.45698(31/87)
2016-02-21 ArtNo.45699(32/87)
2016-02-21 ArtNo.45700(33/87)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Betray one's true self)
It is not the wind that moves; it is not the flag that moves; it is not the mind that moves. Even the patriarch, you do not see anywhere. If you have a close grasp of the matter, you will see how the two monks, intending to buy iron, got gold. Then the patriarch will impatiently burst into laughter and betray his true self.《The Gateless Gate, Case 29: Not the Wind, Not the Flag》
○The epicenter of gentile church movement
○Overwhelming majority of Jews used Greek
○Rufus's mother and Paul's conversion
○Manifestos of Church Movement
○Warning against factionalism
○Paul's faith of "Second Coming"
○Ambiguity of Paul's theology
○Rebuilding of the faith of "Second Coming"
○Betray one's true self
2016-04-22 ArtNo.45701(34/87)
2016-04-22 ArtNo.45702(35/87)
2016-04-22 ArtNo.45703(36/87)
◆India and China can both be US partners without being its cat's paw or dogsbody
【Washington】Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to be in Washington DC again in June for his fourth trip to the United States in two years, this time on a state visit.
○Maharashtra setting up integrated plan for 22 smart cities: Fadnavis
○IREO ties up with Donald Trump company for office tower in Gurugram
2016-04-22 ArtNo.45716(37/87)
2016-04-22 ArtNo.45717(38/87)
【孟买】NTT通信系统公司现在准备从印度数据中心(DC)企业Netmagic Solutions的创始人沙拉德·桑吉购买前者还没有拥有的剩下19%的Netmagic股份。
2016-04-22 ArtNo.45718(39/87)
◆Japan’s NTT to fully acquire Netmagic
【Mumbai】Japan’s NTT Communications is set to acquire the 19 per cent of Indian data centre firm Netmagic Solutions it does not own from the company’s founder, Sharad Sanghi.
○Toshiba bags $34-million contract from Kenyan firm
○India Inc cut costs with entry-level hires
2016-04-22 ArtNo.45719(40/87)
≪キリスト教の起源≫第四版ePUIBバージョンをAmazon Kindle ダイレクト・パブリッシングを通じ、PDFバージョンをこれまで同様SEAnews eBookstoreを通じて上梓致しました。
そこで、この機会にジャストシステムの『一太郎2012』によるePUBおよびPDF版電子書籍の作成過程と、マイコロソフト社の『Word』によるPDF版電子書籍の作成過程を、公開することにしました。参考にしていただければ幸いです。 村上厚
○Adobe Acrobatによる処理
2016-04-22 ArtNo.45720(41/87)
第四版≪基督教的起源≫的ePUB和PDF版本已经分别通过亚马逊Kindle电子书店(KDP)以及SEAnews eBookstore被付梓。
○用Adobe Acrobat而处理
2016-04-22 ArtNo.45721(42/87)
◆eBook The Origin of Christianity making process (Ichitaro)
The fourth edition of "The origin of Christianity" has been published. Its ePUB format and PDF format have been released through Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) and SEAnews eBookstore, respectively.
Along with this opportunity, I decided to publish the production process of ePUB and PDF versions of this e-book using "JustSystems Ichitaro 2012" and another PDF version made with "Microsoft Word." I would be glad if you use it as a reference. Atsuhi Murakami
○Stop automatic backup of Ichitaro 2012
○Create the front cover of the e-book
○Configuration of the cover background
○Save the cover as an image
○Insertion of text
○Set the font size of headings
○Configuration of headings
○Set up a page for "The front cover of the e-book"
○Insert the front cover of e-book
○Temporary output of the table of contents
○Insertion of images
○Output [Detailed Table of Contents]
○Save as PDF
○Processing with Adobe Acrobat
○Save as ePUB
2016-04-22 ArtNo.45722(43/87)
≪キリスト教の起源≫第四版ePUIBバージョンをAmazon Kindle ダイレクト・パブリッシングを通じ、PDFバージョンをこれまで同様SEAnews eBookstoreを通じて上梓致しました。
そこで、この機会にジャストシステムの『一太郎2012』によるePUBおよびPDF版電子書籍の作成過程と、マイコロソフト社の『Word』によるPDF版電子書籍の作成過程を、公開することにしました。参考にしていただければ幸いです。 村上厚
○Adobe Acrobatによる処理
2016-04-22 ArtNo.45723(44/87)
第四版≪基督教的起源≫的ePUB和PDF版本已经分别通过亚马逊Kindle电子书店(KDP)以及SEAnews eBookstore被付梓。
○用Adobe Acrobat而处理
2016-04-22 ArtNo.45724(45/87)
◆eBook “The Origin of Christianity” making process (Word)
The fourth edition of "The origin of Christianity" has been published. Its ePUB format and PDF format have been released through Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) and SEAnews eBookstore, respectively.
Along with this opportunity, I decided to publish the production process of ePUB and PDF versions of this e-book using "JustSystems Ichitaro 2012" and another PDF version made with "Microsoft Word." I would be glad if you use it as a reference. Atsuhi Murakami
○Insertion of text
○Basic font settings of the full text
○Setting of “Large heading”
○Setting of “Medium heading”
○Setting of “Small heading”
○Insertion of the image of front cover
○Insertion of the illust of [Preface]
○Temporary output of the table of contents
○Insertion of illust images
○Output of the table of contents
○Conversion into PDF file
○Processing with Adobe Acrobat
2016-04-22 ArtNo.45725(46/87)
2016-04-22 ArtNo.45726(47/87)
2016-04-22 ArtNo.45727(48/87)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (A rest)
When a severe famine spread over Judea and Barnabas and Paul visited to the Jerusalem Church to donat the relief money from the Antioch Church (Acts 11:28-30), King Herod (Herod Agrippa I) forth his hands to vex certain of the church. And he killed James the brother of John with the sword. When he saw that this pleased the Jews, he arrested Peter also and imprisoned him. Although Herod intended to bring him out for public trial after the Passover, Peter easily escaped from the prison. He went to the house of Mary, the mother of John, also called Mark, and told, "Tell James and the brothers about this." Then he left for another place. (Acts 12:1-17)
○《The Gateless Barrier CASE 15: DongShan's Sixty Blows》
○《WuMen's Commentary》
○Ikkyu's cause of enlightenment
○A rest on the way back from the Leaky Road to the Never-leaking Road; If it rains, let it rain;
If it blows, let it blow.
○The ambition of Agrippa I
○Mystery of Peter's jailbreak
○Deteriorating relation between Royal family and Colonial cities
○Jesus loves the colonial cities
○Sudden death of Agrippa I
2016-05-17 ArtNo.45746(49/87)
2016-05-17 ArtNo.45747(50/87)
通信/情報技術 Telecom/IT in 2016