輸送機器 Transport Equipment in 2007
◆India plans are not yet finalised, says Nissan
【Tokyo/New Delhi】 Nissan's official, on January 2, said the company expects to finalise its India plans, including setting up of a manufacturing facility, by March this year as it is still at an early stage of talks with Mahindra-Renault for a joint venture.
2007-01-08 ArtNo.38887(2/260)
【ニューデリー】年商30億米ドルのHeroグループに属する世界最大の自転車メーカーHero Cycles Ltd(HCL)は4日、電動バイクと電動スクーター(E-Bike/E-scooter)の変形バージョン合計7種類を御披露目するとともに、電動三輪車事業に乗り出す計画を明らかにした。
◆Hero to make electric three wheelers
【New Delhi】Hero Cycles, the largest bicycle manufacturer in the world and part of $3-billion Hero Group, on January 4 announced its plan to foray into the electric three-wheeler segment on the occasion of launching its unique range of two wheelers — seven variants of E-Bikes and E-scooters here.
2007-01-10 ArtNo.38896(3/260)
【アーマダバード】全国鉄道開発計画(RRVY:Rashtriya Rail Vikas Yojana=National Rail Development Project)の結節機関(nodal agency)を務めるRail Vikas Nigam Limited(RVNL)傘下の特殊会社(SPV:special purpose vehicle)Kutch Railway Company Ltd (KRCL)は、Delhi/Mumbai間及びDelhi/Kolkata間フレート・コリドー・プロジェクトを含む様々なプロジェクトに関わる覚書を日本企業と間もなく締結する。
◆Kutch Rly prepares to sign MoUs with Japanese cos
【Ahmedabad】Kutch Railway Company Ltd (KRCL), one of the special purpose vehicles (SPVs) floated under the aegis of Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd (RVNL) which is the nodal agency for the National Rail Development Project, is now set to sign memoranda of understanding (MoUs) with Japanese companies for various projects, including the proposed freight corridors between Delhi and Mumbai and Delhi and Kolkata.
【艾哈迈达巴德】推行全国铁路发展计划的中心机构Rail Vikas Nigam有限公司旗下的特殊目的机构卡奇铁路有限公司现在准备跟日本公司签署关于德里-孟买间和德里-加尔各答间的货运通道项目在内的各种个样项目的备忘录。
2007-01-10 ArtNo.38897(4/260)
【ムンバイ】DaimlerChryslerはマハラシュトラ工業開発公社(MIDC:Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation)がPuneに設けたChakan工業団地内に工場を設け、C/E/Sクラスの車両を製造する。同社はこのほどマハラシュトラ州政府と関係覚書を取り交わした。
◆DaimlerChrysler to set up factory in Maharashtra
【Mumbai】DaimlerChrysler has signed an MoU (memorandum of understanding) with the Maharashtra Government to set up a new manufacturing facility in Chakan MIDC (Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation) area, Pune, to manufacture the C-class, E-class and S-class vehicles.
2007-01-10 ArtNo.38898(5/260)
【ハイデラバード】バーコードと無線自動識別(RFID:radio frequency identification)ソリューションを提供するBartronics India Ltd(BIL)は、262クロー(US$5900万)を投じて新たにスマートカードとRFIDタグの製造工場を設ける。
◆Bartronics to set up a plant for smart card, RFID tag
【Hyderabad】A barcode and radio frequency identification (RFID) solutions provider, Bartronics India Ltd, plans to set up a facility to manufacture smart cards and RFID tags entailing an investment of Rs 262-crore.
2007-01-10 ArtNo.38899(6/260)
【ムンバイ】Anil Ambani氏に率いられるReliance Communications Ltd(RCL)が計画する見積もりコスト15億米ドルの海底ケーブル敷設契約は、多国籍テレコム企業4社-NEC/Tyco/Alcatel-Lucent/富士通-により争われることになった。
◆Four global majors in fray for Reliance undersea cable project
【Mumbai】Four global telecom majors — NEC, Tyco, Alcatel-Lucent and Fujitsu — has been shortlisted for implementing the $1.5-billion submarine cable contract from Reliance Communications (RCL).
2007-01-12 ArtNo.38912(7/260)
◆Honda Siel、US$4.5億第2工場計画
【ニューデリー】Honda Siel Cars India Ltd(HSCIL)は9日、約2000クロー(US$4.51億)を投じてラジャスタン州/タミールナド州/マハラシュトラ州の何れかに年産24万台の第2工場を設ける計画を明らかにした。
◆Honda plans to launch a small car in the next 2-3 years
【New Delhi】Honda Siel Cars India Ltd plans to launch a small car in the next 2-3 years and aims to manufacture 1.5 lakh units of small car at their second manufacturing facility.
2007-01-12 ArtNo.38913(8/260)
【ニューデリー】ホンダは2、3年内にインド市場に小型車(small car)を投入、第2工場で年間15万台の製造を目指す。
◆Hero's plan to foray into four-wheelers to put Honda in a maze
【NEW DELHI】Honda has been caught by Hero group's plans of diversifying into four-wheelers in a maze. However their discussions with Hero Honda for integration of their Indian business are still on.
2007-01-12 ArtNo.38914(9/260)
◆ホンダ、Hero groupの四輪車ビジネス進出計画に当惑
◆Indo-Thai venture to sell e-bikes
【KOCHI】Sovereign, a Ludhiana-based bicycle company, has forged a joint venture company LA Sovereign Bicycles Pvt Ltd with LA Thailand, and will soon launch e-bikes.
【科钦】总部设在旁遮普州卢迪亚那的自行车制造商Sovereign跟泰国企业LA Thailand合作的联营公司LA Sovereign Bicycles有限公司计划在印度发售电动摩托车。
2007-01-12 ArtNo.38915(10/260)
【コーチ】パンジャブ州Ludhiana拠点の自転車メーカーSovereignとタイ企業LA (Thailand)の合弁会社 LA Sovereign Bicycles Pvt Ltdは、近く電動バイク(e-bikes)を発売する。
◆How the low-cost PC effect ended up with?
【Mumbai】Precisely a year back, Newspaper advertisements, hoardings and billboards screamed with messages such as Xenitis' 'apna PC', 'amchi PC' and 'amar PC' and Sahara's 'Dare to Compare'. Indian market was abuzz with the talk of a personal computer (PC) which cost less than Rs 10,000. But today we do not hear of sub-Rs 10,000 PC any more.
【孟买】仅有一年前到处听到『一万卢比电脑』的风声风言,报纸上和屋外海报上都看到Xenitis的apna PC/amchi PC/amar PC,Sahara的Dare和Compare等广告。可是到了今天已经没有听到也没有看到『一万卢比电脑』的消息。
2007-01-15 ArtNo.38922(11/260)
【ニューデリー】昨年12月の乗用車(passenger car)販売台数は伝統的に市況が低調な時期にも関わらずコンパクト・カーの好調な売れ行きに支えられ、前年同月の6万5853台を23%上回る8万1026台をマークした。
◆Car sales jump 23% in December
【New Delhi】Led by a significant rise in the sale of compact cars, domestic passenger car sales were up 23% for the traditionally slow month of December, at 81,026 units as against 65,853 units the year before.
2007-01-15 ArtNo.38923(12/260)
【ニューデリー】乗用車両(passenger vehicle:乗用車と多用途車を含む)の昨年12月の販売台数は10万5000台と、前年同月の8万6946台に比べ21%増加した。
◆Passenger vehicles sales grew 21% in December
【New Delhi】Passenger vehicles sales, including cars, utility vehicles and multi-utility vehicles have registered a growth of little over 21% and stood at 1.05 lakh units in December '06, against 86,946 units the year before.
2007-01-15 ArtNo.38924(13/260)
◆Mobike sales rose 4.5% in December
【New Delhi】Domestic motorcycle sales grew by just about 4.5% to 4,92,288 units in December '06 as against 4,71,075 units in the same month a year ago.
2007-01-15 ArtNo.38925(14/260)
◆Bajaj Auto、自動変速スクーター『Kristal』御披露目
【チェンナイ】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は10日、95cc、4ストローク、自動変速スクーター『Kristal』を御披露目、スクーター市場に復帰した。
◆Bajaj makes a comeback into the scooter market
【CHENNAI】Two-wheeler major Bajaj Auto Limited has launched a four-stroke 95cc un-geared scooter — Kristal — and is re-entering the scooters segment.
2007-01-17 ArtNo.38936(15/260)
【ニューデリー】ホンダはインドにおける第2工場の建設地としてラジャスタン州を選び、このほど同州政府と関係同意書(letter of intent)を取り交わした。
◆Honda to zero in on Rajasthan to set up its second plant
【New Delhi】Honda Motor Co has zeroed in on Rajasthan to set up its second plant in India. The company has signed a letter of intent with the State Government to this effect.
2007-01-19 ArtNo.38947(16/260)
◆M&M、International Truckと合弁で新工場建設
【ムンバイ】地元大手自動車メーカーMahindra & Mahindra(M&M)は米国のトラック製造大手International Truck & Engine Corp(ITEC)と合弁で向こう5~6年間に2500クロー(US$5.62億)を投じマハラシュトラ州Puneに各種中大型商用車の製造施設を設ける。
◆M&M, ITEC jointly set up new plant in Maharashtra
【Mumbai】Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) and International Truck and Engine Corp (ITEC) of the US, will jointly set up a medium and heavy commercial vehicle plant near Pune at an investment of Rs 2,500 crore in five to six years.
2007-01-19 ArtNo.38948(17/260)
【チェンナイ】タミールナド州のChennai港湾局(CPT:Chennai Port Trust)はHyundai Motor India Ltd(HMIL)と、後者が製造した車両を同港を通じて輸出することに関わる12年間の利権契約(concession agreement)を結んだ。
◆Chennai Port, Hyundai to sign 12-yr concession pact
【Chennai】The Chennai Port Trust signed a 12-year concession agreement with Hyundai Motor India Ltd on January 17 for continuing exports of Hyundai cars through the Chennai port.
2007-01-22 ArtNo.38960(18/260)
◆Nissan-Renault building hatchback small car for India
【MUMBAI】Nissan and Renault are co-developing a new small car platform, most likely a B segment hatchback, which is expected to be one of Nissan's flagship models in India.
2007-01-26 ArtNo.38982(19/260)
◆Tata Motors子会社、独伊工作機械会社等と技術提携
【ムンバイ】Tata Motors Ltd(TML)の完全出資子会社TAL Manufacturing Solutions Ltd (TAL)は欧州の指導的工作機械メーカー、ドイツ企業Heller GmbH及びイタリア企業Maus Spaと技術提携した。
◆TAL in tech tie-up with Heller, Maus
【Mumbai】TAL Manufacturing Solutions Ltd (TAL), the wholly owned subsidiary of Tata Motors, has entered into technical collaboration with Europe's leading machine tool majors - Heller GmbH of Germany and Maus Spa of Italy.
【孟买】塔塔汽车的全资子公司,TAL Manufacturing Solutions有限公司跟两间主要的欧洲机床制造商,德国企业Heller GmbH和意大利企业Maus Spa签订技术合作协约。
2007-01-26 ArtNo.38983(20/260)
◆Bengal Enamel、中国製電動バイク発売準備
【コルカタ】ガラス製医療機器/水槽等の製造を手掛けるBengal Enamel Works Ltd(BEWL)は中国製電動バイクの販売と情報技術(IT)パークの開発に乗り出す。
◆Bengal Enamel to sell Chinese bikes
【Kolkata】Bengal Enamel Works Ltd which is producing glass line medical equipment and water tanks, is diversifying into marketing of Chinese made motorcycles and IT space development.
◆Bengal Enamel 计划卖中国制电动摩托车
【加尔各答】位于西孟加拉邦州Palta县的玻璃制医疗器和水槽制造商Bengal Enamel Works有限公司计划卖中国制电动摩托车和发展信息科技园。
2007-01-29 ArtNo.38997(21/260)
【ムンバイ】Larsen & Toubro Ltd(L&T)がグジャラート州Haziraに設けた造船所で27日、初の竜骨の組み上げが行われ、L&Tは造船業進出計画の第1歩を踏み出した。
◆L&T starts to build its first ship at Hazira
【Mumbai】Larsen & Toubro Ltd laid the keel for the first ship it builds at its Hazira yard, signalling the company's foray into the shipbuilding sector.
2007-01-29 ArtNo.38998(22/260)
◆Suzuki Powertrain India、US$5.64億投資
【コルカタ】スズキとMaruti Udyog Limited(MUL)の70:30の合弁会社Suzuki Powertrain India Limited(SPIL)は2010年までに2500クロー(US$5.64億)を投じ、ハリヤナ州Manesarの既存工場をディゼル・エンジン製造ハブに転換する。
◆Suzuki Powertrain India to invest Rs 2500 cr
【KOLKATA】Suzuki Powertrain India Limited, a 70:30 joint venture between Suzuki Motor Corporation of Japan and Maruti Udyog Limited, will invest Rs 2500 crore by 2010 to make its Manesar plant a manufacturing hub for diesel engines.
2007-01-29 ArtNo.38999(23/260)
◆TVS Motor、コスト上昇で年初9ヶ月に減益記録
【チェンナイ】TVS Motor Company(TVSMC)の2006年12月期年初9ヶ月の税引利益は、コスト上昇に祟られ前年同期の87.91クロー(US$1984万)から57.55クロー(US$1299万)に下降した。
◆TVS Motor's profit down due to higher cost
【CHENNAI】Due to the high material costs, TVS Motor Company recorded a lower profit after tax tax during the nine-month period ended December 2006 at Rs. 57.55 crore, down from Rs. 87.91 crore in the corresponding period last year.
2007-01-31 ArtNo.39003(24/260)
【ニューデリー】ニューデリー拠点のSpiceJetとバンガロール拠点のAir Deccanは、手持ち航空機団の大規模な拡張に向け資金調達活動を進めている。
◆Budget airlines get ready for massive expansion
【NEW DELHI】Budget airlines are on a fund raising spree. New Delhi-based SpiceJet and Bangalore's Air Deccan are in the process of raising funds for massive expansion of their fleet.
2007-01-31 ArtNo.39005(25/260)
◆Component makers cry foul over duty cut, car cos may cut prices
【New Delhi】Although domestic autocomponent manufacturers have lobbied with the commerce ministry to reverse last week's customs duty cut on auto components, car companies, especially those with upmarket models, are considering to scrap plans to raise prices or cut prices.
2007-02-02 ArtNo.39018(26/260)
◆Hero Honda、1月の二輪車販売16.8%アップ
【ニューデリー】インド最大の二輪車メーカーHero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)の1月の二輪車販売は輸出も含め29万7554台と、昨年同月の24万9450台に比べ16.8%増加した。
◆Hero Honda sales up 16.8 pc in January
【NEW DELHI】India's largest two-wheeler manufacturer Hero Honda Motors Ltd reported a 16.8 per cent increase in its sales (including exports) during January at 2,97,554 units as against 2,49,450 units in the same month a year ago.
2007-02-02 ArtNo.39019(27/260)
◆Bajaj Auto、1月の二輪/三輪車販売12.7%アップ
【ムンバイ】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)の1月の二輪/三輪車販売台数は22万9583台と、昨年同月比12.7%増加した。
◆Bajaj Auto sales up 12.7% in January
【Mumbai】Bajaj Auto Ltd's sales of two and three-wheelers in January registered 229,583 units, up 12.7 per cent compared to the same month a year earlier.
【孟买】巴贾吉汽车公司说在9月的二轮和三轮车销售量记录了22万9583辆,比去年同一月增加12.7% 。
2007-02-02 ArtNo.39020(28/260)
【ムンバイ】インド第3の二輪車メーカー、TVS Motor Company Ltd(TVSMC)の1月の二輪車販売台数は12万1147台と、昨年同月の11万2910台に比べ7%増加した。
◆TVS Motor Jan two-wheeler sales rise 7%
【Mumbai】India's third-biggest motorcycle maker, TVS Motor Company's January two-wheeler sales rose 7 per cent at 121,147 units as compared to 112,910 units in the same month a year ago.
2007-02-05 ArtNo.39030(29/260)
【ムンバイ】Air Deccan/Kingfisher/GoAir等のバジェット航空会社各社は外国航空機整備会社とインド国内に保守・修理・分解検査(MRO:maintenance, repair and overhauling)施設を設ける合弁協議を進めている。
◆Budget airlines in talks to set up MROs in India
【MUMBAI】Budget airlines, including Air Deccan, Kingfisher and GoAir are in the process of forming joint ventures with foreign firms to set up maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) facilities in India.
2007-02-05 ArtNo.39031(30/260)
◆Industry expects another big push for small cars
【New Delhi】The automobile industry is hoping the next Budget will see an across the board cut in excise duty to 16% from 24% now. It is their single most important expectation from the Budget. The industry has been clamouring for this for the last two years.
2007-02-05 ArtNo.39032(31/260)
◆三輪車のKumar Motors、Puneに第2工場計画
【プネー】自動三輪車メーカー、Kumar Motors Pvt Ltd(KMPT)はマハラシュトラ州Puneに第2工場を設けるため50エーカーの土地を物色している。
◆Kumar Motors scouting a 2nd plant site in Pune
【PUNE】Kumar Motors Pvt Ltd, a local three-wheeler manufacturer, plans to set up its second manufacturing plant and is scouting for a 50-acre site in Pune.
2007-02-05 ArtNo.39033(32/260)
【ムンバイ】マハラシュトラ州Pune拠点のKinetic Motor Co Ltd(KMCL)は今年3モデルを市場に紹介する計画で、最初のItaljet製スクータレット『Euro』は早ければ4月に発売される。
◆Kinetic launches three models this year
【Mumbai】Kinetic Motor Company Ltd(KMCL), the Pune-based two-wheeler maker, has lined up three launches this year with the first one, the Euro brand of scooterrete, designed and developed by Italy-based Italjet, hitting the market as early as April.
2007-02-07 ArtNo.39043(33/260)
◆Volvo to roll out passenger cars by mid-2007
【Chennai】Swedish automobile giant Volvo is set to debut in the fast-growing Indian passenger car market. The company is launching its cars in the country in the middle of 2007.
2007-02-09 ArtNo.39057(34/260)
◆Suzuki to invest 200 b yen more in 3 years
【New Delhi】The Suzuki Motor Corporation on February 6 committed an investment of ¥ 300 billion for the company's various operations in India. So far it has invested about ¥ 100 billion. It is investing an additional ¥ 200 billion up to 2010.
2007-02-09 ArtNo.39058(35/260)
【ニューデリー】Suzuki Motorcycle India Private Ltd(SMIPL)は今年半ばまでにインドのスクーター市場に参入する。
◆Suzuki Motorcycle India to foray into scooter market
【New Delhi】Suzuki Motorcycle India Private Ltd will make a foray into the domestic scooter market by the middle of this year.
2007-02-12 ArtNo.39067(36/260)
【ムンバイ】インド車両検査協会(ARAI:Automotive Research Association of India)によると、今年1月以来、少なくとも12社が電動二輪車の路上走行証明を申請した。12社の大部分が中国と台湾からパーツを調達するとしている。
◆Electric bike-makers mostly from China queue up to enter Indian market
【Mumbai】According to the Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI) since the beginning of January this year, at least 12 companies have applied for certification to ply their electric two-wheelers on Indian roads. A majority of them prepare to source parts from China and Taiwan.
2007-02-14 ArtNo.39079(37/260)
◆Bike stocks pile up with the demand slowdown
【MUMBAI】The two-wheeler industry grew at a rate of over 17% for the past two years, with sales doubling between 2002 and 2006. But now, there's a clear hint of a demand slowdown.
2007-02-14 ArtNo.39080(38/260)
【ニューデリー】インド第2の二輪車メーカー、Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は、約8000クロー(US$18.06億)の現金余剰の効率的運用を目指す組織再編を計画しており、Rahul Bajaj会長の2人の子息、Rajiv氏とSanjiv氏にそれぞれ率いられる自動車会社と金融会社が誕生する。BAL取締役会は3月乃至5月に同問題を討議に付す見通しだ。
◆Bajaj to set up Rs 6,000 cr new investment firm
【New Delhi】India's second-largest two-wheeler manufacturer Bajaj Auto Ltd is all set to be carved into separate auto and finance entities, to be headed by Group chief Rahul Bajaj's sons Rajiv and Sanjiv, respectively. A plan for demerger to utilise the company's Rs 8,000-crore surplus cash would be put before the board of Bajaj Auto in March or May.
【新德里】印度第二大摩托车制造商巴贾吉汽车公司将分裂Rahul Bajaj主席的两位儿子Rajiv与Sanjiv各为首的汽车公司和投资金融公司。以运用800亿卢比的储备金为目的的这件该租计划将在3月或5月举行的董事会里被讨论。
2007-02-16 ArtNo.39091(39/260)
◆Car sales up 24% in Jan
【New Delhi】Domestic passenger car sales posted 24.04 per cent growth in January 2007 at 1,04,488 units as against 84,235 units in the corresponding period a year ago. The sales also marks a surge of 29 per cent from the December 2006 sales of 81,026 vehicles.
2007-02-16 ArtNo.39092(40/260)
【ニューデリー】今年(2007)1月の商用車(commercial vehicle)の国内販売台数は4万7276台と、昨年同月の3万4043台に比べ38.87%の成長を見た。
◆January commercial vehicle sales up 38.9%
【New Delhi】Domestic commercial vehicles sales posted strong 47,276-unit in January 2007, rising 38.9 per cent from 34, 043 units, year-on-year.
2007-02-16 ArtNo.39093(41/260)
◆January two-wheeler sales up by 11.4%
【New Delhi】In the two-wheeler segment, domestic sales during January 2007 stood at 6,77,390 units against 6,08,011 units in the corresponding period a year ago, up by 11.4 per cent.
2007-02-21 ArtNo.39101(42/260)
◆Hitachi makes rail tracks, auto parts, builds power plants
【New Delhi】Japanese electronic major Hitachi Ltd is planning to manufacture automotive components and railway tracks in India. The company is even looking at setting up power plants in the country.
2007-02-21 ArtNo.39102(43/260)
【チンスラ】 『Amar PC』ブランドの低価格パソコンを製造販売しているコルカタのXenitis Groupと中国企業Guangzhou Motors Company(GMC:広州摩托集団公司)の合弁会社Global Automobiles Pvt Ltd(GAPL)は15日、輸入中国製二輪車を初出荷した。
◆Chief Minister witnesses Chinese bikes' rolls out
【Chinsura】Global Automobiles Pvt Ltd(GAPL), joint venture between Xenitis Group of Kolkata, maker of cheap Amar PC brand of computers, and Guangzhou Motors Company of China, on February 15 rolled out two-wheelers imported from China from a site close to Xenitis' PC plant in Chinsurah, West Bengal.
【钦苏拉】位于加尔各答的廉价个人电脑『Amar PC』制造商Xenitis集团和中国国营广州摩托集团公司的联营公司Global Automobiles有限公司2月15日从西孟加拉州钦苏拉的工厂运出第一辆中国制二轮车。
2007-02-23 ArtNo.39114(44/260)
【ニューデリー】Suzuki Motor India Pte Ltd(SMIPL)は急速に成長するハイパワー・モーターサイクルと自動変速スクーター・セグメントに進出する。
◆Suzuki gears up to enter new two-wheeler segments
【New Delhi】Suzuki Motor India pte Ltd(SMIPL) is set to enter into the fast-growing segments of high-powered motorcycles and ungeared scooters.
2007-02-23 ArtNo.39115(45/260)
【ニューデリー】ブリヂストンが完全出資するBridgestone India Private Limited(BIPL)は、急増する需要に応じるため5000万~1億米ドルを投じ、第2工場を設けることを検討している。
◆Bridgestone India considers second plant
【NEW DELHI】Bridgestone India Private Limited, a fully-owned subsidiary of Bridgestone Corporation of Japan, considers to meet the challenges of growing demand for tyres by setting up another greenfield plant with an investment of $50-100 million.
2007-02-23 ArtNo.39116(46/260)
◆Michelin plans to set up radial tyre unit
【Mumbai】France-based tyremaker Michelin is planning to set up truck and bus radials manufacturing facility in Ranjangaon, Pune.
2007-02-26 ArtNo.39128(47/260)
【ムンバイ】日産自動車はRenault SAと地元のMahindra & Mahindra(M&M)が合弁で立ち上げるタミールナド州Chennaiの自動車工場に参加する方針を固めた。2009年の稼動を目指す。
◆Nissan to join the JV to build factory in Chennai
【MUMBAI】Nissan Motor Co has decided to join the existing partnership between Renault SA and Mahindra & Mahindra to set up a car factory in Chennai by 2009.
2007-02-26 ArtNo.39129(48/260)
◆FIPB gives clearance to Takata's investment proposal
【NEW DELHI】The Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) has finally cleared Japanese auto safety equipment manufacturer Takata Corporation's investment proposal after waiting for almost four months.
2007-03-02 ArtNo.39136(49/260)
【チェンナイ】タミールナド州政府は、Mahindra & Mahindra(M&M)/Renault/日産が合弁で同州Oragadamに設ける自動車製造工場に隣接した200エーカーの土地に自動車コンポーネント専用の工業団地を設ける方針を決めた。
◆TN state Gov to set up an auto component park near Oragadam
【CHENNAI】Following Mahindra & Mahindra, Renault of France and Nissan selecting Tamil Nadu to locate its three-way joint venture to set up a production unit at Oragadam, the Tamil Nadu Government has decided to earmark 200 acres for auto component units near the main facility.
2007-03-02 ArtNo.39137(50/260)
【ニューデリー】Yamaha Motor India Pvt Ltd(YMIPL)の石川知孝重役(CEO兼MD)は2月12日付けの社内報において、マーケッティングと生産性の2指標に改善が見られないなら、操業を停止する意向を表明した。
◆Yamaha MD warns staff to shut shop if indicators don't improve
【NEW DELHI】Yamaha Motor India managing director, T Ishikawa, has warned staff on an internal circular, dated February 12, 2007 that the management is ready to shut Indian operations If either two indicators, new marketing strategy and productivity of manufacturing, does not go as intended.
輸送機器 Transport Equipment in 2007