金属/鉱物 Metallurgy/Mining in 2009
【ニューデリー】Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)は主に建設業界で用いられる条鋼の価格をトン当たり1500~2000ルピー引き下げ、市場動向に照らして必要と認められれば今後一層の値下げも検討するとしている。一方、自動車業製造界や家電製造業界で用いられる鋼板のメーカーは値上げを準備している。
◆SAIL cuts long product prices, flat prices set to increase
【New Delhi】Steel Authority of India Ltd cut the prices of its long products used primarily in construction by Rs. 1,500-2,000 a tonne and might further lower the rates if the situation so warranted. Meanwhile flat steel producers are looking to hike the prices of their products that are used by the auto-mobile and consumer dura-bles sectors.
2009-07-17 ArtNo.42437(102/177)
◆ArcelorMittal put Orissa steel project on hold for 2 yrs
【Mumbai】ArcelorMittal has put on hold its proposed 12-million tonne (mt) per year capacity steel plant in Orissa for at least two years, as the global demand for steel is stagnating. However, the company will go ahead with its plans in Jharkhand.
2009-07-21 ArtNo.42449(103/177)
【ムンバイ】鉱業・非鉄金属事業を中核とするVedanta Resources Plc(VRP)が、インド国内に製鉄所を設けることを計画、欧州や日本の鉄鋼メーカーと合弁交渉を進めている。
◆Vedanta eyes steel manufacturing
【Mumbai】Mining group Vedanta Resources is in talks with European and Japanese steel producers for building a steel plant in India.
2009-07-21 ArtNo.42450(104/177)
【ニューデリー】Vedanta Resources Plc(VRP)のAnil Agarwal会長は16日、Bharat Aluminium Company Ltd(Balco)とHindustan Zinc Ltd(HZL)の少数権益を8000クロー(US$16.39億)で政府から買い取る用意があることを明らかにするとともに、今月中に蔵相と会見し、同問題を話し合う考えを明らかにした。
◆Vedanta ready to buy out govt in HZL, Balco
【New Delhi】Vedanta Resources Chairman Anil Agarwal on July 16 said he was ready with Rs 8,000 crore for buying the government's residual equity in Bharat Aluminium Company Ltd (Balco) and Hindustan Zinc Ltd (HZL), for which he would meet the finance minister this month.
2009-07-21 ArtNo.42451(105/177)
【ムンバイ】Aditya Birla Group傘下のHindalco Industries Ltd(HIL)は、グジャラート州Silvasaに設けた年産30万ユニットのアロイ・ホイール工場の操業を停止した。
◆Hindalco shuts down alloy wheel unit
【Mumbai】Hindalco Industries, a part of Aditya Birla Group, has shut down aluminium alloy manufacturing plant, a total capacity of three lakh wheels per annum, at Silvasa in Gujarat.
2009-07-24 ArtNo.42461(106/177)
◆Core sector grows 6.5%, signalling recovery
【New Delhi】Riding double-digit growth in cement and coal output, the index of six core infrastructure industries posted a growth rate of 6.5 per cent in June, the highest in 16 months, as against 2.8 per cent in the previous month and 5.1 per cent a year earlier, signalling early economic recovery.
【新德里】随着水泥和煤炭的产量记录了两位数字的成长,今年6月的6个骨干基础设施产业指数成长率超越了上月的2.8%和去年同一期的 5.1%,达到过去16个月来最高的6.5%,显示经济复苏的征兆。
2009-07-24 ArtNo.42468(107/177)
【コルカタ】National Aluminium Company Ltd (Nalco)は、アルミニウム製錬施設、発電施設、アルミナ製錬施設に、それぞれクリーン開発メカニズム(CDM:Clean Development Mechanism)コンセプトに基づく4件の環境保全工事を施す。
◆Nalco implementing four CDM projects
【Kolkata】National Aluminium Company Ltd (Nalco) is implementing four CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) projects in its smelter, captive power plant (CPP) and refinery units.
2009-07-31 ArtNo.42488(108/177)
【ムンバイ】インド経済監視センター(CMIE:Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy)は、鉄鉱石と石炭の長期契約価格の下降が予想されることから、鉄鋼価格も今年9月末までに3~5%下降するものと予想している。
◆Steel prices to fall by September; CMIE
【Mumbai】Economic thinktank Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy has forecasted that with the expected dip in contract prices of iron ore and coal, steel prices are likely to fall by three to five per cent by September.
2009-08-04 ArtNo.42505(109/177)
【コルカタ】インドの今年の国内鉄鋼消費は6%前後の伸びが予想される。同伸び率は昨年の10%を下回るが、現在の経済環境を配慮すれば、依然として良好と言える。Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)のB. Muthuraman重役(MD)はこのほど以上の見通しを語った。
◆Steel consumption to grow by 6%
【Kolkata】India's steel consumption in the current year will be around six per cent, lower than last year's growth of 10 per cent. However the projected growth is good considering the present economic situation in the country, according to Mr B. Muthuraman, Managing Director, Tata Steel.
2009-08-07 ArtNo.42509(110/177)
◆Steel cos cut long products prices, raise flat
【Mumbai】Leading steel producers have increased prices of flat steel, used by automobile and consumer durable sectors, by Rs 500-1,000 a tonne, but reduced prices of long steel, used primarily in the construction sector, by Rs 500-2,000 a tonne.
2009-08-07 ArtNo.42510(111/177)
【ジャムシェドプール】日産自動車がタミールナド州Chennaiに建設中の新工場にスキン・パネルを納入する準備に追われるTata Steel Ltd(TSL)は、その一方でToyota Kirloskar Motor(TKM)の小型車プロジェクトにも注目、納入交渉を進めている。
◆Tatas to supply skin panels to Nissan, eyeing Toyota's small car, too
【Jamshedpur】Tata Steel, which is all set to supply skin panels to Nissan's upcoming Chennai-facility, is also in discussion with Toyota Kirloskar Motor for supplying skin panels.
2009-08-11 ArtNo.42521(112/177)
【チェンナイ】カルナタカ州政府は、原子力発電所や港湾、さらには高速鉄道リンクも備えた全長300キロの『鉄鋼産業コリドー(steel corridor)』の開発を計画、これを梃子に2万クロー(US$40.98億)の鉄鋼プロジェクト誘致を目指している。
◆Karnataka plans 300-km steel corridor
【Chennai】The Karnataka government plans to develop a 300-km 'steel corridor' with a nuclear power plant, a port and high-speed train connectivity to attract investment worth Rs 20,000 crore ($4.098bn) from the steel majors.
2009-08-11 ArtNo.42522(113/177)
◆Tata Steel、今後5年間に82億投じ設備拡張
【ジャムシェドプール】Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)は今後5年間に4万クロー(US$81.96億)を投じ、年産能力を1600万トンに拡張する計画を加速する。
◆Tata Steel plans $8bn push
【Jamshedpur】Tata Steel has decided to invest Rs 40,000 crore ($8.196bn) over the next five years to ramp up its production capacity to 16 million tonne.
2009-08-14 ArtNo.42534(114/177)
【ニューデリー】今年6月の工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)成長率は過去16ヶ月来最高の7.8%を記録、昨年同期の5.44%、前月の2.2%の伸びを上回った。
◆IIP growth hits a 16-month high of 7.8% in June
【New Delhi】The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) increased to a 16-month high of 7.8 per cent in June as compared to 5.44 per cent during the same month last year and 2.2 per cent a month ago.
2009-08-14 ArtNo.42541(115/177)
◆Uttam Galva今月2度目の値上げ、Bhushanも追随
【コルカタ】Uttam Galva Steels Ltd(UGSL)は、今月に入って以来2度目の値上げを決定、亜鉛メッキ鋼と冷間圧延(CR)鋼の価格をトン当たり各2000ルピー引き上げる。Bhushan Steel Ltd(BSL)も今月後半にトン当たり500ルピーほど値上げする見通しだ。
◆Uttam Galva hikes prices again, Bhushan to follow
【Kolkata】Uttam Galva Steels has decided to increase galvanised and cold-rolled (CR) steel prices by Rs 2,000 a tonne, marking the second hike this month.Bhushan follow. Bhushan Steel is also likely to hike prices in the second half of the month by around Rs 500.
2009-08-18 ArtNo.42549(116/177)
◆Steel export may dip 35% in FY10: CMIE
【Mumbai】India's export of steel is projected to fall by a whopping 35 per cent to 3.2 million tonnes during the current fiscal on account of healthy domestic demand.
2009-08-21 ArtNo.42561(117/177)
◆Tata Steel、越・南ア鉱山会社と合弁交渉
【ニューデリー】全世界の鉄鉱石及びコークス用炭資源の開拓に余念のないTata Steel Ltd(TSL)は、グローバル・オペレーションに必要な原料供給を確保する狙いから目下ベトナムと南アフリカの鉱山会社2社と合弁交渉を進めている。
◆Tata Steel in talks with SA, Vietnam mining firms
【New Delhi】Tata Steel, which is scouting for iron ore and coking coal mines worldwide, is in talks with two mining firms in Vietnam and South Africa for joint ventures to secure raw materials for its global operations.
2009-08-25 ArtNo.42570(118/177)
◆Bridgestone, Volkswagen and more big-tickets in Maharashtra
【Mumbai】Japanese tyre manufacturer Bridgestone will set up a second facility near Pune at an investment of Rs 2,050 crore. Meanwhile the German carmaker Volkswagen has decided to invest Rs 2,200 crore more towards expansion at its Chakan plant. There are more big-ticket investments, totalling Rs 10,400 crore, in Raigad district.
2009-08-25 ArtNo.42573(119/177)
【ニューデリー】鉱業省は、鉱業投資を増やし、鉱業の国内総生産(GDP)に対する貢献率を引き上げるため、制定されて以来50年を経た『鉱山鉱物開発監督法(Mines & Minerals Development & Regulation Act)』の改正作業を進めている。修正法案は冬期国会に上程される予定だ。
◆Simplify mining laws to boost investment
【New Delhi】Ministry of mines is in the process of amending the fifty year old Mines & Minerals (Development & Regulation) Act in order to promote investments in the mining sector and increase its share in country's gross domestic product. The amendment bill is scheduled to be presented before the Parliament for consideration this winter.
2009-08-25 ArtNo.42574(120/177)
【ブーバネスワル】国営National Aluminium Company (Nalco)は、州営Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation of Orissa (Idco)と手を組みオリッサ州Angul県にアルミニウム・パークを開発する。
◆Nalco, Idco jointly to set up aluminium park
【Bhubaneswar】The proposed aluminium park at Angul in Orissa will be set up jointly by the public sector National Aluminium Company (Nalco) and the state owned Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation of Orissa (Idco).
2009-08-28 ArtNo.42582(121/177)
◆Infrastructure sector growth slumps to 1.8% in July
【New Delhi】The index of six core industries grew 1.8 per cent in July, the lowest in the past five months, and significantly behind a 6.8 per cent growth in June and 5.1 per cent in July last year.
2009-08-28 ArtNo.42588(122/177)
【コルカタ】インド中央政府は最近、採掘された鉄鉱石の販売価格に10%の従価式ロイヤルティーを課したが、チャッティースガル州の海綿鉄製造業界は鉄鉱石の生産にロイヤルティーを課すのではなく、鉄鉱石の販売にロイヤルティーを課すなら国営National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC)からの鉄鉱石の購入をストップすると、警告を発した。
◆Sponge iron manufacturers irked by new royalty
【Kolkata】The Union Government has recently imposed 10 per cent ad valorem royalty on the "selling price" of mined iron ore. Sponge iron manufacturers in Chhattisgarh have threatened to stop purchasing iron-ore from mining giant National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) if it imposes royalty on the sale and not on the production of steel making raw material.
2009-09-01 ArtNo.42597(123/177)
◆Govt to set up diamond bourses
【New Delhi】The Government has introduced a plan to establish diamond bourses in order to make the country an international trading hub and boost the gems and jewellery exports.
2009-09-04 ArtNo.42609(124/177)
◆Iron ore exports up 2% in July
【New Delhi】India's iron ore exports rose around 2% in to 5.9-million-tonne in July over the same period last year after clocking 26 million tonne during the April-June quarter, the same as the year-ago period.
2009-09-08 ArtNo.42618(125/177)
◆アルセロール・ミタル、Uttam Galvaの35%権益買収
【ニューデリー】Uttam Galva Steels Ltd(UGSL)のプロモーターと同社の5.6%の権益を買い取ることで合意したArcelorMittal Netherlands BVは、7日から1株120ルピーでUGSLのさらに29.4%の権益を買います公開買付を開始した。
◆ArcelorMittal to buy 35 pc stake in Uttam Galva
【New Delhi】ArcelorMittal Netherlands BV, which had already entered into pact with Uttam Galva's promoter for acquiring a 5.6 per cent stake, have started an open offer for 29.4 per cent stake in the domestic firm on September 7 at a price of Rs 120 per share. India-origin billionaire L N Mittal-led ArcelorMittal on Friday said it would acquire 35 per cent stake in Uttam Galva Steels for Rs 500 crore($104m).
2009-09-08 ArtNo.42619(126/177)
【ニューデリー】インドの指導的鉄鋼メーカーは2日、鋼板価格をトン当たり1500ルピーほど引き上げた。これらのメーカーにはTata Steel Ltd(TSL)/Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)/Ispat Industries Ltd(IIL)が含まれる。
◆Steel makers raise flat product rates
【New Delhi】Leading steel makers, including Tata Steel, Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) and Ispat Industries, on September 2 increased flat product prices by an average of around Rs 1500 per tonne.
2009-09-11 ArtNo.42629(127/177)
【コルカタ】ArcelorMittal Netherlands BVによるUttam Galva Steels Ltd(UGSL)権益買収は、インド鉄鋼業界に過去1ヶ月間に生じた2度目の再編の動きで、二次鉄鋼業界が直面する原料供給の不安定と製品価格の変動が、2度にわたる冷間圧延(CR)鋼及び亜鉛メッキ鋼メーカー買収劇の主因と言える。UGSLは残された唯一の主要な独立系CR/亜鉛メッキ鋼メーカーで、一時代の終焉を告げる買収劇となった。
◆It's curtains for major standalone steel players
【Kolkata】The Uttam Galva-ArcelorMittal deal is the second consolidation move in the steel industry in the past month and the main reason for the move, led by cold rolled (CR) and galvanised steel makers, is the volatility in prices and inconsistent supplies for value-added grades. No surprise, therefore, that Uttam Galva was the last major standalone CR and galvanised player.
2009-09-15 ArtNo.42641(128/177)
◆July IIP clocks robust growth of 6.8%
【New Delhi】In a distinct sign of industrial recovery, the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) continued to expand 6.8% for the second consecutive month, in July, marginally higher than 6.4 per cent in the same month a year ago.
2009-09-15 ArtNo.42651(129/177)
【コルカタ】Adhunik Metaliks Ltd(AML)は子会社2社、Orissa Manganese & Minerals Ltd(OMML)とAdhunik Power & Natural Resources Ltd(APNRL)を通じ、今後2年間に鉱業及び発電領域に3350クロー(US$6.979億)を投資する。
◆Adhunik to invest $697.9 m in mining and power
【Kolkata】Adhunik Metaliks' two subsidiaries, Orissa Manganese & Minerals Ltd and Adhunik Power & Natural Resources, will be investing Rs 3,350 crore ($697.9m)in mining and power over the next two years.
2009-09-18 ArtNo.42653(130/177)
【ニューデリー】インドは14日、新たにモンゴルとウラニウムの供給に関わる民生用核協力協定を結んだ。世界のウラニウム資源の6%を有するモンゴルのツァヒアギーン・エルベグドルジ(Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj)大統領はこのほど4日間の日程でインドを公式訪問、関係協定は同訪問日程の初日に調印された。
◆India -Mongolia ink civil nuclear pact
【New Delhi】India on September 14 inked another bilateral atomic energy cooperation agreement for supply of uranium to New Delhi with Mongolia, which has nearly 6% of the world's uranium reserves during Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj's four-day state visit to India.
2009-09-18 ArtNo.42654(131/177)
【コルカタ】National Aluminium Company (Nalco)はNuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL)と、オリッサ州Ganjam県Pati Sonapurに共同で1万2000クロー(US$25億)を投じ原子力発電所を建設する合弁交渉を進めている。
◆Nalco, NPCIL to build jointly nuclear power plant in Orissa
【Kolkata】National Aluminium Company (Nalco) is in talks with Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) to jointly set up a Rs 12,000 crore ($2.5bn) nuclear power plant at Pati Sonapur in south Orissa's Ganjam district.
2009-09-22 ArtNo.42668(132/177)
◆Tata Metaliks、カルナタカ州に300万トン新工場検討
【バンガロール】Tata Metaliks Private Limited (TML)は、事業化調査の結果を見てカルナタカ州に年産300万~500万トンの製鋼工場を設けることを検討している。
◆Tata Metaliks may set up 3 mt steel plant in Karnataka
【Bangalore】Tata Metaliks Private Limited (TML) plans to set up a 3 to 5 million tonne steel plant in Karnataka, subject to detailed feasibility study.
2009-09-29 ArtNo.42698(133/177)
◆Steel Ministry to focus on expansion, modernisation
【Shimla】After achieving success in curbing rising steel prices under its 100-day agenda, the Steel Ministry has planned massive enhancement of production capacity and modernisation of the existing steel manufacturing units as future agenda.
2009-09-29 ArtNo.42699(134/177)
◆Sesa Goa、US$12.5億調達し事業拡張
【ムンバイ】Sesa Goa Ltd(SGL)は内外の市場で各種証券を発行し、6000クロー(US$12.5億)を調達する。調達した資金は、鉱山キャパシティーの増強を含む有機的、非有機的事業の拡張に充当される見通しだ。
◆Sesa Goa to raise $1.25bn to boost expansion
【Mumbai】Sesa Goa will raise Rs 6,000 crore ($1.25bn) through the issue of various securities in the domestic as well as overseas markets. It is understood that the proceeds will be used for financing the company's growth plans, including increasing its mining capacity through the organic and inorganic route.
2009-09-29 ArtNo.42700(135/177)
◆Core infra sectors expand by 7.1 pc in August
【New Delhi】Showing a decisive recovery, core infrastructure industries grew by 7.1 per cent in August, as against 2.5 per cent in the previous month and 2.1 per cent during the same month last year.
2009-10-02 ArtNo.42705(136/177)
◆Capacity doubling in three years doubtful
【New Delhi】There are not many takers for the government projection of India achieving a steel capacity of 124 million tonnes in the next three years and 150 million tonnes by 2015 as none of the big-ticket investments promised by some major foreign and domestic groups has been off the ground for one reason or another.
2009-10-02 ArtNo.42706(137/177)
◆Gujarat Foils、ホイル原料製造施設建設
【ムンバイ】グジャラート州Gandhinagar拠点のアルミ圧延製品メーカー、Gujarat Foils Ltd (GFL)は、350クロー(US$7290万)を投じて年産7万5000トンのホイルストック製造施設を建設する。
◆Gujarat Foils to set up a foilstock producing facility
【Mumbai】Gujarat Foils Ltd (GFL), the Gandhinagar-based aluminium rolled products manufacturer, is planning to set up a production facility for foilstock with capacity of 75,000 tonnes a year at an investment of Rs 350 crore($72.9m).
2009-10-06 ArtNo.42713(138/177)
【ロンドン】鉄鋼メーカーArcelorMittalは、インドにおける総投資額200億米ドルの鉄鋼プロジェクト2件から撤退することを検討している。同社のオーナーでもあるLakshmi Mittal会長はこのほど、以上の考えを明らかにするとともに、用地の買収がほとんど進捗しておらず、余りに多くの時間が費やされたことを、その理由として指摘した。
◆ArcelorMittal to exit $20 bn Indian steel project
【London】Steel company ArcelorMittal may pull out of a $20 billion plan to build two steel plants in India due to delays in land acquisition process, its chairman and main owner, Lakshmi Mittal, has said.
2009-10-09 ArtNo.42725(139/177)
【ハイデラバード】National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC)は9280クロー(US$19.33億)を投じカルナタカ州Bellary県に年産500万トン以上の総合的な製鉄所を建設するため、近く関係する技術や経験ノーハウを提供可能な内外の潜在パートナーに入札意向書(EoI:expression of interest)の提出を求める。
◆NMDC to float a global tender for Bellary steel plant
【Hyderabad】National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) will soon be seeking global expression of interest (EoIs) from those companies which are willing to partner it for offering technology and other domain expertise to set up an integrated steel plant in Bellary with a capacity of over 5 million tonne per annum at a cost of over Rs 9,280 crore.
2009-10-13 ArtNo.42737(140/177)
◆Essar Steel、5000店小売り網構築目指す
【バンガロール】Essar Steel Ltd(ESL)は既に300店以上の小売り網を擁するが、新たに5000店を増設する計画で、今年だけでこうした小売り網を通じた売上げが3500クロー(US$7.29億)に達すると予想している。同社は今後2年間に小売り網を通じ300万トンの鋼材を販売することを目指している。
◆Essar Steel plans to set up 5,000 retail outlets
【Bangalore】Essar Steel Ltd, which Currently has over 300 outlets across the country, plans to set up 5,000 retail outlets of various formats soon. It expects revenues of around Rs 3,500 crore this fiscal from its retail outlets and hopes to sell 3 million tonnes through this channel in two years.
2009-10-13 ArtNo.42738(141/177)
◆Coal India、海外炭坑の開発目指し外国パートナー物色
【コルカタ】海外における炭坑開発を目指すCoal India Ltd (CIL)は2010年3月末までに、外国パートナーと手を組むことを目指している。
◆Coal India looking for foreign partners for overseas assets
【Kolkata】Coal India Ltd (CIL), which is scouting for overseas coal assets, wants to rope in foreign partners by March 2010.
2009-10-13 ArtNo.42740(142/177)
【コルカタ】『発電』/『電力取引』/『送電』/『鉱業』/『電力設備の製造』等、総合的なエネルギー・ビジネスの展開を目指すJSW Energy Ltd(JEL)は、東芝と1000クロー(US$2.08億)を投じタミールナド州Chennaiに発電設備製造施設を設ける計画に今年12月末までに着手、2011年までに第一期分を稼働させる計画だ。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/42740.htm
◆Toshiba-JSW venture to start work by Dec
【Kolkata】JSW Energy Ltd, which intends to build an integrated energy business with presence across verticals like generation, power trading, transmission, mining and equipment manufacturing, plans to start work on the joint venture project with Toshiba of Japan to set up a Rs 1,000-crore power plant equipment manufacturing unit in Chennai by December and commission the first phase by 2011.
2009-10-16 ArtNo.42750(143/177)
【ニューデリー】今年8月の工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)は292.3と、昨年同月比10.4%上昇、過去22ヶ月来最高の伸びを記録した。地元紙は政府の景気刺激策が奏功し、インド経済が健全な成長の軌道に復帰したことを示すものと評している。
◆IIP hits 22-month high in August
【New Delhi】The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) rose 10.4%, the most in 22 months, to 292.3 in August, clearly indicating that the stimulus measures have started yielding results and the economy is firmly back on the road to recovery.a steady turnaround in the economy.
2009-10-16 ArtNo.42751(144/177)
◆Steel cos demand protectionist measures to stop Chinese import surge
【New Delhi】While Chinese steel makers are facing a glut and pushing their products into the other markets including India, steel manufacturers in India are demanding duty wall to stop Chinese import surge.
2009-10-16 ArtNo.42752(145/177)
【コルカタ】Videoconグループは同社のメガ鉄鋼/発電プロジェクトが石炭鉱脈の上に位置していると、Coal India Ltd(CIL)から指摘されたことから、西ベンガル州政府に代替地の割当を求めた。
◆Videocon to shift steel project due to CIL's protest
【Kolkata】The Videocon group has asked West Bengal government for a fresh piece of land for its mega steel and power project after Coal India Ltd opposed that the project area falls under a major coal belt in Burdwan district.
2009-10-20 ArtNo.42764(146/177)
◆India's steel consumption rises by 5.7 pc in Apr-Sep period
【New Delhi】Fuelled by improved demand from sectors like automobile and consumer durables, India's steel consumption rose by 5.7 per cent to 26.49 million tonnes in the first six months of the current fiscal compared to 25.07 million tonnes in the same period a year ago.
2009-10-23 ArtNo.42778(147/177)
◆31m tonnes cement capacities to be added in second half
【Mumbai】Cement Companies are expected to commission additional capacities of nearly 31 million tonnes (across 33 projects) in the second half of this fiscal at an investment of Rs 7,963 crore($1.7b).
2009-10-23 ArtNo.42779(148/177)
◆North coastal AP set to emerge as hub for aluminium industry
【Visakhapatnam】Three companies are lining up over Rs 20,000 crore in the next three-four years for their proposed alumina refineries in the north coastal region of Andhra Pradesh. The region is set to become the hub for the aluminium industry.
2009-10-30 ArtNo.42798(149/177)
◆Core sector growth dips to 4% in September
【New Delhi】Growth in core infrastructure sector dropped to 4 per cent in September, primarily due to lower coal and cement growth, after showing an upwardly revised expansion of 7.8 per cent in August.
2009-11-03 ArtNo.42810(150/177)
◆重大汚職調査室、2003年以来の帳簿操作でSesa Goaを調査
【ムンバイ】Vedantaグループ傘下のSesa Goa Ltd(SGL)は10月29日、ボンベイ証券取引所(BSE)に対し、「法人事務省が10月23日付けで重大汚職調査室(SFIO:Serious Fraud Investigation Office)にSGLとその子会社Sesa Industries Ltd(SIL)の調査を指示した命令書のコピーを10月28日に受け取った」と報告した。
◆Serious Fraud Investigation Office to investigate Sesa Goa
【Mumbai】Vedanta Group firm Sesa Goa said on October 29 in a filing to the Bombay Stock Exchange, "On October 28, 2009, the company received a copy of an order dated October 23, from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs of the Government of India ordering an investigation by the Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) into the affairs of the company and that of its subsidiary, Sesa Industries Ltd."
金属/鉱物 Metallurgy/Mining in 2009