金属/鉱物 Metallurgy/Mining in 2009
【ジャムシェドプル】Jindal Steel & Power Ltd (JSPL)はジャールカンド州Hazaribagh県Patratuに年産600万トン、総コスト1万8000クロー(US$39.06億)の新製鉄所を建設するため、用地の買収を開始した。
◆JSPL starts to buy land for Jharkhand steel plant
【Jamshedpur】Jindal Steel & Power Ltd (JSPL) has started acquiring land for a 6 million tonne per annum (mtpa) greenfield unit at Patratu in Hazaribagh district of Jharkhand at an estimated investment of Rs 18,000 crore.
2009-11-06 ArtNo.42826(152/177)
◆Posco project may start by Jan
【New Delhi】World's fourth-largest steel maker Posco's proposed 12-million tonne per annum (mtpa) project may get off the ground by January next year as the Orissa state government is "actively working" to remove the hurdles coming in the way of the mega steel plant.
2009-11-06 ArtNo.42827(153/177)
【ニューデリー】JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)の2009年10月のボリューム販売は昨年同月に比べほとんど2倍に拡大、Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)、Steel Authority of India (SAIL)、Essar Steel Ltd(ESL)、Ispat Industries Ltd(IIL)を含む、インドの他の主要鉄鋼メーカーのそれも自動車や耐久消費財業界の旺盛な需要に支えられ、最大38%の堅調な伸びを見た。 http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/42827.htm
◆India's top steelmakers' sales zoom in Oct
【New Delhi】JSW Steel's sales almost doubled in October, 2009, compared with the same period last year, India's other top steelmakers — including Tata Steel Ltd,state-owned Steel Authority of India (SAIL), Essar and Ispat — recorded up to 38% growth in sales volume backed by robust demand from automobile and construction sectors.
2009-11-06 ArtNo.42828(154/177)
【ニューデリー】国際価格の軟化に伴いSteel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)が3日、先頭を切って各種鋼板価格をトン当たり750~1500ルピー値下げしたが、JSW Steel、Essar Steel、Ispat Industries、Tata Steel等、民間の主要鉄鋼メーカーも相次いで値下げを発表した。
◆Private steel makers follow SAIL, cut flat prices
【New Delhi】Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL), JSW Steel, Essar Steel, Ispat Industries and Tata Steel have reduced prices of flat products by Rs 750-1,500 a tonne across categories, on account of weak global trends.
2009-11-10 ArtNo.42839(155/177)
◆Tata Steel、ベトナムで製鋼、カナダで採鉱事業
【ムンバイ】ベトナムにおける50億米ドル、年産450万トンの鉄鋼プロジェクトの用地を、2年を費やしてこのほどやっと手に入れたTata Steel Ltd(TSL)は、カナダではNew Millennium Corpと北米における鉄鉱山開発合弁覚書に調印、同プロジェクトに3億カナダ・ドルを投資する計画だ。
◆Tata Steel $5bn project in Vietnam, iron ore JV in Canada
【Mumbai】After two years of waiting, Tata Steel will get alternative land in Vietnam for building a 4.5 million tonne a year steel plant with an investment of $5 billion. Meanwhile Tata Steel has entered into a joint venture agreement with Canadian mining firm New Millennium Corp for development of an iron ore project in North America, in which the Indian firm would invest 300 million Canadian dollars.
【孟买】经过两年的时间在越南总算获得总投资额50亿美元年产450万吨钢厂用地就绪的塔塔钢铁公司在加拿大跟New Millennium Corp达成协议在北美洲合作发展铁矿山。双方签署有关备忘录。塔塔钢铁公司将在这合作项目投资3亿加元。
2009-11-13 ArtNo.42845(156/177)
【ニューデリー】今年9月の工業生産指数(IIP:index of industrial production)は予想を上回る9.12%の伸びを見、昨年同期の6.03%を凌駕したが、過去22ヶ月来最高の伸びを見た8月の成長率には及ばなかった。また8月のIIP成長率は当初発表の10.4%から10.96%に上方修正された。
◆IIP growth at 9.1% in September
【New Delhi】Industrial output grew a faster-than-expected 9.1 per cent in September against 6 per cent in the same period last year. However this was still lower than the August's upwardly revised 11%(10.4%).
2009-11-13 ArtNo.42847(157/177)
【ニューデリー】最近一部の製品の価格をトン当たり最大1500ルピー引き下げたばかりのSteel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)は10日、主に国際需要の軟化から、再度トン当たり約500ルピー値下げする方針を明らかにした。
◆SAIL to cut prices by up to Rs 500 a tonne soon
【New Delhi】Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL), which has cut prices of some of its products by up to Rs 1,500 a tonne, on November 10 said it will reduce the rates further by about Rs 500 a tonne, mainly on falling global demand.
2009-11-17 ArtNo.42857(158/177)
◆Steel demand rises by 7% till October
【Kolkata】Steel demand rose by 7% in the first seven months of the fiscal year up to October, spurred by the needs of makers of cars and appliances, builders of rural homes. and infrastructure sectors.
2009-11-17 ArtNo.42858(159/177)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadを拠点に特殊鋼の供給を手がける政府系国防企業Mishra Dhatu Nigam Ltd(Midhani)は、400クロー(US$8680万)を投じ熱間圧延鋼板製造施設を増設、主要戦略部門の需要に応じる。
◆Midhani to set up a hot plate mill
【Hyderabad】Mishra Dhatu Nigam Ltd(Midhani), the Hyderabad-based supplier of specialty steels and the defence public sector undertaking, will set up a Rs 400-crore 'Hot Plate Mill' facility to meet key demands from the strategic sectors.
2009-11-17 ArtNo.42866(160/177)
【ニューデリー】Vir Bhadra Singh鉄鋼相は13日、「Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)とNational Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC)の政府持ち分を売却する最終方針は既に決まっている。来月閣議にかけられ、承認が求められる」と語った。大蔵省政府持分処分局(DOD:Department of Disinvestment)のSunil Mitra次官も向こう数ヶ月間に株式が公開される公共企業(PSU:public sector undertaking)に触れた際、規模の大きいBharat Sanchar Nigam Limited(BSNL)、SAILそしてCoal India Ltd(CIL)の名を挙げた。
◆Govt lists 60 PSUs for sell-off
【New Delhi】Union Steel minister Vir Bhadra Singh on November 13 said that the proposal to divest government's stake in the Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) and the National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) is final and would be sent to the Union Cabinet next month for approval. Disinvestment Secretary Sunil Mitra too identified some of the country's largest the public sector undertakings(PSUs)—the Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited(BSNL), SAIL and Coal India—among those to hit the market in coming months.
2009-11-20 ArtNo.42872(161/177)
【コルカタ】ジャールカンド州政府はこのほど、国営Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)に対しChiria鉄鉱資源ベルトに位置するGudaburu及びBuddhaburu鉱山のリース権更新を認めた。これによりChiriaの鉄鉱石資源獲得を目指して来たArcelorMittalを初めとする民間鉄鋼会社は大きな挫折を強いられた。
◆SAIL wins battle with ArcelorMittal for Chiria mines
【Kolkata】In what seemed to be a big setback for private steel companies including ArcelorMittal, the Jharkhand Government has agreed with Steel Authority of India Ltd to renew the Gudaburu and Buddhaburu lease — parts of the Chiria iron ore belt — having reserves of 1000 million tonnes.
2009-11-20 ArtNo.42873(162/177)
◆Nippon Steel steps up exports to India
【Kitakyushu】Nippon Steel Corporation has said that its exports to India had increased in the past years. The company has exported steel rails and sheets to India for manufacturing automobiles and electronic generators.
2009-11-24 ArtNo.42881(163/177)
◆Jindal Rail、日本企業と電車製造で技術提携協議
【ヴァドダラ】Jindal Rail Infrastructure Ltd(JRIL)は、グジャラート州Vadodara県Karjanに建設する鉄道車輌工場で電車(EMU:electric multiple unit電動自走車輌)を製造するため、日本企業と最終段階の技術協力交渉を進めている。
◆Jindal Rail finalising deal with Jap firm for mfg of EMU
【Vadodara】Jindal Rail Infrastructure Ltd is likely to finalise a technical tie-up with a Japanese company for manufacturing of electric multiple unit (EMU) coaches at its upcoming wagon making facility at Karjan near Vadodara.
2009-11-24 ArtNo.42882(164/177)
【ムンバイ】JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)はJFEスチール株式会社と、製造技術協力及び株式持ち合いで合意した。証券市場は同ニュースに敏感に反応したが、JFEスチールによるJSL株式の買収が直ちに行われぬことが明らかになると、すぐ冷却した。
◆JSW in pact with JFE for auto-grade steel
【Mumbai】JSW Steel is collaborating with JFE Steel Corporation for a manufacturing and mutual shareholding agreement. However markets were disappointed that the pact does not immediately involve the acquisition of an equity stake in the Indian company.
2009-11-24 ArtNo.42883(165/177)
◆Bhoruka Aluminium、航空機用アルミ製品製造能力拡張
【チェンナイ】カルナタカ州Mysoreを拠点にするBhorukaグループの一翼を担う、Bhoruka Aluminium Ltd(BAL)は第4生産ラインを増設、アルミニウム押し出し加工能力を現在の月間2000トンから2600トンに拡張する。
◆Bhoruka Aluminium to expand capacity further
【Chennai】Bhoruka Aluminium, a subsidiary of the Mysore-based Bhoruka group, plans to install fourth production line for aluminium extrusions to increase capacity to 2,600 tonnes per month from 2,000 tonnes.
2009-11-27 ArtNo.42896(166/177)
◆ArcelorMittal keen to set up 6 mt plant in Karnataka
【New Delhi】ArcelorMittal has approached the Karnataka Government for setting up a six-million tonne steel plant in the State. Investment likely to be Rs 30,000 crore.
2009-12-01 ArtNo.42908(167/177)
◆Japan Steel Works to expand in India
【New Delhi】Japan Steel Works is focusing on emerging economies like India to expand its overseas operations against the backdrop of weakening performance in major markets like the US.
2009-12-01 ArtNo.42909(168/177)
◆ArcelorMittal now eyes Chhattisgarh
【New Delhi】ArcelorMittal has set its eyes on the mineral-rich Chhattisgarh for setting up a steel plant after it had proposed setting up a six-million-tonne integrated steel plant in Karnataka at an investment of Rs 30,000 crore($6.5bn).
2009-12-01 ArtNo.42910(169/177)
【アーマダバード】グジャラート鉱業開発公社(GMDC:Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation)は、米国拠点のAlu Chem Inc(ACI)及びAshapura Minechem Ltd(AML)と、各年産100万トンのアルミナ製錬合弁契約を結んでいるが、グジャラート州政府鉱工業部が最近採用した新政策により、総投資額4400クロー(US$954.8m)のこれら2件のプロジェクトが加速する見通しだ。
◆Gujarat new policy puts alumina projects on fast-track
【Ahmedabad】Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation (GMDC) has JVs with US based Alu Chem and Ashapura Minechem for setting up alumina projects in the state with a capacity of 1 million tpa each. These two major alumina refinery projects worth about Rs 4,400 crore, has been put on a fast track on account of a new resolution, which the Industries and Mining Department, Gujarat, has recently come out with.
【艾哈迈达巴德】古吉拉特州矿业开发公司计划与总部设在美国的Alu Chem投资公司和阿沙布拉矿业有限公司在该州各设立100万吨矾土提炼厂。因为古吉拉特州工业和矿业部最近采取的一项新决议。这两项总值约440亿卢比的矾土提炼项目,已进入快速轨道。
2009-12-01 ArtNo.42916(170/177)
◆Core sector growth slows to 3.5% in Oct
【New Delhi】The six core infrastructure industries grow 3.5 per cent in October against 2 per cent in the same month a year ago. However the growth slowed down from 4.1 per cent in the preceding month and 7.8 per cent in August.
2009-12-04 ArtNo.42920(171/177)
【ニューデリー】電力部門においてウルトラ・メガ・プロジェクトが良好な成果を上げていることから、鉄鋼省は州政府の協力も得て先ず4~5カ所の候補地を確定した後、ウルトラ・メガ・スチール・プロジェクト(UMSP: ultra mega steel projects)を推進する計画だ。
◆Govt to introduce ultra mega steel project scheme
【New Delhi】After the success of ultra mega projects in the power sector, steel ministry in co-operation with state governments will initially identify four to five locations closer to the iron ore mining sites for developing ultra mega steel projects (UMSP).
2009-12-04 ArtNo.42924(172/177)
◆GDP grows 7.9% in second quarter
【New Delhi】India's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) posted a robust growth rate of 7.9 per cent in the second quarter of the current fiscal (July-September, 2009) as against 6.1 per cent in the first quarter. This has taken the markets and experts by surprise and raised hopes that the growth for the full year will cross 7 per cent.
2009-12-11 ArtNo.42945(173/177)
◆Sponge iron prices up 5% after raids on illegal iron ore mining
【Mumbai】In the wake of the ongoing raids on illegal iron ore mining across the country, sponge iron producers have raised basic selling prices of their products by 5.25 per cent in the last two days.
2009-12-11 ArtNo.42946(174/177)
【ライプル】州政府所有のチャッティースガル鉱業開発公社(CMDC:Chhattisgarh Mining Development Corporation)は、同州Bastar県Keshkal地区Kudarwahi村の20haの土地で約30万トンのボーキサイト鉱脈を発見した。
◆300,000 tonnes of bauxite deposits found in Chhattisgarh
【Raipur】The government-owned Chhattisgarh Mining Development Corporation (CMDC) found about 300,000 tonnes of bauxite reserves spread in an area of 20 hectares at village Kudarwahi in Keshkal area in Bastar district, Chhattisgarh.
2009-12-18 ArtNo.42955(175/177)
【ニューデリー】今年10月の工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)は10.35%の二桁成長をマーク、昨年同月の0.1%の伸びを遙かに上回り、今会計年度第2四半期以来の持続的復調を裏付けた。
◆IIP for October up by robust 10.3 pct
【New Delhi】Showing further evidence of a sustained recovery under way since the second quarter of the current fiscal, India's industrial production rose by an impressive 10.3 percent in October against 0.1 per cent a year ago.
2009-12-22 ArtNo.42968(176/177)
【ニューデリー】Bhushan Steel Ltd(BSL)は、住友金属工業と、オリッサ州に設ける鉄鋼プラントに関わる技術協力契約と製品のマーケッティング契約を結んだ。両社は西ベンガル州Asansolに合弁で年産600万トンの鉄鋼プラントを設ける可能性も協議している。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/42968.htm
◆Bhushan Steel enters into agreement with Sumitomo
【New Delhi】Bhushan Steel Ltd has signed two agreements with Sumitomo Metals for technical know-how and marketing for selling products from the Orissa plant. The two companies are also exploring to set up jointly a six-million tonne steel plant at Asansol in West Bengal.
2009-12-22 ArtNo.42969(177/177)
◆Illegal mining threatening national security:Home ministry
【Mumbai】In a recent meeting with the states, the Union home ministry said that illegal mining has become a national security threat as windfall profits from such mining of minerals and sand were being used by the mafia to aid extremist elements.
金属/鉱物 Metallurgy/Mining in 2009