金属/鉱物 Metallurgy/Mining in 2009
◆Infrastructure industries show signs of revival in Feb
【New Delhi】The index of six core infrastructure industries showed signs of a slight revival by recording a 2.2% growth in February from an upwardly revised 1.5% in January on back of rising demand for petroleum products and finished steel.
2009-03-30 ArtNo.42084(52/177)
◆Safeguards duty imposed on aluminium, chemicals from China
【New Delhi】The Finance Ministry has imposed safeguards duty on aluminium products and agricultural chemicals from China.
2009-04-03 ArtNo.42089(53/177)
◆Sponge iron cluster planed in Orissa
【Bhubaneswar】The Orissa government plans to promote a sponge iron cluster at Bonai in Sundergarh district, with the aim of promoting new technology in the sponge iron plants to reduce carbon emission and ensure optimum use of the resources in the production process.
2009-04-08 ArtNo.42122(54/177)
【ブーバネスワル】オリッサ州政府はNational Aluminium Company (Nalco)に対し、アルミニウム製錬施設とキャプティブ発電施設から成る総額1万6345クロー(US$31.68億)の第2アルミ・コンプレックスの建設地を同州西部Jharsuguda県から同州南部Gopalpur県に移すよう求めた。
◆Nalco's second aluminium complex plan under cloud
【Bhubaneswar】The Orissa government has asked National Aluminium Company (Nalco) to shift the proposed Rs 16,345 crore second aluminium and captive power complex from Jharsuguda in western Orissa to Gopalpur in southern parts of the state.
2009-04-13 ArtNo.42127(55/177)
【ニューデリー】今年2月の工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)成長率は過去15年来(1993年4月に新方式のIIPが記録されるようになって以来)最低のマイナス1.2%を記録した。
◆Industrial output once again contracts by 1.2% in Feb
【New Delhi】India's industrial output posted a 15-year record negative growth of 1.2 per cent, but January's initially reported a fall of 0.5 per cent was revised to a rise of 0.39 per cent. Likewise, provisional estimates had indicated a fall in industrial output by 0.4 per cent in October, but which has since been revised to a positive growth of 0.11 per cent.
2009-04-13 ArtNo.42130(56/177)
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州政府とCoal India Ltd (CIL)の4月8日の合意に基づき少なくとも鉄鋼プロジェクト3件が炭鉱地帯のDurgapur-Asansolベルトの外に移転を強いられ、エアロトロポリス(aerotropolis)建設地にも調整が加えられる見通しだ。
◆3 steel projects to be shifted from coal-bearing areas
【Kolkata】The West Bengal government and Coal India Ltd (CIL) on April 8 reached an agreement that will pave the way for relocation of at least three upcoming steel projects in the Durgapur-Asansol area and the aerotropolis project will also be shifted slightly in order to protect the coal reserves.
2009-04-13 ArtNo.42131(57/177)
【ブーバネスワル】Arcelor-Mittalはオリッサ州とジャールカンド州に建設する2つのメガ鉄鋼コンプレックスをサポートする専用港を、オリッサ州のMahanadi川北部Paradip近郊のBarunei Muhanに建設することを正式に提案した。
◆Mittal formality proposes to build captive port in Orissa
【Bhubaneswar】Arcelor-Mittal has formally proposed to set up a captive port, which will serve two mega integrated steel plants of the company proposed in Orissa and Jharkhand, at Barunei Muhan, located to the north of Mahanadi river near Paradip in Orissa
【布巴内斯瓦尔】阿塞勒米塔尔钢铁公司为了在奥里萨州与贾坎德州兴建两间超级大型钢厂,正式提议在奥里萨州伯拉迪布附近默哈纳迪河北部Barunei Muhan发展自用港。
2009-04-17 ArtNo.42138(58/177)
【コラプット】インド共産党毛沢東派(CPI Maoists)の武装組織Naxalが4月12日夜、国営National Aluminium Company Ltd(Nalco)がオリッサ州Koraput県Panchapatmaliで経営するアジア最大のボーキサイト採掘場を襲撃、中央産業保安部隊(CISF:Central Industrial Security Force)と8時間にわたり銃撃戦を展開した。武装グループは翌朝撤退したが、この戦闘でCISF隊員11人と女性を含むマオイスト4人が死亡した。
◆Asia's largest bauxite mine halts as Maoists' attack
【Koraput】An eight-hour gun-battle between the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) and Naxalites at the Panchapatmali bauxite mines of the National Aluminium Company Ltd in Koraput district of Orissa ended early morning, April 13, leaving 11 CISF personnel and four Maoists dead.
2009-04-17 ArtNo.42139(59/177)
◆Stainless steel demand to increase phenomenally in two years
【Mumbai】India's per capita stainless steel consumption is likely to double in two-three years thanks to a revival in demand from the auto and railway sectors.
2009-04-21 ArtNo.42151(60/177)
◆Steel units better placed for expansion
【New Delhi】The Indian steel industry has weathered the financial storm reasonably well. Greenfield capacity expansions will re-emerge sooner in India compared with other countries due to clear signs of demand prospects, said Steel Secretary P. K. Rastogi.
【新德里】根据钢铁部常任秘书P. K. Rastogi,印度制钢业经受了金融危机的考验。印度钢铁业比其他国家早一点重新开始新设备投资活动,因为需求展望良好。
2009-04-21 ArtNo.42152(61/177)
【ムンバイ】インド経済監視センター(CMIE:Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy)によると、①建設業の繁忙期を通じた政府資金によるインフラ開発工事、②自動車産業に生じた復調の兆し、③2008年7月のピーク時に比べ40~45%下降した鋼材価格等の有利な状況が鉄鋼需要を刺激、国内鉄鋼産業は回復しつつあり、こうした回復基調は新財政年度一杯持続する見通しだ。
◆Improved demand for steel to continue: CMIE
【Mumbai】The ongoing government-funded infrastructure projects during the peak construction season, a slight revival in the automobile industry and a sharp 40-45 per cent correction in the steel prices from the peak of July 2008 spurred the demand for steel. The trend will continue in the present financial year.
2009-04-21 ArtNo.42153(62/177)
◆需要回復に関わらず値上げは考えない:JSW Steel
【ニューデリー】JSW SteelのSajjan Jindal副会長兼MDはこのほど「国内需要は復調の兆しを見せているが、鉄鋼メーカーは値上げを考えない」と語った。
◆Steel makers not to hike prices despite rising demand
【New Delhi】Steel manufacturers are not considering any price rise even as domestic demand has revived, JSW Steel Vice-Chairman & Managing Director Sajjan Jindal told reporters here.
2009-04-21 ArtNo.42154(63/177)
◆ArcelorMittal postpones plans in Orissa, Jharkhand for two years
【New Delhi】ArcelorMittal's greenfield steel project in Orissa and Jharkhand will be delayed by at least two years on account of problems in securing land and mines and the recent economic slowdown.
2009-04-28 ArtNo.42177(64/177)
◆Govt slaps anti-dumping duty on stainless steel
【New Delhi】The government on April 23 imposed a provisional anti-dumping duty on certain high-end stainless steel products imported from European Union and seven other countries, including China, Thailand, the US, Spain, Korea and France to guard domestic industry.
2009-05-05 ArtNo.42191(65/177)
【ニューデリー】インフラ中核産業6業種は2009年3月に2.9%の成長を記録、前週の見直し後の伸び率1.3%(暫定数字2.2%)を僅かに上回った。2.9%の伸びは昨年同月と同 ・だが、昨年9月以来6ヶ月間の最高で、景気復調の兆しとも見られている。
◆Core sector records highest growth in the last six months
【New Delhi】Showing early signs of revival, six core infrastructure industries grew 2.9 per cent in March, 2009, marginally higher than revised 1.3 per cent in the previous month(the provisional figure was 2.2 per cent). Growth of 2.9 per cent in March, 2009 is the highest increase in the last six months since September 2008. However it is flat compared to that in the same month in the previous year.
2009-05-05 ArtNo.42195(66/177)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)のKrishna Godavari(KG)海盆天然ガス田の生産量が40mmscmd(metric million standard cubic meters per day)を超えた際には、鉄鋼産業に優先的に同ガスを配分する方針を決めた。
◆Steel sector to get priority in KG basin gas allocation
【New Delhi】The Indian government has decided to accord priority to the steel industry in allocation of natural gas from Reliance Industries Krishna Godavari basin once the initial fuel production exceeds 40 mmscmd.
2009-05-05 ArtNo.42196(67/177)
◆Uttam Galva、サービス・センター拡張
【ニューデリー】Uttam Galva Steels Ltd(UGSL)は今後1年間に400クロー(US$8000万)を投じ、サービス・センターを拡張するとともに、製品ポートフォリオを拡大する。
◆Uttam Galva to invest $ 80 m for capacity addition
【New Delhi】Uttam Galva Steels Ltd has decided to embark upon a Rs 400 crore ($80m) plan to enhance capacity of its service centre and add new product mix over the next one year.
2009-05-08 ArtNo.42198(68/177)
◆Rollout of $8.9b worth steel projects being delayed
【New Delhi】The 14 of the total 28 ongoing steel projects worth Rs 44,500 crore ($8.9b) are running behind schedule as of February-end. The delay in execution could lead to substantial cost escalation.
2009-05-08 ArtNo.42199(69/177)
◆Long steel products demand to grow at 8%
【Mumbai】Demand for long steel products is expected to increase at 7-8% in the current quarter with increased focus on infrastructure. However, experts believe flat products demand to remain under pressure till March 2010 with the automotive industry yet to witness any strong signs of revival.
2009-05-08 ArtNo.42201(70/177)
◆Orissa to invite bids for Barunei port
【Bhubaneswar】ArcelorMittal wants to set up a captive port at Barunei near Paradip port. However the Orissa government plans to select a developer for the Barunei port site through competitive bidding routes. Thus, ArcelorMittal has to compete with other port developers to bag the port site.
2009-05-12 ArtNo.42210(71/177)
【ムンバイ】公共部門の鉄鋼ジャイアンツSteel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)と主要民間鉄鋼会社3社、Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)/Essar Steel Ltd(ESL)/JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)の今年4月の販売は、鉄鋼需要の復調に対する期待が高まる中、記録的な伸びを実現した。
◆Top steelmakers' April sales soar
【Mumbai】Public sector steel giant Steel Authority of India and Top three private steelmakers, Tata Steel, Essar Steel and JSW Steel have registered record April sales, raising hopes of a revival in steel demand.
2009-05-12 ArtNo.42211(72/177)
【ブーバネスワル】National Aluminium Company (Nalco)は、インド共産党毛沢東派の武装組織Naxalが4月12日にオリッサ州Panchpatmali鉱山を襲撃し爆薬を略奪した後、Panchpatmali鉱山からのボーキサイトの供給が35%ダウン、これに伴いアルミナ生産も3分の1ほど縮小を強いられるのではないかと懸念している。同社はまたボーキサイトの採掘に爆薬を使用せぬ新技術を採用することを検討している。
◆Nalco alumina production may drop by a third
【Bhubaneswar】National Aluminium Company (Nalco) fears a one-third drop in its alumina output following a drop in bauxite supply from its Panchpatmali mines in the aftermath of the Naxalite attack to loot explosives on April 12. The company is also considering to use sophisticated technologies, which do not require explosives, for the extraction of bauxite from Panchpatmali mines.
2009-05-15 ArtNo.42224(73/177)
【ニューデリー】今年3月の工業生産指数(IIP:index of industrial production)は、1994年に同指数が採用されて以来、したがて16年来最悪の2.3%のマイナス成長を記録した。
◆IIP growth dips sharply to -2.3% in March
【New Delhi】Industrial production shrank 2.3% in March from a year earlier, the worst since the current index of industrial production (IIP) series started in 1994.
2009-05-15 ArtNo.42227(74/177)
◆Govt defers safeguard duty on six intermediates
【New Delhi】The government on May 11 deferred a decision to impose a safeguard duty on six items, including HR coils, auto-components, acrylic fibre and paper products, as they felt that the matter needs to be examined further after taking views of the consuming industry.
2009-05-22 ArtNo.42251(75/177)
◆Iron ore export prices to China up 12%
【Kolkata】Iron ore having 63 per cent iron content export price to China has increased by around 12 per cent from $48 a tonne to $54 a tonne since end of April.
2009-05-29 ArtNo.42271(76/177)
◆Iron ore exports dive 54% in March
【New Delhi】The exports of iron ore plunged by 54% in March from the year-ago period due to recession in world's major economies like the US and the Europe.
2009-05-29 ArtNo.42272(77/177)
【ヴィシャカパトナム】国営製鉄所Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd(RINL)は、日本の新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(Nedo)と、アンドラプラデシュ州のVisakhapatnam steel plant(VSP)において『焼結クーラー排熱回収(sinter cooler waste recovery)』プロジェクトを共同で進めることで合意、関係覚書を交換した。
◆RINL inks pact with Japan's Nedo
【Visakhapatnam】The New Energy and Industrial Technology and Development Organisation (Nedo) of Japan and Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd (RINL) have signed a memorandum of understanding for sinter cooler waste recovery project at the latter's Visakhapatnam steel plant.
2009-05-29 ArtNo.42273(78/177)
【ムンバイ】インド経済監視センター(CMIE:Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy)によると、インドにおける2009-10年のアルミニウム生産は、複数のアルミニウム製造プロジェクトの完成と、電力設備部門や建設部門における健全な需要に支えられ、10.7%の成長を遂げる見通しだ。
◆Aluminium production to grow by 10.7% in FY10
【Mumbai】Aluminium output is expected to grow by 10.7 per cent in FY10 on the back of the completion of various projects and healthy demand from the electrical power equipment and construction sectors, according to the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE).
2009-06-02 ArtNo.42288(79/177)
【ムンバイ】JSW Groupは、1900クロー(US$3.958億)のセメント製造事業と4200クロー(US$8.749億)のアルミニウム製錬事業を、市況が回復するまで暫時棚上げする方針を決めた。
◆JSW shelves cement, aluminium expansion plans
【Mumbai】JSW Group has put on hold its Rs 1,900-crore expansion in cement and Rs 4,200-crore aluminium expansion plan till the market revives.
2009-06-05 ArtNo.42293(80/177)
◆Core sector rebounds in April
【New Delhi】Riding on improved production in cement, finished steel, coal and electricity, the six core industries grew by 4.3 per cent in April 2009, highest since July 2008.
2009-06-05 ArtNo.42299(81/177)
【ニューデリー】公共部門の鉄鋼会社4社-①Metal Scrap Trade Corporation Ltd(MSTCL)/②Ferro Scrap Nigam Ltd(FSNL)/③Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Ltd(KIOCL)/④Hindustan Steelworks Construction Ltd(HSCL)-の機能や役割の最適化を図る上から、鉄鋼省は専門委員会を組織、再編案の立案を委ねた。
◆Panel sets up to restructure 4 steel PSUs
【New Delhi】In an initiative to optimise the functioning of four of its public sector undertakings, Metal Scrap Trade Corporation Ltd, Ferro Scrap Nigam Ltd, Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Ltd and Hindustan Steel Works Construction Ltd, the steel ministry is considering restructuring the companies and has appointed a committee to suggest ways for it.
2009-06-09 ArtNo.42314(82/177)
【ニューデリー】JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)は2日、今日の経済環境を配慮し西ベンガル州に年産1000万トンの鉄鋼プラントを設ける計画の着工を延期すると発表した。
◆JSW defers 10-mega tonnes West Bengal steel project
【New Delhi】JSW Steel on June 2 said the commencement of construction work for the 10-mega tonnes per annum (MTPA) West Bengal steel project will now be deferred on account of the current economic situation.
2009-06-12 ArtNo.42319(83/177)
◆Tata/VSP/JSW Steel、何れも5月に二桁成長マーク
【ニューデリー】Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)とVisakhapatnam steel plant(VSP)の5月の鉄鋼製品売上げは前者が18%、後者が20%成長、またJSW Steel Ltd(JSL)の5月の粗鋼(crude steel)生産は33%の伸びを見た。
◆Tata, VSP, JSW Steel mark double digit growth in May
【New Delhi】Tata Steel nad Visakhapatnam steel plant's sales volumes surged by 18 per cent and 20 per cent in May respectively. Meanwhile, JSW Steel also clocked a 33 per cent growth in crude steel production for May 2009.
2009-06-12 ArtNo.42320(84/177)
【ブーバネスワル】指導的な鉱業会社Vedanta Resources Plc(VRP)は、オリッサ州におけるアルミニウム事業の第1期計画に対する当局の承認が得られたことから、1ヶ月以内にボーキサイトの採掘に着手、向こう2年間に同州アルミ事業に2万5000クロー(US$23.2億)を追加投資する。
◆Vedanta to start aluminium project in Orissa
【Bhubaneswar】Riding on 'Stage I' clearance, mining major Vedanta plans to start bauxite mining project in Orissa's Niyamgiri Hills within a month and to invest Rs 25,000 crore more for its aluminium units in the state in next two years.
2009-06-16 ArtNo.42329(85/177)
【ニューデリー】今年4月の工業生産指数(IIP:index of industrial production)は1.4%の伸びを記録、今年3月の-0.75%、同2月の-0.72%、同1月の+1.03%、昨年12月の-0.25%を上回った。しかし昨年同月の6.2%の伸びには及ばなかった。観測筋は、「8%以上の成長軌道に乗るにはなお時間を要するが、回復の兆しと言える」とコメントした。
◆Industrial output grows 1.4% in April
【New Delhi】The index of industrial production (IIP) rose by 1.4 per cent in April from a year earlier. it is better than the preceding four months' numbers of minus 0.75 per cent in March, minus 0.72 per cent in February, 1.03 per cent in January and minus 0.25 per cent in December. Howe ver, it is down compared with 6.2 per cent in April 2008. It could be seen as early sign of recovery, though a return to 8-plus per cent industrial expansion was some time away, economists said.
【新德里】今年4月的工业生产指数上升1.4%,超过过去4个月的- 0.75(3月),-0.72(2月),1.03%(1月)和-0.25(12月),不过低于去年同一月的6.2%。经济分析家们说,这可以说是复苏的先兆,尽管复苏到8%以上还需要一段的时间。
2009-06-16 ArtNo.42332(86/177)
【ニューデリー】鉄鋼省は、政府が民営化政策を正式に発表するなら国営鉄鋼会社の民営化に何時でも着手する用意がある。鉄鋼省はまた、鉄鋼会社3社-Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)/Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd(RINL)/National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC)-の設備拡張に7万クロー(US$148.96億)を投じ方針と言う。
◆Ministry ready for divestment in Steel PSUs
【New Delhi】Union Steel Ministry is ready for disinvestment in steel public sector undertakings (PSUs) when the Government comes out with a formal policy on the issue and is also ready for investment of Rs 70,000 crore on moderanisation and expansion programmes of three PSUs — Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL), Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd(RINL), National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC).
2009-06-16 ArtNo.42333(87/177)
◆Demand for cement tapers off in May
【Mumbai】The robust growth in cement production and despatches of about 50 companies have tapered off in May on a sequential basis due to the general elections and distribution constrains on the back of logistics problems.
2009-06-19 ArtNo.42342(88/177)
【ニューデリー】国営炭鉱会社Coal India Ltd(CIL)は、近く一般炭(thermal coal)400万トンを輸入するため国際入札を募集する。インド最大の石炭生産会社がこの種の入札を募集するのは今回初めてのこと。
◆CIL to float a global tender for 4 mt thermal coal soon
【New Delhi】Coal India will soon invited bids globally to import 4 million tonnes of thermal coal, an exercise which is being undertaken for the first time by the country's biggest coal producer.
2009-06-19 ArtNo.42343(89/177)
【ニューデリー】ボンベイ高裁は、このほどAmbani兄弟の兄が経営するReliance Industries Ltd.(RIL)に対し、弟が経営するReliance Natural Resources Limited(RNRL)に東海岸沖合Krishna Godavari(KG)海盆KG-D6鉱区で採取した天然ガスを1mmbtu(million metric British thermal unit)当たり2.34米ドルで供給するよう命じる判決を下したが、石油天然ガス省は、その翌日、RILに1mmbtu当たり4.20米ドルでEssarやIspat等の鉄鋼会社にKG-D6ガスを販売するとともに、電力会社9社に対する割当量も拡大するよう指示した。これは多くの肥料会社が割り当て量を消化できず、ガス田がキャパシティーを大幅に下回る稼働を強いられているため。
◆Govt asks RIL to sell gas to steel cos and nine power co
【New Delhi】The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas has asked Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL) to sell natural gas from its eastern offshore KG-D6 fields at $4.20 per million British thermal unit (mmBtu) to steel firms like Essar and Ispat and to make additional allocation to nine power companies from the surplus available because of no or low offtake by fertiliser units, a day after the Bombay High Court asked the company to supply gas to Reliance Natural Resources Limited, owned by younger brother Anil Ambani, at $2.34 mmBtu.
2009-06-23 ArtNo.42353(90/177)
【ムンバイ】Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)は、過去2ヶ月来2度目のトン当たり500~750ルピーの値上げを実施、JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)も来月、自動車及び消費財業界向け一部製品の値上げを予定している。しかしシンクタンク、インド経済監視センター(CMIE:Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy)によると、鋼材価格は向こう3ヶ月間に5%程度下降する見通しと言う。
◆Tata Steel hikes prices, JSW Steel may follow suit
【Mumbai】Tata Steel has raised product prices by Rs 500-750 per tonne for the second time in the last two months. JSW Steel is also considering to raise prices of some products used in automobiles and consumer goods next month. However economic think-tank Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) expects steel prices to fall by around 5 per cent in the next three months.
2009-06-23 ArtNo.42355(91/177)
【ニューデリー】石炭鉱業部門の全ての公共企業(PSU:public sector undertaking)は、政府持ち分の部分的売却を必要としている。これらの企業にはCoal India Limited(CIL)とその子会社、そして褐炭会社Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC)が含まれる。Sriprakash Jaiswal石炭鉱業相は17日記者会見し以上の消息を語った。
◆All coal sector PSUs in selloff list
【New Delhi】Disinvestment has become 'necessary' for all coal sector PSUs(public sector undertakings), which include Coal India Limited, its seven subsidiaries and Neyveli Lignite Corporation, Union Coal Minister Sriprakash Jaiswal said on June 17.
2009-06-26 ArtNo.42366(92/177)
【ニューデリー】インド中央政府は主要鉱物に課すロイヤルティーを、これまでの固定料率から従価方式に改める計画だ。BK Handique鉱業相は22日記者会見し、「新ロイヤルティー制度は近く閣議の承認が求められる」と語った。
◆Ad valorem royalty to make Indian iron ore less competitive
【New Delhi】The Centre plans to introduce the ad valorem royalty for major minerals, such as iron ore, instead of the present fixed rates system. Mines minister BK Handique told reporters on June 22 that the new royalty structure would soon be sent to the Cabinet for approval.
【新德里】印度中央政府计划对主要矿物例如铁矿征收从价专利权费代替现有的固定专利权费。印度联邦矿业部部长Bijoy Krishna Handique在6月22日说「新的矿物专利权费结构将不久向内阁提出以便阁议的批准。」
2009-06-30 ArtNo.42382(93/177)
◆Demand for casting iron to increase sharply:F&S
【Chennai】It is estimated that growing concern over pollution and higher operating costs has forced nearly 4,000 foundries to close in the Europe and the US and demand has shifted to countries such as India, China, and Brazil.
2009-07-03 ArtNo.42391(94/177)
◆Core infrastructure sector grows 2.8% in May
【New Delhi】Growth in six core infrastructure industries dropped to 2.8 per cent in May 2009 against against 3.1 per cent in the same month last year. However the production improved in cement, coal and electricity.
2009-07-07 ArtNo.42407(95/177)
【ムンバイ】Sajjan Jindal氏に率いられる国内第3位の鉄鋼メーカーJSW Steel Ltdは3日、今年4-6月の間の粗鋼生産が前年同期比45%増加したと発表した。これは主にカルナタカ州に設けた新工場が稼働したため。一方、同社米国工場は需要に回復の兆しが生じたことから鋼板と鋼管の生産を2倍に拡大する。
◆JSW crude steel output up 45%, US output to be doubled
【Mumbai】Sajjan Jindal-controlled JSW Steel on July 3 said that its crude steel output for the April-June quarter was up 45 percent, mainly due to production from its new plant in Karnataka. India's No 3 maker of the alloy also plans to double the output from its plate and pipe mills in the US following a revival in demand.
2009-07-07 ArtNo.42408(96/177)
◆Jindal Stainless、年産量を80万トンに拡張
【コルカタ】Ratan Jindal氏に率いられるJindal Stainless Ltd(JSL)は、2010年半ばまでに年産量を80万トンに拡大することを目指している。同社は現在オリッサ州Jajpur県Kalinganagarに年産160万トンの総合的鉄鋼製造施設を建設している。
◆JSL aims 0.8 mt stainless steel capacity by mid-2010
【Kolkata】Ratan Jindal promoted Jindal Stainless Ltd(JSL) hopes to attain 0.8 million tonne stainless steel making capacity by mid-2010. The company is setting up a 1.6 million tonne per annum integrated stainless steel project at Kalinganagar in Jajpur district of Orissa.
2009-07-07 ArtNo.42409(97/177)
◆Binani Zinc生産能力3倍に、5月の国内生産17%増加
【ムンバイ】国内第2の亜鉛メーカーBinani Zinc Ltd (BZL)は、インフラ領域における需要拡大に乗じ、亜鉛の製造能力をほぼ3倍に拡大することを目指している。一方、国内最大の亜鉛メーカーHindustan Zinc (HZL)が不断に設備能力を拡張する中、5月の国内亜鉛生産は前年同月比17%の伸びを見た。
◆Binani Zinc to treble capacity, zinc output rises 17% in May
【Mumbai】The country's second largest zinc producer, Binani Zinc Ltd (BZL) is planning to almost treble zinc production capacity to capitalise rising metal's consumption in infrastructure. Meanwhile the country's zinc output rose 17 per cent in May on continuous expansion in installed capacity by the largest producer Hindustan Zinc (HZL).
2009-07-07 ArtNo.42410(98/177)
◆Govt cancels coal supplies to 25 captive power plants
【New Delhi】The Union Coal Ministry on July 3 cancelled allocation of coal supplies to 25 captive power plants with a combined capacity of 1,292mw.
2009-07-10 ArtNo.42418(99/177)
◆No case for hike in import duty on steel products, says Govt
【New Delhi】The Indian government on July 8 ruled out any hike in import duty on steel products. Howeve it promised to protect the interest of domestic steel producers by restricting iron ore exports.
2009-07-14 ArtNo.42425(100/177)
◆IIP clocks 8-month high 2.7% in May
【New Delhi】Although modest, India's industrial output expanded 2.66 per cent in May, the highest since the global crisis hit the Indian economy in September last year, on the back of strong consumer demand in the domestic market.
金属/鉱物 Metallurgy/Mining in 2009