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経済一般 General Economics in 2008
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元のページへ戻る ►2008-02-27 ArtNo.40658(51/531)
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州政府は州内の情報技術(IT)産業の成長を加速する狙いからSynopsis/Magma/Caden等の指導的デザイン会社にSalt Lakeに設けられるIndia Design Center(IDS)に拠点を設けるよう勧誘している。(...続きを読む)
◆Bengal lures IT design units
【Kolkata】In a bid to encourage the IT growth in the state, the West Bengal state government was in talks with leading designing companies like Synopsis, Magma and Caden to set up operations at the upcoming India Design Center at Salt Lake.
2008-02-27 ArtNo.40659(52/531)
【ニューデリー】インドの世界知的所有権機関(WIPO:World Intellectual Property Organisation)に対する特許権申請数は2003年764件、2004年724件、2005年679件と下降線を辿り、2006年には831件に持ち直したが、2007年には再度686件に減少した。(...続きを読む)
◆Patents filings from India on the wane
【New Delhi】According to the provisional data from the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), the number of patent applications from India has come down to 686 in 2007 from 831 in the previous year. Further, the country's patent filings before 2006 had been declining steadily since 203 as the country's 679 applications in 2005 is lesser than the 724 applications in 2004 and the 764 in 2003.
2008-02-27 ArtNo.40660(53/531)
◆Mall bubble set to blast by 2010
【Mumbai】Thanks to consolidation in the retail industry, nearly 50% of the malls will shut down by March 2010 and the hoopla surrounding the sector would considerably subside by then.
2008-02-29 ArtNo.40661(54/531)
【ニューデリー】2007-08年経済報告書(Economic Survey 2007-08)を国会に上程したP Chidambaramは、2008-09年に9%の国内総生産(GDP)成長率を実現し、インフレを抑制することに自信を表明、これにより一般国民の福祉も向上するとの見通しを明らかにした。(...続きを読む)
◆FM confident of 9% growth:Economic Survey tabled
【New Delhi】Speaking to reporters after tabling Economic Survey 2007-08 in the Parliament on February 28, Finance Minister P Chidambaram exuded confidence of achieving a nine per cent economic growth and containing inflation in 2008-09 and said this would help ensure overall welfare of common man.
2008-02-29 ArtNo.40662(55/531)
【ニューデリー】Indian Railways(IR)は向こう5年間に25万クロー(US$635.41億)を投資する計画で、内10万クロー(US$254.16億)の投資には公共民間協力(PPP:public-private partnership)方式が採用される。(...続きを読む)
◆Railway to attract Rs 1 lakh cr investment through PPP
【New Delhi】Indian Railways is expecting to attract Rs 1,00,000 crore investments through public-private partnership (PPP), out of a total planned investment of Rs 2,50,000 crore over the next five years.
2008-02-29 ArtNo.40664(56/531)
【ムンバイ】インド政府は各州政府に州内送配電網及びサブ送配電網(intra-state and sub-transmission and distribution system)増強の時限目標を作成し、進捗状況を厳格に点検、発電能力の増強に合わせてタイムリーに関係工事を完成させるよう指示した。(...続きを読む)
◆States asked to show time-bound T&D target
【Mumbai】The Centre has asked states to work out a time-bound implementation programme for their intra-state and sub-transmission and distribution system and closely to monitor various implementation activities ensuring a timely completion of the works matching with increase in generation availability.
2008-02-29 ArtNo.40666(57/531)
【ニューデリー】石油省は、PMT(Panna/Mukta and Tapti)鉱区からReliance Industries Ltd(RIL)の石油化学プラントに対するガス供給を再開することを認めたが、RIL以外の消費者には同様の優遇措置は認められない見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Reliance to receive 3.6 mmscmd gas from PMT fields
【New Delhi】The Petroleum Ministry has decided to restore gas supplies to Reliance Industries' petrochemical plants from Panna/Mukta and Tapti fields, but other consumers may not get such preferential treatment.
2008-02-29 ArtNo.40668(58/531)
◆West Bengal to receive natural gas from Reliance, HP
【Kolkata】West Bengal, which is midst of an industrial resurgence and growing vehicular pollution, will receive natural gas in three years to convert vehicles to run with greener fuel.
2008-02-29 ArtNo.40672(59/531)
◆The govt nods to short selling by institutional investors
【New Delhi】The Indian central government has finally given the go ahead to short selling by institutional investors, just a few days before presenting the Budget.
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40673(60/531)
【ニューデリー】P Chidambaram蔵相は2月29日、目を見張る6万クロー(US$152.50億)の農業ローン返済免除パッケージから給与所得者の所得税負担軽減まで、有権者の歓心を買う一連の施策が盛り込まれた新年度予算案を国会に上程した。これは国民会議派率いる統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政府にとって5度目、また今年5月に任期が切れる同政権にとって今期最後の、つまり総選挙の年の予算案になる。(...続きを読む)
◆FM deliberate "please all" Election year Budget
【New Delhi】Finance Minister P Chidambaram on February 29 presented a "please all" Budget for 2008-09, which is the fifth and the last full-fledged budget of the Congress-led UPA government, whose term is expiring in May 2009, announcing a number of goodies for virtually every section of society, ranging from the Rs 60,000-crore farm loan waiver package to a bonanza of sorts for the salaried class.
【新德里】财政部长P Chidambaram2月29日向国会提出讨全民欢心的2008-09年财政预算案。印度国民大会党为首的联合进步同盟政府的第5次财政预算案,它的任期到2008年5月期满,所以也是这个任期最后一次的大选年预算案。怪不得部长提议从6000亿卢比相等于152亿5000万美元农业贷款免还措施到薪水阶级的减轻所得税措施等一系列的讨人欢心措施。
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40674(61/531)
◆Excise on cars, 2-wheelers, buses and chassis slashed
【New Delhi】In the Union Budget 2008-09, the Government reduced excise duty on two-wheelers, three-wheelers, small passenger cars, buses and bus-chassis to 12 per cent from the current 16 per cent.
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40675(62/531)
◆Slash in excise duty rates for hybrid cars
【Mumbai】The union government has announced reducing the excise duty from 24% to 14% for hybrid cars which use a combination of electric motors with gasoline/diesel engines.
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40676(63/531)
【ニューデリー】中央付加価値税(CENVAT:central value added tax)の16%から14%への引き下げ、統合技術製品(convergence product)に対する輸入関税の10%から5%への引き下げ、プロジェクト輸入関税の7.5%から5%への引き下げは、耐久消費財業界に多少恩恵を及ぼす見通しだが、同業界が政府に求めた鋼/銅/その他の原料に対する輸入税の引き下げやある種の不合理な税制の是正は図られなかったため、耐久消費財の小売価格が下降する可能性は薄い。(...続きを読む)
◆Consumer electronics has little to cheer
【New Delhi】Some of the concessions that will benefit the consumer electronics industry are the reduction in the Central Value-Added Tax (CENVAT) to 14 per cent from 16 per cent, the reduction in customs duties on convergence products to five per cent from 10 per cent and the reduction in duties on project imports to five per cent from 7.5 per cent. However, the industry's demand for a reduction in the import duties on raw materials such as steel, copper and other inputs as well as the removal of certain anomalies in duties have not been met. Thus, the Budget seems to have any impact on the prices of consumer electronics products.
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40677(64/531)
◆Telecom sector dejected
【New Delhi】Indian telecom industry, which had been expecting a reduction in the overall tax levied on the sector, especially the licence fee, expressed disappointment with the Budget proposals as none of its major demands have been addressed by the Finance Minister.
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40678(65/531)
【ニューデリー】インターネットと広帯域の利用拡大努力の一環として、蔵相はワイヤレス・データモデム・カードに対する消費税とネット(IP:Internet protocol)電話に対するサービス税を撤廃、IP-TV/携帯TV/IP電話等に用いられるいわゆる統合技術製品(convergence product)に対する輸入関税を10%から5%に引き下げた。(...続きを読む)
◆Enhancing Internet and broadband usage
【New Delhi】In a move aimed at enhancing Internet and broadband usage in the country, the Finance Minister has abolished excise duty on wireless data modem cards and service tax on Internet telephony and reduced customs duty on convergence products from 10 per cent to 5 per cent.
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40679(66/531)
【ムンバイ】P Chidambaram蔵相は新年度予算案の国会上程に際してパッケージ・ソフトウェア製品に対する消費税率を8%から12%に引き上げると発表、ソフトウェア業界を驚かせた。(...続きを読む)
◆Rise in duty on packaged software upsets tech firms
【Mumbai】The Indian software sector was surprised and upset when the finance minister P Chidambaram on February 29 proposed raising excise duty on packaged software to 12 percent from 8 percent.
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40680(67/531)
【ニューデリー】P. Chidambaram蔵相は2月29日、新年度予算案を国会に上程した際、送配電網(T&D)の再編に照準を合わせた新電力基金を設立するとともに、少なくとも新たに5件のウルトラ・メガ発電プロジェクト(UMPP:Ultra Mega Power Project)の入札を募集する方針を明らかにした。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt to set up a new T&D fund, push UMPPs
【New Delhi】The Finance Minister announced that the Government would set up a new fund in the power sector that focussed on transmission and distribution reforms and push for at least five new Ultra Mega Power Projects (UMPPs) to the bidding stage, with three of these already having been awarded to private sector players and a fourth one slated to be awarded shortly.
【新德里】P. Chidambaram财政部长在国会提出2008-09年财政预算案时说,印度政府将设立瞄准加强输配电网的电力基金,也计划邀请至少5件超级大型发电项目的国际投标。
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40681(68/531)
【ニューデリー】新年度予算案は輸出志向ユニット(EOU:export-oriented unit)がその製品を国内で販売するのを制限するよう提案しており、石油化学企業が大きな影響を被りそうだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Petro chemical companies affected by the EOU scheme change
【New Delhi】The Union Budget 2008-09 has made it more difficult for export-oriented units (EOUs) to sell in the domestic market. Petro chemical companies are likely to be affected by the change.
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40682(69/531)
◆Fertiliser industry dissatisfied over budget proposals
【Chennai】Though the fertiliser industry will benefit from the reduction in duty on sulphur, which has been cut from 5% to 2%, and the Rs 60,000-crore ($15 billion) farm loan waiver package, the fertiliser industry has remained unimpressed over budget proposals.
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40683(70/531)
◆Textile industry upset over puny measures
【Coimbatore】The textile industry is upset that the Union Budget has only a few puny measures to overcome the unprecedented crisis it faced.
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40684(71/531)
◆Healthcare, pharmaceutical sectors given a direction
【Bangalore】Healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors probably never had it so good, especially at a time when the healthcare sector is on an expansion spree.
2008-03-05 ArtNo.40685(72/531)
【ムンバイ】銀行界は、P Chidambaram蔵相が2008-09年予算案の国会上程に際して明らかにした6万クロー(US$152.50億)の農業ローン返済免除措置の詳細が明らかにされるのを不安と焦慮に駆られながら待っている。(...続きを読む)
◆Bankers anxiously awaiting details on loan write-off
【Mumbai】Bankers are now anxiously awaiting finer details on the proposal to write-off loans to the tune of Rs 60,000 crore extended to farmers announced by finance minister P Chidambaram in Budget 2008-09.
【孟买】银行界怀着焦虑等待政府发表6000亿卢比相等于152亿5000万美元农业贷款免还措施的详细内容。这个措施是财政部长P Chidambaram2月29日向国会提出的2008-09年财政预算案里提议的一系列措施中最重要的一环。
2008-03-05 ArtNo.40692(73/531)
◆Cars, scooters maintain buoyant: Survey
【New Delhi】The automotive industry has suffered from a significant slackening in growth as interest rates curbed demand. However the segments including passenger cars, jeeps, scooters and mopeds buoyed during the current fiscal as on November 2007 according to the Economic Survey.
2008-03-10 ArtNo.40698(74/531)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は3月5日、鉄鋼メーカーに頻繁な値上げを控え、値上げを決める際は価格監視委員会(Price Monitoring Committee)の意見に配慮するよう求めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Steelmakers asked to abstain from frequent price hikes
【New Delhi】Government on March 5 asked steel producers to refrain from increasing prices frequently and said that the views of the Price Monitoring Committee should be factored in while deciding on price hikes.
2008-03-10 ArtNo.40699(75/531)
【コルカタ】インド国際経済関係調査委員会(ICRIER:Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations)は、「インドの鉄鉱石資源は現在の水準から大幅に拡大することができ、鉄鉱石輸出に関しては今直ちに保護主義的政策を採用する必要はない」との報告書を発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆No need to curb iron ore exports: ICRIER
【Kolkata】According to a study carried out by Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, India's iron ore resources can increase significantly from the current estimated level. As for ore exports there is no urgency to rush into any conservationist policy.
2008-03-10 ArtNo.40706(76/531)
【ニューデリー】新年度予算の下、複合作業契約(composite works contract)スキームのサービス税率が契約総額の2%から4%に引き上げられたことから、請負業者は打撃を受ける見通しだ。
◆Doubling service tax on composite work to blow contractors
【New Delhi】The service tax rate on the composite works contract scheme will be doubled from 2% of the total value of the contract to 4% under the budget 2008-09. It seems to give a blow to contractors.
2008-03-10 ArtNo.40707(77/531)
◆January exports grows by 20.47%
【New Delhi】India's exports for January 2008 clocked a growth of 20.47 per cent and cumulative export growth during the first 10 months of the fiscal at 21.62 per cent in dollar terms. But in rupee terms, export growth in January 2008 was seven per cent and cumulatively it was 7.66 per cent. Facing adverse impact of the appreciating rupee and lack of supportive measures in the Union Budget 2008-09, exporters in general and in labour-intensive sectors in particular feel a sense of impending crisis.
2008-03-12 ArtNo.40711(78/531)
【ニューデリー】インドと日本の往復貿易は、貿易円滑化措置(trade facilitation)や非関税障壁等の問題が適切に処理されるなら、2年内に2倍に拡大する見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆India-Japan trade to touch $15-bn by 2010: CII
【New Delhi】If issues like trade facilitation and non-tariff barriers are addressed, trade between India and Japan has the potential to double in the next two years.
2008-03-14 ArtNo.40721(79/531)
【ニューデリー】工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)をベースにした1月の工業成長率は5.3%と、前年同月の11.6%や前月(2007年12月)の7.7%(当初発表の7.6%から上方修正)の伸びを大きく下回った。主要サブセクター(製造/電力/鉱業)全ての伸びが鈍化した。(...続きを読む)
◆Jan industrial growth slips to 5.30%
【New Delhi】Industrial growth in January recorded 5.3 per cent, slowing sharply from 11.6 per cent in the same month last year and the previous month's upwardly revised 7.7 percent, as growth in all major sectors comprising manufacturing, electricity and mining declined.
【新德里】基于工业生产指数的印度经济成长率在1月记录了5.3 %,比去年同一年的11.6%,也比上个月的7.7%(从当初发表的7.6%向上修正)显著钝化。因为制造部门/矿业部门/电力部门的成长都减速。
2008-03-14 ArtNo.40725(80/531)
【ニューデリー】P Chidambaram蔵相は2008-09年度予算案の中で2009年4月以降に稼働する新製油所に対する7年間の免税待遇を撤廃することを提案したが、2008-09年第3四半期までに稼働するReliance Petroleum Ltdがグジャラート州Jamnagarに建設する日量58万バレルの輸出指向型製油所を除く、全ての新製油所プロジェクトが打撃を受ける見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Tax holiday withdrawal to hit new refineries
【New Delhi】Finance minister P Chidambaram has in his Budget for 2008-09 proposed to end seven-year income tax holiday for refineries commissioning after April 2009. The proposal will affect all proposed new refineries except that of Reliance Petroleum Ltd, a subsidiary of RIL, which expects to commission a 580,000 barrels per day export-oriented unit at Jamnagar by third quarter of the new fiscal.
【新德里】财政部长P Chidambaram在2008-09年财政预算案里提议撤销对2009年4月之后开始操作的新炼油厂计划的7年免税期奖励措施。除了瑞莱恩斯石油公司在古吉拉特州贾姆纳格尔正在兴建的日产58万桶出口型炼油厂之外,因为该炼油厂预料到2008-09年第3季前开始操作,其他的新炼油产计划都受到打击。
2008-03-14 ArtNo.40726(81/531)
【ニューデリー】ソフトウェア・テクノロジー・パーク(STPI:Software Technology Parks of India)と輸出志向ユニット(EOU:export oriented unit)両スキーム下の免税待遇は、2007-08年度政府歳入に2万3806クロー(US$58.70億)の損失をもたらしたが、2009年3月に有効期限が切れ、それ以降も延長される可能性はなさそうだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Tax holidays for STPI, EOUs unlikely to be extended
【New Delhi】The tax holidays for the Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) scheme and export oriented units (EOUs), which cost the government Rs 23,806 crore in 2007-08, are likely to be terminated after March 2009.
2008-03-14 ArtNo.40729(82/531)
◆Steelmakers may be forced to keep capacity idle
【Kolkata】"Indian steelmakers may be forced to keep some capacity idle as their working capital is being squeezed by rising input cost," said an official from the Sponge Iron Manufacturers Association.
2008-03-14 ArtNo.40730(83/531)
【ニューデリー】全国の主要都市に地下鉄を建設することを目指すインド政府は今予算国会に『2008年地下鉄修正法案(Metro Rail Amendment Bill, 2008)』を上程する。(...続きを読む)
◆Bill for nation-wide Metro service to be introduced
【New Delhi】The Centre, which aims to spread the network of Metro rail across the country, has decided to introduce the Metro Rail Amendment Bill, 2008 in the Lok Sabha in the ongoing Budget session.
2008-03-17 ArtNo.40733(84/531)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、オリッサ州に新たに3カ所、グジャラート州にも別に1カ所、各4000MW(メガワット)、投資額各1万6000クロー(US$39.45億)のウルトラ・メガ発電所(UMPP:ultra mega power project)を建設する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆New ultra mega projects planned in Orissa, Gujarat
【New Delhi】The Union Government has said that three new Ultra-Mega Power Projects, each having an installed capacity of 4,000 MW and entailing investments of over Rs 16,000 crore, could be set up in Orissa and one in Gujarat.
2008-03-17 ArtNo.40734(85/531)
◆PSU oil firms to invest over $56 billion in 11th Plan
【New Delhi】Public sector oil companies will invest Rs 229,071 crore(US$56.48 billion) in oil and gas exploration, fuel retailing, refineries and petrochemical during the 11th Plan Period (2007-12).
2008-03-17 ArtNo.40738(86/531)
【ブーバネスワル】オリッサ州の国民会議派議員は12日に開かれた州議会の席上、Vedanta Resourcesが同州Kalahandi県で進めるアルミナ・プロジェクトに集中砲火を浴びせた。(...続きを読む)
◆Congress-led Orissa Opposition decries Vedanta project
【Bhubaneswar】Vedanta Resources, which has set up an alumina project in Orissa's Kalahandi district, got a lot of flak from the Congress-led opposition in the state Assembly on Marchi 12.
2008-03-17 ArtNo.40743(87/531)
◆Telcos may have to save BlackBerry data for 6 months
【New Delhi】The Department of Telecom (DoT) is exploring the possibility of asking the operators of the BlackBerry smartphone to create a mirror image of all e-mails and data sent on BlackBerry smartphone devices in India and to save the mirror image for a minimum period of six months to address concerns of security agencies.
【新德里】电信局检讨向黑莓手机服务发展商与供应商要求制作电子邮件与资料的镜像(mirror image)而且保管这些镜像6个月的可能性。
2008-03-17 ArtNo.40744(88/531)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は公共民間協力(PPP:public-private partnership)方式によりメディア・シティーを開発することを提案した。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt proposes to set up a media city on PPP model
【New Delhi】The Indian government has proposed to set up a media city on the public-private partnership model.
2008-03-24 ArtNo.40757(89/531)
【ニューデリー】卸売物価指数(WPI:wholesale price index)を基準にしたインフレ率は、3月8日までの1週間に過去11ヶ月来最高の5.92%を記録した。3月1日までの1週間のインフレ率は5.11%、その1週間前のそれは5.02%、昨年同期のそれは6.51%だった。(...続きを読む)
◆Inflation hits 11-month high 5.92%
【New Delhi】The annual inflation rate, based on the wholesale price index (WPI), rose to an 11-month high of 5.92 per cent for the week-ended March 8 from 5.11 per cent for the week ended March 1 and 5.02 per cent in the week before that. Inflation had risen to 6.51 per cent in the same period last year.
【新德里】今年3月8日为止的一个星期的以批发价格指数为基础的通货膨胀率记录了过去11个月来最高的5.92。前一个星期与大前一个星期的通货膨胀率是5.02%与5.11%。去年同一个星期的同通货膨胀率是 6.51%。
2008-03-24 ArtNo.40758(90/531)
◆Infrastructure sectors dips to 4.2% in Jan
【New Delhi】In what seems to be a confirmation of an industrial slowdown, the growth of six core infrastructure industries fell to 4.2 per cent in January from 8.3 per cent in the corresponding month last year.
2008-03-24 ArtNo.40767(91/531)
◆Electricity on demand by 2012: Power Minister
【New Delhi】India will have electricity on demand by 2012. However it needs nuclear energy to meet future demand.
2008-03-24 ArtNo.40768(92/531)
◆Corporate fraud is India Inc's highest concern
【New Delhi】Frauds are 75% of the top corporate executives's highest concern and these executives also worry about inadequacy of measures to curb them.
2008-03-26 ArtNo.40769(93/531)
【ニューデリー】鉄鋼の値上げを巡り政府と白熱した論戦を演じて来た国内主要鉄鋼メーカーは25日、矛を収め鋼材輸出の削減、免税優待パスブック(DEPB:Duty Entitlement Passbook Scheme)利益の放棄、鋼材輸入関税の引き下げを認めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Steel firms agree to cut exports
【New Delhi】After an intense battle with the Government on rising prices, major steel producers on March 25 called truce by agreeing to undertake to voluntarily halt exports, forego DEPB (Duty Entitlement Passbook) benefits and supported reducing import duty on the alloy.
2008-03-26 ArtNo.40770(94/531)
【ニューデリー】インド鉄道(IR:Indian Railways)は『Delhi-Chandigarh-Amritsar』間に高速鉄道を敷設する予備事業化調査(pre-feasibility study)の国際入札を募集した。(...続きを読む)
◆Railways calls global bids for Delhi-Amritsar bullet train
【New Delhi】The Indian Railways has floated global tenders for conducting a pre-feasibility study of a bullet train on the Delhi-Chandigarh-Amritsar route.
2008-03-26 ArtNo.40775(95/531)
【ハイデラバード】インド中央政府は、特別経済区(SEZ)と同様の優遇措置が適応され、SEZよりも遙かに大きな地域をカバーする情報技術投資地域(ITIR:Information Technology Investment Region)を開発することを計画している。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt planning IT investment regions to lead growth
【Hyderabad】The Centre plans to develop new "Information Technology Investment Regions(ITIRs)", with same benefits as special economic zones (SEZs). The ITIRs will be much larger than IT SEZs.
【海德拉巴 】印度中央政府计划发展享有跟经济特区一样的便利也拥有更大面积与规模的『信息科技投资区域』。
2008-03-26 ArtNo.40777(96/531)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、新探査ライセンス政策(NELEP)の延長に倣って、炭層メタン(CBM:Coal Bed Methane)契約下の探査期間延長の枠組みを作成した。(...続きを読む)
◆Extension policy for coal bed methane contracts framed
【New Delhi】The Central Government has framed an extension policy for exploration phases under Coal Bed Methane (CBM) contracts, in line with the policy of extension under the New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP).
2008-03-26 ArtNo.40779(97/531)
◆Gujarat leads in industrial investment, Maharashtra tops in FDI
【Mumbai】Gujarat has received 9440 investment proposals, worth Rs 4,52,983 crore and Maharashtra has received 14,069 proposals, worth Rs 3,89,190 crore between August 1991 and July 2007.
2008-03-31 ArtNo.40781(98/531)
【ニューデリー】卸売り物価指数(WPI:Wholesale Price Index)を基準にした3月15日までの1週間のインフレ率は、前週の5.92%から6%の大台を一気に飛び越え13ヶ月来最高の6.68%を記録した。(...続きを読む)
◆Inflation hits 13-month high 6.68%
【New Delhi】The inflation rate as measured by the Wholesale Price Index (WPI) shot past the 6 per cent easily and marked 6.68 per cent for the week ended March 15, sharply higher than the previous week's annual rise of 5.92 per cent and the highest levels in the last 13 months.
2008-03-31 ArtNo.40782(99/531)
【ムンバイ】シンガポールのDBS Bankは25日、2005年にシンガポールとインドの2国間包括的経済協力協定(CECA:comprehensive economic cooperation agreement)が発効して以来待ち望んで来た新たに8支店を増設することに対する中央銀行Reserve Bank of India (RBI)の認可を取得した。(...続きを読む)
◆DBS gets 8 more branches in India
【Mumbai】DBS Bank, one of the largest banks in Singapore and which has been waiting since 2005 when the bilateral Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) came into effect, has now been given approval to set up eight new branches in India by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
2008-03-31 ArtNo.40783(100/531)
◆Govt to ask iron ore producers to cut their prices
【New Delhi】The Government will begin dialogue with iron ore producers next week to sensitise them on problems being faced by steel utilities so that steel makers are able to get raw materials at reasonable cost.
経済一般 General Economics in 2008
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