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金属/鉱物 Metallurgy/Mining in 2008
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元のページへ戻る ►2008-03-10 ArtNo.40698(51/246)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は3月5日、鉄鋼メーカーに頻繁な値上げを控え、値上げを決める際は価格監視委員会(Price Monitoring Committee)の意見に配慮するよう求めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Steelmakers asked to abstain from frequent price hikes
【New Delhi】Government on March 5 asked steel producers to refrain from increasing prices frequently and said that the views of the Price Monitoring Committee should be factored in while deciding on price hikes.
2008-03-10 ArtNo.40699(52/246)
【コルカタ】インド国際経済関係調査委員会(ICRIER:Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations)は、「インドの鉄鉱石資源は現在の水準から大幅に拡大することができ、鉄鉱石輸出に関しては今直ちに保護主義的政策を採用する必要はない」との報告書を発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆No need to curb iron ore exports: ICRIER
【Kolkata】According to a study carried out by Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, India's iron ore resources can increase significantly from the current estimated level. As for ore exports there is no urgency to rush into any conservationist policy.
2008-03-12 ArtNo.40712(53/246)
◆Arcelor open to buying iron ore mines other than Chiria
【New Delhi】Arcelor-Mittal is open to either acquiring a different mine which fulfills its iron ore requirement or getting a direct allocation in Chiria or working it out on a joint basis.
2008-03-12 ArtNo.40713(54/246)
【コルカタ】インド政府が立案した『総合的エネルギー計画(Integrated Energy Plan)』の下、2031-32年までに約23億4000万トンの石炭需要が見込まれ、原料炭の生産、炭層メタン等のクリーン・コール技術、技術労働者、石炭の輸入及びロジスティクス等、石炭関連事業に1000億米ドルの投資が必要とされる。(...続きを読む)
◆Coal sector needs $100 billion in 23 years
【Kolkata】The Integrated Energy Plan formulated by the Centre has envisaged a coal requirement of about 2.34 billion ton by 2031-32 and the estimated investment on the overall coal sector by that period, which includes the investment on raw coal production, clean coal technologies like coal bed methane (CBM), technological manpower, coal imports and logistics, would be around $100 billion.
2008-03-14 ArtNo.40721(55/246)
【ニューデリー】工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)をベースにした1月の工業成長率は5.3%と、前年同月の11.6%や前月(2007年12月)の7.7%(当初発表の7.6%から上方修正)の伸びを大きく下回った。主要サブセクター(製造/電力/鉱業)全ての伸びが鈍化した。(...続きを読む)
◆Jan industrial growth slips to 5.30%
【New Delhi】Industrial growth in January recorded 5.3 per cent, slowing sharply from 11.6 per cent in the same month last year and the previous month's upwardly revised 7.7 percent, as growth in all major sectors comprising manufacturing, electricity and mining declined.
【新德里】基于工业生产指数的印度经济成长率在1月记录了5.3 %,比去年同一年的11.6%,也比上个月的7.7%(从当初发表的7.6%向上修正)显著钝化。因为制造部门/矿业部门/电力部门的成长都减速。
2008-03-14 ArtNo.40728(56/246)
【コルカタ】地元家電会社Videocon groupとオーナーのDhoot一族、そして米国企業の合弁に成るVideocon Natural Resources Ltd(VNRL)は、西ベンガル州に計画する鉄鋼プラントの年産能力を2倍の600万トンに拡大する方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Videocon doubles planned steel capacity to 6 million ton
【Kolkata】Videocon Natural Resources Ltd, a company floated by Videocon group, Dhoot brothers and a US firm, has decided to double the capacity for its steel plant in West Bengal to six million tons.
2008-03-14 ArtNo.40729(57/246)
◆Steelmakers may be forced to keep capacity idle
【Kolkata】"Indian steelmakers may be forced to keep some capacity idle as their working capital is being squeezed by rising input cost," said an official from the Sponge Iron Manufacturers Association.
2008-03-17 ArtNo.40736(58/246)
◆Jindal Stainless、US$14.8億投じ製造能力拡張
【ハリヤナ】Jindal Stainless Ltd(JSL)は向こう2年間に6000クロー(US$14.79億)を投じ製造能力を拡張する計画で、投資額の大きな部分はオリッサ州Jajpurに設けたステンレス・スチール・プラントの第2期工事に注入される。(...続きを読む)
◆Jindal Stainless to invest Rs 6,000 cr for expansion
【Haryana】Jindal Stainless plans to expand its manufacturing capacity by investing Rs 6,000 crore over the next two years. The bulk of this investment will be made in the phase-II development of its stainless steel plant in Jajpur, Orissa.
2008-03-17 ArtNo.40737(59/246)
【コルカタ】ロンドン拠点Vedanta Resources plc(VRP)は2万クロー(US$49.32億)を投じ西ベンガル州に年産65万トンのアルミナ精錬施設と3000MW(メガワット)の自家発電施設を設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆Vedanta to set up an aluminium smelter in West Bengal
【Kolkata】London-based Vedanta Resources plc will invest Rs 20,000 crore to set up an alumina smelter with a capacity of 6.5 lakh tonne per annum and a 3000mw captive power plant in West Bengal.
2008-03-17 ArtNo.40738(60/246)
【ブーバネスワル】オリッサ州の国民会議派議員は12日に開かれた州議会の席上、Vedanta Resourcesが同州Kalahandi県で進めるアルミナ・プロジェクトに集中砲火を浴びせた。(...続きを読む)
◆Congress-led Orissa Opposition decries Vedanta project
【Bhubaneswar】Vedanta Resources, which has set up an alumina project in Orissa's Kalahandi district, got a lot of flak from the Congress-led opposition in the state Assembly on Marchi 12.
2008-03-19 ArtNo.40745(61/246)
【ブーバネスワル】南インド企業Navyug Steelはオリッサ州Puri県Astarang付近に3万4000クロー(US$83.84億)を投じ、年産1200万トンの製鉄所を建設する。(...続きを読む)
◆Navyug to set up a 12-mt steel plant in Orissa
【Bhubaneswar】The south Indian company Navyug Steel is proposing to set up a 12 million tonne steel plant near Astarang in Puri, Orissa by investing Rs 34,000 crore.
【布巴内斯瓦尔】位于印度南部的Navyug Steel公司计划投资3400亿卢比相等于83亿8400万美元在奥里萨州普里县Astarang附近兴建年产1200万吨钢厂。
2008-03-19 ArtNo.40746(62/246)
【コルカタ】国営鉄鋼会社2社Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)及びRashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd (RINL)と取り交わした合弁覚書が白紙に戻されたことから、公共部門鉱山会社National Mineral Development Corporation Ltd (NMDC)はチャッティースガル州における400万トン製鋼プロジェクトを単独で進めることになりそうだ。(...続きを読む)
◆NMDC to go alone in 4-MT steel venture in Chhattisgarh
【Kolkata】The public sector mineral giant National Mineral Development Corporation Ltd (NMDC) would now go alone in a proposed 4-million tonne (MT) steel venture in Chhattisgarh. The memorandum of understanding (MoU) between Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL), Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd (RINL) and NMDC for the venture has been scrapped.
2008-03-19 ArtNo.40756(63/246)
【ニューデリー】関係省庁の次官級会議(IMG:inter-ministerial group)はTataグループと南アフリカのSasolが提案した80億米ドルのインド初の石炭液化プロジェクトを承認した。(...続きを読む)
◆$8bn Tata-Sasol coal-to-liquid project cleared
【New Delhi】The $8-billion India's first coal-to-liquid (CTL) project, proposed by Tata group and its partner Sasol of South Africa, the world's largest producer of oil from coal, has been cleared by an inter-ministerial group (IMG).
【新德里】计划委员会的Kirit Parikh博士为首的部际委员会批准了塔塔集团与南非石化集团公司(Sasol)计划的印度第一个80亿美元煤炭液化项目。石化集团是世界最大的煤炭液化公司。
2008-03-24 ArtNo.40758(64/246)
◆Infrastructure sectors dips to 4.2% in Jan
【New Delhi】In what seems to be a confirmation of an industrial slowdown, the growth of six core infrastructure industries fell to 4.2 per cent in January from 8.3 per cent in the corresponding month last year.
2008-03-24 ArtNo.40759(65/246)
◆Tata取締役、JSW Steelの新冷延施設開所式主宰
【ムンバイ】JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)は17日、カルナタカ州Vijayanagar工場内に増設した年産100万トンの自動車/コンポーネント産業向け冷間圧延製品の製造ラインを正式に稼働させた。Tata Sons LtdのJ J Irani取締役(Tata Steel Ltd前MD)が開所式を主宰した。(...続きを読む)
◆Tata Sons' director inaugurates JSW Steel CRM complex
【Mumbai】JSW Steel's one-million tonne capacity cold rolling mill (CRM) complex at the Vijayanagar works was inaugurated on March 17 by Dr. J J Irani, Director Tata Sons Ltd and former Managing Director, Tata Steel Ltd to serve the demand from the automobile and component industry.
【孟买】京德勒西南钢铁公司在卡纳塔克州维查耶纳伽尔的工厂里增设的年产200万吨冷轧钢设施3月17日正式开工。塔塔钢铁公司前董事经理,现任塔塔子孙公司董事J J Irani博士主持开始操作仪式。
2008-03-26 ArtNo.40769(66/246)
【ニューデリー】鉄鋼の値上げを巡り政府と白熱した論戦を演じて来た国内主要鉄鋼メーカーは25日、矛を収め鋼材輸出の削減、免税優待パスブック(DEPB:Duty Entitlement Passbook Scheme)利益の放棄、鋼材輸入関税の引き下げを認めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Steel firms agree to cut exports
【New Delhi】After an intense battle with the Government on rising prices, major steel producers on March 25 called truce by agreeing to undertake to voluntarily halt exports, forego DEPB (Duty Entitlement Passbook) benefits and supported reducing import duty on the alloy.
2008-03-31 ArtNo.40783(67/246)
◆Govt to ask iron ore producers to cut their prices
【New Delhi】The Government will begin dialogue with iron ore producers next week to sensitise them on problems being faced by steel utilities so that steel makers are able to get raw materials at reasonable cost.
2008-03-31 ArtNo.40784(68/246)
◆Steel prices go down by Rs 1,300-2,000 per ton in Punjab
【Chandigarh】A day after the alloy producers agreed to stop export, steel prices on March 26 moved down by Rs 1,000-2,000 per metric tonne in Punjab.
2008-04-02 ArtNo.40797(69/246)
◆Ispat Inds、鉄鋼年産能力を1千万トンに拡張計画
【コルカタ】地場民間部門の総合鉄鋼会社Ispat Industries Ltd(IIL)は年産能力を現在の360万トンから2013-14年までに1000万トンに拡張することを目指している。(...続きを読む)
◆Ispat Inds to raise its steel capacity to 10 mt by 2014
【Kolkata】Ispat Industries, an integrated private sector steel manufacturer, is planning to raise its capacity from current 3.6 million tonne a year to 10 million tonne a year by 2013-14.
2008-04-04 ArtNo.40808(70/246)
◆Bhushan Steel、チェンナイに製鉄所建設計画
【チェンナイ】デリー拠点のBhushan Steel Ltd(BSL)はタミールナド州Chennaiに当初年産50万トンの付加価値製品製造施設を設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆Bhushan Steel mulling to set up plant in Chennai
【Chennai】Bhushan Steel Ltd, Delhi-based steel manufacturer, plans to set up a value-added steel plant near Chennai with an initial capacity of 5,00,000 tonne per annum.
2008-04-04 ArtNo.40809(71/246)
【コルカタ】チャッティースガル州地質学鉱業総局(DGM:Directorate of Geology and Mining)は、最近の調査と探査活動ハじ石炭、鉄鉱石、ボーキサイト、石灰岩の新鉱床を発見した。(...続きを読む)
◆New coal, iron ore deposits found in Chhattisgarh
【Kolkata】Chhattisgarh state's directorate of geology and mining announced that new deposits of coal, iron ore, bauxite and limestone had been discovered in the mineral-rich state in a recent survey and prospecting conducted by them.
2008-04-07 ArtNo.40819(72/246)
◆Six core sectors growth bounces back in Feb
【New Delhi】High growth in the production of coal, power and cement pulled up the Index of six core infrastructure industries output to 8.7% in February compared to 7.6% in the same month last year and much higher than a downwardly revised 3.1% in January 2008.
2008-04-07 ArtNo.40820(73/246)
【ニューデリー】Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)とRashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd(RINL)は4月3日、TMT鉄筋のトン当たり価格を2000ルピー引き下げることを認め、JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)も、波形鋼板のトン当たり価格を500~1000ルピー下げる方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Steel majors agree to roll back prices
【New Delhi】Tata Steel and Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd on April 3 agreed to reduce prices of TMT bars by Rs 2,000 per tonne and Jindal Steel too decided to roll back the prices of corrugated sheets by Rs 500-1,000 per tonne.
2008-04-07 ArtNo.40821(74/246)
【ジャイプール】世界一の鉱物生産会社になることを目指すロンドン拠点のVedanta Resources Plc(VRP)は2010年までにインドとアフリカの鉱業部門に150億米ドルを投資する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Vedanta to invest $15 billion in Indian mining sector
【Jaipur】London-based Vedanta Resources, which aims to become the largest producer of metals in the world, is planning to invest $15 billion in the mining sector in India and Africa by 2010.
2008-04-09 ArtNo.40830(75/246)
◆Coking coal import costs set to rise 200%
【Kolkata】If a steel company wants to import coking coal which accounts for 50 per cent of the raw material cost for steel, will have to shell out Rs 12,000 per tonne, 200 per cent, or Rs 8,000 a tonne, more than the price for the previous contract at $98 a tonne, or about Rs 4,000 a tonne.
2008-04-09 ArtNo.40831(76/246)
【ニューデリー】オリッサ州とジャールカンド州に合計8万クロー(US$197.26億)を投じ、2つのメガ製鉄所の建設を計画するArcelorMittalは、Coal India Ltd(CIL)と50:50の合弁でコークス用炭を生産することを提案した。(...続きを読む)
◆Mittal proposes 50:50 JV for coking coal projects
【New Delhi】Lakshmi N Mittal, president & CEO, ArcelorMittal which plans to invest Rs 80,000 crore for steel plants in Orissa and Jharkhand, has proposed a 50:50 joint venture with Coal India (CIL) for coking coal projects.
2008-04-09 ArtNo.40832(77/246)
【ジャランダール】鋼(alloy steel)のトン当たり3000ルピー値上げと、炭素鋼の同2000ルピー値上げは、パンジャブ州の基幹産業に打撃を与えており、二次鉄鋼メーカーによる新たな値上げは工具/部品/自転車部品業界を窮地に陥れる。(...続きを読む)
◆Fresh increase in steel prices blows Punjab industry
【Jalandhar】Steel producers have increased the rate of alloy steel by Rs 3,000 per ton and carbon steel of Rs 2,000 per ton .Tthe rise would break the backbone of Punjab state industry and the fresh increase in steel prices by secondary steel producers will prove a big blow to the hand tool, auto parts and cycle parts industry in the state.
2008-04-14 ArtNo.40841(78/246)
【ニューデリー】工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)をベースにした2月の工業成長率は1月の5.8%から過去4ヶ月来最高の8.6%に回復したが、昨年同月の11%の伸びを依然下回った。アナリストらは2月のIIP成長率が1月に比べ復調したことから、中央銀行は、過去40ヶ月来最高の7.41%に達したインフレ抑制に対処するゆとりができたと評している。(...続きを読む)
◆IIP growth at 8.6% in February
【New Delhi】Industrial output growth in February recuperated the fastest rate in four months at 8.6% from January's upwardly revised 5.8% rise. However this was still lower than the 11% recorded during the same month a year ago. The performance gives the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) much needed headroom to tighten monetary policy, as is widely expected, to arrest rising inflation, which hit a 40-month high of 7.41%.
【新德里】以工业生产指数为基础的工业成长率今年2月记录了8.6%,显著复原从1月的 5.8%。不过还比不上去年同月的11%。分析家说,现在中央银行获得空间对付急升到40个月来最高的7.41%的通货膨胀。
2008-04-14 ArtNo.40844(79/246)
【ニューデリー】政府が2週間前に閣議承認した全国鉱物政策(NMP:National Mineral Policy)には探査活動を促し鉱物の供給を拡大する方策が盛り込まれている反面、鉄鉱石等の鉱物輸出を規制し国内資源の保存を図る案は採用されなかった。(...続きを読む)
◆Mineral policy sidestepping the issue of capping export
【New Delhi】The Cabinet two weeks ago cleared the National Mineral Policy (NMP) which had suggested steps to push up mineral exploration to boost availability, while sidestepping the issue of capping export of minerals like iron ore and conserve it within the country.
2008-04-14 ArtNo.40845(80/246)
◆Steel cos surcharge Rs 5,000/t on all grades of HRC
【New Delhi】Primary steel makers on April 9 announced that they would put a raw material surcharge of Rs 5,000 a tonne on all grades of hot-rolled coils (HRC) with immediate effect.
2008-04-18 ArtNo.40869(81/246)
【ニューデリー】インフレ抑制を巡る閣内の意見不一致、取り分け鉄鋼価格抑制策を巡る鉄鋼省/商工省/大蔵省の対立から、4月15日に予定されていた価格問題閣僚委員会会議(CCP:Cabinet Committee on Prices)が延期された。(...続きを読む)
◆Split wide open, CCP meet postponed
【New Delhi】The internal differences within the Government, especially between Steel, commerce and finance ministries, over steps to rein in increase in steel prices forced the government on April 15 to postpone a crucial Cabinet Committee on Prices (CCP) meeting.
2008-04-18 ArtNo.40870(82/246)
◆Rashtriya Ispat、トン当たり6000ルピー鋼材値上げ
【ニューデリー】国営製鉄会社Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd(RINL)は4月15日、全ての品目を一律トン当たり6000ルピー値上げした。(...続きを読む)
◆RINL increases steel price by Rs 6,000/t
【New Delhi】Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd on April 15 hiked prices of all its products by Rs 6,000 a tonne.
2008-04-18 ArtNo.40871(83/246)
【ニューデリー】鉱物産地の州代表等から成る作業委員会が『1957年鉱山鉱物開発及び規則法(MMDR法:Mines and Mineral -Development and Regulation- Act, 1957)』の修正に関して依然として合意が得られないことから、新全国鉱物政策(NMP:National Mineral Policy)の発効は再度遅延するものと予想されている。(...続きを読む)
◆Mineral policy likely to be delayed again
【New Delhi】In a development that could act as the postponement of the implementation of the new National Mineral Policy (NMP), the working group comprising officials of mineral-rich states is yet to reach a consensus over the proposed amendments to the Mines and Mineral (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 (MMDR Act).
2008-04-21 ArtNo.40881(84/246)
◆SAIL/Steel Complex、合弁でTMT鉄筋製造
【ティルバナンタプラム】ケララ州営Steel Complex Ltd (SCL)は、国営Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)と合弁で、当面50クロー(US$1233万)を投じ年間5万トンのTMT鉄筋を製造する。(...続きを読む)
◆SAIL, Steel Complex setting up a JV to make TMT bars
【Thiruvananthapuram】The Kerala State-owned Steel Complex Ltd (SCL) will set up a joint venture company with Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) to manufacture 50,000 tonnes of TMT bars a year with an investment of Rs 50 crore in the first phase.
【特里凡得琅】喀啦啦州政府经营的Steel Complex有限公司将跟印度钢铁管理局公司合作投资5亿卢比相等于1233万美元设立年产5万吨TMT钢筋制造厂。
2008-04-23 ArtNo.40889(85/246)
◆Sail & Tata、鉄鋼製品価格凍結表明
【ニューデリー】統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政府トップの相次ぐ強硬発言を受け、Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)とTata Steel Ltd(TSL)は4月22日、鉄鋼製品価格を暫時凍結する方針を発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Sail & Tata freeze steel prices in a few month
【New Delhi】Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) and Tata Steel Ltd(TSL) on April 22 agreed to freeze steel prices, responding with alacrity to tough talk by the UPA administration's top brass.
2008-04-23 ArtNo.40890(86/246)
◆Arcelor Mittal、インドにUS$250億投資
【ロンドン】Arcelor-Mittal は、インド投資に対する極めて積極的姿勢を維持しており、既に250億米ドル近い投資を約束している。(...続きを読む)
◆Arcelor Mittal to invest $25b in India
【London】Arcelor-Mittal is very bullish about India and has been committed to invest nearly $25 billion in the country.
2008-04-23 ArtNo.40891(87/246)
【ニューデリー】新全国鉱物政策(NMP:National Mineral Policy)は、鉱物採掘権を保証するだけでなく、鉱業部門への年間25億米ドルの外国直接投資(FDI)誘致につながる。(...続きを読む)
◆New mineral policy to attract $2.5 bn FDI
【New Delhi】The new National Mineral Policy (NMP) not only ensures assured right in mineral concessions but also can attract foreign direct investment (FDI) of $2.5 billion annually, the government told the Rajya Sabha on April 21.
2008-04-23 ArtNo.40892(88/246)
◆Govt may allow captive coal mines to sell 10% of output
【New Delhi】In an effort to open up the regulated coal sector, the government is considering to allow merchant sale of 10% of coal produced by captive mine owners.
2008-04-28 ArtNo.40901(89/246)
【ニューデリー】鉄鉱石を含む鉱物の急騰と食品の値上がりで、4月12日までの1週間の卸売物価指数(WPI:Wholesale Price Index)をベースにしたインフレ率は7.33%と、前週の7.14%や昨年同期の6.34%を上回り、3年来の最高水準を維持した。(...続きを読む)
◆Costlier food, steel push inflation up to 7.33%
【New Delhi】A steep hike in mineral prices, including iron ore, and increasing cost of food items led to the wholesale price index-based annual rate of inflation (WPI) rising 7.33 per cent in the week ended April 12, accelerating from the previous week's annual rise of 7.14 per cent and much higher than the 6.34 per cent in the same week last year.
2008-04-28 ArtNo.40903(90/246)
◆Holding steel prices at current levels not enough: Govt
【New Delhi】The government has warned private steel companies to voluntarily reduce prices to pre-April levels or face stringent fiscal and policy measures.
2008-04-28 ArtNo.40904(91/246)
【ムンバイ】国営Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)、民間のTata Steel Ltd(TSL)/JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)/Ispat Industries Ltd(IIL)は、22日と23日に相次いで製品価格を2、3ヶ月据え置く方針を発表したが、業界観測筋はこれらの企業に対する価格据え置きの影響は当面僅かなものにとどまると見ている。(...続きを読む)
◆Steel price freeze to have little impact on firms
【Mumbai】State-run Steel Authority of India Ltd and private sector firms Tata Steel, JSW Steel and Ispat Industries Ltd on April 22 and 23 announced one after another to maintain their current price levels for two to three months. Howeve experts think that the decision will have a marginal impact on the Companies concerned for the time being.
2008-04-28 ArtNo.40905(92/246)
◆Tata Steel、US$197億投じ3鉄鋼プラント建設
【コルカタ】Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)は国内における3件の新鉄鋼プラント建設計画に8万クロー(US$197.26億)を投資する計画で、これにより国内設備能力は今年7月半ば時点の年産700万トンから3500万トンに拡大する。(...続きを読む)
◆Tata Steel to invest Rs. 80,000 cr. on three units
【Kolkata】Tata Steel will spend Rs. 80,000 crore on three of its greenfield projects which will take its total capacity in India from seven million tonnes(by mid-July this year) to 35 million tonnes.
2008-04-28 ArtNo.40906(93/246)
【ニューデリー】JSW Groupは、向こう5年間に7万~8万クロー(US$172.61億-197.26億)を投じ、鉄鋼/電力/インフラ/セメント/アルミニウム事業を拡張する。(...続きを読む)
◆JSW to invest $19.7 b in five years
【New Delhi】JSW Group will invest Rs 70,000 to Rs 80,000 crore to expand its operations in steel, power, infrastructure, cement and aluminum sectors in five years.
2008-04-30 ArtNo.40914(94/246)
◆Govt imposes up to 15% export duty on steel
【New Delhi】Stepping up its efforts to control rising steel prices, the government on April 29 imposed up to 15 per cent export duty on various steel products , a move that will hit industry hard.
2008-04-30 ArtNo.40915(95/246)
【ムンバイ】Hindustan Zinc Limited (HZL)は3600クロー(US$8.88億)を投じ2010年までに亜鉛と鉛の合計年産能力を1065万トンに拡大するとともに、自前の鉱山と自家発電施設も備えた総合メーカーへの変身を目指す。(...続きを読む)
◆HZL to expand zinc-lead production capacity
【Mumbai】Hindustan Zinc Limited (HZL) plans to take its total integrated zinc-lead capacity to 10.65 million tonnes per annum with fully integrated mining and captive power generation capacities by 2010 at an investment of about Rs 3,600 crore.
2008-05-02 ArtNo.40925(96/246)
◆FM useing multi-pronged methods to combat inflation
【New Delhi】Customs and excise duties on steel, milk and butter oil were slashed, housing costs could also fall for the middle class, the price of staples like rice and milk could become more affordable for all sections, while making the export of steel and rice costlier, in the UPA government's ongoing battle against inflation.
2008-05-02 ArtNo.40931(97/246)
【ニューデリー】国内冷間圧延(CR)鋼業界は、熱間圧延(HR)鋼に15%の輸出税を課すと言うP Chidambaram蔵相の発表をそれほど高く評価していない。(...続きを読む)
◆CR makers not impressed with export duty on HR coils
【New Delhi】Cold-rolled steel producers are not impressed with the Finance Minister's announcement of levying of about 15 per cent export duty on hot-rolled coils.
【新德里】冷轧钢制造商对P Chidambaram财政部长发表的从热轧钢征收15%出口税方案没有那么高评价。
2008-05-05 ArtNo.40937(98/246)
◆Essar Steel、米EsmarkをUS$11億で買収
【ムンバイ】Essar Global Ltd(EGL)傘下のEssar Steel Holdings Ltd.(ESHL)は5月1日米国企業Esmark社を11億米ドルで買収することで関係方面と合意に達した。(...続きを読む)
◆Essar Steel set to acquire Esmark of U.S. for $1.1 b
【Mumbai】Essar Group on May 1 agreed to acquire Esmark of the U.S. at an estimated enterprise value of $1.1 billion through Essar Steel Holdings Ltd.(ESHL), a part of Essar Global Ltd.
2008-05-05 ArtNo.40938(99/246)
【ニューデリー】インド国有鉄道Indian Railways(IR)は、1ヶ月前に行った鉄鉱石運賃の5.4~5.8%値上げを、国内で消費される鉄鉱石に限り返上し、元の料金水準に戻した。(...続きを読む)
◆Rlys roll back iron ore freight rate hike for domestic movement
【New Delhi】The Indian Railways has rolled back the 5.4-5.8 per cent increase in freight rate on domestic iron ore traffic it had imposed a month ago.
2008-05-07 ArtNo.40951(100/246)
◆New coal distribution policy to be unveiled in 2 months
【Kolkata】The government will chalk out a plan within a couple of months to increase production beyond target and liquidate stocks to carry out its duty of making coal available even to small consumers.
金属/鉱物 Metallurgy/Mining in 2008
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