金属/鉱物 Metallurgy/Mining in 2008
【ニューデリー】国内産業の鉄鋼消費を促進する狙いから、インドの主要鉄鋼メーカーが7年前に組織したインド鉄鋼連盟(ISA:Indian Steel Alliance)がメンバーの離脱で空中分解の危機に瀕している。
◆Indian Steel Alliance being dissolved
【New Delhi】The Indian Steel Alliance (ISA), an umbrella body of leading domestic steel makers, is being dissolved, as members pulled out of it within seven years of its formation to promote steel usage in the country.
2008-05-07 ArtNo.40953(102/246)
◆JSW Steel/Ispat、鉄鋼値下げ発表
【ニューデリー】JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)とIspat Industries Ltd(IIL)は3日、関税引き下げの恩恵を顧客に還元するため、鉄鋼製品の価格をトン当たり400~750ルピー引き下げると発表した。
◆JSW Steel, Ispat cut steel prices
【New Delhi】JSW Steel Ltd and Ispat Industries Ltd announced on May 3 they have cut prices by 400-750 rupees a tonne to pass on the benefit of a duty cut to customers.
2008-05-09 ArtNo.40964(103/246)
【ニューデリー】西ベンガル州Kolkata拠点のShyam Steel Industries Ltd(SSIL)はマドヤプラデシュ州と西ベンガル州のPurulia及びKharagpurに各1000クロー(US$2.46億)前後、合計3000クロー(US$7.381億)余を投じ、3つの総合的な鉄鋼/セメント製造施設を設ける計画だ。
◆Shyam to set up steel, cement plants in MP, WB
【New Delhi】Kolkata-based Shyam Steel Industries will set up a greenfield integrated steel and a cement plant each in Madhya Pradesh and Purulia and Kharagpur in West Bengal with a combined investment of Rs 3,000 crore.
【新德里】位于加尔各答的Shyam Steel Industries有限公司计划在中央州与西孟加拉州内普路赖与克勒格布尔兴建总合性制钢与制水泥厂,总投资额预料大约300亿卢比相等于7亿3810万美元。
2008-05-09 ArtNo.40965(104/246)
◆Secondary steel makers too cut prices
【New Delhi】Secondary steel producers have decided to cut down the prices of cold-rolled coils (CRC) and galvanised sheets by nearly Rs 500/tonne following the price cut on hot-rolled coils (HRC) by primary steel firms.
2008-05-09 ArtNo.40966(105/246)
【ブーバネスワル】National Aluminium Company (Nalco)は1万4000クロー(US$34.44億)以上を投じ、オリッサ州西部Jharsuguda付近に年産50万トンのアルミニウム精錬施設と1250MW(メガワット)の自家発電施設を設ける可能性を研究している。
◆Nalco plans to set up aluminium smelter in Orissa
【Bhubaneswar】National Aluminium Company (Nalco) is mulling to set up a greenfield aluminium smelter at 5 lakh tonnes per annum with a captive generation facility of 1,250 mw near Jharsuguda, western Orissa at an investment of more than Rs 14,000 crore.
2008-05-12 ArtNo.40976(106/246)
◆Coal reserves at power stations hit a record low
【New Delhi】The "critical stocks", which mean that coal stocks are expected to last less than seven days, is now a fact of lífe for nearly a third of the country's thermal stations.
2008-05-12 ArtNo.40977(107/246)
【チェンナイ】カルナタカ州拠点のMysore Sales Pvt. Ltd(MSPL)はカルナタカ州北部Koppal県に4700クロー(US$11.56億)を投じて年産100万トンの総合的鉄鋼プラントと年産120万トンのペレット・プラントを建設する計画に着手した。
◆MSPL begins work on Rs 4,700 cr steel project
【Chennai】Karnataka-based Mysore Sales Pvt. Ltd(MSPL) has commenced work on its new 1 million tonne per annum (MTPA) integrated steel plant and 1.2 MTPA pellet plant in Koppal district in North Karnataka at a combined investment of Rs 4,700 crore.
2008-05-12 ArtNo.40978(108/246)
◆Ramsarup Ind、US$3.69億投じ線材設備拡張
【ニューデリー】世界の10大線材メーカーに成ることを目指しRamsarup Loha Udyog Ltd(RLUL)の合併計画を進めるインド第2の線材製造会社Ramsarup Industries Ltd(RIL)は、生産能力拡張のため1500クロー(US$3.69億)の資本支出を予定している。
◆Ramsarup Ind to invest Rs 1500cr to expand output
【New Delhi】Ramsarup Industries Ltd, which is the second largest steel wires manufacturers in India and is merging with Ramsarup Loha Udyog Ltd with the aim of entering into the list of world's top 10 steel wires and wire product manufacturers, is planning a capital expenditure of Rs 1500 crore for ramping up its production.
◆Ramsarup Ind资本开销150亿卢比而扩张业务
【新德里】为了成为世界10大线材厂商而正在跟Ramsarup Loha Udyog有限公司合并过程中的印度第二大铁丝制造企业Ramsarup Industries有限公司计划资本开销150亿卢比相等于3亿6904万美元扩张生产能力。
2008-05-14 ArtNo.40985(109/246)
◆Industrial growth sinks to six-year low at 3% in March
【New Delhi】The country's industrial output nose-dived to a six-year low of 3% in March 2008, compared with the 14.8% in March 2007, even as overall industry grew by a decent 8.1% during April-March of 2007-08. However it slipped from 11.6 per cent a year ago.
2008-05-14 ArtNo.40986(110/246)
◆Export duty on steel products comes into effect
【New Delhi】The government on May 12 imposed the export duty up to 15 per cent on various steel products to contain rise of prices of the alloy, the move hit the industry hard.
2008-05-14 ArtNo.40987(111/246)
【ムンバイ】インド政府は、自国の核開発計画が『インド米国民生用原子力条約(Indo-US civil nuclear deal)』の成否に依存することがないよう、ウラン鉱山の探査開発に大々的に投資している。
◆Govt vigorously investing in uranium exploration
【Mumbai】The Indian government is investing heavily in uranium exploration so that the country's nuclear programme is not dependent on the implementation of the Indo-US civil nuclear deal.
2008-05-14 ArtNo.40992(112/246)
◆BHEL、Bharat Heavy Plate社買収
【ヴィサカパトナム】国営重電機会社Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL)は5月10日、Bharat Heavy Plate and Vessels (BHPV )を正式に買収した。
◆BHEL takes over Bharat Heavy Plate
【Visakhapatnam】The state-run energy equipment maker Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) formally took over Bharat Heavy Plate and Vessels (BHPV ) on May 10.
2008-05-16 ArtNo.40997(113/246)
◆Six core sectors grow 9.6% in March
【New Delhi】Driven by finished steel and cement production, the index for the six infrastructure industries grew by a healthy 9.6 per cent in March 2008, although it was slightly lower than the previous year's 10.5%.
2008-05-16 ArtNo.41000(114/246)
【ニューデリー】P Chidambaram蔵相は15日、原油輸入税を引き下げる可能性を否定する一方、鉄鋼輸出税を撤廃するか否かについては何も決めていないと語った。
◆No duty cut on crude, steel export levy to stay: FM
【New Delhi】Finance minister P Chidambaram on May 15 ruled out any cut in import duty on crude oil and clarified that no decision had been taken at present regarding withdrawal of the export cess on steel.
【新德里】财政部长P Chidambaram5月15日排除减低原油进口税的可能性,同时澄清说当前还没有决定是否对收回钢铁出口税。
2008-05-16 ArtNo.41001(115/246)
◆Export duty hits steel cos' foreign subsidiaries
【Kolkata】The recently-imposed 10% average export duty on steel has put Indian Companies exporting steel to their foreign subsidiaries for value-addition in a fix.
2008-05-16 ArtNo.41002(116/246)
◆Secondary steel makers reduce prices by Rs 4,000/tonne
【New Delhi】Secondary steel producers on May 14 reduced prices by Rs 4,000 a tonne on all flat products in line with primary producers.
2008-05-21 ArtNo.41016(117/246)
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州Kolkata拠点のAnkit Metal & Power Ltd(AMPL)は、10万トンの総合的鉄鋼プロジェクトを完成したのもつかの間、既存コルカタ工場の鉄鋼年産能力を2倍に拡張する計画だ。
◆Ankit to double metals capacity through FCCB route
【Kolkata】Kolkata-based Ankit Metal & Power Ltd is planning to double capacity at its existing unit in West Bengal, after completing its one lakh tonne per annum steel project.
【加尔各答】位于西孟加拉州加尔各答的Ankit Metal & Power有限公司钢完成年产10万吨总合性制钢项目之后,就计划把西孟加拉州的现有钢厂扩张到两倍。
2008-05-23 ArtNo.41030(118/246)
◆Govt gets very strict on steelmakers
【New Delhi】Clearly the government is not leaving any chance for steel makers to hike price. The Centre has asked steel Companies to furnish a written undertaking that they would hold prices for the next three months and not export at the cost of the domestic market.
2008-05-23 ArtNo.41031(119/246)
◆SEZ may be exempted from export duty on steel
【New Delhi】The move to impose export duty on certain steel products to rein in inflation is affecting supplies of steel to Special Economic Zones (SEZ). Finance Ministry is considering to exempt SEZs from payment of the duty after the issue has been raised by Commerce Ministry and developers.
2008-05-23 ArtNo.41032(120/246)
◆Coal India、地下採鉱技術の国際入札募集
【ムンバイ】Coal India Ltd (CIL)は先端的地下採鉱技術を導入する狙いから国際入札を募集した。
◆Coal India invites global bid for technology
【Mumbai】Coal India Ltd (CIL) has floated a global tender to select the best state of art technology for underground coal mining.
2008-05-26 ArtNo.41037(121/246)
【ニューデリー】Essar Steel、JSW、Ispat Industries等の民間総合鉄鋼メーカーは、熱間圧延(HR)コイルをトン当たり4000ルピー値下げしたにも関わらず、マージンにはさして影響を受けない見通しだ。
◆Private integrated steel producers' margins barely dented
【New Delhi】Private integrated steel producers like Essar Steel, JSW and Ispat Industries will not see much pressure on margins, despite slashing prices of hot rolled (HR) coils by Rs 4,000 a tonne.
2008-05-28 ArtNo.41046(122/246)
【カライクディ】Vedanta Resources Plc(VRP)は、7000~8000クロー(US$16.39億-18.73億)を投じ、オリッサ州Keonjhar県に年産500万トンの鉄鋼プラントを設ける計画に関して、目下欧州、日本、インドの潜在パートナーと合弁交渉を進めている。
◆Vedanta in talks with 3 potential partners for steel JV
【Karaikudi】Vedanta Resources is in talks with three iron and steelmakers in Europe, Japan and India, in its search for a partner to set up a 5 million tonne capacity steel plant at Keonjhar in Orissa with an estimated investment of Rs 7,000 crore to Rs 8,000 crore.
2008-05-28 ArtNo.41047(123/246)
【コルカタ】インド最大の鉄鉱石生産者で輸出業者でもあるNational Mineral Development Corporation Ltd(NMDC)が、国内市場向け供給を拡大し、輸出利益と国内販売利益の不均衡を是正する狙いから、日本の鉄鋼メーカーと韓国の浦項製鉄所(Posco)への鉄鉱石輸出政策に見直しを加える可能性が予想されている。
◆NMDC reviewing iron ore exports to Japan, Posco
【Kolkata】National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) Ltd, India's largest iron ore producer and exporter, may review exports to Japanese steel mills and South Korea's Posco in order to increase availability in the domestic market and restore the anomaly in net realisations from exports and domestic prices.
2008-05-28 ArtNo.41048(124/246)
◆Sponge iron price hits rock bottom
【Mumbai】Sponge iron, an important raw material for steel manufacturing, being quoted at Rs 18,000 per tonne, have seen around 14 per cent fall in the last one month.
2008-06-02 ArtNo.41060(125/246)
◆Tata Steel、2つの大型鉱業探査ライセンス取得
【ムンバイ】Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)は最近鉱業省から2件の大型鉱業許可(mineral concession approvals)を取得した。1つはジャールカンド州における鉄鉱石探査ライセンス(prospecting licence)、もう1つはマニプル州におけるクロム鉱探査ライセンス。
◆Tata Steel receives prospecting licences for 2 mines
【Mumbai】Tata Steel has received mineral concession approvals, specifically prospecting licences, from the ministry of mines for two large mines—one for iron ore in Jharkhand and the other for chrome ore in Manipur.
2008-06-02 ArtNo.41061(126/246)
【コルカタ】英国商社Stemcorは完全出資子会社Brahmani River Pellet Limited (BRPL)を通じ、2010年初の稼働を目処にオリッサ州Kalinganagarに年産400万トンのペレット製造施設を建設する。
◆Stemcor to set up a pellet plant at Kalinganagar
【Kolkata】Brahmani River Pellet Limited (BRPL), a fully-owned subsidiary of UK-based international trading major Stemcor, will have its four million ton pellet plant at Kalinganagar in Orissa by early 2010.
【加尔各答】英国贸易企业Stemcor的全资子公司Brahmani River Pellet有限公司计划到2010年初之前在奥里萨州卡林加那加兴建年产4百万吨的钢丸制造设施。
2008-06-04 ArtNo.41069(127/246)
【ムンバイ】Sterlite Industries India Limited(SIIL)は5月31日、米国アリゾナ州トゥーソン拠点の銅鉱山・精錬会社Asarco LLC(旧社名American Smelting and Refining Company)のほとんど全ての稼働資産(operating assets)を現金26億米ドルで買収する確定契約を結んだ。
◆Sterlite to acquire US-based Asarco for $2.6 b
【Mumbai】Sterlite Industries (India) Limited on May 31 signed a definitive agreement with Asarco LLC, a Tucson (Arizona)-based mining, smelting and refining company, formerly known as American Smelting and Refining Company, to acquire substantially all the operating assets of the latter for $2.6 billion in an all-cash deal.
2008-06-04 ArtNo.41070(128/246)
【コルカタ】臨海型製鉄所Visakhapatnam Steel Plantを経営する国営Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd (RINL)は、鉄鉱石の供給を確保する狙いから国内最大の鉄鉱山会社国営National Mineral Development Corp (NMDC)との合併を提案した。
◆RINL mulls merger with NMDC
【Kolkata】Public sector steel major Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd (RINL), which operates the shore-based Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, has proposed a merger with the state-owned National Mineral Development Corp (NMDC),the countrys largest iron ore producers, to secure iron ore mines.
2008-06-09 ArtNo.41084(129/246)
【ブーバネスワル】オリッサ州のNaveen Patnaik首席大臣を長とするハイレベル認証委員会(HLCA:high-level clearance authority)は6月3日、造修船プロジェクトや石油・化学・石油化学投資地域(PCPIR:Petroleum, Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment Region-別項参照)プロジェクトを含む合計10件の大型投資計画を承認した。
◆Orissa govt clears 10 mega projects
【Bhubaneswar】The Orissa government's high-level clearance authority (HLCA), headed by chief minister Naveen Patnaik, on June 3 cleared 10 mega projects, including a ship building yard and repair facility and a petroleum, chemicals and petrochemicals investment region (PCPIR).
2008-06-09 ArtNo.41085(130/246)
◆Auto cos in a spot as steel cos hike contract rates
【Mumbai】Carmakers are in a spot as steel companies are insisting on a 30-40% increase in contract prices for the coming quarter. Flagging sales due to high interest costs do not allow carmakers to pass these hikes on to customers and force to absorb cost pushes by themselves.
2008-06-09 ArtNo.41086(131/246)
◆Secondary steel makers raise prices by Rs 3,000/tonne
【New Delhi】Secondary steel makers have raised prices of their products following increase in international prices in the last 15 days, despite the major domestic primary steel producers have restrained their products prices under the supervision of the government.
2008-06-09 ArtNo.41087(132/246)
【ブーバネスワル】インド第2のアルミニウム製造会社National Aluminium Company Ltd(Nalco)は、国内と海外における一連の事業拡張計画に向こう4~5年間におよそ95億米ドルを投資する計画だ。
◆Nalco to invest $9.5 billion for capacity expansion
【Bhubaneswar】National Aluminium Company Ltd(Nalco), India's second largest producer of aluminium, plans to invest around $9.5 billion in a host of greenfield and brownfield expansion projects both within the country and abroad in the next four to five years.
2008-06-11 ArtNo.41095(133/246)
【バンガロール】インド鉱業連盟(FIMI:Federation of Indian Mineral Industries)は、中国の輸入減退が予想されることから、今年の鉄鉱石輸出が10~15%下降する可能性があると見ている。
◆Iron ore export may drop 10-15% due to China's slowdown
【Bangalore】The Federation of Indian Mineral Industries (FIMI) said the export of ore from India could drop by 10-15 per cent a year with a slowdown in China's import.
2008-06-11 ArtNo.41096(134/246)
【チェンナイ】国営製鉄会社Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)は、国営海運会社Shipping Corporation of India Ltd(SCIL)との合弁会社を通じ撒積運搬船(bulk carrier)を数隻保有する可能性を検討している。
◆SAIL mulls to own carriers thru tie-up with Shipping Corp
【Chennai】Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL) is deliberating whether to own a few bulk carriers through a joint venture with Shipping Corporation of India to have continuous availability of vessels.
2008-06-16 ArtNo.41105(135/246)
◆Mining boosts IIP growth 7% in April
【New Delhi】Riding on the high level of mineral production, the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) recovered to 7 per cent in April 2008, the first month of fiscal 2008-09, as compared to a low 3.9 per cent in the preceding month(3%, as per the original estimate).
2008-06-16 ArtNo.41112(136/246)
◆ArcelorMittal gets Karampada iron ore mining lease
【New Delhi】The world's largest steel maker ArcelorMittal has received Karampada iron ore mining lease from the Government of India and Jharkhand.
2008-06-16 ArtNo.41113(137/246)
◆Maoist rebels attack Essar plant
【Raipur】Heavily-armed Naxalites, Maoist rebels on June 9 attacked the Essar facility in Dantewada district, Chhattisgarh and set fire to about two dozens vehicles, besides damaging other equipment. This is the second attack on the steel major's iron ore beneficiation plant in the last two months.
2008-06-18 ArtNo.41117(138/246)
◆Export cess on flat products rolled back, on long products hiked
【New Delhi】The government on June 13 notified withdrawal of export cess on flat rolled products (including galvanised products, pipes and tubes) – used in manufacture of cars and white goods –, alongside raising the export duty on long steel products used in construction and infrastructure projects from 10 to 15 per cent and clamping a flat 15 per cent ad valorem duty on all iron ore shipments.
2008-06-18 ArtNo.41124(139/246)
【コルカタ】Videocon Industries Ltd(VIL)のVenugopal Dhoot会長は12日、西ベンガル州における情報技術(IT)及び太陽光発電事業に8000クロー(US$18.74億)を投資すると発表した。同社は昨年10月には同州Burdwan県Asansol-Durgapur地区に1万5000クロー(US$35.13億)を投じて年産300万トンの鉄鋼プラントを設ける計画を発表しており、今回の投資はこれに追加される。
◆Videocon to invest Rs 8000 cr more in IT & solar
【Kolkata】Videocon Industries Ltd chairman Venugopal Dhoot on June 12 announced an additional investment of Rs 8,000 crore in West Bengal's information technology and solar power sectors in addition to the Rs 15,000 crore already promised last October in a 3 million tonne steel plant in the Asansol-Durgapur belt of Burdwan district.
【加尔各答】Videocon工业有限公司的Venugopal Dhoot主席6月12日发表说他的公司准备在西孟加拉州的信息科技与太阳能发电领域投资800亿卢比。他去年10月曾经发表投资1500亿卢比在该州巴尔达曼县阿散索尔-杜尔加布尔地带兴建年产300万吨制钢设施。
2008-06-23 ArtNo.41129(140/246)
◆Core sector growth slumps to 3.6% in April
【New Delhi】The growth of the six core infrastructure industries plunged to 3.6% in April, the first month of the current fiscal, from 9.6% a month earlier and 5.9% a year earlier, mainly on account of a slide in crude and petroleum refinery output and electricity generation.
2008-06-23 ArtNo.41131(141/246)
◆Primary steel price cut is a big eyewash: Secondary makers
【New Delhi】With larger quantities of steel being charged at market prices in absence of data on its end use, primary steel makers continue to remain unaffected by their decision to reduce prices of the alloy meant for domestic use. According to sources from secondary steel makers, the price cuts announced by steel players to help the government contain inflation is a big eyewash.
2008-06-30 ArtNo.41155(142/246)
◆Maha Seamless、US$4500万対米輸出契約獲得
【ムンバイ】年商3000クロー(US$7.26億)のD P Jindalグループに属するMaharashtra Seamless Ltd(MSL)は米国企業から4500万米ドルの無縫鋼管輸出注文を獲得した。
◆Maha Seamless bags $45 mn export orders
【Mumbai】Maharashtra Seamless Ltd, a pipe manufacturing firm and part of the Rs 3,000 crore D P Jindal group, has bagged export orders worth $45 million to supply seamless pipes to a US firm.
2008-07-02 ArtNo.41169(143/246)
◆Steel output grows slowest in five Asian countries
【New Delhi】Indian steel production in the first five months of 2008 grew by 4.1 per cent to 22.86 mt from 21.97 mt in the corresponding period of 2007. However it is the lowest growth rate in steel production among the five Asian countries.
2008-07-02 ArtNo.41170(144/246)
【ニューデリー】Tataグループは、インド第2のアルミニウム・メーカー、国営National Aluminium Co Ltd (Nalco)と手を組み南アフリカに30億米ドルを投じアルミニウム精錬所と発電施設を設ける計画で、両社は近く関係覚書に調印するものと見られる。
◆Tatas, Nalco to jointly set up aluminium plant in South Africa
【New Delhi】Tatas and India's second largest aluminium maker, National Aluminium Co Ltd (Nalco) plan to set up a $3-billion aluminium smelter and power plants in South Africa (SA). MoU between the two companies is expected to be signed in the next two weeks.
2008-07-02 ArtNo.41171(145/246)
【コルカタ】Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)はいよいよ炭層メタン(CBM)の開発に本腰を入れるもようだ。2006年初にジャールカンド州と西ベンガル州において2億米ドルのCBM探査開発ターン・キー・プロジェクトを手に入れた同社は、2008年末か2009年初にジャールカンド州のJharia-ParbatpurブロックでCBMの商業生産を開始する見通し。
◆ONGC to start commercial production of CBM soon
【Kolkata】In what seems to have finally stepped up gas on coal bed methane (CBM) development, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), which bagged a $-200 million project for turnkey CBM development (and exploration) in Jharkhand and Bengal in early 2006, is planning to start commercial production from Jharia-Parbatpur block by end 2008 or early 2009.
2008-07-07 ArtNo.41178(146/246)
◆Steel pipe makers agree to cut prices by 10%
【New Delhi】With the aim of helping the Government fight inflation, Indian steel firms on July 3 pledged to cut prices of steel pipes and tubes by 10 per cent and also discourage exports to ensure greater domestic availability.
2008-07-09 ArtNo.41191(147/246)
◆Steel cos to sell less to retailers, more to users
【New Delhi】Steel producers hereafter will supply less material to the retailers and increase supply to the actual users under the agreement which they achieved with the government on July 3.
2008-07-14 ArtNo.41204(148/246)
◆Core sector growth falls to 3.5% in May
【New Delhi】Hit by poor growth rate in electricity generation and petroleum refinery products output, the growth in six infrastructure industries slipped to 3.5 per cent in May this year as compared to 7.8 per cent in the same month a year ago.
2008-07-14 ArtNo.41205(149/246)
【ニューデリー】鋼塊(steel Ingot)価格は過去1週間にトン当たり2000ルピー前後下降した。
◆Steel ingot prices down
【New Delhi】Steel ingots have dropped in prices by around Rs 2,000 a tonne during the past one week.
2008-07-14 ArtNo.41206(150/246)
◆Posco, Mittal steel projects to miss target date
【New Delhi】Two big steel projects in the country – ArcelorMittal in Jharkhand and Posco in Orissa – are not possible to take off before 2010, by then they were originally supposed to start production.
金属/鉱物 Metallurgy/Mining in 2008