金属/鉱物 Metallurgy/Mining in 2008
【コルカタ】少なくとも鉄鋼会社3社?JSW Steel Ltd(JSW)/Jindal Stainless Ltd(JSL)/Bhushan Steel Ltd(BSL)?が、金融危機から拡張計画の実行を延期する方針を決めた。
◆Steel firms put expansion plans on hold
【Kolkata】At least three steel companies—JSW Steel, Jindal Stainless and Bhushan Steel—have decided to put their expansion plans on hold owing to the financial market crisis.
2008-10-15 ArtNo.41540(202/246)
◆Steel prices may come down
【New Delhi】Steel makers may cut prices and reduce production following a dip in demand in the domestic market caused by a global slowdown.
2008-10-15 ArtNo.41541(203/246)
◆Foreign steel buyers ask renegotiation of contracts
【Mumbai】Foreign buyers have asked Indian steel makers renegotiation of contracts so as to reflect current lower price levels on the back of the current tight credit market and a slowing demand.
2008-10-15 ArtNo.41542(204/246)
◆Steel cos urge govt to impose 20% import duty levy
【New Delhi】India's steel imports have shot up by 50% to about 3 million tonne (mt) during the past six months as compared to the corresponding period in the last fiscal. Primary steelmakers have urged the government to levy 20% import duty on steel or completely ban its imports for the next three months.
2008-10-15 ArtNo.41543(205/246)
【ムンバイ】インド最大の公共部門アルミ精錬会社National Aluminium Co (NALCO)は10月13日、「アルミニウムのトン当たり価格を12万8400ルピーに4500ルピー/93.50米ドル引き下げた」と発表した。
◆Nalco reduces aluminium prices
【Mumbai】India's biggest state run producer of aluminium National Aluminium Co (NALCO) announced to have cut the aluminum prices by Rs 4,500($93.50) per tonne to Rs 1,28,400 on October 13.
2008-10-20 ArtNo.41551(206/246)
【ブーバネスワル】Ram Vilas Paswan鉄鋼相は14日、一部領域の輸出入税免除に関する鉄鋼業界の要求を検討することを約束した。
◆Govt to consider duty rationalisation to bail out steel sector
【Bhubaneswar】Union minister for steel Ram Vilas Paswan on October 14 assured the country's steel producers that it would consider their demands for waiving import and export duties in some sectors.
【布巴内斯瓦尔】钢铁部长Ram Vilas Paswan10月14日向国内制钢业诺言他考虑它们的要求而检讨免除进出口税的可能性。
2008-10-20 ArtNo.41557(207/246)
◆Govt to introduce competitive bidding for coal blocks
【New Delhi】The government is set to introduce competitive bidding for allocation of coal blocks to consuming industries like power and steel.
2008-10-22 ArtNo.41565(208/246)
【ニューデリー】鉄鋼価格の値下がりと鋼材輸入増加に直面する主要鉄鋼メーカーらは17日、鉄鋼省に熱間圧延鋼に対する15%の輸入税適応、輸出業者に対する関税免除パスブック(DEPB:duty exemption passbook)スキームの復活、輸入最低価格の設定、消費税率の14.4%から8%への引き下げ等を求めた。
◆Steel industry demands 15% import duty, revival of DEPB facilities
【New Delhi】In the face of falling steel prices and rising imports, the major steel producers on October 17 urged the Steel Ministry to impose 15 per cent import duty on hot rolled steel, revive DEPB(duty exemption passbook) benefits on exports, set a floor price and cut excise duty from 14.4 per cent to 8 per cent.
2008-10-22 ArtNo.41566(209/246)
【ニューデリー】インド最大の鉄鉱山会社NMDC Ltdは、世界的な金融危機の最中にも関わらず、日韓鉄鋼メーカーとの長期鉄鉱石供給契約交渉に際して最良の価格実現を目指す。
◆NMDC to go for the "best bargain" from foreign steel mills
【New Delhi】India's largest iron ore miner NMDC Ltd, unfazed by the global economic meltdown, plans to ask the best price for its iron ore from Japanese and South Korean steel mills under long-term contract.
2008-10-24 ArtNo.41575(210/246)
◆India holding talks for uranium supply arrangements
【New Delhi】India is working out uranium supply arrangements with countries such as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Mongolia to fuel existing domestic nuclear power plants, which are currently running at half their installed capacity due to fuel shortages.
2008-10-24 ArtNo.41576(211/246)
◆Reliance Infra、ジャールカンド鉄鋼事業候補地リストアップ
【ランチ】Anil Ambani氏に率いられるReliance Infrastructure Ltd(RIL)は、ジャールカンド州における4万クロー(US$82.47億)鉄鋼プロジェクトの候補地として3カ所をリストアップした。
◆Reliance Infra identifies potential steel plant sites in Jharkhand
【Ranchi】Anil Ambani-promoted Reliance Infrastructure has identified three potential sites in Jharkhand for setting up the Rs 40,000-crore greenfield steel project.
2008-10-27 ArtNo.41590(212/246)
【コルカタ】鋼線(steel wire)価格は、需要軟化から過去1ヶ月半の間にトン当たり5万5000乃至6万ルピーから同4万5000乃至5万ルピーに20%ほど値下がりした。
◆Steel wire prices dip 20%
【Kolkata】Steel wire prices have dropped by 20 per cent in last one and half month from Rs 55,000-60,000 a ton to Rs 45,000-50,000 a ton on account of lower demand.
2008-10-27 ArtNo.41591(213/246)
◆Hindustan Zinc、亜鉛と鉛共に値下げ
【ニューデリー】Vedanta Group傘下の指導的非鉄金属会社Hindustan Zinc Ltd(HZL)は亜鉛の価格をトン当たり2800ルピー、鉛の価格を同3400ルピー、それぞれ引き下げた。
◆Hindustan Zinc slashes zinc, lead prices
【New Delhi】Hindustan Zinc, a leading metal producer under the aegis of Vedanta Group, has reduced prices of zinc and lead by Rs 2,800 a tonne and Rs 3,400 per tonne, respectively.
2008-10-29 ArtNo.41605(214/246)
【ニューデリー】Essar Steel Ltd(ESL)は、国営National Mineral Development Corporation Ltd(NMDC)管理下の350万トンの鉄鋼資源を、国営鉱物貿易会社Mining and Mineral Trading Corporation (MMTC)に割り当てることに異議を唱え、Manmohan Singh首相に介入を求めた。
◆Essar asks PM to intervene in allocation of iron ore
【New Delhi】Essar Steel has asked Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to intervene in Mining and Mineral Trading Corporation (MMTC) getting allocation of 3.5 million tonnes of iron ore reserved by mining giant National Mineral Development Corporation Ltd(NMDC) for exports.
2008-11-03 ArtNo.41612(215/246)
◆Govt scraps export duty on steel and customs duty on aviation fuel
【New Delhi】The Government October 31 withdrew the export duty on certain steel products to encourage Indian steel makers to export despite falling global prices and also scrapped the customs duty on aviation fuel.
2008-11-03 ArtNo.41613(216/246)
◆Metals industry mulling production cutbacks and price cuts
【Mumbai】The slowdown in global economy due to the liquidity crisis has affected the metals industry such as steel plants and the non-ferrous industry including aluminium and copper. They are currently mulling price cuts and steel companies are set to cut production.
2008-11-05 ArtNo.41622(217/246)
【ニューデリー】インドの指導的鉄鋼メーカー、国営Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)/同Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd(RINL)/民間のEssar Steel Ltd(ESL)/同JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)は、需要が減退する中、中国やウクライナ等の国から輸入される低価格製品と競争するため、トン当たり製品価格を最大8500ルピー引き下げた。しかしTata Steel Ltd(TSL)は依然観望姿勢をとっている。
◆Steel firms cut steel prices by up to Rs. 8,500 a tonne
【New Delhi】India's leading steel producers, i.e. Steel Authority of India Ltd along with Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd, private producers Essar Steel and JSW Steel, have slashed prices of their products by up to Rs 8,500 a tonne to ward off the threat of cheaper imports from countries like China and Ukraine amid a dip in demand, while Tata Steel is still weighing its options.
2008-11-10 ArtNo.41636(218/246)
◆Infrastructure output up 5.1% in Sept
【New Delhi】The index of six core infrastructure industries grew 5.1 percent in September from a year earlier, well above 2.3 percent annual growth in August, but marginally lower than the 5.8% rise recorded in the same month last year.
2008-11-10 ArtNo.41640(219/246)
◆Tata Steel、Jamshedpur工場に300万トン新高炉増設
【ニューデリー】Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)は11月3日、ジャールカンド州Jamshedpurの工場に熔銑年産能力305万トンのI高炉を増設する起工式を催した。これは1万4000クロー(US$28.87億)拡張計画の一環で、同拡張計画の下、Jamshedpur工場の年産能力は2年内に1000万トンに達する。
◆Tata Steel to set up 3 MT blast furnace at Jamshedpur
【New Delhi】Tata Steel on November 3 performed the groundbreaking ceremony for its 3.05 million tonne per annum hot metal capacity 'I' blast furnace at its Jamshedpur works unit as part of the Rs 14,000 crore brownfield expansion to augment its production capacity to 10 million tonne (MT) in over two years.
2008-11-12 ArtNo.41650(220/246)
◆JSW Steel、11月から20%減産
【ニューデリー】JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)は、需要の落ち込みが顕在化する中、製品在庫の急増を回避するため、11月より約20%減産する方針を決めた。
◆JSW Steel plans 20% cut in production from Nov
【New Delhi】JSW Steel is planning to cut output by about 20 per cent starting this month to tackle the huge inventory build-up following demand slowdown.
2008-11-12 ArtNo.41651(221/246)
【ロウケラ】インドの主要な公共部門企業Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)は、国際需要の顕著な落ち込みに対応し、既に様々な緊縮策(austerity measures)を講じている。
◆SAIL to adjust Production capacity
【Rourkela】The country's major steel producer Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) has started taking several austerity measures as the demand for steel has been considerably reduced in the world market.
2008-11-12 ArtNo.41652(222/246)
◆150 small sponge iron units shut down
【New Delhi】On the back of slowdown in the economy and slump in demand for steel, over 150 small sponge iron units have shut down operations.
2008-11-12 ArtNo.41653(223/246)
【ニューデリー】Vedanta Resources plc(VRP)は11月6日、これ以前に発表した98億米ドルのアルミ事業資本支出計画を様々な方式を通じ51億米ドル削減する考えを明らかにした。
◆Vedanta to cut capex on aluminium programme by $5.1 bn
【New Delhi】Vedanta Resources plc on November 6 said that the company might reduce the announced $9.8 billion aluminium capex programme by $5.1 billion through various initiatives.
2008-11-17 ArtNo.41658(224/246)
◆IIP growth rate slips to 4.8%
【New Delhi】Industrial production growth rate dropped to 4.8 per cent in September this year, compared to 7 per cent in the same month last year but well above the dismal growth of 1.3% (now revised to 1.4%) in August—the lowest in a decade.
2008-11-17 ArtNo.41659(225/246)
【ハイデラバード】国営鉱山会社National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC)は、日韓両国の顧客と今会計年度の輸出価格に関して合意に達し、塊鉱の輸出価格を前年比96.5%、粉鉱のそれは同79.88%、それぞれ引き上げた。
◆NMDC secures higher export price of ore from Japan, Korea
【Hyderabad】The National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) has secured higher price realisation for export of iron ore from Japan and South Korea for the current fiscal. The prices have been increased by 96.5 per cent for lumps and 79.88 per cent for fines over the previous year levels.
2008-11-19 ArtNo.41671(226/246)
◆Kalinganagar steel zone faces meltdown
【Kolkata】The worldwide depression has precipitated the most steel plants at Kalinganagar in Orissa into a crisis. They are shutting down furnaces and their managements are resorting to disengagement of workers.
2008-11-19 ArtNo.41672(227/246)
◆Indian steel mills to face Chinese threat
【Mumbai】The Indian steel industry, which currently cuts production to counter a sharp fall in demand, may face a bigger blow post December, when China plans to lift export tax on steel.
2008-11-24 ArtNo.41685(228/246)
◆Import duty re-imposed on steel
【New Delhi】The Centre, on November 18, restored the 5% import duty on specified iron and steel items to protect the domestic industry from cheaper imports, especially from China, about six months after it had abolished the import duty on steel to rein in rising prices.
2008-11-24 ArtNo.41687(229/246)
【コルカタ】Vedanta Aluminium Limited (VAL)は、46億米ドルを投じオリッサ州Jharsugudaにおけるアルミ精錬事業のキャパシティーを拡張する。
◆Vedanta plans $4.6 bn expansion for Jharsuguda aluminium unit
【Kolkata】Vedanta Aluminium Limited (VAL) has chalked out massive 4.6 billion dollar expansion for the project at Jharsuguda in Orissa.
2008-11-26 ArtNo.41693(230/246)
【ムンバイ】景気後退で自動車と二輪車の販売が落ち込む中、国内第三位の鉄鋼メーカーJSW Steel Ltd(JSW)は、自動車用鋼材需要の40~50%の落ち込みに直面している。
◆JSW's auto grade steel sales dip 40-50%
【Mumbai】India's third-largest steel company JSW Steel has seen a 40-50% drop in demand for auto grade steel, as the slowdown in economy has pushed down sales of cars and two-wheelers.
2008-12-01 ArtNo.41712(231/246)
◆Curbs on import of select steel & wood products
【New Delhi】The government now imposed import restrictions on seamless tubes and pipes, which are used by the automobile, oil and gas industries, after imposing curbs on import of hot-rolled coil and levying a 5 per cent import duty on steel products last week. Import of wood and certain wood products have also been put on the restricted list.
2008-12-01 ArtNo.41713(232/246)
【ニューデリー】ジャールカンド州政府が定めた立ち退き住民の更生再定住(R&R:Rehabilitation and Resettlement)政策の一部の条件、例えば立ち退き住民への利益分与等に投資家が態度を保留しているため、同州における17万8000クロー(US$367億)の鉄鋼プロジェクトの前途が不透明になっている。
◆R&R policy becomes an obstacle for steel majors
【New Delhi】The most companies, which have proposed investments worth Rs 178,000 crore in the steel sector in Jharkhand, have reservations on the terms and conditions of the state's Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy like sharing profits with people who give away land.
2008-12-03 ArtNo.41721(233/246)
◆Falling prices slash steel cos' expansion cost
【Kolkata】Steel companies can avail themselves of falling prices of commodities to execute their expansion projects in the country. A dip in structural steel and cement prices is further expected to slash expansion cost. They are also expecting lower prices on new orders for equipment.
2008-12-05 ArtNo.41735(234/246)
【ムンバイ】Essar Steel Ltd(ESL)と神戸製鋼所は12月1日協力契約を結んだ。同契約の下、前者は後者から高付加価値鉄鋼製品の製造技術を手に入れることができ、後者は前者から原料の供給を受けられる。
◆Essar in tie-up with Kobe Steel
【Mumbai】Essar Steel and Japan's Kobe Steel on December 1 signed an agreement that will see the Indian company gain access to technology for making high-grade steel products, while providing raw materials to the Japanese company.
2008-12-05 ArtNo.41736(235/246)
【ムンバイ】特殊鋼メーカーMukand Ltdは神戸製鋼所と、後者が開発した低コストな直接溶融還元技術IT mk3 (Iron-making Technology Mark 3)を用いたアイアンナゲット(iron nugget)製造施設をインド国内に設けるEPC(engineering, procurement and construction)契約を独占的に引き受けるライセンス契約を結んだ。
◆Mukand enters into licence agreement with Kobe Steel
【Mumbai】Speciality steelmaker Mukand Ltd has entered into an exclusive licence agreement with Kobe Steel of Japan to execute EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) contracts of Kobe's low-cost steel making process, IT mk3 technology projects in India.
【孟买】印度特钢生产商穆坎德公司跟神户制钢公司签署专用特许协议。这项协议下前者承包在印度兴建后者独自发展的直接熔融还原法(IT mk3)铁蛋厂的EPC(设计·采购·施工)合约。
2008-12-10 ArtNo.41746(236/246)
【ニューデリー】国営鉱山会社National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC)は、鉄鉱石の国内長期契約価格を12月1日に遡って25%引き下げた。
◆NMDC cuts iron ore prices by 25%
【New Delhi】The National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) has reduced iron ore prices for domestic long-term contracts by 25 per cent with effect from December 1.
2008-12-10 ArtNo.41747(237/246)
◆National Aluminium Company、赤字転落の危機に
【コルカタ】National Aluminium Company (Nalco)は、ロンドン金属取引所(LME:London Metal Exchange)におけるアルミニウムの価格が、世界的景気後退を背景に12月3日、過去最低のトン当たり1586米ドルに落ち込む中、創業以来初の赤字転落の危機に直面している。
◆National Aluminium Company facing crisis
【Kolkata】National Aluminium Company (Nalco) is standing amid the fear that it may slip into losses, for the first time since its inception as the quoted rate of aluminum at London Metal Exchange (LME) dipped to all time low of 1586 US dollar per tonne on December 3 due to global recession.
2008-12-15 ArtNo.41754(238/246)
◆Infrastructure growth dips to 3.4% in Oct
【New Delhi】Core infrastructure industries grew by a sluggish 3.4% in October, below a downwardly revised 4.8 percent annual growth in September and 4.6 per cent in the same month last year.
2008-12-15 ArtNo.41756(239/246)
【ニューデリー】JSW SteelやIspat Industries等の主要鉄鋼メーカーが12月8日深夜をもって中央付加価値税(CENVAT)の4%ポイント引き下げの利益を顧客に還元すると発表したことから、鉄鋼価格はトン当たり最大1600ルピー下降する見通しだ。
◆Steel prices to fall by up to Rs 1,600 per tonne
【New Delhi】Steel products will cost less by up to Rs 1,600 a tonne with Steel majors, i.e. JSW Steel, Ispat Industries and etc. announcing to pass on the 4 per cent reduction in the ad valorem Central Value Added Tax (Cenvat) rate to the consumers, effective midnight December 8.
2008-12-15 ArtNo.41757(240/246)
◆Nalco、Rio Tinto Alcanと戦略提携
【ムンバイ】国営National Aluminium Co Ltd (Nalco)は、国内及び海外におけるプレゼンスを強化する狙いから、世界的鉱山会社Rio Tintoの子会社でカナダを拠点にするRio Tinto Alcanと戦略提携を結んだ。
◆Nalco in strategic deal with Rio Tinto Alcan
【Mumbai】State-run National Aluminium Co Ltd (Nalco) has signed a strategic alliance with Canada-based Rio Tinto Alcan, the arm of global miner Rio Tinto, for increasing its presence in India and abroad.
2008-12-17 ArtNo.41765(241/246)
【ニューデリー】世界的な景気の後退から国内需要と輸出需要が共に減退し、製造業が深刻な打撃を受ける中、10月の工業生産指数(IIP:Index for Industrial Production)の伸びは-0.4%と、過去15年来初めてマイナス成長を記録した。
◆Industrial growth crashes to -0.4%
The Index for Industrial Production (IIP) shrunk for the first time in many years to a record a negative growth of 0.4 per cent in October, stifled by manufacturing sector -- for rescuing which the government announced a stimulus package earlier this month.
2008-12-17 ArtNo.41771(242/246)
◆Recession to affect steel production target
【New Delhi】Although no one is willing to admit officially, the big players of the Indian steel industry appear to have virtually given up on their target to achieve a combined capacity of over 85 million tonnes (mt) of finished steel by 2011-12.
2008-12-17 ArtNo.41772(243/246)
◆JSW Bengal Steel、石炭鉱区獲得
【コルカタ】JSW Bengal Steel Ltd(JBSL)は西ベンガル州West Midnapore県Salboniにおける年産1000万トンの鉄鋼プロジェクト用に石炭産業省から石炭鉱区3ブロックの割当を受けた。しかし依然としてコークス用炭を輸入する必要がある。
◆JSW Bengal Steel alloted three coal blocks
【Kolkata】JSW Bengal Steel has been allotted three coal blocks in West Bengal for its 10 million tonne steel plant in Salboni by the Union coal ministry, although the company will have to depend on imports for supply of coking coal to its project.
2008-12-22 ArtNo.41779(244/246)
◆Orissa govt to reduce the land of 10 mega steel projects
【Bhubaneswar】The Orissa government has decided to reduce the land requirement of 10 mega steel projects by about 5481 acres, equivalent to 16 per cent of the original requirement in the MoUs signed between the concerned companies and the state government.
2008-12-24 ArtNo.41791(245/246)
◆RSB Metaltech、オリッサ州にアルミ複合施設建設
【ブーバネスワル】地元の指導的自動車コンポーネント及びシステム製造業者RSB Metaltech Private Ltd(RSBMPL)は6800クロー(US$13.6億)を投じオリッサ州にアルミ・コンプレックスを建設するため19日、オリッサ州政府と関係覚書を交換した。
◆RSB Metaltech to set up aluminium complex in Orissa
【Bhubaneswar】RSB Metaltech Private Ltd., a leading automotive component and system manufacturer, on December 19 signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Orissa government to set up a Rs 6,800-crore integrated light metal aluminium complex in Orissa.
2008-12-24 ArtNo.41792(246/246)
【ブーバネスワル】公共部門のアルミ大手National Aluminium Company Ltd(Nalco)は20日、アラブ首長国連邦のラス・アル・ハイマ投資局(RAKIA:Ras Al Khaimah Investment Authority)子会社Rak Minerals and Metals Investments (RMMI)と、インドネシアで1万4000クロー(US$28億)のプロジェクトを進める合弁契約を結んだ。
◆Nalco to set up a smelter in Indonesia with RMMI
【Bhubaneswar】The public sector aluminium major National Aluminium Company (Nalco) on December 20 inked an agreement with Rak Minerals and Metals Investments (RMMI), a subsidiary of Ras Al Khaimah Investment Authority, for its Rs 14,000-crore Indonesian project.
金属/鉱物 Metallurgy/Mining in 2008