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輸送機器 Transport Equipment in 2007
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元のページへ戻る ►2007-10-12 ArtNo.40126(201/260)
◆Car sales 11.67% up in September
【New Delhi】Passenger car sales in the domestic market during September grew by 11.67 per cent to 1,05,822 units against 94,757 units in the same month last year.
2007-10-12 ArtNo.40127(202/260)
◆Commercial vehicles sales marginally up
【New Delhi】Commercial vehicles recording marginal growth in sales at 42,770 units during September, as against 42,364 units in the same month last year.
2007-10-12 ArtNo.40128(203/260)
◆Two-wheeler sales dip 13.17% in September
【New Delhi】Total two-wheelers sales in the domestic market during September declined 13.17 per cent to 6,79,766 units compared to 7,82,930 units in the same month last year.
2007-10-15 ArtNo.40139(204/260)
◆Japanese bike makers to develop new models for Indian market
【Mumbai】Three Japanese bike makers - Honda, Suzuki and Yamaha - have decided to adopt a common strategy of building new models to suit the Indian market.
2007-10-15 ArtNo.40140(205/260)
【ムンバイ】イタリアの自動車部品メーカーMagneti Marelli Holding S.p.A.(MMH)はスズキ及びMaruti Suzuki India Ltd(MSIL)と合弁でインドにディーゼル・エンジンの電気制御装置製造施設を設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆Magneti, Suzuki, Maruti in engine unit JV
【MUMBAI】Suzuki Motor Corp, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd and Magneti Marelli Holding S.p.A., a leading Italian automobile component manufacturer have agreed to set up a joint venture in India to make electronic control units for diesel engines.
2007-10-17 ArtNo.40153(206/260)
【ニューデリー】年商11億米ドルのSan Yang Industry Company Ltd(SYICL:三陽工業)に属する台湾の二輪車メーカー、SYMは、インドを欧州市場向け輸出基地にする可能性を検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆San Yang looking to make India an export hub
【New Delhi】A part of $1.1-billion San Yang Industry Company Ltd, Taiwan-based two-wheeler manufacturer SYM is looking at making India an export base for the European market.
【新德里】年销11亿美元的三阳工业公司旗下的台湾二轮车厂商 SYM考虑把印度作为中继基地出口二轮车到欧州市场。
2007-10-19 ArtNo.40160(207/260)
【コインバトール】Larsen and Toubro(L&T)は3000クロー(US$7.43億)を投じて港湾と造船施設を設けるため候補地を物色して来たが、今やタミールナド州に照準を合わせ、最後の詰めを進めている。(...続きを読む)
◆L&T plans to set up port-cum-shipyard in Tamil Nadu
【Coimbatore】Tamil Nadu is Larsen and Toubro's preferred investment destination for its port-cum-shipbuilding project at an investment of Rs 3,000 crore.
2007-10-19 ArtNo.40162(208/260)
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州政府はWest Midnapore県Guptamoniの500エーカーの土地に自動車コンポーネント・ハブを開発する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆West Bengal plans to set up auto component hub
【KOLKATA】The West Bengal government has now decided to set up an auto component park at Guptamoni in West Midnapore district on 500 acres.
2007-10-22 ArtNo.40171(209/260)
◆Interest rate hike causes decline in two-wheeler sales ?
【Chennai】How much does interest rates hike affect decline in two-wheeler sales? Top officials of two-wheeler companies say that high lending rates are among the major reasons for the slowdown. Do banks take responsibility for the slowdown? Not really.
2007-10-22 ArtNo.40172(210/260)
◆Yamaha to invest Rs 250 cr in a new arm
【NEW DELHI】Yamaha is investing Rs 250 crore to set up a new subsidiary in India to import its high-end super bikes and speciality vehicles. It also plans to forge local partnerships through the new entity.
2007-10-22 ArtNo.40173(211/260)
【プネー】三菱電機は、インド国内の大手自動車メーカーに総合的な『製造管理実行システム(MES:Manufacturing Execution System)』を提供するため、地元ディストリビューターのMessung Systems及びIBMとコンソーシアムを組織した。(...続きを読む)
◆Mitsubishi Electric, IBM, Messung form a consortium to deliver MES
【Pune】Japan-based Mitsubishi Electric Company has planned to deliver a holistic Manufacturing Execution System (MES) to large automakers in India and has formed a consortium with its Indian distributor Messung Systems and IBM.
【浦那】三菱电机公司为了印度主要汽车制造商提供车间制造执行系统,跟它的经销商Messung Systems和IBM组织企业联盟。
2007-10-24 ArtNo.40187(212/260)
【ニューデリー】Suzuki Motorcycle India (SMI)は、125cc自動変速スクーター『Access』の好調な売れ行きに励まされ、来年の二輪車販売目標を2倍の12万台に引き上げた。(...続きを読む)
◆Suzuki aims to sell 1.2 lakh units of two-wheelers next year
【New Delhi】Encouraged by vigorous response to its 125 cc gearless scooter Access, Suzuki Motorcycle India (SMI) has doubled sales target for the two-wheeler to 1.2 lakh units next year.
【新德里】因为市场对125 cc自动变速速可达Access的需求很强,铃木摩托车印度私人有限公司把明年的二轮车销售目标提高一倍到12万辆。
2007-10-26 ArtNo.40198(213/260)
◆Hero Ultra、南部におけるプレゼンスを強化
【バンガロール】Hero Exportsと英Ultra Motorsの合弁会社Hero Ultraは10月23日、同社の電動二輪製品を南インド市場に投入すると発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero Ultra to increase presence in South
【Bangalore】Hero Ultra on 23 Oct announced its foray into South India with launch of its electric two wheelers. The company plans to increase its presence in the South by opening 40 outlets in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
◆电动二轮车商Hero Ultra计划开拓南部市场
【邦加罗尔】电动二轮车商Hero Ultra计划开拓印度南部市场。该公司将在南部3州开设40个店铺。
2007-10-29 ArtNo.40214(214/260)
【ニューデリー】自動二輪車メーカーBajaj Autoは3000米ドルの小型車プロジェクトでRenault-Nissan連合と提携する。消息筋によると、Bajajが主動し、Renault-Nissan連合がこれを支援する形になる。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj Auto to form alliance with Renault-Nissan for $3,000 car
【New Delhi】Bajaj Auto will enter into an alliance with Renault-Nissan for the $3,000 small car project. Bajaj will lead the project and Renault-Nissan will support it.
2007-10-29 ArtNo.40215(215/260)
◆TVS Motor、DTSi技術特許権巡りBajajを名誉毀損で告訴
【チェンナイ】TVS Motor Company(TVSMC)は、Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)のTVSMCに対する知的所有権侵犯の主張により著しく名誉を毀損されたとし、BALに250クロー(US$6286万)の損害賠償を求める訴えを先週初ボンベイ高裁に提出した。TVSMCはまたインド著作権法(Indian Patents Act)に基づく訴えをマドラス高裁に提出、TVSMCが著作権を侵犯したとするBALの主張に対抗する措置をとった。(...続きを読む)
◆TVS slaps Rs 250-cr libel suit on Bajaj
【Chennai】TVS motor filed a Rs 250-crore defamation suit against Bajaj Auto's allegation of infringement (by TVS) of intellectual property rights on technology that is used in most Bajaj bikes in Bombay High Court earlier last week and another suit under the Indian Patents Act in Madras High Court to counter Bajaj's claims on patent violation or infringement by TVS.
2007-10-31 ArtNo.40222(216/260)
【コルカタ】K.K. Birlaグループ傘下のTexmaco Ltdは軽量貨車と地下鉄客車の2プロジェクトについて共同出資および技術協力のパートナーを近く決定する。(...続きを読む)
◆Texmaco finalising partner for two railway projects
【Kolkata】Texmaco Ltd is close to identifying equity partner and technology collaborator for its proposed projects of light-weight freight rakes and metro coaches.
2007-10-31 ArtNo.40223(217/260)
【ニューデリー】Maruti Suzuki India Ltd(MSIL)は29日、2010-11年までに年産100万台の目標を達成するため、ハリヤナ州における研究開発(R&D)施設やセールス&マーケッティング部門に18億米ドルを追加投資する計画を明らかにするとともに、トップの人事移動を発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Maruti to pump in $1.8 b in Haryana R&D facility
【New Delhi】Maruti Suzuki India Ltd has announced an investment of $1.8 billion towards marketing and a new research and development facility in Haryana to achieve its target of producing one million cars by 2010-11and major structural changes in the company.
2007-10-31 ArtNo.40224(218/260)
◆Ashok Leyland、日産と軽商用車領域で合弁
【ムンバイ】地元商用車メーカー、Ashok Leyland Ltd(ALL)は29日、日産自動車と、軽商用車及び伝動機構(Powertrain)の製造、そして技術開発の3領域の合弁に関わるマスター協力契約に調印した。(...続きを読む)
◆Ashok Leyland, Nissan sign LCV pact
【MUMBAI】Ashok Leyland Ltd on October 29 signed a Master Cooperation Agreement with Nissan Motor Co. Ltd, Japan to set up three joint venture companies for Light Commercial Vehicle and powertrain manufacturing and technology development.
2007-10-31 ArtNo.40225(219/260)
【ニューデリー】インド第2のモーターバイク・メーカー、Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は11月から125ccバイク新モデル『XCD』の月産台数を現在の5万台から7万5000台に引き上げる。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj revs up production of new 125 cc bike
【NEW DELHI】India's No. 2 motorbike maker Bajaj Auto Ltd is raising production of its new 125 cc DTS-Si XCD motorbike to 75,000 units a month from November.
【新德里】印度第二大摩托车制造商巴贾吉汽车公司计划从11月起把125cc DTS-Si XCD摩托车月产量提高到7万5000辆。
2007-11-05 ArtNo.40230(220/260)
【ムンバイ】Renault-Nissan連合のCarlos Ghosn社長は10月30日、インドにおけるNissanとAshok Leylandの小型商用車合弁事業の包括契約に調印したのち、インド商用車市場へのRenaultの進出についてEicher Motorsと会談を行ったようだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Renault eyes commercial vehicle alliance with Eicher
【Mumbai】Carlos Ghosn, CEO of Renault and Nissan, is believed to be in talks with Eicher Motors for Renault's entry in the Indian commercial vehicle market. Renault has been eyeing a strategic partnership in India.
【孟买】业界相信雷诺·日产总裁Carlos Ghosn10月30号就雷诺打进印度商用车市场事宜跟Eicher Motors首脑会谈。雷诺寻找印度战略伙伴。
2007-11-05 ArtNo.40231(221/260)
【ムンバイ】圧縮天然ガス(CNG)三輪タクシー『Pal CNG Rickshaw』を発表したグジャラート州Rajkot県に本拠を置くFieldmarshal (P.M.Diesels Pvt Ltd)は電気三輪車と電気四輪車への進出を計画している。(...続きを読む)
◆Fieldmarshal to foray into electric vehicles
【Mumbai】FieldMarshal is planning a foray into battery-operated three-wheeler and four-wheeler electric vehicles. The company finalised a tie-up with Farnow Technologies of Australia. The electric three-wheeler will have seating for three passengers and the small electric car will have a maximum speed of 70-80 km/h.
【孟买】三轮车制造商Fieldmarshal计划向电动三轮车和电动轿车领域进军。该公司跟澳大利亚技术开发公司Farnow Technologies签订了技术合作协议。电动三轮车可坐三个乘客,小型电动轿车最高速度为70至80km/h。
2007-11-07 ArtNo.40245(222/260)
◆Maruti Suzuki、10月の乗用車販売15%アップ
【ニューデリー】Maruti Suzuki India Limited(MSIL)の10月の国内乗用車輌販売台数は昨年同月比15%増の6万4258台、輸出は同20.8%増の5157台を記録した。(...続きを読む)
◆Maruti Suzuki sales up 15% in October
【New Delhi】Maruti Suzuki India Limited has posted a 15 per cent growth in sales in October at 64,258 units and its exports grew at 20.8 per cent at 5157 units.
2007-11-07 ArtNo.40246(223/260)
◆Hero Honda、10月の二輪車販売0.42%アップ
【ムンバイ】Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)の10月の二輪車販売台数は36万5022台と、昨年同月比0.42%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero Honda sales grows 0.42 % in October
【MUMBAI】Hero Honda Motors Ltd two-wheeler sales grew by a paltry 0.42 per cent at 3,65,022 units in October.
2007-11-07 ArtNo.40247(224/260)
◆Bajaj Auto、10月の二輪/三輪車販売1%下降
【ムンバイ】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)の10月の二輪/三輪車販売台数は昨年同月の27万9578台から27万8176台に1%減少した。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj Auto sales slide 1% in October
【MUMBAI】Bajaj Auto Ltd vehicle sales in October dipped 1 per cent to 2,78,176 units from 2,79,578 units a year earlier.
2007-11-07 ArtNo.40248(225/260)
【ムンバイ】TVS Motors Company Ltd(TVSMC)の10月のモーターサイクル販売台数は6万7752台と、昨年同月比26%下降した。(...続きを読む)
◆TVS sales slip 26% in October
【MUMBAI】TVS Motor Company motorcycle sales in October declined 26 per cent at 67,752 units, as compared with the corresponding month last year.
2007-11-09 ArtNo.40257(226/260)
【プネー】自動二輪/三輪車大手Bajaj Auto Ltd (BAL)は11月5日、欧米市場で知名度の高いオーストリアの大型自動二輪メーカーKTM Power Sports AGと広範囲にわたる業務提携を行うと発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj and KTM to jointly build bikes
【Pune】Bajaj Auto Ltd on 5 Nov announced wide ranging co-operation with KTM Power Sports AG, an European sports motorcycle manufacturer. KTM will provide the know-how for the joint development of water-cooled four stroke engines. And Bajaj will takeover the distribution of KTM products in India and in South-East Asia.
【普那】摩托车制造商巴贾吉汽车公司11月5号宣布该公司跟奥地利大型摩托车制造商KTM Power Sports AG开展多方面的协作。两家公司联手研制水冷式四冲程引擎,KTM给巴贾吉提供技术指导。巴贾吉接手KTM在印度和东南亚的商品流通业务。
2007-11-09 ArtNo.40258(227/260)
◆Stone India、鉄道車両用空気ばねの製造で住友電工と提携
【コルカタ】G P Goenkaグループの機関車部品メーカーStone India Ltd(SIL)は、インド国内で鉄道車輌用空気ばねを製造するため、住友電気工業電線・機材・エネルギー事業本部ハイブリッド製品事業部と技術提携した。(...続きを読む)
◆Stone India ties up with Japan's Sumitomo
【KOLKATA】Locomotive parts maker Stone India Ltd, a RPG(Rama Prasad Goenka) group company, has entered into a technical tie-up with the hybrid products division of Sumitomo Electric Industries to make air springs for railways in India.
2007-11-09 ArtNo.40259(228/260)
◆自動車用特殊鋼のAdhunik Metaliks、圧延施設の操業開始
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州Kolkataを拠点に自動車用スチールや特殊鋼の製造を手掛けるAdhunik Metaliks Ltd(AML)は、オリッサ州Rourkela近郊Kuarmundaの製鉄所内に設けた最新式圧延施設の操業を開始した。(...続きを読む)
◆Adhunik commissions rolling mill in Rourkela
【Kolkata】The Kolkata based Adhunik Metaliks Ltd, which produces automotive and special alloy steel, has commissioned its state of art rolling mill at its steel facility at Kuarmunda near Rourkela.
2007-11-12 ArtNo.40271(229/260)
【ムンバイ】今年10月の乗用車(passenger car)販売台数は10万5878台と、昨年同月に比べ14.60%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆Car and commercial vehicles' growth continue, the fall in two-wheeler sales moderate
【Mumbai】Overall sales of passenger car grew by 14.6 per cent in October from a year ago to 105,878 units.
2007-11-12 ArtNo.40272(230/260)
◆Global Automobiles、格安100ccバイク発表
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州Kolkataに拠点を置く新興の自動二輪メーカーGlobal Automobiles Ltdは11月7日、同クラスで国内最安値となる1万9990ルピー(US$483)の100ccオートバイ『Rock100』を発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Global Automobiles launches cheapest 100cc bike
【Kolkata】Global Automobiles Ltd on 7 Nov launched India's cheapest 100cc motorcycle ‘Rock 100’ at Rs 19,990. ‘Rock100’ is priced almost Rs 10,000 lower than its nearest competitor in this category.
◆Global Automobiles发表最廉价小型摩托车
【加尔各答】Global Automobiles11月7号发表国内最廉价的100cc摩托车‘Rock 100’。该车价格是1万9990卢比,比其他大公司的同类摩托车便宜约1万卢比。
2007-11-14 ArtNo.40283(231/260)
【ニューデリー】Renault-NissanのCarlos Ghosn社長は2年ほど前にソーシング・ツァーでインドを訪れ、処女のごとく慎ましいスタートを切ったが、今や脱兎のごとくインド戦略を展開している。(...続きを読む)
◆Ghosn gets in place India strategy at break-neck speed
【NEW DELHI】Although Renault-Nissan chief Carlos Ghosn started with a low-key, sourcing trip two years ago, right now he seems to be working at break-neck speed to get his India strategy in place.
2007-11-14 ArtNo.40284(232/260)
【ハイデラバード】Hyundai Motor Corporation(HMC)は4000万米ドルを投じアンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad市Madhapurに5番目の研究開発(R&D)施設を設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆Hyundai to set up its fifth R&D centre in Hyderabad
【Hyderabad】Hyundai Motor Corporation will set up its fifth R&D facility at Madhapur in Hyderabad with an investment of $40 million.
2007-11-14 ArtNo.40285(233/260)
◆Car firms reengineering engines to meet E10 requirement
【Mumbai】The government’s plan to hike ethanol content in petrol to 10 % has pushed leading car firms to make their car models Ethanol 10 compliant (E10).
2007-11-19 ArtNo.40292(234/260)
【ニューデリー】三井化学と同社子会社プライムポリマーがそれぞれ80%、20%出資してラジャスタン州ニムラナ(Neemrana)に設立した新会社Mitsui Prime Advanced Composites India PVT LTDがポリプロピレン(PP)自動車材の製造施設を建設する。(...続きを読む)
◆Mitsui Chem setting up facility in Rajasthan
【New Delhi】Mitsui Prime Advanced Composites India, a subsidiary of Mitsui Chemicals, is setting up a manufacturing facility to make polypropylene compounded resins for auto parts in Neemrana, Rajasthan with an initial investment of Rs 30 crore. The new plant, with an initial capacity of 15,000 tonnes per annum, will be operational from the first quarter of 2009, and will cater to Japanese automobile companies.
【新德里】日本三井化学在拉贾斯坦州Neemrana设立的Mitsui Prime Advanced Composites India兴建汽车用聚丙烯(PP)树脂材料厂。首期投资为3亿卢比,产能为1.5万吨/年,预计于2009年第1季度投产。产品专供给日资车厂。
2007-11-21 ArtNo.40303(235/260)
◆新日鉄/Tata Steelの合弁交渉近く正式合意
【コルカタ】新日本製鉄とTata Steelの自動車鋼板製造合弁交渉は進捗しており、間もなく正式合意がなされるものと見られる。(...続きを読む)
◆Nippon Steel, Tata joint venture for automotive steels on track
【Kolkata】The proposed joint venture between Nippon Steel of Japan and Tata Steel for manufacturing automotive steels is on track. However, no formal announcement will be made now in view of Tata's ongoing rights issue of shares.
2007-11-21 ArtNo.40308(236/260)
◆Salim asks additional land for two-wheeler project
【KOLKATA】Indonesia-based Salim group has asked West Bengal state government an additional 35 acres of land for its proposed two-wheeler project at Uluberia in that state.
2007-11-23 ArtNo.40315(237/260)
◆Adani Logistics、マルチスズキ乗用車のコンテナ列車輸送開始
【ニューデリー】ハリヤナ州Gurgaon近郊の内陸コンテナ・デポとグジャラート州のMundra港を結ぶコンテナ列車サービスを手掛けるAdani Logistics Ltd(ALL)は、Maruti Suzuki India Ltd(MSIL)のGurgaon工場からの乗用車の輸送を開始した。(...続きを読む)
◆Adani Logistics begins moving cars in container train service
【New Delhi】Adani Logistics recently launched container train operations from its inland container depot (ICD) near Gurgaon to Mundra port and started moving cars from Maruti Suzuki India's Gurgaon manufacturing plant.
2007-11-23 ArtNo.40316(238/260)
◆Jaguar/Land Rover労組、Tata Motorsの買収提案を支持
【ロンドン】Ford Motors Coの在英労働者を代表する英国最大の労組は、インドのTata Motors Ltd(TML)が高級車ブランド『Jaguar』と『Land Rover』を買収することを支持した。(...続きを読む)
◆Union backs Tata to buy out Jaguar and Land Rover
【London】Britain's largest manufacturing union that represents Ford has backed a bid by India's Tata Motors to buy out the luxury car brands Jaguar and Land Rover.
【伦敦】英国最大的制造业工会,也代表福特汽车公司工人的Unite(运输总工会旗下组织)支持印度塔塔汽车公司收购捷豹(Jaguar)及路虎(Land Rover)品牌。
2007-11-23 ArtNo.40317(239/260)
【チェンナイ】韓国Hyundai Motor Company(HMC)はインドを世界市場向け小型乗用車の製造ハブにする方針で、Aセグメントの『i10』と『Santro』に続いてBセグメントの小型車『i20』もインドでのみ製造、インド国内および世界市場で販売する。(...続きを読む)
◆Hyundai making India small car production hub
【Chennai】Korean auto major Hyundai Motor Company is turning its Indian car operation into a production hub for all small cars worldwide. The company plans to launch another small car, B-segment i20. Like the A-segment i10 and the Santro, i20 will be made exclusively in India for both local and global markets.
2007-11-23 ArtNo.40318(240/260)
◆Software AG、Satyamのアクセス巡り日産に賠償請求
【チェンナイ】Satyam Computer Servicesはドイツ企業Software AGのソフトウェア・ツールを用いてNissanのために新ソリューションを開発しているが、Software AGは同社のソフトウェアにSatyamのアクセスを認めるのは、ソフトウェア使用許諾条件に違反しているとして、Nissan Americaに300万米ドルの補償を要求、またNissan Canadaやその他のサードパーティーのアクセスに関しても別途補償を求めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Software AG demands Nissan reparation for software access by Satyam
【Chennai】Hyderabad-based Satyam Computer Services uses the German company Software AG's software tools to build new solutions for Nissan. However Software AG has demanded that Nissan pay around $3,000,000 for access of its software by Satyam, and additional demands were put forth for use of the software by Nissan Canada and other third parties.
2007-11-26 ArtNo.40327(241/260)
【ハイデラバード】Aditya Birla Groupのアルミ/銅生産会社Hindalco Industries Limitedは自動車および航空機用アルミ材事業を強化する。(...続きを読む)
◆Hindalco to foray into aluminium alloys for automobile and aviation
【Hyderabad】Hindalco Industries Limited of the Aditya Birla Group, which acquired flat-rolled aluminum products giant Novelis, a subsidiary of Canadian aluminium maker Alcan Inc, has targeted the automobile and aviation sectors to drive it foray into aluminium alloys.
【海德拉巴】埃迪亚·贝拉集团旗下的印度斯坦铝业公司将加强汽车和飞机用铝材业务。该公司今年收购加拿大铝业巨擘Alcan Inc的子公司Novelis。Novelis是世界上最大的铝轧制产品公司,拥有可代替汽车用钢材的特殊铝合金的技术。
2007-11-26 ArtNo.40328(242/260)
◆Club One Air、超軽量ジェットMROセンター設置計画
【ニューデリー】チャーター便会社Club One Air(COA)は、米国のビジネス航空機メーカーEclipse Aviation及び別の米国航空機メーカー1社と超軽量ジェット(VLJ:very light jet)用MRO(maintenance, repair and overhaul)サービス・センターをインドに設ける問題を協議している。(...続きを読む)
◆Club One Air to set up an MRO for very light jets in India
【New Delhi】Club One Air, a local air charter operator, is negotiating with US-based business aircraft manufacturer Eclipse Aviation and another American aircraft manufacturer about establishing a maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) services centre for very light jets (VLJs) in India.
◆Club One Air计划设立超轻型喷气式客机的MRO设施
【新德里】印度包机商Club One Air正在跟美国公务飞机制造商日蚀航空公司和另外一间美国飞机制造商磋商在印度设立超轻型喷气式商务客机的MRO(维修·修理·大修)设施。
2007-11-26 ArtNo.40330(243/260)
◆HMSI、スクーター/バイク新モデルをAuto Expoに出展
【ニューデリー】Honda Motorcycle and Scooters India (HMSI)は125cc自動変速スクーター1モデルと、125cc及び150ccカテゴリーのモーターサイクル2モデルを2008年1月の『Auto Expo』に出展、その後インド国内市場に投入する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆HMSI to exhibit new scooter, bikes at Auto Expo
【NEW DELHI】Honda Motorcycle and Scooters India (HMSI) plans to exhibit a new 125 cc automatic scooter and two new bikes in the 150 cc and 125 cc category in the upcoming Auto Expo in January 2008 and subsequently launch them in domestic market.
2007-11-26 ArtNo.40331(244/260)
【ニューデリー】自動車部品の製造販売を手掛ける八千代工業株式会社は、インドに子会社を設けプラスチック製燃料タンクを製造、Honda Siel Cars Indiaを初めとするホンダ系列企業に納入する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Yachiyo of Japan plans to make plastic fuel tanks in India
【New Delhi】Yachiyo Industry Co is planning to establish a subsidiary in India for manufacturing plastic fuel tanks for passenger cars and supplying to Honda Siel Cars India, and other affiliates of Honda Motor Co Ltd. The Japan-based company is involved in production and sales of automobiles and automobile parts.
2007-12-03 ArtNo.40350(245/260)
【ニューデリー】Delhi Metro Rail Corp(DMRC)に地下鉄車輌を納入した際、販売税を支払わなかった問題を巡りカルナタカ州政府の強制措置差し止めを求めた三菱商事/韓国ロテム(ROTEM Company)/ 三菱電機コンソーシアムの訴えを最高裁は棄却した。(...続きを読む)
◆SC rejects Mitsubishi's plea on sales tax issue
【NEW DELHI】The Supreme Court has rejected a petition filed by a consortium comprising Mitsubishi Corporation, Rotem Company and Mitsubishi Electric Corporation seeking to restrain the Karnataka government from taking any coercive action for non-payment of sales tax on high-tech train cars it supplied to Delhi Metro Rail Corp.
2007-12-03 ArtNo.40353(246/260)
【チェンナイ】インド工科大学(IIT: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur)各校とインド科学大学(IIS:Indian Institute of Science)の卒業生を情報技術(IT)関連産業にとられ、インドの宇宙/国防分野の研究開発機関は危機感を抱いている。(...続きを読む)
◆Manpower crisis for space, defence R&D
【Chennai】Most of the state-owned institutes and companies like Indian Space Research Organization, Defence Research and Development Organisation and Bharat Electronics Limited are facing serious shortage in quality manpower, because the graduates from the Indian Institute of Technology and the Indian Institute of Science opt for the private IT companies which offer them much better allowances
【金奈】因为印度理工学院和印度科学学院的毕业生多数选择私营信息技术公司就业,大多数国家太空与国防科研机构和有关国营公司,如印度太空研究组织(ISRO)、国防研究与发展组织(DRDO)和Bharat Electronics Limited等面对严重的人材不足。
2007-12-05 ArtNo.40368(247/260)
◆Maruti Suzuki、11月の乗用車販売24%アップ
【ニューデリー】Maruti Suzuki India Ltd(MSIL)の11月の車輌販売台数は6万5216台と、昨年同月の5万2574台に比べ24%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆Maruti Suzuki Nov sales climb 24%
【New Delhi】Maruti Suzuki India's domestic sales rose 24 per cent to 65,216 units during November from 52,574 units in the same period of the previous year.
2007-12-05 ArtNo.40369(248/260)
◆Hero Honda、11月の二輪車販売2.8%増加
【ニューデリー】インド最大の二輪車メーカー、Hero Honda Motor Ltd (HHML)の11月の二輪車販売台数は28万8027台と、昨年同月の28万171台に比べ2.8%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero Honda sales rise 2.8 pc in November
【New Delhi】India's largest two-wheeler maker Hero Honda Motor Ltd (HHML) reported a marginal sales growth of 2.80 per cent during November at 2,88,027 units compared to 2,80,171 units in the same month last year.
2007-12-05 ArtNo.40370(249/260)
◆Bajaj Auto、11月の二輪三輪車販売3%下降
【ムンバイ】インド第2のモーターサイクル・メーカー、Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)の11月の二輪三輪車販売は23万5797台と、昨年同月の24万3713台に比べ3%下降した。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj Auto's two and three-wheelers sales fell 3% in November
【MUMBAI】The second-biggest motorcycle maker Bajaj Auto Ltd reported that its two and three-wheelers sales in November fell 3 per cent to 2,35,797 in November from 2,43,713 a year earlier.
2007-12-05 ArtNo.40371(250/260)
【ニューデリー】インド第3の二輪車メーカー、TVS Motors Company Ltd(TVSMC)の11月のモーターサイクル販売台数は5万7113台と、昨年同月の6万8874台に比べ17.08%下降した。(...続きを読む)
◆TVS bike sales fall 17% in November
【New Delhi】TVS Motor Company Ltd, the country's third largest two-wheeler maker, reported that its motorcycle sales dipped 17.08 per cent to 57,113 units in November, against 68,874 units in the corresponding month last year.
輸送機器 Transport Equipment in 2007
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