公益サービス Public Utility in 2009
◆India to become a leading player in nuclear fuel space
【Mumbai】India, which has been using recycled fuel for its nuclear fuel requirements, will emerge as a leading player in the recycled nuclear fuel space, as by 2050 all leading countries and players in nuclear fuel will take to recycled fuel in some form or the other.
2009-04-24 ArtNo.42167(52/176)
◆Financial crisis hits $1.1b solar power project in Bengal
【Kolkata】The global financial crisis has come as a roadblock to the Rs 5,500-crore ($1.1b) integrated solar power complex in Haldia in West Bengal.
2009-04-28 ArtNo.42175(53/176)
【ムンバイ】地場エンジニアリング会社Larsen & Toubro (L&T)は、米国のGeneral Electric Hitachi (GEH)およびフランスのArevaと、これら外国企業製の核発電設備のインド国内及び海外における販売代理を務める問題を協議しており、3、4週間内に関係協力協定に調印する見通しだ。
◆L&T in talks with GE Hitachi and Areva for nuke plans
【Mumbai】Larsen & Toubro (L&T) is in talks with General Electric Hitachi (GEH) of the US and Areva of France to becom a vendor for their nuclear power plants within and outside India. They are set to sign cooperation agreements within three to four weeks.
2009-04-28 ArtNo.42176(54/176)
【デラドゥン】国営石油/ガス探査・開発会社Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd(ONGC)は、国営Uranium Corporation of India(UCI)と、地表下のウラニウム鉱を探査する覚書を交換した。
◆ONGC enters into sub surface exploration for Uranium
【Dehra Dun】Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd(ONGC), State-owned Oil exploration major, has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Uranium Corporation of India for sub surface exploration of Uranium.
2009-04-28 ArtNo.42181(55/176)
◆Universal Cables、古川電工と合弁で光繊維製造
【コルカタ】送電線/蓄電器/光ファイバー関連ビジネスを手がける地元企業Universal Cables Ltd (UCL)と古河電気工業株式会社は、インド国内で光ファイバーを製造/販売する合弁契約を結んだ。
◆Universal Cables in pact with Furukawa Electric
【Kolkata】Universal Cables Ltd (UCL) has signed a joint venture agreement with Furukawa Electric Co, of Japan, for manufacturing and marketing optical fibre in India.
2009-05-05 ArtNo.42191(56/176)
◆Core sector records highest growth in the last six months
【New Delhi】Showing early signs of revival, six core infrastructure industries grew 2.9 per cent in March, 2009, marginally higher than revised 1.3 per cent in the previous month(the provisional figure was 2.2 per cent). Growth of 2.9 per cent in March, 2009 is the highest increase in the last six months since September 2008. However it is flat compared to that in the same month in the previous year.
2009-05-05 ArtNo.42194(57/176)
【ニューデリー】Reliance Industriesは、インド東海岸沖合のKrishna Godavari(KG)海盆KG-D6鉱区で採取した天然ガスの『供給購買契約(GPSA:Gas Supply and Purchase Agreement)』を電力部門の主要消費者と締結した。
◆RIL signs gas supply agreements with power firms
【New Delhi】Reliance Industries has signed the Gas Supply and Purchase Agreement (GPSA) with most power sector consumers to supply gas from its eastern offshore KG-D6 fields to them.
2009-05-08 ArtNo.42204(58/176)
◆Tata BP Solar/ Eurostar Solar、ソーラ温水器共同販促
【ドゥバイ】Tata BP Solar India (TBS)とドゥバイ拠点のEurostar Solar Energy (ESE)は、手を携えソーラ温水システムを供給、日に日に増大する中東地域の需要に応じることで合意した。
◆Tata BP Solar ties up with ESB for solar water heating system
【Dubai】Tata BP Solar India (TBS) and Dubai-based Eurostar Solar Energy (ESE) have agreed to provide solar thermal water heating systems jointly and to meet the rising demand in the Middle East region.
【迪拜】塔塔BP Solar印度有限公司和总部设在迪拜的欧洲之星太阳能公司已经同意在中东地区携手供应太阳能热水系统而应付日益增加的需求。
2009-05-08 ArtNo.42205(59/176)
【ニューデリー】インドの大手土木建設会社Punj Lloyd Ltd(PLL)は、フランス原発大手Areva NPおよび米国企業Westinghouse Electricと、インド国内に協力して原子力発電所を建設する交渉を進めている。
◆Punj Lloyd in talks with Areva, Westinghouse to build N-plants
【New Delhi】Punj Lloyd Ltd is talking to both French nuclear power major Areva NP and US-based Westinghouse Electric to partner with them on construction of nuclear power plants in India.
2009-05-12 ArtNo.42212(60/176)
【ニューデリー】国営NHPC Ltd(旧社名National Hydroelectric Power Corporation)は、インド政府の近隣諸国に対する水力発電外交政策に基づき、4万5000クロー(US$90億)を投じ、ミャンマーとブータンに水力発電所を建設することを準備している。
◆NHPC to develop $9b hydro-power plants in Myanmar, Bhutan
【New Delhi】In a move that entails cumulative investments of nearly Rs 45,000 crore ($9b), NHPC Ltd is working on plans to develop hydroelectric power plants in Myanmar and Bhutan in line with India's hydropower diplomacy initiative in its immediate neighbourhood.
2009-05-15 ArtNo.42224(61/176)
【ニューデリー】今年3月の工業生産指数(IIP:index of industrial production)は、1994年に同指数が採用されて以来、したがて16年来最悪の2.3%のマイナス成長を記録した。
◆IIP growth dips sharply to -2.3% in March
【New Delhi】Industrial production shrank 2.3% in March from a year earlier, the worst since the current index of industrial production (IIP) series started in 1994.
2009-05-19 ArtNo.42240(62/176)
【ムンバイ】アンドラプラデシュ州沖合Krishna-Godavari(KG)海盆のKG D-6ガス田からガスの供給が開始され、取り分けアンドラプラデシュ州の6つの火力発電所に優先的にガスが配分されたことに加え、国会下院選挙の投票が完了し、電力需要も減退したことから、インド・エネルギー取引所(IEX:Indian Energy Exchange)における1日の電力平均価格が、5月1日から5月13日の間に39%下降した。
◆Power prices cooling off, KG gas supply helps
【Mumbai】The daily average price from May 1 to 13 has reduced by 39% at the Indian Energy Exchange with the completion of the fifth phase of polling and the streamlining of the KG D-6 gas supply, especially to the six gas-based power projects from Andhra Pradesh.
2009-05-19 ArtNo.42241(63/176)
◆Elecon Engg、風力発電設備事業にUS$2千万投資
【アーマダバード】グジャラート州Anand県Vallabh Vidyanagarを拠点にマテハン機器/工業用ギア/変速機等の製造を手がけるElecon Engineering Company Ltd(EECL)は、風力発電機ビジネスに100クロー(US$2000万)近くを投資、1~2MW(メガワット)の風力発電ギアボックスの製造に乗り出す。
◆Elecon Engg to invest $20m in windmill biz
【Ahmedabad】Elecon Engineering Company Ltd of Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, leading materials handling equipment, industrial gears and transmission products manufacturer, is investing nearly Rs 100 crore ($20m) in the windmill gear business and foraying into manufacturing 1-2 MW capacity wind mill gear boxes as an import substitute.
【艾哈迈达巴德】位于古吉拉特州阿南德县Vallabh Vidyanagar的主要搬运机械/传动齿轮/变速箱制造商,电气控制工程有限公司在制造风力发电设备领域投资靠近10亿卢比相等于2000万美元,而计划制造1-2MW发电能力的风力发电齿轮箱。
2009-05-22 ArtNo.42248(64/176)
【ニューデリー】日立GEニュークリア・エナジー有限会社(GEH:GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy LLC)は19日、地場大手土木建設会社Larsen & Toubro Ltd (L&T)と、インド国内に改良沸騰水型原子炉(ABWR:Advanced Boiler Water Reactor)を設けることに関する協力覚書を結んだ。同覚書の下、GEHは技術提供者としてABWR反応炉を含む原子力島(nuclear island)関連の設備機械やコンポーネントを供給、L&Tはこれらの設備の設計・製造・建設を引き受ける。
◆GE Hitachi in MOU with L&T for nuclear plants
【New Delhi】GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy signed an agreement with engineering and construction major Larsen & Toubro Ltd (L&T) on May 19 to develop an advanced nuclear power plant in India based on Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR). While GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy will serve as the technology provider of certain ABWR nuclear island equipment and components, L&T's role will be to engineer, manufacture and construct these power equipments.
2009-05-22 ArtNo.42249(65/176)
【ニューデリー】インフラ問題を担当する首相諮問委員会(COI:Prime Minister's Committee on Infrastructure)は、超臨界圧発電設備製造施設の建設を計画する外国企業に、関係入札に先立って75%の用地の所有を義務づけるよう提案した。
◆Foreign power equipment cos to hold 75% of land before bidding
【New Delhi】The Prime Minister's Committee on Infrastructure (CoI) has proposed to oblige foreign companies planning to set up super-critical power equipment manufacturing facility in India to hold at least 75% of the land before bidding for the project.
2009-05-26 ArtNo.42261(66/176)
【マンガロール】カルナタカ州Dharwad県を拠点にするカルナタカ農村開発銀行(KVGB:Karnataka Vikas Grameen Bank)は、これまでにソーラ照明工事1万2000件以上の融資を引き受けて来たが、今や州内の80ヶ村をソーラ・ビレッジに転換することを目指している。
◆Grameen Bank to create 80 solar villages
【Mangalore】The Karnataka Vikas Grameen Bank (KVGB) is planning to make 80 villages into solar villages. The Dharwad-headquartered KVGB has already financed over 12,000 solar light units under its area of operation.
2009-05-29 ArtNo.42276(67/176)
◆Moser Baer Photo Voltaic、拡張計画の延期検討
【ニューデリー】Moser Baer Photo Voltaic Ltd(MBPVL)は、世界的な信用危機最中の需要動向を見極めるため、太陽電池及び同モジュールの製造能力拡張計画を2010年末まで1乃至2四半期延期する可能性を検討している。
◆Moser Baer Photo Voltaic may defer expansion plans
【New Delhi】Moser Baer Photo Voltaic Ltd is considering to defer the capacity expansion for manufacturing solar cells and modules for one or two quarters, to 2010-end, as the company seeks a clarity in the demand environment amid the global credit squeeze.
2009-05-29 ArtNo.42277(68/176)
【ニューデリー】中央電力監督委員会(CERC:Central Electricity Regulatory Commission)はこのほど、電力省に対し、州政府が緊急条項を用いて発電所に全ての電力を当該州の送電網に供給するよう頻繁に指示することが、発電事業に対する民間投資を阻害する最大の要因になっていると報告した。
◆Rising use of the emergency provision chafes power investors
【New Delhi】The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has told the Union power ministry that the rising use of the emergency provision to usurp power and plug shortages by some state governments is a major problem for investor sentiment.
2009-06-02 ArtNo.42289(69/176)
【ムンバイ】インド経済監視センター(CMIE:Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy)によると、インドの発電能力は2008-09会計年度に4.6%、3453.7MW(メガワット)拡大したものと見られるが、1万1061MWの追加目標を68%下回った。
◆Power generation capacity addition 68% below target in FY09
【Mumbai】India's power generation capacity is expected to have grown by 4.6 per cent or 3,453.7 MW in fiscal 2009. However it was over 68 per cent below the target of 11,061 MW set for the period, Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), an economic think-tank has said.
2009-06-05 ArtNo.42293(70/176)
◆Core sector rebounds in April
【New Delhi】Riding on improved production in cement, finished steel, coal and electricity, the six core industries grew by 4.3 per cent in April 2009, highest since July 2008.
2009-06-05 ArtNo.42294(71/176)
【ハイデラバード】国営企業2社、National Thermal Power Corporation(NTPC)とBharat Heavy Electricals Ltd(Bhel)が6000クロー(US$12.768億)を投じ発電設備を製造する合弁計画は、新工場の建設地としてアンドラプラデシュ州Chittoor県に照準を合わせている。
◆NTPC-BHEL zeros AP for $1.28b equipment unit
【Hyderabad】The NTPC-BHEL joint venture is set to establish a Rs 6,000-crore ($1.2768b) power equipment manufacturing base at Chittoor district in Andhra Pradesh.
2009-06-05 ArtNo.42295(72/176)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、半導体産業『特別奨励パッケージ・スキーム(SIPS:Special Incentive Package Scheme)』の下、太陽光電池(Solar Photo Voltaic)プロジェクト12件を原則的に認可した。これらのプロジェクトの向こう10年間の投資総額は7万6500クロー(US$162.79億)にのぼる。
◆12 Solar Photo Voltaic projects get in-principle nod
【New Delhi】The 12 Solar Photo Voltaic projects, entailed an investment of Rs 76,500 crore ($16.28b) over a 10-year period, have received in-principle clearance from the Government under Special Incentive Package Scheme (SIPS).
2009-06-05 ArtNo.42296(73/176)
【ティルバナンタプラム】ケララ州政府の『総合的エネルギー保障計画(TESM:Total Energy Security Mission)』は、3都市と複数の地方自治体が共同で『ソーラ・シティー(Solar Cities)』を開発する計画の発射台と言える。
◆Kerala gets the launch pad ready for 'Solar City' scheme
【Thiruvananthapuram】The Kerala State Government's Total Energy Security Mission (TESM) could just be the launch pad for its three city corporations and a few municipalities to get on board the 'Solar Cities' development scheme.
2009-06-05 ArtNo.42297(74/176)
【ティルバナンタプラム】ケララ工業インフラ開発公社(Kinfra:Kerala Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation)は、中央政府の金融支援スキームを利用して同州Palakkad県に太陽光発電所を建設する。
◆Kinfra to set up solar power plant in Palakkad
【Thiruvananthapuram】The Kerala Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (Kinfra) proposes to set up a solar energy power plant in Palakkad district under the Central Financial Assistance scheme.
2009-06-09 ArtNo.42315(75/176)
【ニューデリー】Murli Deora石油天然ガス相はこのほど、国営石油会社各社のトップ(CEO)と会談、天然ガスに1mmbtu(million metric British thermal unit)当たり20ルピーを課し、年間およそ3000クロー(US$6.384億)の税収を確保、全国天然ガス・ハイウェイ・ネットワーク(NGHN:National Gas Highway Network)の建設費に充当する可能性を協議した。政府はNGHNプロジェクトを推進する専門機関を設ける可能性も検討している。
◆Centre mulling cess on natural gas to build national gas highways
【New Delhi】Petroleum minister Murli Deora discussed the idea of levy of $0.20 per million British thermal unit as cess on natural gas to mop up Rs 3,000 crore annually for laying down the gas pipeline network with CEOs of state-run firms. The government may set up an apex implementation agency, which will lay natural gas pipelines along the national highways.
2009-06-12 ArtNo.42326(76/176)
◆Toshiba-JSW JV gets nod to set up mfg unit near Chennai
【Chennai】The Toshiba-JSW joint venture has received the Tamil Nadu government's nod to set up supercritical power equipment manufacturing facility near Chennai.
2009-06-12 ArtNo.42327(77/176)
◆Clinton Foundation、グジャラート州にソーラ・パーク建設
【アーマダバード】Clinton Foundationはグジャラート州に3000~5000MW(メガワット)の世界的にも最大規模のソーラ・パークを開発する計画で、来週中にも州政府と関係覚書を取り交わす見通しだ。
◆Clinton Foundation to set up world's largest solar park in Gujarat
【Ahmedabad】The Clinton Foundation is keen on signing an MoU to set up the world's largest 3,000-5,000 Mw solar park in Gujarat anytime next week.
2009-06-16 ArtNo.42329(78/176)
【ニューデリー】今年4月の工業生産指数(IIP:index of industrial production)は1.4%の伸びを記録、今年3月の-0.75%、同2月の-0.72%、同1月の+1.03%、昨年12月の-0.25%を上回った。しかし昨年同月の6.2%の伸びには及ばなかった。観測筋は、「8%以上の成長軌道に乗るにはなお時間を要するが、回復の兆しと言える」とコメントした。
◆Industrial output grows 1.4% in April
【New Delhi】The index of industrial production (IIP) rose by 1.4 per cent in April from a year earlier. it is better than the preceding four months' numbers of minus 0.75 per cent in March, minus 0.72 per cent in February, 1.03 per cent in January and minus 0.25 per cent in December. Howe ver, it is down compared with 6.2 per cent in April 2008. It could be seen as early sign of recovery, though a return to 8-plus per cent industrial expansion was some time away, economists said.
【新德里】今年4月的工业生产指数上升1.4%,超过过去4个月的- 0.75(3月),-0.72(2月),1.03%(1月)和-0.25(12月),不过低于去年同一月的6.2%。经济分析家们说,这可以说是复苏的先兆,尽管复苏到8%以上还需要一段的时间。
2009-06-16 ArtNo.42334(79/176)
【ニューデリー】Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL)が2ヶ月前にアンドラプラデシュ州沖合Krishna Godavari海盆で天然ガスの生産を開始した際には、多くの買い手が先を争ってガスの配分獲得を図ったが、今では状況は一変し、キャパシティーを下回るガス田稼働率に悩むRILの方が買い手獲得に躍起になっている。
◆RIL facing underutilisation of its KG gas
【New Delhi】Faced with the underutilisation of its gas from the Krishna Godavari (KG) basin, Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) is scouting for consumers. Barely two months ago, when RIL started production, there were many buyers eager to get the gas first to their starving units.
2009-06-19 ArtNo.42341(80/176)
【ニューデリー】Power Finance Corporation(PFC)は近くオリッサ州/タミールナド州/アンドラプラデシュ州における各4000MW(メガワット)のウルトラ・メガ発電プロジェクト(UMPP:ultra mega power project)3件の国際入札を募集する。
◆Govt to call for bids on 3 UMPPs soon
【New Delhi】The Power Finance Corporation will soon call for bids on three more ultra mega power projects of 4,000 mw each, to be developed in Orissa, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.
2009-06-23 ArtNo.42354(81/176)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は最も高額な市場価値を備えた国営企業に数えられる重電機会社Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (Bhel)の10%の持ち分を売却する可能性を検討している。Vilasrao Deshmukh重工業・公共企業相は19日記者会見し、以上の消息を語った。
◆Govt mulls 10% stake sale in BHEL
【New Delhi】The Government is considering the proposal to sell 10 per cent of its equity stake in one of its most valuable companies, Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (Bhel), the Minister for Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises, Mr Vilasrao Deshmukh told reporters on June 19.
2009-06-26 ArtNo.42368(82/176)
【ニューデリー】国営電力会社NTPC Ltd(旧社名National Thermal Power Corporation)は、Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)が、インド東海岸沖合のKrishna Godavari(KG)海盆KG-D6鉱区で採取した天然ガスを、1mmbtu(million metric British thermal unit)当たり4.2米ドルで購入する方針を固め、RILと契約調印に向け詰めの交渉を進めている。ただし両社間の訴訟の対象になっているグジャラート州Kawasと同州Gandharの両発電所への供給は除外される。
◆NTPC willing to buy gas from Reliance at $4.2/mmBtu
【New Delhi】State-run power company NTPC Ltd, formerly National Thermal Power Corporation, is close to signing a deal with Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) for gas from the eastern offshore Krishna Godavari(KG)-D6 fields at $4.2/mmbtu(million metric British thermal unit), except Kawas and Gandhar in Gujarat, supplies to which are currently under litigation.
2009-06-26 ArtNo.42370(83/176)
◆Centre nods 4,000 Mw UMPP for Chhattisgarh
【Raipur】The 4,000 Mw Ultra Mega Power Project (UMPP) finally comes up near Lara village of Raigarh district, Chhattisgarh that had drilled into deep controversy propelling the Centre to reject the proposal earlier.
2009-06-30 ArtNo.42379(84/176)
【ムンバイ/ワシントン】インドの国営原子力発電事業会社Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL)は、マハラシュトラ州の州営発電事業会社Maharashtra State Power Generation Company (Mahagenco)と合弁で同州Jaitapur地区に1万MW(メガワット)の原子力発電所を設けることを検討している。一方、インド政府は米国のヒラリー・クリントン国務長官が来月ニューデリーを訪問した際に米国企業が国内に原子力発電所を建設するための候補地2カ所を発表する見通しだ。
◆Mahagenco eyes Npower JV, 2 nuc sites to unveil during Clinton trip
【Mumbai/Washington】Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL) is likely to form a joint venture (JV) with Maharashtra State Power Generation Company (Mahagenco) for setting up of a 10,000 mw of nuclear power project at Jaitapur in Maharashtra. Meanwhile India may announce locations for two nuclear power plants, which would be made available to the American companies, during US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's visit to New Delhi next month.
2009-06-30 ArtNo.42380(85/176)
【ニューデリー】Sushil Kumar Shinde電力相は23日、同省の100日アジェンダを発表するとともに、同100日間に5653MW(メガワット)の発電能力を追加する目標を明らかにした。しかしその一方で、第11次五カ年計画期間に7万8000MWの発電能力を追加する目標を実現するのが極めて困難なことを認めた。
◆100 days agenda targets 5,653 MW capacity addition
【New Delhi】Union Power Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde on June 23 said his ministry is targeting the commissioning of a power capacity addition of 5,653 MW in its 100-day plan. However he acknowledged that the 78,000 MW capacity addition target for the XI Plan (2007-12) was a difficult task.
2009-07-03 ArtNo.42391(86/176)
◆Core infrastructure sector grows 2.8% in May
【New Delhi】Growth in six core infrastructure industries dropped to 2.8 per cent in May 2009 against against 3.1 per cent in the same month last year. However the production improved in cement, coal and electricity.
2009-07-03 ArtNo.42394(87/176)
【ニューデリー】今年9月末までに西ベンガル州/アッサム州/ビハール州を結ぶ独立送電プロジェクト(IPTP:independent power transmission project)が発注され、国営送電会社PowerGrid Corporation of India Ltd(PGCIL)の市場独占に終止符が打たれる。
◆First independent power co to be born by September
【New Delhi】In what may see the end of monopoly of state-run PowerGrid Corporation of India Ltd, the first independent power transmission project connecting West Bengal, Assam and Bihar would be awarded to the project developer by September this year.
2009-07-07 ArtNo.42410(88/176)
◆Govt cancels coal supplies to 25 captive power plants
【New Delhi】The Union Coal Ministry on July 3 cancelled allocation of coal supplies to 25 captive power plants with a combined capacity of 1,292mw.
2009-07-10 ArtNo.42417(89/176)
【チェンナイ】東芝とJSW Groupの75:25の合弁会社Toshiba JSW Turbine and Generator Pvt Ltd(TJTG)は1億6000万米ドルを投じタミールナド州Chennai近郊Ennoreに2011年1月までの稼働を目指し超臨界圧タービン及び発電機の製造工場を建設する。
◆Toshiba-JSW setting up $160m turbine plant near Chennai
【Chennai】Toshiba JSW Turbine and Generator Pvt Ltd, a 75:25 joint venture between Toshiba corporation and JSW Group, will begin production of turbines and generators for supercritical thermal power plants at its upcoming plant at Ennore near Chennai by January 2011, with an investment of $160 million.
2009-07-14 ArtNo.42425(90/176)
◆IIP clocks 8-month high 2.7% in May
【New Delhi】Although modest, India's industrial output expanded 2.66 per cent in May, the highest since the global crisis hit the Indian economy in September last year, on the back of strong consumer demand in the domestic market.
2009-07-14 ArtNo.42428(91/176)
【ムンバイ】Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL)とNuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL)は、インド国内における原子力発電プロジェクトのEPC(engineering, procurement, construction)契約を獲得するため設立した合弁会社のそれぞれ等しい持ち分を技術パートナーに分与する方向で、目下欧州方面のパートナーを物色している。
◆BHEL, NPCIL looking for a European partner for N-plant biz
【Mumbai】The joint venture company which has been set up by Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL) and Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL) for undertaking engineering, procurement, construction (EPC) projects for nuclear plants, intends to tie-up with an international company for technical support in this area. Bhel and NPCIL will divest equal stake from the venture in order to rope in a European partner.
2009-07-14 ArtNo.42429(92/176)
【ムンバイ】中央政府の電力省はオリッサ州/タミールナド州/アンドラプラデシュ州にウルトラ・メガ発電所(UMPP:Ultra Mega Power Project)を設ける方針を固め、近く少なくとも内1件について関係方面に入札資格審査申請書類(RFQ:Request for Qualification)の提出を求める。政府高官は11日以上の消息を語った。
◆Govt soon to float a tender for mega power projects
【Mumbai】A senior government official said on July 11 that the Union power ministry was likely to invite a Request for Qualification (RFQ) for at least one of the three Ultra Mega Power Projects (UMPPs) for which it had identified sites in Orissa, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.
2009-07-14 ArtNo.42430(93/176)
【コルカタ】インド最大の電力供給業者National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC)は、チャッティースガル州に4000MW(メガワット)の石炭火力発電所を建設するため、12日、同州政府と関係覚書を取り交わした。
◆NTPC signs MoU with Chhattisgarh for 4000 Mw power project
【Kolkata】India's largest power producer, the National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) on July 12 signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Chhattisgarh government to set up a 4,000 MW coal-fired power plant in the state.
2009-07-14 ArtNo.42431(94/176)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、半導体産業『特別奨励パッケージ・スキーム(SIPS:Special Incentive Package Scheme)』の下、最近、原則的に認可した太陽光電池(Solar Photo Voltaic)プロジェクト12件に対し、8月31日までに金融アレンジを完了するよう求めた。
◆Solar PV projects asked to complete financial closure by Aug 31
【New Delhi】The 12 applicants who recently received in-principle nod for Solar Photo Voltaic projects filed under special incentive package scheme (SIPS) have been asked to complete their financial closure by August 31.
2009-07-17 ArtNo.42443(95/176)
◆Solar Semiconductor、US$1億投じ太陽電池製造施設建設
【ハイデラバード】Solar Semiconductor Ltd(SSL)は、アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad市内Fab Cityの同社キャンパスに約1億米ドルを投じ太陽電池(solar cell)製造施設を建設している。
◆Solar Semiconductor setting up solar cell plant at Fab City
【Hyderabad】Solar Semiconductor Ltd is setting up a solar cell plant at its Fab City campus in Hyderabad with an investment of about $100 million.
2009-07-24 ArtNo.42461(96/176)
◆Core sector grows 6.5%, signalling recovery
【New Delhi】Riding double-digit growth in cement and coal output, the index of six core infrastructure industries posted a growth rate of 6.5 per cent in June, the highest in 16 months, as against 2.8 per cent in the previous month and 5.1 per cent a year earlier, signalling early economic recovery.
【新德里】随着水泥和煤炭的产量记录了两位数字的成长,今年6月的6个骨干基础设施产业指数成长率超越了上月的2.8%和去年同一期的 5.1%,达到过去16个月来最高的6.5%,显示经济复苏的征兆。
2009-07-24 ArtNo.42466(97/176)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、センシチブなウラン濃縮再処理(ENR:Enrichment and Reprocessing)技術にアクセスし、エネルギー不安を解消する狙いから、ロシア、フランス、米国3国に対し、総額18万クロー(US$368.82億)、3万MW(メガワット)の原子力発電プロジェクトをオファーした。
◆India casting $36.9bn bait to gain ENR tech
【New Delhi】New Delhi has cast a significant bait to gain access to sensitive Enrichment and Reprocessing technologies and stabilize its fears over energy insecurity. The government has committed Rs 1,80,000 crore ($36.882bn) for the production of 30,000 Mw of nuclear power by Russia, France and the US.
2009-07-28 ArtNo.42479(98/176)
◆Adani Power、2020年までに2万MW発電能力構築
【アーマダバード】近く額面10ルピーの新株3億165万2031株を公開公募(IPO)し約2200クロー(US$4.51億)の調達を目指すAdani Power Limited (APL)は、2020年までに2万MW(メガワット)の発電キャパシティーを構築する計画だ。
◆Adani Power targets 20k mw generation capacity by 2020
【Ahmedabad】Adani Power Limited (APL), which intends to mobilise about Rs 2,200 crore through its initial public offering (IPO) of 30,16,52,031 equity shares of Rs 10 each, is eyeing a target of 20,000 mw generation capacity by 2020.
2009-08-04 ArtNo.42504(99/176)
【ニューデリー】国際協力銀行(JBIC:Japanese Bank for International Cooperation)は7月29日、Larsen & Toubro Ltd(L&T)と三菱重工業(MHI)が合弁で設立した火力発電設備の製造と販売を手がける2社、L&T-MHI Boilers Pvt Ltd (LTMB)及びL&T-MHI Turbine Generators Pvt Ltd (LTMT)に、総額741クロー(US$1.52億)を融資する2件のローン契約を結んだ。
◆L&T, Mitsubishi Heavy ventures get loans from JBIC
【New Delhi】Japan Bank of International Cooperation (JBIC) on July 29 signed two agreements to lend Rs 741 crore to L&T-MHI Boilers Private Ltd (LTMB) and L&T-MHI Turbine Generators Private Ltd (LTMT), two joint venture companies established primarily by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and L&T, for manufacturing and sale of thermal power generation facilities in India.
【新德里】日本国际合作银行7月29日跟拉森-图布罗有限公司与三菱重工业的两间联营公司,L&T MHI Boilers私人有限公司以及L&T-MHI Turbine Generators私人有限公司签署总额74亿1000万卢比相等于1亿5183万美元的两件贷款合约。
2009-08-07 ArtNo.42517(100/176)
【ニューデリー】気候変動問題に関する首相諮問委員会(Prime Minister's Council on Climate Change)は8月3日、向こう30年間に10万クロー(US$204.9億)を投じ、2020年までに2万MW(メガワット)の発電能力の追加を目指す『全国ソーラ計画(NSP:National Solar Plan)』を原則的に承認した。
◆Govt nods 20,000 MW National Solar Plan
【New Delhi】The National Solar Plan, that aims to add 20,000 MW of generation capacity by 2020 at an investment of nearly Rs. 1 lakh crore over a 30-year period, was approved by the Prime Minister's Council on Climate Change on August 3.
公益サービス Public Utility in 2009