内政法律軍事 Political/Law/Military Affair in 2008
【ニューデリー】GSMオペレーターのための3G(第三世代移動体通信)サービス政策が完成に近づく中で、電信局(DOT:Department of Telecom)が、CDMAプレーヤー向け周波数域の入札計画を放棄したことから、7100万人のCDMA利用者が3Gサービスから閉め出される懸念が高まっている。
◆DoT gives up to auction 3G for CDMA players
【New Delhi】Even as the Government is close to finalising the policy for 3G services(third generation mobile services) for GSM operators, the Department of Telecom has dropped plans to auction spectrum for CDMA players. Therefore seventy one million CDMA mobile subscribers face an uncertain future with regard to the availability of 3G services.
2008-07-07 ArtNo.41178(202/399)
◆Steel pipe makers agree to cut prices by 10%
【New Delhi】With the aim of helping the Government fight inflation, Indian steel firms on July 3 pledged to cut prices of steel pipes and tubes by 10 per cent and also discourage exports to ensure greater domestic availability.
2008-07-07 ArtNo.41181(203/399)
【ニューデリー】インド電気通信局(DOT:department of telecommunications)は2日、「BlackBerryスマートフォーン・サービスにセキュリティー上の脅威は存在せず、この種の付加価値サービスを提供する際には如何なる許可を取得する必要もない」と声明した。
◆DOT does a turnaround on Blackberry issue, Min does one more turn
【New Delhi】The department of telecommunications (DoT) did a complete turnaround on July 2 stating that "There are no security threat from Blackberry services. There is no permission needed for starting value added services. We have not given permission to anybody, we have not disallowed anybody".
2008-07-07 ArtNo.41182(204/399)
【ニューデリー】全国製造業競争力委員会(NMCC:National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council)は、国内で消費されるエネルギーに占める太陽発電のシェアを大幅に拡大するため、宇宙委員会(Space Commission)に類したソーラ委員会(solar mission)を創設するよう提案した。
◆NMCC proposes to set up a solar mission
【New Delhi】The National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council (NMCC) has proposed the establishment of a solar mission on the lines of the Space Commission to significantly increase the share of solar power in the country's total energy mix.
2008-07-07 ArtNo.41184(205/399)
◆Nelp-VII fails to attract big names
【New Delhi】The government has failed to attract leading global majors in its seventh round of Nelp auction, where 57 oil and gas exploration blocks were offered, even though it had postponed the last date of bid submission twice.
2008-07-07 ArtNo.41186(206/399)
【バンガロール】国内石油化学領域におけるメガ・プロジェクトとして喧伝されたカルナタカ州沿岸に3万クロー(US$70.26億)を投じて石油・化学・石油化学投資地域(PCPIR:petroleum, chemicals and petrochemicals investment region)を設けると言う計画は、1ヶ月前の州議会選挙で誕生したばかりのインド人民党(BJP)政権により、廃棄される見通しだ。
◆BJP govt set to scrap K`taka's petrochemical investment region
【Bangalore】Touted as one of the mega projects in the country's petrochemical sector, the Rs 30,000-crore petroleum, chemicals and petrochemicals investment region (PCPIR) project on the Karnataka coastline is set to be nipped by the month-old BJP government.
2008-07-07 ArtNo.41188(207/399)
【ニューデリー】国民会議派のSonia Gandhi総裁は6月28日催された党幹部会の席上、全国各州の党組織を再活性化させる日程表と戦略を立案するよう指示、これに伴い同党はいよいよ総選挙態勢に入った。
◆Congress plunges into election mode
【New Delhi】The Congress on June 28 decided to plunge into election mode, with party chief Ms Sonia Gandhi directing senior leaders to draw up time-bound programmes and strategies to re-energise the party in all States.
2008-07-09 ArtNo.41189(208/399)
【札幌】Manmohan Singh首相は7日夜空路日本に到着した後、G8首脳会議の会場、北海道洞爺湖畔で国際原子力機関(IAEA)及び原子力供給国グループ(NSG)関係国首脳と一連の会談を行いロビー外交を展開した。
◆PM lines up meetings with leaders to garner support for n-deal
【Sapporo】The Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh has lined up meetings with leaders of countries that matter at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Nuclear Suppliers Group on the margins of the G8 summit at the lakeside resort of Toyako in Hokkaido, after he flew into Japan on the evening of July 7.
2008-07-09 ArtNo.41190(209/399)
【ニューデリー】統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政権は、インド米国民生用核協力協定を発効させるため国際原子力機関(IAEA)にインドに対する特別待遇を認めるよう交渉する前に、国会に内閣信任投票動議を提出する見通しだ。
◆Floor test first, before approaching IAEA
【New Delhi】The United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government is likely to seek a vote of confidence before formally approaching the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for an India-specific safeguards agreement required to operationalise the controversial Indo-US nuclear deal.
2008-07-09 ArtNo.41191(210/399)
◆Steel cos to sell less to retailers, more to users
【New Delhi】Steel producers hereafter will supply less material to the retailers and increase supply to the actual users under the agreement which they achieved with the government on July 3.
2008-07-09 ArtNo.41196(211/399)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は近く化石燃料への依存を軽減するとともに、気候変動問題に対処することを目指す『ソーラ籠灯ミッション(solar lantern mission)』に着手、先ずは政府補助を受けた灯油ランプを太陽光ランプに転換する。
◆PM launching the 'solar lantern mission'
【New Delhi】Indian government will soon launch a 'solar lantern mission' for replacing the traditional lanterns, which use subsidised kerosene to meet the twin objectives of decreasing the country's reliance on fossil fuels as well as tackling the impact of climate change.
2008-07-14 ArtNo.41201(212/399)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は10日、国際原子力機関(IAEA:International Atomic Energy Agency)との間で妥結した原子力安全保障協定(Nuclear safeguards agreement)草案を公表した。地元紙は、インドが国際市場で継続して核燃料を調達し、将来のエネルギー需要に応じることを保証するとともに、核実験を行い、核兵器プログラムを遂行する権利を認めた前代未聞の草案とコメントしている。
◆First-of-its-kind nuclear safeguards agreement unveiled
【New Delhi】The Indian government unveiled on July 10 the draft text of safeguards agreement reached with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The draft ensures India of uninterrupted access to nuclear fuel from the international market to cater to future energy needs without transgressing on its right to conduct nuclear tests and continue with its weapons programme.
2008-07-14 ArtNo.41202(213/399)
【ニューデリー】左派政党-インド共産党マルクス主義派/インド共産党/全インド前衛党/革命社会主義党-は8日、政府がインド米国民生用核協力協定の発効に向けた手続きを実行する方針を発表したことから、連立与党統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)に対する閣外協力を撤回する方針を発表した。
◆Left withdraws support to the UPA govt, finally
【New Delhi】The Left parties — the Communist Party of India (Marxist), Communist Party of India, All India Forward Bloc and Revolutionary Socialist Party — on July 8 announced withdrawal of support to the ruling United Progressive Alliance (UPA) Government over the latter's move to push ahead with the Indo-US nuclear deal.
2008-07-16 ArtNo.41213(214/399)
◆Govt to face vote of confidence on July 22
【New Delhi】The Cabinet has resolved that parliament would meet on July 21 for a trust motion in a special session to conclude on July 22.
2008-07-16 ArtNo.41215(215/399)
【ブーバネスワル】オリッサ州のKandhamal県で新ボーキサイト鉱脈が発見された。またPuri県の沿海地域には重鉱物(heavy mineral)の鉱脈が存在する可能性が存在する。
◆Orissa finds a new bauxite reserve
【Bhubaneswar】A new bauxite reserve has been identified at Kandhamal district in Orissa and the indication of presence of heavy minerals also has been observed along the coast in Puri.
2008-07-16 ArtNo.41216(216/399)
【ニューデリー】国営Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)は、石炭産業省に同社とTata Steel Ltd(TSL)の合弁会社にコークス用炭鉱区5ブロックを割り当てるよう申請した。
◆SAIL-Tata Steel JV asks to allocate 5 cooking coal blocks
【New Delhi】Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) has called upon the coal ministry to allocate five cooking coal blocks for its JV with Tata Steel.
2008-07-16 ArtNo.41217(217/399)
【ルディアナ】インド中央政府はマハラシュトラ州Mumbaiと北部パンジャブ州の産業ハブLudhianaを結ぶ新たな貨物専用鉄道(dedicated rail freight corridor)を建設することを原則的に承認した。鉄道省はこれ以前に西ベンガル州Kolkataとルディアナを結ぶ貨物専用鉄道の建設を認めている。
◆Ludhiana-Mumbai freight corridor gets nod
【Ludhiana】Another dedicated rail freight corridor from Mumbai to Ludhiana —an industrial hub of the of the Punjab state— has received the "in principle" approval of the Centre in addition to the railway freight corridor from Kolkata to Ludhiana, already approved by the ministry of railways.
2008-07-16 ArtNo.41224(218/399)
【ハイデラバード】インド政府は今会計年度末までに2乃至3件の石油・化学・石油化学投資地域(PCPIR:Petroleum, Chemicals and Petrochemical Investment Region)計画を承認する見通しだ。
◆Govt to clear two or three petrochem investment regions this fiscal
【Hyderabad】Two or three Petroleum, Chemicals and Petrochemical Investment Regions could be given clearance (PCPIRs) by the Union Government by the end of the current financial year.
2008-07-21 ArtNo.41226(219/399)
【ニューデリー】インド人民党(BJP)の古参幹部で国会下院野党代表を務めるLal Krishna Advani氏(前党首/前副首相)は13日、「国民会議派に率いられる統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)は、国家経済を危険に晒し、ムスリムのみならず全国民を裏切った」と述べ、インド米国民生用核協力協定の成立を目指す政府を非難した。
◆UPA government has betrayed Muslims: BJP
【New Delhi】Senior Bharatiya Janata Party leader and Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha, Lal Krishna Advani on July 13 charged the Congress-led United Progress Alliance government, which is trying to conclud the Indo-US civil nuclear deal, with betraying not only the Muslims of the country but also the common man by endangering their economic security.
2008-07-21 ArtNo.41227(220/399)
◆India Inc eyes over $100b nuke business in five years
【New Delhi】India could generate nuke business of over $100 billion in the five years and over 400 local companies may get a share of the total pie of nuke business, if the country succeeds to clinch the civil nuclear deal with the US.
2008-07-21 ArtNo.41228(221/399)
◆India plans to build eight nuclear plants
【Bangalore】India plans to build eight 700-MW nuclear plants to boost its nuclear power generation capacity to about 10,000 MW from 4,000 MW at present.
2008-07-21 ArtNo.41233(222/399)
【ニューデリー】半導体ファブやエコシステム・ユニットに対する特別奨励パッケージ・スキーム(SIPS:Special Incentive Package Scheme)の下、総額8万クロー(US$187.35億)にのぼる1ダース近い投資申請が提出されたことから、政府は総合的評価システムを設け、個々のプロジェクトの審査に乗り出す。
◆Cos line up for solar, semiconductor projects
【New Delhi】Given that nearly a dozen proposals together worth Rs 80,000 crore flow in from corporate majors such as Reliance Industries, Videocon and Tata BP Solar under the Special Incentive Package Scheme (SIPS) for semiconductor fabs and eco-system units, the Government is setting in motion an appraisal mechanism to evaluate the projects.
【新德里】因为对半导体晶圆与生态系统项目提供的特别奖励政策下,瑞莱恩斯工业,Videocon,塔塔BP Solar等大企业纷纷提出接近一打总额8000亿卢比相等于187亿3536万美元的投资计划,印度政府准备一套评估系统而审查各项计划。
2008-07-21 ArtNo.41235(223/399)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は放送各社に、ヘッドエンド共用デジタル配信(HITS)/インターネットTV(IPTV)/携帯TV(Mobile TV)業者とチャンネルを共用するよう指示した。
◆Govt tells channels to share feed with IPTV, HITS
【New Delhi】The government has made it mandatory for all broadcasters to immediately share their channels with Headend-In-The-Sky (HITS), IPTV and Mobile TV.
2008-07-23 ArtNo.41237(224/399)
【ニューデリー】Manmohan Singh首相は7月22日、自ら国会下院に内閣信任動を提出、19票の差で同動議が可決されたことから、与党統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)は何とか危機を乗り切り政権維持に成功した。
◆UPA govt wins trust vote
【New Delhi】The United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government on July 22 won the confidence motion moved by the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, in the Lok Sabha with a comfortable margin of 19 votes.
2008-07-23 ArtNo.41238(225/399)
【ニューデリー】米国は7月22日夜、Manmohan Singh政権が国会における信任投票で勝利したことを歓迎、インド米国民生用核協力協定の発効に向けた手続きを早期に完了させる方針を確認した。
◆US welcomes Manmohan govt's win in the trust vote
【New Delhi】The US on July 22 night welcomed the Manmohan Singh government emerging victorious in the confidence motion over the nuclear deal and promised to work for "rapid completion" of the process to implement the agreement.
2008-07-23 ArtNo.41239(226/399)
◆Industries hail Govt's victory in trust vote
【Mumbai】The apex industry chambers associations hailed Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's victory in the confidence vote saying the Government should go all out on the economic reform and take the Indo-US nuclear deal to its logical end. On Tuesday, the Sensex gained 254 points, to close at 14,104.
2008-07-23 ArtNo.41240(227/399)
【ニューデリー】国会における内閣信任動議が通過したのを受けてインド政府は、今週末から原子力供給国グループ(NSG:Nuclear Suppliers Group)45カ国に対するロビー外交を本格化する構えだ。内閣信任動議通過直後、Manmohan Singh首相は「今回の勝利は圧倒的なもの」とするとともに、直ちにインド米国民生用核協力協定の実現に向けた活動を本格化する考えを明らかにした。
◆India to launch lobbying campaign for the nuclear deal
【New Delih】Following the government winning the trust vote on July 22, India is all set to launch a full blast lobbying among the 45-nation Nuclear Suppliers Group from later this week. Soon after the UPA Government won the trust vote, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh termed the victory as convincing and hinted that his government would now go full steam ahead to clinch the nuclear deal with the US.
2008-07-23 ArtNo.41241(228/399)
◆Inflation inches up to a new high
【New Delhi】The annual Wholesale Price Index-based inflation accelerated to the fastest pace in more than 13 years soaring to a new high of 11.91 per cent for the week ending July 5. However in what should provide some relief to the government, the rate inched up only "very marginally" from 11.89 per cent a week earlier.
2008-07-23 ArtNo.41245(229/399)
【ラクナウ】ウッタルプラデシュ州政府は、Bundelkhand県Lalitpurにおける4000MW(メガワット)のウルトラ・メガ発電プロジェクトの早期覚書調印を目指しているが、合弁プロジェクトの主要パートナーを務めるNational Thermal Power Corporation Limited (NTPC)は、当該プロジェクトの事業化調査報告に依然検討を加えており、調印に慎重な姿勢を見せている。
◆NTPC still undecided to sign MoU for Lalitpur project
【Lucknow】The Uttar Pradesh government is trying to expedite the process of signing the memorandum of understanding (MoU) for the 4000 mw ultra-mega thermal power plant to be set up in the joint sector with power major National Thermal Power Corporation Limited (NTPC) at Lalitpur in Bundelkhand. However the NTPC is on its part, is still studying the feasibility report on the project.
2008-07-28 ArtNo.41249(230/399)
【ワシントン】米国のブッシュ大統領は24日、Manmohan Singh首相に直接電話した。両首脳は電話会談の中で米印核協力協定を早期に発効させるため相互に最大限の努力をすること、また世界貿易機関(WTO)における農産品及び製造業製品市場開放交渉の7年に及ぶ停頓打破に努めること等を確認した。
◆Bush dials PM, seeks headway in N-deal, WTO talks
【Washington】U.S. President George W. Bush placed a private call to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on July 24 as the two leaders expressed a desire to move forward on the nuclear deal "as expeditiously as possible" and to break a seven-year deadlock on opening up trade in farm and manufactured goods.
2008-07-28 ArtNo.41250(231/399)
【ニューデリー】インド人民党(BJP:Bharatiya Janata Party)は23日、内閣信任投票に際して信任票を投じたか、欠席し、統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政権の延命を助けた廉で、国会下院議員8人の党籍を剥奪した。
◆BJP expels eight MPs for defying party whip
【New Delhi】The Bharatiya Janata Party on July 23 expelled eight Lok Sabha members, who bailed out the United Progressive Alliance government either by cross-voting or remaining absent during voting in the confidence motion.
2008-07-28 ArtNo.41251(232/399)
【ニューデリー】インド共産党マルクス派(CPI-M)は23日、著しく同党の立場を損なったとの理由でSomnath Chatterjee国会下院議長の党籍を剥奪した。
◆CPI (M) expels Lok Sabha Speaker from party
【New Delhi】The Communist Party of India -Marxists(CPI-M) on July 23 expelled the Lok Sabha Speaker Mr Somnath Chatterjee from the party on the ground of "seriously compromising" its position.
2008-07-30 ArtNo.41261(233/399)
【ニューデリー】インド人民党(BJP:Bharatiya Janata Party)は基本的に改革を支持するが、銀行、保険、年金等、主要な法制改革に対する国会の支持を求める際には先ず政府側から腰を低くしてBJPに相談するよう望む。
◆BJP may support UPA's economic reform
【New Delhi】The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is pro-economic reform but wants the government to stoop before it can conquer on securing its support for key legislative changes, chiefly in banking, insurance and pensions, which form part of the reform agenda.
2008-07-30 ArtNo.41263(234/399)
◆Steel prices come down by 6%
【New Delhi】With a sobering effect of the government intervention, retail steel prices have dropped by as much as 6% in the last two weeks.
2008-08-04 ArtNo.41273(235/399)
【ニューデリー】中央銀行Reserve Bank of India (RBI)は、二桁インフレを鎮静させるためレポ・レートを50ベイシス・ポイント直ちに引き上げるとともに、支払い準備率(CRR:cash reserve ratio)を8月30日より25ベイシス・ポイント上乗せすると発表した。
◆RBI hikes repo rate by 50 bps, CRR by 25 bps
【New Delhi】The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on July 29 raised the repo rate by 50 basis points immediately and announced hiking of the cash reserve ratio (CRR) by 25 basis points with effect from August 30 in an aggressive move to quash the double digit inflation.
2008-08-04 ArtNo.41275(236/399)
【ニューデリー】政治環境がManmohan Singh政権の改革アジェンダに有利な方向に転換する中で、旧態依然としたインド労働法の中でも首相のペット・ラメント(泣き所)とされる『1947年産業紛争法(Industrial Disputes Act, 1947)』と『契約労働法(Contract Labour Act)』の改正準備が整い、間もなく具体的作業が着手される。
◆Blueprint to amend Contract Labour Act in place
【New Delhi】The report for amendment of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 and the Contract Labour Act is complete. The National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector (NCEUS), to which the PM assigned the task of framing a blueprint for organised sector labour law reforms, will start consulting the labour unions in a few days' time after the political scene cools down.
2008-08-04 ArtNo.41282(237/399)
【ニューデリー】電気通信局(DOT:Department of Telecommunications)は第三世代(3G)移動体通信事業に供することが可能なより多くの周波数域が存在することを見出したことから、各サークル10~12件の3Gライセンスを発行する計画だ。
◆10-12 3G players set to compete in each circle
【New Delhi】The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) identifies more spectrum to introduce third-generation (3G) services. It is now able to offer between 10 and 12 licences in each service area.
2008-08-04 ArtNo.41283(238/399)
【ニューデリー】税務事前裁定管理局(AAR:Authority for Advance Ruling)は29日「米国拠点の国防企業Raytheonによりインド空港局(AAI:Airports Authority of India)に納入されたソフトウェアに対する支払いはインドで課税される」と裁定した。
◆Software supplied by foreign cos to be taxed in India
【New Delhi】Authority for Advance Ruling(AAR), an income tax authority in India, on July 29 held that payments made towards supply of software by US-based defence major Raytheon to the Airports Authority of India will be taxed in India.
2008-08-06 ArtNo.41285(239/399)
【ニューデリー】国際原子力機関(IAEA:International Atomic Energy Agency)理事会は8月1日、『インドの民生用核施設に対するIAEA安全保障の運用(application of IAEA safeguards to Indian civilian nuclear facilities)』と命名された安全保障協定(safeguards agreement)をインドと締結することを全会一致で承認した。
◆IAEA clears India`s safeguards agreement
【New Delhi】The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) board of governors on August 1 unanimously cleared a nuclear safeguards agreement with India, calling for the application of IAEA safeguards to Indian civilian nuclear facilities.
2008-08-06 ArtNo.41286(240/399)
【ニューデリー】当初、インドに特別待遇を認めることに真っ向から反対していたパキスタンも1日、「国際原子力機関(IAEA:International Atomic Energy Agency)の決定は歴史的快挙」と、一転して支持を表明した。
◆Pakistan too hails IAEA's decision
【New Delhi】After publicly opposing the India safeguards agreement, Pakistan on August 1 did a turnaround and described the International Atomic Energy Agency's approval of the draft as "a historic decision".
2008-08-06 ArtNo.41287(241/399)
【ニューデリー】原子力発電公社Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd(NPCIL)のS K Jain会長によると、国際原子力機関(IAEA)の安全保障協定は高速増殖炉(fast breeder nuclear reactor)を査察対象から除外している。
◆All fast breeder reactors not under safeguards
【New Delhi】All fast breeder reactors will not be under safeguards as per the separation plan, according to Chairman of Nuclear Power Corporation S K Jain.
【新德里】国营印度核电力公司主席S K Jain说,所有的快速增殖反应堆没有包含在国际原子能机构核保障监督协定的对象内。
2008-08-06 ArtNo.41295(242/399)
【ニューデリー】A Raja通信情報技術相は8月1日、公開入札を通じて第三世代移動体高速通信サービス・ライセンスを発行すると発表、これにより2年にわたる論争に終止符が打たれた。
◆Govt announces an open auction for 3G services
【New Delhi】After two years of debate over the modalities of licensing the third generation (3G) high-speed wireless services, the communications & IT minister A Raja on August 1 announced an open auction to decide which companies will provide the service.
【新德里】长达两年的争论之后,印度政府关于第三代移动高速通信服务准证发行方法,终于得到结论。A Raja通信与信息科技部长8月1日发表说,政府决定采用公开投标方式发行有关准证。
2008-08-11 ArtNo.41308(243/399)
◆Govt clears three new UMPPs
【New Delhi】The Centre on August 4 cleared three new Ultra Mega Power Projects (UMPPs) of 4,000 MW each to be located at Cheyyur (Tamil Nadu), Munge (Maharashtra) and Bedabahal (Orissa).
2008-08-18 ArtNo.41321(244/399)
◆Inflation at a new 16-yr high of 12.44%
【New Delhi】Fuelled by higher food and fuel prices, the annual wholesale price index-based inflation has recorded a 16-year high of 12.44 per cent during the week ended August 2, above the previous week's annual rise of 12.01 per cent.
2008-08-18 ArtNo.41324(245/399)
◆UP floats a tender for 1,980-Mw Bara project for third time
【New Delhi】The Uttar Pradesh government has floated a tender for for the 1,980-Mw coal-based power project at Bara in Allahabad district for the third time. Bids have to be submitted by September 1.
2008-08-18 ArtNo.41330(246/399)
【ニューデリー】大蔵省が電気通信局(DOT:department of telecom)に対し、第3世代移動体通信ライセンス入札ガイドラインの発表延期を求めたにも関わらず、DOTは予定通り9月に発表する方針だ。
◆3G auction norms will be announced on time: DoT
【New Delhi】The auction guidelines for 3G will be announced on time in September, despite finance ministry asking department of telecom (DoT) to put the guidelines on hold.
2008-08-20 ArtNo.41336(247/399)
【ニューデリー】統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政府は14日、540万中央政府公務員の平均21%の昇給を発表した。これは第6次給与評議会(SPC:Sixth Pay Commission)の勧告をベースにした最終パッケージの一部で、同パッケージがこの日閣議承認された。
◆Central govt staff gets 21% pay hike
【New Delhi】The UPA government on August 14 announced an average increase of 21% in the 5.4 million Central government employees' salaries as a part of the final package approved by the Cabinet based on the recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission.
2008-08-20 ArtNo.41337(248/399)
◆Steel prices are falling
【New Delhi】Steel prices are falling in India and internationally. The government need not to ask steel makers to hold prices down. They have no options now and will do so irrespective of whether the government asks them to do so or not.
2008-08-20 ArtNo.41342(249/399)
【ニューデリー】大蔵省は15日、ウルトラ・メガ発電(UMP:ultra mega power)プロジェクトのために調達する資材に対する中央消費税(Central excise duty)を免除すると発表した。
◆Goods used in UMPPs exempted from excise duty
【New Delhi】The Finance Ministry on August 15 granted Central excise duty exemption to goods procured for setting up ultra mega power projects.
2008-08-20 ArtNo.41344(250/399)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は公共部門の石油マーケッティング会社-Indian Oil Corporation(IOC)/Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd(HPCL)/Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd(BPCL)-に対し、独自商標製品を宣伝するのに必要な数店を除き、大部分の給油スタンド(petrol pumps)を、戦争未亡人、指定カースト、指定少数部族等、社会保障基金制度(corpus fund scheme)下の有資格の申請者に配分するよう指示した。
◆Oil PSUs may quit retail
【New Delhi】The government has asked Public sector oil marketing companies — Indian Oil Corp, HPCL and BPCL — to retain only a few prominent retail outlets for branding purpose and distribute the rest to eligible candidates including war widows, scheduled castes and scheduled tribe category applicants awaiting award of outlets under the corpus fund scheme.
内政法律軍事 Political/Law/Military Affair in 2008