公益サービス Public Utility in 2008
【ブーバネスワル】オリッサ州のNaveen Patnaik首席大臣を長とするハイレベル認証委員会(HLCA:high-level clearance authority)は6月3日、造修船プロジェクトや石油・化学・石油化学投資地域(PCPIR:Petroleum, Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment Region-別項参照)プロジェクトを含む合計10件の大型投資計画を承認した。
◆Orissa govt clears 10 mega projects
【Bhubaneswar】The Orissa government's high-level clearance authority (HLCA), headed by chief minister Naveen Patnaik, on June 3 cleared 10 mega projects, including a ship building yard and repair facility and a petroleum, chemicals and petrochemicals investment region (PCPIR).
2008-06-09 ArtNo.41089(102/255)
【ムンバイ】年商130億米ドルの米国電力設備会社Eaton Corporationは、インドに製造拠点を設けることを計画するとともに、配電会社を買収する機会を探っている。
◆Eaton mulling to acquire a power distribution co
【Mumbai】Eaton Corporation, the $13 billion US engineering firm, is mulling to acquire a power distribution company besides to manufactur power equipment in India.
2008-06-16 ArtNo.41105(103/255)
◆Mining boosts IIP growth 7% in April
【New Delhi】Riding on the high level of mineral production, the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) recovered to 7 per cent in April 2008, the first month of fiscal 2008-09, as compared to a low 3.9 per cent in the preceding month(3%, as per the original estimate).
2008-06-16 ArtNo.41109(104/255)
◆Moser Baer、TN州で太陽電池製造
【チェンナイ】地元光学記憶装置製造会社Moser Baer India Ltd(MBIL)は2000クロー(US$4.68億)を投じ、タミールナド州に太陽電池とナノ製品の製造施設を設ける。
◆Moser Baer to manufacture photovoltaic in TN
【Chennai】Data storage-devices manufacturer, Moser Baer India Ltd, is set invest Rs 2000 crore in Tamil Nadu to manufacture photovoltaic and nano technology products.
2008-06-16 ArtNo.41110(105/255)
【ニューデリー】カナダ企業Canasia Power Corp (CPC)は、中国電工設備総公司と、ウッタルプラデシュ州Etah県Jawaharpur村に超臨界火力発電所を建設するターンキー契約を結んだ。
◆China National Electric gets contract for Etah power plant
【New Delhi】The Canada-based Canasia Power Corp (CPC) has signed a turn-key construction deal with China National Electric Equipment Corporation (CNEEC) for its Jawaharpur supercritical thermal power plant, to be built in Etah, Uttar Pradesh.
2008-06-16 ArtNo.41111(106/255)
【ニューデリー】Manmohan Singh首相は11日、「核技術領域におけるインド封じ込め政策に終止符を打つ必要がある」と述べ、数ヶ月以内にインド米国民用核協力協定問題に突破口が開かれることに期待を表明するとともに、印米核協定実現を目指す姿勢を再確認した。
◆PM makes a strong pitch for Indo-US nuclear deal
【New Delhi】The Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, on June 11 made a strong pitch for Indo-US nuclear deal, saying that it is crucial for ending nuclear apartheid against India and hoped progress will be made in the months ahead on the agreement which has run into some difficulties.
2008-06-18 ArtNo.41124(107/255)
【コルカタ】Videocon Industries Ltd(VIL)のVenugopal Dhoot会長は12日、西ベンガル州における情報技術(IT)及び太陽光発電事業に8000クロー(US$18.74億)を投資すると発表した。同社は昨年10月には同州Burdwan県Asansol-Durgapur地区に1万5000クロー(US$35.13億)を投じて年産300万トンの鉄鋼プラントを設ける計画を発表しており、今回の投資はこれに追加される。
◆Videocon to invest Rs 8000 cr more in IT & solar
【Kolkata】Videocon Industries Ltd chairman Venugopal Dhoot on June 12 announced an additional investment of Rs 8,000 crore in West Bengal's information technology and solar power sectors in addition to the Rs 15,000 crore already promised last October in a 3 million tonne steel plant in the Asansol-Durgapur belt of Burdwan district.
【加尔各答】Videocon工业有限公司的Venugopal Dhoot主席6月12日发表说他的公司准备在西孟加拉州的信息科技与太阳能发电领域投资800亿卢比。他去年10月曾经发表投资1500亿卢比在该州巴尔达曼县阿散索尔-杜尔加布尔地带兴建年产300万吨制钢设施。
2008-06-18 ArtNo.41125(108/255)
◆TN encourages private sector to set up 10Mw solar plant
【Chennai】While the Centre was prepared to pay incentives up to Rs 12 per unit and has also asked state governments to pay Rs 3 per unit for grid interactive solar power generation, according to the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) guidelines, the Tamil Nadu government will support the private sector in setting up a 10- MW solar power generation facility.
2008-06-18 ArtNo.41126(109/255)
◆Powermin offering a red carpet to global equipment firms
【Mumbai】The power ministry has been working hard to offer a red carpet treatment to manufacturers of boilers and turbines and other power equipment in the country so that the capacity-addition of 78,577 mw in the 11th Plan period may avoid slippages, unlike 8th, 9th and 10th Plan periods.
2008-06-18 ArtNo.41127(110/255)
【ラクナウ】Anil Ambani氏が率いるReliance Power Ltd(RPL)は、Lanco Infratech Ltd(LIL)及びNational Thermal Power Corporation(NTPC)他2社を抑え、ウッタルプラデシュ州Allahabad県の発電プロジェクト2件に一番札を入れた。
◆RPower bags two UP power plants
【Lucknow】Anil Ambani's Reliance Power pipped Lanco Infratech, National Thermal Power Corporation and two other bidders and emerged as the lowest bidder to build two power projects in the Allahabad district of Uttar Pradesh.
【拉科诺】阿尼尔·安巴领导的瑞莱恩斯能源公司抢先超过Lanco Infratech有限公司,国家热电公司和其他两间公司,对北方州阿拉哈巴德的两项发电项目都出最低报价。
2008-06-18 ArtNo.41128(111/255)
【ムンバイ】マハラシュトラ州送電公社(MahaTransco:Maharashtra State Transmission Corporation)が募集した見積もりコスト1万8000クロー(US$42.15億)の送電網拡張改良プロジェクトに内外の企業35社が入札を申請した。
◆35 cos submit bids for $4.2b MahaTransco project
【Mumbai】As many as 35 bidders have submitted bids to the Maharashtra State Transmission Corporation (MahaTransco) for the Rs 18,000-crore($4.215b) transmission strengthening and upgrade project in the state.
2008-06-23 ArtNo.41129(112/255)
◆Core sector growth slumps to 3.6% in April
【New Delhi】The growth of the six core infrastructure industries plunged to 3.6% in April, the first month of the current fiscal, from 9.6% a month earlier and 5.9% a year earlier, mainly on account of a slide in crude and petroleum refinery output and electricity generation.
2008-06-23 ArtNo.41132(113/255)
【ニューデリー】ジャールカンド州Tilaiyaに4000MW(メガワット)のウルトラ・メガ発電所(UMP:ultra mega power)を建設する工事の価格入札は11月4日に締め切られる。
◆Tilaiya ultra mega project to be awarded
【New Delhi】The last date for submission of price bids for the 4,000-Mw Tilaiya ultra mega power project (UMPP) in Jharkhand is November 4.
2008-06-23 ArtNo.41137(114/255)
【ハイデラバード】伊藤忠商事の赤松良夫常務執行役員に率いられる4名の代表団は16日、アンドラプラデシュ州のY.S. Rajasekhar Reddy首席大臣と会見、同州において2件のプロジェクトを手がける計画を伝えた。
◆Itochu Corporation plans 2 projects in AP
【Hyderabad】A four-member delegation from Japan-based Itochu Corporation led by the Managing Executive Officer of the company, Mr Yoshio Akamatsu met the Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister, Dr Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy, on June 16 and has evinced interest to set up two projects in the State.
2008-06-25 ArtNo.41142(115/255)
【ニューデリー】インド経済が終に二桁インフレ時代に突入する一方、米印核協力協定を巡る統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政権とその友党左翼連合(Left Front)の緊張が高まり、政経両面で難問に直面したManmohan Singh首相は20日全ての公式日程をキャンセルし、カジュアル休暇(Casual Leave:公務員に認められた有給休暇の一種)をとった。
◆PM cancels all his official engagements
【New Delhi】Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on June 20, when the news of inflation which shot up to a 13-year high was reported and the crisis over the N-deal erupted once again between the UPA and its ally Left Front, cancelled all his official engagements.
2008-06-25 ArtNo.41146(116/255)
◆Solar Semiconductor、年内に製造能力を3倍に拡張
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点の太陽光電池(PV:photovoltaic)モジュール製造会社Solar Semiconductor Private Limited(SSPL)は今年末までにPVモジュール製造能力を現在の70MW(メガワット)から3倍の220MWに拡張する。
◆Solar Semiconductor to triple capacity
【Hyderabad】Solar Semiconductor Private Limited(SSPL), a Hyderabad-based manufacturer of photovoltaic (PV) modules, will triple the production capacity of solar PV modules from the present 70 MW to 220 MW by the end of this year.
2008-06-25 ArtNo.41147(117/255)
◆TF Solar Power、半導体政策奨励措置申請
【New Delhi】太陽光発電(solar PV)モジュール製造施設の建設を計画するTF Solar Power Pvt Ltd(TSP)は半導体政策下の奨励措置を申請した。
◆TF Solar asks for incentives under semiconductor fab policy
【New Delhi】TF Solar Power Pvt Ltd, which is setting up a production unit to manufacture thin-film photovoltaic panels with its partners, has approached the Government for incentives under the policy on semiconductor fabs and other micro and nano technology manufacturing industries.
【新德里】TF Solar Power有限公司已经向中央政府申请半导体政策下的奖励措施。它计划跟伙帮合作在印度国内设立太阳能模块制造厂。
2008-06-25 ArtNo.41148(118/255)
【チェンナイ】地元土木建設大手Larsen & Toubro Ltd(L&T)と三菱重工業(MHI)の合弁に成るL&T MHI Boilers Ltd(LTMHI)は近くAndhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Ltd (APGENCO)と、総額1557クロー(US$3.65億)の超臨界スチーム・ボイラー及び発電機納入契約を結ぶ。
◆L&T-Mitsubishi set to bag its first order worth Rs 1,557 crore
【Chennai】Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Ltd (APGENCO) will soon give L&T MHI Boilers Ltd, a joint venture of Larsen & Toubro (L&T) and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, order worth Rs 1,557 crore for super-critical steam turbine and generator.
【金奈】安德拉邦发电公司APGenco将不久把价值155亿7000万卢比相等于3亿6464万美元的超临界压锅炉与发电机供应合约给拉森-图布罗有限公司与三菱重工业的联营公司L&T MHI Boilers Ltd。
2008-06-30 ArtNo.41158(119/255)
【ムンバイ】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadを拠点にするGMR Infrastructure Ltd(GMRI)は25日、オランダの電力会社InterGen N.V.の50%権益を11億米ドルで買収する確定契約を結んだと発表した。
◆GMR Infra buys 50 % stake in InterGen for $1.1b
【Mumbai】Hyderabad-based GMR Infrastructure Ltd on June 25 announced the signing of a definitive documentation for the acquisition of 50 per cent stake in the Netherlands-based power generation company, InterGen N.V. for USD 1.1 bn.
◆GMR Infra收购InterGen的50%股权
【孟买】位于安德拉州海德拉巴的GMR Infrastructure有限公司6月25日发表说,它已经签署确定合约而同意以11亿美元收购荷兰发电企业InterGen N.V.的50%股权。
2008-06-30 ArtNo.41159(120/255)
◆Govt scrambles to expand subsidy for solar power projects
【Asansol】The new and renewable energy ministry has proposed to expand the 11th Plan solar power programme beyond 50 mw, given investors rushing to set up solar power projects adding up to 2,500 mw of capacity.
2008-06-30 ArtNo.41160(121/255)
【アサンソール】西ベンガル・グリーン・エネルギー開発公社(West Bengal Green Energy Development Corporation Ltd)は西ベンガル州Burdwan県Jamuriaに2MW(メガワット)の太陽光発電施設を設ける計画 ノ着手した。これは国内初の送電網に接続されたメガワット・クラスの太陽光発電所になる。中央政府はPower Finance Corp (PFC)が提供する融資を100%補助することを認めた。
◆The first MW-level grid connected SP project implemented
【Asansol】West Bengal Green Energy Development Corporation Ltd(WBDEDCL) is implementing a 2mw solar photovoltaic project, the first megawatt-level grid connected solar power project in the country with the Centre providing assistance to offset the entire loan given by the Power Finance Corp (PFC), at Jamuria in Burdwan.
2008-06-30 ArtNo.41161(122/255)
【ハイデラバード】積極的な多角経営を展開する地元企業Ramky groupはおよそ1000クロー(US$2.34億)を投じ、太陽電池製造事業に進出する計画だ。
◆Ramky set to venture into manufacturing of solar PV cells
【Hyderabad】Ramky group, a well-diversified company, is intend to invest about Rs 1,000 crore to venture into manufacturing of solar photovoltaic (PV) cells.
2008-07-02 ArtNo.41172(123/255)
◆Fiscal incentives to boost wind power sector
【New Delhi】The Centre, which has been increasingly working towards developing alternative energy sources, on June 27 announced fiscal incentives for the wind power units with a minimum installed capacity of five mega watt (mw).
2008-07-07 ArtNo.41182(124/255)
【ニューデリー】全国製造業競争力委員会(NMCC:National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council)は、国内で消費されるエネルギーに占める太陽発電のシェアを大幅に拡大するため、宇宙委員会(Space Commission)に類したソーラ委員会(solar mission)を創設するよう提案した。
◆NMCC proposes to set up a solar mission
【New Delhi】The National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council (NMCC) has proposed the establishment of a solar mission on the lines of the Space Commission to significantly increase the share of solar power in the country's total energy mix.
2008-07-07 ArtNo.41183(125/255)
◆Solar Semiconductor、Deutsche SolarとUS$12億納入契約
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点の太陽光電池(PV:photovoltaic)モジュール製造会社Solar Semiconductor Private Limited(SSPL)は、SolarWorld AG傘下の世界最大規模の多結晶シリコン・ウエハー製造業者Deutsche Solar AGにウエハーを納入する契約を獲得した。
◆Solar Semiconductor in pact with SolarWorld
【Hyderabad】Solar Semiconductor Private Limited, the Hyderabad-based photovoltaic module producer, has signed a delivery agreement of wafers with SolarWorld AG subsidiary Deutsche Solar AG, which operates one of the largest factories worldwide for the production of multi-crystalline solar silicon wafers.
2008-07-09 ArtNo.41196(126/255)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は近く化石燃料への依存を軽減するとともに、気候変動問題に対処することを目指す『ソーラ籠灯ミッション(solar lantern mission)』に着手、先ずは政府補助を受けた灯油ランプを太陽光ランプに転換する。
◆PM launching the 'solar lantern mission'
【New Delhi】Indian government will soon launch a 'solar lantern mission' for replacing the traditional lanterns, which use subsidised kerosene to meet the twin objectives of decreasing the country's reliance on fossil fuels as well as tackling the impact of climate change.
2008-07-14 ArtNo.41201(127/255)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は10日、国際原子力機関(IAEA:International Atomic Energy Agency)との間で妥結した原子力安全保障協定(Nuclear safeguards agreement)草案を公表した。地元紙は、インドが国際市場で継続して核燃料を調達し、将来のエネルギー需要に応じることを保証するとともに、核実験を行い、核兵器プログラムを遂行する権利を認めた前代未聞の草案とコメントしている。
◆First-of-its-kind nuclear safeguards agreement unveiled
【New Delhi】The Indian government unveiled on July 10 the draft text of safeguards agreement reached with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The draft ensures India of uninterrupted access to nuclear fuel from the international market to cater to future energy needs without transgressing on its right to conduct nuclear tests and continue with its weapons programme.
2008-07-14 ArtNo.41202(128/255)
【ニューデリー】左派政党-インド共産党マルクス主義派/インド共産党/全インド前衛党/革命社会主義党-は8日、政府がインド米国民生用核協力協定の発効に向けた手続きを実行する方針を発表したことから、連立与党統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)に対する閣外協力を撤回する方針を発表した。
◆Left withdraws support to the UPA govt, finally
【New Delhi】The Left parties — the Communist Party of India (Marxist), Communist Party of India, All India Forward Bloc and Revolutionary Socialist Party — on July 8 announced withdrawal of support to the ruling United Progressive Alliance (UPA) Government over the latter's move to push ahead with the Indo-US nuclear deal.
2008-07-14 ArtNo.41204(129/255)
◆Core sector growth falls to 3.5% in May
【New Delhi】Hit by poor growth rate in electricity generation and petroleum refinery products output, the growth in six infrastructure industries slipped to 3.5 per cent in May this year as compared to 7.8 per cent in the same month a year ago.
2008-07-14 ArtNo.41211(130/255)
【ニューデリー】国営ガス会社Gas Authority of India Ltd(GAIL)は10億ルピー(US$2.34億)を投じウッタルプラデシュ州Auraiya県Pataのガス分解装置に6番目の炉を増設、ポリエチレンの年産能力を50万トンに拡張する。
◆GAIL focussing on expanding petrochem business
【New Delhi】State-run GAIL has decided to expand the Pata polyethylene plant capacity to 500,000 tonne per annum in the Auraiya district of Uttar Pradesh by installing a sixth furnace at the gas cracker unit with an estimated investment of around Rs 1 billion.
2008-07-14 ArtNo.41212(131/255)
【ムンバイ】風力発電設備会社Suzlon Energy Ltd(SEL)のTulsi Tanti会長兼MDは、バーレーンの投資銀行Arcapita Bankと提携し、中国の風力発電企業Honiton Energy Holdings(HEH)を5億米ドル以上で買収した。
◆Suzlon to invest $2 billion in China by 2012
【Mumbai】Suzlon Energy Ltd chairman Tulsi Tanti jointly with Bahrain-based Arcapita Bank, has acquired Honiton Energy Holdings, a Chinese wind energy firm for over $500 million.
2008-07-16 ArtNo.41213(132/255)
◆Govt to face vote of confidence on July 22
【New Delhi】The Cabinet has resolved that parliament would meet on July 21 for a trust motion in a special session to conclude on July 22.
2008-07-16 ArtNo.41214(133/255)
【ニューデリー】今年5月の工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)をベースにした成長率は僅か3.8%と、昨年同月の10.6%に比べ大幅な鈍化を見た。
◆Industrial growth slips to 3.8 % in May
【New Delhi】Industrial growth, as measured by Index of Industrial Production (IIP), slumped to 3.8 per cent during May 2008 as compared to 10.6 per cent in the same month last year.
2008-07-16 ArtNo.41222(134/255)
【ムンバイ】米国拠点の製品検査認証機関、Underwriters Laboratories Inc(ULI)は、500万米ドル前後を投じ、インド南部に太陽光電池検査センターを設けることを検討している。
◆Underwriters to set up solar PV testing lab
【Mumbai】US-based Underwriters Laboratories Inc, a product testing and certification organisation, plans to invest about $5 million in setting up a lab in South India for testing solar photovoltaics.
2008-07-16 ArtNo.41223(135/255)
【チェンナイ】フ Bンランドの電力設備エンジニアリング企業Metsoは7月11日、タミールナド州Chennai拠点のEPT Engineering Servicesと合弁契約を結んだ。合弁会社Metso Power India Pvt Ltd(MPIPL)は、Metsoグループの世界ビジネスにエンジニアリング及びデザイン・サービスを提供する。
◆Finnish major Metso to design CFBC boiler
【Chennai】Finnish power and engineering major Metso on July 11 signed a joint venture agreement with the Chennai-based EPT Engineering Services. The venture, Metso Power India Pvt Ltd, will provide engineering and design services for Metso group worldwide.
2008-07-21 ArtNo.41225(136/255)
【ムンバイ】インド政府は国会下院における内閣信任動議の洗礼を未だ受けていないにも関わらず、18日ウィーンの国際原子力機関(IAEA)理事会会議の席上、インドに特別待遇を認める原子力安全保障協定(Nuclear safeguards agreement)の主旨説明を行ったもようだ。
◆India to brief IAEA on India-specific safeguards
【Mumbai】The Indian government will brief IAEA Board of Governors in Vienna on July 18 on India-specific safeguards agreement, even before it faces the confidence vote in Lok Sabha.
2008-07-21 ArtNo.41227(137/255)
◆India Inc eyes over $100b nuke business in five years
【New Delhi】India could generate nuke business of over $100 billion in the five years and over 400 local companies may get a share of the total pie of nuke business, if the country succeeds to clinch the civil nuclear deal with the US.
2008-07-21 ArtNo.41228(138/255)
◆India plans to build eight nuclear plants
【Bangalore】India plans to build eight 700-MW nuclear plants to boost its nuclear power generation capacity to about 10,000 MW from 4,000 MW at present.
2008-07-21 ArtNo.41229(139/255)
◆Toshiba plans to set up boiler plant near Chennai
【Chennai】Toshiba plans to put up a power boiler plant at Ennore, north of Chennai at an initial investment of around Rs 1,000 crore, according to sources in the know.
2008-07-21 ArtNo.41233(140/255)
【ニューデリー】半導体ファブやエコシステム・ユニットに対する特別奨励パッケージ・スキーム(SIPS:Special Incentive Package Scheme)の下、総額8万クロー(US$187.35億)にのぼる1ダース近い投資申請が提出されたことから、政府は総合的評価システムを設け、個々のプロジェクトの審査に乗り出す。
◆Cos line up for solar, semiconductor projects
【New Delhi】Given that nearly a dozen proposals together worth Rs 80,000 crore flow in from corporate majors such as Reliance Industries, Videocon and Tata BP Solar under the Special Incentive Package Scheme (SIPS) for semiconductor fabs and eco-system units, the Government is setting in motion an appraisal mechanism to evaluate the projects.
【新德里】因为对半导体晶圆与生态系统项目提供的特别奖励政策下,瑞莱恩斯工业,Videocon,塔塔BP Solar等大企业纷纷提出接近一打总额8000亿卢比相等于187亿3536万美元的投资计划,印度政府准备一套评估系统而审查各项计划。
2008-07-23 ArtNo.41245(141/255)
【ラクナウ】ウッタルプラデシュ州政府は、Bundelkhand県Lalitpurにおける4000MW(メガワット)のウルトラ・メガ発電プロジェクトの早期覚書調印を目指しているが、合弁プロジェクトの主要パートナーを務めるNational Thermal Power Corporation Limited (NTPC)は、当該プロジェクトの事業化調査報告に依然検討を加えており、調印に慎重な姿勢を見せている。
◆NTPC still undecided to sign MoU for Lalitpur project
【Lucknow】The Uttar Pradesh government is trying to expedite the process of signing the memorandum of understanding (MoU) for the 4000 mw ultra-mega thermal power plant to be set up in the joint sector with power major National Thermal Power Corporation Limited (NTPC) at Lalitpur in Bundelkhand. However the NTPC is on its part, is still studying the feasibility report on the project.
2008-07-23 ArtNo.41246(142/255)
◆Solar Semiconductor、独企業とUS$6.9億納入契約
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点の太陽光電池(PV:photovoltaic)モジュール製造業者Solar Semiconductor Inc(SSI)は、ドイツ企業AS Solarに向こう数年間に総額6億9500万米ドルにのぼるPVモジュールを納入する契約を獲得した。
◆Solar Semiconductor bags $695m contract from AS Solar
【Hyderabad】Solar Semiconductor Inc, the Hyderabad-based photovoltaic module producer, has struck a multi-year agreement with AS Solar of Germany to supply its high quality PV modules to the latter for the European market, with a potential business opportunity of $695 million.
【海德拉巴】位于安德拉州海德拉巴的太阳能电池模块制造商,太阳能半导体有限公司与德国企业AS Solar公司签订多年性合约。在这项合约下前者供应后者总额可以达6亿9500万美元的高品质太阳能晶圆组件。后者在欧州市场经销这些组件。
2008-07-28 ArtNo.41249(143/255)
【ワシントン】米国のブッシュ大統領は24日、Manmohan Singh首相に直接電話した。両首脳は電話会談の中で米印核協力協定を早期に発効させるため相互に最大限の努力をすること、また世界貿易機関(WTO)における農産品及び製造業製品市場開放交渉の7年に及ぶ停頓打破に努めること等を確認した。
◆Bush dials PM, seeks headway in N-deal, WTO talks
【Washington】U.S. President George W. Bush placed a private call to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on July 24 as the two leaders expressed a desire to move forward on the nuclear deal "as expeditiously as possible" and to break a seven-year deadlock on opening up trade in farm and manufactured goods.
2008-07-30 ArtNo.41269(144/255)
【ニューデリー】香港拠点の中華電力(CLP:China Light Power Ltd)は競争入札を通じハリヤナ州Jhajjarにおける1320MW(メガワット)の火力発電プロジェクトを落札した。
◆China Light wins a mega power project in Haryana
【New Delhi】Hong Kong-based China Light Power Ltd (CLP) won the 1,320-Mw Jhajjar thermal power project in Haryana through a competitive bid.
2008-08-04 ArtNo.41276(145/255)
◆Reliance Infra、上海電気と発電設備工場建設
【ムンバイ】Reliance Infrastructure Ltd(RIL)は7月28日、上海電気有限公司(SEC:Shanghai Electric Corporation Limited)と長期協力枠組み協定を結んだ。同協定の下、両社は共同でインドに工場を設け、ボイラー、タービン、発電機等の製造を手がける。
◆Reliance Infra, Shanghai Electric to make turbines
【Mumbai】Reliance Infrastructure has signed a framework agreement for long-term cooperation with Shanghai Electric Corporation Limited, China, to set up manufacturing facilities of boilers, turbines and generators in India.
2008-08-04 ArtNo.41277(146/255)
【ニューデリー】中国の主要な発電設備メーカー東方電気集団公司(DEC:Dongfang Electric Corporation)は、インド国内に製造工場を設けるため地元企業4社と関係交渉を進めている。
◆Dongfang plans to set up a production unit
【New Delhi】Chinese power equipment manufacturer Dongfang Electric Corporation (DEC) has initiated talks with four Indian companies to set up a local production unit.
2008-08-04 ArtNo.41278(147/255)
【バンガロール】カルナタカ州Bangalore拠点の国営企業Bharat Electronics Ltd(BEL)は、国営重電機会社Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd(Bhel)と共同で、1500クロー(US$3.51億)を投じ、ソーラ・パネルの主原料ポリシリコンの新工場を設けることを計画、年産能力は2500トンを予定している。
◆BEL mulls to produce 2,500 t of polysilicon with Bhel
【Bangalore】Bharat Electronics (BEL), a city-based public sector undertaking (PSU), is planning to set up a greenfield facility to produce 2,500 tonnes of polysilicon, the main raw material for making solar panels, at an investment of Rs 1,500 crore, in a tie-up with another PSU, Bharat Heavy Electricals (Bhel).
2008-08-04 ArtNo.41279(148/255)
【ハイデラバード】Bill Clinton Foundation(BCF)は、恒常的に干魃の被害を被っているアンドラプラデシュ州Anantapur県に大規模なソーラ及び風力発電施設を設けることを検討している。
◆Clinton Foundation may set up power plant in Anantapur
【Hyderabad】The Bill Clinton Foundation is looking to set up a mega solar-cum-wind power plant in the drought-hit Anantapur district, Andhra Pradesh.
2008-08-06 ArtNo.41285(149/255)
【ニューデリー】国際原子力機関(IAEA:International Atomic Energy Agency)理事会は8月1日、『インドの民生用核施設に対するIAEA安全保障の運用(application of IAEA safeguards to Indian civilian nuclear facilities)』と命名された安全保障協定(safeguards agreement)をインドと締結することを全会一致で承認した。
◆IAEA clears India`s safeguards agreement
【New Delhi】The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) board of governors on August 1 unanimously cleared a nuclear safeguards agreement with India, calling for the application of IAEA safeguards to Indian civilian nuclear facilities.
2008-08-06 ArtNo.41286(150/255)
【ニューデリー】当初、インドに特別待遇を認めることに真っ向から反対していたパキスタンも1日、「国際原子力機関(IAEA:International Atomic Energy Agency)の決定は歴史的快挙」と、一転して支持を表明した。
◆Pakistan too hails IAEA's decision
【New Delhi】After publicly opposing the India safeguards agreement, Pakistan on August 1 did a turnaround and described the International Atomic Energy Agency's approval of the draft as "a historic decision".
公益サービス Public Utility in 2008