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内政法律軍事 Political/Law/Military Affair in 2010
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元のページへ戻る ►2010-03-01 ArtNo.43152(51/466)
◆Infrastructure development gets a new thrust
【New Delhi】The Budget for 2010-11 provides Rs 1,73,552 crore for infrastructure, accounting for 46 per cent of the total plan allocation.
2010-03-01 ArtNo.43153(52/466)
【ニューデリー】Mamata Banerjee鉄道相は24日2010-11年度鉄道予算案を国会に上程したが、乗車賃や貨物運賃の値上げを見送ったのみならず、国内物価の高騰を抑制する狙いから穀物/灯油/肥料の運賃を1貨車あたり100ルピー引き下げた。(...続きを読む)
◆No hike in fares, freight charges in Rail Budget 2010-11
【New Delhi】The Railway Budget 2010-11 was presented to the Parliament by Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee on February 24. She has not proposed to increase in passenger fares and freight rates but has proposed to reduce the tariff by Rs 100 per wagon in transportation of foodgrains, kerosene and fertilisers to tackle the price rise.
2010-03-01 ArtNo.43155(53/466)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は25日、第三世代(3G)移動体通信および広帯域無線接続(BWA:broadband wireless access)用周波数域割り当ての入札招請状(NIA:Notice Inviting Applications)を、関係方面に送付した。入札は4月9日に開始され、今年9月にインドにおける3Gサービスが実現する見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆3 or 4 top bidders to get 3G spectrum in 22 circles
【New Delhi】The Government on February 25 invited applications from telecom operators for bidding for third generation (3G) and broadband wireless access (BWA) spectrum to be auctioned, starting April 9. And 3G will be a reality by September, finally.
2010-03-04 ArtNo.43158(54/466)
【チェンナイ】チェンナイ都市開発局(CMDA:Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority)は、チェンナイ市内の交通インフラの総合的な再開発計画を準備した。同計画には、地下鉄2路線、モノレール/軽便鉄道(LRT)4路線、高速バス3路線、37グレード・セパレータが含まれ、必要投資額は7万2727クロー(US$157.82億)。(...続きを読む)
◆Urban transport infrastructure of Chennai set for a radical change
【Chennai】The Comprehensive Transportation Study of the Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority (CMDA) has recommended a slew of measures to improve urban transport infrastructure of Chennai. These includ two additional metro lines, four Monorail/Light Rail Transit (LRT) routes, three Bus Rapid Transport corridors (BRT) and 37 grade separators, requiring a total investment of Rs.72,727 crore(US$15.782b).
2010-03-04 ArtNo.43161(55/466)
◆Car and Two-wheeler prices go up on back of excise hike
【New Delhi】The country's auto-makers are set to rise across the automobile industry from February 27 onwards, with the Government announcing a two per cent hike in excise duties across all segments in Budget 2010-11.
2010-03-04 ArtNo.43162(56/466)
【ニューデリー】Pranab Mukherjee蔵相の新年度予算案は、農村消費者のポケットにより多くの資金を注入、農村の購買力を高めることに照準を合わせており、インド企業界は、農村市場の開放を加速するものとして歓迎している。(...続きを読む)
◆Focus on rural consumers to spur auto, durable demands
【New Delhi】Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee's Budget, which has clearly empowered rural consumers by putting more money into their pockets, comes as good news for India Inc, as it further opens rural markets to them.
2010-03-04 ArtNo.43163(57/466)
◆Tax-breaks to spur mobile gear local production
【New Delhi】Top mobile phone makers like Nokia, Samsung, Motorola to Sony Ericsson and their suppliers will be the biggest gainers with the Finance Minister proposing tax breaks for makers of mobile phone accessories. The tax breaks could spur mass local production of key accessories and components.
2010-03-04 ArtNo.43165(58/466)
【ニューデリー】新年度予算案に先立って国会に上程された経済報告書によると、政府は新たにカルナタカ州、マハラシュトラ州、グジャラート州で各1件、オリッサ州で2件のウルトラ・メガ発電プロジェクト(UMPP:Ultra Mega Power Projects)を準備している。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt starts work on five new mega power projects
【New Delhi】The Government has initiated preliminary work for setting up five new Ultra Mega Power Projects (UMPPs), one each in Karnataka, Maharashtra and Gujarat and two more in Orissa, the Economic Survey has noted.
2010-03-04 ArtNo.43166(59/466)
【ニューデリー】経済学者Vijay Kelkar氏に率いられる第13次金融委員会(Thirteenth Finance Commission)は、全国各州の①再生可能エネルギーの利用/②森林保護/③水源管理システムの改善を促すため各5000クロー(US$10.8億)を補助するよう提案した。(...続きを読む)
◆$3bn grant to states for renewable energy, forests, water
【New Delhi】The Vijay Kelkar-led Thirteenth Finance Commission has recommended three grants of Rs 5,000 crore ($1.08b) each to prod states into adopting renewable energy sources, conserving forests and improving water management systems.
2010-03-04 ArtNo.43167(60/466)
【ニューデリー】中央政府が、食品価格高騰の主因とされるサプライ問題を解決する狙いから農業開発予算を未だかつて例のない21.6%も増額したことから、農業部門の成長が大幅に加速されるものと期待されている。Pranab Mukherjee蔵相は「少なくとも中期的に4%の農業成長率が維持できないなら、国内総生産(GDP)の9%の成長を実現することはできない」としている。(...続きを読む)
◆Four-pronged strategy to spur growth in farm sector
【New Delhi】The agriculture sector is in for a major push with an unprecedented 21.6 per cent hike in the central plan allocation to address the supply side constrains that have led to high food inflation. "Unless I have 4% growth in agriculture on a sustainable basis over the medium term at least, it would not be possible to have 9% GDP growth," Finance minister Pranab Mukherjee said.
2010-03-09 ArtNo.43170(61/466)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は3月4日、『1972年退職金支払い法(Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972)』に修正を加え、所得税免除対象になる退職金の上限を35万ルピー(US$7600)から100万ルピー(US$2万1700)に引き上げることを承認した。(...続きを読む)
◆Gratuity for pvt employees to raise to Rs 10L
【New Delhi】The Cabinet on March 4 approved an amendment to the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 to raise the Income Tax ceiling for payment of gratuity from the existing limit of Rs 3.5 lakh to Rs 10 lakh.
2010-03-09 ArtNo.43171(62/466)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は2010-11年度予算のインフラ開発支出を拡大強化した後、西アジア資金の誘致に力を傾注している。外務省筋によると、65億米ドルのインド湾岸基金(India-Gulf funds)の募集活動が間もなく完了する見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆$6.5 billion India-Gulf funds to boost infrastructure projects
【New Delhi】After an enhanced outlay to the infrastructure sector in Budget 2010-11, India is now working hard to attract investments from West Asia. According to external affairs ministry sources, $6.5 billion India-Gulf funds are set to be finalised soon.
2010-03-09 ArtNo.43174(63/466)
【ニューデリー】インド政府はNational Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC)とDamodar Valley Corporation(DVC)が進める総投資額2万9000クロー(US$62.93億)の超臨界圧火力発電プロジェクト11件の燃料リンケージを承認した。(...続きを読む)
◆Fuel linkages to 11 thermal projects approved
【New Delhi】The government have approved fuel linkage for 11 supercritical thermal power units of National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) and Damodar Valley Corporation totalling an investment of over Rs 29,000 crore ($6.293bn).
2010-03-09 ArtNo.43176(64/466)
【ムンバイ】Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)/JSW Steel/Essar Steel/Ispat Industriesは、消費税率が8%から10%に引き上げられたのに伴い、鋼材価格をトン当たり500~600ルピー引き上げた。(...続きを読む)
◆Steel players pass on excise duty hike
【Mumbai】Steel Authority of India Ltd, JSW Steel, Essar Steel and Ispat Industries. raised prices of their products by Rs 500-600 a tonne on account of the hike in excise duty from 8% to 10%.
2010-03-09 ArtNo.43180(65/466)
【ニューデリー】移動体通信サービス業者STel Pvt Ltdは6日、電信局(DOT:Department of Telecom)が5日発した営業停止命令の理由、『安全上の問題』の詳細を示さない限り、携帯電話サービスを停止する訳にはいかないと、インド政府に回答した。(...続きを読む)
◆STel seeks details of security concerns
【New Delhi】Mobile service operator STel Pvt Ltd on Saturday told the Government that it would not stop offering mobile services unless the Department of Telecom (DoT) gives details of the security concerns that led to the shutdown order on Friday.
2010-03-12 ArtNo.43186(66/466)
【ニューデリー】国営電話会社Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL)は5日、延々20ヶ月以上にわたったもんちゃくの末、総額100億米ドルにのぼる9300万回線GSM設備機器の購買入札を取り消した。(...続きを読む)
◆BSNL scraps $10 bn GSM line tender
【New Delhi】After dilly dallying for over 20 months, state-owned telecom firm Bharat Sanchar Nigam (BSNL) on March 5 decided to scrap its controversial tender for 93 million GSM lines worth $10 billion.
2010-03-12 ArtNo.43189(67/466)
◆Retail, food majors line up for mega parks
【New Delhi】With six mega food parks already under implementation and four others being planned, the mega food park programme has made major headway.
2010-03-12 ArtNo.43191(68/466)
【ニューデリー】国家安全委員会(NSC:National Security Council)事務局と産業政策促進局(DIPP:Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion)は、外国直接投資(FDI)規則の修正や敏感部門の認証メカニズムの拡大を巡り対立、両者の意見の相違が顕在化した。(...続きを読む)
◆NSC, DIPP clash over FDI rule change
【New Delhi】Differences have arisen between the National Security Council (NSC) secretariat and the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) over significant changes in foreign direct investment (FDI) rules and an expanded approval mechanism for "sensitive sectors".
2010-03-12 ArtNo.43192(69/466)
【ニューデリー】国会上院は火曜(9日)夜、国会下院と州議会の議席の3分の1を女性に割り当てることを規定した『2008年婦人議席配分法案(Women's Reservation Bill 2008)』を通過した。(...続きを読む)
◆Rajya Sabha passes historic Women's Reservation Bill
【New Delhi】The Women's Reservation Bill 2008, which seeks to earmark one-third of seats for women in the Lok Sabha and State Assemblies, was passed by the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday evening.
2010-03-16 ArtNo.43200(70/466)
◆Auto industry turnover grows 27% in 2009-10
【New Delhi】Riding high on the revival of consumer demand and aided by the Government's fiscal stimulus and low interest rates, the total turnover of the domestic auto industry has risen 27 per cent in the current fiscal.
2010-03-16 ArtNo.43204(71/466)
【ニューデリー】電気通信局(DOT:Department of Telecom)は3月15日、第三世代(3G)移動体通信周波数域入札の申請受付を開始したが、この日手続きに訪れたものは1社もなかった。主要テレコム企業の大多数は3月19日に、したがって入札締め切りの日に初めて申請手続きを行うとしている。(...続きを読む)
◆No bids for 3G on first day
【New Delhi】The Department of Telecom did not receive any bids on March 15, the first day of 3G spectrum auction, after it opened doors for applications, while most of the top telecom players said they would do so only on March 19 -- the last day.
2010-03-19 ArtNo.43206(72/466)
【ニューデリー】重工業局(DHI:department of heavy industry)は、大蔵省歳入部(department of revenue)に対し、輸入電力設備に最低10%の関税を課すよう提案した。(...続きを読む)
◆10% duty on Chinese power equipment suggested
【New Delhi】The department of heavy industry (DHI) has recommended to the department of revenue for the imposition of at least 10% customs duty on power equipment import.
2010-03-19 ArtNo.43207(73/466)
【ニューデリー】統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政府は15日、野党の反対のみならず、与党議員多数が欠席する中、異論の多い『2010年原発事故民事責任法案(Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill, 2010)』の国会下院上程を暫時見合わせた。連立政権内部の足並みの乱れを露呈し、面目を失墜した形となった。(...続きを読む)
◆Nuclear liability Bill deferred at last minute
【New Delhi】The United Progressive Alliance Government on Monday suffered a major embarrassment as not only stiff resistance from opposition parties but also absentee ruling coalition MPs forced it to defer the introduction of the controversial Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill, 2010, in the Lok Sabha.
2010-03-19 ArtNo.43209(74/466)
◆Sponge iron units cut output due to non-availability of ore
【Kolkata】Following the Orissa Government's crackdown on "illegal" mining and pilferage of the ore at several places in Keonjhar district, nearly 100 sponge iron manufacturing units spread across Raipur, Bilaspur, Raigarh and Champa in Chhattisgarh face uncertainty due to non-availability of iron ore.
2010-03-19 ArtNo.43210(75/466)
◆Govt to invite bids for mega road projects soon
【New Delhi】The government will invite bids within two months for awarding mega road projects requiring an investment of about Rs 4,000 crore ($868m) each.
2010-03-19 ArtNo.43213(76/466)
【ニューデリー】外国投資家は、外国投資促進局(FIPB:Foreign Investment Promotion Board)のウェブ・サイトで外国直接投資(FDI:Foreign Direct Investment)申請を行い、申請処理の状況もオンラインでモニターできるようになった。(...続きを読む)
◆FDI proposals can be filed online now
【New Delhi】Foreign investors now can file their applications electronically through the website of the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIBP) and also know the status of their applications online.
2010-03-24 ArtNo.43220(77/466)
【ニューデリー】内閣経済問題閣僚委員会(CCEA:Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs)は19日の会議で、新探査ライセンス政策(NELP)第8次入札の結果を審査、応札のあった36ブロック中33ブロックのライセンス発行を決めた。国営Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)を中核とするコンソーシアムが、内過半数の17ブロックを獲得した。(...続きを読む)
◆ONGC consortia bags 17 blocks in NELP-VIII
【New Delhi】The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on March 19 approved the award of 33 out of the 36 oil and gas blocks under the 8 th round of new exploration and licensing policy (Nelp). State-run Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) and partners won 17 blocks.
2010-03-24 ArtNo.43221(78/466)
【チャンディガル】ハリヤナ州工業インフラ開発公社(HSIIDC:Haryana State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation)は、首都圏(NCR:national capital region)を除く、ほぼ全県に工業兼サービス・センター(ISC:industry-cum-service centre)を開発する。(...続きを読む)
◆Industry-cum-service centres to sprout up in Haryana
【Chandigarh】Haryana State Industrial & Infrastructure Development Corporation (HSIIDC) plans to develop industry-cum-service centres in almost all the districts outside the national capital region.
2010-03-24 ArtNo.43222(79/466)
【ニューデリー】広帯域無線接続(BWA:broadband wireless access)周波数域の入札には11社が、第三世代(3G)移動体通信周波数域の入札には、申請締め切りの19日までに9社が、それぞれ応札した。(...続きを読む)
◆Nine in race for 3G, 11 for wireless access
【New Delhi】As many as 11 companies filed applications to bid for the broadband wireless access (BWA) spectrum. Separately, the Government received applications from nine telecom companies for participating in the auction for the third generation (3G) mobile spectrum by March 19, the last day for companies to put in their applications.
2010-03-24 ArtNo.43227(80/466)
【ニューデリー】中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)は19日、インフレ圧力を抑制する金融引き締め政策の一環として、短期貸出金利のレポ・レートと短期借入金利の逆レポ・レートをそれぞれ25ベイシス・ポイント引き上げた。(...続きを読む)
◆Repo, reverse repo rates hiked by 25 bps
【New Delhi】The Reserve Bank of India on March 19 raised its key short-term lending (repo) and borrowing (reverse repo) rates by 25 basis points each as part of its tight money policy to stem inflationary pressures.
2010-03-26 ArtNo.43229(81/466)
【ニューデリー】第12次五カ年計画(2012-2017)期間に必要な1兆米ドルのインフラ開発支出の需要を満たすため、政府は金融システムに広範な変更を加える用意がある。これには民間部門が発行する債券に免税ステータスを認めることが含まれる。Pranab Mukherjee蔵相は23日、以上の考えを語った。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/43229.htm(...続きを読む)
◆Govt open to tax-free private sector bonds: FM
【New Delhi】To meet a $1-trillion infrastructure spending need during the 12th Five Year Plan ending 2017, the government government is open to far reaching changes in the financing and execution of projects, including possible tax-free status for infrastructure bonds by the private sector, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said on March 23.
2010-03-26 ArtNo.43230(82/466)
【ニューデリー】インドの民間銀行と非銀行金融会社(NBFC:non-banking finance companies)は、免税債券の発行を認められた選ばれた公共企業のリストに名を連ねることになりそうだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Pvt banks to offer tax-free infrastructure bonds
【New Delhi】India's private banks and non-banking finance companies (NBFCs) appear set to join a list of select stateowned firms which will be Private bonding allowed to offer tax-free infrastructure bonds to investors.
2010-03-26 ArtNo.43231(83/466)
【ニューデリー】Manmohan Singh首相とPutin首相の二者会談が行われるまで、インド側関係機関には、原子力にしろ国防にしろ宇宙事業にしろロシアのベアハッグ(bear hug)だけは回避したいと言う空気が充満しており、プーチン首相が今月12日にインドを訪れた際には、両国の核・国防協力協定はほとんど調印不可能な状態にあった。(...続きを読む)
◆Russia offers N-fuel fabrication, uranium JV, India reluctant
【New Delhi】Nuclear and defence cooperation between India and Russia was almost not signed during Putin's visit on March 12, according to sources in both establishments. Until the night before the summit meeting between the two prime ministers, the Indian establishment was extremely reluctant about committing itself to the Russian bear hug, whether in the nuclear energy, defence or space sectors.
2010-03-31 ArtNo.43243(84/466)
【ムンバイ】インド政府はチャッティースガル州Sarguja県に4000MW(メガワット)のウルトラ・メガ発電所(UMPP:ultra mega power project)を建設するため、関係方面に見積依頼書(RFQ:request for quotations)を配布した。(...続きを読む)
◆A bid for Chhattisgarh mega power project floated
【Mumbai】The government has asked for RFQ (request for quotations) for developing the 4,000-Mw Sarguja ultra mega power project (UMPP) in Chhattisgarh.
2010-03-31 ArtNo.43249(85/466)
【ニューデリー】通信衛星を用いたケーブル・テレビ局向けデジタル配信サービス・ヒッツ(HITS:Headend In The Sky)は、鳴り物入りで宣伝されたにも関わらず、2009年11月に閣議承認されて以来4ヶ月を経た今になっても、申請者ゼロで、情報放送省を当惑させている。(...続きを読む)
◆HITS finds no takers for four months
【New Delhi】The much-touted Headend In The Sky or HITS policy, cleared by the Cabinet in November 2009, has found no takers so far. This situation may come as an embarrassment for the information and broadcasting (I&B) ministry.
2010-03-31 ArtNo.43251(86/466)
◆Private cos not allowed to issue infrastructure bonds
【Mumbai】Only banks and financial institutions will be eligible to raise funds through issue of tax-free bonds for financing infrastructure projects. Private sector companies will not be allowed to issue such bonds.
● 私人公司不被允许发行免税基础设施债券
2010-03-31 ArtNo.43252(87/466)
【ニューデリー】自己資本1200クロー(US$2.604億)までの外国直接投資(FDI)プロジェクトは、内閣経済問題委員会(CCEA:Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs)の承認を得る必要なく、大蔵大臣が直接認可できることになった。(...続きを読む)
◆FDI rules liberalized
【New Delhi】The finance minister now can clear proposals up to Rs 1,200 crore ($260.4m) foreign equity without seeking an approval of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs.
2010-04-02 ArtNo.43257(88/466)
【ニューデリー】インド政府はテイクアウト・ファイナンシング(takeout financing)の構造案をほぼ完成した。テイクアウト・ファイナンシングとは、特定プロジェクトに対する短期ローンを補完するために、India Infrastructure Finance Company Ltd (IIFCL)が提供する長期性ローンで、インフラストラクチャー・プロジェクトに長期資金を供給するのが狙い。(...続きを読む)
◆Takeout financing cap to be put in place
【New Delhi】The government has finalised the broad contours of the proposed takeout financing scheme, which means using a long-term loan as a substitute for a short-term loan for any project, to be offered by India Infrastructure Finance Company Ltd (IIFCL) in order to catalyse long-term lending for infrastructure projects.
2010-04-02 ArtNo.43264(89/466)
◆2 killed, 50 injured during communal riots in Hyd
【Hyderabad】The riots in the old city of Hyderabad started during the weekend. 2 persons were killed and more than 50 people are injured in the three days of communal riots.
2010-04-07 ArtNo.43266(90/466)
【ニューデリー】原発事故民事責任法案(nuclear liability bill)を巡り、インド国内で米国企業の歓心を買うものとの批判に晒されたManmohan Singh首相は、今度は米国原子力産業界の批判に直面しそうな雲行きだ。(...続きを読む)
◆India and U.S. likely to clash over nuclear liability bill
【New Delhi】Pilloried in India for crafting a nuclear liability bill that his critics say is aimed at pleasing American companies, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is now facing criticism from the U.S. nuclear industry too.
2010-04-07 ArtNo.43274(91/466)
【ニューデリー】外国直接投資(FDI)の2月の流入額は17億2000万米ドルと、昨年同月に比べ15.4%増加、1月のマイナス成長から回復した。Anand Sharma商工相は3月31日以上の数字を明らかにするとともに、外国直接投資手続き簡素化努力の一環として、これまでに発せられた178件のプレスノート(Press Notes)を含む外国直接投資に関わる全ての政策を統合した、外国直接投資枠組み(FDI Policy Framework)最終案を公表した。(...続きを読む)
◆FDI inflows up in Feb; Single FDI policy unveiled
【New Delhi】The Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) equity inflow into India in February rose 15.4 per cent year-on-year to $1.72 billion, overcoming the decline recorded in January, Union Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma said on March 31. He also released the final document of FDI Policy Framework that consolidates all policies on foreign direct investment, including as many as 178 Press Notes issued from time to time, in a bid to simplify procedures.
2010-04-07 ArtNo.43275(92/466)
◆$135.6 m sops to trailing sectors
【New Delhi】Government on March 31 announced incentives worth Rs 625 crore ($135.6m) for exporters of garments, engineering, electronics and agro products as the demand for these items in the western economies is yet to pick up while the country's overall exports are looking up.
2010-04-09 ArtNo.43279(93/466)
◆Bid for 4,000 Mw Orissa plant to be invited by Apr 30
【New Delhi】The Government is likely to invite preliminary bids for the 4,000-MW ultra mega power project (UMPP) at Bedabahal in Orissa by April 30.
2010-04-09 ArtNo.43282(94/466)
【ニューデリー】鉄鋼省は、大規模な鉄鋼プロジェクトや鉄鉱山プロジェクトを、環境・森林・社会・少数部族等、様々な角度から影響を調査し、適正を判断、認証するスーパー国家機関(empowered national regulator)を創設するよう提案した。(...続きを読む)
◆Super-regulator for large steel and iron ore projects proposed
【New Delhi】The Union steel ministry has proposed the creation of an empowered national regulator that can single-handedly decide on large steel and iron ore projects' suitability from various angles—environmental, forest, social and tribal impact.
2010-04-09 ArtNo.43283(95/466)
◆Orissa to intensify exploration of non-ferrous metals
【Bhubaneswar】The Orissa government has decided to intensify exploration of bauxite, coal, limestone and heavy minerals in beach sand.
2010-04-09 ArtNo.43284(96/466)
【ニューデリー】チャッティースガル州Dantewada県Mukranaの森林地帯で6日発生した毛派武装組織Naxalによる待ち伏せ攻撃により中央警察予備隊(CRPF:Central Reserve Police Force)の隊員76人が犠牲になった事件は、東部諸州を左派武装組織の脅威から解放し鉱物資源が豊富な同地域に投資を誘致する政府の努力に致命的打撃を与えた。(...続きを読む)
◆Deadliest Maoist attack a major setback to India's efforts
【New Delhi】6/4 attacks, which Maoist rebels killed 76 officers in an ambush on Tuesday in the Mukrana forests of Dantewada district of Chhattisgarh, are a setback to India's efforts to get rid the eastern states of left-wing rebels and open up mineral rich regions to investment.
2010-04-09 ArtNo.43285(97/466)
【ニューデリー】全国幹線道路局(NHAI:National Highways Authority of India)は2009-10年度に、過去4年来最高の全長3351キロ、38件の幹線道路拡張計画を発注したものの、Kamal Nath運輸相にとっては満足の行ける成果とは言えない。同相は第二次統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政権が発足した際、2009-10年には全長1万2652キロの工事契約を発注すると公約していた。(...続きを読む)
◆National Highways Authority of India hobbled by delays
【New Delhi】National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) awarded 38 projects for expansion of 3,351 km of highways during 2009-10, highest in last four financial years. However, this is not expected to be appreciated much by road transport & highways Minister Kamal Nath, who had set a target of awarding 12,652-km highways expansion projects during 2009-10, after assuming office in the UPA-II regime.
2010-04-09 ArtNo.43286(98/466)
【ニューデリー】スウェーデンの通信機器メーカー、Ericssonは「僅か20MHz(メガヘルツ)の周波数域では、WiMAX技術の有効な運用は不可能」とし、インドでは第4世(4G)代乃至3.9世代(3.9G)技術と称されるLTE(Long Term Evolution)を採用すべきだ提言した。(...続きを読む)
◆WiMAX may not work effectively in India: Ericsson
【New Delhi】Swedish equipment company Ericsson said, "WiMAX cannot be deployed with just 20 MHz of frequency" and recommended Long Term Evolution (LTE) as a better alternate.
2010-04-14 ArtNo.43299(99/466)
◆New FDI norms queer foreign VC funds' India investment plan
【New Delhi】Foreign funds will now require prior approval for investment in Indian venture funds and they cannot invest in unregistered trusts.
2010-04-16 ArtNo.43301(100/466)
【ニューデリー】インド証券取引局(SEBI:Securities and Exchange Board of India)と保険業監督開発局(IRDA:Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority)の間のユニット・リンク保険商品(ULIP:unit-linked insurace products/変額年金保険の一種)の監督を巡る論争は、収束にはほど遠く、SEBIは火曜(4/13)、ULIP取引に対する新たな規制措置を発表、15日には終に法廷訴訟に立ち至った。(...続きを読む)
◆New row brews over ULIPs between Sebi and Irda
【New Delhi】The dispute between Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) and Insurance Regulatory Authority of India (Irda) over the regulation of unit-linked insurace products (ULIPs) appears to be far from over with the capital markets regulator again seeking to assert authority over ULIPs on Tuesday.
内政法律軍事 Political/Law/Military Affair in 2010
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