内政法律軍事 Political/Law/Military Affair in 2009
◆62% turnout in Phase V LS elections
【New Delhi】An estimated 62 per cent of the voters on May 13 exercised their franchise in the fifth and final phase of the Lok Sabha elections. Overall, around 59-60 per cent of the 71.37 crore electorate in the country exercised their franchise in the month-long five-phase elections to elect 543 members of the 15th Lok Sabha.
2009-05-15 ArtNo.42223(102/362)
【チェンナイ】Manmohan Singh首相は、主権国家のスリランカに派兵し、タミール人の国家を設けると言う一部のものの主張を空手形と一蹴、バングラデッシュ・タイプのタミールイーラム(タミールの虎)を建国する可能性がないことを確認した。
◆PM dismisses talk of sending Army to Lanka
【Chennai】Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on May 9 dismissed the idea of sending army to Sri Lanka to create a separate Tamil state as a 'tall promise' because of Lanka's sovereignty. He affirmed no Bangladesh-type creation of Tamil Eelam.
2009-05-15 ArtNo.42227(103/362)
◆Govt defers safeguard duty on six intermediates
【New Delhi】The government on May 11 deferred a decision to impose a safeguard duty on six items, including HR coils, auto-components, acrylic fibre and paper products, as they felt that the matter needs to be examined further after taking views of the consuming industry.
2009-05-15 ArtNo.42231(104/362)
【チャンディガル】ハリヤナ州インフラストラクチャー工業開発公社(HSIIDC:Haryana State Infrastructure and Industrial Development Corporation)は同州Panipatに石油化学ハブを開発する計画を単独で実行する方針を決めた。
◆Haryana State to develop petrochem hub even as IndianOil quits
【Chandigarh】The Haryana State Infrastructure and Industrial Development Corporation (HSIIDC) has decided to go ahead with the development of the proposed petrochemical hub at Panipat on its own.
2009-05-19 ArtNo.42233(105/362)
【ニューデリー】Manmohan Singh首相は17日午後、全閣僚の辞表をとりまとめ、Pratibha Patil大統領に内閣の総辞職届けを提出した。これに伴い新内閣は5月20日か22日に発足するものと見られる。総理府筋によると、現政権も5年前の5月22日に就任式を催している。5月21日は故ラジブ・ガンディー首相が暗殺された日に当たるため、この日に就任式が催される可能性は少ないと言う。
◆New cabinet is likely on May 20 or May 22
【New Delhi】Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who had received resignations from all union ministers, gave his own letter and that of his cabinet to President Pratibha Patil in the afternoon of May 17. According to an official in the Prime Minister's Office, the swearing in of the new cabinet is likely on May 20 or May 22 - the day he took oath five years ago. May 21 is out because it is the death anniversary of the late Rajiv Gandhi.
2009-05-19 ArtNo.42234(106/362)
【ニューデリー】統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)は第15次下院総選挙において予想を上回る262議席を獲得したものの、過半数の272議席には、なお10議席及ばない。選挙管理委員会は17日、下院543議席中541議席の選挙結果を公式に発表した。しかし計票機に不具合生じたため、残る2議席の計票作業はまだ完了していない。
◆UPA 262, NDA 159, 3rd Front 80: results tally for LS election
【New Delhi】The United Progressive Alliance captured 262 seats in the 15th Lok Sabha elections, 10 short of the halfway mark. The Election Commission formally announced results for 541 of the 543 elected seats in the Lok Sabha by the morning of May 17. Counting in two seats had to be stopped Saturday as the electronic voting machines had developed snags.
2009-05-19 ArtNo.42235(107/362)
【コルカタ】インド共産党マルクス主義派(CPIM:Communist Party of India Marxist)に率いられる西ベンガル州の政権与党、左派戦線(Left Front)は、42議席中僅か15議席を獲得したにとどまり、前回2004年総選挙の際に獲得した35議席に比べ大幅に議席を減らした。左派戦線の惨敗には誰もが唖然とした。
◆Left Front suffers overwhelming defeat
【Kolkata】The ruling Communist Party of India (Marxist)-led Left Front suffered its worst setback ever, in West Bengal winning 15 out of 42 seats against 35 in 2004. The result has taken everyone by surprise.
2009-05-19 ArtNo.42236(108/362)
【アーマダバード】Narendra Modi首席大臣に率いられるグジャラート州インド人民党(BJP)は、モディ氏のカリスマ的人気を梃子に26議席中20議席を獲得するものと予想されていたが、実際には15議席を獲得したにとどまった。このためモディ氏のカリスマ性に対する懐疑が生じている。
◆Doubts raised over Modi's popularity
【Ahmedabad】Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Gujarat, led by Chief Minister Narendra Modi, which was expecting to win around 20 out of 26 Lok Sabha seats in the state, has suffered by winning only 15 seats. BJP's poor show in Guj has raised doubts over Modi's popularity.
2009-05-19 ArtNo.42237(109/362)
◆Four Gandhis set to appear in the 15th Lok Sabha
【New Delhi】Four members of the illustrious Nehru-Gandhi lineage will simultaneously occupy seats in India's 15th Lok Sabha.
2009-05-19 ArtNo.42238(110/362)
◆Assets of Lower House members top $600m
【New Delhi】In a nation where over 28 crore people live below poverty line, 543 Members of parliament who have been elected to the Lok Sabha have a combined asset of Rs 3,075 crore($615m).
2009-05-22 ArtNo.42245(111/362)
【ニューデリー】Manmohan Singh氏の首相就任式は今日(5月22日)夕刻6時30分(現地時間)に催される。Pratibha Patil大統領は20日、シン氏及び国民会議派のSonia Gandhi総裁から、統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政権樹立を支持する国会下院議員322人の名簿を受理した後、シン氏を新内閣の首班に再度指名した。
◆Manmohan Singh will be sworn in as Prime Minister today
【New Delhi】Manmohan Singh will be sworn in as Prime Minister today (May 22). President Pratibha Patil appointed Manmohan Singh as Prime Minister for the second time on May 20 after Singh and Congress president Sonia Gandhi handed a list of 322 MPs supporting the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) to the President.
2009-05-22 ArtNo.42246(112/362)
【ニューデリー】政府の主要省庁は、再選され統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政権のパフォーマンスを国民に印象づける狙いから、Manmohan Singh首相の就任後100日間の改革アジェンダを準備した。
◆Singh's reform agenda for the first 100 days ready
【New Delhi】An ambitious reform agenda for the first 100 days of Manmohan Singh's second term has been drawn up by key government departments in order to set the re-elected UPA coalition up to be judged in its new stint in power.
2009-05-22 ArtNo.42247(113/362)
【ニューデリー】順調な時だけ友達面するフェアウェザ・フレンドは遠ざけるに越したことはないが、統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)が国会上院にも睨みを効かすためには、選挙運動期間にUPAから離脱した国民人民党(RJD:Rashtriya Janata Dal)/社会党(SP:Samajwadi Party)/国民の力党(LJP:Lok Janashakti Party)と国民会議派が良好な関係を維持することが不可欠と言える。
◆Fairweather friends' support is crucial, too
【New Delhi】It may be justified in shunning its "fair weather" friends, but support from the Congress' erstwhile allies the Rashtriya Janata Dal, the Samajwadi Party and the Lok Janashakti Party could yet prove crucial if the ruling United Progressive Alliance were to throw its weight around in Rajya Sabha.
2009-05-22 ArtNo.42249(114/362)
【ニューデリー】インフラ問題を担当する首相諮問委員会(COI:Prime Minister's Committee on Infrastructure)は、超臨界圧発電設備製造施設の建設を計画する外国企業に、関係入札に先立って75%の用地の所有を義務づけるよう提案した。
◆Foreign power equipment cos to hold 75% of land before bidding
【New Delhi】The Prime Minister's Committee on Infrastructure (CoI) has proposed to oblige foreign companies planning to set up super-critical power equipment manufacturing facility in India to hold at least 75% of the land before bidding for the project.
2009-05-22 ArtNo.42250(115/362)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は全国天然ガス・ハイウェイ・ネットワーク(NGHN:National Gas Highway Network)を構築する可能性を検討している。石油天然ガス省のRS Pandey次官はこのほど以上の消息を語った。
◆Govt mulling a national gas highway network
【New Delhi】A national gas highway network may be developed to ensure supply of natural gas across the country, said petroleum secretary RS Pandey.
【新德里】根据石油天然气部事务部长RS Pandey,印度政府正在检讨兴建全国天燃气大道网的可能性。
2009-05-22 ArtNo.42254(116/362)
【ニューデリー】電気通信局(DOT:Department of Telecom)は、国営電話会社Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL)に対し今後セキュリティー上敏感な地域にネットワークを構築する際は、Huawei Technologies Co Ltd(HTCL:華為技術有限公司)やZTE Corporation(深セン中興通信)等の中国のサプライヤーから通信設備を購入せぬよう指示した。
◆No Huawei, ZTE products in sensitive zones
【New Delhi】The Department of Telecom has asked the State owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd not to procure equipment henceforth from Chinese vendors, Huawei and ZTE, for setting up network in sensitive areas.
2009-05-26 ArtNo.42257(117/362)
【ニューデリー】Manmohan Singh首相は22日、他の19人の閣僚と共に就任宣誓を行い、2期目統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政権が発足した。しかし大部分の閣僚の人選は未定で、今日(5/26)にも最初の補充が行われる見通しだ。
◆The 2nd UPA Govt sets sail, albeit the ministers yet on board
【New Delhi】Manmohan Singh took his oath of office and secrecy on May 22 as Prime Minister to head the second United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government. His 19-member team in the first instalment of the government formation was also sworn in. The first expansion of the Council of Ministers is expected to take place today(May 26).
2009-05-26 ArtNo.42258(118/362)
【ニューデリー】不可触民ダリットのリーダーRam Vilas Paswan前鉄鋼肥料化学相に率いられる国民の力党(LJP:Lok Janashakti Party)は、今回の国会下院総選挙で1人の当選者も出すことができず、最悪のパフォーマンスを示した。
◆DMK best, LJP, BSP worst in LS polls
【New Delhi】The Lok Janshakti Party(LJP), headed by Dalit leader Ram Vilas Paswan, who also had headed Steel, Fertilisers and Chemicals ministries, was the worst performer of all; it drew a blank.
2009-05-26 ArtNo.42259(119/362)
【ニューデリー】Manmohan Singh首相に率いられる第二次統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政府は、総合的な全国農業政策(comprehensive national rural policy)を打ち出し、農村の経済成長率を都市のそれと同じレベルに引き上げることを最優先課題にするものと見られる。
◆New govt to come out with a national rural policy
【New Delhi】In a first, the second United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government headed by the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will shore up the rural economy with a comprehensive national rural policy and take its growth rate closer to the urban areas'.
2009-05-26 ArtNo.42260(120/362)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は『全国土地記録近代化計画(NLRMP:National Land Records Modernisation Programme)』の下、1億4000万人以上の地主の最終土地所有権(conclusive titles)を認める計画だ。目下のところ、不動産所有者(property owners)は、過去の所有権や取引に必要とされた証書及び関係書類の登録を通じ、仮所有権(presumptive titles)を認められている。
◆Govt to confer conclusive titles to 140 million landowners
【New Delhi】The government is planning to confer conclusive titles to more than 140 million landowners under the National Land Records Modernisation Programme (NLRMP). At present, property owners in the country get 'presumptive' titles through registration of deeds and documents required for probing past ownerships and transactions.
2009-05-26 ArtNo.42262(121/362)
【ムンバイ】ムンバイ市街地開発局(MMRDA:Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority)はマハラシュトラ州Mumbai市内の金融街Wadalaに、国内最高層、世界的にも第3位の101階建てビルを建設する。このための国際入札を募集、内外の請負業者に入札資格審査書類の提出を求めた。
◆MMRDA float a tender for tallest building in India
【Mumbai】The Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) on May 20 invited pre-qualification bids for constructing of a building with 101 floors at Wadala in Mumbai. Once completed, it will be the tallest in India and the third tallest in the world.
2009-05-26 ArtNo.42263(122/362)
◆Govt may provide a relief package for shipping
【New Delhi】The Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways is actively considering a package of Rs 10,000 crore ($2.083b) to help the domestic shipping industry.
2009-05-26 ArtNo.42268(123/362)
◆Indefinite curfew after violence in Jalandhar
【Jalandhar】Towns in Punjab remained tense on Monday morning after a night of violence on Sunday by protestors belonging to a Dalit Sikh sect protesting a clash in a gurudwara in Austria's capital Vienna. Army was on Monday deployed in Jalandhar and some of its neighbouring areas and indefinite curfew clamped.
2009-05-29 ArtNo.42269(124/362)
【ニューデリー】国民会議派(INC:Indian National Congress )率いる統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)は国会下院選挙に勝利して後11日を経て、ようやく全閣僚の任命を終え新内閣の組織にこぎ着けた。Pratibha Patil大統領は28日大統領官邸Rashtrapati Bhavanアショカ・ホールにおいて59人の正副閣僚の就任宣誓式を主宰した。
◆Union Cabinet expanded, 59 ministers take oath
【New Delhi】Eleven days after it convincingly emerged victorious at the hustings, the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) finally has a council of full member of the minister in place. President Pratibha Patil on May 28 administered the oath of office and secrecy to additional 14 Cabinet ministers, 7 ministers of state (MoS) with independent charge, and 38 MoS at the historic Ashoka Hall in the Rashtrapati Bhavan, the presidential palace.
【新德里】印度国民大会党为首的联合进步联盟在国会下院大选里取胜之后11天终于获得齐全的内阁。普拉蒂巴·帕蒂尔总统5月28日在总统府总统府Rashtrapati Bhavan阿苏迦大厅主持14个部长,7个政务部长,38个不管部政务部长的宣誓就职典礼。
2009-05-29 ArtNo.42270(125/362)
【ニューデリー】インド政府はテロリスト対策も兼ね2011年末までに全国民に多目的身分証明カード(MNIC:Multipurpose National Identity Cards)を発行する計画だ。
◆Multipurpose ID Cards to be issued to all citizens by 2011
【New Delhi】The Indian government has initiated to go on a war footing with terrorists, issuing the Multipurpose National Identity Cards (MNIC) to all citizens by 2011.
2009-05-29 ArtNo.42275(126/362)
【ニューデリー】南アフリカのテレコム・ジャイアンツMTN Ltdの支配権益買収を目指すBharti Airtel Ltd(BAL)の2度目の試みは、政府が2009年2月にプレス・ノート2/3/4号を発表し規制を緩和した新外国直接投資(FDI)政策の試金石と言える。
◆Bharti's MTN deal a test case for eased FDI norms
【New Delhi】Bharti Airtel's second round move to acquire controlling stakes in South African telecom giant MTN will be a test case for the relaxation in foreign investment norms brought in by Press Notes 2,3 and 4 of 2009.
2009-05-29 ArtNo.42277(127/362)
【ニューデリー】中央電力監督委員会(CERC:Central Electricity Regulatory Commission)はこのほど、電力省に対し、州政府が緊急条項を用いて発電所に全ての電力を当該州の送電網に供給するよう頻繁に指示することが、発電事業に対する民間投資を阻害する最大の要因になっていると報告した。
◆Rising use of the emergency provision chafes power investors
【New Delhi】The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has told the Union power ministry that the rising use of the emergency provision to usurp power and plug shortages by some state governments is a major problem for investor sentiment.
2009-05-29 ArtNo.42279(128/362)
【ニューデリー】インド薬品監督総監(DCGI:Drug Controller General of India)オフィスはこのほど、複数の製薬会社から提出された44件の多剤混合薬(FDC:fixed dose combination)製造・販売申請を許可した。
◆DGCI clears 44 fixed-dose combination drugs
【New Delhi】The Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) has recently cleared requests from several pharma companies for permission to manufacture and market 44 fixed dose combination (FDC) drugs.
2009-06-02 ArtNo.42281(129/362)
【ニューデリー】第二次統一進歩連合(UPA)政権が目指す変革を暗示するかのように、Manmohan Singh首相は5月28日、大部分の閣僚に新ポジションを配分、大幅な改造を加えた新内閣の陣容を明らかにした。
◆PM opts major cabinet reshuffle
【New Delhi】In what seemed to signal the change that he wanted to bring about in his second innings, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on May 28 opted for a major reshuffle, handing out new slots to a majority of his Cabinet colleagues.
2009-06-02 ArtNo.42282(130/362)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は6週間以内にガソリンとディーゼル油に対する価格統制を解除する問題を検討する。石油天然ガス相に再任されたMurli Deora大臣は、5月29日の就任式後記者会見し、「州営企業により販売される天然ガスの価格を引き上げる問題も閣議にかけられる」と語った。
◆Govt may free fuel prices soon
【New Delhi】The Government will consider deregulating petrol and diesel prices in six weeks. After taking charge of the Petroleum Ministry for the second time on May 29, Petroleum Minister Murli Deora said, "Increasing rates of natural gas sold by state firms will also be put up to the Cabinet for a decision."
2009-06-02 ArtNo.42283(131/362)
【ニューデリー】このほど第二次統一進歩連合(UPA)政府の通信相に再任されたA Raja氏は、「携帯通信料の引き下げの他、第三世代移動体通信周波数域の入札、そして情報技術(IT)の導入を通じた政府機関のペーパレス化が、通信相として手がける最優先課題」と語った。
◆3G auction, lowering mobile tariffs top priorities: Raja
【New Delhi】Besides, lowering the call tariffs, auction of spectrum for 3G services and introduction of IT at the lowest level in government to make possible paperless functioning are also on top of agenda for Telecom Minister A Raja, who has retained the portfolio he held in the previous UPA government.
【新德里】这次重新就任的A Raja电信部长说「除了减低电话费之外,拍卖第三代移动通信服务频段与采用信息科技而实现政府机构的无纸化时代都是我的最优先课题。」
2009-06-02 ArtNo.42289(132/362)
【ムンバイ】インド経済監視センター(CMIE:Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy)によると、インドの発電能力は2008-09会計年度に4.6%、3453.7MW(メガワット)拡大したものと見られるが、1万1061MWの追加目標を68%下回った。
◆Power generation capacity addition 68% below target in FY09
【Mumbai】India's power generation capacity is expected to have grown by 4.6 per cent or 3,453.7 MW in fiscal 2009. However it was over 68 per cent below the target of 11,061 MW set for the period, Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), an economic think-tank has said.
2009-06-05 ArtNo.42296(133/362)
【ティルバナンタプラム】ケララ州政府の『総合的エネルギー保障計画(TESM:Total Energy Security Mission)』は、3都市と複数の地方自治体が共同で『ソーラ・シティー(Solar Cities)』を開発する計画の発射台と言える。
◆Kerala gets the launch pad ready for 'Solar City' scheme
【Thiruvananthapuram】The Kerala State Government's Total Energy Security Mission (TESM) could just be the launch pad for its three city corporations and a few municipalities to get on board the 'Solar Cities' development scheme.
2009-06-05 ArtNo.42298(134/362)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州政府は同州Kadapa県Gandikotaの2000エーカーの土地に公共民間協力(PPP:public private partnership)コンセプトに基づき大型観光施設を開発する。
◆Andhra plans $2.13b tourism project in Kadapa
【Hyderabad】The Andhra Pradesh government plans to develop a tourism project on about 2,000 acre at Gandikota in Kadapa district under public private partnership, according to tourism minister J Geeta Reddy.
【海德拉巴】安德拉州政府旅游部长J Geeta Reddy向记者透露说,州政府计划在古德伯县甘迪科塔的2000英亩的土地上应用公私合作模式而发展旅游设施。
2009-06-05 ArtNo.42299(135/362)
【ニューデリー】公共部門の鉄鋼会社4社-①Metal Scrap Trade Corporation Ltd(MSTCL)/②Ferro Scrap Nigam Ltd(FSNL)/③Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Ltd(KIOCL)/④Hindustan Steelworks Construction Ltd(HSCL)-の機能や役割の最適化を図る上から、鉄鋼省は専門委員会を組織、再編案の立案を委ねた。
◆Panel sets up to restructure 4 steel PSUs
【New Delhi】In an initiative to optimise the functioning of four of its public sector undertakings, Metal Scrap Trade Corporation Ltd, Ferro Scrap Nigam Ltd, Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Ltd and Hindustan Steel Works Construction Ltd, the steel ministry is considering restructuring the companies and has appointed a committee to suggest ways for it.
2009-06-05 ArtNo.42303(136/362)
【ニューデリー】統一進歩連合(UPA)政権は向こう5年間に15万5000クロー(US$329.84億)の繊維産業投資を誘致し、繊維産業関連の新規就業機会1000万件の創出を目指している。新任のDayanidhi Maran繊維産業相は1日、以上の消息を語った。
◆Centre to attract an investment of $33b in textiles sector
【New Delhi】The UPA Government will work on attracting an investment of Rs 1,55,000 crore ($32.984b) and creating one crore new jobs in the textiles sector over the next five years, textiles minister Dayanidhi Maran said.
2009-06-09 ArtNo.42311(137/362)
【ニューデリー】国防省は、中央捜査局(CBI:Central Bureau of Investigation)により汚職関与が指摘されたイスラエルの国防企業Israeli Military Industries(IAI)とシンガポールの国防工業会社Singapore Technology及び地元企業3社を含む7社をブラックリストに記載した。
◆7 defence companies blacklisted
【New Delhi】Seven defence companies including Israeli Military Industries, Singapore Technology and three Indian companies, have been blacklisted by the ministry of defence as they are figuring in a corruption case filed by the Central Bureau of Investigation.
2009-06-09 ArtNo.42312(138/362)
【ガンディナガール】テクノロジー企業Cisco Systemsは、Narendra Modiグジャラート州首席大臣が7万3000クロー(US$155.344億)を投じて開発を計画する野心的な『グジャラート国際金融テックシティー(GIFT:Gujarat International Finance Tec-City)』開発計画に参画、技術支援も提供する方針を決め3日、プロジェクト推進母体のGIFT Company Ltdと関係覚書を交換した。
◆Cisco may invest $2 billion in Modi's GIFT
【Gandhinagar】Technology giant Cisco Systems signed an MoU with GIFT Company Ltd on June 3 to make an investment in Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi's ambitious Rs 73,000-crore (S$15.5344b) Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT) project and help the latter evolve its technology platform.
2009-06-09 ArtNo.42315(139/362)
【ニューデリー】Murli Deora石油天然ガス相はこのほど、国営石油会社各社のトップ(CEO)と会談、天然ガスに1mmbtu(million metric British thermal unit)当たり20ルピーを課し、年間およそ3000クロー(US$6.384億)の税収を確保、全国天然ガス・ハイウェイ・ネットワーク(NGHN:National Gas Highway Network)の建設費に充当する可能性を協議した。政府はNGHNプロジェクトを推進する専門機関を設ける可能性も検討している。
◆Centre mulling cess on natural gas to build national gas highways
【New Delhi】Petroleum minister Murli Deora discussed the idea of levy of $0.20 per million British thermal unit as cess on natural gas to mop up Rs 3,000 crore annually for laying down the gas pipeline network with CEOs of state-run firms. The government may set up an apex implementation agency, which will lay natural gas pipelines along the national highways.
2009-06-12 ArtNo.42317(140/362)
【ニューデリー】Manmohan Singh首相は9日、国会両院合同会議におけるPratibha Patil大統領の演説に関する討論を締めくくった際、2009-10年度には少なくとも7%の経済成長が見込め、インド経済は8~9%の成長を遂げる潜在性も備えていると語った。
◆PM projects 7 per cent growth in FY'10
【New Delhi】Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on June 9, exuded confidence that the economy will expand by at least seven per cent during 2009-10 and is even capable of growing by 8-9 per cent, while winding up the debate on Motion of Thanks to President Ms Pratibha Patil's address to joint sitting of Parliament.
2009-06-12 ArtNo.42318(141/362)
【ニューデリー】インド国民会議派(INC)は、近く同党の常任幹部会に当たる『国民会議派全国委員会(AICC:All India Congress Committee)』に、『一人一ポスト』の原則を導入、大幅な再編を施す見通しだ。
◆Congress to bring in major changes in its presidium
【New Delhi】The Indian National Congress Party will soon bring in major changes in its presidium or central decision-making assembly, the All India Congress Committee (AICC) and is likely to follow the 'one-person-one-post' formula.
2009-06-12 ArtNo.42328(142/362)
◆Food processing biz to be provided fiscal benefits
【New Delhi】The Indian Government is planning to provide fiscal benefits such as tax holidays to food processing sector to attract investment.
2009-06-16 ArtNo.42331(143/362)
【ニューデリー】早ければ新年度予算案が来月国会に上程される際にも、Manmohan Singh首相が、新民営化政策のロードマップを公表する見通しにも関わらず、少なくとも公共企業15社の株式公開(IPO)計画が棚晒しにされている。
◆Several PSUs' IPO plans in cold storage
【New Delhi】Although Prime Minister Manmohan Singh have stressed that the government will unveil a new roadmap for disinvestment, maybe as early as the Budget next month, at least 15 public sector units' plans to raise capital from Dalal Street have been languishing in cold storage.
2009-06-16 ArtNo.42332(144/362)
【ニューデリー】鉄鋼省は、政府が民営化政策を正式に発表するなら国営鉄鋼会社の民営化に何時でも着手する用意がある。鉄鋼省はまた、鉄鋼会社3社-Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)/Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd(RINL)/National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC)-の設備拡張に7万クロー(US$148.96億)を投じ方針と言う。
◆Ministry ready for divestment in Steel PSUs
【New Delhi】Union Steel Ministry is ready for disinvestment in steel public sector undertakings (PSUs) when the Government comes out with a formal policy on the issue and is also ready for investment of Rs 70,000 crore on moderanisation and expansion programmes of three PSUs — Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL), Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd(RINL), National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC).
2009-06-16 ArtNo.42336(145/362)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、繊維輸出業者を支援するため税制改革を促進する。Dayanidhi Maran繊維産業相が12日明らかにしたところによると、こうした改革措置には、サービス税免除、出荷前/出荷後貿易金融利子の引き下げ、ターミナル消費税(TED:terminal excise duty)/中央販売税(CST:central sales tax)の償還加速が含まれる。
◆Govt mulls fiscal reforms for exporters
【New Delhi】The Indian government will strive to rationalise fiscal structure, exempt service tax, reduce interest rates on pre- and post-shipment credit, and facilitate faster clearance of arrears of terminal excise duties and central sales tax to help textile exporters, Union Textiles Minister Dayanidhi Maran on June 12, said.
2009-06-16 ArtNo.42340(146/362)
【ニューデリー】全国民主連盟(NDA:National Democratic Alliance)政権時代に蔵相及び外相を歴任したYashwant Sinha氏は13日、全ての党職を辞任するとともにインド人民党(BJP:Bharatiya Janata Party)の指導部全員に、総選挙敗北の責任をとり、同氏同様辞職するよう求めた。
◆Yashwant Sinha quits all party posts, crisis in BJP deepens
【New Delhi】Trouble in Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) deepened with Yashwant Sinha quitting all party posts, including vice-president, and hit out at the leadership demanding resignation of all office-bearers of the party and Parliamentary Party owning collective responsibilty for the recent electoral defeat.
2009-06-19 ArtNo.42341(147/362)
【ニューデリー】Power Finance Corporation(PFC)は近くオリッサ州/タミールナド州/アンドラプラデシュ州における各4000MW(メガワット)のウルトラ・メガ発電プロジェクト(UMPP:ultra mega power project)3件の国際入札を募集する。
◆Govt to call for bids on 3 UMPPs soon
【New Delhi】The Power Finance Corporation will soon call for bids on three more ultra mega power projects of 4,000 mw each, to be developed in Orissa, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.
2009-06-19 ArtNo.42343(148/362)
【ニューデリー】ボンベイ高裁は、このほどAmbani兄弟の兄が経営するReliance Industries Ltd.(RIL)に対し、弟が経営するReliance Natural Resources Limited(RNRL)に東海岸沖合Krishna Godavari(KG)海盆KG-D6鉱区で採取した天然ガスを1mmbtu(million metric British thermal unit)当たり2.34米ドルで供給するよう命じる判決を下したが、石油天然ガス省は、その翌日、RILに1mmbtu当たり4.20米ドルでEssarやIspat等の鉄鋼会社にKG-D6ガスを販売するとともに、電力会社9社に対する割当量も拡大するよう指示した。これは多くの肥料会社が割り当て量を消化できず、ガス田がキャパシティーを大幅に下回る稼働を強いられているため。
◆Govt asks RIL to sell gas to steel cos and nine power co
【New Delhi】The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas has asked Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL) to sell natural gas from its eastern offshore KG-D6 fields at $4.20 per million British thermal unit (mmBtu) to steel firms like Essar and Ispat and to make additional allocation to nine power companies from the surplus available because of no or low offtake by fertiliser units, a day after the Bombay High Court asked the company to supply gas to Reliance Natural Resources Limited, owned by younger brother Anil Ambani, at $2.34 mmBtu.
2009-06-19 ArtNo.42347(149/362)
◆政府はAir Indiaの救済準備:民間航空相
【ニューデリー】Praful Patel民間航空相は、「国が経営するAir Indiaが膨大な損失を被り、経営難に陥ったなら、政府は救済パッケージを準備するだろう」と語った。
◆Govt preparing bailout package for Air India
【New Delhi】Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel said, "With the national carrier Air India hit by losses, the government would roll out a financial bailout package for it."
【新德里】Praful Patel民航部长说,「如果国营印度国际航空公司遭受膨大的损失,政府会准备一套救济方案。」
2009-06-19 ArtNo.42351(150/362)
【ニューデリー】新統一進歩連合(UPA)政府は、毛沢東主義武装グループ『Naxal』の襲撃に晒されている西ベンガル州West Midnapore県Lalgarh地区に中央警察予備隊(CRPF:Central Reserve Police Force)5中隊を派遣する方針を決めた。
◆Centre despatches Police Force to Bengal attacked by Naxalites
【New Delhi】The new UPA government at the Centre has decided to send five companies of the Central Reserve Police Force to the troubled Lalgarh area of West Midnapore district of West Bengal where armed Maoists have been on a rampage.
内政法律軍事 Political/Law/Military Affair in 2009