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内政法律軍事 Political/Law/Military Affair in 2009
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元のページへ戻る ►2009-12-11 ArtNo.42943(351/362)
◆1,300MW solar power to be added in three years
【Kolkata】Under the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy(MNRE)'s ambitious target of 20,000MW of solar power by 2022, about 1,300MW of solar power will be added over the next three years.
2009-12-11 ArtNo.42945(352/362)
◆Sponge iron prices up 5% after raids on illegal iron ore mining
【Mumbai】In the wake of the ongoing raids on illegal iron ore mining across the country, sponge iron producers have raised basic selling prices of their products by 5.25 per cent in the last two days.
2009-12-11 ArtNo.42948(353/362)
◆Bharat Electronics、手持ちレーダー納入契約US$10億
【バンガロール】Navaratna(幅広い自由裁量権を認められた国営企業)ステータスを享受するBharat Electronics Ltd (BEL)は、総額4694クロー(US$10.19億)、152件の手持ちレーダー納入契約を有する。(...続きを読む)
◆Bharat Electronics has $1.019bn radar orders
【Bangalore】Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL), a navaratna defense PSU(public sector undertaking), currently owns orders to supply 152 radar systems for various applications total amount Rs 4,694 crore($1.019bn).
2009-12-11 ArtNo.42949(354/362)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は2つのバイオメトリックIDカード・プロジェクト、即ち、永久口座番号(PAN:Permanent Account Number)計画と多目的身分証明(UID:Unique Identification)計画を統合する方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Two biometrics card projects to be linked up
【New Delhi】The government has decided to link the plan for biometric PAN (Permanent Account Number)cards with the Unique Identification (UID) project
2009-12-18 ArtNo.42953(355/362)
◆Telangana to become the 29th state?
【Hyderabad】Belying the central government's intention to end a 40-year- old struggle for a distinct identity, the decision to carve out a separate state of Telangana, which will take the total number of states in the Union to 29, seemed to have Andhra Pradesh plunge into an unprecedented political crisis.
2009-12-18 ArtNo.42954(356/362)
【ハイデラバード】中央政府のP Chidambaram内相が9日、テランガナ(Telangana)州創設の準備手続きに着手すると発表した後、賛成派と反対派による煽動活動や罷業が続発、加えて中央政府の決定に反対するアンドラ(Andhra)およびラヤラシーマ(Rayalaseema)地区出身の州政府閣僚全員が12日に辞表を提出、アンドラプラデシュ州は未曾有の政治危機に陥った。(...続きを読む)
◆AP plunges into crisis after announcement to form Telangana state
【Hyderabad】Andhra Pradesh on Saturday plunged into an unprecedented political crisis with all the ministers from the Andhra and Rayalaseema regions deciding to resign in protest against the Centre's decision to grant separate statehood to Telangana. After the Union Home Minister P Chidambaram announced that the process of formation of Telangana State would be initiated in New Delhi on Wednesday night, there has been a series of agitations and bandhs called by pro and anti Telengana organisations.
2009-12-18 ArtNo.42958(357/362)
【ニューデリー】中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)は9日夜、企業の海外借款に対する金利上限規制(interest rate ceiling)を復活するとともに、外貨建て転換債(FCCB:foreign currency convertible bond)の買い戻し窓口を閉じると発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆India re-imposes controls on foreign capital inflows
【New Delhi】The Reserve Bank of India on December 9 night reintroduced an interest rate ceiling for companies borrowing from abroad and closed the window for the buyback of foreign currency convertible bonds (FCCBs).
2009-12-22 ArtNo.42965(358/362)
◆Economy poised to hit high growth path: Mid Year Review
【New Delhi】The gross domestic product (GDP) is likely to be in the upper bound of the 6.25-7.75 per cent range predicted by the Mid Year Review (MYR) of the economy in 2009-10.
2009-12-22 ArtNo.42966(359/362)
【ニューデリー】インド国会下院は18日『2009年商標法修正案(Trade Marks Amendment Bill 2009)』を通過した。国際商標の登録を求めるものは最早個々の国で関係申請を行う必要がなくなり、コストも軽減される。(...続きを読む)
◆Parliament passes amended trademark law
【New delhi】Lok Sabha passed the Trade Marks (Amendment) Bill 2009 on December 18. A person seeking global trade mark now need not apply for it in several countries incurring a big cost.
2009-12-22 ArtNo.42969(360/362)
◆Illegal mining threatening national security:Home ministry
【Mumbai】In a recent meeting with the states, the Union home ministry said that illegal mining has become a national security threat as windfall profits from such mining of minerals and sand were being used by the mafia to aid extremist elements.
2009-12-22 ArtNo.42972(361/362)
【ニューデリー】新・再生エネルギー省は1ユニット当たり0.5ルピーの送電網に接続した風力発電プロジェクトに対する発電量をベースにした新奨励措置(GBI: generation based incentive)を発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆New incentive scheme for wind energy projects launched
【New Delhi】The Ministry for New and Renewable Energy has announced generation-based incentive of 50 paise/unit of electricity for grid-connected wind power projects.
2009-12-22 ArtNo.42973(362/362)
◆Govt to set up plastic parks to encourage downstream ind
【Mumbai】The Government is planning to set up plastic clusters or parks across the country to develop downstream plastic industries over the next two-years.
内政法律軍事 Political/Law/Military Affair in 2009
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