経済一般 General Economics in 2007
【ニューデリー】インド政府は国内の300以上の空港及び滑走路の再開発を公共民間協力(PPP:public-private partnership)モデルもしくは他の形式で民間の手に委ねる計画だ。
◆PPP model to redevelop 300 airports
【NEW DELHI】The Indian government is planning to offer over 300 airports and airstrips to private players for development through the public-private partnership (PPP) model and other methods.
2007-08-06 ArtNo.39842(252/427)
◆ウタラーカンド州、Dehra DunにIT特区開発
【ニューデリー】ウタラーカンド州政府は州都Dehra Dun近郊Sahasardhara Road沿いの37エーカーの土地に情報技術(IT)特別経済区(SEZ)を開発する計画で、既に中央政府の承認も得ている。
◆Uttarakhand sets up IT SEZ in Dehra Dun
【New Delhi】The Uttarakhand government has decided to set up a special economic zone (SEZ) for Information Technology (IT) in 37 acres of land along Sahasardhara Road in Dehra Dun where the government is already developing an IT Park and the centre has already given its seal of approval to the SEZ.
2007-08-06 ArtNo.39843(253/427)
◆Export growth slows to 14 pc in June
【New Delhi】Indias export stood at $11.87 billion in June 2007 as against $10.40 billion in the year-ago period. Hit hard by the appreciating rupee, the export growth slumped down to 14.05 per cent in June 2007, as against 23.06 per cent at the start of the fiscal in April and 18 per cent in May 2007. In rupee terms, the exports were valued at Rs 48,386.49 crore, which is just 0.97 per cent higher than the value of exports during the same month last year.
2007-08-08 ArtNo.39847(254/427)
【ムンバイ】アンドラプラデシュ州沖合Krishna Godavari(KG)海盆におけるReliance Industries Ltd(RIL)のD6ガス田の価格設定を巡る論争の影響で、炭化水素総局(DGH:Directorate General of Hydrocarbons)は、新探査ライセンス政策(NELP:New Exploration Licensing Policy)下の第7次入札の募集期日を8月から11月に延期した。
◆Bidding for Nelp-VII to be postponed to Nov
【Mumbai】The ongoing controversy over the pricing of Reliance Industries Ltd's (RIL) Krishna Godavari D6 gas has adversely impacted as the directorate general of hydrocarbons (DGH) has postponed the bidding under the New Exploration Licensing Policy (Nelp)-VII to November from August.
2007-08-15 ArtNo.39869(255/427)
◆June industrial growth slowed to 9.8%
【New Delhi】Even as the industrial growth in June grew marginally to 9.8% against 9.7% during the same month last year, sequential data show that it has been decreasing at a steady rate for the past three months and the slowest annual pace in eight months.
2007-08-15 ArtNo.39872(256/427)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は9日、2級(tier-II)及び3級(tier-III)都市間の航空接続を拡大することを目指す『地域航空会社(regional airlines)』コンセプトを発表した。
◆Govt unveils regional airlines concept
【New Delhi】The Government on August 9 unveiled the concept of regional airlines which seeks to boost air connectivity between tier-II and tier-III cities, which in turn to give a boost to regional connectivity throughout of the country.
2007-08-17 ArtNo.39881(257/427)
【ムンバイ】インドの原子力発電事業を統括するNuclear Power Corporation of India(NPCIL)は合計4万5000MW(メガワット)の核反応炉25基を装備した4つの『原子力発電パーク(nuclear power parks)』を公共民間協力(public-private partnership)方式を通じて全国に設けるよう提案した。
◆NPCIL recommends to set up 4 nuclear parks
【Mumbai】India's nuclear power manager, Nuclear Power Corporation of India, has recommended to set up four "nuclear power parks" that will house 25 reactors capable of producing 45,000 mw of energy, through a public-private partnership.
2007-08-17 ArtNo.39883(258/427)
【ブーバネスワル】原子力委員会(AEC:Atomic Energy Commission)はオリッサ州Paradipに肥料工場の廃棄物からウラニウムを再生する工場を設けるよう提案した。
◆AEC proposes to set up a plant to reclaim uranium at Paradip
【Bhubaneswar】The Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) has proposed to set a uranium plant, which will produce uranium utilising the waste products of fertiliser plants, at Paradip in Orissa.
2007-08-17 ArtNo.39891(259/427)
【コルカタ】今年第1四半期(2007/4-6)の工学品輸出(Engineering Export)は68億6100万米ドル/2万8266クローと、昨年同期の61億3800万米ドル/2万7936.43クローに比べ、米ドル建てで12%、ルピー建てで1%増加した。
◆Engineering export growth rates see sharp downslide
【Kolkata】Engineering exports in the first quarter of current fiscal (April-June 2007) was to the tune of US$6.861 billion or Rs 28,266 crore, an increase of only 12 per cent in dollar terms and a mere one per cent growth in rupee terms over US$6.138 billion or Rs 27,936.43 crore during the same period last fiscal.
2007-08-17 ArtNo.39892(260/427)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は豊富な資金を有する湾岸協力会議(GCC:Gulf Cooperation Council)加盟国から少なくとも50億米ドルの投資誘致を目指し、Citigroupに戦略の立案を委ねた。
◆Gov hires Citigroup to lure Gulf FDI
【New Delhi】The government has hired Citigroup in order to chalk out a strategy to attract at least $5 billion in investment from cash-rich countries belonging to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).
2007-08-20 ArtNo.39893(261/427)
◆FDI inflow grew 218% in first half
【New Delhi】Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows into India recorded $11.4 billion in the first six months of 2007, as against $3.6 billion received during the same period in 2006, registering a growth of 218 per cent.
2007-08-20 ArtNo.39894(262/427)
◆Core infrastructure growth slips to 5.3% in June
【New Delhi】The growth of six key infrastructure industries slowed to 5.3% in June compared with 7.7% a year ago due to decline in production of crude oil coupled with a slow down in output of other products.
【新德里】因为原油产量下降,其他行业的成长也钝化,所以6个骨干基础设施产业今年6月仅成长5.3%,比去年同月的 7.7%显著地减速。
2007-08-20 ArtNo.39895(263/427)
【ニューデリー】マドヤプラデシュ州Sasanにおけるウルトラ・メガ発電プロジェクト(UMPP:ultra mega power project)の再入札が無事完了したことから、インド政府はこれまでに提案された9件のUMPPを第11五カ年計画期間に全て完成させることを目指している。
◆Fresh impetus for the ultra mega power project
【NEW DELHI】Following the successful completion of bidding for the controversial Sasan project, the central government is planning to complete all of the nine ultra mega power projects originally identified for the 11th Plan.
2007-08-20 ArtNo.39897(264/427)
【ニューデリー】首相経済諮問委員会(EAC:Prime Minister's economic advisory council)はReliance Industries Ltd(RIL)がKrishna Godavari(KG)海盆KG-D6鉱区産の天然ガスに対して行った価格設定は概ね業界の慣例に沿っているとの判断を示す一方、燃料分配手続きを透明なものにするため再入札にかけるよう提案した。
◆PM panel suggests a rebidding for allocation of RIL's KG-D6 gas
【New Delhi】The Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council has thought that the pricing formula adopted by Reliance Industries for natural gas from its KG-D6 fields was broadly in line with industry practices, but proposed a rebidding in a transparent manner for allocation of the fuel.
2007-08-20 ArtNo.39903(265/427)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は安倍晋三首相の訪印を1週間後に控えた16日、インドと日本が共同で開発する『デリー/ムンバイ産業回廊(Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor)』プロジェクトを閣議承認した。
◆The gov approves Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor
【New Delhi】The Union Cabinet on August 16, a week before the Japanese Prime Minister, Mr Shinzo Abe's official visit to India, approved the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor project, which is to be jointly developed by India and Japan.
2007-08-20 ArtNo.39904(266/427)
◆Abe's visit gives impetus to India-Japan relations
【New Delhi】The official visit of the Japanese Prime Minister, Mr Shinzo Abe, to India beginning August 21 heralds a new chapter in bilateral relations, besides consolidating the existing cooperation on several areas for mutual benefits.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39905(267/427)
【ニューデリー】安倍晋三首相は21日催されたインド国会上下両院会議の席上、『広域アジア(broader Asia)』構想を提起、国防/安全/経済領域における二国間の協力を拡大し『自由と繁栄の弧(arc of freedom and prosperity)』を形成するよう提案するとともに、包括的経済協力協定(CEPA:Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement)交渉を早期に妥結させ、向こう3年間に二国間貿易総額を200億米ドルの大台に乗せることに期待を表明した。
◆Abe addresses joint Parliament session titled 'Confluence of the Two Seas'
【New Delhi】Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who addressed a joint session of Parliament on August 21, unveiling his concept of "broader Asia", pitched in for closer cooperation between his country and India in defence, security and economic fields to create an "arc of freedom and prosperity" in the region and favoured early conclusion of the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) to push economic relations and raise the volume of bilateral trade to USD 20 billion in the next three years.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39906(268/427)
【ニューデリー】安倍晋三首相は21日、『インド日本協力会議(IJPF : India - Japan Partnership Forum)』の発足式を主宰、両国関係の強化を呼び掛けた。
◆Japanese PM launches the India-Japan Partnership Forum
【NEW DELHI】The Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, on August 21 formally launched the India-Japan Partnership Forum floated by the Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries and called for further deepening of ties between Japan and India.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39907(269/427)
◆India, Japan to enhance cooperation on environment and energy
【New Delhi】India and Japan on August 22 signed a joint statement to enhance cooperation on environmental protection and energy security.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39908(270/427)
◆India, Japan set to ink bilateral currency swap agreement
【New Delhi】India and Japan have agreed to sign a currency swap agreement to protect themselves against any sudden fluctuations in their foreign exchange reserves.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39909(271/427)
【ニューデリー】インドと日本の包括的経済協力協定(CEPA:Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement)交渉は今年12月までに合意に達する見通しだ。
◆India, Japan finalize CEPA by Dec: Nath
【New Delhi】The Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) negotiations between India and Japan is expected to be completed by December this year.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39914(272/427)
◆India, Japan complement each other: KPMG
【New Delhi】There are various factors that would lead to a growth of Indo-Japan relations. Japan's relatively labour-scarce, capital-abundant economy complements India's advantage in human capital. This is one of them.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39915(273/427)
◆North-Eastern states set for mega power drive
【NEW DELHI】Located in India's North-East, Arunachal Pradesh may produce 25,000 MW of hydel power, of which around 65% may come from the private sector alone, in the next seven to eight years.
2007-08-27 ArtNo.39917(274/427)
【ムンバイ】ウッタルプラデシュ州政府は22日、前日に発生した『Vyapar Bachao Sangh(VBS:商店互助組合)』/『Udyog Vyapar Mandal(商業曼荼羅)』メンバーによるReliance Retail Limited(RRL)及びRPG Groupの小売店舗襲撃事件を深刻に受け止め、LucknowとVaranasi両市のReliance Fresh及びRPG傘下Spencerを含む大型小売店舗全てに営業停止を指示した。
◆UP gvt shuts large stores, sets up panel
【Mumbai】In the wake of attacks a day earlier by members of the Vyapar Bachao Sangh and Udyog Vyapar Mandal on stores belonging to Reliance Retail and RPG Group's Spencer's, the Uttar Pradesh government on August 22 ordered the closure of all organised retail stores, including those of Reliance Fresh and Spencer's, in Lucknow and Varanasi.
【孟买】当地零售店组织,『商店救济僧伽(Vyapar Bachao Sangh)』和『商业曼荼罗(Udyog Vyapar Mandal)』属下的一群成员抢略瑞莱恩斯零售公司和RPG集团思班塞旗下的连锁店之后,北方邦州政府命令位于拉科诺与瓦拉那西的大规模零售店停止营业。
2007-08-27 ArtNo.39918(275/427)
◆Centre sets to relax FDI norms in mining
【New Delhi】The ministry of mines plans to liberalize the foreign direct investment (FDI) policy to permit companies to move seamlessly between mining, exploration and prospecting for minerals in order to spur big-ticket investments by global mining majors.
2007-08-27 ArtNo.39919(276/427)
◆Cabinet nod to uranium mine, processing plant in AP
【New Delhi】The government on August 23 approved setting up a uranium mine and processing plant at Tummalapalle in Cuddapah district, Andhra Pradesh at a total cost Rs 1, 106.29 crore.
2007-08-27 ArtNo.39921(277/427)
【ニューデリー】計画委員会(Planning Commission)は、公共電力企業が第11次五カ年計画期間に調達する予算外資金(IEBR:Internal and Extra Budgetary Resource)の額を第10次五カ年計画の7万3630クロー(US$182.43億)からほぼ4倍の27万8800クロー(US$690.78億)に引き上げるよう提案した。
◆Plan panel for 4-fold increase in power PSUs' IEBR target
【NEW DELHI】The Planning Commission is proposing to raise the Internal and Extra Budgetary Resource (IEBR) target for power PSUs by almost four times to Rs 2,78,800 crore in the 11th Five-Year Plan (2007-12) from Rs 73,630 crore in the 10th Plan.
2007-08-27 ArtNo.39922(278/427)
◆Govt sets to speed up ultra mega power plans
【New Delhi】The government is considering that it will be mandatory for companies executing all nine ultra mega power projects (UMPP) to commission a minimum one unit (about 660 mw) in the 11th Plan (2007-12) to catch up with the lost time on account of delays in awarding the controversial Sasan project.
2007-08-29 ArtNo.39935(279/427)
◆FDI limit for ISPs down to 74%:ISP policy
【NEW DELHI】The government on August 25 reduced the foreign direct investment limit for internet service providers (ISPs) to 74% from 100% earlier.
2007-08-29 ArtNo.39937(280/427)
【ニューデリー】Tata SonsのRatan Tata会長は「『インド・米国原子力協定(Indo-US nuclear deal)』はインドがその長い歴史の中で経験した様々な事柄の中で最良のもの」と語った。
◆Nixing nuke deal could hurt FDI inflows: Tata
【New Delhi】The Tata Sons Chairman, Mr Ratan Tata, has said that the nuke deal was in many ways the best possible thing that had happened to India in a long time.
2007-08-29 ArtNo.39938(281/427)
【ニューデリー】インド共産党マルクス主義派(CPI-M)のPrakash Karat総書記は先週土曜(8/25)、インド共産党(CPI)のAB Bardhan総書記及びD Raja全国書記と会談、「統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政府は『インド・米国原子力協定(Indo-US nuclear deal)』を発効させるべきではない」とのCPI-M政治局の決定を同党中央委員会が承認したことを伝え、左派政党としての対応を協議した。
◆Left bosses discuss UPA response on N-deal
【New Delhi】CPI(M) general secretary Prakash Karat met his CPI counterpart AB Bardhan and CPI national secretary D Raja and briefed them about his party central committee's endorsement of the politburo decision that the government should not operationalise the Indo-US nuclear deal and continued deliberations on the stand-off with the government over the issue.
【新德里】印度共产党马克思主义派 Prakash Karat总秘书8月25日见面全印共产党AB Bardhan总秘书和D Raja全国秘书而靠诉他们印共(马)中央委员会批准该党政治局的决定以下决定。就是『印度联合进步同盟政府不可以使印美核协议发效』。他们也讨论左派联盟的相应对策。
2007-08-29 ArtNo.39939(282/427)
【ジャムシェドプル】インド人民党(BJP:Bharatiya Janata Party)の指導者で全国民主連盟(NDA:National Democratic Alliance)政権時代に蔵相と外相を歴任したYashwant Sinha氏は25日、「『インド・米国原子力協定(Indo-US nuclear deal)』の目的は、インドの核防衛計画を阻止することにある」との見解を明らかにした。
◆India to be at the mercy of the US:BJP
【Jamshedpur】The Indo-US nuclear deal is primarily aimed at stopping India from going ahead with its nuclear weapons programme, says former finance minister Yashwant Sinha, who was also the country's external affairs minister for National Democratic Alliance government.
2007-08-31 ArtNo.39941(283/427)
◆Centre asks for explanation on large retail closures
【New Delhi】The Centre has asked Uttar Pradesh and Kerala states to explain why the large corporate retail chains have been shut.
2007-08-31 ArtNo.39942(284/427)
【チャンディガル】ウッタルプラデシュ州政府がMuksh Ambani氏に率いられるReliance Industries Limited(RIL)に実質的な撤収を求めた後、パンジャブ州政府も一時は歓呼して迎えたRILの所謂『農場から食卓まで(farm-to-fork)』プロジェクトに見直しを加えている。
◆Punjab govt too reviews RIL's retail project
【Chandigarh】In the wake of the Uttar Pradesh government showing doors to Muksh Ambani led Reliance Industries Limited, Punjab government is mulling to review the much hyped 'farm-to-fork' project.
2007-08-31 ArtNo.39946(285/427)
◆K`taka eyes petrochemical complex project
【Bangalore】Karnataka is keen to set up a Rs 3,590 crore petrochemical complex proposed by the Centre.
2007-08-31 ArtNo.39952(286/427)
◆FTA with Asean likely in Nov
【New Delhi】The India-Asean Free Trade Agreement is expected to be signed at the Asean Summit in November this year.
2007-09-03 ArtNo.39953(287/427)
◆Q1 GDP growth at 9.3%
【NEW DELHI】India's economy appears to be continuing to race ahead and posted a 9.3% growth in the first quarter, buoyed by robust performance in the manufacturing, construction and services sectors and a noticeable improvement in the agriculture sector.
2007-09-03 ArtNo.39954(288/427)
【コルカタ】鉄鋼省は向こう5年間に粉鉱石(iron ore fines)を用いペレットを製造することを大々的に奨励する計画だ。
◆Ministry to promote pelletisation to make use of fines
【Kolkata】The Union steel ministry plans to promote mass pelletisation in the next five years in order to make use of iron ore fines.
2007-09-03 ArtNo.39957(289/427)
【ニューデリー】インドの半導体市場規模(輸入/国産合計)は、テレコム/情報技術(IT)/消費者用電子製品部門の旺盛な需要に支えられ、2006年の26億9000万米ドルから2009年の54億9000万米ドルに拡大、26.7%の複合年間成長率(CAGR:compounded annual growth rate)を記録する見通しだ。
◆Chip market size to hit $5.5 bn by 2009
【New Delhi】India's semiconductor total market revenues expected to reach $5.49 billion in 2009, a compounded annual growth rate of 26.7 per cent over $2.69 billion in 2006, driven by telecom, IT and consumer electronics usage.
2007-09-03 ArtNo.39959(290/427)
【ニューデリー】インド電気通信監督局(TRAI:Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)は、電気通信事業に関わる合併買収(M&A:mergers and acquisition)法の規制を一層強化するよう提案した。
◆TRAI recommends tightening telecom merger laws
【New Delhi】The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has proposed tightening in the existing mergers and acquisition laws governing telecom service providers.
2007-09-03 ArtNo.39960(291/427)
【ニューデリー】インド電気通信監督局(TRAI:Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)は、デジタル衛星放送(DTH:Direct To Home)/ケーブルTV/インターネット・テレビジョン(IPTV:Internet Protocol TV)サービスの外国直接投資(FDI)上限を、電気通信(telecom)サービス同様一律74%にするよう提案した。
◆Trai suggests 74% FDI cap on DTH, IPTV
【New Delhi】The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) has proposed a uniform 74% FDI cap for direct-to-home (DTH), cable TV and Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) services, in keeping with the foreign investment cap for telecom services.
2007-09-03 ArtNo.39961(292/427)
◆Nuclear power not economically viable: IDPD
【Kolkata】For this reason Nuclear power may not be economically viable for India; the generation cost of one mega watt (mw) of Nuclear power is almost double to the cost at a fossil fuel plant and triple at a gas-based one.
2007-09-03 ArtNo.39963(293/427)
◆Attacks on big stores brewing into a political strife
【Kolkata】In what started as a protest to protect the interest of small traders in a wake of organised retails, the move is steadily brewing into a full-fledged political strife.
2007-09-07 ArtNo.39965(294/427)
◆To plug shell co route may affect M&A activities
【New Delhi】Given the Indian Government is mulling ways to block companies from using the shell company route to ward off revenue officials then offshore mergers and acquisitions could come under the domestic tax net.
2007-09-07 ArtNo.39966(295/427)
【ニューデリー】インドの7月の輸出は5万493.57 クローに達したが、前年同月比わずか3.10%の伸びにとどまった。インドの輸出はルピー高の影響でルピー換算では一桁成長が続いている。
◆Exports continue single-digit growth in rupee terms
【New Delhi】Exports continued its single-digit growth trend in rupee terms, hit by the appreciating rupee. Exports in July touched Rs 50,493.57 crore, only 3.10% over a year earlier. In dollar terms, exports in July were valued at $12.494 billion, 18.52 % higher than the $10.54 billion in July 2006.
2007-09-07 ArtNo.39967(296/427)
◆Export receipts increase 132%: 2000-2006
【NEW DELHI】Between fiscals 2000 and 2006, India's exports receipts increased 132% as against 195% import proceeds. Exports to the Asean region recorded the highest growth at 257%, followed by Africa at 198% growth.
2007-09-07 ArtNo.39968(297/427)
【コルカタ】『化学ハブ・イニシアチブ(chemicals hub initiative)』に関するコンセンサスを形成するため西ベンガル州政府が3日招集した主要政党の代表会議は、コンサルタント会社Mott MacDonaldが選んだHaldia/Khejuri/Contai/Nayachar島の4候補地に検討を加えたが、左派政党は挙ってNayachar島を建設地とする案を支持した。
◆Nayachar likely to be chosen for chemical hub in WB
【Kolkata】The all-party meeting, convened by the State Government on September 3 to discuss issues and build consensus on the chemicals hub initiative, studied the four sites proposed by consultant Mott MacDonald, i.e. Haldia, Khejuri, Contai and the Nayachar island near Haldia. And the Left participants have expressed their preference for Nayachar.
【加尔各答】西孟加拉州政府为了对化学工业枢纽构想达致共识而9月3日召开的各党代表会议检讨顾问公司Mott MacDonald选择的4个地点,就是海尔地亚扩,Khejuri,Contai和Nayachar岛。左派政党都支持把Nayachar岛作建筑地。
2007-09-07 ArtNo.39969(298/427)
【ニューデリー】計画委員会(Planning Commission)は、自動車燃料のエタノール含有率を10%に引き上げる目標を実現するため、第1期計画として4年内に40万haにヤトロファ(Jatropha)を栽培、第2期計画では作付け面積を250万haに拡張するよう提案した。
◆States line up bio-fuel crop production plans
【New Delhi】Acting in concert with the Planning Commission's suggestion for largescale jatropha plantation for bio-fuel production, states are now drawing their own targets.
2007-09-07 ArtNo.39973(299/427)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は半導体政策の発表に手間取りIntel Corporationの投資を取り逃がした。インテルはインドに半導体工場を設ける計画を見送る一方、中国とベトナムに半導体工場を新設する方針を決めた。
◆Delayed policy decision costs India an Intel plant
【New Delhi】Intel Corporation has decided to set up its manufacturing plants in China and Vietnam following delays in India, said Mr C. R. Barrett, Chairman of the Board, Intel Corporation. The decision to bypass India for setting up a semiconductor manufacturing unit was on account of the Government's delay in announcing a policy for the sector.
2007-09-10 ArtNo.39977(300/427)
【ニューデリー】中間選挙の噂が飛び交う中で、中央政府は有権者と左派政党の支持を得る狙いから、長期にわたって棚上げされて来た4億人を超える未組織部門労働者のための『未組織部門社会保障法案(Unorganised Sector Social Security Bill)』の閣議承認を求めるものと見られる。
◆Unorganised Sector Bill to benefit 93% of the country's total workforce
【New Delhi】The government, which means to woo voters and the Left parties amid the buzz of mid-term polls, is expected to seek Cabinet clearance for its long-pending pension and social security scheme for the over 40-crore unorganised sector workers.
経済一般 General Economics in 2007