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経済一般 General Economics in 2007
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元のページへ戻る ►2007-06-27 ArtNo.39674(201/427)
【ニューデリー】過去数年間に複合年間成長率(CAGR:compounded annual growth rate)35%をマークしたインドの情報技術(IT)及びBPO(business process outsourcing)産業は、向こう4年間も年率30%以上の成長を遂げる見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆IT and BPO industry set to grow by 30%
【New Delhi】India's IT and BPO industry is expected to continue to grow over 30 pc y-o-y for at least another four years, after registering a compounded annual growth rate of 35 per cent in last few years.
2007-06-27 ArtNo.39675(202/427)
【ニューデリー】インドの直販(direct selling)市場規模は、健康(health)/保養(wellness)/パーソナルケア産業等の成長に牽引され、現在の3100クロー(US$7.56億)から2012年までに1万5000クロー(US$36.59億)に拡大するものと見られる。(...続きを読む)
◆Direct selling industry to touch Rs 15,000 cr in 5 years
【New Delhi】The size of direct selling industry in India, which is around Rs 3,100 presently, will expand four folds to Rs 15,000 crore by 2012, driven by segments like health, wellness and personal care.
2007-06-29 ArtNo.39676(203/427)
◆Indo-Thai FTA on goods to be inked by Sept
【New Delhi】The Indo-Thai free trade agreement (FTA), which will initially cover goods and include services and investment at a later stage, is likely to be signed by September.
2007-06-29 ArtNo.39677(204/427)
【ニューデリー】インドの公共民間部門主要鉄鋼メーカーによる販売可能な鉄鋼製品(saleable steel)の生産量は2003-04年の2500万トンから2006-07年の3200万トンに700万トン増加したが、増加率は3年間で28%ほどにとどまった。(...続きを読む)
◆Steel output rose just 28% in 3 years
【NEW DELHI】The saleable steel production by all major public and private steel producers recorded 32 million tonne in 2006-07. However it rose by a meager 7 million tonne or about 28% from 25 mt in 2003-04.
2007-06-29 ArtNo.39678(205/427)
◆Domestic steel cos chalking out big future plans
【NEW DELHI】Domestic steel biggies may be busy chalking out expansion and capacity addition plans today, but due to their last three-year's dismal growth rate, the demand-supply gap for steel products is widen sharply. As on date all hopes rest on the numerous memoranda of understanding signed by a horde of steel producers. Even if half of the total 173 memoranda of understanding fructify, the demand-supply mismatch may get corrected.
2007-06-29 ArtNo.39679(206/427)
◆Steel prices are expected to go down
【Kolkata】On the back of a stabilization of global and import prices, due to the appreciation of the rupee against the dollar, steel prices are likely to be reduced by Rs 500-1,000 a tonne.
2007-06-29 ArtNo.39682(207/427)
◆Govt mulls to hike FDI cap in cargo carriers
【Mumbai】The Ministry of Civil Aviation has proposed to raise the foreign direct investment (FDI) limit in air cargo carrier companies to 74% from current 49%.
2007-06-29 ArtNo.39683(208/427)
【ニューデリー】インド空港局(AAI:Airport Authority of India)と民間開発業者は向こう5年間に半ダースほどの新空港と50の小規模空港を開発するため3万6000クロー(US$87.8億)を投資する必要がある。(...続きを読む)
◆India invests Rs 36,000 cr in airports
【NEW DELHI】Airport Authority of India (AAI) and private developers will invest Rs 36,000 crore to develop half-a-dozen greenfield and 50 smaller airports in next five years.
2007-07-02 ArtNo.39688(209/427)
【ニューデリー】大蔵省と商工省は最近、特別経済区(SEZ)内の企業が内国税地区(DTA:domestic tariff area)で購入したある種の商品は輸入品と見なすことで合意したが、このことはSEZ内の企業に輸出義務を課すことを意味する。(...続きを読む)
◆SEZ boom may cool down due to the new norms
【NEW DELHI】The finance ministry and commerce department have agreed on treating certain goods purchased by these SEZ(special economic zone) units from the domestic tariff area (DTA) as 'imports' – a move that would indirectly impose greater export obligations on these units.
2007-07-02 ArtNo.39689(210/427)
◆FinMin objects tax sops for services rendered outside SEZ
【NEW DELHI】The finance ministry has objected to certain service tax exemptions for special economic zones (SEZs) businesses. This is for services they make use of outside these zones. These services include logistics, transportation and related activities. This may hurt export competitiveness of many SEZ units.
2007-07-02 ArtNo.39690(211/427)
【ニューデリー】甘利明経済産業相の訪印に先立って、日本とインドのオフィシャルは先週『包括的経済提携協定(CEPA:Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement)』問題を協議したが、双方の意見の相違の大きいことが改めて確認された。(...続きを読む)
◆India, Japan differ on trade pact
【NEW DELHI】Before Japanese Economy, Trade and Industry minister Akira Amari's arriving in India, officials of two countries met here last week holding discussions on Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between the two countries. However the official-level talks ended with wide differences.
2007-07-02 ArtNo.39691(212/427)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、甘利明経済産業相に対し『デリー/ムンバイ産業回廊(Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor)』の投資規模を2倍の1000億米ドルに拡大するよう求める意向だ。(...続きを読む)
◆India expects more Japanese funds into the corridor project
【NEW DELHI】India and Japan have stepped up negotiations on the Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor with Trade Minister Akira Amari beginning a five-day visit here Saturday. The Indian government wants to double the size to 100 billion dollars and ask the Japanese side to increase funding for the project.
2007-07-02 ArtNo.39698(213/427)
【チャンディガル】パンジャブ州政府はMansa県とSangrur県にBOO(Build/ Own/ Operate)方式によりそれぞれ火力発電所を設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆Punjab sets up two thermal plants on BOO basis
【CHANDIGARH】The Punjab government is to set up two thermal Power Plants in Mansa and Sangrur districts on Build, Own and Operate (BOO) basis.
2007-07-04 ArtNo.39700(214/427)
【ムンバイ】日本貿易振興会(JETRO)の林康夫理事長とインド商工省のAjay Dua次官は3日、インドを訪問中の甘利明経済産業相の立ち会いの下、『デリー・ムンバイ産業回廊(DMIC:Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor)』の建設に関わる覚書を取り交わした。(...続きを読む)
◆India, Japan sign MoU for Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor
【Mumbai】Mr Yasuo Hayashi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Japan External Trade Organisation, and Mr Ajay Dua, Secretary of Ministry of Commerce and Industry, on July 3 signed a memorandum of understanding for construction of the proposed $90-billion Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor in the presence of Mr Akira Amari, Japan's Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry.
【孟买】正在公式访问印度的甘利明经济贸易工业部长在场见证下,日本贸易振兴会董事长林康夫先生和印度贸工部常人秘书Ajay Dua先生7月3日代表两国签订『德里-孟买工业走廊』发展计划备忘录。
2007-07-04 ArtNo.39702(215/427)
【ニューデリー】『デリー・ムンバイ産業回廊(DMIC:Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor)』概念報告書(concept paper)を準備中の合同専門委員会(JTF:joint task force)は、2008年1月から2012年12月までの第1期計画で開発する各最低11平方キロの『産業地区(industrial areas)』10カ所と、各最低200平方キロの『投資地域(investment regions)』5カ所をリスト・アップした。(...続きを読む)
◆Task force identifies 5 investment regions and 10 industrial areas
【New Delhi】A joint task force which is preparing a concept paper on the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor project has identified 5 investment regions, covering a minimum area of 200 sq km and 10 industrial areas, with a minimum area of 11 sq km, which will be developed in the project's first phase, between January 2008 and December 2012.
2007-07-04 ArtNo.39703(216/427)
【ニューデリー】デリー・ムンバイ産業回廊(DMIC:Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor)には、高品質なインフラ/鉄道・道路・港湾・後背地への接続/ロジスティク・ハブ/ナレッジ・シティー/農産品加工施設/工業団地/特別経済区(SEZ)等を備えた『市場指向ノッド(market driven nodes)』を約10カ所に設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆10 market driven nodes in the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor
【New Delhi】The initial plan is to build about 10 market driven nodes in the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor, equipped with high quality infrastructure, enhanced connectivity to dedicated freight corridor, highways, ports and hinterland, having a logistics hub, a knowledge city and agri-processing zone besides industrial areas and special economic zones.
2007-07-04 ArtNo.39704(217/427)
【ニューデリー】Manmohan Singh首相は2日、甘利明経済産業相に率いられる日本ビジネス代表団を前に、インド投資に対する日本企業界の関心が再度高まりを見せていることに歓迎の意を表明するとともに、『デリー・ムンバイ貨物専用鉄道(DMDRFC:Delhi-Mumbai Dedicated Rail Freight Corridor)』計画や『デリー・ムンバイ産業回廊(DMIC:Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor)』プロジェクト等、より多くのプロジェクトに積極的に投資するよう呼び掛けた。(...続きを読む)
◆PM seeks more Japanese investments
【New Delhi】Addressing a high-powered business delegation, including chairmen of major Japanese companies, led by the Japan's Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Mr Akira Amari, the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh on July 2 welcomed the renewed interest among Japanese Companies for investing in India and said that he hoped that Japan would invest in more projects like the Delhi- Mumbai Industrial Corridor and Dedicated Rail Freight Corridor.
2007-07-04 ArtNo.39711(218/427)
◆May exports up 18.07% in dollar terms, 6.04 per cent in rupee terms
【New Delhi】Even as the export growth in dollar terms during May 2007 showed a relatively robust growth of 18.07 per cent at $11.8 billion against $10.4 billion in the same month last year, the tepid growth of 6.04 per cent in rupee terms owed itself to the relentless appreciation of the Indian rupee vis-À-vis the US dollar.
2007-07-09 ArtNo.39712(219/427)
◆Most of corporate tax exemptions likely to be dropped in 5 years
【NEW DELHI】The government of India is mulling to abolish most of corporate tax exemptions over the next five years in order to boost its direct tax collections.
2007-07-09 ArtNo.39713(220/427)
【ニューデリー】日本とインドは、世界貿易機関(WTO)の多角的自由貿易交渉における協力の他、両国間の包括的経済協力交渉を加速することで合意した。甘利明経済貿易産業相とKamal Nath商工相は、貿易協定問題を協議後、交渉担当者に所定の期限内に協議を妥結させるよう指示した。(...続きを読む)
◆Japan-India to expedite CEPA talks
【NEW DELHI】Japan and India have decided to speed up negotiations on a comprehensive economic pact, besides cooperating on multilateral trade talks under the WTO. Commerce Minister Kamal Nath and his Japanese counterpart Akira Amari discussed the trade pact and asked officials to complete talks within the stipulated time.
【新德里】日本与印度同意除了在世贸组织多边贸易谈判过程中的合作之外,加速全面经济合作协定磋商。印度贸工部长Kamal Nath先生和日本经济贸易产业部长甘利明先生谈论全面经济合作协定事宜之后,向双方的谈判员指示预定的时间内达成协议。
2007-07-09 ArtNo.39715(221/427)
【ニューデリー】日本能率協会(JMA)はインド産業連盟(CII:Confederation of Indian Industry)と共同で『インド・リーン・クラブ(Lean Club of India)』を組織、インド産業界に卓越した競争力あるサービスを提供する。(...続きを読む)
◆JMA,CII set to launch Lean Club of India
【NEW DELHI】Japan Management Association and Confederation of Indian Industry will launch the Lean Club of India to provide services in excellence and competitiveness to Indian industry.
2007-07-09 ArtNo.39721(222/427)
【ニューデリー】インドは核融合技術の向上を図る狙いから5日、国際熱核融合実験炉(ITER:International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor)計画に参加する方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆India joins the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor project
【NEW DELHI】India on July 5 decided to join the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor project in order to boost its capabilities in nuclear fusion technology.
2007-07-09 ArtNo.39722(223/427)
【ニューデリー】発電設備拡張目標の達成が依然としてままならない中で、中央政府は向こう5年間に追加される1万2000MW(メガワット)の自家発電設備(captive power capacity)により、公共送電網に供給される余剰電力に期待している。(...続きを読む)
◆12,000 MW captive power capacity is expected to add in 5 years
【New Delhi】As the capacity addition targets are consistently faltering, the Centre is counting on sale of surplus power to the grid from around 12,000 mega watts of new captive power capacity that is expected to come through over the next five years.
2007-07-11 ArtNo.39724(224/427)
【ニューデリー】特別閣僚グループ(Empowered Group of Ministers)は6日、年間20億米ドルの外国直接投資誘致を目指す新鉱業政策を承認するとともに、鉄鉱石輸出に上限を設けず、鉱業主に生産地における付加価値義務を課さぬ方針を決めた。新政策は内閣に提出され、閣議の最終承認が求められる。(...続きを読む)
◆New mining policy: no cap on exports, against value-addition
【New Delhi】A empowered group of ministers on July 6 cleared a new mining policy seeking to attract $2 billion foreign direct investment annually and against the demands for capping iron ore exports and for making value-addition mandatory, which will now be sent to the cabinet for final approval.
2007-07-11 ArtNo.39725(225/427)
【ハイデラバード】GMRハイデラバード国際空港(GHIAL:GMR Hyderabad International Airport)が来年初に商業運転を開始する目処がついたことから、アンドラプラデシュ州政府は州都HyderabadとコースタルタウンのMachilipatnamをリンクする快速列車の運行を計画している。(...続きを読む)
◆Hyderabad too will have High-speed rail corridor
【Hyderabad】Eaven as the GMR Hyderabad International Airport getting ready for commercial operations early next year, the Andhra Pradesh Government is contemplating to lay a 'high-speed' rail corridor connecting Hyderabad with the coastal town of Machilipatnam.
2007-07-11 ArtNo.39729(226/427)
◆6,000-mw nuclear power plant in Orissa
【Bhubaneswar】The Centre has identified a site in Orissa's Ganjam district for setting up a 6,000 mw nuclear power plant.
2007-07-11 ArtNo.39730(227/427)
【ニューデリー】先週金曜デリー高裁が下した裁定は、政府にある種の深刻な疑問に回答することを強いるものと見られる。同裁定の中でデリー高裁は、電力事業民営化プロセスに関する会計監査総監(CAG:Comptroller and Auditor General)の報告に対して厳しい見方を示した。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt faces tough questions on power reforms
【NEW DELHI】The Delhi High Court on July 6 took a serious note of the observations made by the Comptroller and Auditor General's report on power privatisation process here. The Friday ruling of the court could force the government to answer some serious questions.
2007-07-11 ArtNo.39732(228/427)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は有限責任事業組合(LLP:limited liability partnership)、いわゆるパートナーシップの個々のメンバーではなく、組合そのものに課税することを計画している。これにより少なからぬLLPの外国パートナーが投資計画を見合わせるものと見られる。(...続きを読む)
◆Limited liability partnerships may face higher tax
【NEW DELHI】The government plans to levy tax on limited liability partnerships (LLPs) instead of taxing its individual members. As the result many investors abroad who are keen to forge partnerships here is likely to put off their plans.
2007-07-11 ArtNo.39733(229/427)
◆Second-hand machinery to be allowed in SEZs
【New Delhi】The Commerce Ministry plans to allow transfering used plant and machinery of up to 20 per cent of the total capital goods requirement of SEZ units.
2007-07-11 ArtNo.39734(230/427)
【ニューデリー】インド政府はデュアル・オプション戦略(dual-option strategy)の下、単一商標小売(single-brand retail)ビジネスの外国直接投資上限を現在の51%から100%に引き上げるか、マルチ商標小売ビジネスに最大49%まで外国直接投資を認める『何れか一方の選択(either-or option)』を提案した。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt may allow 100% FDI in Single-brand retail
【NEW DELHI】A new strategy paper prepared by the government has proposed an either/or option of increasing the foreign direct investment(FDI) in single-brand retail to 100% or allowing 49% FDI in multi-brand retail.
2007-07-11 ArtNo.39735(231/427)
◆Foreign franchisers are likely to be asked to invest in JVs
【NEW DELHI】A multinational company planing to introduce its brand into India, directly or through the franchise route, is soon likely to have to first invest in the country.
2007-07-13 ArtNo.39744(232/427)
◆Core infrastructure sector grows 8.7% in May
【New Delhi】Since better performance by steel, cement, petroleum products and electricity sectors made up for a decline in production of crude oil and drop in growth rates of coal, six core infrastructure industries index grew 8.7 per cent in May to 234.1 from 215.3 in the same month last year. The growth rate exceeded 7.2 per cent in the same month last year and 7.4 per cent in April this year.
2007-07-13 ArtNo.39746(233/427)
【ムンバイ】中央政府は第11次五カ年計画期間にも『加速電力開発・改革計画(accelerated power development and reform programme)』を修正した条件の下で、中央政府の補助計画(centrally sponsored scheme)として継続すると言う電力省の提案に近く検討を加える。(...続きを読む)
◆Power reform plan to stay as a grant scheme
【MUMBAI】The Cabinet will soon discuss power ministry's proposal for continuation of accelerated power development and reform programme during the 11th Plan with revised terms and conditions as a centrally sponsored scheme.
2007-07-16 ArtNo.39748(234/427)
【ニューデリー】今年5月の工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)の伸びは、製造業の成長鈍化から11.1%と、昨年同月の11.7%を僅かに下回った。(...続きを読む)
◆Industrial output slips to 11.1 pc in May
【New Delhi】The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) growth rate decelerated marginally to 11.1 per cent in May from 11.7 per cent in the corresponding month last year, mainly owing to a marked slowdown witnessed in the manufacturing sector.
2007-07-16 ArtNo.39749(235/427)
◆Govts Rs 1,400 cr salve for Re-hit exporters
【New Delhi】In order to compensate exporters hit adversely by rupee appreciation, the government, on July 12 announced a Rs 1,400-crore package including increased rates of tax refunds and concessional credit for small and medium enterprises engaged in export activities.
2007-07-16 ArtNo.39752(236/427)
◆Andhra proposes 3,000-km rail corridor
【Hyderabad】The Andhra Pradesh government will soon propose the Centre to build a 3,000-km high-speed elevated rail corridor connecting Hyderabad with Mumbai, Bangalore and Chennai besides Vijayawada and Visakhapatnam.
2007-07-18 ArtNo.39760(237/427)
【ムンバイ】Tata SteelやArcelorMittal等、内外の総合鉄鋼会社がここ2年ほどの間に相次ぎ数十億米ドルの新規鉄鋼プロジェクトを発表したが、鉱業省のウェブサイトに掲載されたリスト(6月22日に更新)には、韓国のPoscoを除きこれらの企業が提出したはずの鉄鉱山開発申請が含まれていない。(...続きを読む)
◆Domestic steel cos' ore plans stack up
【MUMBAI】Even as Tata Steel, ArcelorMittal and other integrated steel companies in the country announce multi-billion-dollar greenfield projects, none of these companies' applications for iron ore mines finds mention in the updated list put up by the ministry of mines on its website except for the Korean major Posco's application.
2007-07-18 ArtNo.39771(238/427)
◆The share of raw material costs rise to 59% in FY07
【MUMBAI】The share of raw material costs as a percentage of total expenditure for manufacturing companies increased from 57.64% in 2005-06 to 59.42% in 2006-07, making it the most significant cost element for them.
2007-07-25 ArtNo.39784(239/427)
【ニューデリー】電気通信局(DOT:Department of Telecom)は、ワイヤレス広帯域通信WiMaxサービスを提供するためのロードマップを作成した。(...続きを読む)
◆DoT discloses road map for WiMax rollout
【NEW DELHI】The Department of Telecom (DoT) has laid out a road map for wireless broadband (WiMax) rollout in the country.
2007-07-25 ArtNo.39785(240/427)
【ニューデリー】電信局(DOT:Department of Telecom)は第3世代(3G)移動体通信サービス・ライセンス入札に外国企業が参加することを認めないものと見られ、3Gライセンス入札の募集を待機している外国テレコム企業の期待は裏切られそうだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Foreign telecom firms unlikely get 3G licence
【New Delhi】In what could act as a damper on the plans of foreign companies waiting to offer third generation (3G) mobile services in India, the Department of Telecom (DoT) is unlikely to invite overseas companies to bid for 3G licence.
2007-07-25 ArtNo.39793(241/427)
【ニューデリー】第11次五カ年計画期間の都市インフラ開発事業『Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM)』と『Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns (UIDSSMT)』には、パートナーシップや多国間及び二国間機関の援助を通じて1万2000クロー(US$29.27億)の資金を調達、不足を補填する必要がある。(...続きを読む)
◆Urban infrastructure requires Rs 12,000 cr via partnerships
【New Delhi】As much as Rs 12,000 crore is required to be mobilised through partnerships and assistance from multi-lateral and bilateral agencies to bridge the investment gap for improvement of urban infrastructure under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) and Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns (UIDSSMT) initiatives during the Eleventh Five Year Plan.
2007-07-30 ArtNo.39796(242/427)
【ニューデリー】国営電話会社Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL)の4500万GSM回線拡張計画を巡るドラマは依然継続、一番札を入れたMotorolaの失格で、契約交渉権を獲得したスウェーデン企業Ericssonが入札価格の引き下げを拒絶したことから、先週発注量を2250万回線に縮小するよう指示したA Raja通信情報技術相は、BSNL労組が同指示に反発する中、今度は新規に6000万回線の入札を改めて募集するよう指示した。これは1テレコム企業が募集するものとしては史上最大の入札と言え、その額は40億米ドル前後に達する見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆BSNL plans fresh tender for 75 m GSM lines
【New Delhi】The controversy over Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL)'s tender just refuses to die down. Quick on the heels of halving the GSM tender of BSNL to 22.5 million lines after price differences with the L1 bidder, communications & IT minister A Raja has now asked the PSU to float a fresh tender to add around 60 million lines. The tender would be among the biggest to be ever floated by a telecom company and is likely to be valued at around $4 billion.
【新德里】国营电话企业巴拉特散查尔尼戈姆电话公司增设4500万线的移动网络计划的戏剧似乎继续下去。摩托罗拉被判失格而获得合约交涉权的爱立信公司拒绝降低标价之后,A Raja通信信息科技部长指示该国营电话公司把订货规模缩小一半到2250万线。但是该电话公司工会抗议部长的这个指示而宣布实行无限期罢工以后,他再指示该公司重新招增设6000万线全球移动通讯系统设备投标。这对一间通信公司的招标来说,可说是有史以来最大规模,总额预料40亿美元左右。
2007-08-01 ArtNo.39808(243/427)
【ニューデリー】中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)は7月31日、支払準備率(CRR:Cash Reserve Ratio)を7%に50ベイシス・ポイント引き上げた。しかし短期貸出金利の指標とされるレポレート(repo rate)や公定歩合(Bank Rate)は据え置いた。(...続きを読む)
◆RBI raises CRR rates by 50 basis pts to 7 pc
【NEW DELHI】The Reserve Bank of India has hiked cash reserve ratio by 50 basis points to 7 per cent while the repo, the bank rates and other benchmark interest rates remain unchanged.
2007-08-01 ArtNo.39809(244/427)
【ニューデリー】中央銀行が7月31日に発表した新金融政策(Credit policy)は、原油価格の圧力と世界的需要を配慮するなら、インフレ圧力緩和にさしたる効果を発揮しないものと見られる。(...続きを読む)
◆Deposit rates may rise, inflation remains untouched : Credit policy
【NEW DELHI】The Credit policy announced on July 31 may not do much to ease inflationary pressure due to added pressures from crude oil pricing and worldwide demand.
2007-08-01 ArtNo.39810(245/427)
【ニューデリー】今会計年度第1四半期(2007/4-6)のビジネス自信指数(BCI:Business Confidence Index)は、137.9と、前四半期の151.3に比べ13.4ポイント下降、経済活動のスローダウンを裏付けた。前四半期の指数自体、2007年1月の157.3を下回っていた。(...続きを読む)
◆Business confidence index declines 13.4 points in Q1: NCAER
【New Delhi】The Business Confidence Index (BCI) has fallen to 137.9 points for the first quarter of the current fiscal, down from the 151.3 logged in the last round, which itself was below the 157.3 mark in January 2007.
2007-08-01 ArtNo.39811(246/427)
◆The central bank's hands-off strategy irritates IT industry
【BANGALORE】India's information technology industry, the flag bearer of a resurgent economy, asks the government to step in and check the rupee's unprecedented rise to nine-year highs in an effort to protect their earnings.
2007-08-03 ArtNo.39820(247/427)
◆India mulls to set up 25K T polysilicon complex
【BANGALORE】India is mulling to set up a 2,500 tonne polysilicon complex at an investment of more than Rs 1,000 crore, to give an impetus to the solar energy sector.
2007-08-03 ArtNo.39822(248/427)
【ニューデリー】Essarグループのモーリシャス・ベースの持ち株会社Essar Communications Holdings (ECHL)が、テレコム・インフラ及び通信タワー会社Essar Telecom Tower Infrastructure(ETTI)の持ち分を現在の48.98%から100%に引き上げることを申請したのにに対して、外国投資促進局(FIPB)は判断を保留した。ECHLはVodafone-Essarの22.04%の株式も保有している。(...続きを読む)
◆Essar wants to hike stake in tower co
【NEW DELHI】The Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) has deferred a proposal by the Essar group to make its telecoms infrastructure and tower company, Essar Telecom Tower Infrastructure(ETTI), a wholly-owned subsidiary of its Mauritius-based offshore holding company, Essar Communications Holdings (ECHL). Currently, ECHL holds 48.98% stake in ETTI. ECHL holds 22.04% in Vodafone-Essar too.
2007-08-03 ArtNo.39829(249/427)
【ニューデリー】Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL)は、「政府が1ヶ月以内にガス価格の設定方式を承認しないならKrishna-Godavari(KG)海盆D6鉱区における国内最大のガス・プロジェクトを廃棄せざるを得ない」と政府に公式に伝達した。(...続きを読む)
◆Reliance may scrap the country's largest gas project
【New Delhi】Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) will scrap the country's largest gas project (D6) in the Krishna-Godavari(KG) basin if its gas pricing formula is not cleared within a month. RIL has officially conveyed to the government the above iis position.
2007-08-03 ArtNo.39831(250/427)
【ハイデラバード】Manmohan Singh首相は、7月31日P Chidambaram蔵相とともに、アンドラプラデシュ州における10件、総額4万クロー(US$97.56億)の投資計画を精査した。(...続きを読む)
◆PM reviews Rs 40,000 cr projects in Andhra
【Hyderabad】Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Finance Minister P Chidambaram on July 31 reviewed the status of 10 investment proposals, worth about Rs 40,000 crore pertaining to Andhra Pradesh state.
経済一般 General Economics in 2007
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