金属/鉱物 Metallurgy/Mining in 2007
【ニューデリー】鉱業/鉄鋼部門に対する年間8000クロー(US$19.51億)の投資が鉄鉱石輸出の可否を巡る鬩ぎ合いの中で進むもならず退くもならぬ状況に立たされている。鉄鋼省国会諮問委員会(PCC:parliamentary consultative committee attached to the steel ministry)は17日、Ramvilas Paswan鉄鋼相に対し、「国会は、未加工の鉄鉱石を無制限に輸出することを認める鉱業政策を受け入れることはできない」と表明した。
◆House panel nixes `unhinged` iron ore export
【New Delhi】In what seemed that investment worth Rs 8,000 crore per year in the mining and steel sectors hanged in the balance, a parliamentary consultative committee attached to the steel ministry, on July 17, told Steel Minister Ramvilas Paswan that Parliament would not accept a steel policy that hinged on unrestricted export of unprocessed iron ore.
【新德里】在矿业和钢铁领域年额800亿卢比的投资似乎上不着天下不着地。因为钢铁部咨询国会委员会7月17日向Ramvilas Paswan钢铁部长表明,国会绝对不同意允许把没有加工的铁矿石无限制地出口的新矿业政策。
2007-07-23 ArtNo.39774(152/274)
◆Hindalco、AlcanからUtkal Alumina45%権益買収
【ムンバイ】Hindustan Aluminium Company Ltd(Hindalco)は18日、Utkal Alumina International Ltd(UAIL)の45%権益をカナダ企業Alcanから買い取ることを認めた。
◆Hindalco acquires Alcan's 45% stake in Utkal Alumina
【Mumbai】Hindustan Aluminium Company Ltd(Hindalco) on July 18 agreed to buy Canadian mining giant Alcan's 45 per cent stake in their joint venture Utkal Alumina International Ltd.
2007-07-23 ArtNo.39775(153/274)
◆Uttam Galva、マハラシュトラ州に新鉄鋼プラント計画
【ムンバイ】Uttam Galva Steels Ltd(UGSL)は、同社が特別経済区(SEZ)を開発する予定のMumbai-Pune街道沿いに鉄鋼プラントを設ける計画だ。
◆Uttam Galva plans to set up new steel plant in Maharashtra
【Mumbai】Uttam Galva Steel is to set up a steel plant along the Mumbai-Pune highway, where its proposed SEZ projects are coming up.
2007-07-23 ArtNo.39776(154/274)
◆Tata Metaliks/クボタ/メタルワン、合弁契約に調印
【コルカタ】Tata Metaliks Ltd(TML)/クボタ/メタルワンは、150クロー(US$3659万)を投じて西ベンガル州Kharagpurにダクタイル管(ductile iron pipe)製造施設を設ける合弁契約に調印した。
◆Tata, Kubota, Metal One signed a JV agreement
【Kolkata】Tata Metaliks Ltd, Kubota Corporation and Metal One Corporation have signed a joint venture agreement for setting up a 1.1-lakh tonnes per annum capacity ductile iron pipe manufacturing plant at Kharagpur in West Bengal at an estimated investment of Rs 150 crore.
2007-07-23 ArtNo.39777(155/274)
◆Sona Koyo、ダイカスト/鍛造施設建設計画
【ニューデリー】ジェイテクトが20.1%出資するSona Koyo Steering Systems Ltd(SKSSL)はビジネス・スコープを拡大する狙いからアルミニウム・ダイカスト/鍛造施設を設ける計画だ。
◆Sona Koyo plans to set up aluminium die casting, forging unit
【New Delhi】Sona Koyo Steering Systems Ltd, in which JTEKT Corporation holds 20.1% stake, is looking to set up an aluminium die casting and forging unit in order to expand the scope of its business.
2007-07-25 ArtNo.39792(156/274)
◆Tata Steel、オリッサ・メガ鉄鋼事業の工事契約発注
【ムンバイ】Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)は先週、総額4000クロー(US$9.76億)の工事契約を発注、オリッサ州における年産600万トンの野心的鉄鋼プロジェクトが終に離陸した。
◆Tata Steel place mega-order for Orissa plant
【MUMBAI】Tata Steel's ambitious 6-million-tonne-per-annum project in Orissa has finally taken off with the company placing orders worth Rs 4,000 crore for the upcoming steel plant.
2007-07-30 ArtNo.39801(157/274)
【ニューデリー】鉄鋼王LN Mittal氏は25日、Vilas Paswan鉄鋼相と会談し、オリッサ州とジャールカンド州に合計年産2400万トンの鉄鋼プラントを設ける方針を伝えるとともに、キャプティブ鉄鉱山をできるだけ早く割り当てるよう要請した。
◆Mittal sets up 24 MT plants in Orissa, Jharkhand
【New Delhi】Steel tycoon LN Mittal on Luly 25 met with Steel Minister Ram Vilas Paswan and told him that his company ArcelorMittal would set up a fresh steel capacity of 24 million tonnes。 through separate plants in Orissa and Jharkhand and asked the Centre to expedite the allocation of captive mines for the purpose.
【新德里】钢铁大王拉克什米·尼瓦斯·米塔尔先生7月25日见面Ram Vilas Paswan钢铁部长的时侯告诉他,他的阿塞勒米塔尔钢铁公司将在奥里萨州和贾坎德州都设立各年产1200万吨的钢厂。从而他也要求中央政府尽快给他的公司分配铁矿床。
2007-07-30 ArtNo.39802(158/274)
【ニューデリー】国営鉄鋼会社Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)と世界最大の鉄鋼グループArcelor Mittalは、ジャールカンド州Chiria鉄鉱山の開発や研究開発(R&D)面で提携する可能性を探っている。
◆SAIL, Mittal may tie up
【New Delhi】Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) and Arcelor Mittal, the largest steel maker in the world, are exploring opportunities to synergise capabilities. This may involve sharing the Chiria iron ore reserves in Jharkhand and joint research and development (R&D) activities.
2007-07-30 ArtNo.39803(159/274)
◆Ispat Inds、US$5億投じ事業拡張
【コルカタ】マハラシュトラ州Dolviの総合的鉄鋼プラントの年産能力を500万トンに拡張中のIspat Industries Ltd(IIL)は年産100万トンのコークス炉と年産450万トンのペレット製造施設をアンドラプラデシュ州Vishakapatnamに設ける方針を決めた。同社またマハラシュトラ州Mumbaiの手持ち不動産に商業不動産を増設する50:50合弁契約を結んだ。
◆Ispat Inds plans Rs 2025cr capex to expand its capacity
【Kolkata】Ispat Industries Ltd, which is in the process of expanding the capacity of its integrated steel plant at Dolvi, Maharashtra to 5 million tonne a year, has decided to set up a one million tonne a year coke oven plant and a 4.5m tonne a year pellet plant in Vishakapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. The company is also venturing into real estate development by entering into a 50:50 joint venture with a realtor to construct commercial properties on its Mumbai property.
2007-08-01 ArtNo.39816(160/274)
◆Orissa steel project to come up before Jharkhand: Mittal
【Bhubaneswar】ArcelorMittal's proposed 12 million tonne steel plant project with an investment of $9 billion in the Keonjhar district of Orissa is progressing faster than its 10 million tonne project in neighbouring Jharkhand.
2007-08-01 ArtNo.39817(161/274)
【ブーバネスワル】カナダ企業2社Ivana Ventures Inc(IV)とHarappa Investment(HI)は、3200クロー(US$7.80億)を投じ、オリッサ州にニッケル製錬施設を設ける計画だ。
◆Canadian consortium mulls to set up a nickel refinery in Orissa
【Bhubaneswar】Two Canadian companies, Ivana Ventures and Harappa Investment, have offered to invest Rs 3,200 crore to set up a nickel refinery in Orissa.
【布巴内斯瓦尔】两间加拿大企业Ivana Ventures和Harappa Investment计划投资320亿卢比在奥里萨州兴建镍提炼厂。
2007-08-03 ArtNo.39826(162/274)
◆Indian steel industrysets to face product mix unbalance in 2011
【New Delhi】Indian steel industry is set to face terrible product mix unbalance if one goes by the announcement of the projects or even by any realistic assessment of their possible implementation in the coming five years or so and the emerging market demand for steel.
2007-08-03 ArtNo.39827(163/274)
【チェンナイ】西ベンガル州Singurにおける自動車プロジェクトとオリッサ州における鉄鋼プロジェクトが政治グループや地元民の反対に遭い立ち往生を強いられているインドを代表する複合企業、Tata Groupは、タミールナド州におけるチタニウム・プロジェクトについても先ず民間の支持を勝ち取る必要がありそうだ。
◆Tata's titanium project under cloud
【Chennai】The Tata Group, India's most trusted business house whose projects for the car plant at Singur in West Bengal and a steel plant in Orissa have hit roadblocks due to protests by political parties and locals, will have to win public support before it can set up a titanium di-oxide plant in Tamil Nadu.
2007-08-08 ArtNo.39849(164/274)
◆Posco may look for another option
【Bhubaneswar】A Posco India's official has indicated that if it failed to set up its proposed 12 mttp greenfield steel plant near Paradip in Orissa, it has an 'alternative place and state' in mind.
2007-08-08 ArtNo.39850(165/274)
◆Jindal Steel、航空事業進出準備
【ムンバイ】Naveen Jindal氏に率いられるJindal Steel and Power Limited (JSPL)は、恐らく世界的に最も急速な成長を遂げるインド航空事業への進出を計画している。
◆Jindal Steel sets to foray into aviation enter
【Mumbai】The Naveen Jindal-led Jindal Steel and Power Limited plans to enter the country's aviation sector, arguably the fastest growing in the world.
2007-08-15 ArtNo.39869(166/274)
◆June industrial growth slowed to 9.8%
【New Delhi】Even as the industrial growth in June grew marginally to 9.8% against 9.7% during the same month last year, sequential data show that it has been decreasing at a steady rate for the past three months and the slowest annual pace in eight months.
2007-08-15 ArtNo.39870(167/274)
【ニューデリー】Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)は6万クロー(US$148.66億)を投じジャールカンド州に年産1500万トンの鉄鋼プラントを新たに設けることを提案した。しかし同提案には、SAILがこれまで保持していたChiria鉱山のリース権延長を州政府が認め、同問題に関する訴訟を取り下げると言う前提条件がついている。
◆SAIL offers to set up 15-mt plant in J'khand
【New Delhi】Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) has offered to invest Rs 60,000 crore to set up a 15-million-tonne greenfield steel plant in Jharkhand. However, SAIL has made it clear that it would invest only if the state government withdrew the petition against the renewal of Chiria iron ore mining leases in the steel major's favour.
2007-08-15 ArtNo.39871(168/274)
【ライプル】Bharat Aluminium Company Ltd(Balco)は8100クロー(US$20.07億)を投じ、チャッティースガル州Korbaに年産65万トンのアルミニウム製錬施設を設ける覚書を同州政府と交換した。
◆Balco plans to set up aluminium plant in Chhattisgarh
【Raipur】Bharat Aluminium Company Ltd. (Balco) plans to set up an aluminium smelter plant with a capacity of 6.5 lakh tonnes annually at Korba in Chhattisgarh, estimated to cost Rs. 8,100 crore. The company has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on this with the Chhattisgarh Government.
2007-08-17 ArtNo.39885(169/274)
【コルカタ】国営Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)に合併されたIndian Iron and Steel Company Ltd(IISCO)の設備近代化及び拡張計画のコストは見積もり額を大幅に超過する見通しだ。Iisco Steel Plant (ISP)拡張計画の各種工事の最低入札価格の合計は1万4000クロー(US$34.69億)前後となり、当初の見積額9600クロー(US$23.79億)を50%以上上回っている。
◆Iisco Steel's expansion plan hit by bid price overrun
【Kolkata】Investment in the proposed expansion of Indian Iron and Steel Company Ltd(IISCO), which has been merged with Steel Authority of India (SAIL) and has been renamed as Iisco Steel Plant (ISP), is likely to go up to around Rs 14,000 crore against the estimated Rs 9,600 crore, as some of the lowest or L1 bidders for supplying plant packages have quoted more than the cost estimated.
2007-08-17 ArtNo.39886(170/274)
◆Tata Steel、TN州二酸化チタン計画続行確認
【チェンナイ】Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)は14日、各方面から反対の声が上がっているにも関わらず、タミールナド州における2500クロー(US$6.19億)の二酸化チタン・プロジェクトを実行する考えを改めて確認した。
◆Tata Steel gos ahead TN project
【CHENNAI】Despite mounting opposition from various quarters, Tata Steel Ltd said on August 14 it would go ahead with the Rs 2,500-crore titanium dioxide project in Tamil Nadu.
2007-08-20 ArtNo.39894(171/274)
◆Core infrastructure growth slips to 5.3% in June
【New Delhi】The growth of six key infrastructure industries slowed to 5.3% in June compared with 7.7% a year ago due to decline in production of crude oil coupled with a slow down in output of other products.
【新德里】因为原油产量下降,其他行业的成长也钝化,所以6个骨干基础设施产业今年6月仅成长5.3%,比去年同月的 7.7%显著地减速。
2007-08-20 ArtNo.39898(172/274)
【ニューデリー】Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)と韓国のPoscoは16日、戦略ビジネス及び商業権益にかかわる幅広い相互協力覚書を交換した。
◆SAIL, Posco sign MoU for strategic alliance
【New Delhi】Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) and Korea's largest steel company Posco on August 16 signed a memorandum of understanding to establish a strategic alliance for aligning and cooperating with each other in a wide range of strategic business and commercial interest areas.
2007-08-20 ArtNo.39899(173/274)
◆Visa Steel/中国宝鋼、オリッサ州にクロム鉄工場建設
【ブーバネスワル】西ベンガル州Kolkata拠点のVisa Steel Ltd(VSL)は17日、中国宝鋼(Baosteel)とオリッサ州に年産10万トンのクロム鉄製造施設を設ける合弁契約を結んだ。
◆Visa Steel, Baosteel to set up ferrochrome unit in Orissa
【Bhubaneswar】Kolkata-based Visa Steel Ltd on August 17 entered into a joint venture with Baosteel of China for setting up a 100,000-tonnes-per-annum ferrochrome plant in Orissa.
◆Visa Steel跟中国宝钢合作在奥里萨州兴建年产10万吨的铬铁厂
【布巴内斯瓦尔】总部设在西孟加拉邦加尔各答的Visa Steel有限公司计划跟中国宝钢合作在奥里萨州兴建年产10万吨的铬铁厂,双方8月17日签订有关联营合约。
2007-08-20 ArtNo.39900(174/274)
【ムンバイ】インド最大のアルミニウム会社Hindalco Industries Ltd(HIL)は、目下鉄鋼メーカーにより独占されている自動車材料市場に進出することを計画している。
◆Hindalco to foray into car market
【MUMBAI】India's largest aluminium company Hindalco Industries Ltd mulls to foray into supplies for the car market which has so far been dominated by steel manufacturers.
2007-08-27 ArtNo.39918(175/274)
◆Centre sets to relax FDI norms in mining
【New Delhi】The ministry of mines plans to liberalize the foreign direct investment (FDI) policy to permit companies to move seamlessly between mining, exploration and prospecting for minerals in order to spur big-ticket investments by global mining majors.
2007-08-27 ArtNo.39919(176/274)
◆Cabinet nod to uranium mine, processing plant in AP
【New Delhi】The government on August 23 approved setting up a uranium mine and processing plant at Tummalapalle in Cuddapah district, Andhra Pradesh at a total cost Rs 1, 106.29 crore.
2007-08-27 ArtNo.39925(177/274)
◆Bhilai Steel Plant、高速列車用レールの試験製造開始
【ビライ】国営Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)がチャッティースガル州Bhilaiに設けたBhilai Steel Plant(BSP)は、Lalu Prasad鉄道相が幹線鉄道に高速列車(high-speed train)を導入することをまだ決めていないにも関わらず、特殊レール製造の準備を進めている。
◆Bhilai starts test-manufacturing of rails for high-speed trains
【Bhilai】Chhattisgarh-based the Bhilai Steel Plant of Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) has been preparing special rails even though Union minister for railways Lalu Prasad did not decid yet to run high-speed trains on the main lines.
【比莱】虽然Lalu Prasad铁路部长还没有决定在国内干线铁路使用高速列车,印度钢铁管理局公司属下的比莱钢铁厂已经开始准备制造特殊铁轨。
2007-08-29 ArtNo.39929(178/274)
【ニューデリー】地場鉄鋼大手Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)とEssar Steel Holdings(ESH)は、両社合わせて年間800万トンの鉄鋼プロジェクトに用いるためチャッティースガル州Bailadila鉱山の2億5000万トン以上の鉄鉱石資源を探査する許可を中央政府から取得した。
◆Tatas, Essar get nod to prospect ore in Bailadila
【New Delhi】Local steel majors Tata Steel Ltd and Essar Steel Holdings have received the Centre's nod to prospect more than 250 million tonnes of iron ore in Bailadila mines, in Chhattisgarh, for their proposed steel projects with a total capacity of eight million tonnes.
2007-08-29 ArtNo.39930(179/274)
◆Vedanta Aluminaオリッサ工場、アルミナの出荷開始
【ブーバネスワル】ロンドン拠点Vedanta Resources Plc(VRP)傘下のVedanta Alumina Ltd,(VAL)は、オリッサ州Kalahandi県Lanjigarhに設けた新製錬施設からアルミナの出荷を開始した。
◆Vedanta's new Orissa plant starts alumina supplies to Balco
【Bhubaneswar】Vedanta Alumina Ltd, a part of London-based Vedanta Resources Plc, has started dispatching alumina from its green field plant at Lanjigarh in Kalahandi district, Orissa.
2007-08-31 ArtNo.39947(180/274)
◆JSW Steel、年産能力を10年で10倍に拡張
【ムンバイ】JSW Steel Ltd(JSWSL)は向こう10年間に鉄鋼製造能力をほぼ10倍に拡大、年間1000万トンの鉄鋼製品を輸出する計画だ。
◆JSW Steel to up capacity ten-fold in the next 10 years
【Mumbai】JSW Steel plans to export 10 million tonnes of steel in the next 10 years as part of its plans to scale up its steel-making capacity nearly 10 times in this period.
2007-08-31 ArtNo.39948(181/274)
【コルカタ】国営Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)の鉄鉱山リース権は過去10年間に大部分の期限が切れたが、関係州政府はリース権の更新を認めていない。こうした不透明な状況がSAILの野心的な拡張計画の前途に陰影を投じている。
◆Haze over lease may tell on SAIL's expansion
【KOLKATA】Although a majority of Steel Authority of India's (SAIL) iron ore mining leases have expired, some about 10 years ago, the respective state governments has refused to renew them. This ambiguous situation now threatens to derail SAIL's mega mine expansion plans.
2007-09-03 ArtNo.39953(182/274)
◆Q1 GDP growth at 9.3%
【NEW DELHI】India's economy appears to be continuing to race ahead and posted a 9.3% growth in the first quarter, buoyed by robust performance in the manufacturing, construction and services sectors and a noticeable improvement in the agriculture sector.
2007-09-03 ArtNo.39954(183/274)
【コルカタ】鉄鋼省は向こう5年間に粉鉱石(iron ore fines)を用いペレットを製造することを大々的に奨励する計画だ。
◆Ministry to promote pelletisation to make use of fines
【Kolkata】The Union steel ministry plans to promote mass pelletisation in the next five years in order to make use of iron ore fines.
2007-09-07 ArtNo.39976(184/274)
【ニューデリー】インプット・コストの上昇から大手鉄鋼メーカーのTata Steel Ltd(TSL)とIspat Industries Ltd(IIL)は熱間圧延コイル(HRC)のトン当たり価格を500~900ルピー引き上げた。
◆Steel companies raise prices
【NEW DELHI】For this reason major steel producers Tata Steel Ltd and Ispat Industries Ltd have raised prices of hot-rolled coils by Rs 500-Rs 900; not only have input costs been rising but also steel demand is rising.
2007-09-10 ArtNo.39983(185/274)
【ムンバイ】中国第2の鉄鉱石貿易会社、中鋼集団公司(Sinosteel Corporation)は、需要増で国際価格が6年連続上昇することが予想される中、インドからの鉄鉱石輸入を今年は昨年比5分の1以上増やす方針だ。
◆Sinosteel to increase imports of ore from India
【Mumbai】China's second-biggest iron-ore trading company Sinosteel Corp will increase imports of the commodity from India by more than a fifth this year as rising demand threatens to push up global prices for a sixth year.
2007-09-10 ArtNo.39984(186/274)
【ブーバネスワル】Khandadhar鉄鉱山探査ライセンス申請の行方が依然不透明で、住民の立ち退きも開始されていないにも関わらず、Posco Indiaは2008年1月にオリッサ州Paradip付近に年産1200万トンの鉄鋼プラントを設ける工事に着手する方針を決めた。
◆Posco to go for construction from January
【Bhubaneswar】Posco-India will start the construction work for its 12m tonne green field steel project near Paradip from January 2008, even though the prospecting licence for Khandadhar iron ore mine is uncertain to be given to the company and it has not displaced anyone from its site.
2007-09-12 ArtNo.39996(187/274)
【コルカタ】Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)と韓国のPoscoは、先月両社間で結んだ相互協力覚書に基づき両社の代表各4人から成る合同作業グループを組織した。
◆SAIL-Posco joint working group formed
【Kolkata】Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL) and South Korean steel major POSCO have formed a joint working group comprising four members each from both companies to give a concrete shape to their recently announced alliance
2007-09-12 ArtNo.39997(188/274)
◆Essar to buy $5 bn capital goods from China
【Beijing】India's infrastructure group Essar is set to procure capital goods worth $5 billion from China in the next three years to execute projects in steel, power, telecom, shipping and construction.
2007-09-17 ArtNo.40001(189/274)
【ニューデリー】今年7月の工業生産指数(IIP:index for industrial production)伸び率は7.1%と、昨年同月の13.2%に比べ顕著に鈍化、昨年10月の4.4%に次ぐ、過去9ヶ月来の最低を記録した。
◆Growth of industrial output sharp falls at 7.1 per cent in July
【New Delhi】The growth of the index for industrial production (IIP) slipped sharply to 7.1 per cent against 13.2 per cent in July last year. This has been the slowest growth in the index in the last nine months. It had slumped to 4.4 per cent last October.
2007-09-17 ArtNo.40002(190/274)
◆Rs 5 lakh crore to be plowed into steel sector
【Kolkata】The Indian steel industry is set to invest more than Rs 5 lakh crore, which is over six times the total money plowed into the sector since independence.
2007-09-17 ArtNo.40003(191/274)
【コルカタ】Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)は2020年までに鉄鋼年産能力を現在の1350万トンから6000万トンに拡張し、その時点で2億トンに達すると見られる国内鉄鋼生産能力の30%のシェアを維持する方針だ。
◆SAIL aims 60mt annual production by 2020
【Kolkata】Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) is aiming to raise production capacity from current 13.5m tonne to 60 million tons a year by 2020, when the demand for the alloy in the country is projected at 200 million tons. SAIL will maintain its 30 per cent market share.
2007-09-19 ArtNo.40022(192/274)
【ジャムシェドプル】ジャールカンド州政府はSteel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)のニーズに応じ鉄鉱山を同社にリースする用意がある。
◆Jharkhand is in favour of leasing mines to SAIL
【Jamshedpur】Jharkhand government is in favour of leasing iron-ore mines to Steel Authority of India (SAIL) according to its requirement.
2007-09-19 ArtNo.40023(193/274)
◆Six core sectors' growth dips sharply to 6.3%
【New Delhi】The higher interest rates which curbed the demand for manufactured goods, housing and commercial real estate has led to a sharp decline in overall growth in the six core infrastructure sectors to 6.3 per cent in July 2007 from 10.9 per cent in July 2006.
2007-09-21 ArtNo.40028(194/274)
【ムンバイ】世界の鉄鋼大手がインドのインフラ開発に関心を寄せる中で、今後1年間に鉄鋼構造部門(steel fabrication sector)に5000クロー(US$12.39億)が投資されるものと予想される。
◆Steel fabrication to see an investment of Rs 5,000 cr
【Mumbai】Given that global steel giants take keen interest in the country's infrastructure development, the steel fabrication sector is likely to see an investment of Rs 5,000 crore in the next one year.
2007-09-24 ArtNo.40045(195/274)
◆Ramsarup to invest Rs 4000 cr for expansion
【Kolkata】The Kolkata-based Ramsarup group, engaged in manufacturing of various grades of steel wires and TMT Bars, is all set to pump in Rs 4000 crore towards capital expenditure, in order to fuel its expansion plans in the next three years.
2007-09-24 ArtNo.40046(196/274)
【ムンバイ】JSW Groupは400億ルピー(US$9.91億)を投じてアルミナ・プラントを建設することを計画する一方、セメント製造事業に進出するため向こう数ヶ月間に110億ルピー(US$2.73億)の起債を予定している。
◆JSW group to set up Rs 40 bn alumina plant
【MUMBAI】JSW Group is set to invest Rs 40 billion to build an alumina plant even as it is going to raise Rs 11 billion for its cement foray in the next few months.
2007-09-24 ArtNo.40047(197/274)
◆Hindustan Zinc、年産能力を100万トンに拡大
【ニューデリー】VedantaグループのHindustan Zinc Ltd(HZL)は年産能力を100万トンに拡大するとともに風力発電能力も110MW追加する拡張計画に乗りだした。
◆Hind Zinc chalks out expansion plans
【NEW DELHI】Hindustan Zinc Ltd, a unit of London-based Vedanta Resources Plc, has lined up major expansion plans to take its total capacity to one million tonne and to add 110 MW to its total wind power capacity.
2007-09-26 ArtNo.40056(198/274)
【ウダイプール】Hindustan Zinc Ltd(HZL)がラジャスタン州Chanderiyaに建設中の年産17万トンの第2製錬所は、予定の期日より早く稼働する見通しだ。
◆HZL's second smelter to be commissioned soon
【Udaipur】Hindustan Zinc second smelter at Chanderiya, Rajasthan is supposed to be commissioned ahead of schedule as the 1,70,000 TPA (tonnes per annum) smelter is being constructed at full swing.
2007-09-26 ArtNo.40057(199/274)
【ジャランダール】英国在住インド人Lord Swraj Paul氏に率いられるCaparo groupはタミールナド州Sriperumbudurの125エーカーの土地に設けるCaparo工業コンプレックス内に750クロー(US$1.86億)を投じて製造拠点を設ける。
◆Caparo to set up manufacturing base in TN by investing Rs 750 cr
【Jalandhar】Caparo group, founded by UK-based NRI industrialist Lord Swraj Paul, is all set to establish a manufacturing base in the upcoming 125-acre Caparo industrial complex at Sriperumbudur in Tamil Nadu at a cost of Rs 750 crore.
2007-10-01 ArtNo.40061(200/274)
◆West Bengal sees steel companies comming in force
【Kolkata】West Bengal has emerged as a hot destination for the steel industry. More than Rs 100,000 crore worth investments are in the pipeline, leaving behind the mineral-rich state of Chhattisgarh.
金属/鉱物 Metallurgy/Mining in 2007