建設/不動産 Construction/Real Estate in 2009
【ニューデリー】Murli Deora石油天然ガス相はこのほど、国営石油会社各社のトップ(CEO)と会談、天然ガスに1mmbtu(million metric British thermal unit)当たり20ルピーを課し、年間およそ3000クロー(US$6.384億)の税収を確保、全国天然ガス・ハイウェイ・ネットワーク(NGHN:National Gas Highway Network)の建設費に充当する可能性を協議した。政府はNGHNプロジェクトを推進する専門機関を設ける可能性も検討している。
◆Centre mulling cess on natural gas to build national gas highways
【New Delhi】Petroleum minister Murli Deora discussed the idea of levy of $0.20 per million British thermal unit as cess on natural gas to mop up Rs 3,000 crore annually for laying down the gas pipeline network with CEOs of state-run firms. The government may set up an apex implementation agency, which will lay natural gas pipelines along the national highways.
2009-06-12 ArtNo.42327(52/107)
◆Clinton Foundation、グジャラート州にソーラ・パーク建設
【アーマダバード】Clinton Foundationはグジャラート州に3000~5000MW(メガワット)の世界的にも最大規模のソーラ・パークを開発する計画で、来週中にも州政府と関係覚書を取り交わす見通しだ。
◆Clinton Foundation to set up world's largest solar park in Gujarat
【Ahmedabad】The Clinton Foundation is keen on signing an MoU to set up the world's largest 3,000-5,000 Mw solar park in Gujarat anytime next week.
2009-06-16 ArtNo.42333(53/107)
◆Demand for cement tapers off in May
【Mumbai】The robust growth in cement production and despatches of about 50 companies have tapered off in May on a sequential basis due to the general elections and distribution constrains on the back of logistics problems.
2009-06-19 ArtNo.42346(54/107)
◆Noida land prices up over 200 times in 20 yrs
【New Delhi】Property prices at Noida in Uttar Pradesh have skyrocketed more than 200 times in the past two decades.
2009-06-23 ArtNo.42356(55/107)
【ムンバイ】地場大手インフラ開発業者は、マハラシュトラ州Mumbaiに国内最高層の住宅商業複合ビルを建設する計画に挙って入札する。これらの企業には①Tata Realty Infrastructure/②Reliance Infrastructure/③Akruti City/④IL&FS Transportation Networks/⑤Shapoorji Pallonji/金融サービス業者⑥Indiabulls groupが名を連ねている。
◆Major infra cos in fray to develop tallest building
【Mumbai】Tata Realty Infrastructure, Reliance Infrastructure, Akruti City, IL&FS Transportation Networks, Shapoorji Pallonji and financial services provider Indiabulls group are in the fray to develop India's tallest residential-cum-commercial tower in Mumbai.
【孟买】印度主要的基础设施公司包括塔塔实业基础设施公司,瑞莱恩斯基础设施公司,Akruti City,基础设施租赁和融资服务交通网公司,沙普基.拜伦基公司以及金融服务供应商印度公牛集团公司都准备投标在孟买兴建国内最高层住宅与商业复合大厦项目。
2009-06-26 ArtNo.42365(56/107)
【ニューデリー】インド政府はインフラストラクチャー開発プロジェクトを加速する狙いから入札規則に大幅な修正を加えた。大蔵省は20日、公共民間協力(PPP:public-private partnership)方式により進められるインフラストラクチャー開発プロジェクトの入札資格審査申請(RFQ:Request For Qualification)新ガイドラインを発表した。
◆New PPP norms to boost infra projects
【New Delhi】The government on June 20 brought about a major revamp the way infrastructure projects are bid out to private players through issuing revised guidelines for request for qualification (RFQ) of bidders for public-private partnership (PPP) projects.
2009-06-30 ArtNo.42381(57/107)
【バンガロール】カルナタカ州政府は6月25日に催された閣議の席上、国営ガス供給会社GAIL (India) Ltdと州政府の間で結ばれたマハラシュトラ州Dabhol/カルナタカ州Bangalore間と、ケララ州Kochi/ケララ州Kozhikode/カルナタカ州Bangalore/カルナタカ州Mangalore間を結ぶ、総投資額7500クロー(US$15.96億)の、2本のガス・パイプライン・プロジェクトを承認した。
◆GAIL to lay 2 pipelines at an investment of $1.6 bn
【Bangalore】The Karnataka State Cabinet on June 25 approved the Rs. 7,500-crore ($1.596bn) investment agreement signed between GAIL (India) Ltd and the Government for laying gas pipelines between Dabhol and Bangalore, and Kochi-Kozhikode-Bangalore- Mangalore.
2009-07-03 ArtNo.42391(58/107)
◆Core infrastructure sector grows 2.8% in May
【New Delhi】Growth in six core infrastructure industries dropped to 2.8 per cent in May 2009 against against 3.1 per cent in the same month last year. However the production improved in cement, coal and electricity.
2009-07-03 ArtNo.42395(59/107)
【ニューデリー】インド全国幹線道路局(NHAI:National Highways Authority of India)が募集した全国幹線道路開発計画(NHDP:National Highways Development Programme)下の35件、総見積もりコスト3万9000クロー(US$82.99億)のプロジェクト入札に1件平均15社以上が応札した。昨年は60件、総額6万クロー(US$127.68億)のプロジェクト中僅か13件に応札があり、しかもかなりのプロジェクトにたった1社が応札した。
◆New NHDP projects attract many bidders
【New Delhi】The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has got an average of over 15 bidders for each of 35 new projects worth Rs 39,000 crore under the National Highways Development Programme (NHDP). Last year, of the 60 projects worth Rs 60,000 crore that were up for bid, only 13 could attract any. Many projects did not attract even one bid.
2009-07-10 ArtNo.42415(60/107)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、銀行や他の金融機関が懐妊期間の長いインフラ開発プロジェクトに積極的に融資するよう、2009-10年度予算案の国会上程に際して『テイクアウト・ファイナンシング(takeout financing)』と称する新金融手段を導入することを提案した。
◆Takeout financing to accelerate infrastructure projects
【New Delhi】The Indian government has announced the 'takeout financing scheme' in budget 2009-10 to encourage banks and other commercial lending institutions to advance more loans towards infrastructure projects having a long gestation period.
2009-07-14 ArtNo.42427(61/107)
【ニューデリー】インド政府はインフラストラクチャー開発を加速するための主要施策の1つとして11日、Manmohan Singh首相を長とする『内閣インフラ事業委員会(CCI:Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure)』を組織した。CCIは、計画委員会(Planning Commission)が過去3年間に築いたインフラ領域における権限を全て引き継ぐ。
◆Cabinet Committee on Infra constituted
【New Delhi】In a bid to give a major thrust to infrastructure development, the government on July 11 constituted the Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure (CCI) under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. CCI has snatched away the power that the Planning Commission had acquired during the last three years over the infrastructure sector.
【新德里】印度政府为了加速基础设施的发展,7月11日组织曼莫汉・辛格总理为首的内阁基础设施事务委员会 (CCI)。今后CCI代替计划委员会掌握基础设施领域的权限。这个权限是计划委员会过去3年来逐步构筑来的。
2009-07-14 ArtNo.42432(62/107)
【ブーバネスワル】オリッサ州政府所有のIndustrial Infrastructure Development Corp (IDCO)はInfrastructure Leasing & Financial Services (IL&FS)と協力してオリッサ州Bhubaneswarの1万エーカーの土地に情報技術(IT)投資地域(ITIR)を開発するための事業化調査報告書を間もなく政府に提出する。
◆Orissa to set up IT investment region in Bhubaneswar
【Bhubaneswar】The Orissa state-owned Industrial Infrastructure Development Corp (IDCO) and the Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services (IL&FS) have conducted a study to set up an IT investment region (ITIR) in Bhubaneswar in an area of 10,000 acres and the report would be submitted to the government soon.
2009-07-21 ArtNo.42452(63/107)
◆Demand for office space up 65% in April-June quarter
【New Delhi】Reflecting the improved economic sentiment and confidence of the corporate sector, the demand for office space in the April-June quarter increased by 65 per cent to 5.66 million sq ft compared to the previous quarter.
2009-07-24 ArtNo.42461(64/107)
◆Core sector grows 6.5%, signalling recovery
【New Delhi】Riding double-digit growth in cement and coal output, the index of six core infrastructure industries posted a growth rate of 6.5 per cent in June, the highest in 16 months, as against 2.8 per cent in the previous month and 5.1 per cent a year earlier, signalling early economic recovery.
【新德里】随着水泥和煤炭的产量记录了两位数字的成长,今年6月的6个骨干基础设施产业指数成长率超越了上月的2.8%和去年同一期的 5.1%,达到过去16个月来最高的6.5%,显示经济复苏的征兆。
2009-07-28 ArtNo.42474(65/107)
◆Reliance Infra、セメント/空港事業に注力
【ムンバイ】Anil Ambaniグループ(ADAG)傘下のReliance Infrastructure Ltd(RIFL)は、幹線道路プロジェクトに積極的に入札する以外に、向こう5年間にトップ5のセメント・メーカーに成ることを目指す。また空港の拡張・保守工事を積極的に請け負う計画だ。
◆Reliance Infra bullish on cement, airport biz
【Mumbai】Anil Ambani Group company Reliance Infrastructure is planning to be among the top five cement players in the country within the next five years and also to undertake airport upgradation and maintenance business in the country, apart from bidding actively for major highways projects.
2009-07-31 ArtNo.42487(66/107)
【ニューデリー】中央政府の財政支出はほとんど極限に達しているが、Pranab Mukherjee蔵相は、2009-10年度が極めて困難な年であることから、27日に国会下院を通過した新年度予算案に、産業界と個人のために、経済成長加速に照準を合わせたさらにいくつかの奨励措置を盛り込んだ。
◆FM offers realty more sops
【New Delhi】Although the Centre had reached the limit of fiscal expansion, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, who admitted that 2009-10 is an "extremely difficult year", introduced a few more concessions for industry and consumers in the Finance Bill with a firm focus on providing a further boost to economic activity.
2009-07-31 ArtNo.42489(67/107)
◆Mall vacancy increases to 19% in Q2 of 2009
【New Delhi】Mall vacancy increased to 19% in the second quarter of the calendar 2009 from 10% during the first quarter because of slowdown in uptake of mall space and churn amongst the existing clients.
2009-08-11 ArtNo.42521(68/107)
【チェンナイ】カルナタカ州政府は、原子力発電所や港湾、さらには高速鉄道リンクも備えた全長300キロの『鉄鋼産業コリドー(steel corridor)』の開発を計画、これを梃子に2万クロー(US$40.98億)の鉄鋼プロジェクト誘致を目指している。
◆Karnataka plans 300-km steel corridor
【Chennai】The Karnataka government plans to develop a 300-km 'steel corridor' with a nuclear power plant, a port and high-speed train connectivity to attract investment worth Rs 20,000 crore ($4.098bn) from the steel majors.
2009-08-11 ArtNo.42530(69/107)
【ニューデリー】最大の友党、草の根会議派(TC:Trinamool Congress)の反対に遭い、国民会議派に率いられる統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政権は6日、『2009年土地収用法修正案(Land Acquisition Amendment Bill 2009)』と『全国更生再定住法案(National Rehabilitation & Resettlement Bill)』の国会上程を見合わせた。政府は、国会下院に上程するためこの日早朝、一旦国会議員全員に配布した土地収用法修正案のコピーを慌てて回収した。
◆Govt defers Land Acquisition Bill
【New Delhi】Facing objection form its largest ally, the Trinamool Congress, the Congress-led UPA government on August 6 decided to defer introduction of the controversial Land Acquisition (Amendment) Bill 2009 and the Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill. The government scrambled to withdraw a copy of the final land Bill that it circulated to MPs the morning of the day ahead of introducing it in the Lok Sabha.
【新德里】面对最大的盟友基层国大党的反对,印度国民大会党为首的联合进步同盟政府8月6日决定把 2009年土地征用修正法案和恢复原状和重新安置移民法案延期提出国会。政府匆忙地收回该日早上分配国会议员的土地征用修正法案的副本。
2009-08-14 ArtNo.42536(70/107)
◆India seeks $10-bn FDI for road projects
【New Delhi】The Indian government, which aims to attract foreign direct investment of about $10 billion for the roads sector in the next two years, held a road show in Zurich, Switzerland, Tuesday, to seek investors for 135 road projects with an estimated cost of $20.68 billion.
2009-08-21 ArtNo.42559(71/107)
◆Guidelines for use of green-tech in SEZs to be prepared
【New Delhi】The ministry of commerce and industry is drawing up guidelines for use of equipment using renewable energy sources like solar power in Special Economic Zones (SEZs), paving the way for use of green-technology as mandatory in SEZs.
2009-08-21 ArtNo.42562(72/107)
◆58 road projects worth $3.96bn to be awarded soon
【New Delhi】The road transport and highways ministry will award 58 projects worth Rs 19,000 crore ($3.96bn) for building over 7,000 km roads in various states either by itself or through the respective state governments over a period of one year.
2009-08-25 ArtNo.42569(73/107)
【ロータク】ハリヤナ州政府は、3件、総額4000クロー(US$8.33億)の自動車関連計画を相次いで承認した。これにより、同州にアジア最大の自動車工業区(automobile district)が誕生する見通しだ。スズキは現地子会社Maruti Suzuki India Ltd (MSIL)を通じ6~7年内に1500クロー(US$3.125億)を投じ、ハリヤナ州Rohtakに研究開発(R&D)ハブを設ける。
◆Haryana to develop Asia's largest automobile district
【Rohtak】The Haryana State Government has recently approved three projects at an investment of Rs 4,000 crore ($833.3m) that will build Asia's largest automobile district. Japanese auto giant Suzukiwill invest up to Rs 1,500 crore ($312.5m) in the next 6-7 years through its subsidiary Maruti Suzuki India for setting up a research and development (R&D) centre at Rohtak in Haryana by 2015.
2009-08-25 ArtNo.42574(74/107)
【ブーバネスワル】国営National Aluminium Company (Nalco)は、州営Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation of Orissa (Idco)と手を組みオリッサ州Angul県にアルミニウム・パークを開発する。
◆Nalco, Idco jointly to set up aluminium park
【Bhubaneswar】The proposed aluminium park at Angul in Orissa will be set up jointly by the public sector National Aluminium Company (Nalco) and the state owned Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation of Orissa (Idco).
2009-08-28 ArtNo.42582(75/107)
◆Infrastructure sector growth slumps to 1.8% in July
【New Delhi】The index of six core industries grew 1.8 per cent in July, the lowest in the past five months, and significantly behind a 6.8 per cent growth in June and 5.1 per cent in July last year.
2009-08-28 ArtNo.42583(76/107)
【チャンディガル】ハリヤナ州工業インフラ開発公社(HSIIDC:Haryana State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation)とインド貨物専用鉄道会社(DFCCIL:The Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Ltd)は、デリー・ムンバイ産業大動脈(Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor)内に多目的ロジスティクス・パーク(MLP:multi-logistic park)を開発する。両社はこのほど関係覚書を交換した。
◆HSIIDC, DFCCIL jointly to set up a multi-logistic park
【Chandigarh】Haryana state industrial and infrastructure development corporation (HSIIDC) and Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited (DFCCIL) jointly develop a multi-logistic park along the Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor. The both have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for it.
2009-08-28 ArtNo.42584(77/107)
【ボーパール】マドヤプラデシュ倉庫ロジスティクス公社(MPWLC:Madhya Pradesh Warehousing and Logistics Corporation)はマドヤプラデシュ州農産品販売局(MPSAMB:Madhya Pradesh State Agricultural Marketing Board)と共同で同州Hoshangabad県Pawarkhedaに国内最大規模の総合的州営ロジスティクス・ハブを開発している。
◆MP to develop country's largest integrated logistics park
【Bhopal】Madhya Pradesh Warehousing and Logistics Corporation is developing what could be termed as the country's first state-developed integrated logistics hub at Pawarkheda in Hoshangabad district by tieing up with Madhya Pradesh State Agricultural Marketing Board.
2009-08-28 ArtNo.42585(78/107)
◆Patil Rail、デリー空港地下鉄工事契約獲得
【ニューデリー】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点のPatil Rail Infrastructure Pvt Ltd (PRIL)は、インド初の高速無道床軌道(high-speed ballastless track)の建設契約を獲得した。
◆Patil Rail bags order from Delhi Airport Metro Express
【New Delhi】Patil Rail Infrastructure Pvt Ltd (PRIL), a Hyderabad based railway track engineering company, has bagged the contract for building the first high-speed ballastless track in India.
2009-08-28 ArtNo.42587(79/107)
【ニューデリー】今週木曜、政府により再建された過去75年間一度も利益を上げたことのないHindustan Prefab Ltd (HPL)は、目下計画する6つのプレハブ工場に最先端の技術をもたらすグローバル合弁パートナーを物色している。
◆HPL plans JV with global giant, to open six plants
【New Delhi】Hindustan Prefab Ltd (HPL), which has never made a profit in 75 years and was rehabilitated by the government on Thursday, is planning to get into a joint venture with one of the global prefab giants who can bring in modern technology for 6 plants it is going to set up.
2009-09-01 ArtNo.42598(80/107)
【コルカタ】シンガポール拠点のインフラ開発業者Universal Success Enterprises Ltd(USEL)は、向こう10年間に西ベンガル州、グジャラート州、マハラシュトラ州に総額23万7000クロー(US$493.75億)を投資する計画だ。
◆Singapore co to invest $49.37bn with Salim
【Kolkata】Singapore-based infrastructure development company Universal Success Enterprises (USEL) has planned to invest Rs 2,37,000 crore ($49.37bn) in West Bengal, Gujarat and Maharashtra over the next 10 years.
2009-09-01 ArtNo.42599(81/107)
◆Bids to be invited for 3 mega road projects
【New Delhi】The government will invite bids by this year-end for three mega projects in which each project for building 500 km of road will be worth USD 1 billion.
2009-09-08 ArtNo.42623(82/107)
【ニューデリー】国営Food Corporation of India (FCI)は、2009-10年に必要とされる1260万トンの追加食糧貯蔵需要に応じるため、今月中にも倉庫建設入札を募集する。プロジェクトの投資額はおよそ5000クロー(US$10.42億)と見積もられる。
◆A bid for building 12.6m ton storage infra to be issued this month
【New Delhi】Food Corporation of India (FCI) is to issue a tender this month for the creation of additional storage capacity of 12.6 million tonnes of foodgrain in 2009-10 at an investment of about Rs 5,000-crore(US$1.04bn).
2009-09-11 ArtNo.42632(83/107)
◆Govt plans build 17,661 km of new expressways by 2022
【New Delhi】The Union road transport and highways ministry proposes to build 17,661 km of new expressways by 2022.
2009-09-11 ArtNo.42637(84/107)
【ハイデラバード】Infinity Infotech Parks Ltd(IIPL)は、200クロー(US$4167万)を投じて西ベンガル州Kolkataに半導体ハブを設ける計画に今年末までに着手する。
◆Construction of Kolkata semiconductor hub to be start by Dec
【Hyderabad】Infinity Infotech Parks Ltd plans to take up the work on the Rs 200-crore ($41.7m) semiconductor hub in Kolkata by the year end.
2009-09-22 ArtNo.42667(85/107)
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州Burdwan県Durgapurに国内初のエアロトロポリスを開発する計画の詳細プロジェクト報告書(DPR:detailed project report)は6ヶ月以内に完成する。
◆Bengal Aerotropolis project report in 6 months
【Kolkata】A detailed project report for the country's first aerotropolis in Durgapur, West Bengal will be ready in six months.
2009-09-29 ArtNo.42700(86/107)
◆Core infra sectors expand by 7.1 pc in August
【New Delhi】Showing a decisive recovery, core infrastructure industries grew by 7.1 per cent in August, as against 2.5 per cent in the previous month and 2.1 per cent during the same month last year.
2009-10-20 ArtNo.42761(87/107)
【ニューデリー】デリー・ムンバイ産業大動脈計画の事業主体を務めるDelhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation (DMICDC)は産業大動脈内や周辺における1ダース余りの先行プロジェクト(early bird projects)の入札を近く募集する。これによりいよいよ大動脈事業が稼働する見通しだ。
◆Bids for Industrial Corridor early bird projects soon to be invited
【New Delhi】The Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation (DMICDC) is set to invite bids for a dozen "early bird" projects, to come up along the corridor.
2009-10-20 ArtNo.42762(88/107)
【ニューデリー】黄金の四辺形(GQ:golden quadrilateral)幹線道路を6車線に拡幅するプロジェクトにより多くの民間投資を誘致するため、インド政府は開発業者に提供する補助金の額を2倍に拡大する方針を決めた。
◆Govt doubles funding for GQ highways project
【New Delhi】In order to attract private developers for six-laning of the ambitious golden quadrilateral (GQ) highways project through public-private partnership, the government has decided to double the grant given to the developer.
2009-10-23 ArtNo.42777(89/107)
◆Cement prices may drop in Oct-Mar: CMIE
【Mumbai】Cement prices are expected to weaken across cities in October-March 2009-10 on the back of highest-ever capacity addition by the industry in a single year.
2009-10-23 ArtNo.42778(90/107)
◆31m tonnes cement capacities to be added in second half
【Mumbai】Cement Companies are expected to commission additional capacities of nearly 31 million tonnes (across 33 projects) in the second half of this fiscal at an investment of Rs 7,963 crore($1.7b).
2009-10-23 ArtNo.42781(91/107)
【ニューデリー】インド貨物専用鉄道会社(DFCCIL:The Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Ltd)は、2018年までに公共民間協力(PPP:public-private partnership)方式に基づき貨物専用鉄道沿いに4つの『複合一貫ロジスティクス・ハブ(MMLH:multi-modal logistic hubs)』を開発する方針を決めた。
◆Four logistic hubs to dot freight corridors
【New Delhi】Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Ltd (DFCCIL) intends to develop four multi-modal logistic hubs via public-private partnership (PPP) model along the dedicated freight corridors, by 2018.
2009-10-27 ArtNo.42788(92/107)
【チェンナイ】神戸製鋼所傘下のコベルコ建機株式会社はアンドラプラデシュ州Nellore県Tadaに開発中の多品目特別経済区(multi-product Special Economic Zone)『Sri City』(タミールナド州Chennai北方55キロ)の内国税地域(DTZ:Domestic Tariff Zone)に油圧ショベル(hydraulic excavators)の製造工場を建設する。
◆Kobelco setting up a manufacturing facility in Sri City
【Chennai】Japanese major Kobelco Construction Machinery Co Ltd, part of the Kobe Steel Group, is setting up a manufacturing facility for hydraulic excavators at Sri City, the multi-product Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and Domestic Tariff Zone (DTZ) at Tada in Andhar Pradesh, 55 km North of Chennai.
◆神钢建机计划在Sri City兴建制造厂
【金奈】日本神户钢铁公司旗下的神钢建机株式会社计划在安德拉州内洛尔县Tada(从泰米尔纳德州金奈向北55公里)正在发展中的多元产品特区却国内税务区Sri City内设立液压挖掘机制造厂。
2009-10-30 ArtNo.42797(93/107)
【ニューデリー】計画委員会(Planning Commission)は12月の中期見直しにおいて第11次五カ年計画期間のインフラストラクチャー投資目標額を5140億米ドルから4200億~4500億米ドルに940億~640億米ドル下方修正する。これは主に幹線道路や港湾建設プロジェクト投資が大幅に減少した上、銀行の融資条件を満たす公共民間協力(PPP:public-private partnership)プロジェクトが極めて少ないため。しかしアナリストらは4200億~4500億米ドルにしても依然として到達し難い目標と評している。
◆Centre to scale down infra targets
【New Delhi】The Planning Commission's mid-term appraisal in December will revise the infrastructure investment target for the current Plan from the original $514 billion to $420-450 billion, which many analysts think would still be a tall order due to a sharp decline in highway and port sector investments, coupled with the absence of bankable public-private partnership (PPP) projects.
2009-10-30 ArtNo.42798(94/107)
◆Core sector growth dips to 4% in September
【New Delhi】Growth in core infrastructure sector dropped to 4 per cent in September, primarily due to lower coal and cement growth, after showing an upwardly revised expansion of 7.8 per cent in August.
2009-11-03 ArtNo.42816(95/107)
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州政府は10月29日、中央政府と、同州に『石油・化学・石油化学投資地域(PCPIR:proposed petroleum, chemical and petrochemical investment region)』を開発する計画の重要な一環を成す、待望の『Nayachara島化学ハブ計画』覚書に調印した。
◆Centre, Bengal govt ink chemical hub pact
【Kolkata】The Centre, on October 29, signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the West Bengal government for setting up the much-awaited chemical hub at Nayachara island, which is a critical component of the proposed petroleum, chemical and petrochemical investment region (PCPIR) in the state.
2009-11-06 ArtNo.42821(96/107)
◆Bullet train may link Bangalore, Chennai
【Bangalore】A bullet train may connect Chennai and Mysore via Bangalore. Japanese investors have shown a keen interest in introducing a bullet train and setting up a Japanese industrial park on a 1,000-acre land in Tumkur, Karnataka.
2009-11-10 ArtNo.42834(97/107)
◆Bid soon for 6 mega highway projects
【New Delhi】In the next four to six months, the surface transport ministry will be bidding out the first of the mega projects, comprising 400 km to 600 km of highways, that will entail an investment of Rs 5,000 crore or about $1 billion.
2009-11-10 ArtNo.42835(98/107)
【ニューデリー】民間開発業者のより積極的な参入を促すため幹線道路建設プロジェクト通行料徴収期間(concession period)の条件を既に緩和したインド全国幹線道路局(NHAI:National Highways Authority of India)は、幹線道路プロジェクト入札書類の利害関係条項(conflict of interest clause)についても協力者(associate)の定義を明確化することを通じ簡素化を図っている。また有限責任事業組合(LLP:Limited Liability Partnership)の導入を通じ資金調達に腐心する道路事業者に新たな金融手段を提供する可能性も検討している。
◆Easier norms for highway projects to lure private parties
【New Delhi】While the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has eased termination clause for the concession period to make highway projects more attractive for private developers, the conflict of interest clause in the bid documents for highway projects will be further simplified by clarifying the term 'associate' and the road, transport & highway ministry is also exploring a new funding mechanism for the cash-starved highways sector— roping in limited liability partnerships (LLPs) to invest in the sector.
2009-11-17 ArtNo.42859(99/107)
【ニューデリー】公共民間協力審査委員会(PPPAC:Public Private Partnership Appraisal Committee』は12日、8件合計1万883.89クロー(US$23.62億)の幹線道路プロジェクトと3件合計7700クロー(US$16.71億)の港湾開発プロジェクトを認可した。
◆Highway and port projects worth $4 bn get PPP clearance
【New Delhi】The Public Private Partnership Appraisal Committee on November 12 approved eight highway projects and three port projects entailing estimated costs of Rs 10,883.89 crore($2.36 bn) and. Rs 7,700 crore ($1.67 bn) respectively.
2009-11-17 ArtNo.42862(100/107)
【バンガロール】面積40平方キロの『バンガロール=バンガロール国際空港会社情報技術(IT)投資地域(Bangalore-BIAL IT Investment Region)』プロジェクトが6ヶ月以内に離陸する。
◆IT Investment Region to be ready in six months
【Bangalore】Bangalore-BIAL (Bangalore International Airport Ltd.) IT Investment Region (ITIR), covering 40 sq. km, will be "ready for occupation within six months".
建設/不動産 Construction/Real Estate in 2009