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建設/不動産 Construction/Real Estate in 2006
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元のページへ戻る ►2006-08-14 ArtNo.38253(101/155)
【ニューデリー】中核インフラ産業6業種(six core infrastructure ind-ustries:原油/石油精製/石炭/電力/セメント/鉄鋼完成品)の6月の成長率は電力/鉄鋼/セメントの成長鈍化から6.2%と、前年同月の8.3%を下回った。
◆June infrastructure growth rate down to 6.2 pc
【New Delhi】Slowdown in electricity generation as well as lower steel and cement production resulted in a fall in the overall infrastructure growth rate to 6.2 per cent in June 2006 compared to 8.3 per cent in the corresponding period of the previous fiscal but higher than 5.1 per cent in May this year.
◆基础设施骨干产业成长率钝化到 6.2%
【新德里】因为电力·钢铁·水泥的成长率钝化,所以今年6月的基础设施6个骨干产业(原油·石油提炼·石炭·电力·水泥·钢铁)成长率 6.2%比不上去年同一期的8.3%。
2006-08-14 ArtNo.38255(102/155)
【コルカタ】韓国の鉄鋼会社PoscoはParadipから約8キロのJatadhariに専用港を開発する計画で、オリッサ海岸地区管理局(OCZMA:Orissa Coastal Zone Management Authority)は、同計画に沿岸規制地区(CRZ:coastal regulation zone)許可の発行を推薦する方針を原則的に決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Local authority green signal for Posco port plan
【 Kolkata】The proposed captive port of Posco at Jatadhari, near Paradip has got a preliminary geen signal from the local authority.The Orissa Coastal Zone Management Authority has made provisional recommendation for according coastal regulation zone (CRZ) clearance to the project.
2006-08-18 ArtNo.38271(103/155)
【ニューデリー】国営重電機会社Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd(BHEL)は、ウッタルプラデシュ州電力局傘下の火力発電会社Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd(UPRVUNL)と、同州に500MW(メガワット)の発電施設を建設する請負契約を結んだ。(...続きを読む)
◆BHEL gets power plant contract from U.P. co
【NEW DELHI】The Indian government owned Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd has bagged an order to set up a 500 MW power plant in Uttar Pradesh from the state electricity board owned thermal power generation company, Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd.
【新德里】国营企业巴拉特重电公司从北方邦州电力局属下的火力发电公司Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd获得供应5亿瓦特发电机合约。
2006-08-18 ArtNo.38272(104/155)
【ニューデリー】NTPC Ltdはアルナチャルプラデシュ州Italinに2万クロー(US$42.735億)を投じ、4000MW(メガワット)の水力発電施設を設ける。
◆NTPC going to sign 4,000 Mw Arunachal hydel project
【New Delhi】NTPC Ltd set to sign it's biggest project to build a Rs 20,000-crore, 4,000 Mw hydel power station Italin in Arunachal Pradesh.
2006-08-25 ArtNo.38312(105/155)
◆Consul general of Japan upset over Kukrahati bridge deal
【Kolkata】Yoshikazu Takeuchi, consul general of Japan, regretted against West Bengal state government had decided to allot the work to construct the Raichak-Kukrahati bridge over Hooghly riverto Salim even while Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) was doing the feasibility study.
2006-08-25 ArtNo.38321(106/155)
【ニューデリー】Tataグループ傘下の国際電話会社Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd(VSNL)は、6億米ドルを投じ、2つの国際海底ケーブル・ネットワークをリンクする。
◆VSNL to build India, Europe cable link
【NEW DELHI/MUMBAI】Tatas-owned Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd(VSNL) set to invest up to $200m for a 9,000 km direct cable link between India and Europe via North Africa.
2006-08-30 ArtNo.38352(107/155)
【バンガロール】カルナタカ州政府は、情報技術(IT)メジャー、Tata Consultancy Services(TCS)が提案したIT及びIT対応サービス(ITES)領域における総投資額1150クロー(US$2.457億)の特別経済区(SEZ)プロジェクト4件を承認した。(...続きを読む)
◆K`taka approved TCS` 4 SEZs etc
【Bangalore】The Karnataka government on Monday approved IT major Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) proposed special economic zones(SEZs) projects at four locations in the state with a combined investment of Rs 1,150 crore in the IT / ITeS sector.
2006-09-01 ArtNo.38370(108/155)
◆PMO wants to speed up clearance to Singapore's SEZ
【New Delhi】The Prime Minister's Office (PMO) wants to set up a committee in order to speed up clearance to Singapore's economic zone.
2006-09-04 ArtNo.38372(109/155)
◆Security check for foreign investments at core sector to be tighten
【NEW DELHI】The government may introduce formalized scrutiny systems to trace investments originating not only from China but also Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka to critical infrastructure projects.
2006-09-06 ArtNo.38395(110/155)
◆Six consortia bid Hyderabad metro project
【NEW DELHI】As many as six business consortia have expressed their interests on Hyderabad's metro rail project and they are willing to finance the Rs 7,986 crore project.
2006-09-06 ArtNo.38400(111/155)
【ニューデリー】中核インフラ産業6業種(six core infrastructure ind-ustries:原油/石油精製/石炭/電力/セメント/鉄鋼完成品)の7月の成長率は9%と、昨年同月の2.3%に比べ顕著な加速を見た。(...続きを読む)
◆Infrastructure sector sees 9% surge in July
【New Delhi】The index of six core infrastructure industries - electricity, coal, steel, crude petroleum, petroleum refinery and cement - grew 9% in July compared with 2.3% in the same period last year.
2006-09-11 ArtNo.38410(112/155)
これらの企業にはReliance Industries、Tata Group、Anil Ambani Dirubhai Group、Essar、Larsen & Toubro (L&T)が名を連ねている。(...続きを読む)
◆25 cos are interested in developing ports
【Mumbai】In addition to the government and international port operators, over 25 local firms have evinced a keen interest in port projects worth Rs 20,000 crore in the country. These include Reliance Industries, Tata Group, Anil Ambani Dirubhai Group, Essar and Larsen & Toubro (L&T).
【孟买】除了公共企业和国际港口管理公司以外,25个本地大企业对总值2000亿卢比的发展港口项目表示很有兴趣。他们包括瑞莱恩斯工业,塔塔集团,阿尼尔·安巴尼·德鲁拜集团,埃萨集团和Larsen & Toubro。
2006-09-11 ArtNo.38412(113/155)
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州政府は6日、同州Haldiaに設けられる『石油・化学・石油化学投資地域(PCPIR:proposed Petroleum Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment Region)のアンカー投資家として正式にIndian Oil Corporation(IOC)を招致する方針を発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Bengal invites IOC as an anchor of its petrochem hub
【Kolkata】The West Bengal government has formally invited Indian Oil Corporation as an anchor investor in the proposed Petroleum Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment Region (PCPIR) at Haldia.
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38416(114/155)
【チェンナイ】Reliance-Anil Dhirubai Ambani Group(RADAG)のAnil Ambani会長は9日、タミールナド州の州都Chennaiにおける特別経済区(SEZ)の開発、1000MW(メガワット)の発電施設の建設、海水淡水化事業、情報技術(IT)パークの開発等に1万2000クロー(US$25.64億)を投資すると発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Anil Ambani plans US$2.56 bn capex in TN
【Chennai】The Anil Dhirubai Ambani Group plans to invest over Rs 12,000 crore to set up a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) which includes a 1,000 MW power plant and desalination project and IT park in the Tamil Nadu capital.
【金奈】瑞莱恩斯·阿尼尔·德鲁拜·安巴尼集团计划投资1200亿卢比在泰米尔纳德州金奈发展经济特区和信息科技公园。经济特区包括1,000 MW发电厂和海水脱盐厂。
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38417(115/155)
【アーマダバード】民間企業界が特別経済区(SEZ)ブームに沸き立つ中で、グジャラート州のKandla Port Trust(KPT)が、全国の港湾管理公社(Port Trust)の先頭を切って、投資額7300クロー(US$15.6億)、面積6000ha以上のSEZ開発計画を立案した。(...続きを読む)
◆Kandla Port to invest Rs 7,300 cr for developing SEZ
【AHMEDABAD】While Indian corporate world is in the boom of developing the special economic zone(SEZ), the Kandla Port Trust (KPT) plans to invest Rs 7,300 cr and develop a port-based SEZ over 6,000 hectares.
2006-09-15 ArtNo.38431(116/155)
【ニューデリー】三井物産はウッタルプラデシュ州Greater Noidaの100エーカー以上の土地に保税倉庫地区(free-trade warehousing zone)を設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆Mitsui to invest in Noida for warehousing zone
【New Delhi】Mitsui Co Ltd is about to set up a free-trade warehousing zone over 100 acres in Greater Noida.
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38452(117/155)
【コルカタ】非メトロ空港(non-metro airport)の改修工事入札が間もなく募集される。
◆Bid for the non-metro airports makeover to be invited soon
【KOLKATA】The bid for the non-metro airports makeover will be invited soon. The union ministry of civil aviation has already received 25 project reports for upgradation of the 35 non-metro airports.
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38453(118/155)
【ニューデリー】非メトロ空港(non-metro airport)の改良工事は、西ベンガル州Kolkataとタミールナド州Chennaiの2空港の再開発計画離陸後に繰り延べられそうな雲行きだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Plan panel asks to go slow on revamp of non-metro airports
【NEW DELHI】Modernisation of non-metro airports may have postponed with the government likely to implement this project only after plans for Kolkata and Chennai airports are finalised.
2006-09-22 ArtNo.38461(119/155)
【ニューデリー】Aditya Birlaグループの旗艦Hindalco Industries Ltd(HIL)はマドヤプラデシュ州Sidhi県Bargawan村に2万クロー(US$42.735億)以上を投じアルミニウム・ビジネスに特化した特別経済区(SEZ)を開発する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Hindalco to set up an aluminum specific SEZ in Madhya Pradesh
【New Delhi】Hindalco Industries Ltd, the flagship company of the Aditya Birla group, plans to invest more than Rs 20,000 crore and set up an aluminum specific special economic zone at Village Bargawan in Sidhi district of Madhya Pradesh.
2006-09-22 ArtNo.38465(120/155)
【ムンバイ】海外における企業買収を積極的に進め、Daewoo Electronicsにも王手をかけた地元家電会社Videoconは、国内でもマハラシュトラ州/西ベンガル州/グジャラート州/カルナタカ州に9つ、合計1万2000エーカー以上の特別経済区(SEZ)を開発する計画を発表、積極的に事業を展開している。(...続きを読む)
◆Videocon to set up nine special economic zones
【Mumbai】The Indian consumer electronics giant Videocon who is already within striking distance of the largest overseas acquisition by an Indian company, is setting up nine special economic zones (SEZs) in Maharashtra, West Bengal, Gujarat and Karnataka with a total area of over 12,000 acres.
2006-09-25 ArtNo.38485(121/155)
【ニューデリー】シンガポール拠点の不動産開発業者Ascendas Pte Ltd(APL)は10億米ドルを投じ、タミールナド州に2つの多目的(multi-product)特別経済区(SEZ)を開発する。(...続きを読む)
◆Singapore co invests $1bn to develop 2 SEZs
【NEW DELHI】Ascendas Pte Ltd, Singapore-based property developer, has proposed to develop two multi-product special economic zones (SEZs) in Tamil Nadu with investment of $1bn.
2006-09-29 ArtNo.38505(122/155)
【コルカタ】Indian Oil Corporation Ltd(IOC)は27日、西ベンガル州政府傘下の西ベンガル工業開発公社(WBIDC:West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation)と、同州Haldiaに設けられる『石油・化学・石油化学投資地域(PCPIR:Petroleum, Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment Regions)』のアンカー投資家を務めることに関する覚書を交換した。
◆IOC to invest Rs 15,000-crore for chemical hub in Haldia
【Kolkata】Indian Oil Corporation Ltd on Wednesday signed a memorandum of agreement (MoA) with the West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation (WBIDC) to be the anchor investor in the proposed Petroleum, Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment Regions in Haldia. IOC is likely to invest Rs 15,000 crore in the next five to eight years as the anchor investor.
2006-09-29 ArtNo.38510(123/155)
【ニューデリー】マドヤプラデシュ州政府はアンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点のセメント会社Sanghi Industries Ltd(SIL)の総コスト8000クロー(US$17.094億)のセメント/発電複合プロジェクトを承認した。(...続きを読む)
◆Sanghi invests Rs 8,000 crore to build power and cement plants in MP
【New Delhi】The MP government has given in-principle clearance to the Rs 8,000 crore investment proposal of Hyderabad-based cement manufacturer, Sanghi Industries Ltd who plans to set up a cement plant and power plants.
【新德里】中央邦州政府原则上同意Sanghi Industries有限公司(以安德拉帮州海德拉巴基地的水泥公司)投资800亿卢比而兴建水泥厂和发电厂。
2006-10-02 ArtNo.38518(124/155)
◆Q1 GDP growth 8.9 p.c.
【New Delhi】Backed by a strong showing in manufacturing, the country's gross domestic product (GDP) grew 8.9 per cent in the first quarter of the current fiscal, compared with 8.5 per cent recorded in the same period last year. It is the highest first-quarter growth rate since 2000-01.
【新德里】在制造业坚强表现的支援下,第一季的国内生产成长了8.9%,不但超过去年同一期的8.5%,而且 2000-01年以来的最高记录。
2006-10-02 ArtNo.38519(125/155)
【ニューデリー】インド政府はPosco India Private Ltd(PIPL)がオリッサ州Jagatsinghpur県に5万3000クロー(US$113.25億)を投じて多目的(multi-product)特別経済区(SEZ)を開発することを原則的に承認した。
◆Posco, 30 other SEZs get nod, 18 formally, 13 in-principle
【New Delhi】Posco's proposal to set up a mega Special Economic Zone in Jagatsinghpur district of Orissa with an investment of Rs 53,000 crore was cleared in-principle by the Board of Approvals. However, the Tatas' proposal for a multi-product SEZ at Gopalpur district in the state was suspended because of the home ministry's security concerns.
2006-10-06 ArtNo.38532(126/155)
一方、三菱自動車はグジャラート州内の深水港にインド初の自動車ターミナル(car terminal)を設けるため用地を物色している。(...続きを読む)
◆India may have auto port, Mitsubishi seeks it for car trade
【Mumbai】A group of Japanese companies has approached the Centre to provide them with a dedicated automobile port in western India. Meanwhile, Mitsubishi Motors is scouting for a deep water port to set up the country's first car terminal in Gujarat.
2006-10-09 ArtNo.38548(127/155)
【ニューデリー】中核インフラ産業6業種(six core infrastructure ind-ustries:原油/石油精製/石炭/電力/セメント/鉄鋼完成品)の8月の成長率は5.5%と、昨年同月の5.8%、前月の9%に比べ鈍化した。(...続きを読む)
◆Infrastructure growth rate dips to 5.5% in Aug
【NEW DELHI】Six infrastructure industries, including crude petroleum, petroleum refinery products, coal, cement, finished (carbon) steel and electricity, registered a 5.5% growth in August this year, lower than the 5.8% growth achieved in the corresponding month last year and the 9% in the previous month.
◆8月份的骨干基础设施产业成长率下降到 5.5%
2006-10-09 ArtNo.38549(128/155)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は5日、5700キロの黄金の四辺形(GQ:Golden Quadrilateral)プロジェクトを含む、総コスト4万1210クロー(US$88.055億)、全長6500キロ、6車線のナショナル・ハイウェイ(NH:National Highways)計画を承認した。(...続きを読む)
◆Cabinet nods six-laning of 6,500 km highways
【New Delhi】The Cabinet Committee has approved six-laning of 6,500 km of National Highways (NH), including 5,700 km of Golden Quadrilateral (GQ), at a cost of Rs 41,210 crore.
2006-10-09 ArtNo.38557(129/155)
【ムンバイ】アンドラプラデシュ州Krishnapatnamにおける4000MWのウルトラ・メガ発電プロジェクト(UMPP:Ultra Mega Power Project)には日本を含む諸外国や地元の企業が単独もしくは他社と共同で17件の入札資格審査(RFQ:Request For Qualification)書類を提出した。(...続きを読む)
◆Foreign and local cos bid Ultra Mega Power Project in AP
【MUMBAI】The Power Finance Corporation(PFC) has received 17 requests for qualification (RFQ) from foreign and local companies for the bidding of the 4,000 mw Krishnapatnam Ultra Mega Power Project in Andhra Pradesh.
【孟买】当作超级大型发电计划中心机构(nodal agency)的国营电力金融公司从内外企业接到Krishnapatnam超级大型发电计划的17套投标资格审查书。
2006-10-09 ArtNo.38558(130/155)
【ニューデリー】国営石油ガス探査会社Oil & Natural Gas Corporation(ONGC)はアンドラプラデシュ州Kakinadaにおける総額9000クロー(US$19.23億)の特別経済区(SEZ)プロジェクトと年間原油処理能力750万トンの輸出志向型石油精製プロジェクトから撤収する方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆ONGC pulls out of SEZ and refinery projects in AP
【NEW DELHI】Mangalore Refineries & Petrochemicals Ltd (MRPL), Oil & Natural Gas Corporation's refining subsidiary, has decided to exit from the Rs 9,000 crore twin projects - a SEZ project and the 7.5 mtpa export-oriented refinery project - in Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh.
2006-10-13 ArtNo.38563(131/155)
【ムンバイ】Mukesh Ambani氏に率いられるReliance Groupは『Navi Mumbai SEZ』事業の一環としてスエズ運河と同じ、従ってJawaharlal Nehru Port (JNPT)の2倍の水深を備えた国内最大の港湾『Rewas Port』を開発する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Reliance to develop India's biggest port
【MUMBAI】The Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Group plans to develop India's largest port 'Rewas' as part of its Navi Mumbai SEZ, which would have same draft as of Suez Canal and almost double that of the deepest JNPT Port in the country.
【孟买】穆凯什·德鲁拜·安巴尼先生领导的瑞莱恩集团作为新孟买经济特别区计划的一环准备发展国内最大的港口『Rewas Port』。这个港口的水深跟苏伊士运河一样,换句话说国内最深的孟买新港的两倍。
2006-10-13 ArtNo.38574(132/155)
◆Home ministry protest againsts Assam SEZ proposal
【NEW DELHI】A proposal to develop special economic zone(SEZ) in Assam, the first proposal for an SEZ in the north-east, has hit a roadblock, with the home minister objecting it on security grounds. It could set a bad precedent for SEZ proposals in border areas.
2006-10-16 ArtNo.38586(133/155)
【ブーバネスワル】年商10億米ドルのWelspun Groupメンバー企業、Welspun Power and Steel Ltd(WPSL)およびWelspun Anjar SEZ Ltd(WASL)は11日、オリッサ州政府とそれぞれ年産300万トンの鋼材/鋼管プラントの建設と繊維産業パークの開発に関わる総投資額6403.80クロー(US$13.68億)のプロジェクト覚書を交換した。(...続きを読む)
◆Welspun invests Rs 6,400 cr in steel and textile businesses in Orissa
【Bhubaneswar】Welspun Power and Steel Ltd and Welspun Anjar SEZ Ltd, two parts of the $1 billion Welspun Group, today signed memoranda of understanding with the Orissa government separately; the former is setting up a 3 million tonne steel and pipe plant and the latter is going to develop an integrated textile park in the state.
【布巴内斯瓦尔】年售额10亿美元的印度Welspun集团拥有的Welspun钢铁和能源公司和Welspun Anjar SEZ有限公司今天签署备忘录。有关备忘录下,前者兴建年产300万吨的钢铁和钢管厂,后者发展综合性的纺织经济特区。
2006-10-18 ArtNo.38597(134/155)
◆Govt. sets up a SEZ for renewable energy device manufacturers
【Mumbai】The Union government plans to invest Rs 30 billion in setting up a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) for renewable energy device manufacturers.
2006-10-23 ArtNo.38616(135/155)
【ニューデリー】インド政府はNoida-Greater Noida高速道路沿線のセクター99を、内外の著名ファッション・デザイナーのアウトレットが軒を連ねるファッション・マートとして開発する計画で、Noidaは遠からずファッション・ワールドのホット・スポットになる見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Noida soon to becom one-stop fashion hub
【NEW DELHI】Authority is developping Sector-99 on the Noida-Greater Noida Expressway as fashion-mart where renowned fashion designers will have their outlets so that Noida will very soon emerge as a hot-spot on the map of fashion world.
2006-10-27 ArtNo.38641(136/155)
【ムンバイ】Lotte India Corporation Ltd(LICL:旧社名Parrys Confectionery)はタミールナド州Chennai郊外の21.52エーカーの土地を買収した。(...続きを読む)
◆Lotte bought land in Chennai
【MUMBAI】Lotte India Corporation Ltd, formerly known as Parrys Confectionery, acquired 21.52 acres on the outskirts of Chennai.
【孟买】乐天印度有限公司,原名为Parrys Confectionery,在泰米尔纳德州金奈附近购买2152英亩的地产。
2006-10-30 ArtNo.38642(137/155)
【ニューデリー】Indian Railways(IR)は25日、民間部門が鉄道の軌道、車両、コンテナ・デポ、その他の鉄道関連基礎施設に投資・所有することを認める政府の政策を確認した。
◆The policy allows Pvt investment, FDI in rail-related infrastructure
【New Delhi】Indian Railways(IR) on October 25 said that the Government allows private sector investment and ownership in rail track, rolling stock, container depots and any other infrastructure related to a railway system, which are not train operations.
2006-10-30 ArtNo.38652(138/155)
【ニューデリー】米国を拠点にする年商270億米ドルのE.I. du Pont de Nemours and Companyの完全出資子会社DuPont Indiaは26日、『2006年インド建設関連会議・展示会(Interbuild India 2006 conference and exhibition)』の席上、同社の新ビジネス・イニシアチブ『デュポン・ビルディング・イノベーションズ(DuPont Building Innovations)』を発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆DuPont offers integrated building solutions
【NEW DELHI】DuPont India, the fully-owned subsidiary of the U.S.-based $27-billion E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, on October 26 announced the launch of its new business initiative, DuPont Building Innovations at Interbuild India 2006 conference and exhibition.
2006-11-03 ArtNo.38654(139/155)
【コルカタ】このほど日本政府の招きで訪日、帰国の途次シンガポールも訪れた西ベンガル工業開発公社(WBIDC:West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation)代表チームによると、日本投資家は西ベンガル州を含むインドに製造拠点を設けることに関心を高めており、またシンガポール企業は西ベンガル州のインフラ開発事業への参画に関心を表明した。(...続きを読む)
◆Japan, Singapore keen to invest in West Bengal
【Kolkata】Just back from a visit to Japan and Singapore as head of the West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation team, the State Commerce & Industries Minister, Mr Nirupam Sen said that Japanese companies were keen to set up manufacturing projects in India, including West Bengal. He said fruitful talks were also held with Singapore public and private companies for participation in possible infrastructure projects in the State.
【加尔各答】最近率领西孟加拉邦工业发展公司代表团到日本和新加坡访问7天的西孟加拉邦政府工商部长Nirupam Sen先生说,日本企业很有兴趣在印度包括西孟加拉邦设立制造据点。他们也在新加坡跟公共和民间企业代表举行有益的谈话包括后者在西孟加拉邦投资发展基础设施项目。
2006-11-03 ArtNo.38656(140/155)
◆The list of authorised activities in SEZs has been notified
【NEW DELHI】Following the wake of criticism that Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are becoming a real-estate business, the Indian government on October 27 notified the list of authorised activities, related to social infrastructure in the zones.
2006-11-08 ArtNo.38678(141/155)
◆Core sector grows 9.9% in Sept
【NEW DELHI】Production in the six core infrastructure industries which have a combined weight of 26.7 per cent in the index of industrial production, during September increased to 9.9 per cent, compared with 6.3 per cent in the same period last year, on account of a turnaround in the crude petroleum and electricity sectors, notwithstanding a slowdown in the production of coal and finished steel.
2006-11-08 ArtNo.38679(142/155)
【ムンバイ】Shipping Corporation of India、Container Corporation of India(Concor)、Central Warehousing Corporation(CWC)等、インドのトップ海運/ロジスティクス公共企業は、Dubai PortsやPort of Singapore Authority(PSA)等の国際港湾会社に対抗するため、コンソーシアムを組織し、見積もりコスト5000クロー(US$11.11億)のJawaharlal Nehru Port Trust(JNPT)第4ターミナル・プロジェクトに入札する準備を整えている。(...続きを読む)
◆Mega Public cos' alliance to bid for JNPT 4th terminal project
【Mumbai】Public sector majors like State-owned Shipping Corporation of India, Container Corporation of India (Concor) and Central Warehousing Corporation are in the process to jointly bid for the Rs 5,000 crore fourth terminal project at Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust as part of their strategy to take on international port operators like Dubai Ports and the Port of Singapore Authority.
2006-11-15 ArtNo.38719(143/155)
【ニューデリー】連邦直轄地Delhiとアンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadの国際空港近代化計画を請け負った2コンソーシアムを率いるGMR groupは、ハイデラバードに航空産業特別経済区(SEZ)を設けることを計画している。(...続きを読む)
◆GMR to set up an aviation SEZ in Hyderabad
【NEW DELHI】GMR which has led the consortium modernising Delhi and Hyderabad international airport is planning to set up an aviation special economic zones (SEZ) in Hyderabad.
2006-11-20 ArtNo.38734(144/155)
【ハイデラバード】商工省は15日、情報技術特別経済区(IT-SEZ)プロジェクトの激増に鑑み、最早プロジェクト申請に対する『原則認可(in-principle approval)』は行わない方針を決めたと発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆No more in-principle approvals to IT SEZs
【HYDERABAD】Union commerce ministry on November 15 announced that in view of the proliferation of proposals for setting up IT SEZs, the ministry had decided not to give any in-principle approvals to IT SEZs.
2006-11-20 ArtNo.38735(145/155)
【ニューデリー】石油/化学/石油化学投資地域(PCPIR:petroleum, chemicals and petrochemicals investment regions)専門委員会(task force)は、ケララ州Kochi/西ベンガル州Haldia/カルナタカ州Mangalore/オリッサ州Paradip/ハリヤナ州Panipat/グジャラート州Dahej/アンドラプラデシュ州Visakhapatnam(Vizag)をPCPIRの候補地としてリストアップしたが、最近の閣僚グループ(GOM:group of ministers)会議の席上、アンドラプラデシュ州のKakinadaを追加することが提案された。(...続きを読む)
◆Kakinada chosen as the 8th petrochem investment region
【NEW DELHI】While the Task Force on Petroleum, Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment Regions has identified Kochi in Kerala, Haldia in West Bengal, Mangalore in Karnataka, Paradip in Orissa,Panipat in Haryana, Dahej i Gujarat and Visakhapatnam(Vizag) in Andhra Pradesh for setting up of petrochemical hubs, the government has mooted an additional location, Kakinada in Andhra Pradesh where such a complex can be set up.
2006-11-24 ArtNo.38760(146/155)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Visakhapatnam(Vizag)に9200エーカーの特別経済区(SEZ)を設ける計画にReliance Industries Ltd(RIL)やAditya Birla Group(ABG)を初めとする多くの大手企業が関心を寄せている。(...続きを読む)
◆Vizag SEZ attracts major industry players
【HYDERABAD】Major industry players including Reliance Industries and Aditya Birla Group are keenly interested in the 9,200-acre SEZ project in Visakhapatnam.
2006-12-01 ArtNo.38778(147/155)
【ムンバイ】中国湖南省長沙を拠点に土木建設機械の製造を手掛ける三一重工有限公司(SHIC:Sany Heavy Industries Co Ltd)はマハラシュトラ州Pune近郊Talegaonに7000万米ドルを投じて工場を設ける計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆China firm to set up $70 m plant in Maharashtra
【Mumbai】Changsha, Hunan province, China-based Sany Heavy Industries Co Ltd, engaged in the manufacture of construction equipment, has chosen Talegaon near Pune to set up a $70-million greenfield plant.
2006-12-06 ArtNo.38798(148/155)
【ニューデリー】多くの地元企業が争ってロンドン証券取引所(LSE)新興企業取引市場(AIM:Alternate Investment Market)に上場する中で向こう6ヶ月間に100億~120億米ドルの外資が流入するものと予想されている。(...続きを読む)
◆Realty triggers a flood of FDI to touch $12b in 6 months
【NEW DELHI】With the several big-ticket listings being in the offing at the Alternate Investment Market at the London Stock Exchange, foreign investment inflows in the country are expected to touch $10-12 billion over the next six months.
2006-12-15 ArtNo.38841(149/155)
【ニューデリー】Reliance Industries/Tata/Bharti/AV Birlaグループに続き、Munjal一族に率いられる年商32億米ドルのHeroグループも、小売り市場に参入する準備を整えている。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero sets to enter retail and infrastructure sectors
【New Delhi】In the wake of Reliance Industries, Tata, Bharti and the AV Birla group, Munjal family-promoted the $3.2-billion Hero group is all set to become the next big entrant in the Indian retail sector.
2006-12-18 ArtNo.38846(150/155)
【ニューデリー】北部のNew Delhiと西海岸のマハラシュトラ州Mumbaiそして東海岸の西ベンガル州Kolkataを結ぶ総投資額2万2000クロー(US$48.9億)の貨物専用輸送システム『freight corridor』プロジェクトは1年内に着手される見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Work on Rs 22,000 crore freight corridor project to start in a year
【New Delhi】Construction of the proposed dedicated freight corridor from New Delhi to Mumbai and to Kolkata at a cost about Rs 22,000 crore is expected to start in a year's time, the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, said.
【新德里】 Manmohan Singh总理说,估价2200亿卢比左右的『德里-孟买-加尔各答专用货运通道』计划会1年内动工。
建設/不動産 Construction/Real Estate in 2006
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