建設/不動産 Construction/Real Estate in 2006
【ニューデリー】インドのKamal Nath商工相と甘利明経済産業大臣は、『デリー/ムンバイ複合一貫貨物回廊(Delhi-Mumbai multimodal freight corridors)』に平行して『産業回廊(industrial corridor)』を開発するため、合同専門チーム(joint task force)を設け、コンセプトやプロジェクトの構成要素に検討を加えることで合意した。
◆Japan to aid India in building Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor
【NEW DELHI】Indian commerce and industry minister Kamal Nath and his Japanese counterpart Akira Amari, Japan's minister of economy, trade and industry have reached an understanding on developing an industrial corridor along the Delhi-Mumbai multi-modal freight corridor. They decided to set up a joint task force to develop the concept and the components of the project.
【新德里】印度工商部长Kamal Nath和日本经济产业部长甘利明同意日本支持印度在『德里-孟买多式联运通道』旁边建设『德里-孟买工业走廊』而设立联合工作小组检讨这个构想的概念和因素。
2006-12-18 ArtNo.38857(152/155)
◆Core infrastructure sector grows 9 pc in Oct
【NEW DELHI】Buoyed by petroleum refinery products' strong performance, the index of six core infrastructure industries - electricity, coal, steel, crude petroleum, petroleum refinery and cement - grew by a robust 9% in October 2006 compared with 7.4% in the corresponding period in the previous fiscal.
【新德里】以石油提炼业的好转为后盾,6个骨干基础设施产业(原油•石油提炼•石炭•电力•水泥•钢铁) 在今年10月成长了9%,超过去年同一月的7.4%。
2006-12-20 ArtNo.38860(153/155)
【ムンバイ】ナグプル多結節国際貨物ハブ&空港プロジェクト(MIHAN:Multi-nodal International Cargo Hub and Airport Project at Nagpur)を手掛けるマハラシュトラ空港開発公社(MADC:Maharashtra Airport Development Company Ltd)は、シンガポール拠点のChangi Airport International (CAI)とコンサルタント契約覚書を交換した。
◆Changi to advice Nagpur airport Project
【Mumbai】The Maharashtra Airport Development Company Ltd (MADC), which is developing Multi-nodal International Cargo Hub and Airport Project at Nagpur (MIHAN), recently signed an MoU with Singapore-based Changi Airport to appoint the later as the consultants for the development of the airport.
2006-12-20 ArtNo.38861(154/155)
【ティルバナンタプラム】ケララ州政府は、中央政府がインド/中国コンソーシアムの保安許可(security clearance)を発行せぬことから、同州Thiruvananthapuram県Vizhinjamにおける国際コンテナ中継ターミナル(international container transhipment terminal)プロジェクトの国際入札をやり直す方針を決めた。
◆Fresh tender for Vizhinjam project to be floated
【Thiruvananthapuram】The Kerala Government has decided to go in for fresh global tender to implement the long-delayed international container transhipment terminal at Vizhinjam, in the wake of the Centre's refusal to give security clearance to a consortium of Indian and Chinese companies that bagged an earlier global tender for the project.
2006-12-22 ArtNo.38872(155/155)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、日本との間でその開発が合意された『産業回廊(industrial corridor)』をデリー・ムンバイ貨物鉄道(Delhi-Mumbai freight corridor)と黄金の四辺形ハイウェー網(golden quadrilateral)に沿って設ける方向で検討している。
◆To develop industrial corridor on Delhi-Mumbai route
【NEW DELHI】The Government is considering to promote industrial corridor, of which development India and Japan have already reached an understanding, along the proposed Delhi-Mumbai freight corridor and golden quadrilateral route.
建設/不動産 Construction/Real Estate in 2006