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投資 Investment in 2007
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元のページへ戻る ►2007-02-12 ArtNo.39065(101/872)
◆Verizon,Videocon jointly offer ILD service
【MUMBAI】The US telecom biggie Verizon and local consumer electronics major Videocon are set to offer international long-distance (ILD) services jointly in India.
2007-02-12 ArtNo.39068(102/872)
◆Jindal Steel、海綿鉄製造に石炭ガス化技術採用
【コルカタ】オリッサ州Angulに年産600万トンの鉄鋼プラントを建設中のJindal Steel and Power Limited (JSPL)は、同プロジェクトに石炭ガス化技術を応用する方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Jindal Steel to use coal gas for its steel project in Orissa
【Kolkata】Jindal Steel and Power Limited (JSPL) has decided to utilise coal gasification technology for its six million tonne steel project at Angul in Orissa.
2007-02-12 ArtNo.39069(103/872)
◆Karnataka to set up 1,000-acre aerospace SEZ
【Bangalore】The Karnataka government plans to set up a special economic zone at Bangalore exclusively for the aerospace industry.
2007-02-12 ArtNo.39070(104/872)
【ニューデリー】デリー拠点のAnsal Properties and Infrastructure Ltd(APIL)は、向こう3~4年間に1万クロー(US$22.57億)を投じ、パンジャブ州にホテル、住宅、商業不動産を開発する。(...続きを読む)
◆Ansal invests Rs 10,000 cr in Punjab
【New Delhi】Delhi-based Ansal Properties and Infrastructure Ltd plans to develop hotels, residential and commercial properties in Punjab over the next 3-4 years at an investment of around Rs 10,000.
【新德里】位于德里的Ansal Properties and Infrastructure有限公司计划今后3,4年内投资1000亿卢比在旁遮普州发展酒店,住宅和商业房地产。
2007-02-12 ArtNo.39071(105/872)
【コルカタ】中央政府がジャールカンド州における4000MW(メガワット)のウルトラ・メガ火力発電(ultra-mega thermal power plant)プロジェクトを承認する中で、National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC)が同州North Karanpuraに建設を予定する1980MWのスーパー火力発電所(STPP:super thermal power plant)の前途がますます不透明になっている。(...続きを読む)
◆Ultra-mega unit for Jharkhand overshadows NTPC project
【Kolkata】In what seemed to overshadow National Thermal Power Corporation's 1980MW super thermal power project, the Centre has sanctioned another 4000MW thermal project for Jharkhand to be built on the build own and operate (BOO) route.
2007-02-12 ArtNo.39072(106/872)
【ニューデリー】国営石油ガス探査会社Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)は、新探査ライセンス政策(NELP:New Exploration Licensing Policy)第6次入札にかけられた55ブロック中最多の25ブロックを落札した。(...続きを読む)
◆ONGC bags 25, RIL gets 7 blocks:NELP VI
【New Delhi】The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on February 8 approved to award 52 oil and gas blocks under the sixth round of the New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP). Leading state-run explorer Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (ONGC) baged 25 blocks.
2007-02-14 ArtNo.39074(107/872)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は日本の支援下にデリー/コルカタ貨物専用鉄道(Delhi-Kolkata railway freight corridor)を建設する可能性を検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆Delhi-Kolkata freight corridor may be built with Japanese assistance
【New Delhi】The Indian government is considering to develop the Delhi-Kolkata railway freight corridor under Japanese assistance.
2007-02-14 ArtNo.39076(108/872)
◆Idea Cellular/Ericsson/GSM協会、バイオ燃料開発
【バンガロール】インド携帯電話大手のIdea Cellularは通信機器大手Ericssonおよび携帯電話業者の業界団体GSM Association (GSMA)と協力し、農村部無線通信網の電力源としてバイオ燃料を共同開発する。(...続きを読む)
◆India, Ericsson, GSMA develop biofuels for wireless networks
【Bangalore】In order to get a source of power for wireless networks in rural India, mobile operators Idea Cellular, Ericsson and the GSM Association's Development Fund have teamed up to develop biofuels.
【邦加罗尔】为了获得农村地区的无线通信网的电源,Idea Cellular,爱立信和GSM协会共同开发生物燃料。
2007-02-14 ArtNo.39081(109/872)
【チェンナイ】KTC Korea Company Ltd(KTCKCL)は、アンドラプラデシュ州Visakhapatnam(Vizag)に合金鉄製造施設を建設する。KTCKCLは同プロジェクトを進めるため完全出資子会社KTC Ferro Alloys Private Limited(KTCFAPL)を設立、同子会社に100クロー(US$2257万)を投じる。(...続きを読む)
◆KTC Korea to set up ferro alloys unit in Vizag
【Chennai】The KTC Korea Company Ltd is setting up a 100 percent subsidiary KTC Ferro Alloys Private Limited in which it is investing Rs 100 crore, to build a ferro alloys manufacturing unit at Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
【金奈】韩国企业KTC Korea Company Ltd计划在安得拉邦州维沙卡帕特南兴建铁合金厂。它先以10亿卢比组织全资子公司KTC Ferro Alloys Private Limited而推行这个计划。
2007-02-14 ArtNo.39083(110/872)
【チェンナイ】タミールナド州Chennaiを拠点に熱可塑材やゴム製油圧ホースの製造を手掛けるPolyhose India Pvt Ltd(PIPL)は、イタリア企業2社と合弁でプラスチック材料を製造する合弁会社Ital Plastic Compounds Pvt Ltd(IPCPL)を設立する。(...続きを読む)
◆Polyhose in JV with Italian firms to produce plastic compounds
【Chennai】A Chennai-based manufacturer of thermoplastic and rubber hydraulic hoses Polyhose India Pvt Ltd has entered into a partnership with two Italian companies to float a joint venture 'Ital Plastic Compounds Pvt Ltd' to produce plastic compounds.
【金奈】位于泰米尔纳德州金奈的热塑性塑料和橡胶液压管制造商Polyhose India私人有限公司跟两间意大利公司达制协议设立联营公司而制造塑料。
2007-02-16 ArtNo.39086(111/872)
◆Global one-dollar-stores eye Indian retail market
【MUMBAI】As several global dollar products business leaders have begun to eye the country's market, scouting for master franchisees here, India's retail revolution is set to open new vistas.
【孟买】随着不少的全球一元商品事业家纷纷到印度市场寻找主加盟商(Master Franchisee),印度零售革命看起来要进入新的阶段。
2007-02-16 ArtNo.39087(112/872)
◆France's Auchan prepares to enter Indian retail market
【NEW DELHI】The government may be a double-dealer on FDI in retail but that has not dampened the enthusiasm of global retailers to be part of India's growth story. So it is with Auchan Trading Co, the leading grocery and consumer goods retailer from France. The company is shaping up its India plans.
2007-02-16 ArtNo.39089(113/872)
◆VIA Technologies、南アジア・ハブ設置
【バンガロール】米国拠点のコアロジック・チップセット供給業者VIA Technologies, Inc(VIA)は、カルナタカ州Bangaloreに南アジア地域協力連合(SAARC)ハブを設け、域内のプレゼンス強化に乗りす。(...続きを読む)
◆VIA Technologies to open SAARC hub in Bangalore
【BANGALORE】The U.S.-based supplier of core logic chipsets VIA Technologies is setting up a SAARC regional hub in Bangalore in order to strengthen its presence in the region.
2007-02-16 ArtNo.39094(114/872)
【ニューデリー】経済問題閣僚委員会(CCEA: Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs)は8日の会議の席上、Uranium Corporation of India Ltd(UCIL)が計画するウラン採掘事業の用地を確保するためアンドラプラデシュ州政府に13.79クロー(US$311万)を寄託することを承認した。(...続きを読む)
◆Cabinet Committee approved an uranium mining project in AP
【New Delhi】The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on February 8 approved depositing Rs 13.79 crore with the Andhra Pradesh Government for land acquisition for a uranium mining project being set up by Uranium Corporation of India Ltd in the State.
2007-02-16 ArtNo.39095(115/872)
◆Maharashtra adds 17,000 MW in five years
【Mumbai】Maharashtra has planned to generate and supply a 17,000 MW of additional power in next three to five years.
2007-02-21 ArtNo.39098(116/872)
◆Ras Al Khaimah, AP sign pact for alumina and aluminium projects
【Hyderabad】Representatives from Ras Al Khaimah and the Andhra Pradesh State Government on February14 signed an MoU for the project of an alumina plant of 2.5 million tonnes capacity and an aluminium smelter plant with an investment of about Rs 9,000 crore.
2007-02-21 ArtNo.39099(117/872)
◆Small sponge iron units come up rapidly to cash in on steel buoyancy
【Mumbai】Riding on the current perkiness in the steel sector, there are rapidly coming up small- and medium-size sponge iron units in the country's iron ore-rich regions – including Orissa and Chhattisgarh.
2007-02-21 ArtNo.39101(118/872)
◆Hitachi makes rail tracks, auto parts, builds power plants
【New Delhi】Japanese electronic major Hitachi Ltd is planning to manufacture automotive components and railway tracks in India. The company is even looking at setting up power plants in the country.
2007-02-21 ArtNo.39102(119/872)
【チンスラ】 『Amar PC』ブランドの低価格パソコンを製造販売しているコルカタのXenitis Groupと中国企業Guangzhou Motors Company(GMC:広州摩托集団公司)の合弁会社Global Automobiles Pvt Ltd(GAPL)は15日、輸入中国製二輪車を初出荷した。(...続きを読む)
◆Chief Minister witnesses Chinese bikes' rolls out
【Chinsura】Global Automobiles Pvt Ltd(GAPL), joint venture between Xenitis Group of Kolkata, maker of cheap Amar PC brand of computers, and Guangzhou Motors Company of China, on February 15 rolled out two-wheelers imported from China from a site close to Xenitis' PC plant in Chinsurah, West Bengal.
【钦苏拉】位于加尔各答的廉价个人电脑『Amar PC』制造商Xenitis集团和中国国营广州摩托集团公司的联营公司Global Automobiles有限公司2月15日从西孟加拉州钦苏拉的工厂运出第一辆中国制二轮车。
2007-02-21 ArtNo.39103(120/872)
◆BryAir banking on special projects boom
【Kolkata】Banking on rapid expansion of specialised commercial buildings and spaces for pharmaceutical, packaged food and IT sectors, BryAir and other heating, ventilating & air-conditioning companies are gearing up to cash in on the boom.
2007-02-21 ArtNo.39105(121/872)
【ムンバイ】インドの地元家電メーカーVideocon Industriesは14日、10億6000万ユーロを投じて液晶ディスプレイ(LCD)パネル製造工場をイタリアに建設すると発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Videocon plans to set up LCD facility in Italy
【Mumbai】Videocon Industries on February 14 announced to set up a greenfield LCD panel manufacturing facility in Italy entailing an investment of 1.06 billion euro.
2007-02-21 ArtNo.39106(122/872)
【ニューデリー】インド第4位のセル式電話会社Hutchison Essar Ltd(HEL)の52%の権益を111億米ドルで落札した英携帯電話大手のVodafoneは2月14日、インド農村部におけるHELのサービス拡大に今後数年内に20億米ドルを投資する計画を明らかにするとともに、より安い電話料金とよりよいサービスをユーザーに提供していくとしている。(...続きを読む)
◆Vodafone pledges to invest $2 b to expand rural network
【New Delhi】UK's telecom major Vodafone, which had bagged India's fourth largest telco Hutchison Essar Ltd's 52 per cent stake, valuing it at $11.1 billion, on February 14 said that it would invest $2 billion over the next couple of years to expand Hutch-Essar's reach in rural India and promised cheaper mobile rates and better services to customers.
2007-02-21 ArtNo.39108(123/872)
【ムンバイ】National Thermal Power Corporation(NTPC)は10万クロー(US$225.73億)を起債し、向こう5年間に発電能力を現在の2万7000MW(メガワット)から5万1000MWに拡大する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆NTPC to raise Rs 1 lakh cr for capacity expansion
【Mumbai】National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) plans to raise Rs 1,00,000 crore in debt so that it can finance its plans to increase its power-generation capacity from 27,000 MW to 51,000 MW over the next five years.
2007-02-23 ArtNo.39110(124/872)
【ニューデリー】世界最大の鉄鋼会社Mittal Steelを率いるLakshmi Niwas Mittal氏の投資会社Mittal Investmentが国営石油会社Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL)のBhatinda製油所プロジェクトに3200クロー(US$7.22億)出資する。(...続きを読む)
◆Mittal to invest $722 m in HPCL's Bhatinda refinery
【New Delhi】Lakshmi Niwas Mittal, the world's largest steel producer, has bought 49 per cent in Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd's new refinery at Bathinda, Punjab for Rs 3,200 crore($722 million) through Mittal Investments, a company he controls.
2007-02-23 ArtNo.39111(125/872)
【ハイデラバード】マドヤプラデシュ州Sasanにおけるウルトラメガ発電事業のGlobeleq持ち分を買い取ったLanco Infratech Ltd(LIL)/Jindal Steel & Power Ltd(JSPL)合弁チームは、来週にも複数の主要電力消費者と電力購買契約(PPA:power purchase agreements)交渉をスタートする見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Lanco, JSPL combine to sign power purchase pacts
【Hyderabad】Lanco Infratech Ltd and Jindal Steel & Power Ltd (JSPL) venture, which has recently bought Globeleq stake, is about to sign power purchase agreements (PPA) next week with several major consumers for supplying power from the Sasan, Madhya Pradesh-based 4,000 MW ultra mega power plant.
【海德拉巴】最近收购Globeleq权益的Lanco Infratech有限公司和金达来钢铁电力公司联盟大概下星期开始跟一些主要的电力消费者协商中央邦州Sasan的4000mw超级大型发电项目电力购买合约。
2007-02-23 ArtNo.39112(126/872)
【ムンバイ】Pramod Mittal/Vinod Mittal両氏に率いられる地元鉄鋼大手Ispat Industries Limitedは2000クロー(US$4.5億)を投じて年産100トンのペレット工場と、同規模のコークス炉を建設、コスト削減を図る。(...続きを読む)
◆Ispat sets up a pellet plant and a coke oven
【MUMBAI】Ispat Industries Limited(IIL), the Pramod & Vinod Mittal-led local steel major, is setting up a 1 million tonne a year pellet plant and a coke oven of similar capacity entailing an investment of Rs 2,000 crore.
【孟买】属于钢铁大王LN Mittal的两个弟弟,Pramod Mittal和Vinod Mittal的伊斯帕特工业公司计划投资200亿卢比兴建年产100万吨钢丸厂和同样规模的炼焦炉。
2007-02-23 ArtNo.39113(127/872)
【ムンバイ】Anil Agarwal氏に率いられるSterlite Industries India Ltd(SIIL)は今後3年間に2万クロー(US$45億)を投じて設備能力を拡張、アルミニウム製造で国内トップ、亜鉛製造で世界第2位を目指す。(...続きを読む)
◆Sterlite invests $4.5b to expand capacities for aluminium and zinc
【Mumbai】Aiming to establish itself as the country's largest aluminium producer and the world's second-largest zinc maker, Anil Agarwal-controlled Sterlite Industries India Ltd(SIIL) has lined up investments of Rs 20,000 crore($4.5 billion) in three years.
2007-02-23 ArtNo.39115(128/872)
【ニューデリー】ブリヂストンが完全出資するBridgestone India Private Limited(BIPL)は、急増する需要に応じるため5000万~1億米ドルを投じ、第2工場を設けることを検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆Bridgestone India considers second plant
【NEW DELHI】Bridgestone India Private Limited, a fully-owned subsidiary of Bridgestone Corporation of Japan, considers to meet the challenges of growing demand for tyres by setting up another greenfield plant with an investment of $50-100 million.
2007-02-23 ArtNo.39116(129/872)
◆Michelin plans to set up radial tyre unit
【Mumbai】France-based tyremaker Michelin is planning to set up truck and bus radials manufacturing facility in Ranjangaon, Pune.
2007-02-23 ArtNo.39118(130/872)
【ムンバイ】シチズン時計は2010年までにインドにスペア部品を製造する組立工場(assembly unit)を設けることを計画している。(...続きを読む)
◆Citizen mulls spare assembling plant in India
【Mumbai】Japanese watch maker Citizen Watches plans to set up an assembling plant in the country for manufacturing spares by 2010.
2007-02-23 ArtNo.39120(131/872)
【ニューデリー】Bharti Enterprisesは、完全出資子会社Bharti Retail (Pvt) Ltdが展開する小売事業に2015年までに20~25億米ドルを投資する。(...続きを読む)
◆Bharti invests $2.5 b in retail
【New Delhi】Sunil Mittal-led Bharti Enterprises plans to invest $2-$2.5 billion by 2015 for its maiden retail venture, to be rolled out under its wholly-owned subsidiary, Bharti Retail (Pvt) Ltd.
【新德里】苏尼尔•米塔尔领导的巴帝企业计划通过全资子公司Bharti Retail私人有限公司到2015年之前投资20亿到25亿美元进军零售市场。
2007-02-26 ArtNo.39122(132/872)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は22日、半導体チップの製造やその他のハイテク事業に資本支出の最大25%に相当する奨励措置を適応することを含む『半導体政策(semiconductor policy)』を発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Semiconductor policy offers 25% capital subsidy
【New Delhi】The Central Government on February 22 announced its semiconductor policy, giving incentives of up to 25 per cent of the capital expenditure incurred by semiconductor fabrication and other high-end manufacturing units.
2007-02-26 ArtNo.39123(133/872)
【ハイデラバード】インド半導体協会(ISA:Indian Semiconductor Association)や半導体業界のプレーヤーらは、インド政府が22日発表した特別経済区(SEZ)ステータスを含む半導体ファブ奨励策に歓迎の意を表明した。(...続きを読む)
◆Industry hails the fab policy
【Hyderabad】The Indian Semiconductor Association (ISA) and various players from the semiconductor industry hailed the fab policy that includes SEZ status and related incentives, announced by the Union Cabinet on February 22.
2007-02-26 ArtNo.39124(134/872)
【ニューデリー】シリコン・バリーをベースにする海外在住インド人グループは、インド政府が『半導体政策』を発表したのを機に、『Hindustan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (HSMC) India』と称する特別任務会社(SPV)を設立、世界半導体産業のトップ5に数えられる外国パートナーも仲間に引き入れ、インドに半導体ファブ2つを設ける計画を明らかにした。(...続きを読む)
◆NRIs plan JV to set up two fab units
【NEW DELHI】Quick on the heels of the Government announcing its new semiconductor policy, a group of Silicon Valley NRIs have announced its intention to set up a SPV under the name of Hindustan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (HSMC) India and tie up with a global major –– one of the top 5 multinationals in this segment –– to set up two fab units in India.
2007-02-26 ArtNo.39127(135/872)
◆eSys Tech、HP州にUS$5600万投じPC工場
【コルカタ】タミールナド州Chennai拠点のTeledata Informatics Ltdの子会社になったシンガポール企業eSys Technologies Pte Ltd (ETPL)は250クロー(US$5625万)を投じてヒマチャルプラデシュ州Baddiにパソコン(PC)工場を設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆eSys Tech to set up Rs 250-cr PC plant in Himachal
【Kolkata】Singapore-based eSys Technologies Pte Ltd, the Indian subsidiary of the Chennai-based Teledata Informatics Ltd, plans to set up a personal computer (PC) manufacturing facility at Baddi, Himachal Pradesh, with an investment of Rs 250 crore.
2007-02-26 ArtNo.39128(136/872)
【ムンバイ】日産自動車はRenault SAと地元のMahindra & Mahindra(M&M)が合弁で立ち上げるタミールナド州Chennaiの自動車工場に参加する方針を固めた。2009年の稼動を目指す。(...続きを読む)
◆Nissan to join the JV to build factory in Chennai
【MUMBAI】Nissan Motor Co has decided to join the existing partnership between Renault SA and Mahindra & Mahindra to set up a car factory in Chennai by 2009.
2007-02-26 ArtNo.39129(137/872)
◆FIPB gives clearance to Takata's investment proposal
【NEW DELHI】The Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) has finally cleared Japanese auto safety equipment manufacturer Takata Corporation's investment proposal after waiting for almost four months.
2007-02-26 ArtNo.39130(138/872)
【ニューデリー】経済問題閣僚委員会(CCEA:Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs)は、インドネシア拠点のSalim/Ciputra両グループの合弁に成るNew Kolkata International Development Private Ltd(NKID)による5億米ドルのプロジェクトを含む6億5000万米ドルの外国直接投資(FDI)プロジェクトを承認した。(...続きを読む)
◆$650 million FDI cleared, including Salim and Ciputra groups' JV
【New Delhi】The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) permitted a total of $650 million foreign direct investment proposals including a $500million foreign direct investment proposal by Indonesia-based Salim and Ciputra groups-promoted New Kolkata International Development Private Ltd.
2007-02-26 ArtNo.39131(139/872)
【ニューデリー】Tata Groupはチェンナイ空港とコルカタ空港の近代化計画など国内空港プロジェクトを獲得するためシンガポールのChangi Airports International Pte Ltd (CAI)と戦略的提携を結んだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Tata, Changi tie up to bag airport modernisation projects
【New Delhi】Aiming to take up airport projects here, including the proposed modernisation of Chennai and Kolkata airports, the Tata Group has entered into a strategic alliance with Changi Airports International(CAI).
2007-02-26 ArtNo.39133(140/872)
【ニューデリー】Bharti Enterprisesとの提携に失敗した英国の小売り大手Tescoは、Tataグループとの提携交渉を進めている。(...続きを読む)
◆Tesco, Tatas set to forge retail tie-up
【New Delhi】British retailer Tesco which has failed to clinch a deal with Bharti Enterprises, is now set to forge a partnership with the Tatas.
2007-03-02 ArtNo.39136(141/872)
【チェンナイ】タミールナド州政府は、Mahindra & Mahindra(M&M)/Renault/日産が合弁で同州Oragadamに設ける自動車製造工場に隣接した200エーカーの土地に自動車コンポーネント専用の工業団地を設ける方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆TN state Gov to set up an auto component park near Oragadam
【CHENNAI】Following Mahindra & Mahindra, Renault of France and Nissan selecting Tamil Nadu to locate its three-way joint venture to set up a production unit at Oragadam, the Tamil Nadu Government has decided to earmark 200 acres for auto component units near the main facility.
2007-03-02 ArtNo.39138(142/872)
◆Chip makers' fund rush may be seen
【BANGALORE】Following the announcement of the Semiconductor Policy by the Union government, a slew of announcements for committing investments in the Indian semiconductor manufacturing sector in the next few months is expected.
2007-03-02 ArtNo.39140(143/872)
【ムンバイ】RPGグループと富士通コンサルティング・インクの合弁会社Zensar Technologies Ltd(ZTL)は、約40クロー(US$903万)を投じてマハラシュトラ州Pune近郊の本社敷地にオフショア・デベロプメント・センター(ODC)を設ける計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Zensar to set up offshore centres near Pune
【Mumbai】Zensar Technologies Ltd(ZTL), a joint venture company between the RPG group and Fujitsu Consulting Inc(FCI), is planning to spend about Rs 40 crore to set up offshore development centres (ODCs) at its existing headquarter campus near Pune.
2007-03-02 ArtNo.39142(144/872)
【ニューデリー】小売業への外国直接投資問題が論議されるなか、Bharti Enterprisesは米国Wal-Martとの合弁事業を今年8月もしくは9月にスタートすると政府に通知した。(...続きを読む)
◆Bharti-Wal-Mart plans to kick off ops by August
【New Delhi】The controversy over FDI in retail is flaring up and in this very hour the Bharti Group has informed the government that its joint venture with Wal-Mart would start operations in August or September this year.
2007-03-02 ArtNo.39143(145/872)
【ニューデリー】電力不足の解消を急ぐインド政府が1990年代半ばに電力事業に早期着工方式(fast track power project)を導入して10年を経た今、1ダースを超える海外の電力関連企業がインドに復帰、発電/送電プロジェクトや電力設備納入契約獲得の機会を狙っている。(...続きを読む)
◆More global power cos return to India
【New Delhi】After nearly a decade since the fast track power projects were announced in the mid-nineties, global power companies are again interested in the country's power sector. Over a dozen new international players are scouting for opportunities in the generation, transmission and equipment manufacturing space here.
2007-03-02 ArtNo.39144(146/872)
【ムンバイ】Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL)取締役会は24日、グジャラート州Jamnagarにおける30億米ドル規模の石油化学プロジェクトと、同社オーナーへの1億2000万ワラント(新株予約権証券)の優先発行を承認した。(...続きを読む)
◆Reliance to set up 3 bn petrochem unit at Jamnagar
【Mumbai】The board of Reliance Industries Ltd on February 24 approved a plan to set up a cracker unit in Jamnagar at an investment of $3-billion and a preferential issue of 12 crore warrants to the promoters of the company.
2007-03-05 ArtNo.39148(147/872)
◆Pension funds be used to meet the investment in infrastructure: Survey
【NEW DELHI】Eaven as infrastructure now showing signs of progress and providing impetus to economic growth, the Economic Survey has suggested that insurance and pension funds can be used to meet the massive investment need of $320 billion in infrastructure during the XI Plan.
2007-03-05 ArtNo.39151(148/872)
【ニューデリー】インドの国有鉄道Indian Railways(IR)は第11次五カ年計画期間に3万クロー(US4$67.5億)を投じて東部・西部貨物専用鉄道を建設するためインド貨物専用回廊会社(DFC-CIL:Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited)を設立した。(...続きを読む)
◆Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation is formed : Survey
【NEW DELHI】The Indian Railways has formed a special purpose vehicle (SPV), Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited (DFC-CIL) so that it can implement the Rs. 30,000-crore eastern and western dedicated freight corridors during the XI Plan.
2007-03-07 ArtNo.39160(149/872)
【ムンバイ】韓国のHyundai Motorはマハラシュトラ州PuneのChakan工業団地に小型商用車(LCV)工場を建設する。(...続きを読む)
◆Hyundai to set up LCV plant at Pune
【Mumbai】Hyundai Motor Corporation, Korea, plans to set up a light commercial vehicle (LCV) manufacturing plant at Chakan in Pune, Maharashtra State.
2007-03-07 ArtNo.39165(150/872)
【ニューデリー】Reliance Industries Limited (RIL)は東部のアンドラプラデシュ州Kakinada沖合Krishna Godavari海盆で発見したガス田から、化学肥料工場が多く存在する西部にガスを供給する計画を立案、その具体化に乗り出す。(...続きを読む)
◆K-G basin gas supply plans takes shape : Reliance
【New Delhi】Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL) has finalised plans to supply gas from its discovery in the Krishna Godavari (K-G) basin to fertiliser plants in the western region.
投資 Investment in 2007
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