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投資 Investment in 2007
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元のページへ戻る ►2007-11-05 ArtNo.40240(751/872)
◆Investment announcements totall Rs 1,75,629 crore in two months
【New Delhi】Investment announcements totalled Rs 1,75,629 crore in the months of August and September. Orissa topped the list and West Bengal placed as the second highest recipient of investments in the country.
2007-11-07 ArtNo.40242(752/872)
【ムンバイ】建設機械レンタル大手Gremach Infrastructure Equipment & Projects Ltdは中国石油天然気集団公司傘下の宝鶏石油機械有限責任公司から陸上石油天然ガス掘削装置を40基、約10億米ドルで購入する。(...続きを読む)
◆Gremach to buy 40 oil rigs for rental biz
【Mumbai】Gremach Infrastructure Equipment & Projects Ltd, a construction machineries rental company, will acquire 40 oil and gas drilling rigs from Baoji Oilfield Machinery Company of China at a cost of about $1 billion for its oil rig rental business.
【孟买】印度最大的建设机械租赁商Gremach Infrastructure Equipment & Projects Ltd将购买中国宝鸡石油机械有限责任公司的陆地石油·天然气钻机以便开始钻机租赁业务。
2007-11-07 ArtNo.40243(753/872)
【ムンバイ】米Dow Chemicalは子会社Dow Chemical International Pvt Ltdを通じてマハラシュトラ州に1億米ドルを投じてR&Dセンターを設置する。(...続きを読む)
◆Dow Chemical to set up $100 mn R&D centre in Pune
【Mumbai】Chemical giant Dow Chemical through its subsidiary Dow Chemical International Pvt Ltd would invest $ 100 million in Pune, Maharashtra to set up a global R & D centre. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed on 31 Oct with the Government of Maharashtra.
2007-11-07 ArtNo.40244(754/872)
【ニューデリー】Indian railwaysはコンテナ貨車の運行について中国の経験に学ぼうとしている。今回その一環として、鉄道局(Railway Board)のメンバーを含む代表団がダブル・スタック・トレイン(コンテナ2段積列車)の運行を視察するため訪中した。(...続きを読む)
◆Railway delegation to China for studying container train
【New Delhi】Indian railways want to study the Chinese way of running container trains. A high-powered delegation including railway board members was in China to study running of double stack container trains.
2007-11-07 ArtNo.40249(755/872)
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州政府は、半導体産業を育成する狙いから300クロー(US$7543万)を投じて州都Kolkataに『India Design Centre (IDC)』を設ける計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Kolkata looking for an IT design centre partner
【Kolkata】West Bengal state government is planning a Rs 300 crore India Design Centre (IDC) in Kolkata to promote the semiconductor sector.
2007-11-07 ArtNo.40250(756/872)
【コルカタ】Environ Energy-Tech Service Ltdは11月1日、Royal Dutch Shellのインドとスリランカの太陽エネルギー事業を買収したと発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Environ acquires Shell's solar biz in India & Lanka
【Kolkata】Environ Energy-Tech Service Ltd on 1 Nov announced the acquisition of Royal Dutch Shell 's solar energy businesses in India and Sri Lanka. Environ would shift its headquarters to Singapore in the near future for managing its global business.
【加尔各答】Environ Energy-Tech Service Ltd收购了皇家荷兰壳牌集团在印度和斯里兰卡的太阳能事业。该公司将在不远的将来把公司总部迁至新加坡以便展开全球业务。
2007-11-09 ArtNo.40253(757/872)
◆11th Plan proposes relaxing FDI in key sectors
【New Delhi】The Eleventh Plan draft document proposes relaxing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) limits in key sectors like insurance, single brand retailing and broadcasting, etc.
2007-11-09 ArtNo.40254(758/872)
◆Japanese FDI to touch $5 bn by 2010
【Kolkata】Japanese investment in India should touch $5 billion by 2010. Department of Industrial Promotion and Policy (DIPP) director, Sanjay K Thade expected in Kolkata on Friday.
【加尔各答】日本对印度的直接投资累计额到2010年底之前今后3年里应该达到50亿美元。工业促进政策局的Sanjay K Thade主任上星期五在加尔各答这样预测。
2007-11-09 ArtNo.40256(759/872)
【ムンドラ】世界22カ国の42のコンテナ・ターミナルを経営するアラブ首長国連邦(UAE)拠点の港湾管理会社Dubai Port World(DPW)は、向こう数年間にインドに5億米ドルを追加投資し、インドにおける累積投資額を20億米ドルに拡大する方針だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Dubai Port World to invest $500 m more in India
【Mundra】United Arab Emirates based leading global port operator Dubai Port World, which is operating 42 container terminals across 22 countries, plans to invest another $500 million in the next few years in India, taking its total investments to $2 billion in the country so far.
2007-11-09 ArtNo.40257(760/872)
【プネー】自動二輪/三輪車大手Bajaj Auto Ltd (BAL)は11月5日、欧米市場で知名度の高いオーストリアの大型自動二輪メーカーKTM Power Sports AGと広範囲にわたる業務提携を行うと発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj and KTM to jointly build bikes
【Pune】Bajaj Auto Ltd on 5 Nov announced wide ranging co-operation with KTM Power Sports AG, an European sports motorcycle manufacturer. KTM will provide the know-how for the joint development of water-cooled four stroke engines. And Bajaj will takeover the distribution of KTM products in India and in South-East Asia.
【普那】摩托车制造商巴贾吉汽车公司11月5号宣布该公司跟奥地利大型摩托车制造商KTM Power Sports AG开展多方面的协作。两家公司联手研制水冷式四冲程引擎,KTM给巴贾吉提供技术指导。巴贾吉接手KTM在印度和东南亚的商品流通业务。
2007-11-09 ArtNo.40259(761/872)
◆自動車用特殊鋼のAdhunik Metaliks、圧延施設の操業開始
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州Kolkataを拠点に自動車用スチールや特殊鋼の製造を手掛けるAdhunik Metaliks Ltd(AML)は、オリッサ州Rourkela近郊Kuarmundaの製鉄所内に設けた最新式圧延施設の操業を開始した。(...続きを読む)
◆Adhunik commissions rolling mill in Rourkela
【Kolkata】The Kolkata based Adhunik Metaliks Ltd, which produces automotive and special alloy steel, has commissioned its state of art rolling mill at its steel facility at Kuarmunda near Rourkela.
2007-11-09 ArtNo.40260(762/872)
【ムンバイ】地元の大手土木建設会社Larsen & Toubro(L&T)と三菱重工業は、インドに超臨界圧スチーム・タービンと発電機の製造施設を設ける合弁契約を結んだ。(...続きを読む)
◆L&T signs JV with Mitsubishi Heavy for super critical turbines
【Mumbai】Engineering and construction firm, Larsen and Toubro (L&T) has signed a joint venture agreement with Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd to set up a manufacturing facility for super-critical steam turbine and generator in India.
2007-11-09 ArtNo.40261(763/872)
◆Sterlite Industries、火力発電事業に参入
【ムンバイ】Sterlite Industries Ltdは11月7日、子会社Sterlite Energy Ltdを通じて石炭火力発電プロジェクトと付随事業に参入する意向を明らかにした。(...続きを読む)
◆Sterlite Industries to foray into power generation business
【Munbai】Sterlite Industries Ltd intends to participate in coal-based power generation projects and other ancillary activities through its subsidiary, Sterlite Energy Ltd.
◆Sterlite Industries进军煤力发电业务
【孟买】Sterlite Industries宣布有意通过子公司Sterlite Energy Ltd向煤力发电项目和有关业务进军。项目包括容量总计一万兆瓦的Sterlite Energy Ltd单独项目,中央及州政府或州营公益公司发表的超兆瓦发电项目。
2007-11-09 ArtNo.40262(764/872)
【ムンバイ】インド最大の塗料会社Asian Paints Ltd(APL)は、ハリヤナ州Rohtakに年産15万キロリッターのペイント製造施設を設ける計画の第1期工事に200クロー(US$5029万)近くを投じる方針だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Asian Paints to set up a new plant in Haryana
【MUMBAI】India's largest paints maker Asian Paints Ltd is set to invest nearly Rs 200 crore in the first phase of a 150,000 kilolitres per annum paint manufacturing plant at Rohtak, Haryana.
2007-11-09 ArtNo.40263(765/872)
【ムンバイ】Reliance Communications (RCom)とMicrosoftは11月5日、RComが2008年3月までの開始を目指すIPTVサービスで8年間の排他的な提携を行うと発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆RCom, Microsoft sign $500 mn IPTV deal
【Mumbai】Reliance Communications (RCom) and Microsoft on 5 Nov announced a strategic partnership to provide IPTV services in India. RCom will pay $500 million to Microsoft in licence fees for its Mediaroom IPTV software platform under an exclusive agreement spread over eight years.
2007-11-12 ArtNo.40265(766/872)
◆Reliance Power、AP州超メガ発電計画に一番札
【ニューデリー】Reliance Power Ltd(REL)がアンドラプラデシュ州Krishnapatnamに輸入石炭を用いて4000MW(メガワット)のウルトラ・メガ発電所(UMP)を建設する計画に一番札を入れ、契約をほぼ手中に収めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Reliance Power clinchs Andhra mega project
【New Delhi】Reliance Power Ltd(REL) has emerged as the lowest bidder for the 4,000-mw imported coal based Krishnapatnam power project in Andhra Pradesh.
2007-11-12 ArtNo.40266(767/872)
【ニューデリー】Reliance Industries Limited(RIL)は東海岸沖合Krishna-Godavari(KG)海盆のKG-OSN-2001/1ブロックKGIII5-P1井で新たなガス田を発見した。(...続きを読む)
◆Reliance strikes more gas in KG offshore basin
【New Delhi】Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) announced that it has struck gas at the KGIII5-P1 well in its block KG-OSN-2001/1 (KG-III-5) in the Krishna-Godavari basin off the east coast.
2007-11-12 ArtNo.40267(768/872)
◆Government gives nod to Mumbai container terminal
【New Delhi】The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on 8 Nov approved the development of offshore container terminal on Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) basis at Mumbai port with an estimated investment of Rs 1,228 crore.
2007-11-12 ArtNo.40268(769/872)
【チェンナイ】タミールナド州政府は総工費9757クロー(US$23億5579万)のChennai Metro Railシステムの建設を原則的に承認した。(...続きを読む)
◆Chennai Metro Rail system gets nod
【Chennai】The Tamil Nadu Government has approved in-principle the construction of Chennai Metro Rail system at a cost of Rs 9,757 crore. A public sector enterprise, Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, will be set up to implement the project. The work on the project will start in the current fiscal year and completed in 6-7 years.
2007-11-12 ArtNo.40269(770/872)
【チェンナイ】P. Chidambaram蔵相は11月10日、タミールナド州政府のメトロ建設プロジェクトに資金援助する用意のあることを明らかにした。(...続きを読む)
◆Centre to provide funds for TN's metro rail
【Chennai】The Centre would provide required funds to the Tamil Nadu government for implementing the Chennai Metro Rail project, Union Finance Minister P. Chidambaram said on 10 Nov.
2007-11-12 ArtNo.40270(771/872)
◆Mittal、Orissa Miningとの合弁提案
【ブーバネスワル】Arcelor Mittalはオリッサ州Keonjhar県における年産1200万トンの製鉄プロジェクトに必要な鉄鉱石を州営Orissa Mining Corp (OMC)から調達することを提案、州政府は、Ajit Kumar Tripathy総務次長を長とする4人のメンバーから成る専門委員会を組織して同提案に検討を加えている。(...続きを読む)
◆Mittal proposes ore JV with OMC for Orissa plant
【Bhubaneswar】Arcelor Mittal has proposed to source iron ore from the state-owned, Orissa Mining Corp (OMC), for its proposed 12 million tonne steel plant in Keonjhar district. The Orissa government constituted a four-member committee under the chairmanship of state chief secretary Ajit Kumar Tripathy to study and recommend on this proposal.
【布巴内斯瓦尔】阿塞勒米塔尔钢铁公司计划在奥里萨州盖翁切尔县兴建年产1200万吨钢厂的时候,跟奥里萨矿业公司合作来确保铁矿石的供应而已经对该州政府提出这项提议。奥里萨州政府接到这项提议后,组织Ajit Kumar Tripathy次长为首的专门小组检讨该提议内容。
2007-11-12 ArtNo.40274(772/872)
【アーマダバード】グジャラート州Ahmedabad拠点のElectrotherm India Ltd(EIL)は、カナダ企業Electrovayaとリチウム・イオン・ポリマー電池製造に関わる合弁覚書を交換した。(...続きを読む)
◆Electrotherm, Canadian firm ink a MoU to make lithium ion batteries
【Ahmedabad】Ahmedabad-based Electrotherm India Ltd and Canadian firm Electrovaya have inked a MoU to form a joint venture for manufacturing lithium ion polymer batteries.
2007-11-12 ArtNo.40275(773/872)
【ニューデリー】国営電話会社Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL)のGSM携帯電話2275万回線の入札で、同社は入札第2位のNokia Siemens Networks (NSN)に発注する963万回線を第1位のricssonに追加発注する可能性が出てきた。(...続きを読む)
◆BSNL might award entire GSM line deal to Ericsson
【New Delhi】Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) might award the entire 22.75 million GSM lines contract to Ericsson which was the lowest bidder. The second lowest bidder Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN), which is to supply the mandatory 40% of the contract (9.63 million lines), has not accepted the order from BSNL yet.
2007-11-14 ArtNo.40278(774/872)
【ムンバイ】ジャールカンド州Tilaiyaに4000MW(メガワット)のウルトラ・メガ発電所(UMP:ultra mega power)を建設する計画には、Reliance Energy Ltd(REL)/Tata Power Company(TPC)/国営National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC)を含む13社が応札した。(...続きを読む)
◆Tilaiya ultra-mega power project gets 13 bidders
【Mumbai】The 4,000 MW Tilaiya Ultra Mega Power Project (UMPP) has received thirteen companies' prequalification bids including Reliance Energy Ltd, Tata Power Company and NTPC.
2007-11-14 ArtNo.40279(775/872)
【コルカタ】Indian Oil Corporation(IOC)はハリヤナ州Panipat、オリッサ州Paradipに続き、西ベンガル州Haldiaに第3の、とは言ってもかなり小規模な石油化学コンプレックスを設けることを計画している。(...続きを読む)
◆IOC mulling petrochem unit in Haldia
【Kolkata】Indian Oil Corporation(IOC) is planning the third petrochemicals complex at Haldia, albeit a smaller one, after Panipat and Paradip.
2007-11-14 ArtNo.40281(776/872)
◆ABG Heavyのパラディプ港石炭埠頭近く稼働
【ムンバイ】ABG Heavy Industries Ltd(AHIL)がオリッサ州Paradip港に設けた石炭ターミナルは12月までに稼働する。AHILは、バラ荷/一般貨物/その他のターミナル・プロジェクトに入札するとともに、コンテナ・ターミナル・プロジェクトや関係業務に参画する機会を探っている。(...続きを読む)
◆ABG Heavy to operate Paradip terminal by Dec
【Mumbai】ABG Heavy Industries Ltd is all set to start operation its new coal terminal at the Paradip port by December. The company is bidding for major bulk, general cargo and other terminal projects, as well as looking at participation in other container terminal projects and allied activities.
◆ABG Heavy的伯拉迪布港口煤码头到12月底之前开始操作
【孟买】ABG Heavy Industries准备到12月底之前把在奥里萨州伯拉迪布港口兴建的煤码头开始操作。该公司积极投标散装货码头,一般货码头和其他码头项目,也找机会参加其他集装箱码头项目和关联的活动。
2007-11-14 ArtNo.40283(777/872)
【ニューデリー】Renault-NissanのCarlos Ghosn社長は2年ほど前にソーシング・ツァーでインドを訪れ、処女のごとく慎ましいスタートを切ったが、今や脱兎のごとくインド戦略を展開している。(...続きを読む)
◆Ghosn gets in place India strategy at break-neck speed
【NEW DELHI】Although Renault-Nissan chief Carlos Ghosn started with a low-key, sourcing trip two years ago, right now he seems to be working at break-neck speed to get his India strategy in place.
2007-11-14 ArtNo.40284(778/872)
【ハイデラバード】Hyundai Motor Corporation(HMC)は4000万米ドルを投じアンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad市Madhapurに5番目の研究開発(R&D)施設を設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆Hyundai to set up its fifth R&D centre in Hyderabad
【Hyderabad】Hyundai Motor Corporation will set up its fifth R&D facility at Madhapur in Hyderabad with an investment of $40 million.
2007-11-19 ArtNo.40290(779/872)
◆Suryachakra Power、中国国電と火力発電所を建設
【ハイデラバード】Suryachakra Power Corporation Ltdは中国国電集団公司(China Guodian Corporation)と提携してオリッサ州に1200MWの石炭火力発電所を建設する。(...続きを読む)
◆Suryachakra Power to establish power plant with China Guodian
【Hyderabad】Suryachakra Power Corporation Ltd will establish a 1,200 MW coal-based power plant in Orissa with China Guodian Corporation. S.M. Manepalli, chairman of Suryachakra Power, said that the details of the project including its cost and location would be announced shortly along with the Chinese company.
◆Suryachakra Power将跟中国国电兴建发电站
【海德拉巴】Suryachakra Power Corporation将跟中国国电集团公司在奥里萨州兴建容量1200兆瓦的煤力发电站。详细计划即将跟中方一起公布。
2007-11-19 ArtNo.40292(780/872)
【ニューデリー】三井化学と同社子会社プライムポリマーがそれぞれ80%、20%出資してラジャスタン州ニムラナ(Neemrana)に設立した新会社Mitsui Prime Advanced Composites India PVT LTDがポリプロピレン(PP)自動車材の製造施設を建設する。(...続きを読む)
◆Mitsui Chem setting up facility in Rajasthan
【New Delhi】Mitsui Prime Advanced Composites India, a subsidiary of Mitsui Chemicals, is setting up a manufacturing facility to make polypropylene compounded resins for auto parts in Neemrana, Rajasthan with an initial investment of Rs 30 crore. The new plant, with an initial capacity of 15,000 tonnes per annum, will be operational from the first quarter of 2009, and will cater to Japanese automobile companies.
【新德里】日本三井化学在拉贾斯坦州Neemrana设立的Mitsui Prime Advanced Composites India兴建汽车用聚丙烯(PP)树脂材料厂。首期投资为3亿卢比,产能为1.5万吨/年,预计于2009年第1季度投产。产品专供给日资车厂。
2007-11-19 ArtNo.40293(781/872)
◆Southern Iron and Steel、年産能力を2倍以上に拡張
【ムンバイ】JSWグループ企業Southern Iron and Steel Company Ltd(Siscol)は向こう3~4年間に年産能力を2倍以上の300万トンに拡張する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Southern Iron and Steel to double capacity
【Mumbai】A JSW Group company, Southern Iron and Steel Company is intending to more than double the production of specialty steel to 3 million tonnes per annum over the next three to four years.
2007-11-19 ArtNo.40298(782/872)
【チェンナイ】Samsung India Electronics Pvt Ltd(SIEPL)は13日、タミールナド州Chennai近郊Kancheepuram県SriperumpudurのELCOT Industrial Park内に3000万米ドルを投じて設けたインドにおける第2工場の開所式を催した。(...続きを読む)
◆Samsung opens 2nd unit in Chennai
【Chennai】Samsung India Electronics Pvt Ltd on November 13 inaugurated its second manufacturing facility in the country, on which it has invested $30 million, at the ELCOT Industrial Park in Sriperumbudur, around 25 km west of Chennai.
2007-11-21 ArtNo.40301(783/872)
◆Govt considers new single largest holding rules for FDI
【New Delhi】Companies planning to go in for foreign investments may need to develop one single largest local shareholder.
2007-11-21 ArtNo.40302(784/872)
【ニューデリー】インド政府はインフラ開発を加速するため、1000クロー(US$2.514億)以下の公共プロジェクトに関しては、公共投資局(PIB:Public Investment Board)の認可に先立つ関係省庁による審査手続きを免除する方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Fast track infrastructure projects need not any pre-PIB examination
【New Delhi】To fast track infrastructure development in the Economy, the government has decided that all projects costing up to Rs 1,000 crore need not any vetting before Public Investment Board (PIB) approval.
2007-11-21 ArtNo.40303(785/872)
◆新日鉄/Tata Steelの合弁交渉近く正式合意
【コルカタ】新日本製鉄とTata Steelの自動車鋼板製造合弁交渉は進捗しており、間もなく正式合意がなされるものと見られる。(...続きを読む)
◆Nippon Steel, Tata joint venture for automotive steels on track
【Kolkata】The proposed joint venture between Nippon Steel of Japan and Tata Steel for manufacturing automotive steels is on track. However, no formal announcement will be made now in view of Tata's ongoing rights issue of shares.
2007-11-21 ArtNo.40304(786/872)
【チェンナイ】Surana Industries Ltd(SIL)は北京首鋼機電有限公司(Beijing Shougang Machinery and Electric Company Ltd)と、棒鋼・線材製造設備(bar and wire rod mill)の購入・据え付け契約を結んだ。契約額は1458万米ドル。(...続きを読む)
◆Surana orders wire rod mill from Shougang Machinery
【Chennai】Surana Industries Ltd (SIL) has placed an order worth $14.58 million with Beijing Shougang Machinery and Electric Company Ltd, Beijing for bar and wire rod mill.
2007-11-21 ArtNo.40305(787/872)
【パトナ】ビハール州のNitish Kumar首席大臣は18日、中央政府のRamvilas Paswan鉄鋼相に対し、ジャールカンド州のBokaro Steel Plantの方式に倣い、ビハール州に鉄鋼プラントを設けるよう呼び掛けた。ビハール州はそのために1000エーカーの土地を提供する用意があると言う。(...続きを読む)
◆Bihar Chief Minister requests the centre to set up steel plant in the state
【Patna】Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on November 18 requested Union Steel Minister Ramvilas Paswan to set up a steel plant in the same way of Bokaro in the state for which he committed to provide 1,000 acres of land.
【巴特那】比哈尔州首席部长Nitish Kumar11月18日向中央政府钢铁部长Ramvilas Paswan呼吁用波喀罗钢厂的方式在比哈尔州兴建大规模的制钢厂。他也宣誓提供1000英亩的用地。
2007-11-21 ArtNo.40306(788/872)
【コルカタ】国内最大のアルミニウム生産/輸出会社のNational Aluminium Company (Nalco)はオリッサ州Angul県にアルミニウム・パークを設け、州内のアルミニウム消費の拡大を図る。(...続きを読む)
◆Nalco to set up an aluminium park in Orissa
【Kolkata】The largest producer and exporter of aluminium in the country National Aluminium Company (Nalco) plans to set up an aluminium park at Angul, Orissa in order to boost consumption of the metal within the state.
2007-11-21 ArtNo.40307(789/872)
◆Nalco's second smelter project depends on the availability of mines
【Kolkata】For National Aluminium Company (Nalco), the availability of bauxite mine and coal block is a must for initiating the second smelter plant with annual capacity of 500,000 tonne in Orissa.
2007-11-21 ArtNo.40308(790/872)
◆Salim asks additional land for two-wheeler project
【KOLKATA】Indonesia-based Salim group has asked West Bengal state government an additional 35 acres of land for its proposed two-wheeler project at Uluberia in that state.
2007-11-21 ArtNo.40310(791/872)
【コルカタ】電気通信局(DOT:Department of Telecommunication)は、インド第3位の電話会社国営Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited(BSNL)が第4世代(4G)の通信技術Wi Maxサービスの入札を募集するのを認めた。(...続きを読む)
◆BSNL to invite tender for WiMax services soon
【Kolkata】The Department of Telecommunication (DoT) has allowed Bharat Sanchar Nigam limited(BSNL), India's third largest telecommunication services provider, to invite a tender for Wi Max services, a fourth generation(4G) technology, in the country.
2007-11-21 ArtNo.40311(792/872)
◆Essar Oil、精製能力を3倍以上に拡張
【ムンバイ】Essar Oil Ltd(EOL)は60億米ドルを投じて3年内に原油処理能力を3倍以上に増強する。同社はまた上場廃止計画を見合わせた。(...続きを読む)
◆Essar Oil to triple capacity in 3 years
【Mumbai】Essar Oil will spend about $6 billion to to expand capacity from the current 10.5 million tonnes per annum to 34 million tonnes per annum by 2010. The company is in talks with local and foreign banks to raise $4 billion in debt by March 2008 to fund the expansion.
2007-11-23 ArtNo.40314(793/872)
◆Relaxing FDI rules for chartered, cargo airlines proposed
【New Delhi】The ministry of civil aviation has proposed to permit up to 74% foreign direct investment (FDI) in non-scheduled, chartered and cargo airlines without the requisite foreign investment promotion board (FIPB) approvals. However this automatic route for FDI does not include investment from foreign airlines.
2007-11-23 ArtNo.40317(794/872)
【チェンナイ】韓国Hyundai Motor Company(HMC)はインドを世界市場向け小型乗用車の製造ハブにする方針で、Aセグメントの『i10』と『Santro』に続いてBセグメントの小型車『i20』もインドでのみ製造、インド国内および世界市場で販売する。(...続きを読む)
◆Hyundai making India small car production hub
【Chennai】Korean auto major Hyundai Motor Company is turning its Indian car operation into a production hub for all small cars worldwide. The company plans to launch another small car, B-segment i20. Like the A-segment i10 and the Santro, i20 will be made exclusively in India for both local and global markets.
2007-11-23 ArtNo.40320(795/872)
【ニューデリー】パンジャブ州Talwandi Saboにおける2000MW(メガワット)石炭火力発電所プロジェクトにはReliance Power/Larsen & Toubro/Lanco Infratechを含む10社が入札した。(...続きを読む)
◆10 cos bid for 2,000 mw thermal power project in Punjab
【NEW DELHI】The 10 companies including Reliance Power, Larsen & Toubro and Lanco Infratech have bid for setting up the 2,000 mw coal-based thermal power project at Talwandi Sabo in Punjab.
【新德里】总共10间公司包括瑞莱恩斯能源/拉森-图布罗/Lanco Infratech对在旁遮普州Talwandi Sabo兴建2000mw煤炭火力发电站项目有兴趣而投标。
2007-11-23 ArtNo.40321(796/872)
【ハイデラバード】Uranium Corporation of India Ltd (UCIL)は、環境保護論者の反対にも関わらず、アンドラプラデシュ州Kadapa県Tummalapalle村のウラン採掘・精錬プロジェクトに着手する。(...続きを読む)
◆UCIL commencing uranium plant in Andhra Pradesh
【Hyderabad】Uranium Corporation of India Ltd (UCIL) is commencing the works of uranium mining and processing plant at Tummalapalle in Kadapa district. Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy will lay the foundation stone for the plant on 20 Nov at Tummalapalle.
2007-11-23 ArtNo.40322(797/872)
◆Kamineni、UMW Holdingsと合弁で高級鋼管製造
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州のヘルスケア大手Kamineni Hospitals GroupとマレーシアUMW Holdings Berhadの石油ガス事業部門がそれぞれ49%、51%出資する合弁会社United Seamless Tubular Private Limitedが600クロー(US$1億4487万)を投じ、同州Hyderabad近郊のNarketpallyに継目無鋼管の製造施設を設置する。(...続きを読む)
◆Kamineni-UMW Holdings JV setting up seamless pipe mill
【Hyderabad】United Seamless Tubular Private Limited, a joint venture company between Kamineni Hospitals Group and UMW Holdings Berhad of Malaysia, is setting up a higher grade seamless pipe mill at an investment of Rs 600 crore near Hyderabad. The plant, which will have a 3-lakh tonne capacity a year, is expected to start commercial production from April 2010.
◆Kamineni-UMW Holdings合资公司设无缝钢管厂
【海德拉巴】安得拉邦州医疗保健大公司Kamineni Hospitals Group和马来西亚UMW Holdings Berhad的合资公司United Seamless Tubular Private Limited计划投资60亿卢比在该州海德拉巴近郊设立高铬无缝钢管厂。该厂产能将为30万吨/年,计划2010年4月投产。
2007-11-23 ArtNo.40323(798/872)
◆India to be the world's second-biggest maker of steel alloy by 2020
【Mumbai】India's steel production capacity will at least quadruple by 2020. India will be the world's second-biggest maker of the alloy only to China by then from the seventh position now.
2007-11-23 ArtNo.40324(799/872)
【ムンバイ】Reliance-Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group (R-ADAG)はニューヨーク拠点のホテル/レジャー・ビジネス会社Starwood Hotels & Resorts(SHR)と、後者の高級ホテルブランド『St Regis』をインド国内で立ち上げる問題を協議しているもようだ。(...続きを読む)
◆R-ADAG in talks with Starwood Hotels to launch St Regis brand in India
【Mumbai】The Reliance-Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group (R-ADAG) is believed to be in talks with the New York-based Starwood Hotels & Resorts, a leading hotel and leisure company, to launch later's upscale St Regis brand in India.
【孟买】瑞莱恩斯·阿尼尔·安巴尼·德鲁拜集团被相信跟位于纽约的喜达屋酒店与度假村国际集团商量在印度展开后者的高级酒店牌子St Regis。
2007-11-26 ArtNo.40325(800/872)
【ムンバイ】Emaar/Nakheel/Gulf Finance House/ETA Star等に続き、別に半ダースほどの中東不動産ジャイアンツがインド市場進出の機会を窺っており、向こう2、3年間に500億米ドル以上の湾岸資金がインドに流入するものと見られる。(...続きを読む)
◆Gulf realty firms to invest $50 bn in two-three years
【Mumbai】More than $50 billion is expected to flow in the Indian property market from the Gulf region in the next two-three years. For the property giants such as Emaar, Nakheel, Gulf Finance House and ETA Star from the Gulf move ahead with their plans and the region's half a dozen other real estate companies have set their eyes on the country.
【孟买】今后两三年内从海湾诸国超过500亿美元的资金被预料流入印度房地产市产。因为不单Emaar/Nakheel/Gulf Finance House/ETA Star等中东房地产巨人已经开始投资,而且另外半打那个地区不动产企业也对印度市场虎视眈眈。
投資 Investment in 2007
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