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投資 Investment in 2007
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元のページへ戻る ►2007-11-26 ArtNo.40326(801/872)
【ニューデリー】電力/鉱山/道路建設/鉄鋼ビジネスを手掛けるAbhijeet Groupは5万5000クロー(US$138.30億)を投じてインド国内の様々な地域に鉄鋼プラントと発電所を建設、また他のビジネス領域も開拓する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Abhijeet to invest $13.8b in steel, power
【New Delhi】Abhijeet Group, which is a well-diversified business entity with significant presence in the core sector areas of Power, Mining, Roads, Steel and Ferroalloys, will invest Rs 55,000 crore(US$13.8 billion) to build steel and power plants in various parts of the country, besides planning forays into other sectors.
2007-11-26 ArtNo.40327(802/872)
【ハイデラバード】Aditya Birla Groupのアルミ/銅生産会社Hindalco Industries Limitedは自動車および航空機用アルミ材事業を強化する。(...続きを読む)
◆Hindalco to foray into aluminium alloys for automobile and aviation
【Hyderabad】Hindalco Industries Limited of the Aditya Birla Group, which acquired flat-rolled aluminum products giant Novelis, a subsidiary of Canadian aluminium maker Alcan Inc, has targeted the automobile and aviation sectors to drive it foray into aluminium alloys.
【海德拉巴】埃迪亚·贝拉集团旗下的印度斯坦铝业公司将加强汽车和飞机用铝材业务。该公司今年收购加拿大铝业巨擘Alcan Inc的子公司Novelis。Novelis是世界上最大的铝轧制产品公司,拥有可代替汽车用钢材的特殊铝合金的技术。
2007-11-26 ArtNo.40328(803/872)
◆Club One Air、超軽量ジェットMROセンター設置計画
【ニューデリー】チャーター便会社Club One Air(COA)は、米国のビジネス航空機メーカーEclipse Aviation及び別の米国航空機メーカー1社と超軽量ジェット(VLJ:very light jet)用MRO(maintenance, repair and overhaul)サービス・センターをインドに設ける問題を協議している。(...続きを読む)
◆Club One Air to set up an MRO for very light jets in India
【New Delhi】Club One Air, a local air charter operator, is negotiating with US-based business aircraft manufacturer Eclipse Aviation and another American aircraft manufacturer about establishing a maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) services centre for very light jets (VLJs) in India.
◆Club One Air计划设立超轻型喷气式客机的MRO设施
【新德里】印度包机商Club One Air正在跟美国公务飞机制造商日蚀航空公司和另外一间美国飞机制造商磋商在印度设立超轻型喷气式商务客机的MRO(维修·修理·大修)设施。
2007-11-26 ArtNo.40331(804/872)
【ニューデリー】自動車部品の製造販売を手掛ける八千代工業株式会社は、インドに子会社を設けプラスチック製燃料タンクを製造、Honda Siel Cars Indiaを初めとするホンダ系列企業に納入する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Yachiyo of Japan plans to make plastic fuel tanks in India
【New Delhi】Yachiyo Industry Co is planning to establish a subsidiary in India for manufacturing plastic fuel tanks for passenger cars and supplying to Honda Siel Cars India, and other affiliates of Honda Motor Co Ltd. The Japan-based company is involved in production and sales of automobiles and automobile parts.
2007-11-26 ArtNo.40333(805/872)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Kadapa県Tummalapalle村のウラン鉱採掘・精錬工場は3年内に操業を開始する。Uranium Corporation of India Ltd (UCIL)は同プロジェクトに1106.25クロー(US$2億6710万)を投じる。(...続きを読む)
◆New uranium mines become urgent for staggering plants
【Hyderabad】A Project to mine and process uranium in Andhra Pradesh will become operational in three years, as India struggles to overcome a shortage of uranium for its nuclear power plants. A serious shortage of fuel has resulted in India's nuclear power plants operating at around 50% of their capacity. The opening up of new mines and processing facilities domestically has become more urgent when the India-US nuclear deal hit a snag.
2007-11-26 ArtNo.40335(806/872)
◆Total plans to invest 3 new projects
【Bangalore】The French oil major Total, which has identified three new projects for investments in India, is likely to announce its fresh investment plan by year-end.
2007-11-26 ArtNo.40336(807/872)
【ニューデリー】フランスを拠点にする世界第二の小売企業Carrefourは2009年にインドに進出、先ずNew Delhi/マハラシュトラ州Mumbai/カルナタカ州Bangalore/タミールナド州Chennai等のメトロ(人口100万以上の都市)郊外に完全出資のキャッシュ&キャリー卸売り店舗を設けるとともに、フランチャイズ方式の小売チェーンも展開する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Carrefour to foray into cash & carry in `09
【New Delhi】Carrefour, the world's second-largest retailer based in France, is planning its Indian foray in 2009 through cash-and-carry business and franchise route. The company will set up wholly-owned wholesale cash-and-carry outlets in the suburbs of metros such as New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Chennai.
2007-11-28 ArtNo.40337(808/872)
【ニューデリー】政府は外国直接投資(FDI)を促進する狙いから、経済問題閣僚委員会(CCEA: Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs)が外国投資プロジェクトを最終審査する既存の手続きを、一部の敏感な部門を除き廃止する可能性を検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt likely to do away CCEA clearance for FDI proposals
【New Delhi】In what would speed up foreign direct investments (FDI) into the country, the government is likely to do away with the practice of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) clearing foreign investment proposals, except in the case of certain sensitive sectors.
2007-11-28 ArtNo.40338(809/872)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、特別経済区(SEZ:special economic zone)や特別農業区(SAZ:special agriculture zone)に倣って特別鉱業区(SMZ:special mining zone)を設け、鉱業投資を促す可能性を検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆Centre mulls to set up special mining zones
【New Delhi】The government is considering to set up special mining zones in the lines of special economic zones (SEZs) and special agriculture zones (SAZs) so that it can fast-track investment in the mining sector.
2007-11-28 ArtNo.40339(810/872)
【ニューデリー】最高裁は11月23日、ロンドン証券取引所上場Vedanta Resources plc(Anil K. Agarwal会長)の傘下にあるSterlite Industries (India) LtdとVedanta Alumina Ltdによるオリッサ州のボーキサイト採掘を禁じる裁定を下した。(...続きを読む)
◆Supreme Court barrs Vedanta Resources from mining bauxite
【New Delhi】The Supreme Court on 23 Nov barred Sterlite Industries (India) Ltd and Vedanta Alumina Ltd of Vedanta Resources plc from mining bauxite in the Rayagada and Kalahandi districts of Orissa. The ruling said, "Adherence to sustainable development is a constitutional requirement."
2007-11-28 ArtNo.40340(811/872)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州とオリッサ州に2万クロー(US$50.29億)を投じて2つのアルミニウム製錬関連施設の建設を計画するNational Aluminium Company(Nalco)は、両州政府の認可が得られたなら、増資、借入、内部余剰金を含む複数の選択肢のミックスを通じて必要資金を賄う計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Nalco through a mix of options to fund the new green-field projects
【Hyderabad】The National Aluminium Company(Nalco), which will invest around Rs 20,000 crore to set up two new greenfield projects in Andhra Pradesh and Orissa, is looking at a mix of options, including equity, debt and internal resources to fund these projects, if the two state governments clear them.
2007-11-28 ArtNo.40341(812/872)
◆Hind Copper、SPV設け新鉱山の開発加速計画
【コルカタ】インド唯一の総合的銅精錬会社Hindustan Copper Ltd(HCL)は、民間パートナーと共同でジャールカンド州Chapri Sideshwari鉱山の開発に乗り出す一方、別に特定目的会社(SPV:special purpose vehicle)を設立し、新鉱山の開発を加速する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Hind Copper to set up SPV to accelerate exploration
【Kolkata】The only vertically-integrated copper producer in India Hindustan Copper Ltd is looking for a private partner to develop the Chapri Sideshwari mine in Jharkhand and also mulling to float a special purpose vehicle (SPV) to fund exploration of new mining areas.
【加尔各答】印度唯一的综合性铜提炼厂,印度斯坦铜业有限公司一面寻找民间伙帮而共同发展贾坎德州Chapri Sideshwari矿山,同时计划设立特殊目的机构来筹募资金加速发展新矿山活动。
2007-11-28 ArtNo.40343(813/872)
【ニューデリー】Indian Railways(IR)には、政府が推奨する公共民間協力(PPP:public-private partnership)モデルを採用する意思がなく、日本の金融援助は受けるものの、総コスト2万8000クロー(US$70.40億)の貨物専用鉄道計画をほとんど自力で実行する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆The railways to fund the freight corridor project on their own
【New Delhi】Showing little faith in the government's public-private partnership model, the Indian Railways intends to fund the Rs 28,000-crore dedicated freight corridor project on their own with a little help from the Japanese.
2007-11-28 ArtNo.40345(814/872)
◆Fukuoka firms, Technopark in talks on embedded software biz
【Thiruvananthapuram】In connection with its Technocity project, Technopark in Kerala was in parleys with a high-level delegation from Fukoka city in Japan on co-operating on embedded software-related industries.
2007-11-28 ArtNo.40347(815/872)
【チェンナイ】Asia Cryo-Cell Private Ltd(ACCPL)傘下のLifeCellは、幹細胞の移植研究(transplants and research)を専門に手掛ける初のセンター『TRICell』を設立した。(...続きを読む)
◆LifeCell launches its first exclusive stem cell centre
【Chennai】Chennai-based LifeCell, which is promoted by Asia Cryo-Cell Private Ltd and a pioneer in cord blood stem cell banking and research, has launched TRICell, its first exclusive stem cell centre for stem cell transplants and research.
2007-12-03 ArtNo.40349(816/872)
【ニューデリー】経済問題閣僚委員会(CCEA:Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs)は27日、鉄道省の旗艦プロジェクト、『貨物専用鉄道(dedicated rail freight corridor)』計画の東部路線及び西部路線を原則的に承認した。(...続きを読む)
◆Dedicated freight corridor gets nod
【New Delhi】The Cabinet committee on economic affairs (CCEA) on November 27 gave its in-principle approval to the dedicated freight corridor project, which is the flagship project of the railway ministry, on eastern and western corridors.
2007-12-03 ArtNo.40350(817/872)
【ニューデリー】Delhi Metro Rail Corp(DMRC)に地下鉄車輌を納入した際、販売税を支払わなかった問題を巡りカルナタカ州政府の強制措置差し止めを求めた三菱商事/韓国ロテム(ROTEM Company)/ 三菱電機コンソーシアムの訴えを最高裁は棄却した。(...続きを読む)
◆SC rejects Mitsubishi's plea on sales tax issue
【NEW DELHI】The Supreme Court has rejected a petition filed by a consortium comprising Mitsubishi Corporation, Rotem Company and Mitsubishi Electric Corporation seeking to restrain the Karnataka government from taking any coercive action for non-payment of sales tax on high-tech train cars it supplied to Delhi Metro Rail Corp.
2007-12-03 ArtNo.40351(818/872)
【チェンナイ】O. P. Jindalグループの一翼を担うSajjan Jindal氏に率いられるJSWグループは向こう3年間に鉄鋼/発電/アルミ/セメント等の事業に4万クロー(US$100.58億)を投資する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆JSW to invest $10b in 3 years
【Chennai】JSW Group, a part of O. P. Jindal Group, which is managed by Mr Sajjan Jindal, vice-chairman and managing director of JSW Steel, plans to invest Rs 40,000 crore(US$10.058 billion) on various steel, power, aluminium and cement projects, over the next three years.
2007-12-03 ArtNo.40352(819/872)
◆三井物産、Indian Steel Corp持ち分を20%に拡大
【ムンバイ】三井物産は、Ruchiグループがプロモーターを務めるIndian Steel Corporation Ltd(ISCL)の10%権益を65クロー(US$1634万)で買い足し、持ち分を20%に引き上げた。(...続きを読む)
◆Mitsui buys additional 10 per cent stake in Indian Steel Corporation
【Mumbai】Japan's trading company Mitsui & Co has picked up additional 10 per cent stake in the Ruchi-group-controlled Indian Steel Corporation for Rs 65 crore and scaled up its stake to 20 per cent.
2007-12-03 ArtNo.40356(820/872)
【チェンナイ】総容量4100MW(メガワット)の発電プロジェクトがタミールナド州で計画されている。North Chennai、Mettur、Kunthaに各500MW、Tuticorinに1000MWの発電所が設けられる他、タミールナド州電力局(TNEB)とBharat Heavy Electricals Ltdが合弁で1600MWの発電所の建設を計画している。(...続きを読む)
◆Five power plants of 4,100 MW planned in Tamil Nadu
【Chennai】Five power plants of total capacity of 4,100 MW are planned to be set up in Tamil Nadu. In North Chennai, Mettur and Kuntha three plants of 500 MW each are to be set up, and in Tuticorin 1,000 MW and 1,600 MW plants are planned.
【金奈】发电能力总共4100兆瓦的5所发电站将在泰米尔纳德州兴建。其中3所500兆瓦的发电站在North Chennai、Mettur和Kuntha兴建,1000兆瓦和16000兆瓦的发电站在Tuticorin兴建。
2007-12-03 ArtNo.40357(821/872)
◆Renewable energy ministry proposes an outlay of Rs 10k cr for 11th Plan
【Mumbai】The ministry of new and renewable energy has suggested that development of new and renewable energy in the country for the 11th Plan period might need an outlay of Rs 10,460 crore.
2007-12-03 ArtNo.40358(822/872)
【ニューデリー】Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd(HPCL)は25億米ドル以上を投じアンドラプラデシュ州Visakhapatnam(Vizag)製油所の年間原油精製能力を1600万トンに引き上げる。(...続きを読む)
◆HPCL to expand Vizag unit by investing $2.5 bn
【New Delhi】Hindustan Petroleum Corporation plans to expand its Visakhapatnam refinery capacity to 16 million tonnes at an investment of $ 2.5 billion.
2007-12-03 ArtNo.40359(823/872)
◆Gujarat Alkalies 、新無水塩化アルミ工場稼働
【アーマダバード】グジャラート州政府が所有するGujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd (GACL)は11月27日、同州Bharuch県にある同社Dahejコンプレックスの無水塩化アルミニウム(AAC)プラントが11月20日に操業を開始したと発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆GACL’s AAC plant starts operation
【Ahmedabad】The anhydrous aluminium chloride (AAC) plant of the state-owned Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd (GACL) went on stream at its Dahej complex in Bharuch district of Gujarat on 20 Nov.
2007-12-03 ArtNo.40360(824/872)
【ニューデリー】ハイパーマーケット市場に進出する方針を明らかにした不動産大手Parsvnath Developers Ltdはフランスのハイパーマーケット大手CarrefourおよびGroupe Casinoと提携交渉を行っているようだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Parsvnath in talks with French giants for hypermarket venture
【New Delhi】Real estate major Parsvnath Developers Ltd is understood to be in talks with French giants Carrefour and Groupe Casino for partnering in its hypermarket venture.
【新德里】据了解有意进军大型综合超市的印度房地产公司Parsvnath Developers正在跟两家法国超市巨擘,家乐福和开兴隆集团,进行谈判。
2007-12-05 ArtNo.40362(825/872)
【バンガロール】米国の半導体メーカーAdvanced Micro Devices Inc(AMD)は先月29日カルナタカ州Bangaloreに2つ目の研究開発(R&D)センターをオープン、インドにおけるエンジニアリング業務の一層の強化を図っている。(...続きを読む)
◆AMD opens new R&D centre in Bangalore
【Bangalore】The US-based chip maker AMD opened its new R&D centre in Bangalore on 29 Nov. It will mainly focus on silicon chip design and platform research & development. AMD's chairman and chief executive officer Hector Ruiz inaugurated the facility.
【邦加罗尔】美国芯片制造商AMD11月29号在卡纳塔克州邦加罗尔举行该公司在印度建立的第3所研发中心的开业典礼。AMD会长兼首席执行官Hector Ruiz主持典礼。AMD有意加强其在印度的研发力量。
2007-12-05 ArtNo.40363(826/872)
【ハイデラバード】西ベンガル州政府は半導体製造施設(Fab:semiconductor manufacturing facility)の建設を計画するVideoconグループに近く50エーカーの用地を割り当てる予定だ。(...続きを読む)
◆West Bengal to allot 50 acres to Videocon's fab project
【Hyderabad】The West Bengal government will soon allot 50 acres of land to Videocon to set up a semiconductor manufacturing facility (fab).
2007-12-05 ArtNo.40364(827/872)
◆Moser Baer、ラジャスタン州に大型太陽光発電所建設
【ニューデリー】地元光学ディスク・メーカーMoser Baer India Ltd(MBIL)の完全出資子会社Moser Baer Photo Voltaic Ltd (MBPV)は、2500万米ドルを投じ、ラジャスタン州に送電網にリンクした国内最大の太陽光発電所(solar farm)を建設する。(...続きを読む)
◆Moser Baer setting up grid connected solar farm in Rajasthan
【New Delhi】Moser Baer Photo Voltaic (MBPV), a wholly-owned subsidiary of optical media storage device maker Moser Baer (India) Ltd, will set up India's largest grid connected solar farm in Rajasthan at an investment of $25 million.
2007-12-05 ArtNo.40365(828/872)
◆Videocon directly negotiates with land owners in WB
【Kolkata】The Videocon group has directly negotiated with land owners near Asansol to acquire 2,000 acres land for their 15,000 crore steel and power project. The group signed a memorandum of agreement (MOA) with the West Bengal government for the project last month.
2007-12-05 ArtNo.40372(829/872)
【ニューデリー】インド最大の石油・ガス探査開発会社Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)はラジャスタン州Jodhpur付近の堆積層において新ガス田を発見した。(...続きを読む)
◆ONGC makes a new gas discovery in Rajasthan
【New Delhi】The country's largest exploration and production company Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) has made a new gas discovery in a basin near Jodhpur in Rajasthan.
2007-12-07 ArtNo.40374(830/872)
【コルカタ】国営製鉄会社Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)は2004年7月に発表した『事業計画2012』の投資規模を大幅に増額した。(...続きを読む)
◆SAIL increases investment in Corporate Plan
【Kolkata】Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) has increased significantly its investment in the Corporate Plan 2012 which the company announced in 2004. The company would invest Rs 53,000 crore to increase hot metal capacity to 26 million tonnes. Initially, an investment of Rs 25,000 crore was planned to increase the capacity from 13 million tonnes to 20 million tonnes.
2007-12-07 ArtNo.40375(831/872)
【ニューデリー】アラブ首長国連邦(UAE)に名を連ねるRas Al Khaimah首長国が経営する不動産会社Rakeenは、タミールナド州Chennaiの鉱山会社Trimexと、50:50の合弁会社Rakindo Developersを設立、インド不動産事業に50億米ドルを投資する。(...続きを読む)
◆UAE realty firm Rakeen to invest $5 b in India
【New Delhi】Rakeen, promoted by the Government of Ras Al Khaimah, UAE plans to invest $5 billion in real estate projects in India through a 50-50 joint venture company, Rakindo Developers Pvt Ltd, which has been set up with Chennai-based mineral conglomerate Trimex Group.
【新德里】拉斯阿尔卡麦政府控股的项目开发公司Rakeen计划通过跟印度矿山公司Trimex Group设立的50对50联营公司Rakindo Developers私人有限公司向印度房地产市场投资50亿美元。
2007-12-07 ArtNo.40376(832/872)
【ムンバイ】インドを代表する民間複合企業Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)と国営ガス供給会社Gas Authority of India Ltd(GAIL)は4日、共同で中東、西アジア、中央アジア、ロシア、旧ソ連邦(FSU)諸国等、原料資源が豊富な地域に石油化学コンプレックスを建設することで合意、関係覚書に調印した。(...続きを読む)
◆RIL, GAIL jointly to set up petrochemical complexes abroad
【Mumbai】The country's most valuable private sector conglomerate Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) and state-run gas transporter Gas Authority of India Ltd(GAIL) on December 4 signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to jointly explore opportunities for setting up petrochemical complexes in feedstock-rich Middle East, West and Central Asia, Russia and FSU countries.
2007-12-07 ArtNo.40377(833/872)
【ムンバイ】世界的に撒積運搬船(bulk carrier)や洋上補給船(offshore supply vessel)の供給が逼迫する中で少なからぬインド企業が造船所の建設を計画しており投資額は1万クロー(US$25億)にのぼる。(...続きを読む)
◆Indian firms to invest Rs 10,000-cr to set up new shipyards
【Mumbai】Several Indian companies are looking at setting up large shipbuilding yards in the country at a total investment of Rs 10,000 crore, cashing in on scarcity of bulk carriers and offshore supply vessel in the global market.
2007-12-07 ArtNo.40382(834/872)
◆eInfochips to set up 9th offshore development centre
【Chennai】Ahmedabad-based eInfochips plans to set up its ninth offshore development centre (ODC). The company specialises in providing outsourcing of electronic design solutions and services, now operates eight ODCs for various customers in Ahmedabad, Pune and Bangalore. The new ODC is being planned in Ahmedabad or Pune.
2007-12-07 ArtNo.40383(835/872)
◆Bharti-Wal-Mart stores to opt Carrefour format
【New Delhi】The first Bharti-Wal-Mart convenience store, which is slated to open in Ludhiana in April 2008, will be modelled on the lines of French retailer Carrefour's stores rather than the international Wal-Mart format.
2007-12-12 ArtNo.40385(836/872)
【ムンバイ】インド最大の民間熱間圧延コイル・メーカー、Ispat Industries Ltd(IIL)は1万クロー(US$25.14億)以上を投じて鉄鋼製造能力を拡張する。(...続きを読む)
◆Ispat plans Rs 10,000 cr capacity expansion
【Mumbai】India's largest private hot rolled coil producer Ispat Industries Ltd plans an investment of over Rs 10,000 crore in expanding its steel-making capacity.
2007-12-12 ArtNo.40388(837/872)
【ニューデリー】アンドラプラデシュ発電事業会社Apgenco(Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation)は2×800MW(メガワット)Krishnapatnam超臨界発電プロジェクトの入札を取消、再入札を募集する方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Fresh bids for supercritical Krishnapatnam power project
【NEW DELHI】The Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation (Apgenco) has decided to call for fresh bidding for the implementation of its 2X800 MW supercritical Krishnapatnam power project and has cancelled the ongoing bidding process for the project.
2007-12-12 ArtNo.40389(838/872)
◆Reliance Industries、再生可能エネルギー事業参入へ
【コルカタ】Mukesh Ambani会長を総帥とするReliance Industries Ltd (RIL)が再生可能エネルギー事業に参入する。弟Anil Ambani氏が会長を務めるReliance Energy Ltdもすでに同事業への参入を発表している。(...続きを読む)
◆Reliance Industries to set up solar plant in West Bengal
【Kolkata】Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) plans to enter the renewable energy business. To start with, RIL has decided to set up a 10MW solar plant in West Bengal and sought the help of the West Bengal Renewable Energy Development Agency (WBREDA).
【加尔各答】瑞莱恩斯工业公司(Reliance Industries)计划向可再生能源领域进军。该公司决定首先在西孟加拉州兴建10兆瓦的太阳能发电站,向西孟加拉州可再生能源发展局(WBREDA)请求协助。
2007-12-12 ArtNo.40390(839/872)
【ニューデリー】クウェート石油公社(KPC:Kuwait Petroleum Corporation)はインドに大規模な製油/石油化学コンプレックスを建設、所有する計画で、合弁候補のReliance Industries Ltd (RIL)、国営石油会社Indian OilCorporation Ltd (IOC)などとトップ会談を進めている。(...続きを読む)
◆Kuwait Petroleum in talks with RIL, IOC for joint project
【New Delhi】Kuwait Petroleum Corp is in talks with Reliance Industries Ltd and state-owned Indian Oil Corporation Ltd to jointly build a large-scale refinery and petrochemical complex in India.
【新德里】科威特石油公司(Kuwait Petroleum Corp)就炼油兼石化厂合资项目事宜正在跟瑞莱恩斯工业公司(Reliance Industries)和印度石油公司(Indian Oil Corporation)个别进行谈判。
2007-12-12 ArtNo.40391(840/872)
◆DuPont doubles investment for R&D centre in Hyderabad
【New Delhi】US chemical giant DuPont Co will double its previously announced investment in the R&D centre to 2 billion rupees. In February, the company said it would invest 1 billion rupees in the centre which will be set up in Hyderabad and operational by June 2008.
2007-12-12 ArtNo.40393(841/872)
◆IBM to invest in India labs under the $1.5 billion security initiative
【Mumbai】IBM's two software laboratories in Pune and Bangalore are set to receive more funds under the $1.5 billion security initiative in 2008 which was announced on November 1 by IBM.
2007-12-12 ArtNo.40394(842/872)
◆米Vitesse Semiconductor、インドR&D活動を強化
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州HyderabadのR&Dセンターに今年度300万米ドルを投資する米国Vitesse Semiconductor Corporationは、インドにおけるR&D活動をさらに強化する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Vitesse Semiconductor expanding operations here
【Hyderabad】Vitesse Semiconductor Corporation plans to expand its R&D operations in India. The company plans to invest $3 million in Hyderabad R&D centre during the fiscal year. The company also hinted at an investment of about $6 million in 2009, $9 million in 2010 and $12 million in 2011.
◆Vitesse Semiconductor计划增强在印研发实力
【海德拉巴】制造宽带高性能通讯用IC产品的美国Vitesse Semiconductor Corporation计划增强印度研发中心的芯片研发实力。该公司研发中心设在安得拉邦州海德拉巴。该公司计划今年度对该中心投资300万美元。此后投资额将为600万美元(2009年)、900万美元(2010年)、1200万美元(2011年)。
2007-12-12 ArtNo.40396(843/872)
◆Government to remove 24% FDI cap on SSI units
【New Delhi】The government will soon remove the foreign direct investment (FDI) cap of 24% for all companies in the small-scale industry (SSI) sector. SSI companies will be allowed to raise foreign equity in accordance with caps governing the sectors in which they operate.
2007-12-17 ArtNo.40398(844/872)
【ムンバイ】アイランド・シティー、MumbaiのSewriと本土側Nhava Shevaを結ぶ見積もりコスト4500クロー(US$11.32億)の『Mumbai Trans-Harbour Link (MTHL)』計画を巡るMukesh Ambani/Anil Ambani兄弟のバトル・ロイヤルが再燃した。(...続きを読む)
◆Ambani brothers set to battle for Trans-Harbour Link project
【Mumbai】A battle royal between the Ambani brothers, Mukesh Ambani and his younger brother Anil, for the Maharashtra government's showcase project of around Rs 4,500 crore, Mumbai Trans-Harbour Link (MTHL) or sea link between Sewri in island city of Mumbai and Nhava Sheva is set to begin again.
2007-12-17 ArtNo.40399(845/872)
【ニューデリー】国営National Aluminium Company (NALCO)は向こう5年間に3万クロー(US$75.43億)を投じてインドネシアにアルミニウム製錬所と発電施設を建設する。(...続きを読む)
◆NALCO to set up a smelter and a power plant in Indonesia
【New Delhi】State-run National Aluminium Company (NALCO) is set to invest Rs 30,000 crore over the next five years to set up a smelter and a power plant in Indonesia.
2007-12-17 ArtNo.40400(846/872)
【ブーバネスワル】ロンドン上場Vedanta Resources plcのアルミニウム事業会社Vedanta Alumina Ltdは、8400クロー(US$20億2814万)を投じてオリッサ州Jharsuguda県Bhurkhamundaに建設している処理能力50万トンのアルミニウム精錬所の操業を今年度末までに開始する。(...続きを読む)
◆Vedanta's 5 lakh tonne aluminium smelter to be ready by Feb
【Bhubaneswar】Vedanta Aluminium Ltd of Vedata Resources plc is set to commission the 5 lakh tonne aluminium smelter at Jharsuguda in Orissa by the end of this fiscal.
2007-12-17 ArtNo.40401(847/872)
【ニューデリー】Hero Group傘下のHero Motors Ltd(HML)と、株式会社キリウ及び住友商事は12日、自動車部品の鋳造と機械加工を手掛ける新会社Munjal Kiriu Industries Pvt Ltd (MKIPL)を設立する合弁契約に正式調印した。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero, Sumitomo, Kiriu ink JV for dics brake manufacturing
【New Delhi】Hero Motors Ltd, part of the Hero Group, on December 12 inked a deal with Japan's Sumitomo Corporation and Kiriu Corporation, Japan to set up a joint venture company, Munjal Kiriu Industries Pvt Ltd (MKIPL) which would manufacture brake discs, drums and knuckles for automotive original equipment manufacturers at Manesar, Haryana.
【新德里】英雄集团旗下的英雄汽车有限公司与两间日本公司,桐生股份公司和住友商事公司12月12日签订联营合约。它们设立联营企业Munjal Sumi Kiriu私人有限公司而在哈里亚纳州Manesar生产汽车用铸造零件,向原始汽车设备制造商提供这些产品。
2007-12-17 ArtNo.40403(848/872)
◆Two-wheelers slip 2% in Nov
【Mumbai】Motorcycle sales slowed by 2 per cent to 5,40,553 units in November compared to the same month last year, the smallest fall so far this fiscal.
2007-12-17 ArtNo.40406(849/872)
【ムンバイ】Reliance Energy Ltd(REL)がマハラシュトラ州Shahapurに計画する4000MW(メガワット)の発電事業が、環境森林省の認可を取得した。(...続きを読む)
◆REL's Shahapur 4,000-mw power project clears green hurdle
【Mumbai】Reliance Energy Ltd's (REL) 4,000-mw power project at Shahapur in Maharashtra has received environment clearance from the ministry of environment and forests (MoEF).
2007-12-17 ArtNo.40407(850/872)
【ムンバイ】Reliance Industries Limited (RIL)はマレーシアのポリエステル製造会社Hualon Corporation Malaysia Sdn Bhd(HCMSB)を2000クロー(US$5.03億)で買収する。RILは今年9月にHCMSBを買収すると発表したが、買収額は公表していなかった。(...続きを読む)
◆Reliance to acquire Hualon Malaysia for Rs 2,000 crore
【MUMBAI】Reliance Industries is prepareing to acquire the assets of Malaysian polyester manufacturer Hualon Corporation Malaysia Sdn Bhd for Rs 2,000 crore.
投資 Investment in 2007
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