石油/化学 Petroleum/Chemical in 2007
【ムンバイ】製薬受託製造会社Jubilant Organosys Company Ltd(JOCL)は、ピリジン(pyridine)とピコリン(picoline)の増大する需要に応じるため、ウッタルプラデシュ州のGajraula工場におけるこれら2化学物質の年産能力を4万2000トンに拡大するプロジェクトに1500万米ドルを投じる。
◆Jubilant to raise capacities of pyridines and picolines
【MUMBAI】The pharma and custom research manufacturing services company Jubilant Organosys Company Ltd has increased capacities of two chemicals, pyridines and picolines to 42,000 tonnes per annum at plant in Gajraula, Uttar Pradesh entailing an investment of $15 million.
2007-08-20 ArtNo.39894(152/234)
◆Core infrastructure growth slips to 5.3% in June
【New Delhi】The growth of six key infrastructure industries slowed to 5.3% in June compared with 7.7% a year ago due to decline in production of crude oil coupled with a slow down in output of other products.
【新德里】因为原油产量下降,其他行业的成长也钝化,所以6个骨干基础设施产业今年6月仅成长5.3%,比去年同月的 7.7%显著地减速。
2007-08-20 ArtNo.39897(153/234)
【ニューデリー】首相経済諮問委員会(EAC:Prime Minister's economic advisory council)はReliance Industries Ltd(RIL)がKrishna Godavari(KG)海盆KG-D6鉱区産の天然ガスに対して行った価格設定は概ね業界の慣例に沿っているとの判断を示す一方、燃料分配手続きを透明なものにするため再入札にかけるよう提案した。
◆PM panel suggests a rebidding for allocation of RIL's KG-D6 gas
【New Delhi】The Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council has thought that the pricing formula adopted by Reliance Industries for natural gas from its KG-D6 fields was broadly in line with industry practices, but proposed a rebidding in a transparent manner for allocation of the fuel.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39907(154/234)
◆India, Japan to enhance cooperation on environment and energy
【New Delhi】India and Japan on August 22 signed a joint statement to enhance cooperation on environmental protection and energy security.
2007-08-27 ArtNo.39923(155/234)
【ニューデリー】鉄鋼王LN Mittal氏はフランスのTotal SA及びインドの国営Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL)と合弁でアンドラプラデシュ州Visakhapatnam近郊に設けられる石油/化学/石油化学投資地域(PCPIR:petroleum, chemicals & petrochemicals investment region)内に大規模な石油精製/石油化学コンプレックスを建設する計画だ。
◆Mittal, Total, HPCL to set up refinery-cum-petrochemical complex
【New Delhi】Steel tycoon LN Mittal plans to tie up with Total SA of France and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL) to set up a mega greenfield refinery-cum-petrochemical project at the proposed petroleum, chemicals & petrochemicals investment region near Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh.
2007-08-27 ArtNo.39924(156/234)
【コルカタ】三菱化学(MCC)が西ベンガル州Haldiaに設けた高純度テレフタル酸(PTA:purified terephthalic acid)製造合弁会社MCC PTA India Corp Pvt Ltd(MPI)は2009年までに製造能力を3倍に拡大する。
◆Mitsubishi to triple Haldia plant capacity: Abe
【Kolkata】MCC PTA India Pvt Ltd, a subsidiary of Japan's Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, will triple production of purified terephthalic acid at its Haldia plant by 2009.
2007-08-31 ArtNo.39946(157/234)
◆K`taka eyes petrochemical complex project
【Bangalore】Karnataka is keen to set up a Rs 3,590 crore petrochemical complex proposed by the Centre.
2007-09-07 ArtNo.39968(158/234)
【コルカタ】『化学ハブ・イニシアチブ(chemicals hub initiative)』に関するコンセンサスを形成するため西ベンガル州政府が3日招集した主要政党の代表会議は、コンサルタント会社Mott MacDonaldが選んだHaldia/Khejuri/Contai/Nayachar島の4候補地に検討を加えたが、左派政党は挙ってNayachar島を建設地とする案を支持した。
◆Nayachar likely to be chosen for chemical hub in WB
【Kolkata】The all-party meeting, convened by the State Government on September 3 to discuss issues and build consensus on the chemicals hub initiative, studied the four sites proposed by consultant Mott MacDonald, i.e. Haldia, Khejuri, Contai and the Nayachar island near Haldia. And the Left participants have expressed their preference for Nayachar.
【加尔各答】西孟加拉州政府为了对化学工业枢纽构想达致共识而9月3日召开的各党代表会议检讨顾问公司Mott MacDonald选择的4个地点,就是海尔地亚扩,Khejuri,Contai和Nayachar岛。左派政党都支持把Nayachar岛作建筑地。
2007-09-07 ArtNo.39969(159/234)
【ニューデリー】計画委員会(Planning Commission)は、自動車燃料のエタノール含有率を10%に引き上げる目標を実現するため、第1期計画として4年内に40万haにヤトロファ(Jatropha)を栽培、第2期計画では作付け面積を250万haに拡張するよう提案した。
◆States line up bio-fuel crop production plans
【New Delhi】Acting in concert with the Planning Commission's suggestion for largescale jatropha plantation for bio-fuel production, states are now drawing their own targets.
2007-09-07 ArtNo.39970(160/234)
◆Punjab Chemicals and Crop Protection、国際市場開拓に本腰
【New Delhi】パンジャブ州とマハラシュトラ州に製造拠点を有するインドの指導的農業化学企業、Punjab Chemicals and Crop Protection Ltd(PCCPL)は、外国と国内の双方において積極的な市場戦略を展開する。
◆Punjab Chemicals to go global
【New Delhi】One of the leading agro-chemical companies of the country Punjab Chemicals and Crop Protection Ltd which has manufacturing units in Punjab and Maharashtra, has aggressive plans to reach out to global and domestic markets.
【新德里】制造基地位于旁遮普州和马哈拉斯特拉州的主要的农业化学企业旁遮普化学农作物保护有限公司(Punjab Chemicals and Crop Protection Ltd)计划积极地开拓海外和国内市场。
2007-09-12 ArtNo.39999(161/234)
【プネー】マレーシアの国営石油会社Petroleum Nasional Berhad (Petronas)は、当初2万5000クロー(US$61.94億)を投じてインドにガソリン・スタンド網を設ける計画だ。
◆Petronas plans to set up petrol pumps in India
【Pune】Petroleum Nasional Berhad (Petronas), Malaysian government owned oil and gas company, is planning to set up petrol pumps in India at an initial investment of Rs 25,000 crore.
【浦那】马来西亚国家石油公司 (Petronas)计划初期投资2500亿卢比在印度国内设立连锁汽油站。
2007-09-12 ArtNo.40000(162/234)
【ニューデリー】Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL)は9日、マレーシアのポリエステル製造会社Hualon Corporation Malaysia Sdn Bhd(HCMSB)を買収したと発表した。
◆RIL acquires polyester maker Hualon Malaysia
【NEW DELHI】Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) on September 9 said that it has acquired Malaysian polyester producer Hualon Corporation Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
2007-09-17 ArtNo.40010(163/234)
◆Guj Alkalies、US$1.24億投じ事業拡張
【ヴァドダラ】グジャラート州Vadodaraを拠点にするインド最大の苛性ソーダ製造会社、州営Gujarat Alkalies and Chemicals Ltd(GACL)は、グジャラート州Dahejに設けた過酸化水素プラントを数ヶ月前に稼働させたのに続き、新たに500クロー(US$1.24億)以上を投じて、新プロジェクトを手掛け、発電能力も拡張する方針だ。
◆Guj Alkalies to invest Rs 500 cr for expansion
【Vadodara】After successful commissioning of its hydrogen peroxide plant at Dahej a few months back, State-owned Gujarat Alkalies and Chemicals (GACL), Vadodara-based largest caustic soda producer in the country, has now firmed up its plans to infuse a fresh investment of more than Rs 500 crore for taking up new projects and adding power generation capacity.
2007-09-17 ArtNo.40011(164/234)
◆Vikas WSP、US$1.8億投じ製造能力拡張
【ハイデラバード】グアーガム(Guar Gum)ポリマー及びその派製品の製造を手掛けるVikas WSP Ltd(VWL)は735クロー(US$1.82億)を投じて設備を拡張する。
◆Vikas WSP plans to invest Rs 735-cr in expansion
【Hyderabad】A manufacturer of gaur gum polymers and derivatives Vikas WSP Ltd will invest Rs 735 crore in expanding capacity.
◆Vikas WSP计划投资73.5亿卢比扩张生产设备
【海德拉巴】瓜尔胶聚合体和衍生物的制造商Vikas WSP有限公司计划投资73亿5000万卢比扩张生产设备。
2007-09-17 ArtNo.40012(165/234)
【ムンバイ】Shroff一族に率いられるマハラシュトラ州Mumbai拠点の農薬会社United Phosphorus Ltd (UPL)とタタ・グループ傘下の農業化学企業Rallis India Ltd(RIL)は、日本拠点のアリスタ・ライフサイエンス(Arysta LifeScience Corporation)の買収レースに参戦した。首尾良く買収できれば、国際舞台におけるインド企業の新たな大型企業買収になる。
◆Indian cos bid for Tokyo-based life sciences firm
【Mumbai】United Phosphorus Ltd, the Mumbai-based agrochemical major promoted by the Shroff family, and Tata Group enterprise Rallis India Ltd are in the race to acquire a Tokyo-based crop protection and life sciences firm, Arysta LifeScience Corporation. If either of them wins the bid, it will be another big global acquisition by an Indian company.
2007-09-19 ArtNo.40019(166/234)
【ムンバイ】インドの自動車用繊維(automotive textile)市場は今日の1614クロー(US$4億)から2011-12年までに2倍の3200クロー(US$7.93億)以上に成長するものと見られる。
◆Automotive textile market to double by 2011
【Mumbai】The automotive textile market will double from Rs1,614 crore to over Rs 3,200 crore by 2011-12.
2007-09-19 ArtNo.40020(167/234)
◆Dutch DSM to invest $100m, eyes JVs & buyouts
【New Delhi】Dutch chemicals major DSM which has a turnover of $12 billion, has drawn up major expansion plans for India. The company is planning to invest over $100 million by 2010 and is looking for partnerships and acquisitions.
2007-09-19 ArtNo.40023(168/234)
◆Six core sectors' growth dips sharply to 6.3%
【New Delhi】The higher interest rates which curbed the demand for manufactured goods, housing and commercial real estate has led to a sharp decline in overall growth in the six core infrastructure sectors to 6.3 per cent in July 2007 from 10.9 per cent in July 2006.
2007-09-21 ArtNo.40036(169/234)
◆Supreme Petrochem、US$4億売上げ達成目指す
【ティルチラパリ】マハラシュトラ州Mumbaiを拠点にするSupreme Industries Group傘下のポリスチレン・メーカー、Supreme Petrochemicals Ltd(SPL)は2007年7月1日-2008年6月30日の今会計年度に1600クロー(US$3.96億)の売上げ達成を目指している。
◆Supreme Petrochem aims Rs 1,600 cr revenue
【Tiruchirapalli】Polystyrene maker Supreme Petrochemicals Ltd, part of the Mumbai-based Supreme Industries Group, is eyeing a turnover of Rs 1,600 crore in the current fiscal commenced from July 1.
【蒂鲁吉拉伯利】总部位于孟买的Supreme Industries集团旗下的聚苯乙烯制造商Supreme Petrochemicals有限公司计划从2007年7月1日开始的财政年里实现160亿卢比的销售额。
2007-09-24 ArtNo.40048(170/234)
◆ABL Biotech、ドコサヘキサエン酸製造
【チェンナイ】タミールナド州Chennai拠点のABL Biotechnologies Ltd(ABL)は40クロー(US$991万)を投じて同州Tiruchendurに必須脂肪酸と称されるドコサヘキサエン酸(DHA:Docosa Hexaenoic Acid)の製造施設を設ける。
◆ABL Biotech plans to produce DHA
【Chennai】ABL Biotechnologies Ltd plans to establish a facility for the production of Docosa Hexaenoic Acid (DHA) at Tiruchendur, Tamil Nadu by investing Rs 40 crore. The Chennai-based company will become India's first and the world's second producer of the essential fatty acid DHA.
2007-09-26 ArtNo.40059(171/234)
【ムンバイ】Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL)は22日Krishna Godavari(KG)海盆の深水鉱区KG-D4ブロックで油田を掘り当てたと発表した。
◆Reliance finds oil at Krishna basin
【Mumbai】Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) on September 22 announced that it had struck oil in the deepwater block KG-D4 in the Krishna Basin.
2007-10-01 ArtNo.40070(172/234)
◆Jamshedpur Injection Powder、オンサイト脱硫サービス提供
【ジャムシェドプル】Jamshedpur Injection Powder Ltd(JIPL)は、顧客の鉄鋼プラント内に、熔銑原料の脱硫処理を手掛けるオンサイト・ステーションを設ける計画だ。
◆Jamipol to set up desulphurisation plants onsite for steelmakers
【Jamshedpur】Jamshedpur Injection Powder Ltd (Jamipol) is planing to set up on-site service stations to make desulphurising compounds used by the steel industry at its customers' steel plants so that the steel companies can reduce sulphur content in hot metal.
2007-10-01 ArtNo.40071(173/234)
【ムンバイ】世界最大のポリエステル・メーカーとしての地位を一層強固にするため、Reliance Industries Limited (RIL)は、さらに多くのポリエステル製造施設を低価格で建設もしくは買収する計画だ。
◆RIL to buy more polyester capacities to stay No 1
【Mumbai】Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) is set to build and acquire more polyester capacities at low cost to strengthen its position as the world's largest polyester maker.
2007-10-01 ArtNo.40072(174/234)
【チェンナイ】SRF Ltdはタミールナド州Gumminipoondiの既存工場に年産1万4500トンのポリエステル・インダストリアル・ヤーン(PIY)紡績部門を設けるため、東レと技術提携した。
◆SRF ties up with TORAY to set up polyester yarn unit
【Chennai】SRF Ltd has entered into a technological tie-up with Japan-based TORAY in order to set up a new polyester industrial yarn spinning unit with an annual capacity of 14,500 tonnes at its existing Gumminipoondi plant in Tamil Nadu.
2007-10-03 ArtNo.40073(175/234)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は9月28日、今後5年間に石油化学部門に約3万6000クロー(US$89.20億)を投資することになる新国家石油化学政策(NPP:National Policy on Petrochemicals)を発表した。
◆New National Policy on Petrochemicals unveiled
【New Delhi】Union Chemicals and Fertilisers Minister Ram Vilas Paswan on 28 Sep released a new National Policy on Petrochemicals that envisages an investment of around Rs 36,000 crore in the petrochemical sector during the next five years.
2007-10-05 ArtNo.40093(176/234)
【ニューデリー】石油天然ガス省は、Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd(HPCL)がパンジャブ州Bathindaに建設する年間原油処理能力900万トンの製油所に49%出資した鉄鋼王LN Mittal氏に対して、やはりHPCLがアンドラプラデシュ州Vishakapatnamに計画する年間キャパシティー1500万トンの製油所とBharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd(BPCL)がマドヤプラデシュ州Binaに建設するキャパシティー600万トンの製油所にも出資するよう求めている。
◆Govt asks Mittal to stake in Bina, Vizag refineries
【New Delhi】The petroleum ministry is keen that the steel baron LN Mittal, who bought 49 per cent stake in Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd(HPCL)'s 9 million tonne per year (mtpa) refinery at Bathinda in Punjab, pick up stakes in two other upcoming refineries – HPCL's 15 mtpa refinery at Vishakapatnam and Bharat Petroleum Corporation's 6 mtpa refinery at Bina in Madhya Pradesh.
2007-10-05 ArtNo.40094(177/234)
【アーマダバード】グジャラート州Ahmedabad拠点のClaris Life Sciences Ltd(CLSL)はバイオテクノロジー領域における次の段階の拡張計画を準備しており、2009年までに完了する同プロジェクトに200クロー(US$4955万)を投じる計画だ。
◆Claris preparing for the expansion in biotechnology sector
【Ahmedabad】Ahmedabad-based Claris Life Sciences is preparing for the next phase of expansion through the biotechnology sector and has earmarked Rs 200 crore for the expansion which is expected to be completed by 2009.
【艾哈迈达巴德】位于古吉拉特州艾哈迈达巴德的Claris Life Sciences有限公司有意到2009年之前投资20亿卢比扩张业务而进军生物科学领域。
2007-10-08 ArtNo.40097(178/234)
◆Infrastructure sector grows 9% in August
【New Delhi】The robust growth in the cement, coal and electricity sectors has pushed up the growth of the six core infrastructure industries to 9 per cent in August as against 6.6 per cent in the same month last year.
2007-10-08 ArtNo.40098(179/234)
【ニューデリー】石油化学最大手Reliance Industries (RIL)は国営ガス供給会社Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL)および国営Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL)とともに年産100万トンの石化コンプレックスをアンドラプラデシュ州Vishakapatnamに建設することになりそうだ。
◆Reliance may join GAIL, HPCL for petrochemical plant
【New Delhi】Reliance Industries may join GAIL India and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation to set up a 1 million tonne per annum petrochemical complex in Vishakapatnam.
2007-10-08 ArtNo.40099(180/234)
【ムンバイ】Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)は石油精製過程で生じる副産物の石油コークス(Petroleum coke/petcoke)からディーゼル油やナフサ等の合成燃料を生産する計画だ。
◆Reliance to convert petroleum coke into synthetic fuel
【Mumbai】Reliance Industries Ltd is mulling to convert petroleum coke, a residual output of refining crude petroleum, into synthetic fuel such as diesel and naphtha.
2007-10-08 ArtNo.40100(181/234)
◆Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers、石炭ガスの利用検討
【ムンバイ】Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd(RCFL)は肥料工場の原料に石炭ガスを使用する可能性を検討している。
◆Rashtriya Fertilizers mulls to use coal gas as feedstock
【Mumbai】Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd is contemplating using gas from coal gasification as feedstock for its fertiliser plants.
2007-10-10 ArtNo.40109(182/234)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は今月末から11月の第1週にかけて新探査ライセンス政策(NELP:new exploration licensing policy)下の第7次入札を募集する。
◆Govt to invite bids under Nelp-VII soon
【New Delhi】The seventh round of bidding for oil and gas blocks under the new exploration licensing policy (NELP) will be launched in the first week of November.
2007-10-10 ArtNo.40111(183/234)
【アーマダバード】DaimlerChryslerはグジャラート州の塩・海洋化学物質中央研究所(CSMCRI:Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute)およびドイツの大学と共同で行っている無公害バイオディーゼル研究開発プロジェクトで南洋アブラギリ(jatropha)の栽培面積を広げている。CSMCRIは同州科学工業研究会議(CSIR: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research)付属の研究機関。
◆DaimlerChrysler expands jatropha cultivation
【Ahmedabad】DaimlerChrysler has expanded the area of jatropha cultivation for research and development of pollution-free bio-diesel in India. The project is being implemented with the Bhavnagar-based Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSMCRI) and a German University.
2007-10-12 ArtNo.40122(184/234)
【チェンナイ】マハラシュトラ州Mumbai拠点の地元製薬会社Lupin Ltdは10日、日本の後発医薬品大手、共和薬品工業(本社大阪)のほぼ80%の株式を取得する手続きを完了したと発表した。買収価格は明らかにされていない。
◆Lupin acquires Japan`s Kyowa Pharma
【CHENNAI】Mumbai-based pharmaceutical firm Lupin Ltd on October 10 announced that it has completed arrangements to acquire nearly 80 per cent stake in Kyowa Pharmaceutical Industry Co Ltd, a leading Japanese generics company ranked among the top 10 generic companies, for an undisclosed amount.
2007-10-12 ArtNo.40123(185/234)
◆Andhra Petrochem、英国Davy社と技術提携
【ハイデラバード】Andhra Petrochemicals Ltd(APL)はアンドラプラデシュ州Visakhapatnamに設けたオキソ・アルコール工場の拡張計画を進めるため、ロンドン拠点のDavy Process Technology Ltd(DPTL)と技術ライセンス/エンジニアリング・サプライ協定を結んだ。
◆Andhra Petro deals with Davy Process for Vizag plant expansion
【Hyderabad】Andhra Petrochemicals Ltd, which plans the expansion of its existing Oxo Alcohols Plant at Visakhapatnam, has signed a technology licence and engineering supply agreement with world renowned Davy Process Technology Ltd., London for the expansion project.
2007-10-15 ArtNo.40133(186/234)
【ムンバイ】Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)は、中核事業の有機的成長を重視する従来の路線から企業買収や対外提携を梃子にした非有機的成長路線にシフト、親子2代33年をかけて築き上げた年商10万クロー(US$247.77億:2007年)のグループを、2009年までに2倍の年商20万クロー(US$495.54億)に拡張、農業部門の開拓にも力を入れる方針だ。
◆Reliance makes a strategic shift, aims US$50 b turnover in two years
【MUMBAI】Reliance Industries (RIL) will lay more emphasis on buyouts, partnerships and agriculture sector in future while continuing to pump in more funds to boost capacities in key business areas. It took RIL 33 years to cross the landmark of Rs 1,00,000-crore turnover in 2007. The company is likely to cross the next milestone by crossing Rs 2,00,000 crore in turnover in two years by FY09.
2007-10-15 ArtNo.40134(187/234)
【ムンバイ】Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)は、向こう4年間に石油精製/石油化学/探査・生産活動に120億米ドルを投じ、キャパシティーを拡張する。
◆Reliance to invest $12 b in refining, petrochem, E&P
【MUMBAI】Reliance Industries plans to invest about US$12 billion in refining, petrochemicals and exploration and production (E&P) over the next four years to step up capacity.
2007-10-15 ArtNo.40135(188/234)
【ムンバイ】Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)は、インドネシア/ベトナム/スリランカが輸入を拡大しているこの時期に、世界第3のマンモス製油所キャパシティーの2分の1の運転を停止した。
◆Reliance shuts refinery to curb supplies
【Mumbai】Reliance Industries shut half of the world's third-biggest oil refinery in Jamnagar, Gujarat state, at a time when Indonesia, Vietnam and Sri Lanka are boosting imports.
2007-10-17 ArtNo.40148(189/234)
◆100% foreign direct investment likely in oil marketing
【Mumbai】The government may allow 100% foreign direct investment in oil and petroleum marketing companies, based on a review of the FDI norms by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion.
2007-10-17 ArtNo.40149(190/234)
◆Drug cos hiving off R&D units to free $120 bn m-cap
【New Delhi】With domestic drug companies planning to hive off research and development facilities, the hived-off new drug R&D business could independently be worth $120 billion in market cap by 2015.
2007-10-19 ArtNo.40167(191/234)
【ニューデリー】国営ガス供給会社GAIL India Ltdと国営肥料会社Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilisers Ltd(RCF)は、2400クロー(US$5.95億)を投じオリッサ州に石炭ガス化施設と肥料(アンモニア/尿素)製造工場を設ける。
◆GAIL, RCF sign MoU for coal gasification & fertiliser project
【New Delhi】State-run GAIL India Ltd and Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilisers (RCF) will invest Rs 2,400-crore in setting up an integrated ammonia-urea plant based on synthesis gas obtained from coal in Orissa.
2007-10-19 ArtNo.40168(192/234)
◆Dr Reddy、日本市場進出のパートナー物色
【ムンバイ】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点のDr Reddy's Laboratories(DRL)は、次期会計年度に日本市場で同社製品を販売することを目指し、パートナーを物色している。
◆Dr Reddy's seeks partner to tap Japanese market
【MUMBAI】Dr Reddy's Laboratories, the Hyderabad-based company, is looking for a partner to launch its products in Japan by next fiscal year.
2007-10-22 ArtNo.40177(193/234)
【ニューデリー】Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL)は18日、フランスのTotal、国営石油会社Oil India Ltd、国営ガス流通会社GAIL (India) Ltd、そして鉄鋼王L.N. Mittal Groupと、アンドラプラデシュ州Visakhapatnam(Vizag)に総コスト60億米ドル余の石油精製及び石油化学コンプレックスを設ける覚書を交換した。
◆HPCL teams up with Mittal, Total, GAIL & Oil India for petro complex in Vizag
【New Delhi】State-owned Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL) on October 18 signed a memorandum of understanding with steel major L.N. Mittal Group, Total, GAIL (India) Ltd and Oil India for jointly developing refinery-cum-petrochemical complex at Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh involves about $6 billion investment.
2007-10-24 ArtNo.40183(194/234)
◆Soda ash makers hike price by 12%
【NEW DELHI】Domestic soda ash makers hiked prices by Rs 1,300/tonne or about 12% effective October 15. This is the second price hike within four months after a stable price scenario over the past one year and has taken the average price in the domestic market close to its all time high, about Rs 12,300/tonne.
2007-10-24 ArtNo.40184(195/234)
◆The new coal distribution policy gives power & fertiliser priorities
【New Delhi】The government on October 19 announced the new coal distribution policy which gives power and fertiliser producers priorities and assures them as much coal as required and at the pre-determined prices. The policy is expected to be implemented within six months.
2007-10-26 ArtNo.40203(196/234)
◆米国投資基金、East India Petroleumの支配権益買収
【ロンドン】クレディ・スイスとゼネラル・エレクトリックをバックとする米国拠点の未公開株投資基金Global Infrastructure Partners(GIP)はインドの投資会社Zeus Infra-managementと80:20の合弁で、アンドラプラデシュ州Visakhapatnam(Vizag)拠点のEast India Petroleum Ltd(EIPL)の74%の権益を買収する。
◆US PE-fund to acquire majority stake in East India Petroleum
【LONDON】Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP), a private equity firm backed by Credit Suisse and General Electric, and Zeus Infra-management, a specialist Indian investor, are forming a 80:20 joint venture to acquire 74 per cent stake in Vizag-based East India Petroleum Ltd.
◆美国私募股权投资公司收购East India Petroleum股权
【伦敦】以瑞士信贷与通用电气为后盾的美国私募股权投资公司Global Infrastructure Partners跟印度投资公司 Zeus Infra-management联手设立80:20联营公司而收购总部设在安得拉邦州维沙卡帕特南的East India Petroleum私人有限公司74%股权。
2007-10-26 ArtNo.40204(197/234)
◆Synthetic rubber production down 5.7 pc in Apr-July
【MUMBAI】India's April-July synthetic rubber production was 32,748 tonnes compared with 34,739 tonnes a year ago, fell about 5.7 per cent.
2007-10-29 ArtNo.40209(198/234)
◆ONGC、Mumbai High鉱区の再開発にUS$15.8億投資
【ムンバイ】Oil & Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)はMumbai High South(MHS)鉱区の再開発計画第2期事業に6300クロー(US$15.84億)を投資する。
◆ONGC to invest $1.58 b in Mumbai High
【Mumbai】The Oil & Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) plans to invest Rs 6,300 crore($1.58 b) for phase II of the Mumbai High South (MHS) redevelopment.
2007-10-29 ArtNo.40210(199/234)
◆Production of urea, DAP in Sep below the target
【New Delhi】Tthe production of urea was estimated at 17.00 lakh tonne during September 2007, lower than the target of 17.40 lakh tonne because of plants shutdown due to annual turnaround, mechanical problem in the plants and limitation in gas supply.
2007-11-05 ArtNo.40236(200/234)
【ニューデリー】今月初に募集されるはずだった新探査ライセンス政策(NELP:new exploration licensing policy)下の第7次入札(NELP-VII)は12月に再度1ヶ月延期された。
◆The launch of NELP VII auction postponed to Dec
【New Delhi】The seventh round of the New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP VII), which was earlier expected to be launched in early November, has been deferred by a month and is now expected to be launched in December.
石油/化学 Petroleum/Chemical in 2007