電子/電気 Electronics/Electrical in 2007
【バンガロール】イスラエルの半導体産業関連企業代表団がハイエンド設備の納入や技術提携を目指し、半導体ウエハー・ファブの建設を計画するSemIndiaやHindustan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co、さらには組込ソフト及びチップのデザイン/検査サービスを提供するTata Consultancy Services/Wipro/MindTree Consulting/L&T Infotech等の情報技術(IT)企業と商談を進めている。
◆Israel semiconductor firms intend to transfer technologies, supply equipments
【Bangalore】A delegation comprising some of the top Israeli semiconductor industry-related companies has held discussions with SemIndia and Hindustan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co, which are planning 'fabs' (semiconductor fabrication plants) in Andhra Pradesh and also Indian IT majors TCS, Wipro, MindTree Consulting and L&T Infotech, which provide embedded software, chip-design and testing services to the semiconductor industry, concerning long-term collaborations, from technology transfers to supply of high-end equipment for plants.
【邦加罗尔】以色列半导体工业关联企业的代表团到访印度,正在跟计划兴建晶片制造厂的SemIndia与Hindustan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co,也跟嵌入系统设计和制造商,比如TCS, Wipro, MindTree Consulting与L&T Infotech等,商量供应有关技术和设备问题。
2007-09-10 ArtNo.39987(202/270)
◆Solar Semiconductor、PVモジュール納入契約獲得
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadと米国カリフォルニア州Sunnyvaleを拠点にするSolar Semiconductor Inc(SSI)は、欧州企業に太陽光電池(PV:photovoltaic)モジュールを納入する1000万ユーロ(US$1363万)の契約を獲得した。
◆Solar Semiconductor bags Rs 55-cr order
【Hyderabad】Solar Semiconductor, of which offices are in Sunnyvale, US and Hyderabad, has bagged an order worth €10 million from a European company for supply of high-quality solar photovoltaic (PV) modules.
2007-09-12 ArtNo.39990(203/270)
【ニューデリー】日本の医療機器サプライヤー、アロカ株式会社は、地元の医療技術会社Trivitron groupと、インド国内で超音波医療機器を製造する合弁契約を結んだ。
◆Aloka forges JV to make ultrasound equipments
【New Delhi】Aloka Company Ltd, a Japanese company dealing in supply of medical equipment, and Trivitron group of companies, a local medical technology company, forge a joint venture to manufacture high technology ultrasound equipments in India.
2007-09-12 ArtNo.39991(204/270)
【チェンナイ】シンガポール拠点のNestronics Ltdが完全出資する電子製造サービス(EMS:Electronics manufacturing services)会社Nestronics India Pvt Ltd(NIPL)は、向こう3年間に85クロー(US$2106万)を投じ、タミールナド州Chennaiの工場に組立ライン12本を増設する。
◆Nestronics plans to add 12 assembly lines in Chennai unit
【Chennai】Electronics manufacturing services (EMS) provider Nestronics India Pvt Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Singapore-based Nestronics Ltd, plans to invest about Rs 85 crore in three years to set up 12 assembly lines at its Chennai facility.
2007-09-12 ArtNo.39992(205/270)
◆Moser Baer、チェンナイに新工場計画
【チェンナイ】光学ディスク・メーカー、Moser Baer India Ltd(MBIL)はタミールナド州Chennai近郊Oragadamの特別経済区(SEZ)内に100エーカーの製造施設を設ける計画だ。
◆Moser Baer likely to set up Rs 1,000-cr unit near Chennai
【Chennai】Moser Baer India, an optical disc manufacturer, seems to set up a 100-acre manufacturing unit in the special economic zone at Oragadam, near Chennai.
2007-09-17 ArtNo.40006(206/270)
◆Schneider Electric、インド第10工場を近くオープン
【ハイデラバード】年商156億ユーロの電力/自動化ソリューション・プロバイダー、Schneider Electricはアンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad近郊に設けたインドにおける10番目の工場を来月稼働させる。
◆Schneider Electric sets up its 10th manufacturing plant
【Hyderabad】The euro 15.6-billion power technology and automation solutions major Schneider Electric is set to commission its 10th manufacturing plant in Hyderabad with an investment of euro 5 million.
2007-09-17 ArtNo.40007(207/270)
【ニューデリー】シャープが完全出資するSharp Business Systems India Ltd(SBSIL)は、ソーラ・ビジネスに進出、2010年までに600クロー(US$1.49億)に達すると見られるインド国内市場の20%以上のシェア獲得を目指す。
◆Sharp aims to capture 20% of solar biz market in India
【New Delhi】Sharp Business Systems, a fully-owned subsidiary of Japan`s electronics and information technology conglomerate - Sharp Corporation, has foraied into solar business in India and aims to capture over 20 per cent of the Rs 600-crore domestic market by 2010.
2007-09-17 ArtNo.40008(208/270)
【ニューデリー】国営火力発電会社NTPC Ltdは、カルナタカ州Bangalore拠点の『集積回路技術応用研究協会(SITAR:Society for Integrated Circuit Technology and Applied Research)』と提携し、未来の照明技術とされる発光ダイオード(LED:Light Emitting Diode)ランプの製造に乗り出す。
◆NTPC plans to manufacture LED lamps
【New Delhi】NTPC(National Thermal Power Corporation) Ltd has tied up with the Bangalore-based Society for Integrated Circuit Technology and Applied Research for making the Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamps, widely considered the future of lighting technology.
2007-09-19 ArtNo.40016(209/270)
【深セン】中国の通信機器メーカー、ZTE Corporation(中興通信)は、インドにおける売上げが昨年の約6億米ドルから今年は10億米ドルを突破するものと見られることから、インドに製造拠点を設ける最後の詰めを進めている。
◆ZTE set to make phones in India
【Shenzhen】Chinese handset major ZTE, of which revenues from India last year was about $600 million and is set to increase to over a $1 billion for the current fiscal, is now in the process of finalising plans to set up a manufacturing base in India.
2007-09-19 ArtNo.40017(210/270)
◆Guidelines for semiconductor policy issued
【New Delhi】The Government on September 14 issued guidelines for the operation of semiconductor manufacturing policy, paving the way for companies to formally apply for incentives under the scheme.
2007-09-19 ArtNo.40018(211/270)
◆India Nippon Electricals、二輪車市場軟化で打撃
【コインバトール】国産電機が20.5%、地元パートナーLucas Indian Service Ltdが46%、一般投資家が33.5%出資する二輪/三輪車用点火装置メーカー、India Nippon Electricals Ltd (INEL)は、モーターサイクル市場の不振で売上げとマージンに大きな圧力を受けている。
◆Dip in 2-wheeler sales affects India Nippon margins
【Coimbatore】A joint venture company of Lucas Indian Service Ltd(33.5%) and Kokusan Denki Company Ltd of Japan(20.5%) India Nippon Electricals Ltd (INEL), which is engaged in the manufacture of electronic ignition system for two and three wheelers, said that the decline in motorcycle sales is putting pressure on sales and margin.
【哥印拜陀】卢卡斯印度服务有限公司与日本国产电机公司联营的India Nippon Electricals有限公司因为摩托车市场不振而它的销售和利益都受到压力。
2007-09-21 ArtNo.40032(212/270)
◆Moser Baer、チェンナイにソーラPV工場建設
【チェンナイ】ニューデリー拠点の光学記憶媒体製造会社Moser Baer India Ltd(MBIL)は、中央政府が半導体政策運用ガイドラインを発表した数日後、2000クロー(US$4.96億)を投じてタミールナド州Chennaiに光電池(PV:photovoltaic)製造施設を設ける方針を発表した。
◆Moser Baer to set up Rs 2000 cr plant in Chennai
【Chennai】Just a few days after the Centre issued its guidelines for the operation of semiconductor manufacturing policy, New Delhi-based optical storage media manufacturer Moser Baer India Ltd announced that it had chosen Chennai to set up a Rs 2,000 crore solar photovoltaic fabrication facility.
2007-09-21 ArtNo.40033(213/270)
◆Moser Baer、PC周辺機器市場に進出
【ニューデリー】地元光学ディスク・メーカーMoser Baer India Ltd(MBIL)は台湾拠点のPhilips & Lite-On Digital Solutions Corp(PLODSC)と提携し、光学ディスク・ドライブ(ODD:Optical Disk Drive)を発売、1万2000クロー(US$29.73億)のパーソナル・コンピューター(PC)周辺機器市場に参入した。
◆Moser Baer enters into PC peripherals market
【New Delhi】Moser Baer has, in partnership with Taiwan's Philips & Lite-On Digital Solutions Corp, launched the Optical Disk Drives in India, marking its entry into the Rs 12,000 crore PC peripherals industry.
2007-09-21 ArtNo.40034(214/270)
◆Digicams, flat monitors treated as IT products with nil customs duty
【New Delhi】The Finance Ministry has clarified that flat panel monitors and digital cameras will be treated as IT products with nil customs duty.
2007-09-24 ArtNo.40042(215/270)
◆MNC PCs score over local brands: Gartner
【New Delhi】Indian personal computer brands are losing out to the multinational brands in terms of sales, growth rates and marketing activities. Indian PC players HCL, Zenith, Wipro and PCS put together managed just 14 per cent of desktop PC sales in the country and another 6 per cent of laptop sales In the first half of this year.
2007-09-24 ArtNo.40043(216/270)
【ニューデリー】インドの2007年第2四半期のサーバー出荷量は3万5615ユニット、工場出荷額(factory revenues)は1億6900万米ドルと、価格ベースで前年同期比30%の成長を見た。
◆The server market grows 30 per cent in Q2
【New Delhi】The overall India server market shipments reached 35,615 units and the market grew by 30 per cent year-on-year to reach $169 million in factory revenues during the second quarter of 2007.
2007-09-24 ArtNo.40044(217/270)
◆Chinese firm TCL ties up with DSK
【Pune】TCL, one of the largest manufacturers of electronic goods in China, has joined hands with the Pune-based Rs 1,600 crore DSK group to manufacture and supply computers, TFT monitors and laptops in the Indian market.
2007-09-26 ArtNo.40052(218/270)
◆Circuit Systems、新プリント基板工場計画
【アーマダバード】グジャラート州Gandhinagarを拠点にリジッド・プリント基板(PCB)の製造を手掛けるCircuit Systems India Ltd(CSIL)は、Gandhinagar Electronic Park(GEP)に新工場を設けることを計画している。
◆Circuit Systems to set up a new PCB manufacturing unit
【Ahmedabad】Gandhinagar-based Circuit Systems India Ltd, manufacturer of rigid printed circuit boards (PCB), is planning to set up a new unit at the Gandhinagar Electronic Park.
2007-10-01 ArtNo.40064(219/270)
【アーマダバード】インド消費者の間に電動二輪車に対する関心が高まり、2級、3級都市(tier-II and tier III cities)で電動バイク(eバイク)がガソリン燃料スクータレットとシェアを争う中、電動二輪車各社は、バッテリー製造施設の買収や建設、部品の国内調達等を通じ、国産化率の引き上げを図っている。
◆Electric bike makers make efforts to localise products
【Ahmedabad】Even as battery operated two wheelers are beginning to find favour with consumers and competing with petrol scooterettes in tier-II and tier III cities, manufacturers of these electric vehicles are now planning to make the vehicles more localised by establishing or acquiring battery manufacturing plants and sourcing parts from India itself.
2007-10-01 ArtNo.40065(220/270)
【アーマダバード】グジャラート州Kutchを拠点にする国内初の電動バイク・メーカーIndus Elec-Trans Pte Ltd(IET)の親会社Electrotherm India Ltd(EIL)は、中国のバッテリー製造会社を買収した。
◆Electrotherm acquires a battery firm in China
【Ahmedabad】Ahmedabad-based Electrotherm, the first e-bike manufacturer in the country, has just acquired a battery manufacturing firm in China.
【艾哈迈达巴德】位于古吉拉特州卡奇城的电动摩托车厂商Indus Elec-Trans私人有限公司的母公司Electrotherm印度有限公司最近收购中国电池制造商。
2007-10-01 ArtNo.40066(221/270)
◆Sanden Vikas、可変容量型コンプレッサ製造施設増設
【ニューデリー】サンデンが6.8%、Sanden International Singapore Pte Ltdが43.2%、Vikas Motor Ltdが50%出資する自動車用エアコン製造会社Sanden Vikas India Pvt Ltd(SVIPL)は100クロー(US$2478万)を投じ、ハリヤナ州Faridabadの既存工場内に可変容量型コンプレッサ(variable compressor)の製造施設を増設する。
◆Sanden Vikas to set up compressed variable manufacturing unit
【New Delhi】Automotive air-conditioner manufacturer Sanden Vikas Pvt Ltd, in which Japanese-based Sanden Corporation, Sanden International Singapore Pte Ltd and Vikas Motor Ltd hold 6.8%, 43.2% and 50% respectively, said that the company would invest Rs 100 crore within its existing facilities to manufacture variable compressors.
2007-10-01 ArtNo.40067(222/270)
◆PC sales post 47% growth in 2007/4-6: MAIT
【NewDelhi】The personal computer (PC) sales crossed 1.7 million during the first quarter of the current fiscal(April-June), over 47 per cent rise compared with 1.20 million units notched in the year-ago period.
2007-10-01 ArtNo.40068(223/270)
◆PC sales cross 1.53 million units in 2007/4-6: IDC
【Bangalore】Shipments of overall client PC, including desktops and notebooks, touched 1.53 million units in the second quarter of 2007 calendar year (April-June), a growth of 22.1 per cent compared with corresponding period in 2006.
2007-10-03 ArtNo.40080(224/270)
【ムンバイ】Videocon Industries Ltd(VIL)は、マハラシュトラ州Mumbai近郊に半導体及び液晶表示装置(LCD)コンプレックスを設けることを計画しているようだ。マハラシュトラ州政府筋は以上の消息を確認したが、VILトップは否定した。
◆Videocon plans a semiconductor complex near Mumbai : Maharashtra Govt
【Mumbai】Videocon Industries Ltd is mulling to set up a semiconductor and LCD complex near Mumbai. Maharashtra Government has confirmed the information. But Videocon itself denied it.
【孟买】跟据报道Videocon Industries有限公司计划在孟买附近兴建半导体与液晶显示复合设施。马哈拉施特拉州政府证实这个小息,不过,Videocon本身否认有这个计划。
2007-10-03 ArtNo.40081(225/270)
◆Lenovo to launch Baddi facility soon
【Chandigarh】Lenovo will launch its second manufacturing unit at Baddi in Himachal Pradesh soon. The plant will produce around 2 million units per annum. The first phase of production is likely to start in a few weeks. It will be fully operational in the fourth quarter of the fiscal.
2007-10-03 ArtNo.40082(226/270)
【バンガロール】Wipro Ltd傘下の情報技術(IT)サービス会社Wipro Technologies Ltd(WTL)は、日本市場開拓の足がかりを得る狙いから、沖電気工業がシンガポールに設けたワイヤレス・デザイン子会社Oki Techno Centre Singapore Pte Ltd (OTCS)を買収するとともに、沖電気とサービス契約を結んだ。
◆Wipro buys Oki subsidiary, signs a partnership agreement
【Bangalore】Wipro Technologies, the IT services arm of Wipro Ltd is acquiring Oki Techno Centre Singapore Pte Ltd, the wireless design subsidiary of Tokyo-based Oki Electric Industry Co Ltd, to help it expand in Japan and east Asia. It has also signed a strategic partnership agreement with Oki in the area of design services for the semiconductor market.
【邦加罗尔】维普罗有限公司旗下的信息科技服务企业,维普罗技术有限公司为了开拓日本市场,收购冲电气工业的子公司Oki Techno Centre Singapore私人有限公司。它也签订冲电气设计服务合约。
2007-10-05 ArtNo.40092(227/270)
◆Solar Semiconductor、ドイツ企業と納入契約
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadを拠点に太陽光電池(PV:photovoltaic)モジュールの製造を手掛けるSolar Semiconductor Inc(SSI)は、ドイツ企業ersol Solar Energy AGと、向こう数年間に1億5600万ユニットの単結晶/多結晶電池(mono and multi-crystalline cell)を納入する契約を結んだ。
◆Solar Semiconductor in pact with German firm
【Hyderabad】A Hyderabad-based photovoltaic module producer Solar Semiconductor has signed a multi-year agreement with 'ersol Solar Energy AG' of Germany for the supply of 156-mm mono and multi-crystalline cells.
【海德拉巴】位于安德拉邦海德拉巴的薄膜太阳能晶圆组件制造商,太阳能半导体公司今后几年里供应德国ersol Solar Energy AG公司总数1亿5600万单位的单晶硅和多晶硅电池。双方最近签订有关合约。
2007-10-08 ArtNo.40105(228/270)
◆Intel designing reference board for local market
【Bangalore】Intel announced the launch of Design House Program, intended to enable design houses in the country to build products by equipping them with test boards, embedded kits and local engineering support.
2007-10-15 ArtNo.40140(229/270)
【ムンバイ】イタリアの自動車部品メーカーMagneti Marelli Holding S.p.A.(MMH)はスズキ及びMaruti Suzuki India Ltd(MSIL)と合弁でインドにディーゼル・エンジンの電気制御装置製造施設を設ける。
◆Magneti, Suzuki, Maruti in engine unit JV
【MUMBAI】Suzuki Motor Corp, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd and Magneti Marelli Holding S.p.A., a leading Italian automobile component manufacturer have agreed to set up a joint venture in India to make electronic control units for diesel engines.
2007-10-15 ArtNo.40141(230/270)
【ニューデリー】Panasonic India Ltd(PIL)は、流通網を拡充し、マーケッティング活動を強化するため投資を拡大する方針で、専門店網を現在の3店から100店に増やす。
◆Panasonic to set up 100 exclusive stores
【New Delhi】Panasonic will be investing heavily on its distribution network and marketing activities in India and will be opening 100 Panasonic brand shops, up from three at present.
2007-10-15 ArtNo.40142(231/270)
◆SemIndia to apply for Govt incentives
【New Delhi】On the heels of Government announcing detailed guidelines for the semiconductor policy, SemIndia on 10 Oct said it is preparing to apply for Government incentives to set up a chip plant in Hyderabad.
2007-10-15 ArtNo.40143(232/270)
◆Titan Energy、Fab Cityに500MW工場計画
【ハイデラバード】太陽光発電(PV)モジュール製造会社Titan Energy Systems Ltd (TESL)はアンドラプラデシュ州HyderabadのFab Cityに年間製造キャパシティー500MWのPVモジュール工場を設ける。
◆Titan Energy to invest Rs 900 cr in new Fab City facility
【Hyderabad】Titan Energy Systems Ltd, a solar photovoltaic (PV) module manufacturer, has announced a plan to set up a 500 MW PV module production facility in the Fab City, with an investment of Rs 900 cr.
◆Titan Energy计划500 MW太阳能模组厂
【海德拉巴】Titan Energy计划在‘晶圆城’投资90亿卢比兴建500 MW太阳能模组厂。
2007-10-19 ArtNo.40165(233/270)
【バンガロール】インドにおけるデザイン業務は、Microchip Technology社世界収入の20~30%に寄与しており、同社は8ビット/16ビット・マイクロコントローラの有望市場としてインドに期待を寄せている。
◆Microchip: Indian semicon industry to grow
【Bangalore】Microchip Technology is viewing India as a potentially growing market for the company's micro controllers. Automotive, telecom and power sectors will drive the growth rate of the semiconductor industry in India.
2007-10-22 ArtNo.40174(234/270)
◆VLSI chip design centre to be ready in 2008
【Kolkata】‘India Design Centre’, a VLSI chip design, testing and prototype manufacturing centre that will be set up in Kolkata, is expected to be operational by the end of 2008.
2007-10-24 ArtNo.40189(235/270)
◆AP州、Fab Cityのインフラ整備を加速
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州のJ. Geeta Reddy主要産業・商業・輸出振興部長はHyderabad近郊で開発が行われる『Fab City』プロジェクトのインフラ整備を滞りなく進めるようアンドラプラデシュ工業インフラ公社(APIIC)に指示した。
◆Fab City infrastructure works to be expedited
【Hyderabad】The Andhra Pradesh Minister for Major Industries has directed the Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation to take up infrastructure works in keeping with the progress of the Fab City project. And the minister said that the Government has allotted 225 acres of land in Medak district to MLR Motors for its car manufacturing project.
2007-10-26 ArtNo.40197(236/270)
◆Cookson Electronics、R&Dセンター開設
【バンガロール】電子製品の組立工程で用いる基礎材料の供給を手掛ける米国拠点のCookson Electronicsはカルナタカ州Bangaloreに1000万米ドルを投じ、同社にとって4番目、また最大規模の研究開発(R&D)センターを設けた。
◆Cookson Electronics opens R&D centre in Bangalore
【Chennai】US-based Cookson Electronics, which provides basic materials used in electronic assembly processes, has opened the company's fourth and the largest research and development (R&D) centre in Bangalore at an investment of $10 million.
2007-10-26 ArtNo.40198(237/270)
◆Hero Ultra、南部におけるプレゼンスを強化
【バンガロール】Hero Exportsと英Ultra Motorsの合弁会社Hero Ultraは10月23日、同社の電動二輪製品を南インド市場に投入すると発表した。
◆Hero Ultra to increase presence in South
【Bangalore】Hero Ultra on 23 Oct announced its foray into South India with launch of its electric two wheelers. The company plans to increase its presence in the South by opening 40 outlets in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
◆电动二轮车商Hero Ultra计划开拓南部市场
【邦加罗尔】电动二轮车商Hero Ultra计划开拓印度南部市场。该公司将在南部3州开设40个店铺。
2007-10-31 ArtNo.40227(238/270)
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州政府は10月26日、4億米ドルを投じて同州Durgapurで実施する太陽電池用ソーラーウエハー製造プロジェクトの契約を韓国Komex Incが率いる企業連合と交わした。
◆West Bengal ties up with Asian majors for solar wafer project
【Kolkata】The West Bengal Government on 26 Oct sealed an agreement with a consortium led by South Korean company Komex Inc to set up a $400 million joint venture at Durgapur to make solar wafers. The project will be implemented by a new company, Kits Solar Ltd.
2007-11-05 ArtNo.40231(239/270)
【ムンバイ】圧縮天然ガス(CNG)三輪タクシー『Pal CNG Rickshaw』を発表したグジャラート州Rajkot県に本拠を置くFieldmarshal (P.M.Diesels Pvt Ltd)は電気三輪車と電気四輪車への進出を計画している。
◆Fieldmarshal to foray into electric vehicles
【Mumbai】FieldMarshal is planning a foray into battery-operated three-wheeler and four-wheeler electric vehicles. The company finalised a tie-up with Farnow Technologies of Australia. The electric three-wheeler will have seating for three passengers and the small electric car will have a maximum speed of 70-80 km/h.
【孟买】三轮车制造商Fieldmarshal计划向电动三轮车和电动轿车领域进军。该公司跟澳大利亚技术开发公司Farnow Technologies签订了技术合作协议。电动三轮车可坐三个乘客,小型电动轿车最高速度为70至80km/h。
2007-11-05 ArtNo.40232(240/270)
◆RP Group、PCハードウエア工場計画
【ムンバイ】Inox【コルカタ】『Chirag』ブランドのパソコンメーカーRP Groupは今後2年間に1000クロー(US$2億4144万)を投じて西ベンガル州Baruipurにハードウエア製造施設を設置する。グループ傘下の冷却ガス最大手Gujarat Fluorochemicals (GFL)が発電事業に進出する。
◆RP Group to set up PC hardware plant
【Kolkata】RP Group, a manufacturer of the Chirag brand of PCs, will invest Rs 1000 crore over the next two years to set up a PC hardware and IT components plant in Baruipur in West Bengal.
◆电脑商RP Group计划设厂制造硬件
【加尔各答】‘Chirag’牌电脑商RP Group今后两年内将投资10亿卢比在西孟加拉州Baruipur设厂制造电脑硬件和IT零部件。
2007-11-07 ArtNo.40249(241/270)
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州政府は、半導体産業を育成する狙いから300クロー(US$7543万)を投じて州都Kolkataに『India Design Centre (IDC)』を設ける計画だ。
◆Kolkata looking for an IT design centre partner
【Kolkata】West Bengal state government is planning a Rs 300 crore India Design Centre (IDC) in Kolkata to promote the semiconductor sector.
2007-11-07 ArtNo.40250(242/270)
【コルカタ】Environ Energy-Tech Service Ltdは11月1日、Royal Dutch Shellのインドとスリランカの太陽エネルギー事業を買収したと発表した。
◆Environ acquires Shell's solar biz in India & Lanka
【Kolkata】Environ Energy-Tech Service Ltd on 1 Nov announced the acquisition of Royal Dutch Shell 's solar energy businesses in India and Sri Lanka. Environ would shift its headquarters to Singapore in the near future for managing its global business.
【加尔各答】Environ Energy-Tech Service Ltd收购了皇家荷兰壳牌集团在印度和斯里兰卡的太阳能事业。该公司将在不远的将来把公司总部迁至新加坡以便展开全球业务。
2007-11-07 ArtNo.40251(243/270)
◆APC-MGE to tap India’s growing UPS market
【Kolkata】APC-MGE, a global leader in IT power and cooling services, is looking at small and medium businesses in India for its uninterrupted power supply (UPS) systems and green data centres.
2007-11-12 ArtNo.40274(244/270)
【アーマダバード】グジャラート州Ahmedabad拠点のElectrotherm India Ltd(EIL)は、カナダ企業Electrovayaとリチウム・イオン・ポリマー電池製造に関わる合弁覚書を交換した。
◆Electrotherm, Canadian firm ink a MoU to make lithium ion batteries
【Ahmedabad】Ahmedabad-based Electrotherm India Ltd and Canadian firm Electrovaya have inked a MoU to form a joint venture for manufacturing lithium ion polymer batteries.
2007-11-19 ArtNo.40297(245/270)
【ハイデラバード】小売、低温流通網、娯楽施設、製造、不動産等の業界がブームを呼ぶ中で、暖房・換気・空調・冷房・冷蔵(HVAC&R:heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, cooling and refrigeration)産業が一層急速な成長を遂げようとしている。
◆Retail, real estate boom to boost AC, refrigeration industry
【Hyderabad】Riding on the boom in the retail, cold chain, entertainment, manufacturing and real estate industry, the Indian heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, cooling and refrigeration (HVAC&R) sectors are set to grow more rapidly.
2007-11-19 ArtNo.40298(246/270)
【チェンナイ】Samsung India Electronics Pvt Ltd(SIEPL)は13日、タミールナド州Chennai近郊Kancheepuram県SriperumpudurのELCOT Industrial Park内に3000万米ドルを投じて設けたインドにおける第2工場の開所式を催した。
◆Samsung opens 2nd unit in Chennai
【Chennai】Samsung India Electronics Pvt Ltd on November 13 inaugurated its second manufacturing facility in the country, on which it has invested $30 million, at the ELCOT Industrial Park in Sriperumbudur, around 25 km west of Chennai.
2007-11-21 ArtNo.40309(247/270)
◆Canon India、2級都市のプレゼンス強化し売上倍増目指す
【バンガロール】Canon Indiaは第2級都市(tier II city)でのプレゼンス強化を梃子に2008年までに売上高を2006年の400クロー(US$9658万)から800クロー(US$1億9316万)に倍増させる計画だ。
◆Canon to strengthen presence in India
【Bangalore】Canon India, which largely has presence in major metros, is now looking at tier II cities. Its expansion plan will see the reach extending to 30 cities from the current 18 by 2008. The company expects that the sales would cross Rs 800 crore by 2008 against Rs 400 crore in 2006.
2007-11-26 ArtNo.40332(248/270)
◆日立、LCD TV10%、プラズマTV20%シェア目指す
【ニューデリー】Hitachi Home Electronics Asia Singapore Pte Ltd(HHEAS)は、ハイエンド・フラット・パネル・ディスプレー市場に照準を合わせLCD TV市場の10%とプラズマ市場の20%のシェア獲得を目指す。
◆Hitachi aims to capture 10% of LCD TV market
【New Delhi】Hitachi Home Electronics Asia (S) Pte Ltd plans to capture 10 per cent of the liquid crystal display (LCD) and 20 per cent of the plasma market with the focus on high-end market.
2007-11-26 ArtNo.40334(249/270)
◆Growth in power equipment industry slows
【Mumbai】Growth of the Indian power transmission and distribution equipment industry has slowed from 26 per cent in the first half of last year to 12.2 per cent this year due to the delay in execution of the rural electrification projects and increasing cost of raw materials.
2007-11-28 ArtNo.40344(250/270)
【ハイデラバード】家庭用パーソナル・コンピューター(PC)に取って代わり、テレビの視聴やインターネットへのアクセスに利用可能な装置を開発したアンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadを拠点にするIchip Technologies Inc(ITI)の2ダースほどのエンジニアは、電話会社への売り込みを目指している。
◆Ichip makes computer, TV combo device
【Hyderabad】A team of about two dozen engineers from Ichip Technologies based in Hyderabad has developed a device that may replace a home PC and allows entertainment and Internet and the company is in talks with four large domestic telecom carriers to offer this packed with new televisions.
【海德拉巴】为数大约两打的Ichip Technologies工程师小组在安德拉邦海德拉巴成功地开发可以代替个人电脑提供娱乐和互联网接入功能的装置。该公司正在推销这个装置给国内主要电话公司。
電子/電気 Electronics/Electrical in 2007